Democratic Underground

Archives: December 11, 2004

Misery of Mankind and Salvific Expectations

CounterBias: The Army We Have

Bait and Switch

Rumsfeld queries uncover festering concerns in Iraq

Plame & Fortune

Letter from Mark Crispin Miller re NY Times ignoring forum

Antarctic 'on the edge of disaster'

Wasted Nuclear Fuel Still Inside Written-Off Submarines (Russia)

Putin: Russia Urged nobody either to invade or to withdraw from Iraq

Russia May Gain Control of National Development (good read)

Is this a dupe?

Re: Demopedia

Muslim Scholars Increasingly Debate Unholy War

No Exit (Some historical perspective year 2000)

Carter on hardball now.

Any news on recount?

Cliff is on Randi's show... NOW!!

Randi re-broadcast from the quake. Listen now Cliff is on.

Can someone tell me what time zone Ohio is in? n/t

Franklin County Ohio Recount on TUESDAY!

Rate this 5 and email it - Yahoo vote article

Check out Larimer County, Colorado results and data!

This is DRIVING ME CRAZY! ...Help!

Future of Democratic Party Panel Discussion on C-Span now 9:00 pm EST

i love this sentence of arnebeck's

Predictions, Projections agreed - Kerry Won 310+ EV

FBI again ?

question that msnbc

Special BuzzFlash New Analysis by Mark Crispin Miller

Was the 2004 Election Stolen? (Article from 'In These Times')

Did Terry Anderson end up winning?

Greens arrested trying to invite Blackwell to answer the 34 questions

Are you watching Keith O? tonight 11/10

California "Recall" Exit Poll (CNN)

Coleman Vs. Mondale: Anyone looked into it?

The founder of Air America was just on Mike Malloy and he said,

Richard Morin, WaPo "Director of Polling", confirms fraud while denying it

wouldn't it be great

BREAKING: Kerik Withdraws His Name as Homeland Security Chief

SOMEONE answer this... government question..

It was just another human error - Lee Co, FL

Request for comment on this defective argument re: DREs

Disturbing occurance in Warren County, Ohio

I saw an interesting post while lurking over at Free Republic...

Most of the good transcripts from the Conyers hearing are available now

a small, but good thing, to hang your hat on

Another request to write to Conyers re: delaying electors in Ohio

Whats the Buzz on the streets of Ohio ?

Wellstone Action Meeting was Today

Our Best Senator says he's 'fed up' with war lies, too

Jack Stick blew the deadline!

Social Conservative Agenda of our TX Legislature - look out!

Dubya as Governor

Santa Claus, Christmas, and Mushrooms.

Proposal: The Anti-Freep Strike Force

I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT!!! (sort of)

The Republican Calller on Randi Rhodes

Just got the DNC progress report

How do I post photos here.....I don't have a website or homepage

I wish Washington was Ottawa.

Now hear this!

We need to learn how to pit Republicans against each other just like...

Will PBS Do a Pledge Pitch During Tucker Carlson's Show?

Flying to NY, Brittney Spears stinky feet casue passengers to complain

Inauguration Article

Should this murderer get the death penalty?

No to the death penalty

Why did I get the following thread locked?

Jane Kirtley says in was not a legitmate question. Re:armoured vehicles.

Future of Democratic Party Panel Discussion on C-Span now 9:00 pm EST

The Daily Show: Rumsfeld and the Question/Video

Has any lefty founded a leftie hibernation center til the RW collapses?

Olbermann has a piece on

79% .....Is the really possible?

Replay of Conyers Hearings On CSPAN2 now

PUFF! FOX is gone!

I would like to hear from all DU'ers.

So now it's Senators Kennedy and Kerry who are to blame for

Focus on the Canine

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger...odds on to be next Pope. Better read about him

Creative Journalism rears its ugly head in Iraq

Catholics say perverted priests less common than horny protestants...

I'm watching the Conyers hearings on CSPAN 2.....

Authority is to be obeyed - NOT QUESTIONED

A couple of excellent (and short!) letters to the editor

Fed ad warns of bird illness ($4M campaign, disease no longer exist here)

Our new Attorney General's stepson was a consultant for Larry Flynt

In 2000 we had a coup d'etat.A return to constitutional government

Burglar steals deadly poison from vet clinic ( Beuthanasia)

Puppies Delivered From Dying Dog

Which is the highly skilled, well-paid person?

Hello,pleas go away, You Canaidans are


General Vij (India)- very soon exterminate remaining half of terrorists

Sheldon Drobny, co-founder of Air America Radio, on Malloy now

Voting Machine Whistleblower: Anyone heard any developments???

Media still hiding news in Iraq

What are our "priorities"?

RealNetworks chief signs on to Air America

Wait!!!! Apologies for my "Journalism rears its ..." thread. I misspoke

You people scare me. :Leave me alone. Go away..

UN Joins Hunt for Stolen Billions

Warning: Laptop Should Be Placed Anywhere But Atop Lap

Has anyone noticed tons of military-themed children's clothes???

George Bush I have a legitimate question too...

Bush Manipulated North Korea Intelligence Like He Did in Iraq

Tribute to Bernard KERIK and Judith REGAN

Do I need to understand Physics to understand Donald Dumbsfeld?

Has the "War on Terror" diminished the power of women politically?

What circle of Hell will Bush be assigned to?

tide appears to be turning

And to round out the Neo-Con Cabinet, only one man is missing....

It's coming on Christmas

A modest thought on Kerik, bounced off of Snow:

Catholic couple leaving church after 30 years

Full translation of Osama Bin Laden video

Jimmy Carter for President

Bloodthirsty B*sh Signs on for More Death

On the murdering bastard Rumsfeld and the "planted" armor question...

any and all information you have about Freemasonry, please share

12/10/04 Friday Night Malloy Caucus

Best AP article on vote fraud yet.......about damn time!

Did you ever support Osama bin Laden? I admit it. I did

Must see hard hitting toon: You go to war with the Rummy you have

Reagan on ID card/tatoo "My god, that's the mark of the beast"

Drudge: Kerik withdraws from post because of the "Nanny problem"

Any Pacifists On DU?

Light Bulb Joke

Too much TV in our lives?

Hitler's faith based initiative.

Conservatives Seem To Care More About Protecting Bush Than The Soldiers

Updated Timeline of the Right-Wing

Hunter thought big yellow school bus full of kids was a deer. Blasts it

Armstrong Williams calls Harry Reid a racist

Family Guy Fans! VERY interesting story of creator Seth MacFarlane on 9/11

"Spiritual" Spam heading for your in-box

What's wrong with these pictures?

Kerik's Replacement: Your Guess?

I just rented the DVD, "Bush's Brain" from Blockbuster!

