2016 Postmortem
In reply to the discussion: NO Democratic Entity has ANY business doing ANYTHING with KROLL [View all]starroute
(12,977 posts)Even leaving out the "insurance scam" stuff -- which is where the 9/11 truther claims come in -- the Kroll/AIG connection is extremely interesting. This may not amount to anything, since AIG sold Kroll in 2004, but it could be worth following up.
On Sept. 18, 2008, as the government grappled with collapsing markets, Clinton took to the Senate floor. After years of laissez-faire policies for the middle class, the Bush administration has acted on behalf of Wall Street, with the largest and most significant Federal interventions in the history of our modern financial system, she said. The largest banks in the world could have closed-door meetings with the White House and the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department to discuss their bailout options, but millions of homeowners with mortgages worth more than their homes, or who are facing default and foreclosure, dont have the same opportunity.
A day before that speech, Clinton had quietly reached out to Paulson, Bushs Treasury secretary, on behalf of some wealthy investors in AIG. The giant insurer had made bad bets on the mortgage market, couldnt pay its debts and faced imminent collapse. Shareholders were poised to lose billions if the company went bankrupt or was taken over by the government.
A review of Paulsons calendars shows that he and Clinton talked on Sept. 17 and 20. In his book about the financial crisis, Paulson mentions just the first conversation, saying that Clinton called on behalf of Mickey Kantor, a lawyer, who represented a group interested in staving off AIGs imminent collapse. The groups investment banker, according to news accounts at the time, was Roger Altman. Kantor and Altman are long-time friends of Hillary Clinton and served as senior officials in her husbands administration. Altman headed a secret energy task force for Clinton when she was in the Senate.
One last tidbit: notice how Hillary Clinton appeared to be doing a peculiar favor for a Republican administration? Mickey Kantor, who was fronting for the Middle Eastern investors, is a long-standing Clinton ally and a continuing major fundraiser for the Clintons. The fact that he was representing investors meant he was looking to broker a deal to get a fee. For a presumed multi-billion dollar investment at the level of fees JP Morgan was hoping to charge (5%), that could easily represent a nine-figure payday. One has to wonder whether if his firm, Mayer Brown, had landed such a big fee would have thanked Hillary Clinton for her help, say by writing a large check to the Clinton Foundation or throwing its muscle behind Hillarys future campaigns.