General Discussion
Related: Editorials & Other Articles, Issue Forums, Alliance Forums, Region ForumsWe can't sustain this level of madness from Trump for the next 4 years. Dare I say it, but.....
...we can't even sustain it for the next 2 years.
I know everyone is saying we need to prepare for the 2018 midterms. And we absolutely need to prepare for the 2018 midterms. They are crucial. They are critical.
But even so, those are still over 15 months away at this point. Trump has been in office for just a little over 6 months.
And in those 6 months, Trump has proven himself to be far and away the most mentally unstable, mentally unhinged and entirely incompetent individual to ever hold the office of the US Presidency. No one, not even Nixon at his most paranoid, is even close to Trump's level.
It is a truly unprecedented situation.
This is at a point where it should transcend politics and partisanship at this point. As tough as it is, just for a short moment put aside things like the healthcare debate--Republicans will continue to threaten the ACA so long as they have a majority in Congress and an ally in the White House.
This goes beyond even that. This goes to bare bones matters of basic qualifications for office. It goes to matters of mental fitness for duty. We shouldn't be having that conversation about any President--Democrat, Republican, whatever. George W. Bush was lazy, unmotivated and not particularly bright, but it was never at this extreme crisis level. Not even then.
Yesterday truly brought it all home. The President of the United States goes to what should have been--and has always been--a light hearted, ceremonial photo-op: a Boy Scout jamboree. Something where you'd expect him to say a few clichéd words about the youth being the future of the country, reach for your dreams, you can do anything, yada yada yada. Standard fluff. Instead, this Madman who calls himself our President launches into a vitriolic attack yet again against political opponents and the media, goes off on wildly inappropriate tangents insinuating sexcapades on yachts, going on about his political victory. In front of Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts.
He's a lunatic. The President of the United States is a lunatic. And that is one hell of a problem that we cannot ignore.
And while we look to November 2018 as being the light at the end of the tunnel, there's just no telling what could happen that could close that tunnel shut. We have that bullshit "voter fraud" commission entirely in the hands of Trump. And if there is any sort of major crisis or terrorist attack that arises in the interim, God help us.
I'll never forget the feeling waking up on the morning of November 9, 2016 and a sense of extreme anxiety washing over me--there was a sense that this country could be headed towards a very dark place if left unchecked. It was a feeling of vulnerability that I had never, ever felt before as an American citizen. It left me--for the first time in my life--quite literally shaking.
As we stand now, we are still a Democracy, but we are a Democracy under extreme stress. I don't know what the breaking point is. I hope we will never see that breaking point, but that's going to require people to stand up and do the right thing. People who we normally wouldn't agree with. People who we probably won't agree with even after this trial of conscience is over.
In short, what needs to happen might seem like a miracle, but then a miracle is what we'll need. There needs to be just enough individuals who will place loyalty to country over party politics, even if just for this one limited and extreme and unprecedented circumstance.
This horror show needs to end, and it needs to end as soon as possible.
(152,834 posts)But how do we end this horror show?
How do we mobilize the necessary people?
That's the tough part and I have no idea on how to proceed.
But we must proceed.
(43,684 posts)"How" is often so elusive.
(52,537 posts)I know I live in CA and am in a blue state but we all are soooo frustrated beyond reason.
My health sucks a lot but since I am going to die in a couple of years anyway so what have I got to lose? I will die in bankruptcy and pain regardless so when you look at it from that point of view... I am at the point where I don't give a shit about what happens to me personally anymore.
I am willing to do just about anything that I physically and financially can and do it now! Protesting, calling, writing, voting are great forms of civil disobedience but this is at the boiling point for many of us!
(4,652 posts)healthier life. But your willingness to fight for the good of the country: my respect!