Sams Club does ad on Mike Malloys Show! on Sirius Sattelite

Is much being made of the "planted question" aspect of soldier/Rummy Q/A

DU this Kerik poll now that he's WITHDRAWN his nomination

Do you believe Communism was so evil anymore.?

rapper 'Immortal Technique' : the artistic voice we've been waiting for

Test Shows Who Needs Chemo for Breast Cancer

dupe - Kerick withdraws from consideration for Homeland Security job

Shiite cleric with links to Iran tops Iraqi election list

U.S. promotes Mideast reform amid Arab scepticism (Hearts and minds forum)

US breaks silence to support Annan

Saddam steps up his defence

Terror cells clone cash machine cards

Likud vote clears way for Gaza pullout

Meningitis vaccines urged for gay men


Pentagon Said to Probe Guantanamo Reports

Judge OKs Settlement in Sniper Lawsuit Involving Gun Shop, Manufacturer

From speaking style to baby-sitting, Democrats offer ideas on how to win

Kenya's Maathai receives Nobel Peace Prize

Cypress Gardens reopens

Guantánamo torture and humiliation still going on, says shackled Briton

Iraq oil-for-food audit to be released ( Mon.12/13/04)

Kerik Withdraws His Name for DHS Chief

Kerik Withdraws His Name for DHS Chief

US sounds alarm over Iraq fuel crisis

'French CNN' to challenge US view of world affairs

English hunts plan mass rebellion (fox hunting)

Iraq Vets Join the Homeless

'Sam Who?' Bush's Energy Nominee Surprises Industry

Analysis: Discontent Plaguing Military

Ex-Steeler Swann tests gubernatorial waters

Eavesdropping against law even for parent, court says (WA)

Kurds try to invest 14 tons of cash(in talks w/Barbour, Griffith & Rogers)

Military Hardware Wearing Faster Than Expected

Skating rink opens halfway up the Eiffel Tower

Fallujah: The homecoming and the homeless

Blue state blues cure in Canada?

WP: Inauguration Gives Troops High Profile

GI Admits to Killing Hurt Iraqi Teenager

Lawmakers Press FDA on Whistleblower

U.S. soldiers take complaints to new level

Newspaper cartoon draws wrath in Iredell (County NC-Flag Draped Coffins)

Bernard Kerik withdraws

Valley firm disputes Rumsfeld, is ready to supply Army armor

Record number need heating help

Ailing Rehnquist Plans to Swear in Bush

DU Humor Group looking for some classic jokes, videos, etc.

I am indifferent to Clay Aiken


Made In Isreal


Help me identify a Christmas Movie...

Grant Writing

Anyone else into mashups? This one could be interesting...

Like to tell you ’bout my baby


Woman Gives Birth to Olives Worth $465.00

My 100th post!

Today I drove with the car I have, not the one I would want

I just sold SidDithers my Barry White music collection for $465.00

Any Dala Horse people, I have a question

This ain't rebellion.......

Some motherfucker stole $465.00 from my bank account

Has there ever been a more ANNOYING song????

New Group idea I want you to hear...

What would you prefer from the relish tray?

Insultomatic 5001

Napoleon Solo or Illya Kuryakin

Why do we always hurt the ones we love?

Weather Report or the Crusaders?

Tonight's flamebait debate: neoconservative foreign policy

I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT!!! (sort of)

December 10, 1967: The day we lost Otis Redding.

DS1 Is Drunk And Puking On My Livingroom Floor!!!!

James Brown, the Godfather of Soul, has prostate cancer. :-(

Have You Been Naughty Or Nice?

hockey fans, quick question.

i can make Opi-o's

In Honor of the Wedding of Liz Taylor and Larry Fortensky

So, I'm gonna hang out with my little sister and her friends tonight

My 666th post!

Hospitals Cover Up LiveStrong Bracelets

what's with the Vikings in the Capital One commercials?

Why O why can't I be more violent?

Friday Night Musical Fight: New Order vs. Paul Oakenfold

The Dangling Conversation

Thank God I still have a little self control

urban myth? Universities which pay for viable testicles

I just paid $70 for Hi-5 tickets - somebody kick me!

JUSTICE: Is this movie on a pay channel?

"Thing" and "thong"

I have stories from my granparents

Richard Pryor and Bush voters

Has anyone realized Bush inherited himself a declining economy

Flying to NY, Brittney Spears stinky feet casue passengers to complain

What time are you able to listen to Mike Malloy?

Wow! I have the opportunity to make lots of money.

So I'm watching the "Top 100 TV Moments" on TV Land.

My priest is right - all bankers should be commited to hell

DS1 is now rubbing me and i cannot type due to his "magic touch"

Have the schools in your area eliminated recess?

Siouxsie & the Banshees Concert on VH1-Classics NOW! (9pm et)

Posted this in another forum, but it's too quite here tonight...

a question.

Whose the heart break kid?

I'm keeping track of the Christmas movies and am shocked

Okay, so Ocean's 12 was pretty cool

Do you fear Fingertip Tourette's Syndrome?

The Blink-182 Appreciation Thread

Legal to order prescription drugs from canada?

"Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas" annual Hanukkah tradition

Denzel?!? This was not what I wanted!

Friday Night Musical Fight II: The Four Seasons vs. Hall and Oates

who thinks Fluffy should be DU mascot? Vote!

Should I go WAR walking?

Hehehe...Mischief and Logan both have a Catster page now.

A big bowl of extra wide egg noodles.

I saw "Jackass the movie" last night.....

Fluffy Has Relatives!

I hate mall security. Ask me anything.

Goodnight all

A personal favor to DU a poll please...

How secure is our email really?

help me leave the 700 club! ask me anything!

Hello,pleas go away, You Canaidans are

The official DU Nickel Bag of Funk thread.

How Many Shots Does It Take To Kill Me?

Do You Download Songs/Files Illegally?


Cadence, I'm ready for you

Battle of the Bands: Jane's Addiction vs. Red Hot Chili Peppers

Is it wrong to work at Lockheed Martin?

most comical lyrics...

Warning: Laptop Should Be Placed Anywhere But Atop Lap

You know those yellow 'LIVE STRONG' bracelets? READ THIS!

I've found the perfect big band swing cd

Why O why can't I just be mild-mannered?

I can't wait until Monday!!!

I am skiing in Utah during X-mas week. Any advice?

"Then" and "Than"

Question my husband asked.

Hey everbody, want to see my neat-o vintage record player

Hhoiw m anny bodddlez pf md2020 duz itake 2 getm edroonk

Tennis anyone?

Favorite Christmas songs by popular artists...

You have 2714 spam messages:

I desire tuna casserole, as I do every 10 years or so

How many shots of Jagermeister does it take to get me drunk??

Ok, second poll: Christmas tune you HATE?

Anyone here a horse person?

What are you collecting?

Road trip songs

My grandfather was diagnosed today with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).

