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In reply to the discussion: I really appreciate the hearts. Home alone waiting for a biopsy [View all]dem in texas
(2,681 posts)I have been down your road. I am a five survivor of breast cancer and the scariest thing of all is the unknown. My dear sister in law up in Tennessee is a breast cancer survivor and I spent many hours on the phone with her talking me through the rough spots. That helped me a lot.
Yesterday I went for my 5 year check up with my oncologist and she found a little place on my breast that she didn't like so I am scheduled for a mammogram and possibly a biopsy on this coming Thursday morning. This time is not so scary, I have walked this walk before. I refuse to worry; it is negative energy. I have a good team of doctors looking after me. When I was getting chemo and radiation in 2014-2015, I saw so many people who were far worse off than me and were so brave.
Here are things that keep the worry away for me:
The snow drops are blooming in my garden, always glad to see them.
The robins will soon be moving through our area on their way up north, love to hear them.
I have 2 little white kittens that make me laugh all day.
Good luck to you and know that you are not alone. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.