Democratic Underground

Archives: March 13, 2004

Democracy, Dictatorship and Definition

LEONARD PITTS JR.: A civil war between gays and blacks

WP Account of *'s Meeting with 9/11 Families

Purported al-Qaida statement

AP: Rumsfeld Kept 9-11 Souvenir

The Deborah Norville Show - as good as its guests

Chiou urges boycott of newspaper - UDN KMT Newspaper - TW

Can a seven month media war be sustained? Will the public tolerate it?

Have you read "The Sorrows of Empire" by Chalmers Johnson?

Gay Tampa City Workers Get Domestic Partner Benefits

Right Wing Law Firm Ejected From Florida Gay Marriage Case

NBER still dates recession to March 01 - so Bush is a liar - or do we

"vending machine science"

Bush EPA Seeks Weaker Rules for Radioactive Waste


What's this about Kerry/McCain??

Guantanamo Beatings

New Mark Fiore: Jobs and growth. Funny and sad.

New Kerry ADD right before Hardball

Not sure if anyone noticed...

Is Rick Perry less of an asshole than George W. Bush?

Will the GOP convention in NYC at the 9/11 anniversary backfire?

We Need a DU Glossary

President Bush: Don't use my husband as your mascot

Here's how Geedub new Space Weapons program is going...

New American Research Group Poll - Kerry 50% - Bush 43%

This week's Bill Moyers NOW - Maurice Sendak & Helen Thomas interviews

Why was Joe Namath on the Nixon enemies list?

Venezuela’s CITGO Contributes to Social Programs...

I was on the phone with a Kansas businessman today..

BushCo threatened to fire their Medicare expert if he gave Congress true

Soros vs Chimp

Bill Mahers 3/12 Show!

My 1000th post.

bush* for International Women's Week (photo)....LOL......

Ride snowboards apologize for homophobic banner

Why Do Europeans Get It--But We Are Such Morons Heading for Cliff??

George Carlin on Real Time (HBO)

The Passion of Howard Stern


Gay Mormon photos stolen from art show

must read


If the argument for Bush's fall in popularity

Movie Could Bring Dems Votes!

At the paint store in Brevard ... painter vents against Bu$h.

Bush praises man in speech on women's rights

Check out this editorial cartoon

Newt might have actually been on to something.....

names for Bush?

BBV - My Republican friend finally gets it - Vanity Fair article.

Can a freeper be any more stupid then this?

You Guys Have Got To See This!!!

Another Rally at Palm Springs City Hall

National "I'm Embarrashed by My President Day" - April 1st

What We Really Need Is "Home Security" For The Planet Earth.

George Carlin Responds to Indecency Uproar

Question About Iraq Paying For the War.

Why don't the freepers ever whine about Dennis Miller?

From the 3/10 Hardball (with props to CatWoman)

The Electras - John Kerry's High School Band

Can I get a Tiffany Globe? This is sort of disturbing....

Rove's strategy revealed: Make Kerry spend money to defend himself

Why is Solidad O'Brien on CNN morning to night????

911 days since 9/11 and Spain terror happened

Alleged Al Qa'ida email claims "Winds of Black Death" attack on US near

FREEPERS Censor My First Post!!! ROTF


The Empire Backfires by Jonathan Schell

Are "gay marriages" open relationships?

uncannily prescient monologue from "Good Will Hunting"

REMEMBER: Bush was AWOL on 9/11

Our DU soldiers got their leave cancelled

Spanish government hiding information about bombings for political gain

Moyers wasn't on in Milwaukee. Anyone else?

Elk Leave Area Plagued by Mystery Deaths

Once again! If you believe Clinton left us in a recession....

DU this poll!

Bill Maher is hot tonight!!!

BBV Robert Cringely on voting machines

My threory on Racial Relations

Frist agrees to take on drug reimportation issue

Many companies working in Iraq are GOP donors

Latortue Sworn in As New Haiti Leader

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 554 U.S. service members have died

Halliburton Admitted Faulty Iraq Costs

Bipartisan call to scrap voting by touch-screen

Kerry strikes back at Bush on ads

Ashcroft remains in intensive care -3/12/04

California gay marriage court battle likely to last years

Bush Praises Man in Speech on Women's Rights (major boo-boo)

Blast in Tikrit Kills 2 U.S. Soldiers

Iraqi Police Suspected of Killing U.S. Civilians

Blast in Tikrit Injures 6 U.S. Soldiers

Bush Aide Rove Didn't Influence Policy

Poll: Kerry would be choice of terrorists

Al Qa'ida claims responsibility for Madrid blasts

Kerry Leads Bush, 50 Percent to 43 Percent, in Poll (Update1)

(UPI) FEC ruling could take down Democrats

Official Says He Was Told To Withhold Medicare Data

US Senator: Report on Iraq Intelligence 'Damning'

Army sent mentally ill troops to Iraq

Showdown looms as Iran bars nuclear inspections

EBay Reports Attempt to Sell Women on Web (Reuters)

Cache of military explosives found in suburban Chicago field

Greenspan: Offshoring laws could harm U.S.

