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You just made me think of something, GOTV is so important, maybe with Bernie running NoJusticeNoPeace May 2015 #1
Damn Skippy. GOTFV! riqster May 2015 #4
F ? NoJusticeNoPeace May 2015 #6
Well, that is up.to you. riqster May 2015 #17
then GOTFV get out the FUCKING vote LOL NoJusticeNoPeace May 2015 #18
Yep. That is indeed the word I was thinking. riqster May 2015 #20
It could mean yuiyoshida May 2015 #55
That works too. riqster May 2015 #57
We're off to a good start, Bernie just raised $1.5 Million dollars in one day! sabrina 1 May 2015 #38
Here's hoping! riqster May 2015 #40
Yes, me too. For the first time in a long time. Just saw that on Reddit, which has millions of sabrina 1 May 2015 #78
I haven't been this excited about a presidential candidate since the 70's. riqster May 2015 #98
Well, for your sake & the world's, I hope it turns out very differently. Tarheel_Dem May 2015 #127
Oh, tell me. riqster May 2015 #131
Also an early youth endorsement: Occupy Wall Street WhaTHellsgoingonhere May 2015 #77
Yes, who have been so active during the past couple of years, and all over the country. sabrina 1 May 2015 #79
Based on posts in DU, reddit and facebook, that has already been happening. And DNC has been merrily May 2015 #116
We're not at the GOTV stage yet. We're in a race for the nomination. Different rules. leveymg May 2015 #2
One word; "Primaries". riqster May 2015 #5
Three more words AgingAmerican May 2015 #93
"Waiting too long" is another key phrase. riqster May 2015 #96
He just announced a couple days ago AgingAmerican May 2015 #122
Bernie is not telling us to wait around and GOTV later. riqster May 2015 #124
Nope, you're not even in the same ballpark. Major Hogwash May 2015 #85
Go tell that to someone who didn't first knock doors for LBJ leveymg May 2015 #86
"Punk kids." Major Hogwash May 2015 #88
I had no idea you could see through my keyboard to see my age! Wow! riqster May 2015 #100
More an observation about attitude than an age assessment leveymg May 2015 #121
You don't think Bernie needs a GOTV operation for the primaries? He needs it, and it needs to start pnwmom May 2015 #90
Damn straight. He's swimming upstream against a powerful current. riqster May 2015 #103
I will very gladly wager you anything you wish that my State, District, County and precinct will all Bluenorthwest May 2015 #3
Geography can be helpful. You are lucky. riqster May 2015 #22
If you state has a closed primary then you can vote and win. Sometimes that is all you can do by jwirr May 2015 #24
Ohio has a sort of closed primary. riqster May 2015 #28
Unfortunately we do not always do that. jwirr May 2015 #35
Oh, tell me. riqster May 2015 #36
It's not luck, it's the result of hard work and skill on the part of many good Democrats. Look at Bluenorthwest May 2015 #66
You have invented a new thing: "Blue State Privilege", riqster May 2015 #83
+1 Hostile. Ya think? Full of false memes as well. merrily May 2015 #117
But Bernie is a "sensible socialist". kentuck May 2015 #7
Well, he is pretty damned close to a Truman Dem on paper. riqster May 2015 #19
He's a Democratic Socialist, as was Martin Luther King, Jr. merrily May 2015 #119
What was that dig at rainbow ponies? NuclearDem May 2015 #8
Apologies. riqster May 2015 #9
And the *DNC* just sent me a nice email about him frazzled May 2015 #10
I don't donate to the DNC, preferring to focus my money on the grassroots and local ScreamingMeemie May 2015 #11
I am just assuming that the DNC wants to gauge interest and to collect donations. djean111 May 2015 #12
+1 deutsey May 2015 #13
I bet you're right. riqster May 2015 #21
Actually donating to that letter does give them some idea what the grassworks is doing. I also jwirr May 2015 #26
They are willing to use his candidacy to raise money, making it seem as though merrily May 2015 #120
You're right. Unlike HRC supporters, Bernie supporters will have cali May 2015 #14
Another thing, to build on that - Hillary supporters brag about how much money she has raised. djean111 May 2015 #15
Yep. We have what we've asked for, now we have to step up. riqster May 2015 #16
the grassroots will flex their muscles and AtomicKitten May 2015 #23
Yep. We just need to show up. riqster May 2015 #31
Yup. Agschmid May 2015 #34
Blunt and Cranky rec...nt SidDithers May 2015 #25
Thanks sid! riqster May 2015 #30
Sorry, no time to play today...... daleanime May 2015 #27
Right on. riqster May 2015 #29
Kick. Agschmid May 2015 #32
Thanks. riqster May 2015 #33
I agree, but don't think anyone should be shamed into supporting a candidate LittleBlue May 2015 #37
I wish everyone would respond to positive messages like yours. riqster May 2015 #41
What in the world is Belligerent and Stupid going on about? What liberals are poo poohing Bernie or TheKentuckian May 2015 #39
Were I to punch hippies, I'd be punching myself. riqster May 2015 #42
Are all "lefties" socialists? Buzz Clik May 2015 #43
GOTFV is 24/7/365 for people who focus their activism. riqster May 2015 #45
When you talk to people, but a lot of emphasis on the socialism .. Buzz Clik May 2015 #47
