AllaN01Bear's Journaldinner is baked potato and steak w yogurt.
toe tapping time
self described militias
got it into yet again on what is and is not a militia.. a" militia was sen handing out foood to survivors of the oak fire in california . chpd was made aware of the activity. there is a post on here about that , digressin, we all know what a well regulated militias are, THE NATIONAL GAURD with control of the state governor. the self appointed ones who think they are arnt
oppsies . i made a mistook. i put a earlier post that should have been in weather watchers
and not here . admins , sorry for any inconvenince .
have you seen the smoke from the oak fire via airnow .org
sonora ca is in the yellow zone .
to zoom in and out , use shift/ mouse wheel up or down. a bit clunky. for those with breathing problems or heart problems please wear a particle mask.
cme is here .
cme happened a few days ago on the sun and some places may get northern light activity
chicken noodle soup w veggies and yougurt for din.
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Gender: Do not displayHometown: california
Home country: usa
Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 03:45 PM
Number of posts: 22,639