Hollywood Disaster Film Set to Turn Heat on Bush*

Easier Internet Wiretaps Sought

Armstrong Industries Ponders More Layoffs at Its Lancaster, Pa., Floor Pla

WP: Missteps on Economy Worry Bush* Supporters

US revealed to be secretly funding opponents of Chavez

Yet another reason Bush* has to go! TERR RISM

In live appearance Bush expresses solidarity with Spain

Yet another 'name that band' thread

We Need a DU Glossary

My last 'guess the band' of the day

I Started Watching Don Juan DeMarco

31 posts in 24 hours! Ask me anything.

It's that name the artist game again (part seventeen thousand)

Has Anyone Ever Seen This Bush Wedding Video?

Stuffed to the Store...What Frozen Brand is Good?

Sweet comment just now on MPR!

DU Chili heads! Having trouble getting chiles this winter?

OUCH!! I bit the inside of my cheek during dinner tonight...

How Long Have You Been Working At Your Current Job?

ATTN GAMERS: What online games do you play? ( BF 1942, DAoC ect )

Check out the three months change in traffice for DU vs. FR!

****It's my 1000th post!!!*****

Back to the time warp - LOUDEST 60's/early 70's band

Kids and Violent Video Games

Futurama fans - if you like the show, NOW is the time to get the DVDs!

Do I write like a man?

so, what's the record, anyway

the guitar poll, fender edition...

George Carlin on Bill Maher tonight

guitar junkies: SG, Les Paul, or Flying V?

I can't find dolphin-safe tuna

Best 70's Horn Driven Band

Double Red Alert! Double Red Alert!

I'm driving from TX to TN w/ my mom on Sunday. We're going to stop

Editorial cartoon

Is The Man Show sexist?

Mmm.... Little Debbie Zebra Cakes.

Anyone like the 80's Band Zebra?

41,000 DUERS!

Listening to Screaming Trees, Mudhoney, Nirvana...ask me anything!

I got my first piece of personal mail from a fellow DUer today

Who is the most attractive female?

The Angelina Jolie Phenomenon: Bisexual Poster Girl?

How many people have you turned on to DU?

Amtrak's 5 minutes early tonight...

How do you imagine DUers sound like in real life?

Screw up this idiot's poll!

Laura Bush's form of birth control

SUPERGRASS-pretty cool

Man, that meeting room is a slow, slow place

Let's go nuts Broadway style!

A top WWE wrestler is leaving wrestling for a career in the NFL!

Any west 'burbs of Cleveland people looking for entertainment tomorrow?

My pizza just arrived! Ask me anything!

Henson to the Cowboys

Cat sitting on arm - numbness setting in...atrophy and gangrene to follow?

Who here uses

Russia is a cold place and men look for love wherever they can get it, but

And finally: BEST NUMBER 1 HIT OF THE LATE 1960s? (The Final Chapter)

I just finished off a box of napolitano (sp) ice cream, ask me anything

Battle of the Bands IV: Hole vs. Elastica

If you could clone a hot dog..

Let me rephrase...funniest thing I've ever read!

Groundhogs don't get enough respect.. They are helpful little creatures

I need a protest sign-bit for 3/20 demo in ABQ

Shrubya's legacy - What will the history books call him?

George Carlin on Maher - now HBO

The great Ian poll!!

(Spoiler!) Photo from Star Wars 3

So, my niece's economic teacher

Latest picture of Erin!

Looking for cheap-ass replacement car...

i am a fraud and a bug.... compared to Margeret Cho! OM.....

Is there a DU Gallery anymore?

This thing tomorrow night. with Denver Young Dems.

Anyone have any funny home improvement horror stories?

"Waiting for Guffman" , now on to "School of Rock"

Yum! Just had escargot/garlic btr/blue cheese - any other snail fans?

The pop of leather when a heater meets the catchers mitt…


I just ate a whole box of Samoas AND a whole box of Tagalongs, ask me...

Mobius revealed, my REAL face on my avi

"The things that will destroy us..."

you a nerd?

