2016 Postmortem
Showing Original Post only (View all)Tonight is the night I leave the Democratic Party and Democratic Underground [View all]
It no longer represents the values of FDR. It no longer represents the average person. It no longer represents people at all. We reap what we sow. And I will not sow for corporate hacks. Remember this moment though, because we had a chance to fix everything. And we CHOSE not to. We as a nation have CHOSEN to embrace corporate slavery.
My original screen name was nothingtoofear, changed prior to DU2 to fearless, and I have posted here religiously for a decade. I am an FDR, big government, pro-education, pro-choice, anti-death penalty, anti-gun, feminist, LGBT, atheist, small d democrat and I am done giving corporate shills time in my day.
So to all of those over the the Hillary group, I hope you WIN. I hope you get to reap what you've sown. And I hope that at some point somewhere down the line the negativity and lies you've endorsed destroys this country. Only, if only to wake America up so that a real democratic candidate can rise from the ashes and fix this nation. Until then, I will spend my time sticking true to small d FDR democratic values and working on the causes detailed above. And I will do so away from this place. It is a waste of time.
You'll find in the coming years that Republicans have won. They won because they destroyed our education system. People don't think critically about issues. They can't think critically when all they've been trained to do is pass standardized multiple choice tests. Our country will fade from prominence not because of foreign threat, disease, or natural disasters, but by educational cannibalism whereby the intelligent and the dreamers are ridiculed for daring to think of better times. You don't believe me? Tell the average person today that in 1960 you could pay for college with a summer job. Tell the average person that banks used to pay you money to maintain accounts with them. Tell the average person that a 401(k) was designed to lower your income tax bracket and not as a retirement plan as it is not an effective investment. The the average person that abortion was once completely legal and easily accessible. Tell them that you could walk right onto a plane without being x-rayed. Tell them that teaching was considered an honorable profession undertaken by the most intelligent people.
The fact of the matter is we could have universal health care if we tried. It is feasible.
We could lower violent crime and end the drug war. It is feasible.
We could raise the standard of living of every American to the highest in the world. It is feasible.
We could provide free public education to everyone for their entire educative lives. It is feasible.
We could overturn Citizen's United and install a public campaign finance system. It is feasible.
We could do all of these things and more. But we won't. Somewhere along the way we've been conditioned to think that we aren't worthy of these things. We've been taught and we have accepted the idea that we as individual people are not worthy of being equal to every other person in this world. We did this to ourselves and we continue to hurt ourselves today.
I leave here with two bits of advice, given by two people far more eloquent than I am.
Take note of those who grave dance below. Take note of how quickly this post is hidden or locked. Take note of where your loyalties must stand in the coming months to stick around here. I'll get while the getting is good and leave on my terms. Will I return? Doubtful. The battles we need to win must be fought on other fields than this and by smarter people than a majority of the loudest shouters here.
I will be spending my time with my cats, pursuing a good man for a husband, and writing.
Welcome to the Idiocracy.
And good luck to you all.
PS: To whomever you are, the person that gave me my first DU star on the night Teddy Kennedy died, thank you.