Democratic Underground

Archives: June 14, 2004

Blair must now show he stands for something more than Bush's war

Documentarian kept quiet after filming U.S. soldiers abusing Iraqis

Criticism over conflict in Nigeria

Trapped by fear: the forgotten refugees of East Timor

Congress surely has power to regulate interrogation (LTTE)

Saudi Arabia created the monster now devouring it

The UN risks losing its clout

Salon: "A Temporary Coup" (greatest foreign policy catastrophe…"

Bush blurs lines of justification between U.S., our enemies

Air America in Hawaii

Roses Are In Bloom. What's Your Favorite Variety?

Virgin Blue looks at Asian market

`Territorial integration' or treason?

`Radical' A-mei cancels show in China - Forced by Communists

DELETED - my bad

Are we allowed to use the DU address as our home address?

Tech Q

Israel said working to house Palestinians in Gaza

Rafah: Violence Disemboweled of Law

Please help us defeat Dennis Hastert

Cathedral City Democrats meet

Special Sessions Cost Taxpayers $4.6 Million

Most shocking football (soccer) game ever

bopbush - a shrub punching bag from

one thousand days

Iraqi "intelligence" was disinfo

26 former senior diplomats say the Chimp must go

The Hunting of the President Harry Thompson on Tina Brown

Georgia DU'ers: Any word yet on a Fahrenheit 911 showing?

Knowledgeable DU'ers and Liberals already know what's in Fahrenheit 9/11

Many events that are for the expressed purpose of defeating Bush.

Hey,Michael Moore, you learned about 911 at DU. Now make a movie about BBV

Don King Endorses Two Recovering Drug Addicts : Bush and Barry

Milking Reagan at Drudge....

When they say x amount of jobs created, what type of jobs are they?

Should we organize voter registration tables at the F-9/11 viewings?

Big Brother Tommy Thompson really is watching you

Red Cross ultimatum to US on Saddam

Should Kerry pull a Clinton at the debates?

In Race to Give Power to Iraqis, Electricity Lags

LauraFlanders(AAR): great panel discussing the "non-covered" news 9:39pm

Dean Is Back and Not on the Fringe ,Either (WSJ article

About the "education pResdient" thing....

Advance orders propel Clinton's memoirs to top of bestseller list

Independent inquiry into Gulf war illnesses

dupe...please delete

Hey, I just saw a Farenheit 911 trailer on Comedy Central.

Republican Leadership Ready to Attack Our Civil Liberties Again

Was there ever a vote on the "global war on terror?"

Fahrenheit 9/11 given 'R' rating

Bush, fascism, standard of living, jobs - what if?

News reports no longer tell us the # of soldiers dead

"U Can't Be Christian If You're Pro-Choice." I saw this bumper sticker!

Ex-Diplomats, Military Leaders Oppose Bush

BBV: Andy Stephenson on the campaign trail...

Samuel Huntington on c-span Booknotes replay

Reagan on 1990 Larry King now: more knowledgeable, articulate than W

As Reagan is laid to rest

Trouble connecting to Werbe on WRIF?

RECRUITMENT-Office Protest

2fer Wingnut Crap: Matt PUDGE & "Ben SHAPIRO"----Forever!

Doctor Proposes Not Treating Some Lawyers

Papa Bush Joins Mile-High Club

"The Hunting of the President" Starts June 25th, too

In Laura Flanders they had a radio guy called Mark Levine. He has

Where are you on economic/social issues?....

Drudge Back in the Closet

Dick Morris is an Asshole

Jon Stewart's clip on Ashcroft/Biden

Advocating cutting defense spending.

After you see Farenheit 9/11 you must see "September Tapes..."

Where is Hunter Thompson?

Now that this week of trashing Reagan is over, let's start another

Bob Graham is coming out with a new book! Apparently he is really pissed

Drudge worried about W being too snippy with reporters.

When will alternative fuel sources be reality

Who was worse: McNamara or Rumsfeld?

Stem Cell Research vs. Weapons Development

Did Dubya ever meet Reagan?

'Control Room' - the movie-documentary

How will history remember Bill Clinton's presidency?

Does Powell Look ok (Health) to You?

Activism for introverts?

I just heard on National tv that gas has

EXPLOSIVE New Book ... Greatest foreign policy catastrophe in U.S. History

Election Blow For Labour

WWJD? (Probably go see the movie Saved!)

Candidate calls out GOP ties to terror

Are we on the road to becoming Nazi's?

If we become Nazi's it will be the end of Civilization!

"Finding Memo" - Jon Stewart's take on Ashcroft

Hey Republicans, it's not too late to nominate someone besides Bush

Skull n Bones report on 60 minutes, any body see it ?

The new torture articles and Chimp's G8 Comments PROVE Chimp did it!

Post Your Favorite Free Republic Quotations!

Are the Freepers planning to harrass theaters that show Fahrenheit 911?

Crystal Nacht 2005 * IT CAN HAPPEN HERE

Have you seen today's Ann Coulter column?

Now that this week of trashing Reagan is over,

A Funny REAGAN/BUSH Cartoon..................

Reagan was an Asshole: In His Own Words he Proved it again and again

Things to do Monday: CALL YOUR SENATOR re: Contempt of Congress

Bush Asks Pope's Help Using Gay Marriage As Wedge Issue In Campaign

Bush Clinically "Nuts"

Wife and Son holding a picture of the dead Iraqi Prisoner in Abu Ghraib!