yes, it certainly can be framed as a test wyldwolf May 2015 #44
Well said. riqster May 2015 #46
I'm thrilled to have a reason to participate. nt LWolf May 2015 #48
I am happy to be enthused. riqster May 2015 #49
And what's your excuse? SomethingFishy May 2015 #50
Superior, schmuperior. riqster May 2015 #51
Bernie announced less than 48 hours ago. Some Americans have jobs to attend to. Bluenorthwest May 2015 #71
I'm actually hoping they don't get up off their backsides BainsBane May 2015 #52
Point. But I am always looking to boost turnout. riqster May 2015 #53
Linking every one of your blog posts on DU to increase your google pagerank is annoying. Stop it. LeftyMom May 2015 #54
^^This^^ SMC22307 May 2015 #56
It's not a TOS violation. riqster May 2015 #59
No, it's not a TOS violation, it's just rude to spam. LeftyMom May 2015 #63
So far, you are the second person to object. riqster May 2015 #67
Not bad, considering there are 3 Billion people using the internet. Major Hogwash May 2015 #84
I try very hard to not be unintentionally offensive. riqster May 2015 #95
People on DU have been linking to their blogposts for years wyldwolf May 2015 #70
Only if they dislike the blog, as far as I can tell. riqster May 2015 #104
Give dough flamingdem May 2015 #58
Bernie says he won't do a Nader. riqster May 2015 #60
Bernie won't even respond to Nader ...and never has. L0oniX May 2015 #82
What he has said is still music to my ears: riqster May 2015 #97
Sanders is the only creditable candidate who had the guts to run against Clinton davidpdx May 2015 #61
So far, at least. John Poet May 2015 #64
I don't think anyone else is going to run other than Webb and O'Malley davidpdx May 2015 #65
Back in 2008, I worked for Kucinich. riqster May 2015 #105
And this OP helps the Democratic Party HOW? Ken Burch May 2015 #62
By whupping a brick upside the heads of non-voters. riqster May 2015 #68
And leaving non-voters with metaphorical skull fractures achieves what? Ken Burch May 2015 #75
Great OP....now the Left has to show up at the meetings! nt msanthrope May 2015 #69
We do show up at the meetings. Major Hogwash May 2015 #89
Well....stop leaving before the League of Women voters need a ride back!! NT msanthrope May 2015 #92
Centrists bring bagels. riqster May 2015 #106
I hope he scares the granny panties off Hillary librechik May 2015 #72
"Granny panties"? Stay classy, Bernie-ites. (nt) Paladin May 2015 #73
Hillary's in the CFR. Now that's funny. And Dignified! (n/t) librechik May 2015 #74
And everyone else is out of excuses, too. n/t Orsino May 2015 #76
S'truth. riqster May 2015 #107
Hear hear! No more excuses, no more buck-passing, no more whining, no more scapegoating. True Blue Door May 2015 #80
I don't recall LWolf May 2015 #99
I've heard it often enough, especially in midterm elections. True Blue Door May 2015 #111
Sad but true. riqster May 2015 #113
Ideally would be if Obama's 2008 campaign messaging people were brought on board. True Blue Door May 2015 #118
Correction: Democratic Socialist ! L0oniX May 2015 #81
Good catch. I will try to remember that in the future. riqster May 2015 #108
Kicked, rec'd and fucking bookmarked too Number23 May 2015 #87
Thanks. riqster May 2015 #109
Liberals always vote, even when our choice is a tepid center right candidate LondonReign2 May 2015 #91
We need more than votes. We need active engagement throughout the cycle. riqster May 2015 #112
The thing that bothers me the most of course is gerrymandering. mmonk May 2015 #94
It makes it harder, yes. And I agree, senatorial and presidential races are opportunities. riqster May 2015 #114
blunt and cranky needs a nap, not to mention quite a few reality checks. merrily May 2015 #101
You mean the candidate from Clinton Cash? ucrdem May 2015 #102
No excuse necessary, I'll be there bright & early on primary day. [nt] Jester Messiah May 2015 #110
Good on you! riqster May 2015 #115
K&R Jamaal510 May 2015 #123
Excellent graphic! riqster May 2015 #125
"keep holding out for that rainbow pony that poops sparkly butterflies." Tarheel_Dem May 2015 #126
No offense meant to MLP fans. riqster May 2015 #132
I was co-precinct leader to TBF May 2015 #128
Yeah, it is easy to be motivated in this case. riqster May 2015 #133
It seems like only yesterday... Orrex May 2015 #129
I've never had a problem with that label TBF May 2015 #134
Honestly, his positions are pretty reasonable, whatever the label one tags him with. riqster May 2015 #138
Tell that to the Sanders supporters who spent their Sunday insulting me Orrex May 2015 #139
Yep. Zealots are annoying little beasties. riqster May 2015 #140
Yes and no Orrex May 2015 #141
Point. riqster May 2015 #142
You seem to be implying that the left usually sits on it's ass. Marr May 2015 #130
Exactly - the op is assholery. polichick May 2015 #135
They seem to have a near monopoly on that, for some reason. /nt Marr May 2015 #136
Well, when people from the Left say they'll sit it out if Hillary gets the nod... riqster May 2015 #137
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