He followed the Nuremberg Principles when our own Democratic legislators had not done so. I was waiting for our Democrats to impeach the Bush gang but they didn't dare.
As more and more news about Bush torture and warfare came to light, didn't we all hear the refrain about Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Nuremberg?
I was astounded that even the basic self-preservation principle wasn't working-- that we'd never torture because we didn't want our own soldiers subjected to that.
But I was voting in a constitutional law professor. The Democrats chose him so we could restore the rule of law in America. Get back habeas corpus. Stop torture. And surely, when someone exposed war crimes because he believed he was acting on the Nuremberg Principles and others disagreed, then we would put him on trial. That's what we used to do here in the USA. We tried and executed foreign combatants for using waterboarding.
So much has happened since then. My Democrats gave too much room to the GOP. It turned out that they did not want to seize the democratic mandate to move that pendulum back to the center. They were not compelled to move as a block, by the urgency of devastating climate change or holding the GOP accountable for the destruction they had wrought. They needed campaign donations to stay in power. They played the compromise game, knowing full well that the GOP had gone off the rails and intended to continue in that direction.
I am very glad some of my fellow citizens shook off their shock and began occupying our shared spaces. I hope they will continue their peaceful demonstrations into the new year.
Part of the wake up call they are sending includes the conduct of warfare done in our name and with our tax dollars. Let's hope they are reading the Nuremberg Principles out loud at some gatherings, and the Geneva Conventions.