(8,200 posts)A measure of praise much also be reserved for our fellow Republicans citizens. Without the assistance of their block of evangelical zealots to provide their beloved Fuhrer their dedicated support we would have been deprived of his prophetic guidance. The Trump family is the mystical regeneration of the of infamous Borgia clan of psychotics who were alone in their accomplishments to destroy civil order. With a smidgen of encouragement they could possibly set the nation back at least a century to the delight of their Southern syncopates. Everyone knows that that abomination who recently occupied the White House was a pathetic creature who had no right to desecrate that which is Holy and White and must be preserved of Contamination. It is only proper that Real Americans are repulsed by the Liberal Scum that are determined in destroying our nation and most importantly our beloved youth. Filthy sex education, gays and lesbians, and equality of the sexes are just the tip of the iceberg of immorality that God Fearing Republicans and Real Americans are determined to destroy.
And so it goes!!!
(5,191 posts)Unfortunately if the GOP keeps allowing Trump to destroy the country, there's nothing we can do. It's all on the Republican Party!
(20,018 posts)The GOP is unspeakably evil. And these days, they're quite open about.
Yet they keep getting elected.
The roots of our problem go very deep.
Yes, we need to get rid of the current crop of devils ASAP, but we'll keep getting more like them unless and until the festering disease within our population is cured.
(97,192 posts)Iwasthere
(3,376 posts)By the people... He was placed there. If the hacking hadn't happened the electors wouldn't have been able to overcome the huge numbers, imo
(97,192 posts)establishment, incumbent, republican, and most of those Democrats were pretty progressive.
47% decided NOT to vote, so yes, elections do have consequences, and if someone doesn't vote, that meant they are letting someone else choose for them
(11,746 posts)R B Garr
(17,514 posts)Being partisan is only a small window into his evilness.
(30,360 posts)In every President's administration bad things happen. This clueless clown cabal is utterly unprepared for a major hurricane, an earthquake, terrorist attack or international crisis. They are just a bunch of grifters stocking up on tax free gains and planning to cut their own taxes while casting the rest of us adrift.
On edit-while I wrote this the thread got five more recs.
(43,684 posts)orangecrush
(22,861 posts)A blinding demonstration of the "morality" we can expect from the congressional goppers.
(171,777 posts)Dopers_Greed
(2,647 posts)We're looking at Senator Kid Rock in 2018.
(21,615 posts)🙁
(44,189 posts)Calculating
(2,996 posts)Quit hating man
(21,506 posts)Is not an idiot. He has been involved in politics for decades now through voter registration efforts.
This is not something he is doing out of the blue and while I do not want him as my senator because he is a republican and has views I disagree with him on. I would be willing to bet he would be much better senator than oh say Cruz or Rubio.
Frankin is a comedian yet I would say he is one of the most effective Senators we have.
Just saying he doesn't represent Idiocracy.
(7,835 posts)some good news. We can't wait for the investigation to end. Show us something please that there my be and out from this misery.
(15,818 posts)Two more months, let alone two years. I try to stay informed (Rachel, Lawrence, NYT, Wapo), but sometimes I just have to avert my eyes as if I were driving past a hideous car accident. It's the only way to stave off a full blown panic attack. And I don't get panic attacks. The thing that nearly pushes me off the cliff is the fear that 2018 is already rigged.
Our local Indivisible group is pressuring our repug house member. We have two awesome Dem Senators. Keep resisting. All we can do.
(7,581 posts)Than I think I have been over politics in my life. I couldnt get anything d
Solly Mack
(93,665 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)will be historic. May take decades to repair the damage.
(37,648 posts)We have even more of an oligarchy than last year, and last year we definitely had an oligarchy.
Getting rid of Citizens vs United is a MUST. We need Dems in Congress to do that.
2018 is critical, and I'm worried about it. I'm looking for tough, winning-type, Democrats, who'll be ruthless in winning, and energetic like the Energizer Bunny. I'm not seeing them yet, but I'm unfamiliar with a lot of the state politicians.