Should Velma watch "Schindler's List" tonight?

Mark Feuerstein, Harvey Fierstein, Leonard Bernstein... STEEN? STINE?

Laker Fans - the Mailman is BACK!!

Chicago Blues Battle: Sonny Boy Williamson2 vs. Little Walter

Am I the only parent that is closer to my child than I am to my spouse.

The $100,000 Family Car - WSJ

Django Reinhardt vs. Robert Johnson

Comedian Comments (my favorite is Bill Maher's on the bill of rights)

My attempt to show how hetero I am poll: *Pic heavy thread*

Favorite Male Actor In Drag...

Anybody here watch Stargate besides me? They are getting political.

Subtle Anti-Bush Slam on Stargate-SG1?

The New Bond Game.

RIP, Red.

Well, I went to the doctors yesterday..

Is this true, about stopping taking anti-biotics too soon?

How many completely functional computers do you own?

Johnny Ramone is a jerk

Segregated bookstores?

Friday Night Movie Thread

On MSNBC today

regarding results of poll in Kerry first day thread

How much did Kerry promise to cut middle income taxes?

Oooh...A new brand new ARG Poll - Kerry 50% Bush 43%

How's this for a campaign slogan?

Kerry unveils new ads against Bush

How much does John Kerry weigh?

Why terrorists prefer Bush and DON'T want Kerry to win.

McCain/Feingold was a mistake.

AP: Voters Say 9/11 Images Are Inappropriate

Happy with your letter from Wes Clark today? Say, thank you, Wes.

Howard Stern to consider asking listeners to donate to Kerry!

When the thugs complain about Dems being mean, show 'em this typical Rove

Images Of The Kerry Family Tree

Bush Exceeds Own 2000 Call for Tax Cuts? need second opinion

I read that Kerry only has $16 million in his campaign fund

Regime change will require more than beating Bush.

Kerry/Clark and Kerry/Edwards are both excellent tickets

John Kerry Speechwriting Tournament (Unofficial but ...)

Just finished reading "Secrets of the Tomb" by Alexandra Robbins (Skull)

I like the sound of Kerry/Kucinich.

Bill Mahers 3/12 Show!

Hong Kong shows that China fears democracy

Japan's biowarfare exposed

Bushie's Resume.

One of my favorite local columnists

Preaching to the Choir

You can't be a Washington outsider if you're already president.

Jonathan Schell (The Nation): The Empire Backfires


Kennedy speech at CUNY - outstanding

NYT OP-ED for computer/software geeks!

Homage to the dead

Outsourcing CEO gigs will solve job losses

WP: Missteps on Economy Worry Bush Supporters

The very unfree free market

GEA: Die Frenchie! political cartoon.

My letter to the editor 3-13-04

The Year of Living Dangerously:NYTimes

Bin Laden Captured

Pass along this information about Social Security!

Protest Bush in Orlando, FL - March 20!

Mother or Murderer - Keith Olbermann Video

Amateur Astronomers: What filters do you recommend?

My take on the Jesus story

Civil Unions Come To Brazil (Have I mentioned how much I love Brazil?)

Got this from the "Christian Family Coalition" today...

New web site (inspired by Lou Dobbs?):

A.G. Edwards Will Pay $28 Million to Georgia Investors

Tax abatements, inventory tax, public school funding. Anyone here know...

What about the inventory tax?

Farmers facing poison battle - SA

  Speedy new test for resistant bananas

NASA press conference monday to announce Planet X.

Tenet's Timidity May Prove Suicidal

SANDF top brass in hiding after death threats

U.S. Isolated at Hemispheric Conference on Gender, Population

Some unlikely candidates are ready to carry firearms

Why does DU allow this to continue?

How many posts do I need to be able to send private messages?

Respectfully request reconsideration of locking dupe thread...

For consideration to combine the GD: Campaign 2004 and the GD forums

A Listen Live request

Where can we post unpublished works?

Feature Request: A BBV Forum

D.C. area organizations hold memorial for Rachel Corrie

Atale of two armies

Rules of behavior during an armed conflict -- Version 1.0

Israel to push ahead with plans for unilateral moves if summit with Pal...

IDF soldiers kill two Palestinians near Gaza fence

A grotesque choice

911: Exploiting a Tragedy - a timeline.

Rahul Majahan on terrorisn

Bill Maher is everything Dennis Miller is not.

Need Gandhi quote about evil from someone's sig line. It is the one where

Hell, I'm donating to Maher.

Miami revokes law restricting protests

Bush and Google.. what happened?

