Democratic Primaries
Related: About this forumDebunking the Buttigieg/Zuckerberg tosh. The FB employees went to them and ASKED Zuck and his wife
to forward their names and CV's to the Buttigieg campaign. It is right in the article that kicked all this spun up smear attempt off.Bernie surrogates (including Zephyr Teachout (failed NY Attorney general candidate (vs Letitia James, who won) and treasurer to Cynthia Nixon's failed NY Governor campaign against Cuomo), who had to retract her smear attempt) are pushing that bullshit angle all over the cesspool that is Twitter.
H/T to DU'er thesquanderer
the article itself
and their (thesquanderer's) reply
also see
Teachout walking her smear attempt back
Link to tweet
and then some of Pete's campaign and surrogates and journo responses to all of the above
Link to tweet
Link to tweet
Link to tweet
Link to tweet
Link to tweet
Link to tweet
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(151,268 posts)I appreciate your efforts to set the record straight.
Lis Smith got it right:
You are tweeting about two resumes we received. These are deeply irresponsible tweets that represent everything that is corrosive about politics today.
For the folks at home, this is a sign that Petes opponents know his message is catching fire. Tune out this noise.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)Olear's tweet smearing Pete by trying to tie him to Gabbard (and insulating he is a 'come from nowhere' stalking horse) in addition to the Zuckerberg rot.
Twitter is a pure cesspool. I have to laugh when I see anti-Sanders and anti-Gabbard people (which is a completely understandable and valid stance for them) who also happen to be Biden supporters push tweets by trolls like Hoarse Whisperer ( a known liar who has started shitstorms on here via false tweets such as the pure lie that AOC was attacking Pelosi at that climate sit-in, when all AOC did was tell the demonstrators that SHE HAD PELOSI's BACK, ffs) who (Hoarse) also pushes tweets by known pure scum conspiracy theorists like Greg Olear, Olear being notorious for, amongst other things, labelling BIDEN Handsy McGee.
Here is the Hoarse Whisperer reweet of a bullshit Olear smear of Buttigieg (Olear smears the vast majority of Dems running for POTUS he is a big Gillibrand fanboy, and says Waren and Harris are the only two real ones left)
and here is Olear smearing Biden as (not for the first time) Handsy McGee
Link to tweet
It is a full circle clusterfuck of shitbaggery.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(151,268 posts)You keep up much more thoroughly than I ever could........
Thank you, dear Celerity!
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(51,308 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,219 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(9,688 posts)This is a valuable thread - sane responses from sane people about the latest fly-off-the-handle nonsense. Oh, and to state the obvious: Lis Smith is a treasure.
Picking a great campaign staff (and he DOES have great staff - extremely competent, and kind, too) is a sign that Pete and his team have their act completely together. A good sign that he'll pick terrific staff as president, too.
His staff are also also good evidence that Pete is very clear about who he is, why he's running, and what his priorities are. Often, it seems to me, if a candidate is muddled about why he/she is running, the campaign staff will also be muddled and in disarray. Pete is not, and neither is his staff.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(51,308 posts)Sad there are some here trying to spread falsehoods.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)of Warren over her teaching job (that the RW then picked up and ran with and that I also did heavy lifting exposing, even though Warren is not my preferred candidate atm.) I am a Democrat first and foremost when if comes to American politics and I try to operate in a fairplay manner as best I can.
Amazing how much of the attempted ratfucking of so many of our wonderful candidates (Biden, Warren, Pete, Harris, Klobuchar, Beto, Booker, etc included) so often seems to from the the same dark little dingy n' dodgy corner of the external (external to DU) playing field (and no, I am not speaking in this instance of the obvious ratfucking as well by the Rethugs and Rump and his legions of white nationalist MAGATs.)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(51,308 posts)But sadly, I saw posts here trying to push this nonsense about Buttigieg and Zuckerberg.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)(or at least wrongly framed) OP's 'mistakenly' (cough cough) tossed over into GD, as if those stay up for a while, many people who normally are not involved in the day to day trench warfare of primary season can get a completely wrong overall take on things, regardless of what candidate is getting the old bovver booting.
and , did I mention... Twitter is a goddamn sewer! I think it does just as much if not more (more because all the other media picks it up far more than FB, etc) damage than the other major social sites.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Agree with all of that.
Twitter seems to be middle school on steroids.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,748 posts)Its good politics, even as it reveals his weakness v. Warren as in who will stand up to Facebook and who will be more likely to play footsie.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(46,154 posts)pushing even further spun up bullshit (pro tip, it is the same camp who kicked it all off on the Warren teacher smear/slur that the RW then ran with. A cheapshot hit job that I spent a fair amount of effort on here debunking and exposing, even tough Warren is not my candidate.)
