Stuart Stevens (Lincoln Project) has this mea culpa. . . [View all]
. . .he was once upon a time an old GOP campaign hand, but he left the GOP the same time as Rick Wilson (around 2016) because he could not stomach TFG, or fellow Republicans who enabled TFG. . .
I worked for Mitt Romney. He had a great debate with President Obama in Denver. He demonstrated why he was qualified to be president and offered an alternative to incumbent.
But the debate did not disqualify President Obama, any more than John Kerrys first debate disqualified President Bush.
Last night, VP Harris disqualified Trump. He was exposed as a fool, a know nothing who cant distinguish between fantasy and reality. He astonishingly said he would not have honored Article 5 of NATO, the linchpin to post-WW2 peace and prosperity for Western Alliance. He showed he lives in this make-believe world where Americans overwhelmingly opposed Roe v Wade.
He was humiliated, dominated, left sputtering Get off my lawn!
That dangerous fool is the legacy of the modern Republican Party. All those Rs I helped elect, when your careers are studied, this is what you will be remembered for.
Shame. You failed a test as Americans. The worst generation.
boldface emphasis is mine - DMH)