Democratic Underground

Archives: June 30, 2004

Bill Buckley, you and I know the war was a mistake:Josh Marshall

Bush Bigs Open Their Wallets For Nader

Prisoner 27075 learns limits of sovereignty

The Constitution to GWB and Co: “I’m Still Here.” - Alterman

In Sudan's Darfur: action, not just aid

Mauling Moore: The Attack on Farenheit 911 one year anniversary...

I just found something interesting.

HELP! Need info on initiating run-off elections

Circulation scandal hits Chicago media

One more reason to love Keith Olbermann

Where is Radioleft?

flashpoints....pbs on foxoids

It's Robert Oppenheimer's 100th birthday.

Property boom skips 'old township homes'

Dogs (puppies) attacked with fireworks (Tulsa, OK)

More power, Scotty!

Regarding people trying to squelch

Congress Overwhelmingly Endorses Ariel Sharon’s Annexation Plans

Were Abu Ghraib abuses learned from Israel? Palestinians think so, but Sh

The Jewish Divide on Israel

Paid Family Leave Program Takes Effect Thursday

Ask mental health orgs to denounce GOP attacks

F-9/11 adds theatres across Ohio. More than 60 locations!

MEN: Have You Ever Combed Your Hair With SPIT?

The Constitution Party Presidential Nominee - Michael Peroutka

How does F9/11 expose Bush? Let me count the ways...

They have hit rock bottom...and started to dig

Which of these pisses you off more?

Funniest *Audience* Comments at F9/11?

It appears Mr. Eisner has once again shot himself in the foot.

Sirius has channel devoted to Elvis full time!!!

Does My Cat Have Free Will?

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee...

A Republican in my partner's office ....

It was...I mean...I just saw F911 and...I mean...

I'm taking my 3 boys and their girlfriends to F/911.

Now, it is up to the Iraqis to figure out how to create a government....

Do you consider "Go F___ Yourself" a guttural phrase?

I'm thinking about refinancing my Mortgage &

U.S. expels two Iranian security guards at Iran's U.N. Mission, U.S. offic

Why is Hannity winning the Playgirl contest?

BBV: Shelley recertifies electronic voting in Shasta, Tehama counties

Rend Rahim Francke

An idea for Moore's next movie!!

Clarence Thomas Explained

Which recent presidents used the most complex grammatical structures?

John Kerry's War on Poverty

WooHoo, Clarence! Du'ers have your number!

Fuck it. I'm voting for "tastes great"

Fuck it...I'm voting for "Dog Bites Man" and I'm going to give you links

Cheney it, I'm donating $50 to Kerry

Fuck it! I'm voting for Will Pitt!

Check this out..Distressed american

Vote it! I'm fucking Ralph Nader!

Think if Clinton...

Fuck everything! I wouldn't vote for Bush OR Nader.

air america archives?

New Senate Rules via TBogg (humor)

Bush's credibility vs. Moore's. Whose evidence is better?

NE - State senator arrested, accused of prescription fraud

CNN: Woodward, Rather, and I think McCain on Larry King now 9:10 p.m.

How many of you are willing to die right now to be with Jesus?

A ZW Repost: My Conversation with a World War II Vet: June 6, 2002

Ron Reagan: Lets It ALL Hang Out

fuck, I'd gladly vote for Kerry

best "Majority Report" stream for 8 PM Eastern/7 PM Central?

Teacher (23-y/o blond bombshell) "Cheneys" 14 y/o student.

Damned Hooligans are e'mailing me and threatening me that I did F9/11!

Why doesn't Nader run in all but the 10-14 "battleground" states?

Iraqi's new defense forces

Subject: My take on F9/11

Please Kerry: Beg Ron Reagan to speak at the convention!

Once Upon A Time...People were Polite.

Fuck BUSH with LaRouche.

Fuck It....I'm voting for Kerry because he's our only choice.

Q for Legal Type: Limitations of immigrant's participation in US politics

Censoring ALL the books that are coming out?

Any particular reason the "F" word is being used so much tonight? Has

Guard retention down 15%

Have we terrorized Iraq?

Worst thread title from currently active threads in GD?

SO Florida's Voting System Needs a State Audit - Please vote in this Po

My take on F9/11

Worst poll question from currently active threads in GD?

Doucebag it! Kerry fuck voting Ralph choice

Is Nader relevant?

