2pooped2pop's ProfileAbout 2pooped2pop
Order my fucking pizza now assholes. Fuck you DU and all Hillary and Trump supporters. I've been on here (with a different ID in earlier years) since 2000 or 2004. It has been a great source of info. However with this election, I see that a large part of DU including the owners, are not liberal at all, but corporate water carriers. The people out here are dying and you want to vote a lying, manipulative, cheating bitch like Hillary in? She will cause more death, hopelessness, and despair under the guise of being on the peoples side. Fuck you all. You are NOT very different from the republicans. You are republican enablers and fail to see that all most all of our politicians are corrupt assholes; dems and republicans. May the people rise up and eat you for lunch. Tombstone me now and quit acting like you did away with time outs. I have been on "flagged for review" now for a month. You are learning well from lying Hillary by calling it by a different name while silencing Bernie supporters and doing exactly the same as your "time outs" I hope your "purge" destroys your site. and did I mention Fuck you?Avatar Image
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fuck du
Account status: Posting privileges revokedMember since: Wed Oct 12, 2011, 08:02 AM
Number of posts, all time: 5,420
Number of posts, last 90 days: 0
Favorite main forum: NA
Favorite topic forum: NA
Last post: Wed Apr 27, 2016, 06:58 PM
Willing to serve on Juries: Yes
Chance of serving on Juries: 40% (explain)
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Fri Apr 22, 2016, 08:53 PM
(Bernie Sanders Group)This video, and ones like it, will destroy Hillary, if she's the nominee.
Thu Apr 21, 2016, 03:56 PM
Will Hillary Clinton Turn Into Ralph Nader ?
Tue Apr 19, 2016, 12:51 PM
HRC Needs NY to Remain Viable; Bernie Will Win Nomination & the Presidency W/ or W/O New York
Tue Apr 19, 2016, 12:35 PM
"Prove it!" What are you, 12 years old?
Sat Apr 16, 2016, 10:45 AM
Latest Poll Votes
Poll: in the DNC primary I'm supporting
Wed Apr 13, 2016, 10:28 PM
Do you think Hillary will be indicted?
Wed Mar 30, 2016, 04:36 PM
My 4th version of this poll, is it still 80% Bernie, 20% Hillary????? Vote Now!
Tue Mar 8, 2016, 10:46 PM
DU gets a vote. 1.
Mon Feb 29, 2016, 10:21 PM
****February Photo Contest Finals****
Sat Feb 27, 2016, 09:29 PM