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bondwooley's Journal
bondwooley's Journal
October 16, 2014

Are You More Homicidal Than This Alabama 5 Year Old?

Mobile, Alabama just pegged a crayon-wielding kindergartener as homicidal/suicidal manic. See if you can pass the test she had to take.

This week, school officials in Alabama put a 5-year-old girl on a suicide and homicide watch after she pointed a crayon at a kindergarten classmate and said “pew! pew!”

Yes, this is real. The 5-year-old, identified only as Elizabeth, is said to have drawn a picture resembling a gun before picking up the deadly crayon and going “pew! pew!” – which, in America, could mean that she’s a homicidal maniac!

The girl was then forced to sign a contract declaring that she pinky-promises not to kill herself or her classmates.

(Original post, sources and test at http://lesterandcharlie.com/2014/10/16/are-you-more-homicidal-than-this-alabama-5-year-old/)
October 13, 2014

Best Wishes on this Native American Day

“Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find money cannot be eaten.”

~ Cree Prophecy
October 5, 2014

Trigger Warning: This might seriously upset you

To explain this week’s lesson on politics, we first need to address “trigger warnings.” This is when websites warn you that an article you’re about to click on might send you into trauma or a psychotic break because it reports on corn syrup. And maybe you just kicked the corn sugar habit and might fall off the wagon if you read it — or you might just go uncontrollably ballistic.

And now, Trigger Warnings are part of college classes. “Hey, we’re reading The Feminine Mystique this week, but if the concept of equal rights upsets you, it’s okay to sit this out and catch up on last season’s CSI: Kabul.”

This all started in 2012 with the best of intentions and probably stems from everyone’s basic desire to protect their many many friends who suffer from clustering allusions, hyperbolic discounting, illusory correlation or impact bias. But we got worried this week when Amazon put a Trigger Warning on some 70-year-old Tom & Jerry cartoons because an illustrated black maid (presumably human) is portrayed in a racist manner and an unidentified illustrated character smokes a cigarette.

Amazon put this warning on their streaming Tom & Jerry collection: “Tom and Jerry shorts may depict some ethnic and racial prejudices that were once commonplace in American society. Such depictions were wrong then and are wrong today.” Fair enough. We’re not contradicting that. It’s true. Parents should probably see a PG-13 rating on material like this in case they’re not ready to explain it, if they live in an America where racism doesn’t still exist, or if they have no idea that any film made in the 1940s is likely to have Stepin Fetchit embarrassingly shuffle past the camera with a cigar.

But this is being echoed in colleges, where people spend a lot of money to learn about the world around them. Even the ones who live in Texas or ended up playing for the Redskins.

Which brings us to this. This very short video is part of our history, too. Many have warned us that its ideas can poison your mind. But let’s see if we can learn something from it as we head into the midterm elections. Oh – Trigger Warning: It might upset you if you’re a Republican.

(Posted by original authors at http://lesterandcharlie.com)
October 3, 2014

Come on Down! You're the Next Contenstant on "The Price is Right Wing!"

How are you going to measure up on Jeopardy! now that the conservatives have taken over? From an outside survey:

If you think that game shows are just about trivia, spelling, quick reflexes and a way for Midwestern housewives to show America what they look like in a donkey suit, then you don’t know game shows.

Game shows can be so much more! They can even change your life. It’s true! If you doubt it, visit Pakistan, where one game show recently courted ratings by giving out real-live orphan babies to unsuspecting contestants. (Really!)

Few Americans go on game shows expecting to win a baby, of course. But maybe that’s not far behind. Because it turns out that — just like that Pakistani show that wants to take away your choice of when to become a parent — almost all American game shows are hosted by conservatives. Pat Sajak. Chuck Woolery. Drew Carey. Wink Martindale. Even lovable Merv Griffin! All have all come out of the closet as conservatives. Sajak even went so far as to take to Twitter and call global warming alarmists “unpatriotic racists.”

Some have attributed this phenomenon to the supposed “rugged individualism” inherent in the sensibility behind any game show. Yet, throughout it all, “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek has remained a voice of reason. Trebek is the self-described “social liberal” who once shocked FOX News by revealing that he sleeps naked. He’s in favor of equal pay for women and rights for homosexuals. He even publicly stood up to that nutty Pat Sajak!

That’s why, along with everyone else not named Phyllis Schlafly, we were flabbergasted this week when “Jeopardy!” — supposedly the “smartest game show on TV” — ran “What Women Want” as one of their categories, peppering it with clues that got correct responses from contestants like, What is a vacuum cleaner?, What is Pilates? and What are well-fitting Levi’s?

