2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHillary's Big Lie about Bernie: ''Came Through'' in Michigan
Heard this commercial at least ten times Monday while driving around Michigan:
Came Through
Narrator: It wasnt long ago. The auto industry was on the verge of collapse. Major American companies about to be liquidated. Millions of jobs were at risk. Michigan's economy was teetering. Americas auto companies asked for help. And President Obama came though. Now in Sundays debate we learn only one candidate for president supported him. Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton: When it came down to it, you were either for saving the auto industry or you were against it. I voted to save the auto industry.
Narrator: And she was right. Today the auto industry is thriving and millions of people have jobs who could have lost them, jobs in manufacturing, technology, jobs up and down the supply chain. On Tuesday, March 8th, vote for the one candidate who stood up for the auto industry and came through for Michigan when it really mattered. Hillary Clinton.
SOURCE: http://blog.4president.org/2016/2016/03/new-hillary-clinton-2016-radio-ad-came-through.html
It was a low shot...a torpedo aimed below the waterline...with no mention of the UNAUDITED and FORGIVING FOUL BANKSTER BAILOUT.
Generic Other
(29,000 posts)Same old same old...
(55,745 posts)...Unfortunately, once a lie gets in someone's head it takes about 20-times as much information to correct it.
(10,519 posts)that she was influenced by Wall Street money. Here is one! Bernie fought the huge give away to Wall Street and Hillary voted for it!
(1,230 posts)...and reintensify and amplify beliefs:
(55,745 posts)Funny how it worked out, seeing how "Came Through" came through the day before the election.
(1,230 posts)yourpaljoey
(2,166 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)I remember Democracy, where people decided who to support based on Truth.
It's why the Founders made it the First Amendment:
Nowadays we have leaders who approve its destruction.
(11,945 posts)She forgets some of us have retained our ethical principles and values.
She sinks like a stone.
(14,195 posts)And loses the general as a result.
(2,178 posts)Do I hear an echo?
(55,745 posts)...which ended up being somewhere like $16 Trillion, not counting the Billions in Bonuses.
Then The FED got busy printing money for Quanititative Easing...UNCOUNTED TRILLIONS MORE.
(2,178 posts)That all came out of our pockets by decreasing the value of the Dollar. They skimmed us all.
Now they want to skin us for our Hides.
You can shear the Sheep a hundred times, but you can only skin them once.
This is not going to end well, I'm afraid.
(55,745 posts)Yeah, see. I yabbed about the S&L scammers in Feb. 2008 -- before the Bankstershitstorm.
Feb. 28, 2008:
Know your BFEE: They Looted Your Nations S&Ls for Power and Profit
Then, after the Bankstershitstorm in September 21, 2008, I asked them who stole it to put it back:
Know your BFEE: Phil Gramm, the Meyer Lansky of the War Party, Set-Up the Biggest Bank Heist Ever.
What's weird is how, rather than the jail cell he so richly deserved, Phil Gramm ended up as Vice Chairman of UBS -- the Swiss Bank that received about $59 Billion with a Billion in TARP funds -- from where Gramm hired Bill Clinton, who signed into law the repeal of Glass Steagall. Since then, they've also brought in George W Bush to specialize in Wealth Management:
And to think some call me a Cassandra. It's more like being Funes, old Friend.
(5,927 posts)wish I could say you were wrong, Octafish.
Vilis Veritas
(2,405 posts)It was your op's that started me down the path to connecting the dots.
You have been a mentor to me...without knowing it. lol
(12,647 posts)or possibly the discussions that flowed from your posts at the time, but shortly before the crash, I convinced my husband to put our 401K investments into safer federal bonds. I can't pinpoint exactly how we knew there was going to be a crash, but it was the discussions here that convinced us to protect our retirement money. I'm so glad we did. Many saw 25% of their 401Ks pilfered. We also sold a 20% share of a commercial building we invested in before the real estate market crashed as well. We got a great return from that deal, shortly before it dropped by a third in value when things went south.
I've always quietly credited you for opening our eyes and saving us from a much more difficult retirement. Don't know if I've ever expressed that to you, Octafish, but it's what happened and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
(6,910 posts)Octafish is the Lord God King Boofu of D.U. I'm surprised our government seems to have decided to let him live? Or he just doesn't travel by small planes very often?
-90% Jimmy
(39,909 posts)and in 2006 sold everything, all property (a few months before the crash), Cashed Out our 401K (paid the penalty),
paid off all bills, and bought pristine, bubble-proof property in the rural South with no mortgage.
We live there now, and have no regrets.
---bvar22 & Starkraven
living well on a low taxable income
and stuff we learned in the 60s.
(55,745 posts)...who share what they know and learn, and DU where we have a place to share.
Truth is what makes Democracy work. When the information environment is so very polluted by all manner of disinformation and propaganda, what matters really stands out.
Thank you for sharing that important time. I am honored to be your friend.
(2,950 posts)Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)Bernie was willing to allow the autos and millions of jobs go down the drain rather than bail out banks which I think was neccesary by the way. He voted against the 2009 bill because he says it contained bank bailout money...but it was also very unpopular so...you decide ethics or pragmatism.
(17,651 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)ANNOUNCER:
Bernie Sanders has always been on the side of Michigan workers and working families.
Bernie voted for the auto rescue package and hes the only candidate whos opposed the job killing trade
deals that have crushed manufacturing.
But, Washington has always had a funny relationship with the truth.
So its not surprising his opponent is out with a new radio ad trying to distort the truth about Bernies record.
The Washington Post spells things out pretty clearly, stating his opponents campaign quote glosses over a
lot . . . including the fact that Sanders is actually on the record as supporting the auto bailout. He even voted
for it. unquote.