Funny add on sexy soldier

On second thought----your feelings about PRUNES

The official DU Dimebag Darrel trubute thread.

Tequila drinkers, tell us your fave and have a shot or sippy sip!

Ok, my first poll here! What Christmas music do you love?

I just got $465.00, help me figure out how to spend it...

Summarize Lyndon LaRouche for me...

So I went to one of those "cafes" in Amsterdam

Road Songs

Which is the highly skilled, well-paid person?

So this sucks. I learned tonight I've lost my job.

Time for a peace kitty avatar check-in!

And now - I don't want to spoil everybody's weekend - but you should

Have you seen a hybrid with a Bu$h/Cheney sticker on it?

Your opportunity to do something nice for someone by kicking this thread.

Name some non-celebrity celebrities.

Bill O'Reilly

Burglar steals deadly poison from vet clinic ( Beuthanasia)

Question for DU Christians

Puppies Delivered From Dying Dog


Behold - "Mimic" - the actual cutest puppy ever....

Should I cut my hair?

"may the worms of your avarice consume your intestines, Clear Channel"

If you missed the start of "LOST" then you're in luck!

Any "Liberal" Bible Verses?

Debunking the Down Low

Texas: Capitol officer disciplined for comment to gay couple

What weird habits and obsessions do your pets have?

So let's say we get our Solstimas Miracle

John Kerry - War Protester - (Part 2 of 3)

John Kerry - War Protester - (Part 1 of 3)

Dale Chihuly exhibit photos from December 2001

Photoshop restorations (improvements?).

Yeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh nt

Intelligence Computers and Votergate

Police thwart India snake protest

Brian Lamb's discussion on "diversity" this AM...

I'm the new head of the local (Dean's) Democracy for America MeetUp Group!

Repugs did well in the South...because we sold Our Land to Developers.

Future of Democratic Party Panel Discussion on C-Span now 9:00 pm EST

you go to the polls with the fraudulent voting software you have

Out$ourcing the Pentagon/company directory

you go to war with the rationale you have

"'Twas the Nightmare Before the Inauguration"

Have you ever actually "Voted With Your Feet"?

Exit Strategy graphic

God Bless Hillary and Chuck Shumer

Governor Dean's GWU Speech Transcript

The Daily Show: Rumsfeld tries to answer the soldier's question!/Video

Conyers' OHIO ELECTION THEFT forum now on C-SPAN2 (10 pm NY time)

Kerik is withdrawing his nomination.

Wise Guy -- >

in this economy, is a five year limit on welfare benefits reasonable?

LONG TERM politics: We may be better off with Bush in office.

He lost an arm in Iraq; the Army wants money

CNN tells it like it is!

Karl Rove: Political Adviser Or Minister Of Propaganda?

there's a price for standing against the tide.

I HAVE FIGURED IT OUT!!! (sort of)

Dirty Politics - how would you play?

A student says of Dean: "his quirkiness is what makes him our champion"

The difference between the protestors of today and the '60's....

This is the kind of redneck, Florida Democrat that I LOVE!!

Can Dean escape "I Have A Scream" speech image?

Al From, chair of the DLC on C-SPAN now

Kerik said imports would invite bio terror attachs

Unconventional Weapons Can Help U.S. Troops Fight Insurgents in Iraq

Salam Al-Marayati: Guilty of 'Flying While Muslim'?

Big WH mistake--thought "ethical" lapses of Kerik would be overlooked!

Are conservatives 'misunderestimating' Harry Reid?

WH ethics being blasted!! Lawmakers Press FDA on Whistleblower

Tennessee’s "open records" are not really open.

Church faces implosion and life underground, says senior adviser

A little misinformation can stir a lynch mob


Realists Rebuffed - A vulgarized neconservatism in the saddle

Bush undergoes 4th presidential physical (Grossly Overdue IMHO)

Urgent Request And New Essential Recount & Vote Fraud Actions [View All]

Mediawhore Wash Post:: "little noticed"9/11 Measure Expands Police Powers

CBS whoring uses RW plant )CBS "does" Social Security privatization

Paul Krugman on Media Matters tomorrow (sunday)

NPR covers for Rumsfeld, changes Schorr's criticism on air 12/11/04

All-out media onslaught for SS privitization

Krugman nails the con in the Bush Social Security Plan


some answers for amphibian die off

At Buenos Aires Climate Summit, US Open To "Informal Discussions"

Western Australia Gvn. Considers Using Treated Waste Water For Drinking

Worries Grow As Alaskan Oil Spill Spreads - Search Ends For 6 Missing

Revived (federal) rule says rare species won't stop projects under way

Brazil's Lula takes step to open "Dirty War" files

Gun Shop owner murdered in Michigan. Stolen guns now on the street

Gun shop robberies put more illegal guns on the streets in Michigan

Teens arrested on gun charges ruin mom's Christmas

New school shooting...If only America had fewer guns....

I mean really....

Why was this post locked?

do 'freeper' threads belong in the "2004 election results and discussion"

Should freeper or other trolls be feared? How can they hurt DU?

link to National Alliance website

Since there is no "Thank the Administrators" Forum

I'd like to apply to Mod, but I have a question first ...

Have signatures been wiped clean?

Who gets off telling me how to interact with my friends?

PDA's call to action deserves a yellow postie. It is zero hour, Skinner.

Dissapeared thread

Israeli Troops Kill Palestinian Girl

Metropolis on Granville in Chicago

Every Vote Counts -- Jeff Fleischer

"Karzai bolts to victory", EXIT POLL says

Indiana US Congress Recount over: GOP wins

Looking for help in WA state to publicize OH recount

Importance of Project for New American Century?

Question about exit polls.


self deleted, old news

A little something for the Demopedia folks.

Ohio Counties Sorted By Change In Bush Margin 2000-2004

Gore OHIO 2000 - Kerry OHIO 2004 (minor comment)

I want to go to 51capital march, Tallahasse is to far, is there a Miami

Florida Counties Sorted By Change In Bush Margin 2000-2004

"W"'s world, or why he really needs to go!

Ballots run through wrong vote tabulator in Ohio (led to miscounts)-link

Repeat of Conyers' Ohio voting forum is on cspan2 now.

For those who believe Kerry is timid, or unconcerned, not fighting....

Shameful and despicable--Blackwell on Glen Beck's radio show today

if you go to a rally this weekend TAKE PICTURES

Residents used phone callback feature to snag AZ GOP suppression effort...

Hand Count NOT most accurate:--Retort- IS, if u add machine's fraud factor

I Had a Dream...

Clint Curtis sighting...

Conyers Requests "raw" exit Poll data.....USA Today...

What is Arnebeck's email address?


Help keep this story front and center... VOTE ON IT ..