200 additional copies of F-911 have been distributed for Wednesday opening

My oldest brother has been an undercover Republican for years!

Is Nader relevant?

Lila Lipscomb Responds to New Fame


Who here can and will give testimony to the effects of the war on

Question: How have the right-wing whores been dismissing F9/11?

The Daily Show: This Week In God. Really good.

Talking about F9/11 at work

Daily Show clip: Brand New Mess'o'potamia

Memorable Moments RE: F9/11 From "Talk Of Iowa" (NPR)

Schwarzkopf on Countdown (MSNBC) now 8:41 ET.

Who has the #'s on Moore's box office record? Can't find them

Yankees pound Red Sox (Cheney booed)

An involuntary recall is NOT a draft!

IF the plamegate indictments come down tomorrow,

Let's all try to take someone to see the movie.

Should we tell rightwingers that -- it's not a contest--we need them?

Dupe-- go see the other.

Mike Malloy ...if this is a dupe, sorry!

Sorry to bother y'all, need a stupid fact checked (Clenis)

Any DU'ers know anything about this alleged quote from

I love this clip of Michael Moore

Olbermann says that Hannity is first in Playgirl contest because Colmes

Warrior Freepers Rule the Earth

Is Al Sharpton getting a prime time slot for his convention speech?

TPM: Josh Marshall was out of the country.

Carlyle group's next purchase: Netflix and Blockbuster ?

From Michael Moore's website: Picture of the theater in Richmond, VA

Zogby: Bush leads in MO by 7/10ths of a percent.

If your getting nervous about the election read this from Josh Marshall

Amb. Joseph Wilson on Letterman tonight

When did Judy Woodruff become a media whore?

The List of Companies who are "EXPORTING AMERICA"!

Jesse HELMS slams Bush tax policy

Guys, your gonna love this

If the US House had Proportional Representation, what Parties'd be in it?

Even The Onion is hitting hard...

Lying Whorefest on Larry King

I am pissed off--

Why didn't Senator Kerry / Clinton support the CBC that day?

Anchors Dan Rather and Hom Hrohah went to Iraq to cover handjob

It's Another Multiple Meltdown Night for O'REILLY

Blair seeks distance from Bush for elections

50% voter turnout Presidential Elections... Are there any parts of the

Michael Moore is on Tavis Smiley's PBS show tonight

Must read this transcript of Moore calling CBS & media whores & traitors

Just saw F 9/11 in San Diego.

"You are the haves, and the have mores. Some call you the elite...

My favorite political tactic is ju-jitsu; but now this worries me.

'Fahrenheit 9/11' sets record (in Fayetteville, military town)

Ambassador Joe Wilson to be guest on Dave Letterman. Show

The script for 9/11 was written right here at the archives

Rather said that the Bush* adm. has convinced the "journalists" not to

Anyone see cross-referenced databases of Bush and Nader donors?

More good news for Obama fans!!

Is the Chimpministration a cult?

Good point about the Repub Convention Speakers.

Just watched that Hannah Storm - Moore interview on CBS

Olberman reporting that stockholders are PISSED at Disney

Topic: Effects of the War on the Working Poor, a friend of mine needs

Fuck it. I'm voting for Nader.

Went to a bar tonight with my Aunt and Freepers confronted me about F/911

I heard a pretty good quote today on NPR about .........

Al Gore Dis Invited to speak at Convention??

John Kerry is a douchebag but I'm voting for him anyway

Crossing over...this is amazing!

Predict VOTER TURNOUT - Nov. 2, 2004

Faa ha ha! Cheney gets a Bronx cheer from Yankee fans!

Edwards tops VP poll, once again, on the heels of the pick

DTripTV: Bush Birthday Haiku from the DCCC

Progress in Alabama.

Fuck it. I'm voting for Kerry.

Truthout calls BS on 'Saddam Handover' story

Would any of you be shocked if DU wasn't invited to Democratic Convention?

The great gift of F9/11 was to expose.... the Media

After you go see Fahrenheit 9/11

What's wrong with this picture?


Where did Rev Moon (Moonie) get his financial fortune from?

UK DUer's: How is Tony Blair regarded, in general? Reviled? Respected?

Voting official seeks process for canceling Election Day over terrorism

Howard Stern interview with Michael Moore

Orwell’s true heir

While Friedman Skips Town, Kristof Wears the Fu Manchu

America has the highest depression percentage. Why do you think that is?