Benefit Art Auction Aims to Unseat Bush

U.S. Pushes Europe to Get Tougher on Iran Nuke Plans

Come to hell with Halliburton - the pay's good

Fear factor in Riyadh

United States holding Bin Laden bodyguard

Sadr Plans Political Party-Jordan Times/New World Media Watch

Powell Says Saudis Need to Do More | LA Times

dupe sorry

Red Cross ultimatum to US on Saddam



Bush Clinically "Nuts"

Wiranto says rights abuse allegations a ploy to discredit presidential bid

Clinton Planning to Use Book Tour to Assist Kerry

Iraq to Reset Visa Restrictions Soon

Pakistan Detains Ex-Qaeda Head's Nephew and 9 With Terror Ties

Ex-Diplomats, Military Leaders Oppose Bush

Help the Democrats: Bid on a Warhol, a Rothko or a Lichtenstein

Senators: CIA stalling on review of Iraq report

Slick motive: Saudi attacks target oil kingdom disarray

NYT: Unit Says It Gave Earlier Warning of Abuse in Iraq

Nuclear River Run-Off

Senegal fears the return of Africa's deadliest war

War spending 'has made country more vulnerable'

Halliburton Seeks Distance Between Itself and Inquiry | NYT

A Kingdom in Crisis

Records Trickle Out of Reagan Library | LA Times

Mt Vernon passes resolution against Patriot Act

Women battle for equal rights in loo queue

WP:Justice Dept. Memo Says Torture 'May Be Justified'

South Korea abolishing press clubs

Recruiters Try New Tactics to Sell Wartime Army | NYT

Frustrated by Malpractice Cases, Doctor Proposes Not Treating Some Lawyers

WP: Contractor Immunity a Divisive Issue

Woolsey says al-Qaida in Saudi Arabia will be longtime threat to U.S.

Sold Churches become Luxury Condominiums!

Coffee giant's ruse denies aid to farmers

Addiction to cannabis on the rise in the UK

Fears of banking crisis grip Russian financial markets

A Tortured Debate - lawyers in the WH discussed terror interrogation

Gore tells NH Democrats Bush changed meaning of America

Richard Clarke: Iraq worse for America today than under Saddam

Powell: Terrorism Report a 'Big Mistake'

Saudi Victims Had Military Link

Guantanamo Cell Tapes Turned Over to U.S. Officials

White House, Cheney aide approved Halliburton deal

G-20 insists with elimination of farm subsidies

THE OTHERS is on TNT.. Is it any good?

Which would you rather watch?

Peter Werbe link - ?

Question: I know I might sound like an idiot, but...

Anyone listen to the String Cheese Incident?

Can anyone recommend some good free Spyware/Adware removal programs?

OH! Phoebe more

tech folk: partitioning question

ok, i'll admit it. my closet is full of St. John Bay clothes!

Today I rode a Segway and I didn't fall off of it: Ask me why!!!

Orthodox Jews....explain this to me....

Will federal offices be closed tomorrow for Flag Day?

Well my graphics card is crapping out on me.

My 1000th post (caution: graphic-intensive)

Raffi - Grunge or Metal?

on oldie but a goodie--A BOY NAMED BUSH

I'm proud to announce that in the Great Tickle War of 2004

Pregnant woman wounded in McDonald's shooting

Web gurus: Question about icons in the URL bar

Does anyone know how to get candle wax out of a carpet?

Would you believe this little thing can produce gas that would peel paint?

My friend just got her MLS, what's the job market like for that field?

Funny Weekly World News headline I saw tonight..

Fucking housework. My back is killing me!!!

Stars Praise 'Fahrenheit 9/11'

The Sunday Night D.U.L.L. Party Thread

Brock, Thomason on CNBC NOW --Hunting of the President!!

The Chronicles Of Riddick-- my review (No spoilers)

How do I get an *actually* free credit report?

Yesterday I went to Shabbos services at the Chabad

Share your DU Dreams

Hyde Park parakeet tree topples over.

About Movie Ratings...

The Isley Brothers thread

Need help.....What is the name of this song!!

Anybody catch the shrubco cameo in Harvey Birdman?

Quiz: Which Goddess are you?

I was road raged because of my DU Bumper Sticker!!!

Okay.. I need some help. I am playing guitar for a camp this summer

*cough* Lakers *cough* choke *cough cough*

Reminder to Six Feet Under Fans

Looking forward to a sore butt!

Karl Malone and Gary Payton have just signed with the Pistons for $1 each.

Six Feet Under prediction *MAYBE a spoiler*

I have a halfway absinthe buzz going

Greatest R&B ballad, 1980-1984?

Who knows about alternative energy?

Do'es it bug you when peop'le u'se apostrophe's improperl'y?

What does The Lounge look like in your imagination?

Deadwood fans!! Oh dear Heavenly Father help me make it to March 2005

Anybody watch Deadwood tonight?

Hey, what's a good image hosting site?

If you didn't hear my Ray Charles tribute on the radio last night...

There is a 67% chance that God exists.

Quiz: What brain is your sex?

Jim Carrey?

I'd call GW Bush a "PRICK"...

Listening to Sevendust's Seasons again. Ask me anything.

official Apologize To The Detroit Pistons thread

Mrs. Butterworth doesn't talk to me anymore

Confess! Have you ever actually used the phrase "bling bling"?

Los Lobos are excellent

No baseball or basketball tomorrow - what movie should I rent?

It's 12:30 am...Do you know where your 16 year old is?

Behold! The Classic Comfort of GRILLED CHEESE!

If you were stuck in a trap, could you chew off your leg to get free?

Folks, they're legal: Olsen Twins are 18

Quiz: What physical qualities make you MELT? (a celebrity sort of match)

Sunday night kitten thread. Update on my kittens (lots of pics).

A rare picture....ALL of poppy's kids in one shot.

Quiz: What's your Scent Personality?

SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!! Gas down to $1.89.9/gal in West Michigan!!

Of French and Russian, which language do you think is...

Are you going to the (NYC) Democratic Underground Meetup?

Pistons - Lakers thread!!!!!!

Quiz: Which stick of butter are you?

Louise Brooks

For those who can't get enough of artist Thomas Kinkade!

I feel so sad watching Ron Goldman's sister and father on "60 Minutes".

So, I appear to have acquired another kid.

Dallas Event pix and glowing report!

Six Feet Under Season Premeir - What did you think?

Has anyone been watching Staffers, on Discovery Times

Nader makes like a good Repuke and violates campaign laws.

I've just watched only two minutes of Teresa Heinz Kerry on CSPAN and...