The Post goes further claiming quote "it seems like she's willing to take the gamble that fact checkers may
call her out for her tactic
but that voters wont. Unquote.
Michigan voters deserve better than typical Washington tactics:
Hoping voters dont figure out what youre up to till its too late.
Theres only one candidate who honestly tells it like it is and isnt afraid of standing up for Michigan workers
and thats Bernie Sanders.
Im Bernie Sanders, candidate for President, and I approve this message.
Paid for by Bernie 2016.
SOURCE: https://berniesanders.com/radio-ad-sets-record-straight/
(11,945 posts)I am so sick of the filth.
(71,036 posts)However, if Bernie says he voted for the final bill than he is lying because he didn't ...and thanks to him we still have autos...and my hubs has a job.
(34,845 posts)Seriously, if Sanders supporters are this thin-skinned, they won't last a day when the GOP sets its sights on Sanders. Think about it: you're complaining that the ad is true. It's just that you want exonerating information included.
They are opponents, not best friends, and under zero obligation to try and be extra special nice to one another.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]"There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen, Anthem (1992)[/center][/font][hr]
(55,745 posts)Bernie has a 50-year career supporting working people.
Down the drain in a 30-second ad.
(23,720 posts)Whats even worse, is that they seem to be proud of it.
(15,558 posts)but having someone ask you to wait until they're done speaking is an "outrage!".
(9,522 posts)freebrew
(1,917 posts)her ads started in Missouri yesterday. Talking about going after a particular pharm company.
Wasn't Bernie doing this since the whole medicare fiasco from * & co.?
(5,764 posts)Competition doesn't excuse it.
(4,211 posts)Coincidence
(98 posts)beedle
(1,235 posts)when she interrupts him during debates, because if not then you "thick skinned" Hillary supporters will 'stoically' claim 'sexism, sexism, sexism'.
Is that what you mean?
(34,845 posts)I never said a thing about the 'Let me talk' controversy. Even the 'ghetto' comment, although worded badly by Sanders, I don't consider much of anything. (Although I'm not a member of a minority, so I don't interject my opinion much on that.)
All Clinton has to do is say something that's kinda-sorta true and Sanders apparently lets her. To be honest, I don't think either of them is quick on their feet and I'd much prefer someone more energetic as our next President but since it's likely to be Clinton, we need to work with what we get.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]A 90% chance of rain means the same as a 10% chance:
It might rain and it might not.[/center][/font][hr]
(40,416 posts)Which universally fails. Both sides do it is weak sauce.
In this case it isn't even accurate.
Excellent deconstruction of a flawed argument!
(22,308 posts)There are not unwarranted accusations coming from the Sanders side.
It is all Clinton.
(12,655 posts)that they have to lie about their own and their opponents positions, this is not the kind of candidate who can beat trump or cruz
or hell, even romney and he lost twice
(55,745 posts)Apart from Austerity, Bankster Bailouts and Emergency Managers is about all we've seen from that crowd.
(12,655 posts)since she can't win
(55,745 posts)White House. GOP Check.
Both Houses of Congress. GOP Check.
Supreme Court. GOP Check.
Hey, restorefreedom! What's in YOUR wallet?
The author was a Chicago Boy helping implement the scam for Pinochet:
President Clinton and the Chilean Model.
By José Piñera
Midnight at the House of Good and Evil
"It is 12:30 at night, and Bill Clinton asks me and Dottie: 'What do you know about the Chilean social-security system?' recounted Richard Lamm, the three-term former governor of Colorado. It was March 1995, and Lamm and his wife were staying that weekend in the Lincoln Bedroom of the White House.
I read about this surprising midnight conversation in an article by Jonathan Alter (Newsweek, May 13, 1996), as I was waiting at Dulles International Airport for a flight to Europe. The article also said that early the next morning, before he left to go jogging, President Bill Clinton arranged for a special report about the Chilean reform produced by his staff to be slipped under Lamm's door.
That news piqued my interest, so as soon as I came back to the United States, I went to visit Richard Lamm. I wanted to know the exact circumstances in which the president of the worlds superpower engages a fellow former governor in a Saturday night exchange about the system I had implemented 15 years earlier.
Lamn and I shared a coffee on the terrace of his house in Denver. He not only was the most genial host to this curious Chilean, but he also proved to be deeply motivated by the issues surrounding aging and the future of America. So we had an engaging conversation. At the conclusion, I ventured to ask him for a copy of the report that Clinton had given him. He agreed to give it to me on the condition that I do not make it public while Clinton was president. He also gave me a copy of the handwritten note on White House stationery, dated 3-21-95, which accompanied the report slipped under his door. It read:
Sorry I missed you this morning.
It was great to have you and Dottie here.
Here's the stuff on Chile I mentioned.
Three months before that Clinton-Lamm conversation about the Chilean system, I had a long lunch in Santiago with journalist Joe Klein of Newsweek magazine. A few weeks afterwards, he wrote a compelling article entitled,[font color="green"] "If Chile can do it...couldn´t North America privatize its social-security system?" [/font color]He concluded by stating that "the Chilean system is perhaps the first significant social-policy idea to emanate from the Southern Hemisphere." (Newsweek, December 12, 1994).
I have reasons to think that probably this piece got Clintons attention and, given his passion for policy issues, he became a quasi expert on Chiles Social Security reform. Clinton was familiar with Klein, as the journalist covered the 1992 presidential race and went on anonymously to write the bestseller Primary Colors, a thinly-veiled account of Clintons campaign.