BBV: now 144 cosponsors of "Voter Confidence Act" in the House.

Perhaps the most honest thing I have ever read.

San Francisco voters get chance to express views on Iraq

Chinese protester hurt in drive-by shooting

U.S. Military Deaths in Iraq - 853 U.S. service members have died

Passive smoking risk worse than thought

Kurdish Iraq Leader Hints at Secession -- New World Media Watch

Coast Guard to Board Each Foreign Ship

Camp Shelby can handle 3,500 155th troops, Guard says

Local soldiers report for duty

Guard families brace for July 4

N.C. judge must restore God to oath

TV to snub conventions

Vatican birth control policy spurned

Dead soldier's mother attacks Blair

Army Defends Plan for Involuntary Troop Call-Up

Forty members say tobacco buyout key to their votes on tax bill

Cheney booed at Yankees game (buried in story about the game, mods)

Yup... Over the hill!

GOP Accuses Texas Group of Outsource Scam

Ongoing Need Puts Demand On NG

U.S. alters missing Marine's status...

WP: Bush Chides U.S. Allies In Mideast

Experts: Four documents protect U.S. military, citizens

501st Extension Denied

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC) no longer wants the draft reinstated

Second Guard wave readies

Cold warriors return for war on terrorism (a new kind of PNAC?)

Timing of rebound could help Bush

Lawmakers Ask Ashcroft Why Suspect Freed

Army Recalling Thousands Who Left Service

CA Gov. Schwarzenegger rewards staff with higher pay than predecessor

NYT: Reality Intrudes on Promises in Rebuilding of Iraq

Lords attack Blair over Kyoto (they want him to pressure Bush*)

Americans Wounded in Iraq Find Rough Recovery at Home

U.S. finds second animal suspect for Mad Cow

Michael Moore's Army On The Move

Labour membership falls to 'lowest level for 70 years'

NYT: In F.B.I., Innocent Detainee Found Unlikely Ally

The angry author, a literary storm and 'one dead armadillo'

Military Moms Hopeful Their Kids Can Come Home Soon

Pulling Out: 190th leaves for training, overseas duty

Abductions in Iraq Reflect New Strategy, U.S. Says

Billboard Altered To Show Bush Quote

TV to snub conventions

Oldest commercial nuclear plant closed down early

U.S. military police raid Iraqi center accused of inmate abuse

WP: Budget Impasse Reflects GOP Schism

Argentina fed up with US "meddling": minister

Abducted Marine Had Deserted the Military -NYT

Saddam Set to Appear Before Iraqi Judges

Log Cabin praises Republican convention's speakers

Attack Iran, US chief ordered British

Cheney it! I'm voting for Man on Dog

Anyone else having photobucket problems today?

Sex pros get ready for party

i Love banana chips

F9-11 question

I'm back!! But did anyone even notice I was gone?

Why is Hannity winning the Playgirl contest?

To Red Sox fans: Don't let those F'ing Yankees win.

I just got home from Costco! Ask me anything

I saw F9/11 this afternoon and I have this to say(no spoilers)

Which Star Wars character would you like to have sex with?

Fuck it! I'm voting for Will Pitt!

Vote it! I'm fucking Ralph Nader!

Who wants my last...

Cheney! "Man Bites Dog" is the best one to vote for...

Fuck it...I'm voting for "Dog Bites Man" and I'm going to give you links

i Love banana cLips!

Hey! It's Mo Paul....!!!

Fuck it. I'm voting for 'Fuck it.'

I am now officially a dirty old man...

Fuck it. I'm voting for "tastes great"

I'm seeing F 9/11 tomorrow. Please don't give away the ending.

Cheney it I'm voting for Mike Hunt!

C2 vs Edge

"Fuck fuckety fuck fuck fuck..." - Classic South Park

WOO HOO! I get to go home tomorrow - I scraped the gas money from change!

Hendrix family's court fight begins

Anyone ever listen to "Vintage 45" on Itunes?

I"m On My Back!!! Did anyone even notice?"

Any particular reason the "F" word is being used so much tonight? Has

Worst thread title from currently active threads in GD?

Just started watching the movie 1984

email from a my husband's cousin, a republican

God told me to make this shrimp bbq recipe today

New Daily Show!

That paper stuff on the back of embroideries on shirts.

DU Direct TV satellite

Watching a tape of the Star Trek: TNG Series finale.

FUCK IT! I'm giving up on the Red Sox.

