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(9,313 posts)
12. Duty to Warn: The Movie
Sun Oct 15, 2017, 02:10 AM
Oct 2017

It gets better as it goes along.
For those who can't spare 30 minutes to watch the whole thing, time codes for sections of the video and transcript for selected parts below.


{0:00} Intro by Gartner

{2:15} Part 1. SHOULD WE SPEAK OUT?

{2:15} Goldwater vs. Duty to Warn

{6:18} Is Trump a Danger?

Edwin Fisher
"It's clear that he's reckless, impulsive, self-absorbed, we could go on and on. These characteristics pose a real danger to society, and to the world, really.

{8:21} But at least he'll have good advisors, right?

Michael Bader
"Trump will not do it [listen], because the position of being a listener, is too close to feeling controlled, one-downed, and as if he doesn't know something. And the experience of 'I don't know something that I'm learning from someone else,' puts him in the position of feeling there is something missing from him, and he can't stand it."

{9:24} Isn'tthe Duty to Warn movement just partisan politics?

David Reiss
"It's not safe to have someone that unstable in office"

Michael Tansey
"It's no politics... It's the potential for apocalypse."


{10:07} The Nature of Narcissism

Harry Segal
"Someone with Narcissistic personality disorder is extremely fragile. They are holding together their sense of self through inflating their self-worth, through bragging, through getting people around them to admire them at all times. And it takes up a tremendous amount of energy, because the person, is afraid that if they don't get that adulation all the time, they are going to collapse, and disappear, and turn into nothing. Think of Donald Trump's boasts about being the best at everything. To a clinician, when you hear that, you have to assume the opposite is what is being feared. Of being nothing, that he's not good at anything, that he has no power. No worth. So to maintain, and distance from that fear, he has to build up the other side.

Michael Bader
"He uses the word loser a lot. If we are in a clinical situation, and someone is fixated on other people being losers, we don't even think twice about assuming that they are afraid of feeling like losers themselves.... When he's sitting alone, in the White House, and he's watching the news, that is threatening to expose him, or shame him, and he rages against the mainstream media, and starts to tweet, his tweets can create problems for him and others.

Andrea Cyr
Personality disorders are a collection of adaptive behaviors, that are created subconsciously, to protect an underlying woundedness. So the person, young in life, because people with personality disorders are wounded in childhood. They felt a wound in childhood, like "I am worthless," or "I am powerless," or "I am in danger." That feeling; that woundedness, was so overwhelming, and so intolerable, that the subconscious -- much like in denial or dissociation -- the subconscious creates something. In personality disorders, it creates a facade. A way of interacting with the world that will protect that underlying woundedness. In narcissistic personality disorder, specifically, the wound is worthlessness. And the facade that is created to protect it is that "I am the best, I am the most capable, I am the richest, I am the most whatever." So when the facade is threatened in any way--if what comes at the facade is criticism, or challenging, or disappointing, or failure; any kind of energy like that--the facade is like the soldier. Iy gets alarmed. And what happens is "Oh no, this worthlessness is going to felt." "I can't even take in that I didn't do something perfectly, I can't take it in. I must fight back." Every moment is just a reaction of that moment -- and how can I feed my facade. It's as though he lives in his body like everything is a snapshot. There's no move where the frames go together. Everything is a snapshot.

{14:08} Anti-Social Personality Disorder

Andrew Spitznas
"A personality disorder is something that is pervasive across ones lifespan, and in a multitude of settings. The general overarching description for a sociopath is that they have a disregard for, and a violation of, the rights of others. Then one goes down the trait list. There are seven of them. And I see that Trump meets six of the seven...

{15:40} Crazy like a fox, or just plain crazy?

Lance Dodes
"Like any conman, he'll lie... There is that kind of lying. There's also another, a deeper kind of lying, which is because he needs so much to see the world the way he sees it, he's out of touch with reality to that degree. Because he sees the world the way he needs to, because of his tremendous emotional instability. Part of the lying is kind of a delusional thinking. He makes up reality. He makes up alternate facts. And he denies actual facts. That has the effect of being a lie, because he's telling people things that are simply not true. But it is also because he really loses track. Especially when he is enraged. He gets enraged when he feels attacked. And he feels attacked a lot of the time."