(If you read Spanish) Spanish weblogs coverage of Madrid bombs

Blogger says Bush's Iraq War may be to blame for bombing in Madrid

Newt Gingrich on O' Reilly's Factor (my one request)

"Fish. Barrel. Boom." - by Will Pitt

I love this thread at freeperland:

Vote Kerry in...then get progressive for real.

Bush on 09/13/2001 Vs. Clinton on 09/14/2001.

Purported letter from Al Qa'ida (claiming Madrid terror, threatening more)

Carlin blew the doors off tonight!

Would someone 'splain to me

Whatever Happened to Saddam's Report to the United Nations?

Time to play: "Name That Scary Terror Attack Which Rove Made Up!"

Bush inspires Hollywood disaster movie.

dickless cheneys' halliburton deferred payments

Daily U.S. Casualties 3/13/2004

Aznar's 3/11: 9/11 Deja vu?(L)et (I)nsight (H)elp (O)ur (P)erspective

Why is a film of the flagged draped coffins of soldiers disrespectful

Crank Call Into CNN Just Now (Stern Supporter)

Captain Janks on CNN (Stern)

The nitty-gritty..

Howard Stern's list of required reading

"Because we are Americans, we don't abuse people who are in our care"

One sure way to keep Bush on the defensive

Tom Ridge's Buddy South Korean Coupster ? That Was Fast!

The Bush/Cheney campaign (in a nutshell)

Howard Stern is Dead (Apologies to Bob Dylan)


Labor Urges Large Turnout For March 20th Anti-War Protests

Am I the only person bothered by unnecessary surgeries on women?

*New Paltz Mayor Seeks Allies and Positive Debate on Same-Sex Marriage*

Anyone have a URL for the following Bush tidbit?

Hollywood disaster film set to turn heat on Bush

Democrat Kerry Challenges Bush to Monthly Debates


I take it the LBN news Wed nite of the sudden demise of a Gov.

Will aWol*'s Dance on Soldiers' Graves This Coming Week Backfire?

Gentle reminder...

A question to someone who knows about Campaign contributions law

Talking Points Memo says Kerry should start hitting hard on

When terror worked...

karen kwiatkowski on the air right now....9:30 AM CST

"two-thirds of al Qaeda leadership caught or killed" ?

Next Bush Gaffe. Please! Proposed Jobs Czar outsourced 1800 jobs himself!!

Interesting news article... U.S. planting WMDs in Iraq?

Fear for Sale

Do you think the National Hockey League should ban fighting completely?

I'm studying voter rights legislation in this country

How significant is it that Dubya isn't running on the Invasion of Iraq?

Venezuela: coercion and secret funding in signature drive!!

How is Bush going to avoid having debates with Kerry?

Bush says War on Terra' helped women's rights

Annenberg data on Bush 9/11 Ads

The Canadian drug issue - sheesh

How many vacation days has George W. Bush taken to date? ...

Hitting Home - Daughter's Fiancee Lost His Banking Job This Week

Kerry should hit hard on fear of debate by Bush

Why does network marketing exist?

Son of gay marriage foe gets married in San Francisco

Hollywood disaster film set to turn heat on Bush

Another Greenspan Comment Kerry Needs to Get on Top Of.

remember Smirk's recent photo op with the business women

Question re: Presidential Oath of Office.

Class Action lawsuit against war profiteers?

Cleveland snowplow driver puts 'Traitor' sign on plow

Young Repubs in Texas

Drudge isn't left or right, just drudge

Hmmm...a terrorist attack three days before an election (Spain)

Hanoi Jane making the rounds

looking for letters from soldiers

If b* were a girl

Miserable Failure

I hate Job Fairs.

Signs of the Smirkonomy

Hany anyone seen Mark Fiore's Nader Flash Movie?

Cowards & bigots

Where Gay Marriage is Just Marriage

Three letters to the editor today against Bush 9/11 ads...

BBV: Toon...Oh'll like this

Turn on CSPAN's WJ now

How many fundraisers does Bush attend every week?

Video stream- DU style mix from "Good Will Hunting"

Help. Anyone recall the thread re: Kerry/Smirky photos?

Rightwing columnist Michelle Malkin quotes "Ashcroft haters" from DU

How do we stop the Bushwa?

Republican attacks on Kerry resemble their attacks on Al Gore....

Raising taxes on the rich will increase jobs

I was wondering why there are no politicians talking about Peak Oil...

Dennis Kucinich and Karen Kwiatkowski on This Is Hell

"Bush isn't smart" - Molly Ivins

Are people who are against civil rights racist?

