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7. How often do you get asked about your position on Israel?
Fri May 9, 2014, 04:46 PM
May 2014

When someone asks me about my last name or position on Israel I can tell real quick that they are a bigot.

Nobody has said that..... VanillaRhapsody May 2014 #1
K & R Le Taz Hot May 2014 #2
As a Jew I don't consider myself white. dilby May 2014 #3
I don't have a Jewish sounding last name. Kurska May 2014 #5
How often do you get asked about your position on Israel? dilby May 2014 #7
Yes, but in this particular context, the relevant question is how others perceive you . . . markpkessinger May 2014 #144
Interesting perspective LittleBlue May 2014 #4
And the term "white" or "white people" assumes white women don't exist. pnwmom May 2014 #48
Or gay white women n/t Aerows May 2014 #69
Yes! pnwmom May 2014 #70
maybe the scale of privilege is a moving scale Supersedeas May 2014 #140
or trans folks AngryAmish May 2014 #62
I get your point, but I kind of think you're not getting the concept of privilege. marmar May 2014 #6
From what I've seen there are two different definitions. Kurska May 2014 #9
"Ripping down" is coming from you. jeff47 May 2014 #26
+1 Ms. Toad May 2014 #39
white people Niceguy1 May 2014 #56
You still have privilege over a black person from a poor background. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #96
the term Niceguy1 May 2014 #102
Of course it's greater than race. Race privilege is one form, class privilege is another. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #103
Well you are certainly reacting emotionally to it. DireStrike May 2014 #118
I bet you whites have a higher % of getting out of poverty than blacks. Drunken Irishman May 2014 #127
Its a natural outgrowth of the mindset that says that... Shandris May 2014 #8
Very good point and I agree. Kurska May 2014 #12
"if you don't have hands-on experience with something, you need to sit down and shut up and listen kwassa May 2014 #125
Except that they aren't true -at all-, and had they been followed historically, most... Shandris May 2014 #131
um, no. This part I don't agree with at all. kwassa May 2014 #136
great post--appropriate and applicable to everyone Supersedeas May 2014 #142
OK and goodbye. GeorgeGist May 2014 #10
LOL n/t Kurska May 2014 #11
Do you think straight people have some cultural advantages as a result of being straight Squinch May 2014 #13
I don't believe there is anything about the gay experience a straight person couldn't understand. Kurska May 2014 #14
I do, many I know had never considered that partners can be shut out by the family if their loved bettyellen May 2014 #18
Then there are some discriminations that you have experienced that I have not. Squinch May 2014 #20
Then the goal should be work, empathy and engagement. Kurska May 2014 #21
Whose goal? If I am looking at your life and saying, "Oh, you're saying I don't understand Squinch May 2014 #28
Adding: Squinch May 2014 #33
Are you aware this is about societal issues that effect millions of Americans, and not you? bettyellen May 2014 #15
That's not privilege. NuclearDem May 2014 #16
+1 nomorenomore08 May 2014 #49
I think you misinterpreted the concept of privilege... joeybee12 May 2014 #17
Thank you for helping to articulate jimlup May 2014 #19
what you do not recognize is that people do not judge others on their merits, but by race and sex bettyellen May 2014 #53
Exactly what I expected... jimlup May 2014 #55
Is it personal because you really didn't know that this color blind Utopia does not exist? bettyellen May 2014 #60
Conversation ended... jimlup May 2014 #61
well either you had been living a grand illusion or kept your head in the sand willfully..... bettyellen May 2014 #63
See you can't even stop attacking me... jimlup May 2014 #64
just clarifying the message I got from your very own post..... bettyellen May 2014 #66
Please STOP telling me what to think jimlup May 2014 #67
That's fine! I'm not much for those who would wish away my reality! bettyellen May 2014 #68
I am white and derive some social privilege from it. Lex May 2014 #22
Of all the examples I often see, that's probably the poorest one. Shandris May 2014 #24
All the times you don't get followed, you don't know about. Lex May 2014 #29
I didn't say it didn't exist. Shandris May 2014 #43
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2014 #23
I think people are just expressing their anger RainDog May 2014 #25
Why is it so hard to figure out that class, race, gender and sexuality are not the same? BainsBane May 2014 #27
+1 Lex May 2014 #30
Yup. Agschmid May 2014 #31
Excellent post. RedCappedBandit May 2014 #37
"I feel like I'm trapped in a Fox News vortex." Welcome to DU! Number23 May 2014 #40
+500 nomorenomore08 May 2014 #51
well said n/t TorchTheWitch May 2014 #78
Good post. Major Hogwash May 2014 #100
I think what the OP argued is Damansarajaya May 2014 #109
Where does he argue that? BainsBane May 2014 #115
See below-- Damansarajaya May 2014 #116
I think you are wrong, in multiple ways. kwassa May 2014 #126
The issue in "white privilege" is racism, not discrimination generally BainsBane May 2014 #128
+1000 smirkymonkey May 2014 #138
+1000 smirkymonkey May 2014 #139
You claim you can read my mind. Damansarajaya May 2014 #148
I read your post. BainsBane May 2014 #149
As for divisions, they already exist BainsBane May 2014 #129
So well said. redqueen May 2014 #112
I love it when Baines is On Fire. Tuesday Afternoon May 2014 #130
+10,000 smirkymonkey May 2014 #134
Okay. If a button existed to make you a BLACK Jewish gay man, would you press it? Scootaloo May 2014 #32
If there was a button to make me straight, I wouldn't press it either. Kurska May 2014 #41
it's a thought experiment Scootaloo May 2014 #45
No, because I have no desire to change my race. Kurska May 2014 #46
I remeber when I grew up, there were only 3 races AAO May 2014 #34