Yes, it's true the DEms made headway in the special elections, but IMO it's meaningful that they didn't win even one of them. We need to do better than that.
Maybe by 2018 people w/o healthcare will get out to vote. The bad scenario is that the ones who vote will be happier with no Obamacare. We don't know yet.
(31,621 posts)but ruthless when they get into office. I don't see those people. I don't see anyone promoting them.
To hell with idealists. We need pragmatists.
We have them at the state level in Illinois, and even the Democrats in this state whine about them. We need people to barrel ahead and get things done, even if the have to be hardasses.
I am thinking that we will make headway in 2018, but we will not take back either house of Congress. There is too much stacked against us. A lot of the new grassroots people will become discouraged and go away. I have been active in politics for about fifty years, and I have seen it time and again. People come out every four years, they don't get everything they want, so they disappear. They don't stay around to build the party. Then, in four more years, there they are again. They are much like the people who go to church on Christmas and Easter, but they expect the church to be there for them in case they might need it again.
(37,648 posts)Republicans are more party driven and do their duty. However, some Trumpers would walk away if they don't get what they want. They're not real Republicans.
(25,191 posts)With bludgeons. And machetes. And knowledge and will to use them.
(10,533 posts)Now it is probably too late. Since at least the 1980's, the leaders of our party, despite their (mostly) good intentions, utterly failed to deal with a threat that has now metastasized to the point where it is swallowing our democracy whole. That threat is a modern Republican Party that sees Democrats not as the opposition, but as the enemy. A target to be destroyed on the way to one-party rule by and for the very rich. Now, there is no turning back for them. They have gone so far beyond the pale to seize power that they will do literally anything to hold onto it. Allowing themselves to be held accountable means their destruction, and they will burn everything down before they let that happen.
This will end in bloodshed, I'm afraid.
(15,155 posts)But the right wing hate machine is positioning the bearded, toothless, inbred, uneducated and ignorant for civil war. Unfortunately due to the NRA, they are all very, very heavily armed.
So, if an ignorant, quasi-literate, racist asshole shoots you, are you still shot?
In the meantime, most of us don't even own guns.
But, hey, don't worry! The Trump 'administration' wants to round up 11 million or so Americans and house us in private, for-profit prisons. Words matter, and these used to be called concentration camps. That's where most of us will end up, I'm afraid. In a fucking GOP concentration camp.
And that's no shit.
(31,621 posts)We do. We just want more responsible and better legislation.
Many of us are veterans and hunters. Don't think we don't have guns. And despite what you hear about rural white people, there are plenty of Democrats who live in the country. We always have a gun or two around.
I have never seriously considered shooting someone. But I would defend myself if necessary.
(1,154 posts)I'm sixty six and have noticed the direction this is all moving, since Reagan at least. Yes, civil war is coming, and my beloved USA will break up. God save the Republic.
(10,233 posts)I never woke up on November 9th because I was too upset to sleep on the 8th. Once the outcome was announced and confirmed I went into a depression that has been with me ever since in fits and starts, but that night it was like I could not breathe. I was literally having a hard time catching my breath for more than a few minutes at a time.
In the run up to the inauguration I convinced myself that I was being overly dramatic and that my worst fears could not POSSIBLY come to pass...that SOMEONE would reign in the campaign atrocity and man-baby and keep us from total disaster. Six months later it is becoming very clear to me that if anything I was not dramatic ENOUGH in my worst fears...
On the brink of nuclear weapons being used by or in the Korean Peninsula...
On the brink of a healthcare crisis threatening MILLIONS of people (including myself) here at home...
Isolated more internationally than EVER in my lifetime...mocked and feared as unstable abroad...
Ensnared in a DAILY constitutional crisis as the Justice Department AND the Intelligence Community are under siege...