Bush to Step Up Campaigning on Economy, Iraq

Kerry, Bush reopen election hostilities after Reagan mourning

26 Former U.S. Officials Oppose Bush

Making Votes Count

Freeper thinks automated news feed is anti-Bush and comments on it

Christopher Caldwell: Kerry's oil weapon

Undecided Voter Is Becoming the Focus of Both Political Parties

Neat Election Tool

Battling the Bishops

Senators asking Senator to pick one of their own (Senator) for vp

Is it CHER??? Do you believe?

Bush, Kerry tussle over the elusive middle class

Far out idea but what about a Kerry/Bobby Kennedy Jr. ticket???

Retired Envoys, Brass slam Bush

Fourth of July VP Announcement of General Clark?

If Kerry Wins...

Somewhere else to go

Resolute in Rhetoric, Reagan and Bush Part Ways in Deed

Bad Fix for CIA's Defects (only White House realism can fix)

"left out of a celebration that I didn't understand" -- great read

Comparing Dutch and Dubya: the leader and the led

The alliance is meant to serve us (The Age - Australia)

What Happens When Compassion Dies?(by Kathy Kelly writing from prison)

Torture Incorporated: Oliver North Joins the Party

No comfort in obeying bad law

Froomkin: Bush's worst joke ever

GIs marching away from re-enlistment

Economics of Empire (Walden Bello)

GIs marching away from re-enlistment

Dubya's Dilemma: Daddy Doesn't Support the Iraq War

Forgotten word in politics: 'poverty'


Patti Davis: 'God Has a Plan,' My Dad Always Said (War on * WH)

America’s contempt for the world; CARICOM Standing Firm

US Trade Deficit hits record highs while retail sales surge -- REUTERS

Tories and Labour crushed under the wheels of UKIP's bandwagon

Prisoner Abuse: One of America's Many Exports

U.S. Lawyers Use Legalisms to Cover Lawlessness

Hitchens: A Moral Chernobyl - Prepare for the worst of Abu Ghraib

Brooklyn, NYC - Block Party/Rally re: New Arena

Let's greet the freeps at the opening of F911

Sign petition to stop Bush from committing fraud!

Why did the media not discuss Reagan's theft of Social Security monies?

The O'Reilly Imperative - Gavin and Tony

Media (AP)reports improved SS - but says rich do not want to repay stolen

Ah, that "liberal" media....

Republicans Behind Attack on Fahrenheit 9/11


Have You Heard?... Our Earth is Hollow!

Today's Thought

HELP! e-mail hell

The Blind Patriot

Australia's trade deal not worth the paper it is written on

In Britain, women are wealthier than men

Volcafe Using British tax haven to avoid paying developing countries taxes

5000 Year old Egyptian Necropolis unearthed

Genetically altered food art exhibit

Now Available in Select Markets: Orange Cauliflower

61% Of Gulf Coast Shorelines Eroding - USGS

Taking Life's Final Exit- Patients nearing death often speak of traveling

Truck filled with 800 bear paws seized

Hijab Advocacy Group To See Light In London

WHEN will we find out if Lilli Gruber won an Italian seat in the EuroParl?

'DRC is becoming a civilian disaster zone'

New SA sub to be launched

Thai Muslims told to destroy jihad manual

What Gun Controllers Don't Want You to Know

Proposition to take DNA at arrest stirs privacy fears

GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 12 - 14, 2004

The Bill of Rights - Revised for the 21st Century

The Iraq war is proof positive that guns are ineffective against

The 2nd Amendment Semantics Thread

Once again, the Top Ten is the best thing about Monday!

Fine writing in this weeks "Top Ten".

Thanks from my dad, EarlG

Logins are now required every time I go to DU . .

Weird, take two

Could we add some new smilies?


Israeli missile strike kills Al-Aqsa Brigades commander in Nablus

Israel building more walls - one down the middle of the road

East J'lem man admits planning to bomb PM's office

Anyone have the book "The Clinton Wars"?

In Baguio City: Israeli terror suspect falls; cops eye link to al-Qaeda

Insurgents and Islam Now Rulers of Fallouja

Summer Lovin'- Amalgam Virgo 04'

Castor defends USF actions

Governor Plans to Be There for Bush

Assholes at the Herald want Romney to pick senator

F911 - Playing in MA Theatres Around Boston

Do You Ever Listen to Jay Severin?

Who else has school board elections today?

University of Michigan outsources education

The Posted Convention Schedule ends at 11 AM Saturday.

Races I believe to be the most important.........

Bell seeks ethics investigation of DeLay

Draft Democratic Party Platform 2004

FWIW: Weather forecast for Houston this week (Convention)

Coming to Texas.

Reagan and South Africa - explained

Red Cross ultimatum to U.S. on Saddam

Latest Cassini pics of Phoebes are SPECTACULAR!!!

White House to unveil official portraits of Clintons

Reagan quotes redux

Ronald Reagan for President !

What was Jimmy Carter's Educational background?

Did Clinton say that Saddam has WMD?

Remember Emily Miller?

MoJo: Orwell meets Kafka (US Gulag) ...EXCELLENT!

the GOP buys an amusement park

Reagan's Osama Connection: He turned a jihadist into a terrorist kingpin

Retired Diplomats & Generals Ask for bush to step down this week

Let's do the Casting for the Movie about bush's downfall

Transcript of the Senate Judiciary Hearing

Questions about US intelligence agencies...

Bank president befriends soldier who robbed him

When will Shrub's next cowboy hat picture appear? n/t

Bush buddy ,the Crocodile Hunter could be charged for whale frolic

FBI can go to hell

TBTM Radio #41: 'Reagan Week - OVER!!'

New American beheading video?

"Not all the American bishops are with me" Bush

Let us get a thread going for all the calls we make today, ready, set, go.

Post your local newspaper's page 1 top story here

The 'fascists' won't blink until you hurt their pocketbook

Has a Clinton "My Life" book tour schedule been released?

Turn on C-SPAN2 National Security and Foreign Policy

Mental Health Parity. How long till we demand a psych eval of candidates?

8:45 ET: C-Span Will Clinton's book tour help or hurt Kerry?

