Democratic Underground

Archives: August 2, 2003

Nobody checks the facts, even when they've

OMG!! A reporter connects the Smirky, 9/11 dots!!!!!

how to get involved (links) for the upcoming campaigns...

Media fight order in Bryant case

Do we have a thread for jokes? How about it?

I can't post replies to this because of "Script Error"...can you help me?

Skinner can you check this thread out and explain why so much bigotry

Wall makes Palestinian farmers refugees on their own land

Sharon: Peace road map must not be violated

Is There Anybody Here That Has Not Made Up Their Mind?

Dean Will Run TV Ad in Bush's Home State

This week's Bill Moyers NOW -The Military Industrial Congressional Complex

Bill Maher has Alec Baldwin, Christopher Hitchens, and Barney Frank TONIGH

Real Time w/BIll Maher THread

Which is scarier: A Theocratic State or a Corporate State?

A little something to brighten up your night! (and caption contest!)

How many of you are heterosexual and think gay people are your equals?

"Bill Clinton stunk up Oval Office"~Chris Matthews

Clark Doesn't Declare His Affiliation because

Coulter on Buchanan Reagan

Oh Man.. Read this caption.. This pic sums it all up

A pro-Clarker thinks this is something we should all read :)

"The Guy James Show" needs your calls Saturday

George W. Bush -- Asshole

Difference between "civil unions" and "gay marriage"

How come the Dems don't give up Davis?

Slate: Kobe Bryant's trial will showcase our mixed-up rape laws.

Any chance that Clark would run as an Independent?

To all neocon lurkers, freepers and trolls.

At this point, who are the candidates that can truly challenge Bush?

I just want to apologize to all

Freepers Concerned about Democratic Victory in '04

Describe Wesley Clark's Appearence on "Crossfire"

in 1946....why didnt we slip back into a Depression?

Do We Really Have to "Pander" to This???

Casualty counts....

Don't shoot the piano player!

How many of you would vote for Gen. Wesley Clark?

Dean gives Bush the finger; Runs ads in Texas

Is Bush Gay?

Democratic Underground ranking on

The American Medical Association is using pop-ups

Keith Olbermann: Al Gore not running, and not drafted (Friday night)

How do you feel about Local Government?

"Kelly death details revealed." But I'm still confused.

Bush Needs a Break

Donald Luskin's background

The Huddled Masses.

20th anniversary of "The Handshake" coming up...

Kucinich gets Green support

Deleted message

Bwawk Bwawk, Chicken Hawk!!!

AOL news headline.. IT'S THE JOBS STUPID

Article implicating PNAC and 9/11

Protecting the Rights of Individuals Act- R and L join forces !!!

So why not demoralize FReeperville?

On Crossfire: Draft This Guy!

Poll on

I am soliciting opinions about a Daschle comment RE: Terror Futures

Frank Rich: The gospel according to Gibson

In 1946

Terrorism Futures Trading (again)

Vacation starts NOW!

TalkingPointsMemo: New Twist on WMDs?

This or That? (just because I can post topics now)

My thoughts about marriage v civil unions..

Can it get any more bizarre? Liberian rebels in wedding dresses and wigs

Polish troops targeted in Iraq

WP: U.S. Cool to New U.N. Vote – Unfettered Role in Iraq Preferred

FOX (of course) Report: Sen. Edwards Owes $11,000 in Taxes

Dean Will Run TV Ad in Bush's Home State

Rain Cuts Short Bush's Golf Game

Dean Donations take the fight straight to Texas

Top Silver Aide Michael Boxley Indicted on Rape Charges

Howard tips request for US bases

Speculation, fact hard to separate in story of Iraq's 'nuclear' tubes

Iraqi anger at U.S. rises over sluggish rebuilding, unrealized dream

Prisoners Brutalized In Baghdad Gulag Prison

US Homelessness and Poverty Rates Skyrocket

Libertarian's lawsuit targets electronic voting machines

British defence ministry tried to burn Kelly 'media plan'

Classified Section of 9/11 Report Details Saudi Links

Bush lashes out at senators blocking judges’ confirmations

Sen. Clinton Says Supreme Court Still Merits Mistrust

Saddam Withheld Evidence That Iraq Had No WMD to Deter Invasion, Aide Says

Jobless Rate Dips; 470,000 Stop Searches

Aide: Saddam Did Get Rid of Iraq WMD

Saudi intelligence involved in 9/11 attack?