A few ways cheating could have occurred

Urgent Request And New Essential Recount & Vote Fraud Actions [View All]

From the Baltimoresun

The timeline for the Fraud

To: President George W. Bush

Go Neas!! Idea that 2004 election ran smoothly "simply a crock"

The "New York Times" reports how the fraud took place

OHIO: Recounts scheduled next week

Just had dinner with Alan Waldman!!! Wrote the best vote fraud article!

It was just a Glitch - An unabridged collection of links

Cobb Update: Six counties start recounting on Monday, Dec 13

Get ready gang

Anyone going to the protest in NYC today?

Bev Harris has updated her take on Curtis.

Punch card ballots misread votes for Kerry in Cleveland at 1 polling place

The Revolution starts NOW **this is NOT a drill**

TIME's Person of the Year

petition for a nationwide revote

Did you know this about recounts?

Repeat of Rep Conyer's hearing


10/20 Colombus, OH: Cty. Dem Party Chair's predicts Repub fraud

What should I do with the Bush/Cheney04 yard sign I stole?

CSPAN- So U know, the remaining 45 mins or hr of the Conyers hearing is on

Kerry/Iraq--Could this mean he knows he'll be Commander in Chief ?

39 voting machines unused in Ohio

12/06 Letter to OH editor about Cuyahoga County BOE lies

Cuts in precincts add to voter lines (Ohio)..

Operation Snowball: Challenge the NYT with Hardcopy

self deleted

Let's call it FORGED not STOLEN!

SLATE MAGAZINE contradicts itself while dealing with fraud

Will DU be recognized for the Patriots Working Here....

DNC radio address stresses importance of voting rights....

Read this little ditty from Tom Delay - 7/25/2003

The story so far: KERRY: 51 - 48 (exit polls) to BUSH: 50.5 - 48.5

Any update on the Washington recount?

don't feed the troll...wants to kick up dust.there's somethiing here.....

For Floridians who want to help recount...

how do i get a picture in the post.? ... i was in DC

Help nit-pick my flier for a mostly Republican target audience

The "F" word

Faith in the Integrity of the Election process is NOT a Partisan issue

U.S. Money Helped Opposition in Ukraine

GROUNDS to OVERTURN the election in OHIO

Recount in New Mexico, too.

Democratic radio response focuses on Ohio presidential vote

oversampling of polls set way for Dixiecrat excuss????

OR: Election reform needed: U.S. system would fail certification elsewhere

Diebold speaks out????? No Criminal record they say

If the SCLM doesn't cover the march, read this:


Certainly a milestone -- Kos Allows Vote Issue Back On Front page

2 Protests against stolen 2004 election scheduled -Dec. 11 & 12th-Be there

Mitofsky said that Gore's real votes were more than the Exit Poll totals

Is everyone watching the voting issues forum?

Only three possibilities, Mr. Mitofsky

Check out what Ohio's Sec. of State Blackwell did to voters!

Will Pitt on yesterday's lockdown!!

Kerry Visits Iowa

US National Radio Media Blast request

Blackwell's Snowjob: "Election costs could hit $3 million in Cuyahoga"

Vote fraud suspect jailed after indictment

Anyone go to the NYC protest?

Has anyone talked to any Republicans about the possibility of fraud?

Columbus Dispatch: Officials now admit 39 machines were not used

I am reposting my heart and head thread for nomination.

(Avatar) Election Fraud/Irregularity, "Patriot Hall of Fame"

Best vote fraud article ever written

authenticity of the article regarding lock down in Ohio

Beware! We ARE being watched by Republicanazis-here are their comments

Is there SAT. MORNING THUNDER on the boards or what?! I think

Yang Enterprises Speaks ---

Blackwell Lockdown and More Suspicious Activity in Greene County Ohio

MSM blackout puzzling/frustrating because of overwhelming evidence

Did anyone tape election night 2000 - in whole or in part?


Ohio impeachment laws.


WEBMASTERS READ: Why our petitions don't do so well.

UPI reporting the story

Fraudsters not true Repubs, Dems or even Americans = Terrorists & Traitors

USA Today article about the Ohio fraud investigation

Rep Group withdraws suit for recount of amendment 4 in FL

Excellent article in Akron Beacon J on clear vote machine manipulation...

Rough copy of the speech I asked for your help with

Is Will Pitt going to Ohio? Why isn't Ohio on Monday's C-Span schedule?

Donnie Fowler candidate for DNC chair


Mark Crispin Miller takes on NYT for Silence on Voter Fraud: 'bout time!!!

Task: Create an e-mail that 30% will want to pass along re:Votergate

Tax ded. contributions to Arnebeck & AFD will help fund Ohio Lawsuit

New Petition: Open Letter to the Electoral College (only 322 signatures)

Request Input: Before TV, there were Newspapers, before that

Will Pacifica or C-Span cover the OH Conyers Forum?

Does anyone know if the 92,672 "spoiled" Ohio ballots will be counted?

Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers


Question for the people who were around during Watergate

The Vote Fraud Movement Needs Heart and Head: A Plea for Unity

Another Great Akron suppression article -- this paper is finally on board.

Dustup at Hearing -- the rest of the story

OHIO sure knows how to count quickly!!

Has anyone discussed that if Kerry wins what that means for us at DU?!

Stay Awake!!!


Voting Machines

Dems say GOP made deceptive voter calls (Arizona)

PDA calls for Strategic Action NOW!!!

OK SF Bay Area .....

I hate Northwest Iowa and here is why.


Cancer Lady, what wasn't said

Is there a place that sells Viking hats and scarfs, mittens, etc

Mark Dayton's website gets an upgrade

Replace pro-Bush mayors in New York, St. Paul, elsewhere

Setting up my Outlook Express. I'm using the setup wizard, and don't

Recount help needed in Cuyahoga

recount illegal stopped in Greene county

Tarheel seeks Ohio help- Citizen arrest of Blackwell for violation of Ohio

Dallas County Democratic Holiday Party Tues. 14th

Anybody know where the TX Electors meet on Monday 12/13 ?

Catfight! Goodhair vs. Bighair!

Travis County Democratic Party - Holiday Party (Tues 12/14)

Recent Gay Rights victories around the world

Where is the Truthseeker thread on Malloy. He's rocking.

Table describing first 2,081 Iraqi civilian deaths....

Little Stevens Creek Elementary under right-wing hate attack


Air America Secures $13 Million

What is the story with Jeff Fisher from Florida?

Decide where to spend your money, LIBERALLY

Help, with an essay/open letter thing...Southerners pls read

Armor shortages Vs. Shiny new toys

Bush manipulated NKorea intelligence like he did in Iraq: US expert

"I Have A Dream"

During this coronation of the bush HONK YOUR HORNS

If you go to a rally or protest this weekend, TAKE PICTURES

I just spent the better part of three hours with a Vietnam veteran ...

This just scared the H#!! out of me..

Its not just about Hitler

Old Time Religion...