My boggles the mind and I cannot help it, I have found that I simply cannot abide Trump supporters either...whether they are on TV like that asshat Hannity or in line at the store in that asshat MAGA cap...I literally hate them in a visceral way. I loathe the fact that his idiot supporters are so racist and hateful to their core that that normalize this abhorrent piece of shit and ANYTHING he does.
I hope that spontaneous combustion is a real thing and I hope that it claims the current occupier in chief soon or there just may not be a country called the United States of America...until the people of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went insane last November I would have gladly just partitioned the nation into and Eastern USA (the coast and the Great Lakes region), a New Confederate States (deep south and mountain west - minus the national parks, they don't like that socialist type stuff so they won't miss them) and a Western USA (pacific coast)....I have seen nothing that makes me believe this nation survives in its current state much beyond 2020...Trump will not allow a free election and then he will attempt to pass 'power' to Ivanka and Jared and the first husband/wife executive office.
Please, if there is a supreme being out there, send me a sign and I swear eternal fealty and loyalty...just strike down the occupier with a bolt of lightning from the clear blue sky....vaporize the shit-gibbon and I sell everything tomorrow and become your most devoted follower EVER!
(1,383 posts)But, they want the national parks. Dere's money in dem dere hills!!
I wonder if Canada would absorb the west coast. Hmmmm.
I like how you think.
get the red out
(13,674 posts)Until that night. I haven't believed in anything since, not humanity, nothing. I have been totally adrift. And when I couldn't get onto DU that night, I was freaking out even more. There were days when I wondered if living was worth it.
(2,996 posts)Violate our free will and force people to vote for Hillary? Trump is on the American public and their stupidity. "God" has nothing to do with it.
(1,239 posts)Two weeks ago I had an epiphany and decided that I would not allow Trump to control my health or my destiny. Encouraged by DU and the many who feel the same way as I do, I ratcheted up my calls encouraging my great senators -- Murphy and Blumenthal.
I'm 79 so am physically limited, but I can write, talk, phone. I don't believe in a supreme being. I believe in people like you and together we shall overcome.
(63,221 posts)Never did I think things could get so out of control so quickly. He has to go. I hate Pence, but Trump is completely off the rails and I think Pence is beatable. He has done so much damage to this country in only 6 months, I don't think we will survive another 6.
mountain grammy
(27,479 posts)Paladin
(29,286 posts)Looking forward to him and his trashy family vacating D.C. just as soon as possible.
(37,648 posts)The Republicans, some of whom were helped by the Russians, are okay with Trump, as long as he helps push their agenda. They don't care about anything else.
With the confirmation of the FBI Director, a Russian and Trump connected man who wouldn't tell someone who got a call from the Russians that they need to call the FBI, things got worse.
When the Senate Intel Committee withdrew their subpoena of Manafort, at Manafort's lawyer's request, and brought it down to a friendly conversation instead of something required to respond to under law, things got worse.
When they didn't subpoena Jr. and Kushner, things got even more worse.
I see the writing on the wall. I see no indication that Congress will do anything.
If we're hanging our hat on one person, Mueller, and ony Mueller, that does not bode well for the situation.
(29,286 posts)The thing to do is never underestimate trump's capacity to mentally unravel. He's never going to get better, he's only going to get worse. His dumbfuck voters may put up with it, but the power structure in D.C. is like the stock market: stability is an absolute necessity for it to function, and trump is never going to provide it.
(113,138 posts)...but Paul Ryan and the Republicans see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing.
(23,984 posts)Everyday I wake up and think what has he done to make things worst. Has he started a war with an ally. Or has he completely sell out our country to his master Debtor Russia. It's obvious he is giving our intelligence to Russia and I sincerely hope the intelligence community gives him the bare minimum because the guy is friggin insane.
(7,581 posts)Don't mess w the intelligence community.
Every day I pray he was right.
(3,217 posts)The republicans in office have no ethics, morals, or humanity. The two or three that might be struggling to maintain those attributes are vastly outnumbered by the mean-spirited selfishness of their party members.