Report on 9/11 Suggests a Role by Saudi Spies

Officials Say Classified 9/11 Material Is 'Damning' | L.A. Times

who will it harm? who will it help?

Zero word thread

Jon Stewart should sue

I don't have any friends

Best Guitar Solo Ever Recorded? (not live)

DUers you'd like to do tequila shooters with

If you'd like to send a card to Rene (RBNYC)

Help, I'm being beat up by REPUBLICANS! Ahhhhh!

A new tournement has begun at Everwars ...


Pastor Exposes Perverted Little Cartoon Character

Phish "phans" traffic backed up 16 miles from entrance

Q for computer history experts

put a fork in the redsox, they're done

Three word thread

I'm and drinking a martini. help me get into the 700 club: ask me anything

True or False: You are going to answer this poll question false.

Anyone watching Mr. Smith Goes to Washington?

Is this new sig image inappropriate?

Priest fans, you got another thing comin'

The movie 'Solaris' (new version) has me utterly perplexed

Any fans of Martin Denny around these parts?

What am I doing wrong with this photo?

Cubs win in 14th but still fall back half a game...

Because I'm VERY bored: Toothpicks-- flat or rounded?

What about asexuality --- this is serious..

anybody know anything about reactions to antibiotics?

I heard you on the Radio, nostamj!

I lost Thursday...

AAAAHHH! Run for your lives! Amaya joins the 700 club!

One Word Thread!

What do your hands do when you sleep?

With a load as big as mine, do I need a bigger ass?

for catshrink, your cat, shrunk

Reno 911? LOVE IT!

great blues and soul!

My back hurts!

Roadside Market Signs

I'm straight, and stroking a weasel. Query me.

Third World Thread!

Pete and Pete vs. Salute Your Shorts

Friday, 1st August 2003, I dub thee

Mr. President have pity on the working man

I'm going to frolic naked on the beach - ask me (almost) anything

This or That? (just because I can post topics now)

Get these wild animals away from me!

Hey Yall The daily chat at

Teen abduction foiled by cell phone cam

Headline in Local Rag: 'Bush and Pope Fighting Gay Marriage'

Vacation starts NOW!

Five Word Thread!

America Is a Religion

Supporting the Troops (Duplicate thread)

Bush press conference highlights government crisis

Maureen Dowd: The sheep turn on Wolfie

Supporting the Troops - American lives or ‘SportsCenter’?

Potato-firing bazooka lands German in trouble

Violation of privacy? Court says no, it's just good citizenship.

Georgia DUers! Want to help out the state ACLU?

"anybody but bush" updated

Lets play Spitball Chris Matthews; whore extrodinaire

What are the unasked questions?

Bill Clinton Reviews Pirates of the Carribean

Chris Matthews wimps out again

Republicans for Sharpton--holy moly, that's tacky!

How come Stephen Hawking's mechanical voice doesn't have a British accent?

August! What's fun to do this month? Fun Stuff "On the Cheap"......

Portraits of look-a-likes

Astrologers: IRACHNID, from Starlight News

Appeals Court to Hear Fetus-Guardian Debate (Florida)

Adding more outside directors may worsen corporate fraud | UFla

Attacks on U.S. troops 'will get much worse'

Afghanistan: Report documents violence and repression by US-backed warlord

Wolfowitz on Iraq: “Murky intelligence” suffices for pre-emptive wars

Uh oh, is worried about Iraq too

Guatemala: Ex-Dictator's Presidential Bid Churns Up Old Bitterness

Sri Lankan government's muddied Tiger policy

Car Bomb Kills Hizbollah Member in Beirut

88,000 Mosques, One Sermon

"Capitol Hill Cross-Fire"

Problem with the Hate Mail bag

Dahlan: Rice did not discuss dismantling groups with me

A New 'New Mideast'

IDF disperses violent protest at security fence near Tulkarm

Tear down Israel's wall

Arafat Detention of Militants Threatens Ceasefire

Israeli Pianist Barenboim Plays West Bank

Is it a Fence? Is it a Wall? No, it's a Separation Barrier

The Stage Is Set For Ethnic Cleansing

A Place For Our Dream...