If you are planning on leaving America, PLEASE stay registered to vote!

List of preelection military complaints published in Stars and Stripes

The DLC's main goal is to paralyze our will and make us doubt

With due respect to Christians on this Forum, I must say that the

The "cool" guys that smoked dope now run Canada.

Kerik Withdraws His Name for Top DHS Job


People that deny having prejudice are not learning.

Long Island "supermarket paper" has serious fraud article.

I think all politicians have lost credibility with voters.

Isn't it time for C-SPAN to drop their "Supporters for Bush" line.....?

Possible small pox attack against the US.

Has video been posted of Bernie Sanders and...

N.C. School Pulls Slavery Booklet

Elks - BPOE what a joke

Can Y'all Help Me? Our local PBS station keeps cutting final Moyers Now

Hell freezes over: AP reports on incident in Ohio

NYC News stations not saying "Christmas" anymore?

Question about Ohio.....

Our bucks mispent, again.....rate this, folks

Check out Kerry's Birthday wish!

Link to National Alliance on DU front page???? Have I fallen

1st time ever - Bush Master gun Manufacturer found guilty

If you've wondered about Crichton - he's got a book to sell (SURPRISE!!)

My post in the New York TImes

How widespread was hatred of Lincoln in the North during the Civil War?

The Law of Unintended Consequences

Wellington Webb and Donnie Fowler (Candidates for DNC chair) on C-SPAN

Ukrainian Politics, be afraid, VERY AFRAID

The right person for the Homeland Security job was Ray Kelly

Clinton, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!

Silencing DISSENT: the International Edition.....

New Ohio article....

I'm a little disappointed Kerik withdrew before his confirmation hearing

The P.U.-litzer Prizes For 2004

Anyone have a "before" picture of Victor Yushchenko?

Current spin: Nanny Problems Plagued CLINTON Nominations

DUers: Photoshop this

Are civilian H2s made at the same plants as the...

The good die young

Dioxin poisoning? You tell me

I need a VoteFraud website with URL that's simple and easy to remember.

Found the perfect guy (nut) to replace Ashcroft

Medical Malpractice Insurer Declares Caps on Damages Don't Work

What Is The Most Conservative News Paper & Media Out There

Pipeline Blast Stops Gas to Azerbaijan -

List of Bush Administration Rats jumping ship since Election

Handicapped Bushvoter thinks electing Republicans may help him walk again.

francis fox pivin now on cspan 2 smart on most blind on some

Graham: "the self-confidence to take a chance" A tribute on retirement.

Citizen arrest of Blackwell for violation of Ohio statute which reguires

Unbelievable! FCC checking OLYMPIC GAMES for Indecency

Socialism is thriving in Canada!

Of Japanese strawberries and soldiers (and Iraq) Inauguration Protest

need help finding the first Patriot Act -- something very disturbing

WHITE RIBBON Campaign to honor all who have died in Iraq

Terror suspect was offered 15 mins of sex for spying - court

Feeling like a freek on a leesshe..

Michael Koubi can "make almost anybody talk" (The Enforcer)

I just caught a section on CNN Money. It blows me away.

The Daily Show with John Stewart

Kerik on the cabinet of the US President? What were they thinking?

Latest Fallujah Pictures

A little misinformation can stir a lynch mob (alleged banning of the DoI)

I do not believe that the publicly acknowledged reason for Kerik's

Fahrenheit 9/11 on Dish PPV this week just in case anyone here hasn't

Into the Twilight Zone of Freeper Logic

Regarding Kerik, I am scared shitless...

Republicans rev up to attack Bill Moyers!/Video

Up graded my computer, never thought it would be this good

NAKED LUNCH RADIO with yours truly: 5:00-5:30 p.m. EDT.

A thought...

CSpan2 - Forum on Book TV - What a bunch!

Want MSM attention?!! Posse up and do citizen arrest of Blackwell!

OH-IO OH-I KNOW Bumperstickers

Bah, humbug!

'fraudies' instead of 'freepers'? ..... thanks to Carolab

troops killing dogs and cats in Fallujah - (the city is empty of people)

Was John Kerry a more appealing candidate than Mondale and Dukakis?

link to full rumsfeld "srap metal army" Q & A session.

Some pictures from the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo

Official "Guy James Show" thread Please keep kicked

Blitzer to Armstrong "Bernie Ward just called you a serial liar."

Some strange alliances are forming after the Iraq War.

Reason for delay in ordering armoured Humvees, et al

Let's discuss Tonight's Ring of Fire! on Air America

What Liberal/Progressive periodicals are there? What are your favorites?

So * is finally going to have his yearly physical

Not all Christians are on the Right. Here is one that is on the Left

Proposed new name for "FReepers"/"FReeptards"

Check out this new version of Google - Google Suggestions

my mortgage company thinks i'm stupid

Smart move by Clear Channel dropping the morning show on Air America

Karma Question: What does Bush come back as??

A quote from omali yeshitela on the police state. Do you agree?

Shrubs Can't Even VET Security Czar. How Can They Protect the "Homeland"?

What's the most overplayed story of 2004?

Legal Worth of Companion Animals

John Kerry was...

I have a question for teachers of science and math on DU.

Bush's agenda for the EPA

The very latest on the arson in Charles County MD. You won't hear on the

Is connected to

Terrific description of Commander Dress-Up's latest costume

Who else is sick of these stupid DNC e-mails?

Which group (if any) is the most taken for granted by the Democratic party

Was the Iraq War Illegal?


Battlefield Earth by Bill Moyers

quick note: Ohio voting records no longer "public records"

Best Challenger for Bush's would-be successor in 2008

Judge for sale on Ebay

Looking for suggestions for my blog.

What are Voice of America and Radio Free Europe?

Bernard Kerik's "nannygate" excuse for withdrawal bogus?

U.S. government moves to muzzle dissident voices

Lautenberg to WP: Don't Discredit Climate Change!

God: Guy or Gal?

Is "sheeple" hate speech?

"No Special Rights for Billionaires"

Cap Harnesses Human Thought to Move PC Cursor

Can we build a decent society,with the right wing among us?

Social Security Reform

So, Kerik withdrew his name. Who will they pick now?

FOX hypes stories to claim "Christmas Under Siege"

Why do "right wingers" seem to hate/dislike women so much?

CBS News-Kerik only "discovered" nanny problem since nominated

The South Shall Rise Again!!! White Power!!! (lg. pic)

I just posted this over at a site talking about DNC chair

Fast Food Nation

There's an arrest warrant out on Kerik

Why aren't Democrats putting massive pressure on Rumsfeld to resign?

DU Needs New Moderators!

Does Displaying the Confederate Flag Make One a Racist?

Lets make a list of well known southerners - please add to

Is our 12 carrier fleet a bad thing?

"Voice of the White House" speaks . . . Iran, smallpox, more . . .