Anyone watching the new Joe Schmo 2?


Jesus spotted in Iraq today

Moral certainty = cultural inferiority

Star Trek: TOS character you'd like to take a tire iron to:

How do you like your peanut butter?

Somebody save me!!

Another dumb observation by Gothic Sponge

Why is Comedy Central showing

Three straight walk off wins for the Tigers

Okay, let's settle the terminology differences:

A raccoon came walking into my house today

This is hilarious, I lost a client... due to insourcing!!

What exactly is a gothic sponge?

How 'bout some more beans, Mr. Taggart?

They can put a man on the moon but they can't design a toilet flapper...

Any DUer's go to the Yankees game tonight?

I like polls because

What would you do if you could do

TONIC WATER has 24g Carbs!!!

I'm tired of


A big ole spoonful of peanut butter:

The Kerouac question: Which would you rather be?

late night chat

Car audio installation experts: HELP!!!

if it were your loved one's birthday and they were miles away, you would

Just out of curiosity, how do you post pictures?

Reagan Pyramid Nears Completion

What Star TREK character would you like to take a Tire Iron to?


My Dad Died

This is my last post here....

OMG! - I'm in the 700 Club

Is it a sin to pray that KKKarl Rove gets it up the keister?

I was just looking in the gallery at pets

Nip/Tuck R - U - L - E - S

Anybody pick up the new Cure CD?

see the banner that made it into Fahrenheit 9/11-

Any Digital SLR Camera users out there? I got some questions.

DU should help out the only vocally anti-Bush "get John's job" contestant

Techies - Can I share my Comcast broadband connection?

Peanut butter and...

Is there any politician you'd want to have sex with?

Heads up: Joe Wilson (CIA wife outed) coming up on Letterman

"I like my oatmeal lumpy"

wiring help for jeep cj5

I bet someone won Mega Millions.

Which DUer named HEyHEY would you like to have sex with?

Fun with Harry Potter's...umm...'wand' (NC-17)

Sex business expected to boom during GOP convention in NYC

Amb. Joseph Wilson on David Letterman


DUers - do you condone this?

Whew! 1000 Posts!


I GOT A JOB! And a damned good one, too!

Bush Approval Near Low; Poll Shows Tie With Kerry

Article about my cousin, David Ashe, who is running for Congress

Latest CNN Poll Edwards 1st Place in Veepstakes Gephardt close 2nd.

Not one Senator....and the Wes Clark /Michael Moore Bait and

2004 Platform

Muslim voters 54percent for Kerry 26 for Nader 2 for Bush

Edwards going to Boston to raise money for Kerry

I saw John Kerry today at the La Raza conference in Phoenix

Dean reveals that he is advising Kerry on VP nominee!

How does Nader's Iraq plan differ from Kerry's?

Why Do We HEAR About Edwards on t.v., But Don't See Him?

Edwards’ ambitions may hurt him

Who thinks tomorrow might have a surprise?

Kerry says NO to releasing his divorce records

Kucinich: Continued US Occupation of Iraq is Counterproductive

Cohen: A Grim Graduation Day

HAHA! I love it! Salt Lake Tribune's take on the 'new' Iraq government.

Gene Lyons continues homerun streak

Miller needs to opt for an honorable exit out of the Democratic Party

Rob Rogers explains it all for you

North Korea: A harbinger of progress -- nothing more

How Polarization Sells (red/blue state devide not real)

Our Feel-Good Veep Dick Cheney (and a double standard)

The Administration vs. the Administration (Dana Milbank) Good Read

My letter to the FCC

talkingpointsmemo -Niger uranium - FT article - and Safire lies

Abu Ghraib, Stonewalled (NYT)

Flip flop: Was Saddam working with Al Qaeda or not? - Isikoff

Federal Funds Rate Rise Controversy

Shoveling Coal for Satan

What the F%$#??? - Jackson Thoreau on the Foul-mouthed Right.

Be on the lookout for mysterious looking beer coolers

Is the US military preparing another massacre in Fallujah?

Ralph Reed's Gambling Problem!

Beware the Liberal War on Terror

Calling Bush a Liar

Lawmakers Ask Ashcroft Why Suspect Freed ( What is going on)

today's Miami Herald - "Western Hemisphere" by John Kerry

Hitler Flap: Started by the Left?

Oliphant Nailed Cheney. ... Hard. ...Wonderful.