The mother of all reforms
While studying for a Masters and a Ph.D. in economics at Harvard University, I became enamored with Americas unique experiment in liberty and limited government. In 1835 Alexis de Tocqueville wrote the first volume of Democracy in America hoping that many of the salutary aspects of American society might be exported to his native France. I dreamed with exporting them to my native Chile.
So, upon finishing my Ph.D. in 1974 and while fully enjoying my position as a Teaching Fellow at Harvard University and a professor at Boston University, I took on the most difficult decision in my life: to go back to help my country rebuild its destroyed economy and democracy along the lines of the principles and institutions created in America by the Founding Fathers. Soon after I became Secretary of Labor and Social Security, and in 1980 I was able to create a fully funded system of personal retirement accounts. Historian Niall Ferguson has stated that this reform was the most profound challenge to the welfare state in a generation. Thatcher and Reagan came later. The backlash against welfare started in Chile.
But while de Tocquevilles 1835 treatment contained largely effusive praise of American government, the second volume of Democracy in America, published five years later, strikes a more cautionary tone. He warned that the American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. In fact at some point during the 20th century, the culture of self reliance and individual responsibility that had made America a great and free nation was diluted by the creation of [font color="green"] an Entitlement State,[/font color] reminiscent of the increasingly failed European welfare state. What America needed was a return to basics, to the founding tenets of limited government and personal responsibility.
[font color="green"]In a way, the principles America helped export so successfully to Chile through a group of free market economists needed to be reaffirmed through an emblematic reform. I felt that the Chilean solution to the impending Social Security crisis could be applied in the USA.[/font color]
It's like grand tragedy and grand theft America, reading this stuff. Then I cry, too, until I remember where they all are going.
"Yeah. Sign the check over to me, ma. See?"
(12,655 posts)repub, dem, its just alphabet soup at the top.
for them, its about money and power. while us peons continue to think that the battle is d vs r, its really the 1 vs the 99
(1,748 posts)That's how it seems to me anyway.
(9,089 posts)restorefreedom
(12,655 posts)until trump screwed it up for them
hence the "stop trump" movement by the establishment
gotta have a crony in there who will take order$
(71,036 posts)Had he prevailed the autos would have disappeared from America. She did not lie.
(55,745 posts)It sold off Jaguar, among other things, to make payroll.
(71,036 posts)My hubs works in the industry and Ford was further along in restructuring; they had taken a huge loan before the crash and they benefitted by the loan...it is widely believed that had GM and Chrysler gone, Ford would have gone also as suppliers could not survive. Like it or not, Bernie's position was not based on bravery as the public agreed about any bailout, thus, I appreciate Clinton's vote.
(55,745 posts)That's news to me. Please, do you have a link for that?
Historic NY
(38,190 posts)Although Ford did not need money from the $80 billion bailout program, Ford did receive $5.9 billion in government loans in 2009 to retool its manufacturing plants to produce more fuel-efficient cars, and the company lobbied for and benefited from the cash-for-clunkers program
(55,745 posts)A Ford TV ad slams competitors for accepting bailout funds, even though the companys CEO lobbied for the bill. The company the only one of the Big Three not to receive a bailout feared a collapse of GM and Chrysler at the time would have hurt suppliers and, in turn, Ford itself. Ford Chief Executive Officer Alan R. Mulally also asked Congress for a credit line of up to $9 billion in case the economy worsened.
Historic NY
(38,190 posts)EOM.
(55,745 posts)And Ford. Paid. It. Back.
It was no bailout.
Historic NY
(38,190 posts)Ford Motor owes the government $5.9 billion it borrowed in June 2009, the same month GM filed for bankruptcy. By Sept. 15, Ford needs to start paying that money back. In a government filing, the carmaker said $577 million is due within the next year, and the full amount must be paid off by June 15, 2022.
(55,745 posts)Linette Lopez
Business Insider, Aug. 1, 2012, 2:57 PM
Neil Barofsky was the Inspector General for TARP, and just wrote a book about his time in D.C. called Bailout: An Insider Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street.
Bottom line: Barofsky said the incentive structure in our nation's capitol is all wrong. There's a revolving door between bureaucrats in Washington and Wall Street banks, and politicians just want to keep their jobs.
For regulators it's something like this:
[font color="green"]"You can play ball and good things can happen to you get a big pot of gold at the end of the Wall Street rainbow or you can do your job be aggressive and face personal ruin...We really need to rethink how we govern and how regulate," Barofsky said.[/font color]
CONTINUED... http://www.businessinsider.com/neil-barofsky-2012-8
(4,695 posts)Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)It was a private sector loan before 2008. However, Ford has repeatedly said they could not have survived without autos...and millions of jobs including my husband's would have been lost. Clinton did not lie. Bernie voted against the final bill because it included bank bailout money. We were never going to get another bill as bailouts were very unpopular and autos would have been gone before Obama took the oath of office...sorry I consider Sanders vote wrong...and supporters should stop calling her a liar as she told the truth...and no matter what Bernie says ....had other voted with him millions of jobs would be lost. I won't vote for Bernie because of this. I am sorry if you hate me for it...but that shows a serious lapse in judgement.
(22,336 posts)My post on the matter: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12511435029
(55,745 posts)Bernie's whole time in Washington DC has been devoted to making life better for working people and ALL Americans.
That such a person is not welcome is a sign of the kinds of people who are running things: Those who reap the benefits of living in the wealthiest times in human history by denying the working people who created that wealth the fruits of their labor.
It wasn't always like that.
