Democratic Underground

Archives: January 23, 2004

Japan Times on the SOTU: "Mr. Bush kicks off his campaign"

Commander Codpiece...

AP reports on last night's event with Ellen Mariani


The Phony Dean 'Meltdown' (

Arundahti Roy: Address to the World Social Forum

Krugman: Democracy at Risk (Black Box Voting)

MSNBC Editor-in-chief Jerry Nachman dies at 57

ABC Primetime Live starts and ends with Jay Leno of NBC ridiculing Dean

I couldn' t find the debate

astrologers, how would you re-design the calendar?

A different view of Bible's message on homosexuality (Jewish)

Interior Finishes Plan on Alaska Drilling

Genocide minister gets life term

20/20 Special this Friday - Lies, Myths, and Stupidity by John Stossel

Gun folks: a modest proposal.

Are the cookies and Al Gore site cookies eminating from DU?

Why does this person keep sending me messages?

I think DU is slow tonight

Thank you guys, again, for trying.

Admins & mods HAVE to see this hilarious thread when you have a minute...


A Practical Manual: Anti-Semitism vs. Anti-Zionism

Trees Not Walls: Villagers Mobilize Against Apartheid


Bush the 'Deserter'


Believe it or not, FOX is doing a bit on company's

Bets on! Nasty surprises ahead with Hollinger deal?


What if Fox outlets and Clear Channel and others reject Dem ads?

Bush Knocks Over Cheney's Water Glass at SOTU

Tonight on Frontline " Chasing Saddam's Weapons "

anyone watching NARAL dinner on c-span?

Encyclopedia: George W. Bush

When a common TV pol disappears...Richard Shelby (R-AZ)

The Blogging of the President: 2004, a live radio special

Ashcroft Deserves To Be Sued (my article about the Maher Arar case)

Late SOTU observation: Cam setup so Cheney not seen behind *

Frontline Tonight - Chasing Saddam's Weapons - Opps Dupe

Prescription Drug Cost Nonsense

My step-dad (liberatarian, prefers Democrats) thinks USA is doomed...

Bill Maher on the Tavis Smiley Show tonight on PBS

A Call to Arms for Christian Terrorists

DU'ers fall for media whore/GOP rhetoric on Dean

How did Bush steal the election?

Do you buy Dean's answer about

Please unfreep this poll

Will there be enough provisional ballots?

Gun folks: a modest proposal.

Rupert Murdoch is facing a power challenger in News Corp. (Fox etc.)

The mainstream media is no friend to us

Voter registration question

Malloy is in rare form tonight

Independents moving toward Dems and away from GOP

The BEST new DU Phrase!

He ran for Governor of California and Hollywood opposed him

why did it take over four years


Neal Boortz -- here's the answer to your question today

I just got phone polled about politics. Yaaagggghhhh!!

The Mars Spirit Rover malfunction.... : Blame Canada?

"I'm hongry....anybody want some ribs..."

I have never seen something so arrogant in my whole life

Hey! Help me mess with Republican minds in Boulder Colorado!

Microsoft is racist?

Priest arrested, charged with growing pot in rectory

Peter Jennings is a DICK

What if (gods forbid) we have a repeat of 2000?

email to Chris Mathews regarding Dean clip

New Bush nickname...

Omnibus spending bill OT rules changes really screws me....

Beyond Freedom and Dignity (essay, short)

Message from Robert Redford (activism alert).

How Should the U.S. Deal with Drugs?

Daily Show thread

When A Gov't Begins Denying RIGHTS to Certain People

Republican Freeper Myths #2-The businessman as hero

Let's ask the Chimp Twenty-one Questions....

A better way to judge debates

American "family" association freaks out: Gay marriage poll


Did George Bush Desert the TANG? Post evidence here

Go to

Ribs Anyone?

Interior finishes plan to open nearly 9million acres in Alaska to drilling

Germany: Deutsche Bank Boss Cool under Fire in Mannesmann Trial (DW)

Congress Passes $373B Spending Bill

WP: (Leahy, Lieberman) Question Scalia-Cheney Hunting Trip

Senator Rushes To Hubble’s Defense

Dollar could hit new lows after G7 - U.S. analysts

Nudist resort for Christians (Florida)

German police still verifying surprise witness's story in 9/11 trial

Michael Moore: ATTENTION PETER JENNINGS: George W. Bush is a Deserter!!!

Grand Jury Hears Plame Case

Reagan's Son to Pen Anti-Bush Editorial

WP: WMD Find in Iraq Still Possible, Cheney Says

Has The Pope Reviewed Dean's Passion?

Daily Show coverage of the SOTU on now!

HERE IT IS: POST 1000!!!!!


If anyone really cares...Ben and Jen no more...FINALLY!!

Spill the yellow snow.


New movie appears to allow us to ridicule 3 of America's

Will Dean bite the head off a bat during tonight's debate?

Calling all thread killers!

Inspired by another thread: Dean Haiku

Finally,an accurate * $hrub bio

Tonight on Frontline " Chasing Saddam's Weapons "

I like George... Harrison!

I inherited a mixed Uncle living off dead animals in the woods...

Which was your favorite Lord of the Rings movie?

I like George

My husband bought me the funniest book today.

Crap, I've got the same problem here that others had earlier today

A plug for my first-ever BLOG!

The Power Point Anthology Of Literature

Does Anyone Have a Great Brownie Recipe?

HaHA.....I was tied for #2 Threadkiller.... but I do try harder!

Led Zeps Robert Plant, writer of "Stairway to Heaven" on NPR Fresh Air

Hi Everyone!

Wow, this is my 300th post, Dan Rather and Peter Jennings are Dicks

Not that this will change the world as we know it, but...

Got a new Voter registration card today

Dean does the Top 10 List on Letterman tonight

so... i just picked up this tool CD...

Martian Games

I have a write in candidate - Judy Dean

As of tonight, there's one less veteran of Connecticut radio.

Someone fill me in on what Joe Namath did.

Linux users: ATi or Nvidia?

Any NWI (Newsworld International) Fans out there?

how should I backup my computer?

Boogers and Cocaine

Happy Chinese New Year!

David Sedaris has a new book coming out. Does anyone know....

Proof that the house-gnomes hid my car keys

Lol, check this out. Coincidence? (sports funny)

Group Hug Time!

I was a jerk to a kid!

How many TECHNICAL users revere Microsoft and Bill Gates?

well, uh... THIS is just FUCKIN' dark

I think my cat may have a broken tail ?? Help?

New Bob Marley recordings to be released!! 67-72

I Liked It Better When The Winter and Summer Games Were In The Same Year.

w00t! I just burned 2,000 Calories on the elliptical!

home improvement do it yourselfers - need some advise

PROOF! The Daily Show reads the DU Lounge.

Why the Hell is someone making a game about the Falkland Islands War?

Who gave me a Star?

Sam Cooke was born on January 22, 1931.

Okay armchair historians.....C.E. or A.D.?

"Comfort Food"

Raise your hand if you are a FOO!

Say goodbye to your overtime pay

Can someone photo shop a picture of Bush for me please

So I was right, they really don't like me at my job

To Hell With The Super Bowl ......... Bring On Survivor!