All Texas Liberals Sound-Off!

Who besides me is sick of this shit ? First rant of the day.

America's wealthy elite votes against self-interest.


When were the last German and Japanese POW's released?

Republican leaders want Bill Moyers to have Gingrich as cohost

How Patti Reagan became Davis

"pickles" sitting next to Clinton

Bush has had a golden two weeks - he'd better get a bump

need a talented DU'er to modify this pic of Poppy floating

Just in case you didn't get enough last week.....

Fineman on Imus praising his colleague Ron Reagan (the younger)

Who is John LaRouche?

Stranger keeps promises to pay for college

Letter to UK Sunday Times: Baghdad 'far worse than we were told'

Brock: "Right Wing Media and How it Corrupts Democracy"

U.S.: 'Hague Invasion Act' Becomes Law / once more

Has anybody heard about * 's attempt to pass a law removing the word

Bush, dead sister , no funeral, what gives?

I think this deserves a thread: CLINTON made 1 mistake per 8 pages

Bush making a speech honoring Clinton...*GAG*...

Speaking of asking for churches' help with the campaign

Anyone here affected by Reagan's Soc. Security cuts in 1982? I was!!!!

BBV: Democrats Aim to Prevent 2000 Repeat (FL)

McLaughlin effectively hammers Bush

I'd call it Bill going to Hell - what is your caption?

Alert: Big Dog & the idiot on CSPAN2

MSNBC now - memo did not

"Michael Moore Hates America"

Joe Wilson is being interviewed right now on Doug Basham

Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 Oscar Speech......

Why shouldn't the American people lose all confidence in the information..

Another Example of Faux Censorship

Michael Moore shouldn't have to be doing Fahrenheit 9/11.

mopaul , more caption or not?

Ashcroft makine a big announcement in a few minutes

Got a response from NPR re: DUer's firing....

Did you catch Clinton's dig at *?

Hannity and Podesta square off

Question: Can Mitt Romney win enough seats in the legislature....

US gave electric shocks to Iraqi prisoners

Torturers can make up to $120,000 a year......not bad

Saw a new GOP bumpersticker yesterday

A Regan Poll. Show these people who's boss

Howard Dean, Rev Jesse Jackson,Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, June 19

new book "Bush On The Couch" written by a psychiatrist

In the last three and a half years, Bush has run up the highest

Funny: Bush Denies Campaign Will Use Reagan Death For Political Purposes

What is your opinions about growing Cannabis sativa L (hemp) for Industry?

HEY! Who wrote the speech gave at reagan's funeral? Anyone

What to tell the children about illegal wars and torture of 'suspects'?

Anyone see Cspan about half an hour ago? CAPS and shopping list?

Baghdad weather forecast-overnight low of 75-- High tomorrow of 109

Web site links anti-F911 movement to the GOP

I can judge who's going to Heaven or Hell....

Putting in plug for "Republican Noise Machine" by Brock

The Torturers

I got paypal on my website for donations

A caller on AlFranken:why do you have the dittohead. He is a meanspirited

Revolting!! Bushatapo has more and more old soldiers dying in Iraq!

Ashcroft press confrence RE Ohio AlQeada bomb plot suspects

Hey Limbaugh! Who's the Dog now you thrice Divorced asshole!

Congress hearings tomorrow re:Halliburton/Cheney connection

Why, oh why, is Poppy's skydiving pic on Page One above the fold?

Russo Marsh & Rogers is the PR film going after theaters shwing 9/11

Jeff Seemann fundraiser tonight/campaign update

The Stepford Scribes (Bob Somerby)

Dang it! I missed Clinton Saturday!

Opposition Softens on Corporate Tax Bill

Dean's 3rd column: "The Tax Cut Scam" Outstanding!

Critique the website...

Do you think Democracy and Capitalism

David Broder revisited: Why Few Senators Become Presidents

Sweet Charity and Tom Delay

Since it's flag day today...

Barak Obama on Franken . . . .

Why don't they just make a new ad and people will forget their crimes...?

Wait, the same folks that are boycotting F9/11, are also against Garfield?

Picket theaters not showing Fahrenheit 911

Time for some political fun: anti Corporation,Anti Fundie acronyms,

The path to peace

There is one thing for each and every one of you to do today!

Anyone know how to contact Michael Moore's press office?

Fahrenheit 9/11 censorship: Teens banned from Moore film

Coalition? toon

Shrubya to Nancy... I don't care what you think.....

New TV ad: It's Cheney/Halliburton -- link

Is the DNC sending people out on the street to raise money?

If you like Jesus, you'll hate "The Passion."

Letter from Sen. Lautenberg about his "Chickenhawk" rant at the Senate

Jay Leno compares Bush, Saddam

WP: Memo Mentions Torture

Podesta to answer challenge from Hannity, asks for info.

Piece of Advice: Never start a letter "To Whom it May Concern"

Deaths in Iraq this last week

New ~Gov. flags

Son of the Patriot Act Also Rises - Wired News

Our non-partisan supreme court being at it again...

Tell me someone else just saw that insane Ed Koch add on Woodruff

Churches (religions) do not "need" or deserve tax free status.

I've gotten three thank yous back from theatres I mailed for F911

Concept of small government

Does anyone know how to find a list of F911 theaters?

Fahrenheit 9/11 in Northwest Indiana?????

Question for those who don't think Al Queda exists

Shouldn't it be "Weapons for Terrorists " not " arms for hostages "

Patti Davis seems to be on Kerry's side

Ahhh Damn, I'm sad that the week of trashing Reagan is over,

Being "Right" while Being Wrong (from the blog)

Why are YOU a Democrat?

link to Chelsea pic

Any word on the "pulse 04" exercise?

Toronto radio station covering Peak Oil. 06/14/04 4:30pm Listen Live link

Morrissey insults BushCo...!!

Ahhnold can't decide whether to speak at GOP convention

June 30, THE WAR ENDS, does that mean

Release him, charge him or break international law, Bush told

Greg Palast on with Randi Rhodes now (4:37pm EDT) -- streaming

Carville is on fire on Crossfire...