JFK tapes offer lesson in income inequality
DURING THE last days of his presidency, John F. Kennedy had a number of concerns on his mind. In tapes being released today by the Kennedy Library, we hear, for example, the president focus on his reelection and issues of economic inequality. What can we do, he asks his political advisers, to make voters decide that they want to vote for us, Democrats? What is it we have to sell em? We hope we have to sell them prosperity, but for the average guy the prosperity is nil. Hes not unprosperous, but hes not very prosperous. Hes not . . . very well-off. And the people who really are well-off hate our guts. As questions about growing social inequity increasingly dominate our current political dialogue, it may be instructive to look back at how these issues played out a half century ago.
Having witnessed the country survive the Great Depression and World War II, JFK understood the economic and military vulnerabilities of democratic capitalism. Though insulated by his familys wealth, JFK was affected by the poverty he witnessed on the 1960 campaign trail. One of the memorable lines from his inaugural address if a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich helps explain his first executive order: increasing surplus food allotments to poor communities across the nation.
Once in power, his economic policies were ideologically balanced, combining, for example, a proposed tax cut to stimulate the economy with efforts to raise the minimum wage and expand unemployment benefits. Like the current incumbent, JFKs legislative efforts - especially those designed to help the poor and advance civil rights - were often stymied by members of Congress. During his 1962 State of the Union address he reminded his congressional colleagues: The Constitution makes us not rivals for power but partners for progress. . . It is my task to report the State of the Union - to improve it is the task of us all.
In terms of his administrations relationship with the really well-off, his most famous confrontation came during the steel crisis in 1962. Having helped to negotiate a non-inflationary wage settlement with the United Steelworkers Union, Kennedy thought he had an agreement with industry executives that, in exchange, they would not raise the price of steel that year.
(105 posts)I saw Bernie Sanders channel JFK.
It was more than policies or rhetoric.
It was something about his vocal rhythm and posture.
I was awestruck.
Did anyone else see that?
Response to CdnExtraNational (Reply #61)
BlueIdaho This message was self-deleted by its author.
(55,745 posts)by Jon Schwarz
The Intercept, Feb. 22 2016
According to an article in Politico, Bernie Sanders, during his 1974 campaign for the Senate on Vermonts Liberty Union Party ticket, called the Central Intelligence Agency a dangerous institution that has got to go. Sanders complained that the CIA was only accountable to right-wing lunatics who use it to prop up fascist dictatorships.
Jeremy Bash, a former CIA chief of staff who is now an adviser to Hillary Clintons campaign, told reporter Michael Crowley that Sanderss comment reinforces the conclusion that hes not qualified to be commander in chief. Bash explained: Abolishing the CIA in the 1970s would have unilaterally disarmed America during the height of the Cold War and at a time when terrorist networks across the Middle East were gaining strength. Bash was chief of staff for Leon Panetta at both the CIA and Defense Department, and now runs a consulting firm called Beacon Global Strategies.
But Sanders position is not that radical: many prominent politicians, including two previous Democratic commanders-in-chief, have called for the CIA to be dismantled or severely constrained.
John F. Kennedy famously described his desire to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Peter Kornbluh points out in his book Bay of Pigs Declassified that the State Department at that same time proposed that the CIA should be stripped of its covert action capacity and renamed. However, the CIA escaped any serious repercussions partly because, as Kornbluh explains, the CIAs then-director John McCone made sure that most of the copies of a damning report on the Bay of Pigs by the Agencys own Inspector General were literally burned.
Then in 1963, after Kennedys assassination, Harry Truman wrote a newspaper column explaining that I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the President and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.
When secret government agencies and secret government agents act to benefit secret agendas and secret groups and secret individuals, it isn't democracy.
Thanks, CdnExtraNational. I, too, am happy to see that Bernie agrees with JFK on civilian control of armed forces and secret agencies. There are a lot more signs, just have got to be willing to see them.
(24,815 posts)awake
(3,226 posts)..., jobs in manufacturing, technology, jobs up and down the supply chain." Jobs that have been moved out of Michigan!!!!
Vote the Bern!!!
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)The greedy sphincter did all he could to reverse progress and liberalism in Michigan during his two awful terms in office, as well as his doing his patriotic Buy Partisan part in looting the state's S&Ls. Today he does all this globally as head of the Business Roundtable:
-- http://businessroundtable.org/engler
Yeah, see?
Swell group of swells, see?
(1,252 posts)period.
(55,745 posts)When the chopper was warming up on the pad and Mario Cuomo chose to stay in Albany, I knew we were in for something new.
Mrs. Harriman continued the Line.
(1,748 posts)We expected this shit when she hired Brock.
(71,036 posts)That is just wrong.
(55,745 posts)''I kill liberals for a living.'' -- David Brock
That turd's a fascist.
(1,748 posts)But she's got a D next to her name!
In previous elections I'd be singing the "but SCOTUS!" chorus with the rest, but not this time.
(11,945 posts)Who wants Wall Street friendly justices?
(36,063 posts)Terrible things commonly travel in the same legislation as sacred cows.
By using such an ad, Clinton supposes voters are too slow to recognize that... maybe hers are.
(55,745 posts)Today it ranks near the bottom.
Thank you, reagan.
(36,063 posts)Skepticism about messaging is acquired by being exposed to lying, and lying is a very common feature of communication.
Formal education might value 'critical thinking' and might provide opportunities for practicing skepticism, but so does communication with friends, family and institutions.
(55,745 posts)I, too, would like to see people's critical faculties nourished, rather than starved.
Detroit Free Press, what once was a liberal paper whose ownership has included Knight-Ridder, now is a cash cow for Gannet. The Detroit News, Gannet's previous prize in Motown, has been left to whither on the vine by its current owners, a group of right wingers outta Colorado, if memory serves.
