General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsI feel so much safer now that I know Pence has this.
I listened to about 20 minutes of the dog and pony show until I just could not stand it any more.
Is the only job of the Vice President to sing the praises of his master? I worked for a while in state government, so I have seen a lot of bootlickers, but Pence takes the prize, that bastard is the biggest bootlicker I have ever seen publicly or privately.
I am comforted that 65,000 (or what ever the number was) people a year die of the regular flu and that we only have one serious case of Coronavirus. The implication was that if a person dies of a flue-like illness in the future, all you have to do is skip the expensive test, and he died of seasonal flu; problem solved, pandemic ended.
The Don says he has this so, based on his judgement, honesty and forthrightness I believe him.
It is so hard for me to accept this Alice in Wonderland existence we are living through today.

(73,104 posts)... he doesn't believe in science too. Did you know that you can pray "the gay" away?
Manafort picked Pence.
(8,514 posts)And I'll be on board with that if Pence and Mother and Orangeface and Melanie all purposely expose their sorry asses to the virus and then publicly try to pray it away without any vaccine or medication or any other medical help.
(3,496 posts)Wonder if trump specifically told them to make sure they praised him?
(34,766 posts)But, not Tramp.