Octafish .. here's a nice follow-up to that excellent free press piece.
Now that the Free Press has scrutinized Coleman Youngs financial stewardship and declared him the most austere Detroit mayor since World War II, maybe its time to re-examine other aspects of Youngs 20 years in office.
And maybe fair-minded observers will eventually conclude that Young was a much better mayor than his reputation in the 21st Century would suggest. And perhaps we can even agree that Young, at least for the first eight to 10 years of his two decades in the Manoogian Mansion, was even Detroits best mayor since the city began its 60-year decline...
In 2009, when Time magazine embedded its staffers in the city for a year, Daniel Okrent, writing the magazines cover story, said among the chief reasons Detroit careened off the road was the corrosive two-decade rule of a black politician who cared more about retribution than about resurrection
a talented politician who spent much of his 20 years in office devoting his talents to the politics of revenge.
Thats an evaluation that is shared by legions of Young critics. Yet such a negative interpretation doesnt square with the Free Press findings that Young probably did more to steer Detroit away from the financial abyss than the eight other mayors who have run Detroit since 1950...