The television stations are no prizes, either. CBS television no longer produces news, despite a state-of-the-art facility, preferring to focus on what they get from New York City.
They all have been very slow in covering things Michigan residents should know, such as the state of the drinking water in Flint or the consequences of Detroit's Emergency Manager's decisions.
(15,522 posts)Good thing they have the smart people lookin' out for them. Gawsh
(5,927 posts)Some people look at me crosseyed when I tell them I grew up in the Detroit Public Schools. They were great.
Keep going brother Octafish
(54,770 posts)the time, it was the right thing to do. I believe all the "loans" have been repayed.
Without the bailout, I suspect a lot more people would have lost jobs, and a lot fewer would have found new ones since. Could it have been avoided, definitely. But it wasn't.
Sanders' hatred of banks could have cost a lot more jobs in the auto industry, and elsewhere. Thankfully, other Congresspeople did the right thing, as much as it stunk.
In that context, Clinton was right. I suspect voters in Michigan will see it that way.
(55,745 posts)by Josh Barro
Business Insider, Sept. 12, 2013
This month, Berkeley economics professor Emmanuel Saez put out an update to his estimates of income inequality, and the headline figure has everybody outraged: 95% of income gains since 2009 have accrued to the top 1%.
This is indeed outrageous, but not quite for the reason that most people think.
What the 95% statistic obscures is that the last three years' recovery haven't been very good for anybody, including the rich. They've been terrible for the bottom 99%, whose incomes are barely rising at all: just 0.1% per year in real terms. But top 1% incomes are also growing more slowly than they did in the last two economic expansions. That's because the same slack labor market that holds down wages also deprives businesses of the customer base they need to invest and grow.
Austerity has been a negative sum game. It's not enriching the rich at the expense of the masses. The masses are losing and nobody is winning.
The solution to this problem isn't a policy that's directly aimed at reducing inequality. What we need are policies that will lead to a tighter labor market and job creation...
(54,770 posts)to see it.
Tell me what you do, and I'll tell you how it would have screwed you.
(55,745 posts)Which is how Tim Geithner put it in his great phrase: We sacrificed homeowners to foam the runway for the banks.
By delaying millions of foreclosures, HAMP gave bailed-out banks more time to absorb housing-related losses while other parts of Obamas bailout plan repaired holes in the banks balance sheets. According to Barofsky, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner even had a term for it. [font color="green"]HAMP borrowers would foam the runway for the distressed banks looking for a safe landing. It is nice to know what Geithner really thinks of those Americans who were busy losing their homes in hard times.[/font color]
CONTINUED w VIDEO and links and more letters...
(54,770 posts)One clear purpose of the bailout was to give homeowners a chance to restructure, refinance, etc. In any event, a meltdown wouldn't have helped anyone.
(55,745 posts)Meltdown or no Meltdown, they were screwed.
Details: http://www.theguardian.com/money/2014/jan/19/home-relief-program-florida-mortgage-foreclosure
(54,770 posts)their homes immediately.
(10,565 posts)There's no lie. The people of Michigan know the truth. Bernie voted against giving the money to GM and Chrysler. Bernie blew it.
(55,745 posts)MARCH 7, 2016
DETROIT Bernie Sanders presidential campaign on Monday released a new radio ad responding to Hillary Clintons dishonest and negative attack on his support in 2008 for an automobile industry rescue package.
Sanders on Dec. 11, 2008, voted for a $14 billion auto rescue package. During a debate Monday in Flint, Michigan, Clinton falsely claimed he opposed the assistance for carmakers and auto workers.
The ad, which will be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan, says Sanders has always been on the side of Michigan workers and working families. He not only voted for the auto rescue package, hes the only candidate whos opposed the job-killing trade deals that have crushed manufacturing.
Clinton, the ad says, is trying to distort the truth about Bernies record.
The ad quotes an article in The Washington Post suggesting that Clinton was trying to deceive voters on the eve of Tuesdays Michigan primary election. The Post said Clinton glosses over a lot . . . including the fact that Sanders is actually on the record as supporting the auto bailout. He even voted for it. The Post also said of Clinton, it seems like shes willing to take the gamble that fact checkers may call her out for her tactic but that voters wont.
The ad concludes by saying that Michigan voters deserve better than typical Washington tactics. Hoping voters dont figure out what youre up to till its too late. Theres only one candidate who honestly tells it like it is and isnt afraid of standing up for Michigan workers and thats Bernie Sanders.
SOURCE: https://berniesanders.com/radio-ad-sets-record-straight/
Transcript PDF: https://berniesanders.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/sanders_michigan_radio_script.pdf
(31,170 posts)NurseJackie
(42,862 posts)senz
(11,945 posts)Nitram
(24,815 posts)Being flexible about letting a million people lose their jobs and go hungry is not ethical.
(11,945 posts)You know as well as I do that she doesn't give a whit about people losing their jobs and going hungry.
(24,815 posts)...people losing their jobs and going hungry. Perhaps your hate blinds you to the facts.
(11,945 posts)Those are the FACTS. Too bad you can't let yourself look at them.
(12,788 posts)Helen Borg
(3,963 posts)Martin Luther King too...
Madoff, on the other hand, was very flexible and creative with accounting.
(2,741 posts)Does Her Royal Highness have BROWN eyes?...just asking...
(55,745 posts)The British grande dame and young Bill: Pamela Harriman, love, money and clout
Camelot it ain't. Still, whatever will those who want to model the Labour Party on Bill Clinton's Democrats make of it? When, next week, the Democrats resume possession of the White House, the hero of the hour will be the barefoot boy from the second-poorest state. But one of the heroines of the new administraton will be Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman, the last word in grandes dames, a woman whose mien and experience make crowned heads look provincial.
