Bradley Manning is a traitor. [View all]
I am a traitor too.
I think anyone should be a traitor to a system whose sole purpose appears to be the domination of normal people.
There is something wrong in this fucking country.
The government claims it has an inviolable right to privacy, but that the people have almost none.
People cannot police themselves, and that's what this government does when it comes to secrecy.
It's fucking bullshit to claim the people who allegedly control this country should have no say in how many pieces of information are secret, or which ones should be.
At the very least, a randomly selected jury-like body should have the constant power to oversee the intelligence community. Not another corrupt branch of government, but the people themselves.
Do a security check on them, make sure they are not spies. Then give them the power to declassify something if needed.
We simply cannot trust, "trust me." We must verify, and not 50 years after the fact.
In a democracy, nothing trumps the people's right to know.
Not even a plea to fear and a false sense of security. That bullshit is scarier and more dangerous to more people than any terrorist group, no matter how much you are brainwashed into thinking otherwise.
The government that is so secret has nuclear weapons, a military that spends more money than any other in the world, and it is lead by morons who seem only to work under the auspices of the 11th hour panic.
And with the power of drones at their control, the circle of people who know even a piece of the puzzle is much smaller now.
If we the people don't bring the runaway train to a halt, it'll just be all that harder later on.
And by the way, traitor is an often hollow term used by those who have nothing more material to say. Or who have something to hide, so they make a plea to your sense of decency, country and honor.
Do I have to tell you what you already know? That these people have no decency, they would do this in any country, and they have no honor? I don't think so.
So, what you gonna do about it? Wake the fuck up? It seems like many people have, but then again being near homeless does that to you. It kind of pops that bubble of bullshit keeping you in check complying with the nonsense of the world.