Trump is 71 years old, obese, junk-food loving, and activity adverse. Swinging a golf club, and getting back into a golf cart is about the height of his exercise. And I'm not a doctor or anything, but I'll bet that level of paranoia makes for interesting blood pressure numbers. He's messing with the people who can make that heart attack happen. I never thought I'd find myself thinking this, but Trump is dangerous, and for sake of country, they need to get on with it. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's the truth.
(12,229 posts)I'm hoping they'll get their hands on the "pee tape" and release it for the good of the country.
(3,041 posts)It's not just healthcare (although as a breast cancer survivor and the grandparent of a CF patient, I have been fighting for our lives). It's his inability to leave Mueller alone, his refusal to participate with other nations to fight global warming, his love for murderous Putin, his business conflicts, etc. It's tiring, it's depressing. Some days (yesterday, today) I feel like I'm drowning. Part of the problem is that I don't believe getting rid of him will do the trick. The many-headed Putin/Koch/Mercer demon will last longer than he. I fear each day he's in office that that demon grows stronger.
(1,121 posts)EVERY freaking DAY he does another outrageous thing. I call my reps daily now---aren't they tired too?? When will they stand up to him? When will the Republicans call for impeachment?
Why isn't the media screaming about the Russian weapons that the Taliban has?? How can any Republican justify Trump's cozy relationship with Russia?
Why do all the stupid people still support him and believe his lies?
As I read over these words--I remember my hopes early in the year--I hope that I can be as strong and brave as those that came before me.
(94,850 posts)the less willing I am to endure it. I have PTSD and clinical depression, I'm homeless - since May and I don't know how much more I can take. All the public safety net in my state it being unraveled at an alarming rate as I watch from the windshield of my vehicle and I find myself looking for a cliff should I find I need a speedy exit. My one factor that is keeping me from opting out right now is that I hope to last long enough such that my 90 yo mother doesn't have to bury yet another of her offspring. My life has been one long, hard road and I would like some relief but I see none in my future at this point... and the current fiasco in the government is only exacerbating the whole mess. I can't even find a hole to crawl into until it's over.
(5,167 posts)Where do you live? If you feel comfortable saying.
(94,850 posts)using all resources available at present, which aren't much as my state is going through a major drop in revenue since the extractive industries aren't doing well and the state has been milking that cow for far too long. If you're poor or disabled, Montana would rather you just died or moved. It's not the governor's fault but it is the state's legislative body's fault. And do note that the whole country will start, if it isn't already, feeling the hurt these clowns are capable of as one of our village idiots is now Sec of Interior and two others inhabit our national Congress. We have one Senator who is wising up because he's actually a Democrat but he's only just begun to smell the coffee burning.
Hard times everywhere, but especially here.
Thanks for asking.
(5,167 posts)Is moving an option?
(94,850 posts)I don't have the resources and my physical situation is one that requires high elevation (above 5K ft above sea level) and I am not into large populations. I have lived in many other states and I came here on purpose a long time ago. I did just relocate and that's always hard but this time, I'm old and my body isn't a happy camper... we don't get along all that well anymore. My life has been here for a while and I don't know that there's much of anywhere that I'd be able to tolerate the heat and lots of people. Right now it's more of a waiting game than anything, I sure hope I win.
(5,167 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,540 posts)or it gets worse, if you can imagine that.
(261 posts)Last edited Tue Jul 25, 2017, 07:16 PM - Edit history (1)
On November 8, 2016 - a date that will live in infamy - The United States was hit by a dastardly and evil attack by the forces of egregious ignorance, of overwhelming greed and corruption, of malignant and megalomniacal narcissism, of supreme and treasonous criminality and of a disregard for the truth such as, perhaps, has never been seen before in this country. All this has left us catastrophically weakened in spirit and in the belief in the fundamental ideals of this once great nation. We all must now strive for the recovery of our country from this, perhaps, greatest of all blows that have ever been visited upon it.
