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Guess was cited by co-workers as having to be consistently reminded to keep his hand on the throttle and maintain airspeed during approaches.[27] He had two previous piloting jobs: one with Skydive Hutchinson as a pilot (19881989), and another with Northwest Airlines as a trainee instructor (1999). However, he was dismissed from both jobs for lack of ability.[36] Conry's widow told the NTSB that her husband told her the other pilots thought Guess was not a good pilot.
21 votes, 0 passes | Time left: Poll closed | |
Yes. It is more likely than not that Paul Wellstone was murdered. | |
11 (52%) |
No. Paul Wellstone's death was most likely accidental. | |
10 (48%) |
0 DU members did not wish to select any of the options provided. | |
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loli phabay
(5,580 posts)MAD Dave
(204 posts).....I would suggest that it was pilot error.
(11,626 posts)Nye Bevan
(25,406 posts)Most recently in the context of Elizabeth Warren. I have even seen it argued that JFK Junior was likely murdered. But it seems to me that there are many, many easier and more reliable ways to assassinate someone.
(11,626 posts)I appreciate it.
I don't think JFK Jr was murdered, I think he was a very inexperienced pilot. He lost his way that night.
I see that meme, and I am not sure if I like it. It's almost as if we should be afraid that the people we really want to represent us will be assassinated.
This was a big meme after Obama was elected as well. I see it happening with the new pope as well. It's kinda sad; it's almost as if there is an assumption that when a good thing comes along we should expect it to be taken away.
(8,303 posts)Article summarizing findings:
(5,330 posts)With that much inexperience and incompetence on the part of the pilots, that isn't accidental -- that's negligent on the part of the charter company!
(55,745 posts)Otherwise, the "accident" would have taken out two of the voices opposing the illegal, immoral, unnecessary, disastrous and phony war on Iraq.
Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., had been campaigning with Wellstone earlier today. Wellstone had left Kennedy, who was giving a speech on Wellstone's behalf, to travel to the Rukavina funeral.
A coincidence, I'm sure not, going by the smear job of a Wikipedia article.
Who remembers the rest of the Michael Guess story?
A: He's one of the flight instructors who sniffed out Zacarias Mousaoui, the "20th Hijacker" who never got off the ground, but whose civil rights were protected to the fullest extent imaginable by Crisco Ashcroft and his anointed FBI.
(28,698 posts)Senator Kennedy was in the Twin Cities. Originally he and Wellstone were scheduled to campaign together in the metro area but Wellstone canceled so he could fly up to Iron Range for a funeral. Kennedy stayed in the cities and Walter Mondale and Warren Spannus (I think Spannus - a former state AG) made the rounds with him. Kennedy was scheduled to meet up with Wellstone later that day for a rally in Duluth.
It has been speculated - and neither Kennedy's nor Wellstone's people ever confirmed or denied it - that they would have flown up to Duluth together had they been able to stick to the original schedule.
I know there is are some pilots who think Conroy (Wellstone's pilot) was not very good but I also know someone whose husband was a commercial pilot and who flew as a passenger with Conroy and thought he was a good pilot (they were also personal friends so that may color his judgment). Conroy had flown Wellstone before and, as both Paul & Sheila were nervous flyers, it seems strange that they hadn't noticed any problems with him in the past or someone didn't clue them in so they could have asked for someone else.
There were also stories from people who lived in the area of the crash of strange goings on. I saw one live report the day of the crash (either on CNN or CBS) where an eye witness claimed he saw a flash from the tail of the plane - that interview was not replayed that I ever saw.
I also had it from a very reliable source that Karl Rove was on the phone with the (Republican) Secretary of State telling her how the already filed absentee ballots in the election should be handled before the public announcement of Wellstone's death was even made and that the opinion that came out her office was clearly written in D.C.
(16,854 posts)And announce to the world you will never commit suicide
...if you are truly liberal.
(24,096 posts)Murders are pretty common and sometimes things get covered up, especially when you have heavy players involved that can hush things up and get rid of evidence through thuggery or the store bought legal system.
It's possible.
I don't know why we are on this strict diet lately of Anything that might be suspicious is considered tin foil and one must be Crazy Person to think bad shit happens behind the scenes all the time that we may never get to know about because that's the way it is planned.
(7,720 posts)Wellstone was murderd in the same category as the 911 truthers and the birthers.
Stinky The Clown
(68,532 posts)You are very welcome to repost it there. Meanwhile this thread will be locked as counter to the GD SoP.