AWW!!! One of the benefits of living in below freezing whether!!

spell the yell

Do we have any foreign DUers?

Naked walker completes trek :)

OMG! The Oscar thread's been locked!

strangest songs youve ever heard

DU and FreeRepublic combined?!?

Guys, do you think Mrs. Dean is pretty?

The anti-Kerry is...

Is the debate going to be on TV?

Schedule of Dean's 3 appearances tonight

Democrats and the South, Part Two

Make your prediction for tonight.

I just read a good article called "Dean Meltdown"

Anyone know if the debates will be streaming anywhere?

Watch Debate on the Internet!!!

New Hampshire Debate #1

Mean Dean Action Figure for Sale

This is my cut on the President-VP match-ups for the convention

Why do you support Gov. Dean?

Kerry's "Elvis" problem

NewHampshire Debate thread 2

New Hampshire Debate Thread #3

"Dean Delivers Top 10 List on Letterman" (taped earlier today)

Ladies, admit it. You vote for the best looking Democratic candidate.

Why is primary debate only on Faux?

Why is the media calling the Dean war whoop

New Hampshire Debate Thread #4

Is Dean on Letterman tonight?

is the debate gonna be showed over the internet?

New Hampshire Debate Thread #5

This debate is great. More people are tuning in and seeing our great

Will the debate be on C-SPAN or not?

New Hampshire Debate Thread #6

Regime change horseshit - SHAME ON LIEBERMAN!!!!!

Didn't get to see the debate, but reading the threads....

I'm proud, all the candidates did great

Debate Post Mortem

The debate questions were "stacked" --- tough for Clark vs Kerry

The DEBATE is still going on

cnn poll: can dean make a comeback

Who Do I Complain To About Fox Doing The Democratic Debate?

Frontline: searching for Sadam's weapons on now....

I love it when the candidates are positive

New Hampshire Debate Thread #7

Democrats Attack Bush!

I'm really looking forward to the New Hampshire vote!

I thought Kerry won by a mile

But, but, but Bush WAS a deserter

Closing Statements - did I miss something?

The questions were just bull today!

"I don't know if he is a's your job to find out, not mine."

What FOX did tonight will backfire on them....

LIEberman is definitely a WHORE to *. He can't drop out soon enough!

Did they stop the broadcast because we were winning?

I Feel Unclean After Watching That Debate

My wife and I rank how well they did

If it takes this to get AWOL into m'stream then Clark can take the punch

Fear of repukes makes people say crazy things like Liberman won

my opinion of the debates

When will the Debate be broadcasted again? I missed it!

Can we all agree on one point?

Lieberman won if it was a contest to help * the most

It doesn't matter who we think won...

Is it just me or did Clark get the toughest questions?

New NH predictions after debate

Thank you Senator Edwards

The debate sucks.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I thought Lieberman won

A Note of Progress

how long is hannity going to interview lieberman?

Longshot Democrat Sharpton to stay in race

Does ANYONE think Dems will care about this?

OK, here's the deal: I'm undecided, and I want to choose

Fox moderators and Analysts fear Clark

Dean ABC Interview on 20/20 on now (east coast)...

Clark will NOT BACK DOWN about the deserter. Take it to the bank.

We have a four star general who basically called AWOL a DESERTER

I'm in love - again - with Dr. Dean! He and his wife are being...........

Let them attack Clark RE: Moore/Bush AWOL. . .

You know, the IWR Dems should bring a friggin' copy to the debate

Why do the candidates even go on these Faux debates.

TNT: Ch Barkley to attack Dean on speech at half time (Edwards man)

Could Independent Vote Change NH Outcome For Clark

Question: Did this debate play on NH local (non-Fox) TV?

Was there a hit out on Clark tonight?

I'd vote for Lieberman....

Need Evidence on AWOL before People Start Dying

Peter Jennings did the Dems a huge favor with the "Deserter" question

What the HELL are you people talking about???

Does Kerry have an opinion?

The Dean "debate requirement " did he answer the call...I say .."Yes"

Regarding the Nightline REPLAY

Bush should answer the charge of being AWOL! read....

just got back from Kerry meet-up in Virginia...we think that the

For Clark Supporters ONLY - I Missed the Debate - Will I be OK?

General Clark Does a Disservice to NH!

Fat Candy Crowley Says, "They were on message, which we (the press) hate"-

Letterman Talk: "When I'm president, I guarantee I will be totally inept."

Tonights Debate: They were all amazing, but they still don't get The Media

If Faux is ripping Clark then Clark did well.

eveyone says dean's scream at the primaries was unpresidential...

Faux News, Clark lost because he didn't defend SpaceShrub.

Who won the debate?

GO DENNIS - Bitchslap NAFTA and WTO

Fox planned this hit on Clark

Where is the debate?

Who lost the debate?

Transcript: Howard Dean and Judy Dean Speak to ABCNEWS’ Primetime

A Preview of Dean's Top Ten List for Letterman!

What happened to Edwards?

NIghtline hack job starting now

Kerry waffled on Iraq...only DK & Joe were firm

Tough it....

Phat Candy Crowley Says, "They were on message, which we (the press) hate"

This poll looks weird

I NOW think Clark IS unelectable!

Tom Brady left John Kerry to support George W Bush ?

It's over for Clark.....

What are the differences between Kerry and Bush?

Americans on NAFTA

AOL Straw Poll - interesting NH results

Hardball: 2 Dem campaigns endorsing Repuke spin on Clark/Moore/AWOL

I thought Kerry did the best; Brit Hume is VERY ugly.

WHICH TWO campaigns agreed Clark should have said AWOL isn't DESERTER?

I've seen the Dean speech at least 100 times now

Daily Kos gives Edwards an "A" for the debate - scores the rest lower

OMG, Sharpton always gives the best answers..

michael moore responds to peter jennings

I'll contribute $200 to your candidate

Holy ****, Jennings is an ass

The "worm turns" - CNN calling "Dean Screech Cover"...."overkill"

So much for the AWOL card from Clark....

Why wasn't Kerry "surging" before Iowa!

Bush just made a worse photo-op than Dean

Tonight Clark snatched the title of "unelectable" from Dean

Dean's Top Ten on Letterman on Right NOW...If Now Was Two Minutes Away!

The Debate was a Right Wing Manipulative tool

Bill Bennet crying about Clark "failure to absolutely condemn" Moore

Who Won the Debates?

Post debate poll predictions

Gay marriage...the most pressing issue facing our nation. NOT!!!

Didn't Clark deny he ever said he guaranteed no terror attacks

How well did Clark answer the question about the Times of London article?

Fox panel upset Clark wouldn't deny * is an AWOL DESERTER

What happens if Dean loses and goes third party?

Fellow Dems: Clark is NOT a Republican

Joe Lieberman won that debate going away

I think Kerry won by a mile

How old is John Edwards?

Anyone else think that the media is trying to take down Dean and Clark?

Clark Is Unelectable. His Favorite Band Is Journey?