Americans it is time to unite against this scourge!!
P.S. I am sorry if this sounds a bit too grandiloquent, but it reflects, with ever increasing accuracy, how I felt on that infamous day and how I have felt ever since.
(498 posts)There are thousands of us who can't take it anymore, somebody get in charge and tell us what to do. I don't think phoning our reps is good enough. Al Franken seems like a likely source of leadership. 20 million healthcare losers could physically dump a Trump Tower or two. Get this lunatic out of our House!
(9,799 posts)All they care about are their billionaire masters. We are stuck with this shit show until 2018. We have an enormous task in 2018 because of GOP gaming the electoral process ( and freakin Russia too).
We are on our own because elections are the only thing that matters and even then we get screwed.
But I agree with you wholeheartedly that I can't see how the country survives until then.
(12,047 posts)rec
Mr. Ected
(9,689 posts)If there's another Democrat within 10 miles, I haven't met them.
None of these folks thinks Trump is deranged. They're fond of him. The more we squirm, the more joyful they become.
These people aren't normal. I swear to you. I've lived around the world. There is nothing like a Trump-American anywhere else. It's like an illness, a malady, a defect.
These people think Trump is the greatest thing that has ever happened to America. They look normal. They're doctors. Accountants. Clerks at the CVS. Home builders. Pilots.
They're hypocrites but they don't see their duality even when it's brought to their attention. They're challenging demons that only exist between their ears.
And they're about to take away our health care, attack North Korea and partner with Russia to strip democracy and capitalism to its bones.
I've been accused of being overly optimistic. Not any more. Not now.
(7,581 posts)That is what I call them on Twitter - lizard brains.
(48,356 posts)That's what they always threw at us, now they're stripping common folk of health
benefits, reducing income streams ... they're going to make economic slavery the
law of the land, work for peanuts, no benefits, no minimum wage, because we all
know SLAVERY is a STATE'S RIGHTS issue!
Class warfare and slavery, back on the front burner for you!
(5,167 posts)I did a tarot on his first six months and he has the death card this month. The rest has been pretty accurate. Pretty bad when you rely on tarot for sanity. Ha!
(31,621 posts)We grab onto anything that might help or reassure. What does the death card mean? Literal death? For whom?
(5,167 posts)One that has consequences. Blind-sided shift.
What was interesting were the cards before it that supported it. They have been pretty accurate.
(13,765 posts)I think the Republican Party should change their name to what they really are,
The John Birch and Religious Extremists Party.
(7,581 posts)He is unhealthy, angry. Losing his shit.
And he has antagonized every single intel agency.
We need to hang tight. We can't give up.
(6,924 posts)people who are thoughtful, literate, and as outraged as I am.
I've discarded 5 friends over this, going so far as to block them from calling my phone.
(36,443 posts)spanone
(138,053 posts)OxQQme
(2,550 posts)somebody tell me it's not a train.
(17 posts)As a white guy with a black family, I have to watch this stuff very intensely. I am also someone who was raised and grew up just outside of Detroit in a very typical blue collar family, and watched race destroy one of the greatest cities in our history. I have watched for 30 plus years as the RW talk machine has turned our country upside down. Convincing people that the only reason they aren't rich is because of the government, black people and liberals. I work in a decidedly blue collar job that also allows me to travel and meet people from all walks and all regions, I can probably count the number of people that I've met that are not republicans on my hands. I am talking over the years! The people I work with and deal with every day have grown up watching fox news and listening to the RW. They do not even understand history or how the government functions. When I try to explain different issues to them it usually does not go well, they just keep repeating the talking points they read on breitbart or the blaze or heard on some idiot radio show. I am not exaggerating these numbers. Almost every white person and even a lot of non white people are convinced that liberal policies are destroying the nation. These people are truly happy that Trump won and are cheering his every move, and they truly hate the actual legitimate media. What we are up against is not gonna be fixed with one election or even two. Truthfully I am not sure it can be fixed in my lifetime, the divide in these people is DEEP! They have no desire to compromise and they aint buying guns to compensate for other deficiencies. A lot of them say things around me before they realize my background, and believe me 90% of all of it comes down to RACE! When LBJ said "if you can convince the lowest white man that he is above the highest negro, he wont notice when you're picking his pocket." The repugs were listening! They have used that to brainwash an entire generation and now the majority of our country is under their control. Talking amongst ourselves is good for our soul, but the people who need to be talked to, aint reading any of this! They are probably looking on the websites of RW fear mongers and gun dealers. I know what I am talking about and we need to be scared. I took an oath to defend my country many years ago, oaths don't end. I would honestly advise people to at least think about buying guns. I never thought I would say that, I am a strong proponent of gun control, but TRUST me the other side is heavily armed, and being told just like the southerners who died in the Civil War that its "their freedom that is at stake".