Attacks on U.S. troops 'will get much worse'

GWB: A More Welcominger Jim Crow

Governor's Races 2006 (One way we can win back the nation)

Armed with poll, DLC states its case for steering party

Who's pro-choice here?

I love the Bashing threads!

Does supporting Dean equal this:

Not supporting Dean means you support Karl Rove!

The doctor is in – in your face!

Kucinich on Iraq, campaigns, electability, and more:

When will bush drop out?

Joe Biden for VP?

Invesments on the Candidates market

Wyoming graphics editors for Dean, and my response

Some fear Dean’s success helps Bush

President's Tax Agenda Is Met With Lukewarm Support

Are Voters in the Mood for an Angry Democrat?

Peer-to-Peer Politics

It's National Security, Stupid!

The doctor is in–in your face!

How Bill Richardson is the future of the Democratic Party

Nothing But 'Net

GOP builds Dean dossier

It's time to expose Karl Rove - NOW before the campaigns in full swing:

Candidates Debate Health Care

Would you support a Gore/Clark ticket against Bush/Cheney?

Prediction: A Gephardt-Dean ticket

WTF...Bush Announces "Bold" New Job Plan for India:

What strawman issue will Dubya shove down our throats this fall?

Is being a vegetarian being a hypocrite??

Best Hope for Dems: More Shrub Press Conferences!

Log Cabin Republicans....why?

NYT puts W very close to Saudis hijackers friends:

One Party State?

To Bev Harris and the Black Box warriors

How many of you are homosexual and think heterosexuals are your equal?

Is their an independent liberal publication in your area?

Didn't Pepperbelly say that Wesley Clark doesn't fool around?

What Are Your Thoughts on Paul Krugman?

As an artist myself, I think Gibson's detractors are way out of line...

Did they find WMD or evidence of a program yet?

Remember Greens: KKKers, Nazi skinheads will all be voting for BUSH

Bill Richardson, Candidate for Vice President?

Diebold President: "Still working out kinks in Touchscreens"

What corporations are known for supporting the Democrats?

Dean Supporters: A Quick Report from the CDC Convention

If North Korea invaded South Korea, the US would...

Official U6 unemployment rate for July (not seasonally adjusted): 10.5%

'Righteous Murder'

Wow!! Didn't Realize the "History" of Rove---and a few other slime......

Two must see Daily Show clips....

The pads mean David Kelly was murdered

A call to all Kansas Dems

why do most people married with children vote repub?

9/11, David Schippers and FBI foreknowledge

Bush’s “good ole boy” image, is he really like you and me?

More from Plubius

Fifth columns

Bush off to his ranch again for DETOX

The Guy James Show coming on at 3:05pm EST! Listen !!! Call!!

Bill Clinton defending Bush......why?

The Canadian federal government should spend more money on. Poll

DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe must go!

Upcoming countercultural backlash?

Were you a Kucinich fan when he was pro-life?

There is no media-Mike Hersh

Now I know for a fact there will never be WMD found

Why would Democrats even *think* about running Clark?

Who would be an even worse president than George W. Bush?


Mort Kondrake is a total CHODE

Too Much Diversity -Too Little Unity?

Bush revising history. First "trifecta," now "weapons programs."

Letter to Atlanta Paper

Funny facts about the California Recall

Shouldn't 9-11 familes be Calling for Bush's Political Head as a Traitor??

industries that give heavily to repukes,avoid when possible(if not at all)

Let's not become "Cheap Labor Liberals"

Freepers and Dean--such intrigue!

Hate Mailbag - Don't miss it!

Attention Conservative Democrats: Republcians Will Never Respect You!

Help me solve my political dilemma

Why is Atlanta such a big city?