Former Bush Staffer Now Backing Kerry

Shouldn't we do something for Rush?

Rasmussen: 44% Worried About 2004 Voting Debacle

Is Patti Davis Married? Or Have any children?

Oh Oh...Bush HHS appointee may have FAKED credentials--from last week

pulse 04 ???

Is there pic of the Clintons' portraits yet?

It isn't just what they did as President but also what they continue doing

For those of us that live in cities that will not show Fahrenheit 911,

26 Former U.S. Officials Oppose Bush

Who was the DUer just on Randi Rhodes? n/t

Bush really wants Clinton to like him

Have you googled "Bush lies" lately?

Caught On Film: The Bush Credibility Gap

What are some of the good things you remember from the Clinton years?

Why does Rove Insist on putting Shrub in front of cameras?

Remembering Ronald Reagan: The Truth

No more red, white, and blue.

Who Are The Mystery Men Behind The Attack On Michael Moore?

I'm too young to remember Reagan, help me combat these "Legacies" of his

Novak Drunk On Crossfire Again - About To Have A Heart Attack

the letters I sent to theaters

thank the theaters showing Fahrenheit 9/11

request these theaters to show Fahrenheit 9/11( copy and Paste)

I think that drugs should be pulled out of the Gungeon.............

I think drugs should be pulled out of the Gungeon............

You know, at least Ronald Reagan sounded and acted somewhat presidential

Blacks Beware: Election Maelstrom may be Brewing

Is anyone up on the new overtime rule changes ?

CNN Wolfie Now! James Bamford

I'm in Ohio, and I'm reserving judgment on the "shopping mall bomber".

Reagan’s Bigotry Unconsciously Cruel, Inexcusable

What Should Replace Reagan's "City On A Hill" Metaphor?

Soldiers find link to wed across globe

Limbo Sez HE Asked Marta for the Divorce

Drudge: Clinton set for promotional radio talk show

Washington Shrink Calls Bush a Paranoid, Sadistic Meglomaniac

George Bush is a doofus. Doofus doofus doofus

Teddy Roosevelt would be ashamed of his party today

heads up: the Clintons' portraits unveiling repeats on C-Span tonight

Has anyone done a count on all these bush birthday partys ?

Breaking: SCOTUS reverses pledge ruling.

vote in Lou Dobbs' poll now: should "under god" be eliminated

Any Update on Fired DUer?

High-profile air strikes 'killed only civilians'

Bush Gets Testy About Torture

are US domestic policing policies racist?

Please remove - DUPE - 1st post said it failed

Um, where's the headline stories now that RR is finally buried?

Good Mews on the Kitten!

Lyndie England defense!!!!

Seattle times changing article titles under pressure?

My one thin ray of hope.

Virginia is for Lovers.

The Dirty Little Secret....Energy

Anyone think Gore should speak every day?

Drudge: CBS radio orders stations to carry Clinton Book Special

"Gipperporn" makes the lexicon

A Clinton Moment at Reagan's Funeral

Rove admits they lost.

When Will NESARA be passed?

The worst thing Ronald Reagan ever did to this country

Democratize the Debates!

Army unveils it's new stormtrooper look:

Looking at Bush hosting Bill Clinton today, * sure seemed humbled

Problems with Gmail accounts:

DU this Cincinnati TV poll on communion to pro-choice politicians

Patti Davis on Dad and God

MSNBC poll Will Bush benefit from Reagans legancy.....

What Makes A Lobbyist A Lobbyist?

Ralph Wiley has died. For those of you who do not know him he was deep!

Mobs Attack Indian Theaters Over Lesbian Film

Have the missing 2000 pages of the Tagabu Report ever showed up?

Boortz today predicted that Kerry will win in November

A legal question about reagan and the weapons he sold to Iran ?

Medicare and Medicaid for seniors....

The conservative running for PM in Canada is a FUNDIE

Info on PR firm trying to block Fahrenheit 911

With so many Clinton posts, time for a re-read of Bartcop's Clinton rant.

Oh freakin' joy-a new political term "Purple States"

Hannity Falsehoods

Gunner Palace....

AOL...showing Bush at 52% Kerry 41%

LOL! Dana Priest solicits Pro-Chimp comments during web chat!!

No theater near you showing Farenheit 911? Buy a ticket anyway!

is hannity being preened to replace Limbaugh?

We need a freedom flag

Farenheit 9-11 Has an "R" rating in USA!

Democrats, Hillary should be able to take satire

Secret 6-page Proposal outlines MASSIVE SKILLS DRAFT DATABASE, 34 YRS, M/F

George Will On The Reagan Cult Of Personality

Instead of a Draft, let's just build Suicide Booths

"satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities"

Anyone hear the VERY interesting spin on Imus (MSNBC) this morning?

'War is Just a Racket' -- by Gen. S. D. Butler

"The Passion" available in "Church Packs" of 50 DVDs

Republicans Believe in Magic

Nuremberg Revised

Al Gore Blasts Bush Again: Says He Changed Meaning Of America

Neocons tarnished him then, and threaten us now

What should be done with Tweety?

Tweety to discuss Ron Reagan Jr.'s comments at funeral


McCain V.P. offers are ingenuous

1, 2, 3, who are we fighting for?

Waxman's throwing another log on the fire

Tuscon Police arrest Democrats for American Flag

Is Tom Vilsack going to be VP? Um, who is Tom Vilsack?

Tweety just said Clinton didn't look happy when he saw his portrait!

Garrison Keillor really tore into Bushco this weekend

Is there anyone here that really gives a damn and how many phone

Anyone else sensing Bush is heading for the biggest landslide defeat ever?

Pic of Shrub Hiding Erection at Reagan's Funeral

Check out this theatre marquee

Blacks Increasingly Go Online for News, Services

Look at these TV Ratings for Last Week

If you weren't aware--Reagan wasn't actually buried

caption needed: drunken bush* leers at young girl, pulls her to him PHOTO

If Kerry wins in November, what you think *W is gonna do

So Scalia does know how to recuse himself afterall...

