General Discussion
In reply to the discussion: Who is Obama? [View all]Number23
(24,544 posts)formed their own sub-sets within movements (feminism, worker's rights, gay rights, disability rights etc) is that all too often, the voices of minorities have been drowned out by (supposedly well meaning) whites convinced that they and only they know the Real Truth and the Real Way.
It is patronizing. It is destructive. It is racist. And -- most importantly -- it is WRONG AS SHIT. If you consider yourself the Arbiter of All Liberal Truth and Justice but 90% of people with melanin leave the room when you walk in, you can do two things: 1) revamp your mindset and your strategies. Stop TELLING people of color that you have our backs and SHOW them. Stop automatically assuming that you are smarter/know better than we do and that our efforts to discuss what is important to us are just "distractions" from the REAL issue; or 2) console yourself that we just "don't understand" that you "have our backs and our best interests at heart" and that your incessant minimizing and put downs of people/issues/events that we consider to be important are just you trying to show us The Light and what's REALLY important which we'll come to realize the very second we become as smart and enlightened as you are.
I mean, one of those options is a recipe for mutual understanding and respect and, dare I say it, PROGRESS. The other is a recipe for a gigantic kick up somebody's ass. And what's really sad is that there are alot of folks that may have the best of intentions but are simply not smart/collaborative/compassionate enough to tell which one of these recipes is going to work and get them where they want to be.
So real activists - those with a focused cause and legitimate grievance - are given more than short shrift by the perpetually (and purposefully) perturbed... They are not your allies.
THIS we already know.