(14,408 posts)And it is.
(3,744 posts)Trump has bastardized the whole system to the point of it being unworkable. He knows what he is doing. He is wearing everyone down so he can get his way. That's the scary thing about it. He is used to bullying and wearing people down and he's taught is kids how to do the same thing. It's really sad that the electoral college still has power in this country. It needs to be destroyed...Bigly!!!!! I truly believe it was tampered with by the pukes and russians. I refuse to capitalize "russians" because with putin they don't deserve it. heis a sick fucker.
(21,023 posts)joet67
(624 posts)Washington hasn't acted with the alarm and urgency required. I dearly hope and pray someone trustworthy and important has seized control of the football (remember how quickly he was launching missiles 50 at a time? Four weeks into the office?) 😨
get the red out
(13,674 posts)I don't believe even Pence would even be as bad as Trump because Trump is delusional. Our government norms are being trashed.
He had another Nuremberg rally last night, that is so very sick. I think the media, and even some liberals, have danced around his total instability. Some people want to surmise that his actions are part of a plan. He isn't orchestrating this, he isn't capable, he is very mentally unstable.
(35 posts)To deny Americans health care.
The OP is right. But if you think Yertl and his cohorts are gonna suddenly see the light, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.
(48,356 posts)Trump VooDoo dolls, we can turn the tide!
(6,805 posts)Can I get one? 😹 I think we need a bunch of those for various people.
(6,805 posts)But I don't see an easy way out of this. It's getting crazier by the second.
(36,500 posts)Discussion of things pertaining to all the things we are forming, brainstorming, and acting in ways that create bottom-up change.
We need to crack that bully pulpit, this is one of things we are about. Finding ways to strip power from the executive branch, Trump's power is not divine or genetic, but agreed to by us, and not just one day every four years, but every day. It's time to realize that.
(2,347 posts)Is using Trump's antics as cover to push through their agenda. It's not just Trump we need to get out of office, it's these back door dealing GOPers who legislate under cover.
(97,192 posts)lark
(24,474 posts)Ryan and McConnell also took Russia money and will do anything to protect Drumpf and keep this information from becoming widely known and public. They will do nothing to Drumpf because of fear of retaliation. It's not policy because Pence is every bit as bad as Drumpf domestically, it's about protecting their own asses because they are also knee deep in alligators.
Progressive dog
(7,325 posts)from power are his fellow Republicans in the Congress. The majority of them have already shown that they will agree with whatever Trump does. Anyone who heard McCain's speech before the vote to proceed knows that his positions change on Trump's whim. And they say McCain's a maverick, because the GOP who are not mavericks swear to the truth of anything lie Trump tells.
This fight may have already been lost. Trump will not yield power gracefully, Republicans don't have the will or motivation to stop him, and Putin will still be there for his allies in 2018. Anyhow, IMO, we've got at least another 18 months of t-party/Trump rule to go.