Faux just totally doing a "hit" on Clark. Have been ripping him apart

Dean and Judy Interview Thread

Kerry dodging the medal question

If we gave Kucinich 8 years to run this Country as he pleased..

Post here if you think the debate sucked!

Clark wasn't as impressive as he should have been

If all FAUX can say is that Clark did not condemn Moore then . . .

Just saw on Hardball...Tweety won't let go of Lehane clip.

Here is why NBD is madness - WWH(oward)D?

Howard Dean - not gays and race - jobs education and healthcare

Cohen: An Address Worthy of Enron (Ken Lay should've been at SOTU)

Herbert: The Other America (* disconnect on joblessness)

NY Times: Why Libya Gave Up on the Bomb

Salon: Bush loses his aura of invincibility

Infiltration of files seen as extensive

American Prospect: Special Report on the SOTU

Snake Oil

Al-Qaida will do whatever it takes to assure Bush is re-elected

Michael Moore - George W. Bush, A.W.O.L.

If these kinds of editorials are appearing in my hometown, there is hope..

War Fading as Campaign Issue

Gwynne Dyer on al-Qaida

Q&A: Russell Feingold

"The State of America is Straight" by dsc

Boston Globe on Bush "constancy as a National Guard airman" = AWOL

Voting Twice

BBV: The Perils of Online Voting (NY Times Editorial)

Gay Marriage Poll Anulled

Cheney Is Adamant on Iraq 'Evidence':LATimes

Bush Throws New Lies After Old

U.N. Should Change -- or U.S. Should Quit (Perle & Frum)

Barry Crimmins: 'The Snake of the Union'

Morford: Dick Cheney Kills Birds Dead

What Democrats need to know about jobs - North San Deigo County Times

GOP downplays reading of memos :(no rules broken): Globe

CBS Dick Meyer: Defending Dean's Scream

Heads Up Military families and Vets: protest @ Dover AF base

Volunteer for Wesley Clark in New Hampshire!

A Liberal Resource Needs Your Help!

Bush to visit NH on January 29th

Attention NYC DU'ers!

the triumphant return of captain obvious (writing opportunity)

Austin DU'ers BBV Forum Thursday Jan 29 - Let's make some noise!

Ron Suskind on radio now

Bush at the Nothing Fancy Diner - Video

Any date or news on Central Air? (liberal radio network)

Common Cause: FCC Chairman Powell and Clear Channel

I received a letter from the republican* party today

I Love Karl

Texas Monthly has * on the cover with the word: "Maybe."

Just when you thought you saw it all...

Subject: Draft of a Constitutional Amendment to Defend Biblical Marriage

Florida cop's good looks entrap gay man

AFA admits it hoped to keep poll secret among its members

Rock And Roller Undergoes Sex Reassignment

vote, please

SAP delivers bullish outlook for 2004

Red Hat offers infringement warranty for Linux (Screw SCO)

Mortgage industry assn says industy to lose 65 thousand jobs in 04

U.S. Treasury reneges on '79 bond purchases

IBM plans to add 15,000 new jobs worldwide

IMF, World Bank Forgives Nicaragua's Debt

Less Likely to Buy American because of Bush Administration

Forest Service To Triple Sierra Nevada Logging - LA Times

Long-line Fishing And The Destruction Of The Albatross

Ah-nold Blocks Water Efficiency Standards For Washing Machines

Norton Pushing To Triple Coal-Bed Methane Permits In Wyoming

EPA Rule Will Limit Emission Testing - 2X In Five Years MORE Than Enough!

DU resource on articles/issues related to the Energy bill

Skikda: 3 LNG trains destroyed/1 train costs $1.35 Billion

Pollutants Pile Up In Bodies & Breast Milk Of Inuit And Greenland Natives

Indonesia, the world's largest LNG producer, can't make quota

Iran to aid Sri Lanka's oil exploration

Question: Why "must" the absurd WTC 7 Official Story be defended?

New Jersey's Not The Most Corrupt State

Got a shipment today!

People wearing the uniforms of enemy soldiers

Weapons bill off to Assembly (update and new info)

Hey Guys! My Sunday Hunting Bill passed in the House yesterday!!!!

Guns in the News January 23 2004

Once and for all--group attacks are allowed by the current rules

Kerry's website and the War on Drugs

Why were sex related threads banned

How about an ISSUES forum related strictly to the candidates?

Thanks admins

test ignore:

Skinner what date did i join DU and what date did i start to lurk?

anonymity question

Is it appropriate for DUers on a vendetta against a user to search

Good job with the faux-Kerry supporter disruptors, mods.

Would like to defend a thread that got locked....

Why are Kucinich's looks okay to mock, but not Kerry's?

Quick question

Sorry about the dupe thread, guys.

Unilateralism and its discontents

Security fence likely to be rerouted

Palestinian rights curtailed by high fence

Israeli police flee drug fumes

Israeli-Sudan detente in the works

Palestinians rally for Sheikh Yasin

British MP: I understand desperation of suicide bombers

Jenny Tonge Sacked for Suicide bomber comments

Cheney cites discredited leaked intelligence on IRAQ-AL QUEDA

Question: Why "must" the absurd WTC 7 Official Story be defended?

ISSUES: Unemployment; who has the best plan?

ISSUES: Iraq; who has the best plan for Iraq?

Does anyone have a link to the vote on the omnibus bill

ISSUES: Health Care--who has the best plan?

John Breaux Should Be Vice President for the Nominee

Lay off stats needed

Repuglican Roulette!!!

Economics thread

Move On Voter Fund almost at 90%. It runs anti-Bush tv ads.

You gotta hear this!...Thanks to Brett, a new poster!

Watching Bill Maher on Tavis Smiley, and what a disappointment

Imagine if the Candidates wore BUSH AWOL shirts.

Gotta wonder if the Bushits are plagurizing Geobbels

How likely is 2004 to be flawed like 2000 (Fla).. Survey

Kodak is cutting 15,000 jobs, trying to adjust to digital age.

WP: Bush AWOL issue makes Howard Kurtz's column

At his pig farm this weekend.

Cartoon from UK Private Eye magazine

The media is briefed on the next terror attack? (NY Post)

Was the US not invited to the World Economic Forum??

Flush Bush -- Just found the best anti-Bush picture --

Skull and Bones discussed on Democracy Now...

they wouldn't have seen this day...

Did that debate on Fox last night end abruptly?

Does anyone have an email for Peter Jennings??

Progressive radio w Al Franken, Michael Moore, Gore Vidal (per Vidal)

The 'Bait and Switch' Faux debate

CBS and the MoveOn ad

Howard Zinn and Daniel Pipes discussion October 4, 2002

What happened to the bu$h polls?

Michael Moore on Democracy Now NOW 9:30 EST

Halliburton: Workers Took Kickbacks

(some) Freeps upset with Luciferanne...

Can we, as Democrats, replace the word "help" with "justice" or something

Interesting on donations to candidates & Bush

Dean Delivers Top 10 List on Letterman

NYT: Bush AWOL charge appears in debate

WP: debate transcripts INCLUDING "bush* is a deserter" inquiry

MOBY takes on DRUDGE over his Cho bashing! Yeah baby!