Your willingness to get on engaging in this rot speaks volumes.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,748 posts)As do their respective approaches to fundraising. They are very different candidates.
Its no accident that the first time Mark Zuckerberg ever reaches out to a presidential campaign its to Buttigieg. He is cultivating him because he is there to be cultivated.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(46,154 posts)It is a flat out lie to say he is involved to any degree beyond dozens up dozens of other orgs and people who have snet over CV's and rec's for hire to the campaign.
It also is outrageous to say Zuckerberg is 'cultivating' Pete, especially as that smacks of the 'grooming' of Gabbard by the Russians verbiage that is current a dominate part of the news. In fact that bullshit is exactly what sewer rat trolls on twitter are trying to do now, tie Pete to Gabbard via inference, innuendo and whispers. TOTAL BULLSHIT
As for fundraising
(and it was your OP with a dodgy chop-quote pushed by the far left (The Young Turks, Sirota retweeters, etc and their ilk) that tried to smear Pete, before you were shown to be spinning that as well.)
FURTHERMORE (and the true glass houses part)
The ultimate irony is counting Warren's 10m in account transfers, only 48% of her total monies before Q3 were from small donors. 49% of Buttigieg's monies have come from small donors. 10m of Sanders' totals has come from transfers of preexisting funds, and when the transfers are added in, even he had only 60% of his total monies from small donors prior to Q3. Prior to Q3, Buttigieg had over 400,000 individual donors, and had well over half a million (580,000) individual donors by Q3. His average Q3 donation was 33 USD (per MSNBC today). For comparison, Sanders had an average donor contribution of 27 USD in Q3 (again per MSNBC today.) But hey!, lets all buy into a far left, TYT, JD, etc.-pushed shit-stir tweet using a chop-quote, that Pete is basically only fundraising from the rich, and shits on small donors, lolol.
the full exchange that kicked it all off when only a small part was chopped out and pull-quoted
Link to tweet
Big Donors, Small Donors: Pete Buttigieg Has Courted Them All Successfully
Ms. Warren wooed wealthy donors for years, stockpiling money from fund-raisers, and has used $10.4 million from her 2018 Senate race to underwrite her 2020 bid.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,748 posts)isnt part of an effort to cultivate a politically and commercially useful relationship with Buttigieg, we arent inhabiting the same planet.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(46,154 posts)I will continue, as I have for months, to defend Warren from the various and unfair attacks (and sometimes flat out lies) that are lobbed her way, regardless of supporters of hers such as you.
I feel the same for all our candidates (although there are some I think are sure losers in the general, and those have zero chance to win anyway.)
and LOLOLOLOL @ yet another swipe you just took
I can just visualise the mise en scène that was conjured up in your mind, a conspiring ZucK rubbing his hands in glee, in similar fashion to Palpatine as he ponders that soon Anakin Skywalker will be his Darth Vader
and also it is ridiculous on its face
as why would they drag their own employees (again employees whose CV's were ONLY forwarded because the employees requested it) as Zuckerberg (or his firm) hired them in the first place.
You seem to only want to read selective parts and quotes of articles and interviews and use them to push memes that are shown to be false and/or spin once the entire thing is taken into account.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,748 posts)and unrelenting debunked responses anytime someone raises a red flag on this anywhere on this board. Theres always something to see.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(46,154 posts)is being pushed by the same social media and blogosphere groups that have often turned with a vengeance on Warren herself.
as for
Unless 'red flag' has now been redefined to disingenuous and falsely-framed attacks, then that is incorrect term to use. You seem to have no problem with using knowingly hostile to our Party groups when it serves your perceive purpose.
from you debunked previous chop-quote OP, here is you the lead source
another source of yours (this is directly in your OP)
this also Katz
having a slap at Hillary
Link to tweet
another source from you OP
will also condemn Chelsea Clinton, Susan Rice, and Peter Orszag (Obama's OMD Director)
who also were all at McKinsey??
here is your source Westin retweeting the SAME Zephyr Teachout lie/smear that she had to walk back, as shown above in MY OP)
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)Beyond ... you really should just stop. Nonsense to carry on with this, esp with literally NO evidence other than your imagination.
Just my $.02.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(39,748 posts)Especially for a relatively corporate-friendly candidate like Mayor Pete whom most people are just getting to know. No amount of fancy footwork by the agile Celerity changes that. It has been my pleasure to point that out.
Thanks all the same for the advice.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(15,474 posts)Yep. Zuck just got on his messenger bike, adjusted his helmet and peddled on over there. Then he double-checked to make sure he had the address right, handed over the package, rang his bike bell and set off on his merry way! That's all it was.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)you day job.
your attempt to make a meal of this (an pint with a nefarious brush) is debunked by the very article it was taken from
btw, in case this was too obscure for you
this is the Balenciaga Triple S, it kicked off the whole couture dad shoe (unisex) oversized trainer trend almost 4 years ago
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)Nah. But thanks for the super relevant info on Balenciaga.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)That doesn't even need debunking.
