jls4561's JournalGood cartoon in my inbox from the New Yorker.
https://link.newyorker.com/click/36480344.45753/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3eW9ya2VyLmNvbS9jYXJ0b29ucy9kYWlseS1jYXJ0b29uL3dlZG5lc2RheS1hdWd1c3QtMjFzdC1hdHRlbnRpb24tcGFzc2VuZ2Vycz91dG1fc291cmNlPW5sJnV0bV9icmFuZD10bnkmdXRtX21haWxpbmc9VE5ZX0h1bW9yXzA4MjEyNCZ1dG1fY2FtcGFpZ249YXVkLWRldiZ1dG1fbWVkaXVtPWVtYWlsJmJ4aWQ9NWJlNWNhNzBmYmQyOTc2MzY4NzE1ZjI0JmNuZGlkPTQ5Nzg3NjMyJmVzcmM9c3Vic2NyaWJlLXBhZ2U/5be5ca70fbd2976368715f24B489386c3Sorry Im not tech savvy enough to post the picture.
Has Banksy designed the next Tardis?
This has my vote. Sorry I cannot post the picture.
Has Banksy designed the next Tardis?
Borowitz: Million Meow March
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)Infuriated by J.D. Vances disparagement of childless cat owners, the nations cats are planning a mass protest at his next campaign appearance, the felines revealed on Wednesday.
In a statement announcing what they are calling the Million Meow March, the cats wrote, J.D. Vance apparently thinks he will reap political rewards by attacking cat owners. Instead, he has become the Kristi Noem of whisker world.
He may think that cat owners suck, the statement continued. But you know what really sucks? Hillbilly Elegy. We couldnt get through the first ten minutes, and we cats can look at almost anything for hours.
The cat controversy was just the latest headache for Vance, who has also struggled to explain why he demonizes childlessness but opposes IVF.
Because I don't want to give MY money to candidates who will use it for THEIR legal bills
I have made another donation to the Biden/Harris campaign
Theme song for the RNC
With profound apologies to Tom Petty. I am just so angry I have to post it.
Well Trumps just wont flush down
No, they dont flush down
They just float in that gold plated bowl
Circling round and round
When Trumps have to poo
They will poo on you
Youre the T.P. at Mar-a-Loo
Take your money too
Thats just what Trumps do
Hey, Donnie
Stop trying to run from the law
We know you aint got much money
We all know what Stormy saw. (Not much!)
Wave that bloody shirt
Let the ketchup squirt
Treat your cult like dirt
In a world that wants justice found
Trumps just wont flush down
Hey, Donnie
I got a salute for you
Aint gonna stick my arm up
When a middle finger will do
So Trumps just wont flush down
Circle round and round
Push that gold plated lever one more time
But Trumps wont flush down
All that's known for sure :
Trump was spewing vitriol and lies.
Shots were fired,
Trump will survive.
One or more of his cultists is hurt or killed.
Another question I would like to hear ask tonight:
Can you name the date of infrastructure week during your administration and what it accomplished?
Air horn!! A useful tool for the moderation of the presidential debate.
The presidential debate will have a cut off if a candidate should exceed his allotted time limit, but given the past behavior of one of the candidates, perhaps something more is needed.
Should a candidate attempt to interrupt his debate opponent, a loud blare would issue from the moderators table. Should a candidate attempt to lurk and wander in an effort to intimidate his opponent, or mumble and gesture as though violating a court order-BLATT!
Fact checking in real time is expected to be a challenge. The air horn would also be helpful in refereeing inaccurate statements. One hopes that CNN would have a room full of people whose sole task would be to authenticate the candidates utterances, and to convey accurate information to the moderators.
The aural moderating aid might also be augmented by a visual one. Perhaps a flashing sign like the ones that say Applause on late night shows. However, the debate sign would be modified to read LIE. The sign would be placed center stage clearly visible to the television audience.
All this does seem like a lot for the CNN moderators to handle, what with asking questions and all. If a third moderator should be hired, it should be someone familiar with current events, the current candidates, and presidential debates. May I suggest Hillary Clinton? If she cannot fit it into her schedule, perhaps someone from the Daily Show is available.
Borowitz: Prison Guards Dreading Body Search of Bannon
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)Panic gripped the nations prison guards on Thursday as they reacted to the prospect of body-searching Steve Bannon.
The thought of interacting with the naked Bannon had many in the guard community rethinking their careers, insiders confirmed.
Ive been living in fear of this day, Frank Klugian, a veteran correctional officer, said. I knew it was bad news the minute I heard Mrs. Alito was flying her flag upside down again.
Harland Dorrinson, the warden of the penitentiary that will be receiving Bannon, said that every protection will be provided those carrying out the procedure, Including, obviously, hazmat suits.
Same headline could work if TFG gets jail time.
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