Ex-Accounting Chief at Enron Is Indicted on 6 Felony Charges

did anyone else hear this guy on msnbc say that McDonald's...

When georgie loses who gets the pardons?

Orwell and 1984

BBV: Democracy at Risk (Krugman - NYTimes)

"Credibility", Bush, and the State of the Union.

Dean & womens support

Last minute rider on spending bill-gun pruchase records gone in 24 hours

Holy visions of Watergate

The Number One Threat To America and Mankind

Bush is on C-Span talking to the Mayors of America...PATHETIC

Help Name The Category of Super-Mega-Bush-Fundraisers!

This would be a great Anti-Dumbya ad for election!

Drudge is linking to the story on GOP infiltration of Democratic files

Happy New Year to all the Chinese DU'ers..

Is there a place on DU where someone is collecting those threads

Trent Lott (R-Plastic hair/hates blacks): Hillary is 'butt ugly'

DUers, need a link on tax donor states please

So if Rush Limbaugh gets community service, what should it be.?.

DU this poll! civil unions/same sex marriage

Bush = certifiably insane

Republicans try to stop MoveOn Money

Breaking News: CNN & MSNBC -Kobe and his lawyers walking into court house!

Bush's Plan for Mars

AWOL discussion with a puke

If Novak claims journalistic privilege what does his employer claim?

Limbaugh lawyer public response is itself preposterous.

Race for the Senate

How did I miss this?! The Atta-Saddam-AlQaeda all-purpose connection.

A conspiracy theory I believe

Mysterious witness in German Sept 11 trial accuses Iran in attacks

Subliminal messages in Head of State (Chris Rock) credits

Bush Touts Trickle Down In Rib Joint

Conservative group quietly drops plans for poll- gay marriage

People who get unsolicited email from gay marraige poll sign in.

A return letter from my Senator....

limbaugh is a felon!

Guerilla Politics a theory

Senate Judiciary File Infiltration Seen As Extensive

My Evening with Gore Vidal and Eddy Vedder.

BP Solar Neighbors Program on Larry King Live Saturday January 24th

Are these statements accurate?

Black hole in US Economy

Get to know your new WMD inspector -Charles Duelfer

Poppy and "Boys" nabbed with drugs according to FBI agent.

Dean has some superficial flaws, but Dubya's are skin-deep

Let's clarify something here...this is important.

DeanGoesNuts.Com (many mp3s)

a dinner table full of traitors

Help: What was that conservative black group

Is BushCo planning to neuter the courts?

WTF???!! Members of "ex-gay" group asks for federal funding.

The latest on Dean from CNN

The Sweet and Lowdown on Sugar

Adrian Cronauer and the GOP

UK: What Hutton Won't Tell You

CT's Gov. Rowland -- why he thinks his poll number are what they are:

How many times will David Kay "fall down"?

Let's not forget the name John Kokal

Officers good looks ruled "entrapment" by FL Judge

Google "Bush deserter" and then click on "News" -- 80 links

would we be better off if Zell Miller was never in the Senate?

My phone rang at 7am, my buddy shipped out a 2pm (Not happy!)

Scalia: Dick's Duck Blind Justice

I just found the senate vote for pork/overtime takeaway bill


David Kay says "no WMD's!! On a Friday no less.

Is CNN kidding with this Halliburton headline?

If corporations are bad, why is bigger government good?

Anyone see Frontline last night? Chasing Saddams Weapons...

probe of Cheney link to Halliburton kickbackers?

Hannity is Chastising those who judged Gibson's passion play

Today's CNN Poll

Would you trade George the Lesser for his dad in office?

Anybody have a link to video of Shrub in the deli yesterday?

Boondocks is HILARIOUS today!

Another Promise Broken - 15 Billion for Aids? WHEN??

Diane Sawyer's rude question to Mrs Dean:

How does the Republicans stop a man from getting ahead?

For all of you "Bush Haters"

Michigan Heads Up: Hurry and say NO to Marriage Ban Amendment

Friday afternoon approaches in the east,

Will Code for Food

Hans Blix on Frontline last night....

Congressional Subcommittee To Hear From 'Ex-Gay' Group

Does Anyone Remember the Upcoming Senate Races?

Utah Bill To Ban Gay Marriage Withdrawn

cbs on halliburton

Quote From the WSJ

I had an epiphany today on what makes Neo-Cons tick

What does Gillespie have against trial lawyers?

What are the major gripes with "no child left behind"? Thanks

Heads Up: Protest @ Dover Air Force base

"Pro-life" people in my town.

Would you vote for a presidential candidate who supports same-sex marriage

CBS News leads off w/ Halliburton

How can we find out Bush's or Cheney's Fundraising Schedule?

Canadians: How long until your REALLY dislike Belinda Stronach?

Savage adds another anti-liberal slam - against women

Savage hits another group - seniors who lived thru the depression

Did anyone get this hoax FDIC e-mail today?

NOW with Bill Moyers: Politics of Climate Change

Anyone see Bush spill Cheney's water at SOTU?

Captain Kangaroo (Bob Keeshan) has died

Anyone wondering what happened to the AFA's anti-gay marriage poll?

Is Mel Gibson a Freeper?

My faith restored

Poll: U.S. majority opposes anti-gay amendment

Christianity Without Christ (re: anti-gay ammendment)

For GLBT people

Action Alert - FAIR Dennis Miller's new show

BBV & San Diego - Upcoming talk

Smirk wants to restore the garden of eden (this is for real)

Want to steal an issue from the Repubs, and still be compassionate?

I am proud to be a West Virginian...

What skills are best to have for a coming wage-slave economy?

The Biggest Threat to America and Mankind (corrected) responds to bUSH AWOL status.......

Nearly 100 Families Suing Over 9/11 (Washington Post)

For the Millionth Time. These deficits are NOT accidental.

Call Congress, HR2239 BBV paper trail requirement

"Menace in the Homeland!" - new educational film for all freedomhaters

Do you use energy efficient fluorescent light bulbs in your home?

Heresies of a Black Guy - I AM FREE!

Ten things you should never buy again

Bush--dumber than a box of rocks

Freeping Polls says gays are green communists

Suskind's "The Price of Loyalty" is a LIHOP primer

Republican Presidential Candidate J. Buchanan takes on 9-11 lies  

Wilson's Leather 1000, Kraft 6,500, Kodak 12,000 the economy is booming!

The Hunting Of The President Official Website Is Now Up!!!!!

Have we shifted to the right?

Ford will announce Hazelwood plant layoffs on Monday (StL, MO)

Report: Thailand Confirms Bird Flu Cases

BBV: The Perils of Online Voting (NY Times Editorial)

Party ally assails Bush plan (Jeb)

Mysterious witness in German Sept 11 trial accuses Iran in attacks

Bush under fire over 'runaway spending'

Border Patrol Agents Decry Bush Plan

Halliburton audit finds possible problems

Gephardt's ex-staffers find Clark to liking

Annan Says 'Laws of Jungle' Threaten World Order

Logging To Triple in the Sierra

Fierce Competition for Vet Votes

Iraq Office Explosion Killed Two Men

Fat in the fire over diet guru insult (Bloomberg insults Atkins)

Cities Still Lack Homeland Security Funds

Globe and Mail: Economic forecast darkens

BUSH PLAN A MAGNET - San Diego Untion Tribune

Dollar under pressure from all sides

Bush to propose spending freeze (Wash Times)

Man Sentenced to Yoga Classes for Slapping His Wife

Part of Akaka bill wins final passage in D.C.