Make intial foray into molding chocolate candy...any advice?

I need a recipe for Croatian Cheese Strudel...

I need some Canadian expertise, re PEI

Your proposal for House of Lords reform?

Police: College Student Charged With Killing Parents Said 'God Told Me To'

Measure Expands Police Powers (Intell bill)


WP,pg1: New Spy Satellite Debated On Hill: Some Question Price and Need

Justices to Hear Case of Mexican on Death Row---we are too eager to

CIA sued over WMD 'falsification' (BBC)

Insurgents Accused of Using Ramadi Hospital

Iraq Insurgents Kill Top Police, Hit U.S. Convoy

OHIO: Recounts scheduled next week

(Initial Invasion) Downed Navy jet was misidentified

NYT: (Supreme Court) to Hear Case on Sharing of Music Files

Reservists Complain Of Double Standard ( Army of Two :)

DU Needs New Moderators!

Search Suspended for Missing Crew Members (in Alaska)

Taiwan's Pro-Independence Parties Defeated

Fla. Convict Pleads Guilty to Anthrax Mail (to Bush)

Former FBI Agent Indicted on Charges

Bush Promotes Social Security Plan

Patriotic Outrage Event in Lafayette Park

Copter crash kills 2 from S.C. (in Mosul - 12/11)

Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers (Ohio)

Penalties Stiff for Slander in Venezuela

NYT: Unions Plan Big Drive for Better Pay at Nonunion Wal-Mart

Arafat's nephew says death may have been 'unnatural'

Coburn Wants to Keep Delivering Babies

Contract killers hired in Iraq (to hunt coalition troops)

Bush Helps Assemble Soldier Care Packages

March divides followers of Martin Luther King

He lost an arm in Iraq; the Army wants money

NYT: Series of Insurgent Attacks Leaves 4 Iraqi Policemen Dead

Pakistan captures man accused of kidnapping UN workers

US soldier killed, eight wounded in Iraq fighting

Doctor: Yushchenko Poisoned With Dioxin

Laptop Computers Creating A Generation Of Infertile Men?

Attacks Blamed for Iraq's Fuel Shortages

Monkeys use 'spades' to dig for food

U.S. deserter gets mixed reviews back home

Contract killers in Iraq

World opinion allowed into Texas case

U.S. Marine Killed in Action West of Baghdad #1283

US soldier killed in Fallujah

WP/AP: Moore Campaigns for People's Choice Award

Pentagon Ousts Official Under FBI Investigation -LAT

Wounded soldier followup story.....Wounded GI to keep pay.

USS Arizona Memorial Center Slowly Sinking

Venezuela “deeply troubled” by arrest of US reporter

Shipyard is denied sub work (job given to General Dynamic co. instead)

Bank in American backwaters that has the answer to your prayers

Bush Oks Ruling that May Endanger Species

Berlusconi Ally Convicted of Mafia Ties

U.S. airmen morph into combat roles, providing security for convoys in Ira

Bush said 'fit for duty' after physical

Soldier says he, Rumsfeld talked about armor in '03

Boogie with the Bushes - $1m

Alcohol detected in Jell-O snacks

Tommy Franks backs teen monitor

Hutchison upset some in El Paso ask her not to challenge Perry

WP: DNC Chief Advises Learning From GOP

ICRC Worried About Bodies In Fallujah

Hand-to-hand horror

18,000 troops begin winter offensive in Afghanistan against Taliban, al-Qa

Grey heron found H5 positive in Hong Kong (Avian Flu)

Girl, 10, Cuffed for Scissors in School (WTF is wrong with these ppl

CNN Breaking: Doctors say Yushchenko poisoned by dioxins

WP: FCC Wary of Greeks Baring Gifts at Games (Olympics indecency???)

Humvees No Match for Crude Bombs

Turkish Press: Bush searching for a new HLS Chief

Bush Says Social Security Faces 'Looming Danger'

Lawmakers help wounded soldier get home after pay dispute

US stands firm against post-Kyoto talks

Chile’s ex-dictator Pinochet tied to multi-million-dollar payoffs

I'm in the middle of composing a letter which will either get me arrested

What AAR show has the best music?

The establishment owes me a snickers!

What is the American dream and how come it seems so easy to achieve

Holy CRAP!!!! This is amazing!

Funny graphic (fixed, told ya I'm pc-challenged)

JAG epi takes on microbiologist disappearance.

eyesroll tongue-kissed an ugly guy at the bar.

whoisalhedges going to enrage next?

Amateur Visual Basic Question: Is there a timer/pause code?

Wow!!! What a deal this is!!!

Don't you HATE it

Should I get a tattoo?

I need help from qualified DU Relationship Counselors

What the fuck happened to everyone?


I really have to go to bed now - so for those of you so compelled,

I just did my little Christmas three...

jefferson airplane loves you

*crickets chirping*

Do you think Noam Choamsky is a crackpot?

I love public television, but they are some filthy ass whores...

What makes a person valuable?

Becoming (or passing yourself off as) a Christian fundamentalist

Here's to the small things. Here's to the small things that give pleasure.

I can't see........I can't seee....Oh woe is me.........I can't see....

Funniest Dear Abby letter ever

Post your favorite personal picture here:

Arthur Lee's Love

yvr girl says I should advertise my nekkid posting

How come guys don't wash their hands?!?!?!

Suck This!

time for bed...

Bruce Boxlietner vs. Judge Reinhold


Favorite Led Zep Track?

To anyone facing a dental appointment in the next week or so, I wish all

My name for Feline Chronic Kidney Failure - Polar Bear Amory's Disease

I got something that's long, has 2 big nuts, and the ladies love it...

Why are there no Dance Crazes now ?

For those of you who think Kerry is timid, has given up, not fighting....

Most hated and repetitive AAR ad

Two things that bugged me on my drive home tonight


If I was in charge, there'd an Afghani hash for food program immediately.

Late night lounge Christmas party!

Tonight I was cleansed of anger and doubt

I seen my first ever GTA style Car Jacking Attempt Friday

Watching Full Metal Jacket for the hundredth time right now...

sweet who's ready to watch "Batman 1" on TNT!

Superman or Adolf Hitler

Attention, Lounge Lizards: WAKE UP!

It was -27C yesterday morning.

Tyra Banks in 112 carats is uplifting

A Heartfelt Plea: Don't Pluck Your Eyebrows

It's lonely - where is everyone?

I haven't posted much since the election, but my nerves are so on fucking

Robin Hood Vs Danny Elfman

Why I love this city.

Images from Matcom's recent border crossing

Race fans - What does "stroker" mean?

Seasonal song parodies

car experts - water pump replacement

Police thwart India snake protest

John or Paul?

In light of the Yuschenko story, I've nailed the right-wing's problem:

"Made With Love by a Liberal"

Dude I just saw JC Watts in an infomercial

This is what we are up against.

