An important client of attorney Hillary R. Clinton:
Clinton's Wealth Of Support An Arkansas Family Has Been A Backer, And A Source Of Controversy.
By Barbara Demick
Worthen is partly owned by the Stephens family, one of the richest in America. And the Stephens family, headed by oilman and investment banker Jackson Stephens, and its businesses did more than anyone to bankroll Clinton's political ascendancy.
Early in the game, the Stephenses raised $100,000 in Arkansas to get Clinton's candidacy up and running. Then last spring, when Clinton was trailing both George Bush and Ross Perot, Worthen Bank supplied the cash- starved campaign with a $3.5 million line of credit.
Jim Wells, a vice president in Merrill Lynch & Co.'s Memphis office, evokes a revealing aphorism about money and politics.
"Money is like rain. It is not just getting the rain, but when you get it that counts. And (the Stephens money) was like rain from heaven," he said.
"Nobody knows how influential Mr. Stephens will be in the next administration, but I would be surprised if his counsel isn't called on from time to time."
And DU2 provides a nice overview of how BCCI comes in here...
That was 2004. Didn't notice you contributing much on the subject then, upaloopa, like now.
People interested in learning more about how Big Money got to corrupt US politics via can catch up here:
The BCCI Affair