Trading terrorism futures - a good idea?

Another CA atrocity in the works

is Michael Moore a Left Wing Limpbaugh?

Larry Sabato: Democrat or Republican?

Another Rall masterpiece

Did Alec Baldwin shout at the black woman after Bill Maher?

Hate Mail

What are OUR Brands?

Has Bush been to any elementary schools since 911?

Dean to get in Bush's face: will run ads only in Texas


Mind control device - your monitor


They buried Husseins 14 year old grandson with Odai and Qusai as martyrs

VIRUS WARNING! Pay attention kids....

Campaign help anyone?

How Many People in Total Will Run for Governor in California?

remember Rush Rooms

what will you do with your portion of Bush's blood money ($400)?

A serious, non-bashing question for Clark supporters

Dean backers...

Petition drives underway to oust Texas Republicans Perry, DeLay

Saddam: Trial in Iraq - judged by Iraqis?

Has this group been discussed here?

are soccer moms for censorship of music and video games?

Greg Palast: WAMY! Harken! Why Bush had FBI layoff al Qaeda, Saudis..

Why is Bush protecting Saudi Terrorists?

August! What's fun to do this month? Fun Stuff "On the Cheap"......

BFEE: 9-11 Saudi Connection is Off Limits …

"the good economy is due to the hard work of the American people"

who does ELF endorse?

What has become of the Color-Coded Terror Alert System

Question about the California recall

Man marries horse! Film at eleven....

Why I Love the California Recall Effort

Evidence shows Repubs are more immoral than Democrats

Quote from * ? Help please.

The Flip Side: Why Wouldn't Democrats Think About Running Clark?

Daily Bob Graham Thread

any ex dittobots here?

US bartering arms for soldiers for Iraq

Download these political comedy clips from Lewis Black

did some union members buy *s good ol boy image?

Any estimates on how many Californians will vote in the recall?

do Childless couples vote Dem or Repub?

Irony alert- Joe Scarborough talking about Gary Condit and Chandra Levy

My web site comments greatly appreciated

Is the CA recall a plan to get Feinstein out of the Senate?

I have my doubts!

What do you think of the Constitution?...

Alan Colmes

(AP) Aide: Saddam Did Get Rid of Iraq WMD -No imminent threat?

C-Span Re-Run of Wolfowitz Ass-Whipp'en by Sen.

What Would Foucault Say About Gay Marriage?

Three days in recent US history.

CNN's "The Hunt for Saddam"

North Korea Non-Aggression Policy

Who died and made Bush Pope?

Georgia DUers: Has Max Clelland always been that tough and aware?

C-SPAN LA Times Reporter-"Karl Rove involved in Nixon dirty

Cops called on topless 3-year-old girl at pool

Homeland Security people working in Iraq - really!

Kilgore Wants Child Molester Committed

Stephen Hadley: From Iran-Contra to NigerSOTUUraniumYellowCakeGate

"The New Jargon" (an oldie & longish but worth a read if you missed it)

Question for the Draft Gore folks:

25 minutes of call in on C-Span this AM....

Know thine enemy: Karl Rove bio

The "Bush Blame" Thread

Americans Stupid? Media to Blame?

Are there any gay folks that don't feel comfortable ...

Jack Nelson on C-SPAN

professional anti-choice protesters

boycott NBC News

Hillary Clinton.

Kobe Bryant Free-for-All Obscures a Serious Debate

The Right-wing agenda

Rose-colored BS and Reality

Now Poodle starts taking lonnnnggggg summer vacations too.

So, let me get this straight...

what time was Limpbaugh's TV show on in your area?

todays CNN pole...

CiC (Chimp in Charge) at play

Things may be looking up....

Jerry Brown On MSNBC Soon

Dueling quotes

If Bush could change the name Saudi Arabia to Iraq in 911 report

Secretary Chao will you sign my boobs? Anybody see this on C-Span?

Would anyone here seriously consider enlisting or re-upping ?

Patent for manipulation of nervous system thru TV/Internet

I thought Gen. Clark was great on "Crossfire"

"Politically correct" Pearl Jam slammed in Parade Magazine

Ideas for DU or other website. Thoughts?