Counter Clinton Library? Do they really want to go there?

Dan Senor - Is this a real person?

Another company to add to my "shit list."

SHOCKING: New Clinton Portrait already defaced

There's NO evidence Kerry wanted McCain or that Kerry is pushing the story

What have you done for the progressive movement today?

BBV: Okay, I need help with this: Is anyone familiar with this process?

When you think of America, do you think of torture

U.S. jobless rate misses "hidden" unemployed

ok, Did the Clintons fall asleep at Reagan's Funeral?

Horray! More screens for F911

Have the flags gone back up in your area?

Any DUers flying an American Flag today?

Damn, Howard Steward is being pragmatic regarding John Kerry

How free do you feel to express your political opinions at work?

Anyone think Gore should pipe down?

"The Doctrine of Necessity" | the monday TOONs

Hannity and Podesta Square Off

Why shouldn't I vote for Kerry?

Should NASA send HONEST messages into Space?

Turn on CBS News!

Kerry starting to piss me off..

New Terror Website Registered to a Dallas Address

Since Clinton is back in the news again, and part of the DU discussion,

I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with Ann Coulter.

For deep pondering...... "Somewhere Else To Go"

Just got my new Healthcare premiums!

Ashcroft seeks to distract and terrorize with "shopping mall" plot

Al Gore... You so Crazy!

Farenhiet 9-11

The "coronation" of Rev. Sun Myung Moon as Messiah

Wal Mart Ripping Off Its Core Shoppers (Passion bulk packs)

Are there any liberal, or even moderate Republicans anymore?

ACTION ALERT! Response from a cinema showing F911

Teacher draws heat for Reagan remarks

Did land reform work in Zimbabwe? Has productivity increased 15 times?

Now Available in Select Markets: Orange Cauliflower

Dean under consideration for VP

Camp X-ray memos tell of life in the cages

I work, therefore I am

Secret deal comes to light (Cheney's chief of staff , Halliburton)

Bush fallout: Incumbent Parties Set Back in Europe-Wide Vote

Hundreds of thousands turn out for gay pride parade (Sao Paulo)

Study: Fat people tend to vote Republican


Dupe please lock

Fallujah Brigade tries U.S. patience

U.S. Will Still Run Abu Ghraib After June 30

High-profile air strikes "killed only civilians"

Easing arthritis pain - Protein therapy studies provide hope

DRC president's residence comes under fire

In Britain, women are wealthier than men

WP: SCOTUS Dismisses Pledge Case on Technicality

Flash: Sinn Fein wins 2 Euro seats, chance for a third.

Japanese PM sued over rape allegations - Koizumi

Vital clues missed by Spanish police

Wholesale Prices Soar

Landmine blast kills 21 Nepalese policemen

Mall Plot Exposed

White House wants reduced NASA role in space

Unit Says It Gave Earlier Warning of Abuse in Iraq

IAEA: Iran Must Dispel Nuclear Doubts 'In Months'

With Transfer of Sovereignty Looming, Attitudes About Iraq Remain Negative

Hill delays statement on abuse

U.S., Iraqis differ on immunity(US wants immunity for foreign contractors)

Father and son killed in Kashmiri violence - 14 dead

Bush To Step Up Campaigning On Economy, Iraq - (Reuters)

Billions threatened by floods, warns UN

Inventor plans 'invisible walls'

Abu Ghraib relatives rail against US as prisoner release continues

High Court rejects lawsuit over Iranian hostage-taking

Somali Native Charged with Plotting to Blow Up Ohio Mall

Long Island Man Wins "Great American Think-Off"


U.S. to Give Saddam to Iraqis Within Two Weeks -Allawi

Sinn Fein wins European Parliament seat

Four British Soldiers to Face Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Charges

Seattle times changing its article titles under pressure?

Top Court Rejects Atheist's Challenge to Pledge

Key tests loom for Bush and Kerry

Desecration amendment making usual rounds

The White House is rejecting calls by .(stem cell)

The new face of wealth wears lipstick

Why Isn't Big Oil Drilling More?

(Chechen) Rock Star Keeps an Eye Out for Cops

Camp Casey's 2nd ID sees surge of post-traumatic stress disorder

Delays Hit U.S.-Funded Iraq Oil Projects

W Post: FBI's 9/11 Team Still Hard at Work

U.S. court-martial to hold pretrial hearings for three soldiers next week

Torture Incorporated Oliver North Joins the Party

Outlook for Social Security (Solvent to 2052 if FIT on rich increased to

Edwards promotes Kerry during visit to Carol City

Military Alters Afghan Prison Procedures (secret prisons)

Bush Presses Medicare Case in Missouri

Forts See Drop in Re-Enlistments

Crowds Celebrate 13 Deaths in Iraq Blast

Clinton Planning to Use Book Tour to Assist Kerry

Five Kurdish recruits to Iraqi army killed and burned

Ethics probe of DeLay sought

Dem says Cheney's staff involved from start in Halliburton contract

"A temporary coup"

Refiners (and investors) are loving that $2 gas

Halliburton seeks distance from bribe inquiry

AP Breaking: Large explosion in central Baghdad...

Trade gap hits record $48.3 billion - CNN Money

Religion to play crucial role in US polls: Report

US 'to hand over Saddam in two weeks'

Halliburton ran out of control, says audit

Israel Gripped by Battle Over Baby Boy

U.S. workers in Saudi Arabia advised to leave

"Israeli terror suspect falls; cops eye link to al-Qaeda" (Philippines)

Iraq leader: Don't demolish Abu Ghraib

Asian, Hispanic Populations Surge

Court rejects Barr's suit against Clinton

Sudan: Govt, Militias Have Committed Attrocities

Panel: Reduce NASA Role in Space Launches

Europe's Voters Turn Backs on EU, Governments

Army Shows 1st Uniform Redesign Since '81

Enron gouged Western customers for at least $1.1 billion

Supreme Court Preserves 'God' in Pledge

Senator Seeks Halliburton Special Counsel

Lovefest! W gushes over Bill, unveils official portrait

WP: Taxpayers Take Hit On Reagan Holiday (over $423 Million)

Cheney, in Florida visit, claims ties between Hussein, al Qaida

Man Charged in Alleged Plot on Ohio Mall

AMA debates how to get more donor organs

Frist Among Senate's Wealthiest Members

Bush Asked for Vatican's Help on Political Issues, Report Says

Quiz: Do quiz threads suck you in?