The first time ever I saw your face....

You Don't Own Me

WHOLY F*CK i'm hungover


New (Spoiler) pic from Episode 3......Dooku gets his ass kicked

Discuss: "Footloose" More Relevant Now Than In The Eighties!"...

How much money do you spend per child for holiday gifts?

next copycat post??

What's Happening Brother




where is the tshirt "I seceded" ?

There are people that i HAVE to look after.

Why is there no copycat thread entitled PORK?

Sirius radio owners

Caption: "Someone's resigned?????"

Need a little musical help please...

i`m watching probably the most disgusting tv show ever

Anyone remember Prism?

We live in a meow world...

Alvin Lee (Ten Years After) releases CD with Scotty Moore & DJ Fontana

Screw Xmas/

Principal: Boy tries to sell bomb for $35

Chuck Mangione or Kenney G

the last starfighter

As I was searching for dirt on Blackwell, I found this gem.

Anybody here read Portnoy's Complaint?

George Bush dies and goes to Hell... Humor

You see,I don't get it,why did Lane Staley and Curt Cobain not live.

60,666 registered DUers!

The cat just licked the monitor.

40 years ago tonight, Sam Cooke was shot to death.

Pick George W. Bush's I Am Not A Crook Moment

Can we all extol the virtues of rice for a moment...

Where's the Kleebster?

We skipped a light fandango

Get up with,you mothers,get down with the sickness.

NOW hear this!!!! I don't care if Jennifer Aniston EVER has a baby!

Popeye is a liberal!!

Wal-Mart Sued Over Evanescence CD Lyrics

Nothing that was reported by matcom last night ever happened

The main difference between cats and dogs.

Hey children,

Desperate Housewives: What do you think of it?

Pictures from Matcom's party

What happened the year you were born

I didn't realize maple syrup turns into alcohol

What's the difference between Rastafarian "Zion" and Jewish "Zion?"

Do You Have Mostly Male or Female Friends?

Why are hot sammiches better when smooshed up flat, panini-style?

And I find it kinda funny and I find t kinda saad

vegetarianism = gay?

are there any gay guys

Anyone believe in fate?

Something for every liberal's desk



Did someone tie up the babysitter and hijack the computer?

should i rob peter to pay paul?

"My Life" back on the best seller list

Republican Squirrel in my yard!!

"My Life" back on the best seller list

Girls Date Boys & Boys Date Girls

T ball games end in confusion...

Who listens to KEXP?

Me and my BIG mouth. (Xmas Party? ...Sure..I'll go!)

Forget Kleeb - where's MoonbeamStarlight?

freeper in election results forum flaming out right now !


Favourite Batman Movie?

I saw the new gallery pics

Men should hunt, till the soil, farm, and build houses from scratch!

Decide my fate!

Propaganda in NK

For Letterman fans *only*

Obligatory Cute Puppy Picture Thread #2756

My DU Gallery pic was taken in Iceland.

Ever feel like this? What do you do to get out of it?

My DU Gallery pic was taken in a hallway.


Was anybody's gallery pic taken on Uranus?

My DU pic was taken in a lavatory!

What treats should I get my cockatiel, Murphee for Xmas?

weird links?

Gratuitous kitty thread . . .

Unreasonable Monday Predictions Thread:

What five people would you have a dinner party with?

Where's all my "macho" men? Lifetime running top 30 movies of 2004

My political talk show is on from 5:00-5:30 EDT.

okay, here's the story:

Hey, DU. I made you a snowflake!

For Letterman fans *only*

You know my name! Look up the number!

Assault With A Pork Chop

if jesus came to your house, what would you do?

DUers, need some advice (About the sickness I'm feeling today)

A Rose is a Rose is a...Beer?

What is your favorite drink?

Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls who do boys....

I just made Bourbon Balls and Fruit Cake

It was nice to wake up from a nap with the dog and cat lying next to me.

Napoleon Dynamite - should I see it?

Cat people: Check this out

Aaaarrrggghhhh! I just had Ramen Noodle Soup for the first time---

Are you going to the 51 capital march tomorrow?

I can't get over how disturbing this is.


"tis the season

FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK................

My husband is being a jerk!

I just saw the world's ugliest car.

Am I the only freak who likes ativan?


12 minutes of fame and counting: Lindsay Lohan asks "Got Milk?"

How Technology will change the media in the next 10 years

So, how do you motivate yourself?

Brrrrr.... It's getting cold here.... it must be down to 60 degrees...

Am I the only freak who likes sherry?

I bought myself a new Bears hat for Christmas

Ok, ask me anything, well almost anything so I can reach my 1000!

Who should you root for in this lawsuit?

George Clooney or Cheesecake?

Vote for the WORST Batman movie of all time

Anyone know of a freeware video editing program?

I'm getting a cold and it sucks. Hugs needed!


Sarasota DU meetup is today

THAI KITCHEN brand - the container is a LIE!

Women should stay home to raise, clean and cook children.

Who would make the best DU moderator?

Which Food Network Chef Would You Choose to Cook YOUR Feast?

Let's salute the rocking women of music-like Polly Jean Harvey

So, what are your best ideas for gifts?

Is our 12 carrier fleet a bad thing RD. 2

Mitch Miller, 1950s TV and pop music icon, dead at 93.

If you had a problem with tics and they said it was psychological,

Get Your Twisted Christmas Radio Here

6 Hours until I leave for Jamaica....

What's the most embarrassing thing I could do at my boss's Xmas party?

What level of hell do you belong on....

TCM alert - "A Christmas Story" on now!

What Was The Last Play You Attended?

What would Americans choose to learn?

Ok men

I just saw "White Oleander" - were they in a running comp with ....

Uncle Matcom Here: What Are The First Words I Should Teach Baby Underpants

Ladies what is your favorite perfume/cologne on yourself?

I got another deer today.


I Am Going To Work In The Yard!

We're getting ready to go to Mrs bearfan's work Christmas party.

US woman 'strangles Rottweiler' that attacked her 8 lb Terrier

Edit wars! Edit your post so that it makes

So what's your number?

My husband is being a jerk!

What are the chances of having a white Christmas where you live?

What does your name mean?

Ladies, what is your favorite cologne on a man?

Pssst...Hey kid. Wanna see the infamous Denver Airport murals?

Earthlink customer service SUCKS and BLOWS

I've been watching 'The Power of Myth' all day

Lest you thought John Bonham wasn't God - listen to Achiles Last Stand!!!

I ask again: Anyone seen "Mayor of Sunsit Strip" Bingenheimer docu

99 bottles of beer on the wall

"Don we now our gay apparel"

10 day break,give me some light reading.

My Heisman prediction--Jason White; and now my Orange Bowl prediction:

Britney Spears asked to put shoes back on during flight--feet STUNK

awwwwwww shit

Britney Spears or U2?

