AllaN01Bear's Journalwhat does pwned mean? is there such a word . is it a verb , is it a adverb or a predicate ?
recently the rs sound like they have been sprayed with goof gas.
boris Badenov (correct spelling) & natasha at it again.
all these new laws i feel are result of the former guy living there
and pressureing the current gov to do his bidding as the courts said go peddle your papers elsewhere and had a failed presidency to boot . thanks also to alec and the surviving koch bros .
my youtube experiance .
my youtube experiance started in 2009 . first no channels and just a search engine . then the channels came in, then youtube (google ) took them away, what a noise . youtube put them back and now everything is defined by the channels . then youtube put in recomendations . first a little now a whole lot. sometimes recomendations beat what one is looking for even with boolian expressions which dont work anymore . then came the ads . i am 63 years old i am on ssi and regular ss. i pay $76 .00 a month for phone & internet and a few other things. (phone is land line) ads every few seconds . i have adblock, adblock plus adblock plus plus and adblock for youtube . with ads throuput is below stall speed . wo somewhat better . then came ,by me coffe and patrion and amazon links . boiling down to it was the last straw of " includes user adverts" was too much for me to stomach. i walk away. you may or may not like this but there it is , my utube experiance in a nutshell and i dont like the way youtube has gone . this is my own opinion and no one elses .btw i produced for four years and got burnt out. tried again and no joy. have a grand and safe day du. love u all. du rocks .
a while ago someone on here had asked for information of erosion control
does anyone here know who that person was and would love a follow up on their efforts .
dear du. i have heart problems and have been using scooters to do my shopping as i get tired. however , i want to walk again with my walker which has a seat so i can sit down and rest abit. a while ago i was in our local walmart and saw a lady with a cloth bag hanging from the underside of her walker . have tried everything to come up with it on the internet but no avail with search terms. is this a custom job or can it readily available on line or do i have to go to specialty medical shops to find one . thanks in advance allan01 bear.
day 2 and no side fx ,so far.
re; 2nd moderna shot
so far , no side fx ,except for ouch. last time , had a sore shoulder for a few days , so we shall see what later to day and to mrrow brings .
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 03:45 PM
Number of posts: 22,639