The public response was immediate. People took to Twitter to inform the tone-deaf people behind “Jeopardy!” that women don’t actually want vacuum cleaners and time to exercise. They’d prefer guaranteed reproductive rights. An end to rape culture. Affordable childcare. To be treated as equal human beings. You can take your 525s, Sleepy Time tea bags and New York Times crossword puzzles and shove them in your Bissell Bagless Canisters, thank you very much.

Was this an innocent misunderstanding? The median age of a loyal fan of “Jeopardy!” is, after all, 64, which is just about the age you’d have to be to have actual memories of the last time these stereotypes of women could pass without remark. Or was this a sign of something more insidious? Did Trebek drink the conservative Kool-Aid his fellow game show hosts did?

We hate to say it, but we may have an answer. One of our top-secret operatives sneaked into Trebek’s office and got access to a list of categories on soon-to-be-aired episodes. From the looks of it, “Conservative Jeopardy!” is here to stay. Liberals like us are going to have to get used to Alex Trebek’s covert agenda to turn us all into 50s-era conservatives.

But we’re giving you an advantage! By publishing this “sneak look” at upcoming categories, we’re giving you an edge over your conservative “Jeopardy!”-playing friends. In the spirit of game shows everywhere, however, we’ve mixed up the answers. It’s up to YOU to match them with the right questions. After all, it’s just like your mother told you about that tramp who lived next door: It’s not any fun if it’s easy. So jump in and find out what’s in store!

(Survey and sources at http://lesterandcharlie.com/2014/10/03/survey-sexism-for-500-alex/)
September 29, 2014

UPDATE: The Woman Fired In Florida For Being A Democrat

Earlier this week, with your help, we started a Twitter/Facebook/Blog campaign to express outrage over Marriott Vacation's Worldwide's decision to fire a long-term employee for being a Democrat. Here’s a refresher and a report on the latest developments.

How it started:

Lester & Charlie got a call from Mark Felt this week and, predictably, he told us to “follow the money.” The money in question was a $1,000 campaign contribution from Marriott International to an incumbent Republican running for another term in the Osceola County Commission.

So we posted this article on DU and on our blog and started a campaign to tell these Marriott companies how we felt about it.

And here's what's happened so far:

The article got a lot of attention from outraged liberals, rational Americans and thousands of housebound people who spend their days joining hashtag campaigns on Twitter. People swore to stop staying at Marriott and some said they would give homeless people their Marriott Points so some homeless people could check in to a room for a free night.

Thing is, not everybody picked up on the fact that the campaign was intended to demand action from Marriott Vacations Worldwide, the company that fired Viviana, and not Marriott International, the company that funded her opponent.

Granted, it's hard if not nearly impossible to tell the difference between the two companies since Marriott International used to own Marriott Vacations Worldwide and licensed their name to them so that people would think they're still the same company and same trusted brand.

And it's plausible that, because they want to keep that license, they were motivated to align with their former parent's stated political goals -- and therefore fire and defend daddy's political opponent. After all, Mitt Romney sits on the board of the one they want to suck up to.

Yes, this is confusing. Marriott Vacations hid under their blanky during this Twitter battle but the former parent company jumped in and started pointing the finger at their former subsidiary. And at Lester & Charlie.

Where does it stand? Well, Mitt Romney's cronies sent this to Lester & Charlie:

In an effort to provide accurate reporting, please correct the headline and facts throughout your story. Marriott International, Inc. (Marriott) did not undertake this action. This matter solely involves Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation. Marriott Vacations Worldwide Corporation (MVW) became a completely separate company from Marriott International, Inc. in 2011 as a result of Marriott’s spin-off of its timeshare operations. While MVW licenses the Marriott name, Marriott International has no corporate control or influence over the MVW Corporation.

Stay tuned.

(Published by original authors.)
September 23, 2014

Marriott just fired an employee because she's a Democrat


Marriott fired a long-term employee, a Democrat, because she’s running for a seat on her local county commission. And it just so happens that Marriott supports her Republican opponent.


Let’s get down to brass tacks:

*Viviana Janer is a Puerto Rico-born-female-MBA and long-term internal auditor for Marriott — and a Democrat who has openly worked for social justice in her county

*Viviana decided to run against an incumbent Republican for the Osceola County Commission

*Viviana didn’t notify Marriott about her campaign because she was conducting it in her spare time and was a nearly-unfunded long-shot

* Marriott’s former parent company went and donated $1,000 to her Republican opponent’s campaign

* When Marriott found out that she was running against their Republican choice for the office, they fired Viviana citing “a conflict of interest” for the company


More information and the #hashtag campaign at http://lesterandcharlie.com/2014/09/23/marriot-just-fired-an-employee-because-shes-a-democrat/
September 18, 2014

We owe you an apology

This week was all about the apology.