The Independent, Friday 15 January 1993
By the Seventies, Averell Harriman was in his eighties, deaf and at long last in uncertain health; until his seventies he still went skiing. He was known in Washington as the Crocodile because of his sharp tongue. But he had all the prestige of one of the richest men in America who was also an authentic elder statesman: he had been Roosevelt's personal envoy to Stalin as well as Churchill, Governor of New York and an adviser to Presidents Truman, Kennedy and Johnson.
The marriage was very successful. Pamela threw herself into making Averell's life comfortable, and made beautiful homes for him in Barbados, in the Virginia hunt country and in Georgetown. She also made herself the Washington hostess with the mostest. When he died in 1986, she inherited an estimated dollars 75m ( pounds 50m), not counting the paintings.
Glamorous she is beyond measure. But is she important? 'No,' said one Georgetown authority, 'but she does have influence.' 'No,' said another, 'but she does have a certain glamour, and she did back Clinton early.' She is what the American Boy Scouts call a den-mother to the Democrats, said a third. There are a lot of rich people in Hollywood and New York who give money to the Democrats. She has a knack of receiving their money in such a way that they feel their giving has been ennobled.
Her politics are a little confusing, if not confused. She says she is both a Tory and a Democrat. 'For me,' she once said, 'the Tory party and the Democratic Party were very much alike. You took care of people, and you were compassionate. There was never any doubt in my mind that I would be a Democrat.' On the same theme, on another occasion: [font color="green"]'People don't understand there's a big difference between being a socialist in England and a Democrat here.'[/font color]
SOURCE: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/profile-the-british-grande-dame-and-young-bill-pamela-harriman-love-money-and-clout-1478783.html
(2,741 posts)Jarqui
(10,521 posts)She knows that. Her people know that. She cannot win with the truth. She has never done so.
She may be able to get away with it with Bernie because the mainstream media is behind her and not seriously calling her out on it.
But in the general election, she's dead. For every lie she tries there, she'll be a public piñata in the media. They're be running the videos of her lying and flip-flopping frequently to go along with it. The Kochs will spent $100 million or more on that message which will resonate because it's true. Her untrustworthy numbers will likely set records. But she'll be stuck because it's ingrained in her - lying is her only way - she can't help herself.
Maybe that's her biggest deception - of her followers, tricking them into believing she can deceive her way to the White House without anybody noticing or seriously calling her on it. Sometime around early November, I suspect those folks will start to join those dots that the majority of the electorate knew all along.
(10,565 posts)the auto industry. The old John Kerry "I was for it before I voted against it" didn't work for him and it's not working for Bernie
(10,521 posts)Hillary lies and deceives. She's done her entire time in Washington.
Above us just a random sampling. There are about 350 youtube videos from all kinds of sources providing video evidence of Hillary's lying. You might take exception to a few of them, shoot the messenger of a few more but the enormous body of material making the case on Hillary's constant lying is rather overwhelming. Olbermann, Maddow & Russert draw similar conclusions.
It's not a smear. It's a fact that has been stated and restated since the early 90s about Hillary. She is not an honest person when she speaks to the American people. She's been caught way too many times lying as the videos prove beyond any reasonable doubt. And she's still lying and deceiving people in this election cycle.
(11,945 posts)Right now, I can't think of any major politician more dishonest and underhanded.
But let's go all out to elect Bernie in the Dem primaries so we won't have to witness her fall to a Republican.
she will drag entire democratic party down with her.The dem establishment in forcing clinton down people's throats no matter what
is dooming themselves.In bashing bernie supporters like they have they will turn them off.i don't mean clinton supporters on DU
calling bernie supporters everything in book from racist to republican.Bill Clinton called bernie supporters like tea party.and
after he said it on MSNBC cory Booker wouldn't critice clinton for it.doesn't matter than many bernie supporters supported obama.
Independents don't like her.people are crazy if they think MSM will be as biased towards her against trump as they are now.
Her followers think she can run to right and pull SC card to get us all to fall in line.won't work.
people who support bernie if clinton gets nomination will fall into these 5
1:Hold their noise and vote for clinton
2:Stay home
3:Write in Bernie
4:Vote green or independent candiate
5:protest and vote Trump
As for congress this is where she hurts.dems have chance to take back senate but with her that goes out the window.and she could gurante gop controls next redistricting after 2020 ensuring at least another decade with gop house
(4,213 posts)Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)The Republicans killed the auto bailout bill that Sanders supported. The Republicans demanded that the auto bailout money come out of TARP. Sanders knew the votes to pass TARP were there. He used his Independent status to vote NO on TARP. That allowed him to have a righteous position on TARP but WAS a vote against the auto bailout. The banking industry was failing, the credit markets were seizing, THAT vote had to be taken. Sanders said NO. He must own that now.
(4,213 posts)by David Kiley
With the Michigan primary coming up Tuesday, Democratic party front-runner Hillary Clinton is trying to paint her challenger, Bernie Sanders, as having been against the auto bailout in 2009. Chalk it up to election year nonsense. The truth is both candidates were in favor of the auto bailout.
In the world of Congressional votes, the truth is seldom seen, but much mischief can be made.
During the debate in Flint, Michigan, a visibly tired Sanders did a poor job of explaining the confusion. I am not a Sanders supporter, but the truth is always important.