(22,651 posts)oxbow
(2,034 posts)At least on the part about pointing out his unhinged behavior. See:
More people in power need to invoke the 25th amendment. They are already talking about how crazy he is, both in private and not.
(30,801 posts)It's not like I have a choice--my vote went in the toilet last year.
(4,341 posts)he may be just the most ignorant lunatic of the bunch, but the more dangerous lunatics are those no one talks enough about, Ryan, McConell, Cruz, Grassley, Burr, the kids, the son-in-law, Bannon, I-Know-I-Am-Going-To-Become-President-Pence (just waiting for impeachment procedures), etc. etc.
Trump is the decoy, the evil doers are the rest, Trump is the monkey who can handle a pen, who makes a lot of noise to keep everyone distracted, angry, frustrated, etc.
(4,423 posts)Introduce legislation that states "we the people will not allow a President under criminal investigation to implement or change existing laws through the Executive Order process". Imagine the damage this nut can do as he burns out and even when we take control of Congress in 18 he will still have the power of his pen and anyone that is pipe dreaming about getting 75 Democratic Senators elected is not being rational so there will never be removal from office even if he gets impeached.
(22,651 posts)gay-hate, prison slavery, deportation prisons, uninsured Americans, war profits---- agenda.
The Republican party is all for" 'for profit" Corporations" that use ALL OUR State and Federal funds and pay NO income tax on the fabulous PROFITS.
Republicans let their patsy president throw bones to his gay hater religious radicals,
the list of generals Rs sent to trump- who hate having to be careful not to kill civilians,
and the military men who hate not being able to discriminate against people, woman & gays & American residents in our military service.
(3,356 posts)...if liberals and "thinking" independents don't get out there and vote in '18.
(18,826 posts)Republicans have become so mentally unstable themselves that Trump, who's even more mentally unstable, is an absolute god to them.
Until some sanity and decency returns to American conservatives we are trapped with this flesh eating disease running our country.
(39,405 posts)is giving new depth of meaning to the word "stumblefuck," otherwise, we would be in very deep shit indeed.
That's why I'm in no hurry to get Mike "Handmaid's Tale" Pence instead.
(24,887 posts)Doug the Dem
(1,297 posts)I am not advocating for that! But the climate of violence this president is stoking reminds me of the biblical verse, As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
(8,070 posts)he cant be indicted but his kids certainly can. If Mueller ends up indicting his close entourage he will freak out and hopefully decide to resign.
(38,930 posts)Richard Painter & Steve Schmidt are both alarmed. Last night Painter told how easy it would be to go into an authoritarian dictatorship with the current admin/cabinet and chaos. He said he was scared & you could tell he didn't mean it lightly.
This commentary from Jeff Flake was from yesterday. It's worth reading all of it.
We created him, and now we're rationalizing him. When will it stop?
By JEFF FLAKE July 31, 2017
Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump.
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obamas failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obamas election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term presidentthe corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime. It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obamas legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us. It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued. To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties. And tremendous powers of denial.
Ive been sympathetic to this impulse to denial, as one doesnt ever want to believe that the government of the United States has been made dysfunctional at the highest levels, especially by the actions of ones own party. Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased, and conservative institutions with the blessings of a president have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.
For a conservative, thats an awfully bitter pill to swallow. So as I layered in my defense mechanisms, I even found myself saying things like, If I took the time to respond to every presidential tweet, there would be little time for anything else. Given the volume and velocity of tweets from both the Trump campaign and then the White House, this was certainly true. But it was also a monumental dodge. It would be like Noah saying, If I spent all my time obsessing about the coming flood, there would be little time for anything else. At a certain point, if one is being honest, the flood becomes the thing that is most worthy of attention. At a certain point, it might be time to build an ark.
(618 posts)Best single comment I've read.
We can't sustain this level of madness from Trump.
We can't sustain this level of madness from Trump.
We can't sustain this level of madness from Trump
K & R