U.S. Asks U.N. to Resolve Iraq Conflict

Musharraf says nuclear 'leak' likely

Europe's Mars Express identifies water ice on Mars

Lab challenges usual theory on mad cow | Seattle P-I

NASA Gets Half-Hour of Signals From Rover

Bechtel unit to leave S.F.

Wilson's Leather To Close About 100 Stores (1,000 More Layoffs)

Guard survey hints at exodus

Bin Laden captured?

State (California) weighs foreign drugs | Sacramento Bee

Study: Red Sea parting was possible

CIA warns of Iraq civil war "Marine copter crash kills 4 in California"

Pentagon e-voting plan 'flawed'

USA Today: Guard survey hints at exodus

Grand Jury Hears Plame Case

A Southern Legal Lynching Is Almost Lethal

US taxpayers pay for stars' luxury travel

14 charged in UNT payroll fraud scheme | Dallas Morning News

U.S. Denies Empire Bid (Ashcroft), Annan Warns of Jungle Law

Court: Illinois Gov. Ryan Could Commute Death Sentences | Chicago Tribune

Canadian dollar tumbles | CBC

Fears grow over bird flu outbreak | BBC

Bob Keeshan, Captain Kangaroo, Dies at 76

Miami Police issue fake-cops alert | Miami Herald

Thai court approves extradition of Sullivan | Atlanta J-C

BBV: Smooth voting? Don't recount on it (

Order bans pesticides near salmon | The Oregonian

Dean derides Washington politicians in slap at rival - AP (SFC)

Foreclosure flood foretold for Silicon Valley

Mars Probe has software glitch (CBS)

Guard survey hints at exodus

Iraqi Experts Wanted for Election Probe (Sistani turns the screws)

Iraqi Experts Wanted for Election Probe

Alltel Hits Estimates, Initiates Layoffs

Mars Spirit Rover Update : Signal received!

Iraqi Official Proposes Transfering US Power to Expanded Interim Council

Rossi may get Cruz's backing for governor (WA state GOP) | Seattle P-I

Oops...A Dupe!

Aurora Will Leave St. Louis, Cutting 170 In Move To N.J.

Kraft To Slash 6,500 Jobs - Analysts

Georgia posts big jump in mass layoff jobless claims

Martin agrees to wipe out most of Iraq's debt (Canada)

British Soldier Dies in Iraq Crash

Canada's future tied to the UN, PM says

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 23 January (#1)

Weisglass presents pullout proposal to Rice

Iran veil demo calls 'death to France'

Energy regulators dismiss PG&E case (re: Ca - energy crisis)

Wilsons (Leather) to cut 1,020 jobs, close 100 stores

U.S. to double tree cutting for fire prevention in Sierra | S F Chronicle

Georgia posts big jump in mass layoff jobless claims

Halliburton Finds Possible Iraq Kickbacks

Halliburton Pays for Possible Overcharge

Report Says Halliburton Employees Take Kickbacks

Halliburton Tells Pentagon Workers Took Kickbacks Award Projects in Iraq

520 Plant Employees Await Layoff Decision (Iowa)

CIA Names Duelfer to Replace Kay in Iraq Arms Hunt 

NASA Says Rover Could Take Weeks to Fix (AP) Now a hardware problem

Alaska land opened to drilling

MSNBC reports: Study finds link between Agent Orange, cancer...

Ex-U.S. Arms Hunter Says No Stockpiles in Iraq

Washington Trades Human Rights for Oil in Azerbaijan

U.S. Army: Saddam's Hole May Be Destroyed

Arizona Anti-Gay Amendment Declared 'Dead'

State prosecutors refused deal to close Limbaugh case

Iraqi Communist Party office bombed

Report: Meijer To Cut About 3,000 Jobs (Michigan)

Clark: GOP agenda at play in New Hampshire debate

Dean Getting Second Look From N.H. Voters

Powell's trip to Georgia may mark start of civil war

Blow to Blair as Iraq Weapons Hunter Says None Exist

US agencies sink with Treasuries on overseas worry

Bush to Seek $401.7B Pentagon Budget

A Measure of Success in Iraq

Helicopter Crashes in Iraq; 2 Pilots Dead

Kay Says No Stockpiles in Iraq

Scalia vacations with current litigant

Another Leak Controversy Brews

Cuba Sharing Info with Iraq (from Drudge Report)

British MP demoted for suicide-bomber remark (Globe and Mail)

Immunity Pact For American Troops in Iraq Still Unsettled

Top fiscal watchdog delivers stinging attack on deficit

Captain Kangaroo has died...

Arabs Slam US Over Democracy

CNBC: Walter Mondale to endorse John Kerry...

Anti-porn bill's possible effects worry retailers

Conservate Group Quietly Drops Plan for Poll (Maj. Support GAY MARR!!)

Illegal immigrant shot in Arizona desert

Shiite Leader (al-Hakim) Rejects U.S. Plan for Iraq

US's Snow says 1.85 mln job growth reasonable

David Duke considering run for Congress

Wars 'useful', says US army chief

Democratic Hopeful Dean Calls for Greenspan Ouster

eveyone says dean's scream at the primaries was unpresidential...

The World Is Ending - Who ya gonna hug last?

Remember the water devices that you use to put in your tub?

A question for smokers ...... "Andy Rooney Style"

What is your favourite forum at DU?

The Origins of Totalitarianism

i'm giving up all my vices

I would like to sing now

What should I do? What SHOULD I do?

2000 posts!

"Dear Ben"

Idea for the Daily Show- The Dean/Bush Name that State Show

Top Songs of Tonite?

WHAT did Peter Jennings do?

Students for an Orwellian Society

Thanks to Jaybird & Congrats on 100 posts

What did you eat for dinner?

OMG Will and Grace outing Cheney and Bush?

The wonders of the Free Market. Sigh.

Favorite Ben(s)

Clark/Jennings transcript. For Lounge Lemurs but mostly Sapphocrat

Your Favorite "Quotable Quotes"

Hilariously funny comic strip.

Odd little animation.. (mouse-over it).. watch your audio level

I am so proud of some of the people in my hometown!

Eastern N.C. Duer's I need your help..

Toenail fungus update

Design'd I do

Looks like we can see why the Supreme Court can't be trusted anymore...

Help! My kid's a fascist!

How many toes and fingers do you have (attached to your person)?

Do you need a daily smile? Watch this video!

new Hannity advertiser Sunflower Automotive/Sunflower Lincoln Mercury

What ware you going to do for Valentines Day?

new Savage Weiner advertiser Gold's Gym

new Oxyrush advertiser Keystone Chrysler

Poor Spirit, please wake up. I love you NASA

Am I going to hand the election to Bush?

