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Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsReally disappointed to see Laurie Garrett on Chris Hayes push false info about Sweden
Last edited Mon May 18, 2020, 10:47 PM - Edit history (1)
She said that we had the highest death rate per million from COVID-19 in the world, then 'corrected' herself and said, well 2nd highest, behind Belgium. I guess she forgot about France, Italy, the UK, and Spain, (all FAR larger than us as well, plus the micro states of Andorra and San Marino.)
We also are very expansive with our 'death from COVID-19' attributions, Belgium is number one in transparency in the EU, we are number two (meaning our undercounts are very low as we use a broad definition.)
Also, our daily deaths today (a Monday, which is usually higher as backlogged cases and deaths from the weekend are started to be added in), was only 19. We shall see what they are the next 3 days.
Garrett was trying to make it sound like it was out of control, raging killing fields here, ffs.
We tragically fucked up on our elderly care homes and scattered site elderly care (I have went into depth on this multiple times, the account for 50 to 70% of our deaths), but even there we are finally getting a handle on it.
This is from Folkhälsomyndigheten, our state health agency:
Avlidna means deaths, dag means day
Notice than women get the virus to the point of illness here at a far higher degree than men, but men die at a far higher rate, especially when you adjusted for the ratio of women to men who are exposed and fall ill. Men end up in intensive care around 4 times the rate women do as well, when adjusted for the ratios of illness.

(59,174 posts)That's seems impossibly low since we've been averaging about 10k a week for several weeks. In fact, it's predicted that the death count will be 100k by the end of this month, up from 90k.
(48,454 posts)19 deaths was the Monday total here in Sweden.
(59,174 posts)Celerity
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(47,113 posts)Celerity
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