Secretary Clinton is chastising Sanders in the Motor State for not voting for the bill that created the funding for an auto bailout. Except, it wasnt known that the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bill, designed to bail out Wall Street banks from their subprime mortgage loan debacle that was crashing the economy, would be used to rescue the auto industry at the time Senators Sanders and Clinton voted on it. Clinton voted yay. Sanders voted nay. It was President Bush who signed the bill into law.
Later, in December 2008, the Senate took up a separate bill that would have provided rescue funds specifically for the auto industry. That bill failed to get the 60-vote filibuster-proof minimum when Republicans balked at saving General Motors GM -2.06%, Ford and Chrysler, in large part because they wanted to use the occasion to try and destroy the United Auto Workers union, which stood to benefit from a bailout by having their healthcare fund and pensions protected, and its interests prioritized over bond holders. Both Clinton and Sanders voted for this bill.
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)Most Americans cannot buy an automobile with access to credit. The banks paid all the money back plus interest. Sanders was wrong. He placed idealism ahead of practicality IMO.
(98 posts)What Clinton is merely doing is misrepresenting aka smearing Sanders while spinning her Wall Street love affair as support for blue collar workers. Pretty skillful, not a talent I desire, but she makes a damn good sleazebag.
(13,297 posts)You don't win in the Fall unless you win legitimately in the Spring.
(11,945 posts)and her supporters keep turning up the heat.
Old Codger
(4,205 posts)Between her campaign lies and outright fraud, pretty much interchangeable...
(12,081 posts)Bernie being called a communist. It is a proven fact that Hillary has lied about Bernie's record. It is also a proven fact that Bernie is not a communist. This criticisms are not the same. One is true. The other is not.
(11,945 posts)The similarities between candidates and their supporters is striking.
But as a Bernie supporter, I have to back away from that as I cannot hope to measure up to his example.
(12,081 posts)CdnExtraNational
(105 posts)How are we going to get Independents, nevermind Republicans?
(55,745 posts)Those with integrity do not parse the definition. That's where the Internet and person-to-person come in.
Corporate McPravda certainly aren't clear on the concept of the First Amendment.
By David Podvin, Jan. 9, 2002
In 1992, shortly after being named moderator of Meet The Press, Tim Russert was having lunch with a broadcast executive. The mealtime conversation was about the pros and cons of working for General Electrics NBC subsidiary. Russert expounded on how being employed by GE had brought him to the realization that things functioned better when Republicans were in charge.
You know, Tim, you used to be such a rabid Democrat when you worked for Pat Moynihan, said the executive. But now that youve gotten a glimpse of whos handing out the money in this business, youve become quite the Jaycee. Were you wrong about everything you used to believe so strongly?
I still believe, Russert said, leaning across the table. I believe in everything I ever did. But I also know that I never would have become moderator on Meet The Press if my employers were uncomfortable with me. And, given the amount of money at stake, millions of dollars, I dont blame them. This is business.
The executive agreed. But are you concerned about losing yourself? You know, selling out?
Russert pounded the table. Integrity is for paupers!
When Tim Russert joined NBC News in 1984, he began a personal transformation from Democratic congressional aide to broadcaster-in-charge of General Electrics political interests. His early efforts for the network drew some criticism from the GE corporate suites as being too knee jerk, a euphemism for insufficiently pro-GE/ Republican. The executives at General Electric viewed with hostility the Democratic Party that wanted to burden them with obeying laws that the company preferred to break and complying with regulations that it preferred to ignore. While Republicans turned a blind eye to the serial environmental crimes and bribery committed by GE, the Democrats were less submissive. The company was especially upset that the Democratic Party had taken a position against transferring public ownership of the broadcast airwaves to the media conglomerates.
"Integrity is for paupers."
(1,539 posts)The bailout was needed because of Bill Clinton's misjudgement and Wall Street sponsors.
The tactic is to blame your opponent for your greatest weakness. Clintons' weakness is the free trade deals for Wall Street campaign donors that destroyed the middle class and created places like Flint, MI that can not afford needed infrastructure.
(105 posts)Swiftboating.
(39,986 posts)but digging the knife in must feel good for some reason.
Can't she vet these kinds of attacks, resist smearing for an extra couple of points?
(1,681 posts)I can't wait until all those cable news channels die a horrible death.
(10,761 posts)liberal_at_heart
(12,081 posts)EndElectoral
(4,213 posts)bhikkhu
(10,761 posts)While Sanders voted no. Simple facts, though I do think it likely that Sanders would have voted yes for a different hypothetical bill, which never made it out of committee.
I suppose one of the sucky things about being a politician is having to vote for things you support packaged in ways that you don't agree with, but if you vote no then it looks like you don't support them.
Waiting For Everyman
(9,385 posts)It came before the TARP vote and was defeated. I know Sanders voted for it, but did she?
If she didn't vote for the stand alone Auto Bailout, then all she voted for was the BANK BAILOUT, (TARP) and the fact that Obama on his own initiative took some of that pool of money after-the-fact to rescue GM, was unforeseeable by her when she voted for it, and had nothing to do with her supporting the auto industry. Her vote as far as she knew was only for bailing out the banks.
If she was really for the Auto Bailout, she would've voted for it alone, right, as Bernie did?
If she didn't vote for the Auto Bailout, I would urge Bernie to ask her in front of an audience if she did. That would makes things clear to people.
Response to Waiting For Everyman (Reply #84)
ljm2002 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(2,178 posts)How does it feel to be one of the 'Help?'
That's all you will ever be, with Hillary.
Someone has to empty the Chamber Pots.
(55,745 posts)From what I understand, it's more like "Eyes Wide Shut" meets "Clerks."