Michael Tansey
"There is considerable and mounting evidence to suggest that we're not just talking about a conman. We are not just talking about a self-absorbed son of a bitch. We're talking about a guy who has psychotic, core beliefs -- of grandeur on the one side, and on the other side, there are enemies everywhere."

Harry Segal
"During the primary season, when he would say things like "I know more than the generals," or "my book is the most important book, along with the bible,... all those things, I though "He's a showman. It's like PT Barnum. It's like Mohammad Ali saying "I'm the Greatest." It was sort of like that. I've come to realize that's not true. He believes all those things. These are delusions. These are not crowd-pleasing bragging lines. This guy is serious about it. When he says he knows more about the bible than anyone, at that moment he thinks that's true. My concern is that the public, and the legislators, need to be educated about what personality disorders are. And what transient psychotic states are. When we say he's mentally ill. When we say he's psychotic, I'm not arguing that he's hearing voices. Or believes that he's the son of god. These are gross psychotic states we see in people with severe psychotic disorders. With personality disorders, there are more subtle forms -- not that subtle -- but subtle forms of psychotic thinking, that the public isn't really familiar with."

{19:53} Is he showing signs of dementia?

David Reiss
"I'm observing impairment--basically a significant change in his sharpness from videos that are available from some years about. It just doesn't stick together. The associations are all over the place."

Andrew Spitnas
"I speak about this from a lot of clinical experience. I've supervised, and directly worked with thousands of individuals with various types of dementias. Whether Alzheimers or post-stroke, you name it. I see many echos of the symptoms I've seen in those sufferers. We also tend to see in dementia a tendency toward perseveration -- the tendency to say the same thing over and over again. We see a diminishing vocabulary, and a diminishing substance to individual statements. I think we see all of this in Trumps extemporaneous speaking.

{21:02} Is he getting worse?

Question to Lance Dodes from Gartner. "You predicted, in this letter that was written in February, that he would get worse. Your predictions I think have been born out. Would you say more about why you predicted he would get worse.

Lance Dodes
Two things. As his grandiosity is bolstered. Now he's the president. So he feels -- and in fact he said 'Now I can do anything I want."It's like having a very small child that has no limit. The other thing is that, with this position of power, he runs into more and more objections. There have been massive demonstrations against him in this country. And of course, he's been soundly criticized by other countries, including, and especially by our allies. So he can't stand that. So he becomes all the more paranoid, and then his actions become all the more destructive, because he's out to attack. So yes. He will continue to get worse. Until he is removed by the Constitutional means, he will continue.. the more attacked he is, the more paranoid he's gonna become, and the more horrible will be his actions.

Philip Zimbardo
"I think we have not seen the most extreme form of Trumpism. That's the danger. Even though what he's done is inconceivable in a president, I think as he becomes more threatened-- maybe with this Russian influence scandal--as he feels more threatened, as his power is more threatened, he's likely to do more dangerous, more extreme things, to get attention, to show that he is the power man; that he is in charge, he's the dominant power broker. And the world is his apprentice.


{23:23} The Rise of Hate Since Trump's Election

{27:55} Damaging Democracy

Lance Dodes
"He is a danger to our very democracy. He would destroy it if he could. I think we're probably stronger than Germany was when Hitler did the same thing, in 1932. But he has no interest in anything but having power himself. There is a mindset among all sadistic tyrants--and its Hitler, but it's also Stalin, and Pol Pot. Unfortunately, human kind has always developed these terrible, sadistic, narcissistic, malicious, people who need to have power. And because they are good at it, they get power. And I would say, it is incredibly ironic, but not an accident, that his campaign slogan was Make America Great Again, when in fact he is the greatest danger to America in my lifetime."

Andrew Spitnas
"In my 49 years on this planet, I feel that, currently our democratic republic is in the greatest peril I've seen. With Trump in the White House we have an inept, corrupt, autocrat, with fascist tendencies. In congress we have a Republican majority that only sporadically seems to have a backbone to stand up to him, and a Democratic minority that verges on powerlessness. This is fascism 101."

William Doherty
"In some ways, what is most troubling of all to me, about Trump is his disdain for our institutions; for the courts; for the congress; for the press; the checks and balances in our system. Trumpism is the cult of the strong man who is going to take care of all our problems. The cult of demonization of people who differ, and this reliance on this outside figure--this figure who disdains the institutions and norms of civil conversation to create his own revolution."

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