War Is A Racket ---Conducted For The Benefit Of The Very Few

Looks like Fahrenheit 9/11 is set to do well in the UK ...

Wonder When You'll Miss Me

Alterman: Atheism un-American?


Michael Moore's quiet revolution

So. CA....July 6th....Dean and Huffington....Dem. Fundraiser

Why not adopt some rightwing tactics...

MoveOn/Outfoxed House Parties

Amb. Joseph Wilson w/ David Letterman. Mentions PNAC. Video & mp3 here

Some Thoughts for Today

June 30 – This day in history

"Why Bush Must Go - a Bishop's Faith-based Challenge"

Freddie Mac posts drop in 2003 income

Summer of labor unrest looms in S Korea

Money can buy you happiness

Rich excape Cal Sales Tax - and Arnold will not fix

Omani Oil Output Falls 6% In First Four Months Of 2004

MY 2005 Honda Accord Will Have Hybrid Option - Press Release

Regulators Order L.A., Orange Counties to Cut Fine-Particle Pollution

GAO Faults Military Policy on Contaminants (no clean up of water pollutent

Disappearing Aral Sea Linked To Epidemic Of Esophegal Cancer - BBC

243 counties endagered by soot

re: Einstein's theory of time, a question.

Nantucket Sound Wind Farm Wins Round In Court

Polio: 100-year wild goose chase?

China's Mekong River Dams Promise Profound Environmental Changes

TSU sets its sights on a new target: Soong's mother

New Security Efforts Lagging at Some Ports

Terror Suspect Received Haz - Mat License

US violates Iraq Sovereignty - raids Iraq Gov run "Prison"/disarm guards

U.S. Still Denies Iraq Attack Hit Wedding (party in "subversive area")

Qatar sees Terrorist as good muslim -Convicts 2 Russian Intel Officers

GUNS IN THE NEWS--June 30, 2004

GUNS IN THE NEWS - June 30, 2004 (Revised Guidelines)

Another pantload-full of "reading pleasure"

Phony Gay Gun Group Runs Afoul of Real Gays--Hilarious!


Question on handgun differences (educating the ignorant)

I have an honest question. No ridicule please.

Not a question but a plaudit

I should know this - but I don't

Kerry Contributions and DU recognition

Yo! Admins! Can DU qualify as a "Giant Blog?" If so, maybe you can

Supreme Court set to rule on separation fence Wednesday

Yigal Amir appeals for conjugal visits with his fiance

IAEA chief ElBaradei: Israel should promote nuke-free Mideast

Calamitous fundamentalism

Arbel: Evidence clearly shows that Sharon took bribes

Reform Movement rabbis set to condemn house demolitions

Bedouin served eviction notices - with nowhere to go

The disease of racism and how to cure it

Court orders changes to West Bank wall (stop excessive harm to PA)

Ex-chief rabbi: Handing over land 'to the infidels' is sin

Saudi scapegoating

Israel Court Orders Barrier Shift

Israel says will reroute part of fence

Congressman: Egypt preparing for war with Israel

Barak says `factual errors' in Clinton's `My Life'

Business as usual in Iraq as more US Marines die

'Boston Phoenix' IDs 'Anonymous' CIA Officer

Flight 77: Chicago to Newark??

I can't wait 'till Fitzgerald turns his attention to the Little Dictator..

For 2nd time, Graham defends a candidate

F 9/11 is playing at the Swap Shop.....

Mass. Lawmakers Push Kerry Successor Bill

Anyone in Boston area want to get togetherr for F9/11 this wknd?

Link for FY911 sign up for FY911 flyering

Lila Lipscomb will be in Ann Arbor on July 4 for screening of F 9/11

Cleveland: A ticket stub from the "Fahrenheit 9/11" gets 50% off dinner

How is Fingerhut's campaign going?

Hey Philly DU'ers...what do you think of....

Pittsburgh 95% Screwed

Klink to endorse Spector

Lieutenant Governor Ben Barnes Speaks Out

Volunteering for Kerry

Just heard on NPR!!!! Tim Michaels may have to drop out!

Milwaukee/Waukesha Du'ers

Clinton, Murray team up

Any Seattlites been to the new eyesore (library) yet?

In honor of F-911

Nightline - Fortress America

Mickey Mouse battles Michael Moore

dupe self delete

What did Lila Liscomb's T-shirt say in the kitchen interview in F911?

Negotiations Now!

