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In reply to the discussion: Iran makes a huge show of blowing up 'US aircraft carrier' in explosive TV spectacle [View all]Xithras
(16,191 posts)Most Americans are completely unaware of this, but Iran has a large and thriving private commercial film industry that has very little to do with the government. The films do have to be approved by Iranian censors before they can actually be shown, but those censors are primarily looking for concepts that oppose the Iranian government, oppose Islam, or contain nudity. Truth be told, Iranian filmmakers have been given remarkably free reign in their country in light of the oppression that other parts of their society endures. Iranian films have been shown at Cannes and other film festivals around the world, and have been generally well regarded, receiving a number of awards.
The ship was found last year and was the subject of a bit of speculation by our military and here on DU. It didn't take long for people to learn that itwas a prop for the movie Airbus, which is a drama about the Americans killing hundreds of Iranians when we shot down a civilian airliner. Sort of like an Iranian version of the "9/11 fauxumentaries" that have aired in our own country.
After the movie was completed, the filmmakers offered the set to the Iranian government so that they wouldn't have to pay to have it dismantled. The government accepted, and this is apparently what they did with it.