Local DJ Has GREAT Nicknames for Hannity & Limbaugh!

saw a *2004 sticker for the first time last night

Who is the strongest democratic candidate -- on the economy/job loss?

Foes join Battle against Patriot Act

WIRED News: Data Dump Required Before Flights

why not open a counter Gipper or a counter* library

Get Over the Slipup on Abortion By Clark on "Crossfire"

UN Security Council Resolutions Currently Being Violated (other than Iraq)

Wake Up - Corporatism + Bush = Jobs to India

Question for other heterosexuals here...

Found this letter in Newsday

Carfax. Nexium, GM Goodwrench ads heard on Hannity

Jack Nelson on C-span Watergate reporter

Alec Baldwin for President?

Thank You, Mod's

Have you questioned your Supervisor of Elections about voting machines?

Ann Coulter should watch what she says about superior liberals

There's Talk of Riordan Running as a Democrat

Sanctity of life? Sanctity of marriage? PLEASE.

A BEAUTIFUL Way To Start The Day....

I enjoying watching the GOP and Dems squirm over Dean!

Now with Bill Moyers

Grrrrr No DEAN but TWO gore banners in Hillsborough County Democratic Exec

Sean Gorman & DHS

Another teeterer.

Ohoh. Could this new story be the planted WMD??

Could Segregationists Have Built A Sucessful Third Party?

For Koko and others interested in serious consideration...

Why all this Victor Ashe stuff suddenly?

Hitler's 2 and a half inch penis for sale

If you want a good laugh, download these clips

Incredible! Freeps post "Being There" review and NO ONE GETS IT!

A view on same-sex marriage from Taiwan...

Annoying what is the current # of lost jobs? I hear diff #'s all the time

Freepers attacking, who is

The rational way to vote in the CA recall election

Ignore this post - really

I don't get the Gore as Deus Ex Machina phenomenon

NYT op ed piece -- another Bush farce

Why is the California recall considered undemocratic by many here?

Some GOP Politicians See Uncertain Job Prospects (LAT)

US anti-war activists hit by secret airport ban

Employment Picture Still Gloomy ("jobless recovery")

VP's prewar role drawing attention; some allege misuse of Iraq intelligenc

Seized Bars: Iraq's "Gold" Mostly Copper

Russian Suicide Attack Toll Rises to 41

America silences Niger leaders in Iraq nuclear row

Daschle will post diary on his Senate Web site

Bush policies worsen state finances-Democrats

Getting a piece of terror pie

Davis Signs $100 Billion Budget for California

Soldiers Attacked As Saddam's Sons Buried (two injured)

Stray bullet kills US soldier in Iraq

Bush Gets Physical Ahead of Texas Holiday

Pioneering Army Unit to Debut in Iraq (Stryker brigade)

Kerry camp split on issue of Dean

U.S. Cool To New U.N.Vote: Unfettered Role In Iraq Preferred

Palo Alto seeks answers (concern about 2 cops beat black motorist)

U.S. Readies Policy Shift in Afghanistan

Bush Says Policies Are Affecting Economy

Elusive great white shark captured

Man Files Lawsuit Against Socialite D. Rich (re Hillary donation)

pillowtex laying off 6,000

Liberia's Taylor agrees to cede power

More than 100 US soldiers in Iraq struck with pneumonia

Missing Girl Hoax Suspect Gave FBI Tips

Hollings Dashes Hopes That He'll Bail Out Party

At Funeral for Hussein's Sons, a Call for "Death to America"

West African envoys: Taylor agrees to cede power on Aug. 11

Aide: Saddam Did Get Rid of Iraq WMD

U.S. forces shoot Iraqi woman after bomb attack

Tab on recall election doubles to $67 million

Pep Boys closes 33 stores, lays off 860

US soldier killed (3 wounded) in attack north of Baghdad-8/01 10:30pm

US said to ease demand for Abbas to curb militants

Iran holds No. 3 al Qaeda leader

Iraqi rebel attacks cut into calm(8 attt. in W.Iq/ 24 hrs ending Fr night)

Unemployment, jobs both decline

Bush*s Aide (Rove) Pays His D.C. Taxes Late

Nearly fail-proof way to kill a fly indoors

Timely "Dead Kennedys" Lyrics!!