NED....a good thing??

your thoughts on rumsfeld's 9-11 'souvenir'

75--100 US scientists barred from important conference in Cuba

One European's perspective on Madrid

The Great Escape (The 9/12 Bin Laden Airlift)

Handy Halliburton Scandal Reference Guide

Bush marks International Women's Week - by paying tribute to a man!

"I look forward to that debate."

Something's not right about the train bombing

FBI wants greater tapping power over cable and DSL connections

David Bossie called Smirk america's CEO

Today's unemployment numbers better then 70's 80's and 90's.

How have the Dems responded to *'s attacks against, Kerry?

Freeper hypocrisy

"I'm President Bush, and I approved this message."

"Selective skills" draft in the works....

What did Gandhi/Mandela (etc...) think about violence for self-defense?

The three worst scenarios for us this election

The 527 controversy seems to have forgotten one group

I cried myself to sleep for my country. (a bit of a rant or a lament)

Arkansas Man Arrested in Pregnant Wife's Death

Madrid: How it was done

Important question about Bush and religeon

Do most Basques support Basque independence?

Bush and his admin have been evasive on questions re: OBL

MATRIX: Multi-State Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange

Medicare cost analyst says he was ordered to provide skewed figures

Microwave popcorn chemicals under scrutiny

The Bohemian Grove Is an Offshoot of Skull and Bones

Bush has the "moves".

AWOL the coward is ducking debates with Kerry - per * spokesperson Schmidt

cybildisobedience -- YOU ROCK!!

DU employment/Unemployment poll

are you worried about fair media coverage of Bush and Kerry?

Bush Says Kerry's Tax, Trade Plans Would Hurt Economy / Hurt Families

If Bush showed up at your workplace

Official Guy James Show thread......please keep kicked

Bev Harris and BBV -- Check out these letters to the editor

What percent of the population is capable of black ops?

Freeper calls for social cleansing

godless Americans stand up and be counted

So When's Kerry going to start talking about how Bush...

What did bush say about exploitung 9/11

Faux News deperately, pathetically trying to hide Spanish anger

Create your own Bush/Cheney posters (Lame - Could we do better?)

A 20-something wearing a Bush/Cheney '04 button was reading Machiavelli's

Even his supporters were uncomfortable with Bush exploiting 9/11

The latest ads

The choice of Cheney was never in the long term interest of the GOP

Could the Spanish People Turn Against the USA???

House of Bush, House of Saud"Did the Saudis buy a president?"

Is the Opi nuts? Not so Nuts, Sane?

Democracy Now! To Report on Aristide's Return to the Caribbean

Why I am interested in gay marriage

Tammy Baldwin, lesbian representative, speaks out on gay marriage

FOX TV has hit a new low

Get the March issue of Harpers!

TBTM Radio #31: Sneak Preview

I need tips for going to a protest.

Watch Brzezinski on C-Span now est

I wish Dean would start another web address for his new project or change

Bush without 9/11

Is the media fixin' to take down Bush?

Who are the main candidates in the Spanish elections?

watching my husband cry

The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties

Jeb Bush's job before Miami realtor? Venezuelan banker.

Howard Stern on Bush...

Brief report from friend in Madrid

U.S. Undermining Saddam Evidence - Iraqi Lawyer (says)

Since 9/11, Bush's job rating has gone up in TWO months only...

Why I think Bush is toast

Was gasoline really .97 cents a gallon when Bush took office?

Eric Alterman, Joe Conason, David Corn: "Books on Bush" Discussion

Cui bono? Who will gain by 3/11?

i'm afraid to put anything 'political' on my car......are you?

Ann Coulter Says Muslims 'Smell Bad'

2004 Collected Polling Data!

how popular is * in your area?

China rules out elections for HK

BJ's Wholesale suspects credit card leak (8 million members)

Judge blocks bid for probe into Diana's death

Easier Internet Wiretaps Sought

Justice found Rumsfeld, senior FBI official had souvenirs from Sept. 11 s

Weekend peace march plans to draw attention to Iraq war dead

Broward judge refuses to let conservative group intervene in gay marriage

Liberia fighting starts again

Fed Seen As Likely To Keep Rates Low -- Lack of New Jobs Reflect Uneven Gr

NYT, p. 1: Bombings Lead U.S. to Raise Security for Trains

Case of Slain Filmmaker Horman Gets Boost

Travis DA defends inquiry:Denies GOP assertion funding probe partisan

Leaked report says soldier was victim of friendly fire

Iraqi students rally against constitution

NYT:Grieving Crowds in Spain Seethe at Train Attacks (political)