Can't stream Mike Webb tonight?

Detainees May Be Moved Off Cuba Base

Ted Koppel just slammed the Iraq turnover and brought up Viet Nam...

you wont believe this

Action Alert: Tea Bag Bush! The 2004 Tea Party King George II!

Six degrees of OBL/Saddam.

I Have A Dream

You sinful liberals! We Republicans are the true voice of morals (joke)

Drop a note to O'reilly and tell him how great the movie was...

Democrats lead Repubs in Congressional race

Good for Sandra Day O' Connor....She said it best!

Who Really Won?

So,it's ok for Israel to talk about annihilation of the people it occupies

Little Gamers & Micky Moore.

U.S.: Detainee Begged For Death

Fahrenheit 9/11 Box Office Reaches Top Ten of All Movies Ever

anyone form Boston ? Menino needs to shup up and focus on the party

If toll of war on U.S. was equivalent as toll on Iraq? 227,000 U.S. dead!

I want those INDICTMENTS and I want then NOW!!!!!

Dupe...please delete...sorry!

A very strange thing to see.

For those who missed it: Michael Moore on Howard Stern

Send an e-mail to Carole Coleman.

C-Span:8:17 a.m. Not only all the TV talk shows, David Brooks here too.

signs of hope- my site's googles

Cheney booed at Yankee game......

PHOTOs: Ahmed Chalabi at the NEW Iraqi Government Ceremony

Attack Iran, US chief ordered British (Telegraph, UK)

The Bloodhound Gang's official statement about MM and F911

??? After 911 ,wasn't it reported that the children

What stupid thing will the Chimps do to distract from Dem Convention?

The Iron Curtain fell over Miami yesterday

I'm listening to Howard Stern in ORLANDO again!

Billboard Altered To Show Bush Quote

Guidelines for canceling or rescheduling election

Al Gore in 2000

The Reagan Pyramid

Reminds me of Bush's sneak visit to Iraq with the turkey

? Was Chalabi's office = Office of Special Plans ?

If I was a Freeper I would use Nader to divide and Conquer...

Iraqis not ready to handle own security? Before the US invaded they did

Negroponte -- we just keep re-cycling the very worst of us.

Ralph Reed's complete list of campaign donations

Somethings haunting me from F 9/11 - the music in the tanks

Dick Cheney Wets Himself

Jack Cafferty calls Al Sharpton a "ruse"....

"Iran gassed the Kurds" - Larry Johnson ex CIA on Morning Sedition

I've been thinking about Disney

Strern back on air in Pittsburg...there goes PA!

Howard Stern is having a Press Conference today around 8 - 8:30.

C-Span 10:02 ANOTHER BushCo panel - Anchor even said: A government

I want those INDICTMENTS and I want then NOW!!!!!

C-Span 9:35 a.m. another RIGHTRIGHTWINGER - Iraq Prison non-torture

Caller on Howard Stern show - not an ordinary caller

Vetwife: What Happened with the Kitten Killer ?

Al Sharpton to Host 'I Hate My Job'

Media Scramble to Cover Early Iraq News

Gephardt Not Everyone's Choice in Mo.

Kerry Takes a Break As Convention Nears

Saddam's Arsenal Could Destabilize Mideast

GOP Accuses Group of Fund-Raising Scam

Many See Politics in Kerry Stepson Future

I am sorry to say, but Sy Hersh would do the country a great favor if

Don't cases about crimes against humanity go to the Hague?

Bush Getting Nutty, Say Aides

Bremer Confident in New Iraq Leadership

The assertions that F911 only tells one side...

USA Today: "a more confident, glamorous and outspoken first lady"

Howard Stern back on the air against Clear Channel

Some Great American's Who Have Risen To Defend Their Country

What Rethugs are not disputing about F9/11? Why Ignore?

How do you like these two quotes?

Fuck it. I'm NOT voting for Kerry.

What will it take to start real news media reform?

Saw Something Interesting On The Cinemark Web Site

I sent an e-mail to C-Span. I am sure I won't get an answer, but it

Since Hussein is being charged for crimes from the '80's...

Iraqis refuse to fly American designed flag....

Has FOX cast Kerry in a strange light or

US plans huge show of force in Pacific

F911's Lila stands by Moore and his honored to be a part of the movie

Newsweek says MICHAEL MOORE WRONG. No Correction from us.

