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In reply to the discussion: LBJ: "If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he ..." [View all]Rilgin
(793 posts)I open DU and read a lot of posts daily and have for years. I respond to very few. Usually, because I am interested in an issue not to just argue. If I wanted to just argue I could find many places to argue and you would see hundreds of posts of mine. My guess is I also responded to you because I think I disagree with you and you both post a lot and have strong opinions and might be best able to define this point of view so I can evaluate it.
In this thread, I have asked a few times for you to explain what YOU mean if class problems were solved how you would be less well off than others. For your sake and to be clear, I did not say anything about current disparities. With respect to tepidness. Reversing your pointing finger, I see no acknowledgement by you of the struggles of every other race historically (not just mine). I brought in my ancestors only because as an objective measure being killed seems pretty bad if you want to go to past greivances if and when all current problems are fixed (a happy thought). Know that I also point out to my current relatives that genocide is not solely a jewish historical fact. As should be obvious from my views that class is the problem, I do not think we get very far comparing notes on how society oppressed our ancestors.
I was not asked to present my views on current disparities or acknowledge them. It was the other way around. I asked you what you see as the non-class based racial disparities (claims you made in your post) and asked what steps you think we would need to fix them independent of universal fixes to our economic system. That is the only point and only question of my post.
You can call it bad faith or whatever you want if it makes you feel good. You just have taken the path of anyone who does not want to explain their position. No examination of whether one can refine ones point so others can understand, its all the other persons fault.
Self education will never let me know what you mean by what you say. Only you can. I am not curious at this point about what racial disparities mean to others. I am curious what your point was in this thread here. It did trigger something that I was curious about as have some of your other posts.
I will ask you once more. I further promise that I will not respond in this thread and may never address one of your posts again. However, before I leave this I would ask you to please give me just one explanation of which racial disparities need to be fixed outside of the struggle for economic justice and some general idea of how you would see that accomplished (its complicated so I am not asking for full answers). Futher, I would love to hear the one point that triggered my initial response which was your claim that disparities would remain if a class struggle was victorious.. Again, returning to your words. How would you be less well off if there were a victory in the class war for all of us.
This promise should address your claim of argument. No matter what you post, I will not respond even if you just avoid it again. So take care. I really hope however, I hear one explanation (not mere assertion) of what you mean.