I'm starving!!!!!!

- - My first "PhotoChop" - -

I'm not 24 and I don't have a pimple

"Ender's Game"

I'm 24 and I have a tape

Mortality Test

What's the first thing that attracted you to your husband/wife/partner?

Fatality test

Atkins people! CRACKERS!!!

"White Amerika" video.. my goodness :)

a great picture of Dean.

Happy New Year to all the Chinese DU'ers..

Feelin' down? Nobody loves you?

US Missile Defense System REVEALED!!!

I shook Joe Wilson's hand yesterday

Anybody else think Robert Novak is a schmuck?

Howard Dean remix

I'm 24 and I have a pimple

Bush's Plan for Mars

Dilemma (ethics test)

Intermittent Nude pictures of khephra

College Sports Mascot Trivia

Advice needed for loved one who is a "pot head"

Eeeeep.. It's a morphing Jacko movie

Pugs in MO introduce legislation mandating how evolution

Paul Barker has left Ministry

Any Klaus Schulze fans here ?

Politically Incorrect song lyrics...

Right Wing Talk Show Host

I love cheese popcorn...

How many hours do you normally spend on DU?

semi-obscure Real Player Playlist question

sorry, dupe on Captain Kangaroo - Please ignore

Please help a fellow DUer

We have to have the best Public Radio station in the land!


Grand Theft Auto fans: favorite radio stations?

Hey GOP and VelmaD

GOP and VelmaD sitting in a tree

Quick! CAPTION before the mothership lands


Russian speakers? (small favor)

Strangest Documentary on HBO: Small Town Esctasy

Mrs. Amok and I are separated. Why am I telling you?

Holy Crap, Total Whiteout, can't even see across the street!!

Wright-style house torn down in Seattle - WHAT A WAY TO START THE MORNING!

Great. Now I'm completely bummed out.

Mature Ducks

Web comic strip with my town in it!

How much Naked Time do you need?

Ok, so I've been gone for a little while.. who missed me?

Ahhh....there is Thunder & Lightning outside, and a flash flood watch

So Pickles took Tom Brady to SOTU. Whatcha gonna do?

Teenage Girl's X-Ray Vision Baffles Scientists

anyone know where to find an unedited version of chimpy mcrib's..

In Remembrance (Man, this is funny, but sooooo wrong!)

Place your bets

A deep thought...

What are the Frequencies of your favorite radio station?


Great "La Cucaracha" today

What's the best home teeth whitening stuff?

Former Member of Jethro Tull Changes Sex

Yum....imported fruit means I can have plums all year long.

The Queen and the Pope

Doctors remove 175 pound tumor

Lawyers Remove 175 Pound Tumor

Need a chuckle? This is priceless

I have a question, and ya'll will probably think I am stupid or ignorant.

STATIC-Anyone else experiencing a lot of static?

I'm Trying To Fabricate The Most Uneventful 500th Post In DU History!

Okay....I shoveled my sidewalk and my two neighbors sidewalks...

Monty Python and the holy grail for Lego lovers.

Boondocks for the trekkies!

Oh my god! Michael Moore and Wes Clark must be anti-semites!

There's hope for Spirit

A Bizarro History of the New American Century

Why do some people feel compelled

Microsoft could launch a Mars mission with NASA

Captain Kangaroo is Dead. Market Tumbles.

Oh Oscar, Oscar, wherefore art thou Oscar?

Things your Mama never taught you

Microsoft faces off with Linux fans

Separated at birth? Wesley Clark and John Mahoney...

Separated at birth? John Edwards and John Ritter...

Oldest U.S. bank robber (92 yrs. old) gets 12 years

Phila. area DUers: Sally Star ?

Morality Test...

Arafatboy Slim

Totally stupid, uncaring,roll over boss

I can feel... I say I say... I can feeeeel your CAPTIONS

On my 11th birthday I took my friends to see "Cat from Outer Space"

Your favorite nickname for mammaries.

what is the best mp3 converter?

Miami DUers...street question.

Can we do a poll for the Democratic nominee?

11-year-old girl gives birth in Ukraine

Mamushi Snake-Azuma Is.-Torpex-Sochu-Atomic Bar.

Don't turn around....

Family discord arrgghhh!

Anyone see the 20/20 promo for tonight?

a joke for you on friday

Quick trigger finger on the Mammi, Eh?

new Oxyrush advertiser Sunflower Automotive/Sunflower Lincoln Mercury

Ever Have One Of These?

Which Will You Miss More?

Today In Twisted History

Things that sound sexual but aren't. Name some....

Your favorite bird species? wink wink

I thought there was a web site that listed which Hollywood celebrities..

Favorite Names - Female

Chocolate or Death?

Separated at Birth? John Kerry and Andrew Jackson

Fat Virgin Hooters Song (pics)

Bush and ribs

Where do babies come from?

DU This poll

Don't you just love woodpeckers?

I now walk into the jaws of death, the mouth of hell... the 700 club

Osama Joke

Nader on Maher tonight

Looking to put a home studio together for cheap: any thoughts?

Who remembers Burma Shave signs?

Delusions of Adequacy!



Check this link out...

Who says Cheeseheads can drive on snow? 200+ accidents

After eating a bagel with sesame seeds will you test positive for

Who else is sick?

Adult Swim was great last night

Should you lie . . .

Screw both AM and FM! Internet radio is where it's at.

Sigh, WHY did the Simpsons do a clip show?!

Tylenol? Check! OJ? Check! Chicken soup? Check! 7-Up? Check!

The reason why men lie

I got a raise so I won't be quitting yet

I was told it is illegal for a pop up not to have an opt-out path...

My main radio station is:

Photographing the Ice Palace...

Favorite feathered friends...

My health insurance is jumping to $1300 a month!

They're killing YAKS at the Denver Stock Show!

My Dr. just put me on blood pressure meds. Don't ask me a DAMN THING!!

Shameless plug:

What Are The Call Letters Of The Radio Station You Listen To Most Often?

Favorite MODERATOR message

By responding to this thread...

Why do you like certain people?

Help me understand: Why do folks throw sneakers over the powerline?

What drives your spouse/lover/roommate/etc. CRAZY about you?

Breaking on DRUDGE!!! Clark has a croissant and an eclair for lunch!

CONFESS!!!! If you could switch to the opposite sex for just one day.....

I'm thinking about getting a DOG-need advice (pic)

Didn't know * liked horses.

The 213 Things Skippy is No Longer Allowed to Do in the U.S. Army

Presidential remarks to the press pool, Jan. 22

Time again for "Ask Mr. Zomby Your Tax Questions!"

Escape from Neverland

I ran...I ran so far away

bumper stickers.

I'm going to medical school in New Zealand!

Things not to wear on an airplane.


What can you use as a natural diuretic?

what's the deal with confederate flags outside of the South

Random song lyric

People over 30..

Decision time for my father re: my grandmother.

I just had to put my kitten to sleep, and I feel sick.


Buttercup, Blossom, or Bubbles?

College sports teams you freaking despise?