I agree that much of the time, the "Damn you, you are so privileged!" threads tend to be a waste quinnox May 2014 #35
"...when they don't know crap about duers personal circumstances." nomorenomore08 May 2014 #47
It's not. It means don't ascribe intentions or "hidden" motivations Damansarajaya May 2014 #114
I agree. People frequently jump to the wrong conclusions, and I'm sure I've been guilty of that. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #124
Hallelujah! good post and well said Damansarajaya May 2014 #110
This isn't that complicated. RedCappedBandit May 2014 #36
I think you're missing it. Erich Bloodaxe BSN May 2014 #38
"It's the things 'not done to you' that are the automatic privilege." nomorenomore08 May 2014 #44
agreed n/t RainDog May 2014 #52
Yes. Starry Messenger May 2014 #143
"I deserve to be judged as human being, not as the sum total of the negative or social advantages nomorenomore08 May 2014 #42
And what is it people want to come from such discussions? The Straight Story May 2014 #57
I just wish some people wouldn't fight so hard against (what seem to me) basic progressive ideas. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #58
Monty Python- Four Yorkshireman. "You try to tell the young people today that & they won't believe KittyWampus May 2014 #50
This totally misses the point. Ms. Toad May 2014 #54
Fantastic post. You put it so succintly, yet there are still those who will willfully misunderstand. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #59
Thanks. Ms. Toad May 2014 #73
rec. Beautifully stated. MerryBlooms May 2014 #65
Thanks. Ms. Toad May 2014 #72
Can't really say that the bourgeoisplaining that invariably pops up helps much either Chathamization May 2014 #71
Class is an important factor too. Probably just as important as race, in its own way. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #75
"It doesn't mean that well-off people who are black can just say 'I'm black' and weasel out of this Chathamization May 2014 #82
I was describing an actual phenomenon on DU. If you don't perceive it, then okay. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #83
As much as the quote I posted was "describing an actual phenomenon" Chathamization May 2014 #89
Yes, we all have advantages and disadvantages, and we all have blind spots. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #91
No one is completely off the hook. But again, I encourage you to switch around the privileges in Chathamization May 2014 #108
I think you've somewhat misinterpreted what I said, but I will try to be more mindful. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #123
i think white people who live in all white areas find white privilege hard to understand, and wealth dionysus May 2014 #74
This is true as well. n/t nomorenomore08 May 2014 #76
Too bad you find the debate around the oppression of blacks by whites ridiculous. bravenak May 2014 #77
Thank you. Lex May 2014 #79
No problem. bravenak May 2014 #80
"It is going to happen until we get treated fairly. Period." nomorenomore08 May 2014 #84
Anyone who takes me complaining until i get fair treatment as an attack. bravenak May 2014 #87
"Very self-centered" is right. I think that's a huge part of the problem right there. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #90
+1 redqueen May 2014 #111
There's no real "debate" about the oppression of black people Damansarajaya May 2014 #117
White privilege is racism. bravenak May 2014 #119
Then why isn't it just called racism? Damansarajaya May 2014 #120
In this country. bravenak May 2014 #121
Great, you've given me a good idea. Damansarajaya May 2014 #147
Whatever floats your boat.:) bravenak May 2014 #150
You're white. You're bad. Male? Fuck you. Accept the privelige you've been given. cherokeeprogressive May 2014 #81
But does the larger society perceive you as a "white" man? That makes a difference, like it or not. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #85
From my nose up, I look like Graham Greene the actor. cherokeeprogressive May 2014 #88
If you're perceived as white, then that impacts how other people treat you. It's just reality. nomorenomore08 May 2014 #92
Go on then. Knock yourself out. cherokeeprogressive May 2014 #93
Nothing to do with "guilt." You honestly don't think there's a problem? nomorenomore08 May 2014 #94
If your father had been black instead of white, Tanuki May 2014 #107
Priviilege is like climate change BainsBane May 2014 #86
You misunderstand what is meant by privilege. TeacherB87 May 2014 #95
People perceive you as a white man? Spider Jerusalem May 2014 #97
Time to address heterosexual privilege. Behind the Aegis May 2014 #98
This too. We need to scream about this. bravenak May 2014 #99
You and I share many identities, so I hope I communicate this correctly. Behind the Aegis May 2014 #101
In other words, we cannot know until Jamastiene May 2014 #104
Yes. Funny, I recently made a comment about shoes. Behind the Aegis May 2014 #105
The last time I looked, SevenSixtyTwo May 2014 #106
Said president also mentioned loyalsister May 2014 #146
wow, a queer jew in the south arely staircase May 2014 #113
all other factors being equal (very important point).... steve2470 May 2014 #122
Statistically speaking, all factors are NOT equal re: race YoungDemCA May 2014 #132
yes very true nt steve2470 May 2014 #133
Nobody intelligent is pre-judging the lives of others based on race Hippo_Tron May 2014 #135
Big K & R! Puzzledtraveller May 2014 #137
I've been reluctant to comment on this idea... sendero May 2014 #141
As another gay man, I don't think you get the concept of "privilege" in a social justice context markpkessinger May 2014 #145
Excellent post (yours and his). I find the phrase "class-stratified survival behaviors" particularly nomorenomore08 May 2014 #151
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