I just found out that Cowboy Curtis

"The Process" 80s Gothic Webcast...

The Somewhat Dull, but Polite Conversation Thread

Should Terwilliger be allowed to post polls?

Will Pitt needs to get his ass to Houston...

Network techies, I'm in a brainfart - please help!

I'm hoping to see "Whale Rider" tonight this a good pick?

Who'd be interested in WilliamPitt sharingsome tips on writing/publishing

My anniversary present

Chicago DUers: Any eye witnesses?

Ever seen a "UFO?"

Philly evil DUers

"I call my phone..."

Who owns a Classic car? 1960's or earlier.


There's no place like home

Check it out, check it out, check it out -- I just turned 18.

If Bush wins in 04, the following day you will...

And for my 1000 post I would like to post all my subversive art. Critics?

What is the worst movie ever made...?

Haven't seen before - What is your sexual orientation?

*Tighty Righties*

Bush* Going On Vacation Today. So, what are YOU doing for the month?

Poor Tony Blair

Happy Anniversary, Ed & Connie Zitkus

What is it with the government and peoples bedrooms?

My kitty Peewee passed away tonight

Song lyrics requested...

Why do people feel the personal lives of others are any of their business?

Let's Go Back To The Seventies!

The Navy woke me up

My boss is getting fired next week!

Anyone remember Super Chicken?

Real Media alternatives?

Why have I never seen "I Claudius" before now?

If you pull a fly's wings off


The High Colonic of all Captions

Whos awe are you most in post of, intellectionally speaking

The proctoloogy exam of all CAPTIONS!!!!

The King-Bee of all CAPTIONS!!! (No disrespect to B.B King.)

Saddam Wanted poster...with disguises

Why is it that some people only know how to use force as an option?

Congrats DU on 30,000 members

some good Bush photoshops

Man marries horse! Film at eleven....

Whose posts are you most in awe of, intellectually speaking?

Hey, do we have a chat room?

Ritalin should be sold over-the-counter

Long distance providers?

do i or don't i

I declare a thumb war!!!

Just checking in

A message from Daring Dick

I have a sig line query, need technical help

How many DUers work more than one job and why?

Went to Spec's last night

Discuss Guy James live today as it happens.

Would it be self-serving if I used dating services to seek out only

What was the last band you saw live?

Seeing the Dead at The Gorge (Wash.): Q's on venue, camping

Queer Eye has made the cover of "Entertainment Weekly".

ATTN music traders: How to Tell if the RIAA Wants You

Your highest Blood Alcohol Level ever

Something I was Pondering this Morning


Solar-Powered Games -- Source?

Attention all fans of music made with guitars

strangest album in your collection?

A public service message from your computer technician friends...

Re-Released Boomer Tunes

My Video Saturday

2004 presidential contenders on Queer Eye for the Straight Guy

Saw Dean at a local fundraiser last night

I just got back from Dave Matthews, ask me anything.

The way Europeans see Shrub*

Lindbergh fathered 3 kids with German [in Germany]

Any orchid care-givers on-board?

Am I an asshole and a hypocrite for considering buying a foreign car?

Will you survive? The Bush Recovery

Who gets this song?

Looking for a business quote and who said it.

BYE ALL! Back in 9 days........

Went fishin for Marlin today, Instead got 3 trigger fish and 1 wrasse

A Poem For The Lonely Man

Will someone please start a new music thread?

The Catchiest Song You've Never Heard

I can't help it , I love John Denver

Extreme sports for the truly jaded: bungee sky-diving!

If you want a good laugh, download these clips

What is Bush's relationship to Victor Ashe?

Oh - Harvey, Harvey, Harvey the Wonder Hamster...

Sometimes, the voices get SO LOUD inside me...

Unitarian Universalism: Cool religion?

Funny Video on forklifter safety