China's Need for Metal Keeps U.S. Scrap Dealers Scrounging

Firefighters on front line in Kerry's campaign

Medicare analyst confirms muzzling (new story)

Report: White House Sends Senior Official to Iraq

PAC's fund-raiser at church draws tax complaint

Charlotte Observer:John Edwards cases were hardly frivolus

NATO Tasked For Olympic Security

MCI Continues Cleaning Up The Mess

DOJ: Rummy Took 9/11 Rubble

Oil Prices Drop on Senate Vote to Hold Some Out of Reserve

IRS audits increase for high-income taxpayers

Bush Radio Address Raps Kerry's Tax Plans

Cherie 'took Leo to pendulum healer in place of MMR jab'

A.G. Edwards Will Pay $28 Million to Georgia Investors

U.S. wants military control in Iraq, even after sovereignty handed over

Local battalion taking over Fallujah from Army unit

Our (Aussie) pilots refused to bomb 40 times (in Iraq)

Lawsuit claims workers hurt by toxic dust

Group threatening French railways resurfaces

Women arrested in FTAA protests sue over Miami-Dade strip search

Two U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq Bomb Attack

BBV: Atlantis candidate asks for recount

Report: Spanish Intelligence Sees Islamic Group Behind Attack

Outsourcing defended by India premier - AP

UN war crimes judge defies calls to resign

(DUPE) One killed in bomb blast in popular Baghdad shopping neighborhood

Army calling divisions for return duty in Iraq

RACE FOR PRESIDENT: Poll shows Bush losing Arab-American voters

Oregon AG Says Gay Marriage Ban Invalid


Spain Arrests 5 Muslims in Bomb Probe

Madrid bombs tilt Spain left

California gay marriage court battle likely to last years

Religious, anti-abortion groups among the winners as abstinence-only fundi

Spanish Intelligence 99% Certain Militant Muslims to Blame

Dems Eye Medicare Drug Costs Probe (Medicare chief pressured by WH?)


Sweeping new US operation - Afghanistan

Bankruptcy filings set record

Washington Pushes Iraq Toward Sovereignty (begging UN)

White House Sends Official to Baghdad

Senator Lott Says He Will Back Drug Imports

Anti-government protests spring up across Spain

AP: Kerry Has Delegates for Nomination

Loud Blast Shakes Central Baghdad - Witnesses

DEA casts wider net in probe of steroids (Arnie against DEA involvement )

EITC can be all yours

Spain Arrests Five in Madrid Bombings

NYT: Background on Sp. govt. attempt to manipulate voters

Halliburton Faces More Scrutiny

U.S. Unloading WMD in Iraq

The emotional toll of a court's decision NEARLY WEDS: Couples who just mis

Officials Still Divided on Whom to Blame for Madrid Bombings

WP: Pentagon Shadow Loses Some Mystique (long story, OSP)

Scandal over steroids touches governor; Schwarzenegger admitted use

America's liberals to 'bash Bush' with talk-radio network

Bush uses radio address for veiled attack on Kerry's economic policies

Spain: Tape of al-Qaida claiming responsibility for Madrid bombs - Reuters

All entrants flunk "robot race" just on CNN no link that I know of,

'Pay addicts not to have children'

Austrian 'diplomat cardinal' dies

WP: Maine Community Beats Back Big Oil

Democrat Kerry Raises $10 Million Through Internet in 10 Days

Madrid is awash with PROTESTORS.. 11:38AM PT...3/13

CNN TV Breaking: 5 Arabs detained in Spain

NYT: G.E. Signals a Growing Interest in Solar

Mercenaries aimed to topple oil-rich despot

Kerry challenges Bush to monthly debates

LAT: Repaying a Big Debt to Lt. Kerry (Green Beret he saved)

Judge orders U. of Michigan to turn over abortion records

Mass Murder In Fresno

Agency initiates steps for selective draft

Liars just put up their entire new record for download

Barbra Streisand Heads Back to the Big Screen

tax question...

What's another musis theft site besides Kazaa?

Ladybugs in the mountains. They are everywhere!

TV clichés catalogued (Add your own!)

Art Noveou or...

Watch this 16 Horsepower, Clogger video......

OK, stupid question for techies.

am I intolerant??

I'm forcing myself to sit through Dennis Miller's latest HBO special

Bill Maher Just Said - Theresa Heinz

Sixth Sense (Bush)

AH back in Towel town again

Hey music nuts---- what song goes...

Should I post a picture of myself on DU?