How about YOU people prove what you're asserting?
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)It was satire. I didn't literally claim he rode a bike. But Zuckerberg actually admits he met with Buttigieg to discuss campaign hires. With his wife. I doubt he makes a regular habit of forwarding resumes of his employees to just anyone. The attempts to downplay it as if he makes himself a regular gofer are ludicrous.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)with a few words of recommendation ... as would be involved in getting on one's bike and hand-delivering it. He could do all this 2 minutes with an email or VM to his friggin' secretary.
I'm going to leave it at this ... if you want to 'raise a red flag' that Zuck is trying to corrupt Mayor Pete, just on the (extremely) off-chance that he wins the Presidency ... okay. I would not put this past Zuck.
But taking that a step further and implying that the very fact the he's choosing to forward some resumes to Pete means that PETE is therefore ACTUALLY corrupted by Zuck? That's kinda fucking bullshit, in a nutshell, and should not be engaged in on DU, IMHO.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)I was making fun of the notion he was just a gofer forwarding a resume and nothing more. I took it to the extreme, making him a bike messenger. I was riffing on the attempts to ignore the fact he's a CEO of a giant tech company, one that regularly takes part in disrupting our democracy I might add, who personally recommended his executive buddies from his company to a candidate in our primary election.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
FFS ... this is ridiculous.
This circular firing squad crap is why I almost never drop into this cesspool of a forum.
Good day ...
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)What is your theory on this unusual Billionaire Tech CEO behavior? He just randomly decided to be a regular guy? Kind of like a reverse CEO for a day? And he didn't realize this was a political candidate? That was quite a surprise, huh. Oh, funny coincidence, just being a regular boss forwarding some resumes on request, haha! And they're execs, of course, but they could have been anyone, but they happened to be at the top of the pile, total randos...
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)You really should just stop, IMHO.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(15,474 posts)If you can't see it, that's one hell of a blind spot.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
Hassin Bin Sober
(26,569 posts)... wife personally intervene.
The framing of this as just checking references is beyond laughable.
primary today, I would vote for: Undecided
(33,643 posts)The bullshit here is in questioning Mayor Pete and accusing him of being corrupt simply because he got some recommendations from Zuck.
That's bullshit, and you'd say so if someone was questioning Bernie's integrity for the same thing ... wouldn't you?
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)and to pass on their resumes.
Neither are in policy positions at all with Buttigieg and one never worked at Facebook
Eric Mayefsky
Digital Analytics at Pete for America
last worked at Facebook almost 6 and half years ago
Nina Wornhoff
Organizing Data Manager - Pete for America
never worked for Facebook
she worked for a year and half at the philanthropic Chan Zuckerberg Initiative whose mission statement is to "advance human potential and promote equality in areas such as health, education, scientific research and energy"
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,219 posts)Now, how do we get this info to be as high profile as the slam?
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(46,154 posts)who are hell bent on pushing the whole spun up paradigm of Buttigieg as some sort of Zuckerberg drone/stalking horse Manchurian candidate of Facebook. That was even insinuated here. It really is madness.
Those NON DU people are from the same typology that ruthless attacked Warren (hell, a Jacobin author started it, then the RW and far left radicals (DSA/Green Party, etc. Dem-bashers (who are mostly (not all, some are so rad they think HE is a sell-out capitalist tool, lololol) pro Bernie atm) ran with it, as I showed in multiple posts defending Warren here on DU) over that 'she lied about her school teacher job' dross.
for example here
and here
of me defending Warren and showing the NON DU 'Sanderite penumbra' (I think that is a fair and accurate description) origins of the Warren smear job.
Overall, the state of American politics is one giant sewer, it disgusts me. Rump has made it all a million times worse, but he is far from the only purveyor of dirty tricks, spin, and false-framing, all hyper-enabled by Twitter and the rest of the social media, which in turn feeds the traditional media and websites as well.
I truly dread the general, it is quite possibly going to be an insane clusterfuck, especially if certain inflections points that I can see happening occur.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,219 posts)...out my similar struggles with Hillary and the word "asset."
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,061 posts)Say it was Buttigieg who did this directly and Zuck vetted them all personally. I would be very comfortable calling every single person who would knock him to be completely childlike.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(33,643 posts)But we completely miss it when our side creates the exact same type of boogey-men, whose power to utterly corrupt ALL that they remotely, tangentially touch ... is unlimited, and indeed, on a near-mythological scale.
primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(2,061 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden
(14,219 posts)primary today, I would vote for: Joe Biden