I love Dogs

Everyone needs to go buy Jeff Buckley "Li ve at Sin-e"

Stupidest damn thing you ever ate as a kid?

Vs. Bush who would you vote for?

Captain Kangaroo is Dead

DeanGoesNuts.Com (many mp3s)

Hey, where's Rabrrrrrr today? Nobody's killing threads!!

Justice League vs. Avengers

Best internet videos of 2003...the winners

Great hair!

Non Sequitur cartoon slams Clear Channel - it's great!

Got a shipment today!

Reminder: Party at KCDem's and TXLib's home

Favorite Names - Male

How long have you been part of DU? Who are the "old-timers"?

Disrupters on DU. What is at stake. What we can do about it.

John Edwards did two important things last night which scared Right wing.

More proof RNC out to get Clark using lies

Coy Clyburn Considers Campaign

Several Late New Hampshire Polls

Dean (too angry), Kerry (too wooden),Clark (repub), Edwards(newbie) trend?

Why are people jumping on the Kerry bandwagon?

Elizabeth Edwards on CSPAN at 2pm EST

Dean Says the Unthinkable - Toss Greenspan

My husband says the Secret Service is coming for me.

Fox Criticism of Clark is Silly, Stupid & Cowardly

Can Edwards pass Dean in NH?

Kerry lucked out by Dean's WWE style

Dem Unity Thread: Photos from NH

Dean is right -America needs a Balanced Budget (Bush's $5 Trillion prob)

Edwards Made Me Proud To Be A Democrat Last Night

The should Iowa/New Hampshire vote first question

Clark on MTP and This Week Sunday

Dennis Kucinich Is Still God (my Iowa report)

How to defend our candidates?

Elizabeth Edwards on CSpan right now!

Kerry campaign coming to northern MI

I heard from a friend that over 150 people were at the JK meetup in NYC

Moore's website updated after debate!


Does Mort Kondrake have EYES?????

Holy Carp !!! --- Anybody For Taking A Deep Breath Here !!!

Clark is electable again!

Which item on tonight's Letterman Top Ten List was the best?

Why weren't the closing statements shown?

Should Clark have sat it out again?

Mr. Positive? negative story on Edwards

CSPAN now! 1am est. Dean today in Claremont nt

NECN Video of the Pre-Debate Crowds

Encouraging posts from non-Democrats regarding John Edwards

the whores are toast in 2004

New ARG Poll numbers up tonight-JK 31, WC 20, HD 18, JE 11

Anyone else find Tweety's comparison of Dean to Hitler highly IRONIC?

Moore and Clark: Joined at the hip

Denis Hayes, Environmentalist, Endorses Kerry

If the Dem candidates want a soundbyte on the * economy...

Kerry/Edwards for Gebhardt to throw his support

why was peter jennings at fox debate ?

Repugs are mighty happy about the IA Caucus

With this answer Clark won the debate FOR US

Can we, as Democrats, replace the word "help" with "justice" or something

If Dean survives, could this immunize him from future attacks....?

AWOL....let's roll with it

Edwards Made Me Proud To Be A Democrat

In search of a face, and tilt, that can take on Bush

Gore Vidal *loves* Kucinich, is grateful to Dean for anti-Iraq war focus

Women's Issues Debate this Sunday in NH!!

Did Bush mis-speak?

The Rolling Stone Dean interview rules!

Kerry Shows Two Facets Of Fundraising (Some Unsavory Info)

Houstonvoice Editorial - Endorsement: Clark for president

Clark's Axicom answer, is it the truth?

2 Johnnys, Dennis the Menace,Joe,Spanky,H, and Pinky

My impressions of the Fox NH debate...

Boston TV7 poll Kerry 26 (-1), Dean 19(+/-), Clark 17(+2), Dean ends drop

Why are the media calling these "debates"?

I missed the debate... Who won?

Detroit News: Kerry talks tough, Dean tame in debate

What Dean shoulda-coulda said re: the screech

America Reacts to Howard & Judy Dean /People Loved It- $$$ Spiked

Another poll shows Clark about to take second place away from Dean

Clark attacked by Media because of his progressive tax plan?

Who will be in NH campaigning this weekend?

Gephardt is not planning to endorse anyone

On the campaign trail with Wesley Clark

AOL Straw Poll states pretty compelling argument for nominating Edwards

my ideal candidate forum would be a combo quiz and debate

debate transcript

Analysts: Debate had no 'crystallizing moment' (Union Leader)

What's wrong with America was on display on ABC tonight...

Will someone send me a copy of CAPPS II?

Suffolk University Tracking poll: Kerry led by only 1-point on Thursday!!

Why is Lieberman such a pariah here?

New ARG poll. Dean down. Clark second. Kerry at 31%

Moderate independent explains the Faux set-up for the debate:

Is NH going to come down to the candidates tax plans?

Candidates struggle to buy political ads in costly markets

Top Ten Ways I, Howard Dean, Can Turn Things Around

Question on debate sponsorship

Populism is ripe for picking by the Dems in 2004 (American Prospect)

New image for Dean after slide in Iowa polls (moving back up in polls)

I expect all of you to buy me many scotches

I'm glad Dr. Dean made his Tax Position clear......"we can't do it all"

The Holler Heard Round The World....

USATODAY/CNN poll: Kerry 34%, Dean 22%, Clark 17% and Edwards 12%


Newsday's Marie Cocco: "John Kerry has Proved His Mettle."

Dean derides Washington politicians in slap at rivals

Clyburn to endorse Kerry-CNN

Prospect's editor Meyerson: John Kerry has rediscoved his populist voice

Kerry out fundraising Dean online this week

I think Edwards is going to be the key to November...

Question on Dean & women

Did Jennings "kill off" Sharpton?

Edwards' Debate DOMA answer

State lawmakers hold rally to support Clark (Maine)

Rasmussen National Poll

For non-Dean supporters ONLY

Dean Dean Dean Dean Dean

Dean Pokes Fun At Arm-Waving Iowa Speech

Dean and Public Opinion about the War

Kerry redeploys his forces for February primaries

Would it be possible to have one NH "Poll Thread"?

Kerry Forward: Veteran environmental leader gives Kerry the green light

Dean - News Coverage (multiple newspapers 1/23)

Fox goes AWOL

Which candidate's campaign website do you like best?

Should Dean or Kerry not win the nomination...

NO surprise in FAUX assault on Clark

USA Today NH Poll - Kerry leads Dean by 5% ( with 30+% undecided)

If Clark doesn't get traction

So anyway, I was playing online poker for fun (Yes, it's politics)

Edwards Was Embarasing. I Cringed at his lack of knowledge

Portsmouth (NH) Herald: Sen. Kerry is Herald's choice in N.H. primary

Clark's position on abortion

Excellent Gallup Poll -- State by state economic perceptions

Media lies, spins, and a win for Bush

One positive aspect of Dean's post-caucus speech....

Any post-debate NH polls out re: Clark?

Clark had a shot at a home run, hit a double instead

Will the press spend as much time on the Howard and Judy Dean interview as

i can no longer support Clark (for VP)

Democratic Hopeful Dean Calls Greenspan - "too political"

Am I the only one who thinks they all looked bad?