I'm listening to "I knew the bride when she used to rock and roll"

Hey DUers - talk to me

would someone splain to me..

i think heyhey is bored...

So, anyoe know how to teach up with a hooker

Roll Call: Late Night DUers! LET'S RANT RANDOM STUFF!

Things that make you go hmmm......

What Becomes of the Broken Hearted

"The Exorcist" Re-enacted by Bunnies - good stuff

Do you really want to get your frustrations out on W*?

Larry The Cable Guy

In praise of Mickey Newberry

Ok i think this pick needs avatarage:

Concert For George (Bush)

I Was Standing On The Hoover Damn With GW Bush last Night!

Any Petula Clark fans out there?

I support a constitutional amendment

No one has the power to please me like

"Jarvis seeks Tube stake sale" Who is this Jarvis character?


National CornDog Day March 20th!!!!


Who wants to drive my daughter to her bowling match today?

Historical advice to Boy Scouts

Cowboys or Indians?

I'm watching Pulp Fiction for the first time

Best song

Need help from Macintosh gamer-types... re: Pirates!

Should I make a new sexy man poll?

Favorite Jesus movie?

A public service announcement for people with the surnames Spitz & Trickle

I survived the MPRE - ask me anything!

Democratic Underground - The Reality Series!

Caption your own pictures here

Best SpyWare?

I have a shitty relationship with my little sister.

If Major League Baseball passes rules banning steroid use,

Concert For George

who here knows about apache rewrite?

Another car thread-any Miata owners out there?

so the Braves eviscerate themselves in the offseason...

The Baseball Player's Union is dead wrong about steroids

Another reason to love Mozilla

Has Anyone Seen David Cross' New(ish) DVD Yet?

"Do you like cabin rentals about Jesus?"

I can't open my doors to let fresh air in................

This guy sees too much in video games...

Monsieur Ibrahim

Help! Need a doll of Bush for the protest: Voodoo doll on a stick

Egads. The New York Times has figured me out

Anyone here besides me going to have emotional issues if * wins?

this damn cat....

NCAA Hoops thread

Coolest TV/Movie Car?

Vanity Bob Boudelang is up!!

I'm In The Mood For A Little 'Abba'... Or 'Ace of Base'

Scary!!! Only 286 Days Days Left

So, anyoe know how to hook up with a teacher?

Bands of today who wanna be bands of yesterday

A question about M*A*S*H (tv series)...

This is a wierd site. Check it out.

Fox is about to tell us why gas prices are going up

Mia Farrow on Howard Stern

Will you help support my media reform blog? (crass begging family crisis)

Let me introduce you to a REAL chef

Don Lautenbach: Emperor of America

cover of new Alternative Press: NOFX, omg...

32 degrees yesterday...52 right now!

MVP 2004--time to cowboy up and beat those damn Yankees again!!

Someone brushes their shoulder with their hand, your first thought is...?

Pick the right urinal

American Survivor

I got five on it

Canadians: My best sleeping pill has been cancelled:

I'm writing a chess playing program...

I had a nightmare last night

This is messed up.

How is it possible there is no DU Gathering in NYC on March 20?

Janet/Justin "nipplegate" dolls

My roomie's sewing swastikas, ask me anything!

Don't miss tomorrow's Doonesbury!

In case you thought your ex was a freak...



What happens if you put yourself on ignore?

Any DU Doctors or Nurses? I have a medical question about a Skin Rash

A bunch of celebrities saying their favourite swear words

what happened to that southpark cartoon thing

What's that hip-hop tune in "bring it on"


Another strange quote from

Think you've seen the dumbest freeper prediction ever?

What makes my cursor behave so badly sometimes? Is it being "willful?"

My foot has a ferret fetish

Any "Keeping Up Appearances" Fans Here?

You know you're really married when...

You know what to do with this poll...

What do you use for the web?

I'm Having A Dinner Party Tonight - Who Wants Carbonara?

Just saw a commercial for "The Punisher" movie

Are you having Visions of Johanna?


George Carlin Responds to Indecency Uproar

Should I retire 'TXlib'?

Konfabulator Widget for showing DU threads?

Yes, Sapphocrat and I are having problems...

What's the best diet to lose a lot of weight before summer?

Sexiest Progressive Man?

My ferret has a foot fetish.

BEST NUMBER 2 HIT, 1955-1959? (Part 1)

Scorsese's "Last Temptation of Christ"

What's up with Publix?

How social are you?

Something Terrible Has Happened Down Home


Any "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge" (MXC) fans here?

Kirk Cameron now has his own religion show on TV?

