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In reply to the discussion: If it's not racism, then what is it? [View all]Drunken Irishman
(34,857 posts)It's an implication of a fascist state. Fascism is corporatism and when you call Obama a corporatist, you're essentially saying he's a fascist in a more watered down way since corporatists advance a type of fascism. Look up corporatism and see who was behind it. Hint: He ruled Italy during the 20s, 30s and 40s.
That type of heated rhetoric does not bring anything decent to the table. It's no less offensive than calling Obama a socialist or a fascist or a communist. It's just words that don't fully articulate any point. People use it as an attack without any rational definition of what they're talking about.
But that's just one example of many. Like I said, posters have now moved on to outright calling him a fascist. They're hinting maybe he does away with his enemies and potentially might take out Snowden because, in their view, Obama is a bloodlusting psychopath. But when you call him a corporatist, imply he might be fascist, and truly believe he's a murderer, I guess I can see why those irrational attacks seem rational. I'm sure to the people who have convinced themselves that Obama was born in Kenya that to them, their view is most certainly rational. It isn't. Obama is not some supervillain the right, and some on the left, have turned him into.