Prof. Alfred McCoy studied the history of the crimes of the secret national security state and found that when they previously occurred, there usually was a reaction from the party not in executive power. LBJ and COINTELPRO/CHAOS were countered by the Repuke investigators in the House and Senate; Nixon and Watergate were countered by the Church Committee and new Congressional oversight. Today there has been no response from either party when the other's treasons were exposed, thanks to the USA PATRIOT Act and the NSA warrantless full-spectrum spying op preventing the Constitutional pendulum from swinging.
Alfred W. McCoy
The Making of the US Surveillance State
(One 29min. program)
30 second Preview/Promo
In July 2013 an article appeared on line in TomDispatch that gave an up to date and chilling analysis of the unprecedented powers of the US Surveillance state. Its author, University of Wisconsin, Madison, professor of history Alfred McCoy, credits Edward Snowden for having revealed todays reality. And McCoy adds his perspective of the intriguing history that led up to this point - and he makes a few predictions as to what to expect in the near future. That article in TomDispatch caught the attention of radio host, writer and Middle East expert Jeff Blankfort who allows me to broadcast the highlights of his interview with Professor McCoy.
McCoy studied Southeast Asian history at Yale University before coming to Madison. In 1971 he was commissioned to write a book on the opium trade in Laos and discovered that the French equivalent to the CIA had financed its covert operations from the control of the Indochina drug trade. He also found evidence that after the US replaced the French the CIA took over the drug trade. Not surprisingly the CIA tried to block publication of the book The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. But after three English editions and translation into nine foreign languages, this study is now regarded as the classic work on the global drug traffic.
Professor Alfred W. McCoy is the author of: The Politics Of Heroin (in 1972) and A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation from the Cold War to the War on Terror (published in 2006) A film based in part on that book, "Taxi to the Darkside," won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2008. McCoys latest study of this topic, Torture and Impunity (Madison, 2012), explores the political and cultural dynamics of Americas post 9/11 debate over interrogation.This program was first aired on July 24, 2013 at KZYX Radio in Philo, CA.
The 35 minute version is here:
SOURCE w/links to a durn good podcast:
We're in a world of hurt and a lot if not most of DU thinks it's a game. Either that, or a lot think it's safer to keep down low until the first round of the cull. Thank you for braving it out, WillyT.