Are you like your star sign?

Women should stay home to cook, clean and raise children.

I have joined the Illuminati. Ask me anything.

The Liberal stampede to north of the border....


They're cooking coon at my house. Barbecued coon.

Question About Cast Iron Pans....

What is the best kind of dance music?

Would You Prefer a Small Cock or a Large One?

Father convicted in circumcision attempt (fundie stupidity)

Yikes. My eighteen yr old son has a 23 yr old girlfriend

Up graded my computer, never thought it would be this good

It's a small world after all...DUer just booked my reservation!

Brain Cramps

One hawk I can support..................Pale Male ;(

Bob Boudelang Kicks Off the Holiday Season!

So, what was my motivation for (not so much tongue) kissing an ugly guy at

Michael Bolton or Kenny G?

Look at my new kitties!

Who is the best vocalist ever

DU Needs New Moderators!

Are you sitting down?.......!!!--I HAVE SPAWNED--!!!!

Sick of Jesusland? Found your own nation

Vegetarianism = Gay?

Green Day

I just saw Ocean's Twelve (NO spoilers)

Has anyone ever done labyrinth meditation?

Anyone ever read Anne LaMott's books or columns?

Scientists Uncover Clues To The Mystery Of 'Gene Deserts'

Left-handers flourish in violent society

Why does Ira Flatow(sp) on NPR Science Friday sound just like Alan Alda

Woman warrior found in Iranian tomb

Strange tremors under San Andreas fault

The Scissor Sisters will be on Saturday Night Live tonight

Poll Regarding Homosexuality and Adoption

Finally, our own gay country

Michigan football player arrested for indecent exposure

Red Sox sign Wells to two-year deal

Link to Discussion about pet horse stolen and sent to slaughter

Purchase USDA quality beef rawhide and bones for your pups.

There is a God, leading atheist concludes

Anyone tired of these Faith Based articles in the news?

Kerry pays nostalgic visit to state launching his campaign

John Kerry quotes

We must be firm with Saddam Hussein by John Kerry, 11/9/1997

Kerry's IWR speech on the Senate floor 10/9/2002

John Kerry - War Protester - (Part 3 of 3)

I'm ready for my closeup!

any and all information you have about Freemasonry, please share

my feedback to the DNC


Bush 's "Soldier Care Packages"

Check out this stupid survey on

Do you like Graphs?

Yet Another Big Bush Staffing Shake-Up!

From TDS

Recent Message from the RNC - Where's the DNC's?

Tar and Feathers

CA residents, you might like to know where our Senator stands

Quick help... keep this story on yahoo... vote it up

Bush rushed into Kerik nomination like he rushed into the Iraq War....

Please reply to the DNC email

The 12 Days of * Christmas....

Defeat Pro-Bush Mayors in 2005

What to name Demopedia category?

52% say - country on the "WRONG track", only 42% say "right direction"

Ohio Vote In The 2004 Election, On C-Span Now

Donnie Fowler on C-SPAN now!

Outstanding arrest warrant for Bernie Kerik?

Moyer's Swan Song

My take on the Dean Scream .... a look forward

Whose scalp (Borkee) is next? I smell BLOOD.

Patriotic Outrage Event in Lafayette Park

Bernard Kerik: "Political Criticism is Our Enemy's Best Friend"

Cleanse your soul: Descibe George W. Bush. Please adhere to DU

Kerry net chief: cool software doesn't win elections

Bush uses White House Menorah Lighting Ceremony to pimp War on Terra

A theory about the 2004 election.

Take Action: Tell Congress to Oppose Bush's Social Security Privatization

Let's not play "fair" with Social Security.

Poison confirmed used in Ukraine elections

Fox ponders "unfriendly elected leaders in Iraq" scenario

AP: Bush Makes Surprise Pick For Energy

Why Do We Fight the Republicans? Refuse to have a battle of wits...

So will Bernard Kerik be prosecuted for tax fraud????

News Coverage of VA Secretary Appoinment

This offensive in Iraq is one big cover-up for all our weaknesses at home

What does the Democratic Party stand for?

Does Kerik nomination show Bush* disdain for Homeland Security

SS must be privatized before it goes bust in 10 yrs, said 1978.

Democratic Party Searches for Leader Again (Guardian, AP)

Excuse me, but Bush is the last person I'd want to "fix"

Fewer Republicans in Heaven? Some data for the religious right.

Should Moderates Be Purged From The Democratic Party?

Republicans rev up to attack Bill Moyers!

Question RE: voting irregularities/the "sorry" state of the DNC

What is the most liberal Red state?

I've waited for someone to mentions this about Fox News

What exactly are coporate donations, then? Someone explain.

just how has anyone been purged?

Should People Who Want to Purge the Party Be Purged From the Party?

DNC chair candidate Donnie Fowler's website,

Bernard Kerik - OUR FIRST SCALP - YAAAAYYY!!!!!

We either stand up or we lose again. Using Moore against Nelson.

why does the left associate themselves with the likes of Parenti?

DNC conference -- Do they feel the need to let the rest of us know what

I placed blue candle lights in 2 of my front windows....guess what?

McClellan: "Anyone that doubts the president's great physical shape"...

I say let's invite the Dem Chair Candidates here.

Americans are now OK with having the election rigged - where will it end?

Kerik withdrew over employing illegal immigrant:

Related Q: What is the exact structure and function of the DLC in the DNC?

Bomb promised for monday--general alert!

Political Lunacy: Bait and Switch

I just though an easy way to start a revolution!!!!

How do I respond to my repuke friend?

Major Peculiarity of the Bushist Regime

"Democrats & Republicans praised his nomination" Why?

Just got back from Colorado protest!

What happens when they start arresting us?

Idealological Purity vs Winning Back a Majority

CNN: "The president quit drinking alcohol when he was 40"

DU Needs New Moderators!

Rudy Giuliani is 'heartbroken" Bwahahahahahahahahaha

Don't Give Up On The Democratic Party - CLEAN IT UP

THE Democratic Party Statement of Principles

Democrats, Communication and Outreach

A three-point success strategy for the Democratic Party

Do you support NAFTA?

Do you support a living wage indexed to inflation?

Thousands of African Americans March in Support OF Discrimination

Should Pro-Iraq War Democrats be Purged from the Democratic Party

If the soldier's question to rummy was a put up deal, what was the up side

The DNC sent me a load of KRAP in an e-mail

Cheney Won't Stay All Four Years: Agree or Disagree?

FDR scholars: Why was Henry Wallace dumped from the '44 ticket?

The goods on Kerik, from The Progress Report

Is Ann Coulter on the Mary-Kate Olsen diet????

How is the DNC Chair chosen?

What Will You Be Doing on Jan 20th? Other than NOT Watching TV?