It wasn’t just that the New York Times had to apologize for mistakenly referring to Dick Cheney as the former president of the United States. Apologies abounded! Like the one from Jacob Dorsey, the 19-year-old Republican candidate for the Wisconsin Assembly, who not only apologized but dropped out of the race after his “hurtful” (his term) comments about black people and gays resurfaced on social media. Future GOP politicians, take note: It’s never too early to figure out that calling people “f*gs” and “n*ggers” on Twitter and YouTube might not be a winning election strategy. Even in Wisconsin!

Speaking of insensitivity, the next “OOPS” came from the editors of the Lancaster New Era, which had published an editorial cartoon that compared cramped, modern air travel with the horrors of humans packed into slave ships. “To somehow link the inconveniences of air travel with slavery in general and the slave ships in particular was not only just plain wrong it was deeply hurtful,” the editors later wrote with what seemed like genuine remorse.

More ambiguously, Sarah “it takes a village idiot” Palin came along this week to declare that she “owe[s] America a global apology [sic].” Not for refusing to go away — but for John McCain not winning the presidency in 2008.

We were trying to figure out if Palin finally realized that her candidacy was a global joke when along came another apology, this time from the retail giant Urban Outfitters. This one was a doozy. And, no, they weren’t apologizing for for making teenagers look funny.

Urban Outfitters never tires of offending people — selling things like a Monopoly board game parody called “Ghettopoly” (where players build crack houses and projects instead of houses and hotels) and stuff like T-shirts declaring Everyone Loves a Jewish Girl that’s printed amid a sea of dollar signs. It’s part of a long list of ways the company has pissed people off.

This time, one of their Mensa-Merchandisers thought it would be a good idea to sell faux-vintage university sweatshirts. Not just any university. Kent State University. Circa 1970. And part of the sweatshirt’s “faux vintage” effect include what looks like bullet holes and bloodstains.

In case you grew up on Texas schoolbooks, Kent State University is where, in 1970, four unarmed students were caught up in a protest about the escalation of the Vietnam War — when along came the patriotic Ohio National Guard to shoot them to death. Nine more students were injured; one was permanently paralyzed. Half a century later, the chilling details of that day still spark outrage.

So what the hell was Urban Outfitters thinking? “The red stains are discoloration from the original shade of the shirt and the holes are from natural wear and fray,” went the official response from the company. Oh, and the bullet holes made it difficult to fit longer words like Virginia Tech or Sandy Hook Elementary on the front. Mm hm.

Is there anything Urban Outfitters won’t commodify? Kent State. Urban ghettos. Jewi$hne$$. We didn’t even mention the time they were called out for hawking sparkly gun-shaped Christmas-tree ornaments in crime-ridden Philadelphia, or forced to stop selling a shirt with the word depression printed repeatedly across the front.

Sensitivity be damned. Offending people may not work for everyone, but Urban Outfitters obviously feels it works for them — surely they’ll find more ways to offend. It’s going to be hard to top a bloody Kent State sweatshirt, however. So let’s help them out! Since they clearly want to find the most offensive way to market their brand, what will they sell next? What do YOU think?

-- The "Helen Keller Special Edition of Scrabble" with all blank tiles?

-- American Indian blankets with "smallpox" stitched on the underside?

-- "Just for Jews" 40 Lashes Mascara?

Be as creative as Urban Outfitters in the comments.

(Published with permission of author. Original sources and poll at http://lesterandcharlie.com/2014/09/18/4-dead-in-urban-outfitters/)

September 13, 2014

Useless Household Tip: How to make your own soap

Don't try this at home:

(Published with permission from http://lesterandcharlie.com/)
September 10, 2014

A 9/11 Hero You Should Know About

There are a lot of things to remember and reflect upon during the anniversary of September, 11. And plenty of people will be telling their stories of grief, rage, human kindness and patriotism. So, Lester & Charlie are going to focus on someone who might get overlooked: Leo Cullum.

Leo Cullum, who died about three years ago, was a TWA pilot and a cartoonist for The New Yorker. And Leo turned out to be the person who answered the unspoken question that was on everyone’s mind following the attacks: When will be OK to laugh again?

It might not sound that important, but back then, there was a feeling that terrorists not only took away our skyline and businesses and families, but that maybe they had stolen what Americans always rely on to survive a crisis: our sense of humor.

So, he published this:

This simple cartoon gave New Yorkers a collective sigh of relief when they really, really needed it. It reminded us that laughter makes us stronger, not weaker. And that we, as Americans and New Yorkers, weren’t going to let anybody take that away from us.

Thanks, Leo.

(Posted by authors.)

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