DU chat tonight

Dubya, Laura and the nasty. Research Project

ANyone else actually like U2's Zooropa?


BEST NUMBER 2 HIT, 1955-1959? (Part 2)


Am I the only one who is closer to her dog than to her spouse or child?

Doonesbury Poll - Re: Bush Natl. Guard Duty

DU history enthusiasts and military folks, I need your help

Funny, you dont look like our future... DU college kids check in!

Gamers: What's your game name?

If you could add 3 bands to play at the Boston convention, what'd they be?

Honk if you're tired of GW Bush's:

President_G_W_Bush said I was a hot babe. How scared should I be?

recommend me a good, reasonably priced computer

Whom do you pick to win the Stanley Cup?

Howard The Duck: So Bad It's Good Or Just Plain Bad?

When you make spaghetti sauce....

If I Were Your Housekeeper For One Day... Free Of Charge...

Meet Charley, the newest member of the Waldorf Cat Haven family.

How Many Posts Have You Made In The Past 24 Hours?

What's your favorite car that starred in a movie/television series?

i stole $4 in quarters from my boss

My son needs legal help in Washington State.. FAST

VW Passat

Opticians here, or anyone know about the cost of glasses?--question & rant

Racially balanced sexy man poll:*pic heavy thread*

CNN inside the Dean campaign show repeat ?

What do you think is the chance of this happening again?

A Day in the Life of a President

NATIONAL "I'm Embarassed by My President Day," April 1, 2004

LAT: Repaying a Big Debt to Lt. Kerry (Green Beret he saved)

Chomsky is ABB

If you could add 3 bands to play at the Boston convention, what'd they be?

Here's Tom Delay's democratic opponent in 2004:

Kerry challenges Bush to monthly debates

bush can put and end to Kerry's comment bru-haha

Kerry Seeks Debate Series With Bush

I have an idea for Kerry's ads.....

How soon can Kerry start challenging * to debates?

Why Bush is toast

Terrific Stephanie Herseth Ads.

Poll on Gay marriage, please vote.

Hardball Monday: Nixon's secret campaign against John Kerry

Poll: Bush losing Arab-American support

Kerry responds to Bush attack ad

Atrios has spot-on comments today about Shrub's "leadership"

Adam Nagourney Takes A Nose Dive With "Crooked, Lying" Piece

BBV: Editor's Letter in Vanity Fair

Is It Time To Absorb GD: 2004 Back Into General Discussion?

Scandal Overload!

Anyone else think the bombing is connected to Spain's election?

Kucinich got more attention when Edwards was still in the race.

Bush using Radio Address to campaign - is there a precedent for this?

Here's why * better be scared

What is the AP trying to prove?

Will Bu$h take his August vacation this year?

When Bush pulls the "He's going to raise your taxes!" crap, shouldn't we

The Dean Campaign Thanks Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr

The right Democratic running mate, 3/13/04, from "Miami Herald"

I Just Saw On Yahoo...

That's weird, posted reply in a thread

When do you think...

Kerry campaign report from St Patrick's Parade, Pittsburgh

Dean/Condi Rice debate on MTP...

Congratulations President Kerry!

National Teach-in on the "Crooked Lying Group?" Anyone game to do this?

What's the 'nuclear' option for Kerry? (or 'nuke-yu-lar' if you like)

California election: practice for 11/2/04

Am I the only one who thinks the Kerry/McCain crap...

Better chant for Kerry?

You want polls? I'll give you polls...

Saw a Kucinich sticker last night....

Did John Kerry actually *do* anything in the Senate?

Beltway Boys: new Florida numbers

Is Kerry putting together a Dream Team?

Distorting his record?

Campaign Jukebox- John Kerry

Gone but not forgotten

Ladies and gentlemen, Karl Rove presents "The Swing States"

Clark post-mortem in my email

To Dean Supporters and Other Supporters: Cong. Jackson, Jr Needs Us!

Anyone know who the swarthy guy is in the Bush 911 ad?

I'm a Dean delegate!

It's OFFICIAL, Kerry passed Delegate #, nomination wrapped up

Possible Kerry Attack Theme: Who Hijacked the GOP?

Kerry Challenges Bush to Monthly Debates

while Bush may look vulnerable of late, please remain aware . . .

Bush Election ad 'plays on fear of Arabs'

Do you guys think they are shocked

I am a delegate for Kucinich!

Kerry and the NED

A cabinet for Kerry

Kerry attacks Bush ( A picture story)

Deleted message

Donald Trump to *: You're FIRED!

3 locked threads on the first 10 pages of General Discussion: Campaign 2000