MLAA's JournalPlease humor me, after 200 plus years we have a woman VP Elect and THIS
It might not seem like much but checkout the wording in the first sentence of President Elects first sentence. Women and Men. Ive spent my entire life hearing Men and Women.
I love the men in my life, but damn this feels good.
Are trump flags the new confederate flags?
Where losers continue to celebrate their lost war?
Billionaire unemployment rate gonna spike in January
Plus all the unofficial billionaire advisors to impotus
Fox not-news just called PA and election for Joe
Impotus' health plan! sure to click on the link under the picture
When the netherworld reclaims McConnell doesn't the Democratic Governor get to appoint his replaceme
Just trying to come up with happy thoughts to get myself through the next 11 days. Based on recent pictures Mitch should probably pack his bags for the trip.
Great new Biden Ad narrated by Sam Elliott
I took my vote to Pima County Recorder office yesterday and been checking on line today for status
This afternoon for the first time I got a message saying due to high volumes it would take several days after drop off to see status. They would also be working Saturday and Sunday to try and catch up. My county is Blue, so hurray that our turnout is heavy!
There should be a group for apologies because I owe one: So Sorry Rule of Claw
I was pretty slow tonight and missed a clever post by Rule of Claw about the debate. I questioned him/her thinking they were saying Kamala was losing the debate when in fact they were saying just the opposite. My doing so likely encouraged others to do the same and the original post was deleted.
I noticed Rule of Claw is pretty new to posting here and I sincerely hope my dense moment doesnt stop him/her sharing their sharp wit with us in the future.
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Name: MelissaGender: Female
Hometown: Tucson/AZ
Member since: Sun Apr 16, 2017, 01:26 PM
Number of posts: 18,158