Saw the movie Saved! one more reason to send Bush back to Texas

best reason to plan a road trip - giant lava lamp

ok I'm on a yak kick tonite

Quick photo of what Bab's was wearing at the funeral????

Quiznos: they got a pepper bar

Dumb question - do portable CD players require headphones?

Final Exam: Create Life (materials found under your desk)

Thank goodness it's storming again!

Man swallows metal bars

Thanks, someone...Jackie, indeed had style and class....

Nows the time to lay down and sleep

Insomniac Thread

What do DUers think of "Queer As Folk"?

A song that may have been written about the Reagan Era.

Where is the list of theaters showing Fahrenheit 9/11

Favorite Disney animated feature? (not including Pixar)

I rode a mechanical bull.

The ending to Mystic River (plot spoilers)...

Anyone watch Baby Blues on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim?

Someone here I think had a bit too much expresso...

When will Shrub's next cowboy hat picture appear? n/t

Laying it on a bit thick?

Can we have a serious discussion about the sanctity of paying the mortgage


Cicada beer?! Homebrewers take note

basebaLL scoring question

Girl's birthday party interrupted by man with gunshot wounds

Can we have a serious discussion about the Sanctity of Marriage?

Aaaaw..Courtney Cox had a baby girl..

The King and Eye


Okay, Okay.... let me tell you the one about the time......CAPTION

People you would like to see get into a fight.

I wanted to update everyone who read my post Friday.

MY 500TH POST! Ask me anything!

Reminder: DU BBQ At My House THIS SATURDAY (6/19)

Caption: Poppy, the Beast with Two Backs...

And you thought DU Lounge was the only place to find surreal-ness?

Did anyone else see "Stepford Wives" this weekend?

I got hit with hte mother of all colds

What can I do with BASIL (the herb)?

My nominee for worst rental of the year-Club Dread

Just watched F/911 movie trailor I am totaly stoked

Caption the First Daughter

Do you make your own super-mega-hot curry sauce? Want to share the recipe?

Maria Menounos...

Showing Digital Photos on the Road--Question

US Catholic Church Outsourcing Prayers To India

Let's do the Casting for the Movie about bush's downfall

Today's Oy Oy Oy Show brought to you by

The greeting card that I'd like to send to my cousin in prison...

Who's the hotter first daughter?

who's the hotter first brother

Just testing my sig line. Please Ignore

could someone please point me to the thread

Smuggler Caught With Record 160 Bags Of Cocaine In His Stomach

Austin area DUers - want to get together to see Farenheit 911 ?

I just learned that dogs DO have a language. Mine just said....

OMG - did a vanity net search on elvis lamps I made long ago

Look Ma, all CAPTIONs, no socks

Design for NBA Championship Runner-Up merchandise approved:

I want to find a really great-looking "CELEBRATE DIVERSITY" bumper sticker

What can I do with Basil (Fawlty)?

What can I do with Basil (Rathbone)

Is it just me, or does this cooking gadget seem a little, well, obscene?

Air miles or good food?

Aahh!! She took the dictionary!!

Odd thing....

Fox New gets wrists slapped...

Collision With Bird Causes US Airways Jet To Veer Off Runway

Tonight it's Clemens vs. Prior.

I can judge who's going to Heaven or Hell....

My back itches in *that* spot...

Bob Boudelang Gets Hate Mail

the Signal Orange plan to protest the Repug convention . . .

BBC America: Coupling - Exit Jeff

You should shame me: I watched "From Justin to Kelly" last night

Happy Days Are Here Again! song on tv commercial...

Can you get food poisoning from raw tuna?

Who's more you're type? Remix

The "Let's Torture Dictionaryless Robb" thread

Man Launches Boat AND SUV Into Water

Anyone else taking niacin for cholesterol?

Ever been to this place "Cold Stone?"

Ok, someone HAS to mention this!! Does Dubya own only 1 sportsjacket??

Anybody feel like DUing a freeperish poll?

I'm going on a 4 day business trip to Minot ND, what's there to do?

a league of his own of all CAPTIONs

Popcorn or Donuts?

Lemonade or Chocolate Milk?

I jump out of a plane and only get a lousy CAPTION

Baghdad weather forecast-overnight low of 75-- High tomorrow of 109

Strawberries Are In Season!

"So what's the next fad?" you ask . . . how about the Flybar . . .

Is anyone else using my avatar?

I asked my dog who Kerry should choose for V.P.

Gee, I don't know if you guys realize this.

The Tenet resignation-What do you think?

Terminator 3

13 Y.O. DRIVER Ejected From Car - Killed

Employment opportunities are grim for me.

Reading or Music?

kids say the darndest CAPTIONs

Desperately trying to forget that picture of Rush that Lynne posted...:-)

Hey, Baby!

Is this how the dummy Bush got in?

AL Division leaders NY 40 , Bos 37 , Oak 37

Does Chrysler still offer "Rich Corinthian Leather" in its cars?

I found out my cat is diabetic

What are your goals for your teeth?

Big, big spider

Do you snicker when you hear the name "Moran"?

What's your favorite internet word?

Momma foamdad having cardiac catheterization tomorrow.......

Just got this in my e-mail.

For anyone who's ever read Stephen King's "The Stand":

At The DC Pride Fest... The Log Cabin Republican Booth Had Barely Anyone..

Who's more you're type?

Which firewall is best? (Tech question)

PROOF that Nickelback is lifting their own shitty material!

Can the announcers ever give the Pistons any credit?

Forum Lightbulb Joke

I asked a chicken whom Kerry should pick for VP

Just Googled for images of "reagan"! Oh dear, some of those pictures...

