NYT : Joe Biden, Echoing Obama, Pledges to Shore Up the Affordable Care Act
DES MOINES It was the singular promise that doomed the public perception of President Barack Obamas health care law and now former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is using it on the campaign trail.
If you like your health care plan, your employer-based plan, you can keep it, Mr. Biden told an AARP forum on Monday. If you like your private insurance, you can keep it. Mr. Biden restated nearly verbatim Mr. Obamas Affordable Care Act promise which was named
Politifacts Lie of the Year in 2013 and has been ridiculed by Republicans for years as he detailed for the first time how he would tackle health care as president.
Mr. Bidens proposal would create a so-called public option that would enable anyone to sign up for a government-run health plan like Medicare, allow more people to get subsidies to help pay for their health insurance and reduce the maximum percentage of income they could spend on premiums.
It puts him in direct conflict with Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and others who back a single-payer Medicare for all plan. Mr. Sanders has led the charge to eliminate most private health insurance as part of his proposal, though other Democrats running for president have said they would seek to retain a private-insurance structure.
In Des Moines, where Mr. Biden addressed an audience of about 200 Iowa AARP members who had gathered on the campus of Drake University, the former vice president said he would not criticize my opponents before leaning into a harsh critique of the system favored by Mr. Sanders.