Gun debate comes to Akron -- No More Names: National Drive to Reduce Gun Violence
The nations debate over stricter background checks on gun purchases pulled into an Akron city park, where speakers advocated for change Wednesday while a countergroup, some armed with rifles, waved an American flag nearby in a peaceful protest.
The No More Names: National Drive to Reduce Gun Violence at Grace Park brought out politicians, victims and several dozen supporters of legislation requiring background checks for some firearm purchases. The 25-state bus tour by the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns targets background checks for private sales, such as those that take place routinely at local gun shows, flea markets and on the Internet.
The speakers primarily aimed their remarks at Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, who voted against expanding gun-purchase background checks last spring and thus helped strike down the measure. Akron Mayor Don Plusquellic told the audience that Portman repeatedly misstates the facts about sensible gun safety measures and that change is long overdue, as evidenced by the number of mass shootings and other gun-related deaths across the country.
Portmans vote ran counter to the 83 percent of Ohioans who they say supports comprehensive background checks.