OK, Who Actually Thought The Cubs Were Gonna Beat The Angels Last Night?

Won’t you just love it when ET reports of F/911

It was just a little mistake, oh about this biiiiig..............CAPTION

Ways to title a movie sequel

If Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois marches in the Gay Pride Parade...

My funny Gay Pride parade story (San Francisco)

OK folks...what game am I playing?

Help! Anyone know what ASBESTOS looks like?

Anyone else go to the Puerto Rican Parade in NYC

Would you date a Man/Woman Who you saw in a Genital Herpes Commercial?

Ladies: He's single grab him now while you can

Film Buffs: Please explain "The Ring" (Naomi Watts) to me!

My damn wireles keyboard is losing battery powr

Anyone ever try Marinol?

OK, I give up! I need HTML help!

Would you date a Man/Woman Who you saw kissing Matcom....

What's the best kind of Dog to cook?

I just got a citation from the spelling police. Ask me anything!

Would you date someone who played a genial herpetologist in a TV ad?

Another hot chick jumps on board: Julianna Margolies

Quien es mas macho?? Fernando Lamas o Ricardo Montalban?

My Tropical F*cks Are Fishing Again

Kids write the darndest things ... even to presidents

A good marinade for chicken???-------------

I just bought a brand-new used car!!!

What's the best kind of Cat to cook?

What internet abbreviations irritate you the most?

Weekly Massage & Spa Or Weekly Housekeeper?

Good Mews on the Kitten!

In the song "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner"...


Helena choking on toadflax and spurge

Okies...I apologize for dissing Chihuahuas....

Anybody have a recipe for a vinegar based BBQ sauce.

Which type of munchies should I take into my 1st day of Work tomorrow?

Allright! Why didin't I hear about this sooner?

Our medical system is total bull patty byproduct!!!

I like lionesspriyanka more.

What small to medium sized towns have got great hospitals?

LSAT takers check in...

The Iliad Game

I am a sick and twisted individual...

If I said I was Bob Sacamano....

A Computer Question:

What did the "theatrical release" say to the "full screen reformat"?

New and fantastic discovery... you will NOT BELIEVE this one

I'm Kenny Rogers and this is Jackass

Most underrated dog breed

My Partner Just Left For Sao Paulo... Should I...

Has anybody ever heard of a band called the Smithereens?

What celebrities (male or female) have hit the wall the hardest?

Whatever happened to the "flash mob" phenomenon?

Protect Your Banana!!

My Tropical Fish Are F*cking Again

HETEROS ONLY: Would you attend a Gay Pride parade or rally?

Man beats horse in 35 Km (21.7 miles) race

CAPTION that wascawwy pwactical joker...

Pat Sajak drops some science

DU ladies: I need your support right now

Do you think you're sexy?

Canada's gun laws need changing


I got G-FORCE JESUS for my Birthday


My Lifestyle Choices

Gays & Lesbians: Answer me this stupid question!!!

Have any DU'ers helped you with a personal issue in your life?

Piece of Advice: Never start a letter "To Whom it May Concern"

Bush buddy ,the Crocodile Hunter could be charged for whale frolic

What reading material is in your bathrrom?

Have a tech/computer question? I'll answer it!

Mad monk's member features in new museum

what i wouldn't give for a brassiere that FITS

Baseball fans! Prior vs. Clemens tonight!


HILARIOUS - proof Nickelback is playing the same song over & over

I have a 5 hour stop over in Minneapolis. What should I do?

Good (Zyban) Morning DU (I Think)

Classical Music Question

The "moran" has been Photoshopped

My wife wants a new GTO

Of These Men... Who Is Gayer?

SkyFi burning?

So, who's going to matcom's barbecue on Saturday?

I got paypal on my website for donations

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones TONIGHT!!

Reading or Scranton?

Goddamn, I just cut my finger off.

Admit it!!! What TV shows to you REALLY want available on DVD???

I Love Swishy Gay Men and Androgynous Women

My husband's ex-boss lied so my husband couldn't get unemployment

Ever had embarrasing encounters with past lovers?

What's the worst breed of dog?

Va. Tells Men: No Sex With Young Girls

Chelsea Clinton - Hot or Not?

Poems for freeper tombstones

Does anyone here having problems with their DVDs not loading

where is the cat pictures thread???

"Come Sail Away" by Styx: Love it or hate it?

Foreign Policy Expert Backs John Kerry

Sunday Division Has a New Equation

Religion on the stump could add a new dimension to election

Would GOP Go to India for Votes?

The real Reagan story? Aging society

No comfort in obeying bad law

Bush approval rating still too high for comfort

Kerry must stress American ideals over Bush's vision of a cruel God

Make a video for the Dem Convention

This VP stuff is getting silly. Kerry & party will choose.

Bush, Kerry Back on Campaign Trail

Behind the scenes, first ladies are first advisers

Former Bush Staffer Now Backing Kerry

Presidential Campaign to Nov. 2, 2004.debates and events

Vilsack gaining support for V.P. nominee

Just got a call from the Kerry campaign local operative

Call to Action

If you were john Kerry on independence day.....

The Return Of The Comeback Kid

Kerry's Ancestral Relation to Bush

New LA Times state polls are out

How big an impact will anti-gay bigotry have on the election?

Your thoughts... Kerry/Franken

Dean's appearances upcoming.

Bull$hit, Their was no Terrorist Plot in Ohio

Dean under consideration for VP

Open Letter to John Kerry from Venezuela's Bolivarian Circles -- USA

ABC lists out the states that make up their prediction of Bush 254 to 217

OK, so what if the economy improves AND Iraq Improves? Then What?

Okay!! My crush on Natalie Portman is not perverse (ABC's Noted Now)

Bush Rejects Calls on Stem-Cell Research

Kerry to Infuse Message soon... (hints at VP pick?)

Kerry's VP...

92% Nader signatures are from GOP-ers

A Nation Divided? Who Says?

Anyone Else Here "Please Not Gep"?

Doubts Linger as Kerry Advances