Dear Dr Dean, I kinda agreed with a freeper

George W. Bush, A.W.O.L (New from Michael Moore site)

What is Kerry's connection to media corporations and their current state?

Killing the King - Sidney Blumenthal on John Kerry

Here is Friday 1/23 Suffolk University (NBC)Press Release on NH Poll


Yes, GW Bush Doesn't Tip:

Dean loses Cifuentes endorsement?

Kerry continues to pull ahead in NH- 34% in new poll

On Zogby no less. Polls Not Only Predict Vote, but Affect It, Some Argue

How can we be real without being seen as "Weird" or "Gloomy Gus"?

I'm Proud of the Cross-Candidate Support on DU Recently

Fred Barnes of Weekly Standard analyzes the debate performances

Taliban in Iraq? Did Clark say that?

Clark gambles by backing gay marriage

After the stupid, rude, leading, misleading, asinine questions last night

"Jamie Rubin is a terrific asset for Wes Clark "

CNN doesn't even mention Clark's question

Boston Globe: A Kerry-Edwards ticket in the works?

Debate Transcript right here

Money Crunch Threatens Some Democrats

Best 20/20 quote w/ Diane Sawyer - Dean was upfront ...and he's right

Kerry's 'wooden aloofness'

Fox attacks Clark, Drudge attacks Edwards, and everyone

Uh-Oh the "Mean Dean" action figure

Argh!! It's the ARG NH poll update! And bad news for the doctor

Gephardt frees delegates

JK Chili Feed - 6:30 C-Span

Conference call with Rep. Kucinich

Now I feel better

Clark/Gephardt Merging??? WOW!

Thank you Iowa

Dean to be on "Inside Politics" with Woodruff on CNN- 3:30 EST

Now Kerry is supposedly too angry???

Kerry campaign tops Dean, Edwards in fundraising

Heads Up Clark Supporters: NH Weekend Schedule!

Common Good Thread: Fox Meets General Smackdown

Whoo - hoo! We will have McGovern at our Clark House Party tomorrow night!

Write Your Projected January 28 Headline and Lead Here!

Did Clark Misspeak?

Anyone remember that Edwards said "bring it on" first?

looking back to '00 did the press give Bush this much scrutiny?

Are Clark and Dean fighting for the same voters ??

Another focus point for the Democratic field

CNN's debate commentary--how flippin' ridiculous!

Former Florida Attorney General Bob Butterworth to endorse Clark for presi

We had better circle the wagons and stop attacking each other....

Delegate count to date... (MSRNC)

The Bombing of Kosovo - Michael Moore (related to Clark)

Wesley Clark's wife is great too...

NH polling

Elizabeth Edwards is on CSPAN again -- house party in NH -- repeat.

Kerry lead by 8; No bounce for Edwards; Clark, Dean continue slide (Zogby)

CBS News web article: Defending Dean's Scream

Dick Meyer of blasts press defends Dean

POLL! Are the media unfairly characterizing Howard Dean's rally?

I've had it with the media.

Clark refused to disclaim his recent endorsement by Michael Moore...

The Debate outcome, in baseball terms

How I would have responded to the "Bush is a deserter" question

Patriot Act and the primary

Clark: GOP Agenda at Play in Debate

New Kerry: Same as old one

Campaign financing: Kerry shows two facets of fundraising: Mpls Str-Trib

Kerry increases lead, Clark-Dean continue slide (Zogby)

Dean comments on Overtime Pay Cuts (note lack of media cov. for you)

One big plus that Edwards has in my book

Out of the fire (Dean), into the frying pan (Kerry).

Is that Glenn Close at the Elizabeth Edwards meeting

Sen. Kerry on CNN's Crossfire

Jennings/Faux campaign cheap shot fails

Dean Getting Second Look From N.H. Voters (AP Story) - pro Dean

as a Dean supporter I'm feeling better about Tuesday

Lieberman won the debate

All electability aside, who would you prefer be in charge of our country?

Dean Getting Second Look From N.H. Voters

governor mark warner for vp ?

Edwards in Trouble??

Al Sharpton posed the most fundamental question State/Federal issue

Updated SurveyUSA Oklahoma Poll

Fineman compares Dean campaign to Challenger explosion

anybody hear Hannity's cryptic warning to Kerry today?

"Kucinich Calls for Free, Direct Elections in Iraq" 1/19/04

Clark: GOP agenda at play in New Hampshire debate

Look at DailyHowler today (re: Jennings "deserter")

Peter Jennings needs to report the facts

Here is Peter Jennings e-mail

Dean just said (on CNN)...

"I think I'll give him a second look, if the media doesn't mind." (Dean)

The attacks against Clark are relentless.

Dean has got his groove back

Amazon is now taking contributions for Candidates running for President?

Gallup NH: Kerry with 12 point lead 34 -22 - WMUR 18! (37 to 19)

How is Dean "outsider", "anti-corporate" and "anti-DLC"?

CNN Poll: About media unfairly attacking Dean after Iowa speech, go

The solution to the AWOL issue -- A $1 million dollar reward.

'Boy Mayor' Kucinich Took Charge in Utility Debt Crisis

Elizabeth Edwards on C=Span in home in New Hampshir talking to group.

Kerry Widens Lead In Latest N.H. Poll

Dean said in debate he "would back the nominee"

The Democratic Leadership Council is Correct

Where is Bill Clinton during this slashing of Gov. Dean. I know he will..

Fineman: Dissecting Dean’s Implosion

The Bombing of Kosovo - Al Gore (related to Dean)

CNN poll: 86% say Kerry has personality they want in a president.

3 Candidates Confirmed To Debate At Dartmouth

Deleted message

Another diehard Dean supporter throws in the towel...

God Bless the Freepers, each and every one.

Michael Moore's letter asking Clark to run... A Citizen's Appeal

Okay, my vote would be transferable to Wesley Clark

"Kucinich: New Hampshire Jobs Depend on Ending NAFTA"

Mondale to endorse Kerry

I know he's made some enemies but Josh Marshall is great...

Did Dean's"primal scream" affect your support of him?

Who got my "I got a scream" link?

How many DU'ers live in swing states ?

Captions Make The Heart Grow Fonder (Dean & Clark At Debate) :-)

Check this candidate Selector

A little project for Dean people

CNN: Clark Slams FNC for asking "nonsensical" questions during debate

One of Edwards' two major impediments is now completely gone

MSNBC TV...clark inconsistent in planned parenthood questionnaire

Any other Kerry supporters disappointed with his Crossfire appearance?

Wesley Clark could truly compete in all 50 states.

Kerry on CNN: "It was the right thing to do, to stand up to Saddam

Remember Clement Atlee!

Rich Massachussets Liberals

Who would vote for Dennis Kucinich?

Clark was Excellent on 911 at the debates

Dean Must Challenge Kerry to 1on1 Debate. Dean Gets Opening, Kerry Gets

Tonight, I Feel Like a Dean Supporter.

The reality of the general electorate in the Dem primary.

Wow, just saw John Edwards wife