(3,089 posts)Hillary clearly said that Bernie did not vote for the money to save the auto industry. TARP is where the money was and the only bill that counted for bailing out banks and the auto industry. Without the bailout to the banks where the hell and how the hell do you think the auto industry would have survived?
(39,215 posts)not believe her.
(55,745 posts)Absolutely Willie Horton. It lied about Bernie, turning his entire life's work into its opposite.
Ask George H.W. Bush and Michael Dukakis: Smears work.
(39,215 posts)not easily fooled.
(27,670 posts)George II
(67,782 posts)He always "justifies" his votes on the wrong side of working people, the middle class, and the poor by using that "there was something in the bill that I didn't like" or "did like".
That's how he explained his five votes against the Brady Bill, his vote for the gun manufacturers, and countless other votes.
If legislators voted against a bill because of a single thing they didn't like in a comprehensive bill, nothing would ever get passed.
(55,745 posts)The smear worked to reverse 50 years of the man's history as a proponent for working people, from Vermont to Washington, DC.
It's undemocratic, too.
George II
(67,782 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)You wrote in response: She was correct, and it's been all over how she was correct. Just above your last reply. It seems you also missed the truth:
MARCH 7, 2016
DETROIT Bernie Sanders presidential campaign on Monday released a new radio ad responding to Hillary Clintons dishonest and negative attack on his support in 2008 for an automobile industry rescue package.
Sanders on Dec. 11, 2008, voted for a $14 billion auto rescue package. During a debate Monday in Flint, Michigan, Clinton falsely claimed he opposed the assistance for carmakers and auto workers.
The ad, which will be broadcast on radio stations across Michigan, says Sanders has always been on the side of Michigan workers and working families. He not only voted for the auto rescue package, hes the only candidate whos opposed the job-killing trade deals that have crushed manufacturing.
Clinton, the ad says, is trying to distort the truth about Bernies record.
The ad quotes an article in The Washington Post suggesting that Clinton was trying to deceive voters on the eve of Tuesdays Michigan primary election. The Post said Clinton glosses over a lot . . . including the fact that Sanders is actually on the record as supporting the auto bailout. He even voted for it. The Post also said of Clinton, it seems like shes willing to take the gamble that fact checkers may call her out for her tactic but that voters wont.
The ad concludes by saying that Michigan voters deserve better than typical Washington tactics. Hoping voters dont figure out what youre up to till its too late. Theres only one candidate who honestly tells it like it is and isnt afraid of standing up for Michigan workers and thats Bernie Sanders.
SOURCE: https://berniesanders.com/radio-ad-sets-record-straight/
Transcript PDF: https://berniesanders.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/sanders_michigan_radio_script.pdf
George II
(67,782 posts)Octafish
(55,745 posts)I'd say you know that, but it'd be a waste of time.
(28,136 posts)Nuff said
(16,916 posts)No one on DU should be surprised that Hillary puts her ambition before her integrity, we've seen it time after time, after time...
(16,631 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)SO desperate for the power.
Is Bullhorn Bully Willy out in front of polling places today?
No More Clintons Ever.
(40,903 posts)Coming from the biggest liar in American politics. I automatically believe the OPPOSITE of anything she says. I'm sure there many in Michigan who feel the same.
(20,453 posts)Gee.... That's what America needs! Someone ONCE AGAIN who can pull off a good one!
Does it really matter who get skinned alive when bailing out all those bad financial packages that made Wall Street's gambling with our lives legal?
(3,967 posts)seafan
(9,387 posts)It contains so much truth.
And what did Mark Twain tell us?
A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Secretary Clinton admonished Senator Sanders on Sunday night to "tell the whole story" about his vote on the auto rescue package, when she herself distorted and truncated it to benefit herself.
When Sanders tried to tell the whole story, she constantly interrupted him, pivoting to other topics and trying to shift the discussion to benefit herself.
HERE is the whole story.
And upheld by Forbes: Clinton's Charge That Sanders Did Not Support Auto Rescue Is Wrong, March 7, 2016
Why does she continue to lie?
(55,745 posts)Friendship. It means the world.
(2,427 posts)admitted he voted against the auto-bailout because it was attached to the financial bail-out.
(55,745 posts)The FED board of governors used their positions to make decisions that benefited their private concerns to the tune of $4 trillion. That's what we know about. And we wouldn't even know that if it wasn't for Bernie Sanders, who made the audit of the Fed part of the Wall Street bailout package. That package, so far, has found to total $16 trillion.
Weird how they can find money to bail out the crony banks -- even when based in Switzerland, like UBS -- yet can't find a way to finance urban renewal, education, or universal healthcare -- anything that makes life better for the majority of Americans.
We don't have to thank Ron Paul for that. We have to thank Phil Gramm.
(46,585 posts)Demsrule86
(71,036 posts)Hillary is right ...he did not support the final bill the one that passed...his vote on the first bill was meaningless as it went exactly nowhere...thus Hillary is right...he voted against the bill that went though...the final bill.
(46,585 posts)1) He voted for the auto bailout in a stand-alone bill.
2) He voted against TARP that contained a version of the auto bailout.
She claimed he OPPOSED the auto bailout. She and anybody that promotes that LIE is a lying sack o' crap.
(3,160 posts)2banon
(7,321 posts)tabasco
(22,974 posts)I will be ashamed if she is our nominee.
(28,136 posts)So is Detroit.
(28,136 posts)Motown_Johnny
(22,308 posts)Plenty of time to beat her over the head with it before then.
(8,090 posts)K&R
(55,745 posts)Label accordingly.
(2,375 posts)Love my Michigan brothers and sisters tonight. LOVE THEM!