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There is no more weak and fearful creature than the white Republican voter.

Tom Nichols, one of the more prominent Never Trump conservatives, dropped an article in The Atlantic on Monday titled Donald Trump, the Most Unmanly President. Nichols did not call Trump out on his cowardice, lying, narcissism, corruption, or immaturity. Instead, he called out Trumps supporters for clinging to a man who does not live up to their own image of what a man is supposed to be:
The Republican Party Is Full Of...Republicans?
Driftglass of The Professional Left podcast has been having fun with that line for the last couple of years at the expense of Never Trumpers. After decades of molding their partys base into a frothing stew of easily manipulated paranoid bigots, they were shocked to discover that the average Republican could be easily manipulated by someone spewing paranoid bigotry at them. Now, Never Trumpers like Nichols make a living professing their outrage that the Republican base is exactly what he and people like Steve Schmidt turned them into while feigning total ignorance as to how this could have happened. But if they really didnt know what the base was like, theyre not very good at their jobs. I knew exactly what they were like almost a decade ago when I first started writing about them.
This is from the third article I ever wrote back in 2011 (its awful so be kind):
Yeah, its not my best work (double spacing? Ugh!) but even back then, political novice that I was, it was screamingly obvious that the entire concept of the manly conservative both Nichols and I had been indoctrinated with since we were kids was laughably false. But then again, unlike Nichols and Schmidt, who are quite wealthy and only hobknob with their fellow elites, I had been talking to random right wingers online for years at that point. Since then, Ive had lovely chats with literally thousands of white Republican voters and contrary to what Nichols claims, Donald Trump is exactly their ideal of manhood.
The Rotten Fruit Of The Poisoned Republican Tree.....

(63,221 posts)I'd have more to say at another time, but honestly I am too sickened to comment right now. He and his kind just repulse me.
(16,920 posts)This has been the state of the Republican Party for at least 2 decades. It's what they built with Fox News and AM radio.
(19,423 posts)He's never fought a battle of his own in his life. He's always had his lawyers, body guards, and business managers fight every battle his galactic-sized mouth has gotten himself into. He's a coward. DONALD TRUMP IS A COWARD! His "tough guy" talk is just that, talk. If this is how republicans and his death-cult believe "manliness" is defined, they're more deluded than I previously imagined.
Donald Trump is to "manliness", as Malaria is to "homespun". Fucking right-wing lunatics.
(48,267 posts)SergeStorms
(19,423 posts)Chrissy Teigen's "pussy ass bitch" is about as spot on as I've ever heard anyone describe El Trumpo.
(2,113 posts)
(48,267 posts)

dawg day
(7,947 posts)Especially the last line.