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In reply to the discussion: 4% Let's take a step back here. [View all]Gimble
(33 posts)I'd bet that many of the people here on DU would support Trump if they were exposed only to the right-wing media echo chamber for years on end, as most of the MAGAts have been. In our media sphere we see mostly negative stuff about the right-wing and Trump, and we see very little negative stuff about our side and our candidates. What Republicans/MAGAts see is exactly the opposite: negative about the left and positive about the right. It doesn't matter if any of it is true, it's all they see and hear day after day, so they believe it. Because of what they see in their media sphere they think we are crazy for supporting our candidates (and the opposite is true for us).
I know a lot of Republicans because I live in a red state and worked in an industry that was crawling with Republicans. Pretty much all of the Republicans I know are normal, reasonably intelligent people, but they are mostly exposed only to the right-wing media and corporate media. My Republican friends don't understand why I'm a Democrat, and I don't understand why they are Republican. But we still manage to enjoy each other's company most of the time .
Yes, a portion of the right-wing really are wackos, but for most Republicans I think it's a matter of what they are exposed to in the media and their right-wing circle of friends.