End of Life Issues
Related: About this forumStart with introducing myself, I guess
A bunch of know each other from other forums like the Cancer Support forum.
I'm dealing with EOL right now. I have Stage IV cancer that has spread from colon to lungs to adrenal glands and who knows what else. I was originally diagnosed 7 or 8 years ago. I've had lots of chemo and radiation (mainly chemo) but finally stopped it because the side effects were overtaking what little quality of life I had. Now I'm "in hospice" meaning, palliatively treated at home, but I'm still pretty functional but I see how it's catching up on me.
My wife has to deal with my upcoming loss, whenever that is. My son will too, as will my mother. I have brothers as well. It will still be a mess, but I'm trying to get some peace of mind by putting whatever I can in place to ease the transition (I just mean, wills, powers of attorney, computer instructions, etc.) so it's not a major legal mess for those left behind.
I've reached a general point of acceptance. Not every day, but in general. I've done a lot in my life - still have more I'd like to do, but I'm not unhappy with what I've accomplished, and generally accepting. Now I have to help my family get through it too. There's a whole network issue too, since my mother herself is nearing her EOL, but that might not be for a while yet, but there's multiple layers.
Anyone here is welcome to PM me, and if you want to talk privately, ask and I can get you my phone number.
Issues right now have to do with pain management, insurance, finances, etc.
Peace to all of you
- Tab

(28,280 posts)Hope your pain is being managed.
Peace to you.
(11,093 posts)I feel like I'm in this in-between place -not fully functional but functioning, but with the threat of non-functioning looming over me. Other people have it worse, though. And this is also holding up the lives of everyone around me, but I guess there's not much I can do about that.
(28,280 posts)You know you'd do the same for them. We cannot control our circumstances. Just take care.
We've been around the block together on this site as well as life in general.
Feel free to reach out to talk... I'm always here. Love to get your experiences as it is, unfortunately, always topical even to those who are not aware they may need it.
PM me with your phone number. Love to talk.
Regards, and thanks for the help,
Sent you email
(6 posts)hi tab I'm a new member stage 4 cancer of chest not lungs yet no side affects of chemo apart from losing hair. mine is the nasty small cell cancer so know what you are going through I'm from England the NHS is free but treatment not very good the health service is crumbling. diagnosed about 9 months ago given about 2wks to live lungs and chest drained due to effusion and the svco artery had a flexible stent inserted because lymph node was pressing against it. feel great at the moment I don't know how long it will last. is lung cancer chemo the same as in UK carboplatin /etoposide combo. all the best tab its a cruel disease this cancer. I'm 57 years old gave up smoking 3 years ago too up vaping which I enjoy. in the UK its very positive about vaping 95% safer than smoking. but I know in america its different with the lies from gov probally protecting there tob taxes.