If the Nov. Election is cancelled/postponed, you won't HAVE TO march on DC

Now all they need are heads to fill them.

Fahrenheit 911 : they're adding 5 screens in my town!!!

Wingnut Columnist (REESE) *NOT* Backing Shrub Now

Such a sad day

Keith Olbermann tells it like it is about Fox News

Absolutely *insane* Iraq story; US raids Iraqi prison to stop abuse

Bush misleads on transfer of Power - Iraq Courts not obeyed -but CNN says

"Sovereign" Iraqi government:CUT THEIR HANDS AND BEHEAD THEM!

FCC contact info for evilDUers who are just not gonna take it anymore

can anyone rebuke this crap?

Wow, it sounds like Stern is giving a press conference

Not all Misled Sheep remain Misled... many are seeing a Clearer Picture

TucsonFM radio DJ offers free tickets for F911 if people heckle loudly

A guy on another board still believes Iraq was involved in 9/11

A truly weasely criticism of Michael Moore

Hannity&Colmes"Battleground States Poll Update"

Anyone else notice on the Stern press conference, that the WSJ and Faux

How to Protect Your Computer & a Virus Story !

Quick! Somebody doing a GOOD analysis of Iraq situation on C-Span


As Bush spirals in the Polls will Repugs flee?

KEEF goes to the movies.... (guess what he saw)

Presbyterian church to vote on gay ministers

Need Help Finding a Pic That Was Posted a Few Days Ago

Expert panel: National disaster alert system in disarray

So the "conservatives" think there is too much "polarization" ??

DC DEMS beware

More Foolish Than Bush

I think I will be seeing F9/11 next week, but hubby won't go

Pentagon: Captured Marine was on unauthorized leave

One last Reagan thread

Lila Lipscomb on O'Franken Factor soon (posted 12:30pm ET)

Funny how Howard Stern and M. Moore doing more than Dem. Senate

Why on earth would anyone vote for Nader NOW???

Saw F 9/11 last night and felt inspired to write:

Is EVERYBODY related to Ahmed Chalabi? Nephew in charge of Saddam

Talking Points is worth reading today n/t

How long does something qualify as "news"??

GAO Reports Iraq is Worse Off Than Before the War Began,

Dont know if this has been posted before but its pretty funny

Repug sham medicare bill (AARP support) - results in higher drug prices!!!

"Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11" and more

Lila Lipscomb to appear on Deborah Norville tonight

A reporter asking "Since the PATRIOT ACT has been so SUCCESSFUL

Was W orth the expense for you?

EPA: 100 million breathing harmful air

Foul Your Mouth With Cheney Formula!

Help on combating Michael Moore bashing

Plame indictment -- what evidence does WH need?

Cheney booed at Yankee Stadium (thank you, NY!)

"top Washington insider" naming Clinton as VP is probably Dick Morris

Sept. 30: Negroponte donates $2000 to *

Is that Hitler image still on the George Bush site?

Question for DUers who visit Drudge Report and watch Fox News regularly

Which of these events were you most excited about

Paraphrasing Condi

Stern Back in Markets Where He Was Axed

Iraq to Charge Saddam With War Crimes

Spyware, is it all your fault?

Would you have supported the war in Iraq if....

Lila Lipscomb coming up on The O'Franken Factor!

College Republicans pretend to be Naderites in Oregon

I think I just started an e-mail war at the Phone Company

do keith olderman a favor


Dear VP Cheney: Regarding performing intercourse upon oneself

Leahy: The Gloves are off.

Is faith a good thing to have or is it just bogus?

Justice: Sharing Data Would Crash System (they really said that)

Border Patrol take on more than just the border.

Senator Bill Nelson's response to my e-mail regarding Abu Ghraib.

Can US Forces Keep The Iraqi Interim Govt Alive Until November 3rd?

Why does the Drudge Report look so cheap and amateurish?

Is Abuse, In General, Up

Dean and Nader to debate 3rd parties on NPR July 9, National Press Club

Budget Impasse Reflects GOP Schism

D.C. 911 vs. Farenheit 911

Lila from F911 on NOW 1:35 EST

Anyone who has not DU'd this please do so, Bush is winning big

Let's support KEITH OLBERMANN for Playgirl Centerfold!!! He is one of the

Question for DUers who visit Drudge Report and watch Fox News regularly

It is very tough to be a Republican in 2004 because...

I just saw an F911 ad on Faux News

Gung-ho Army desert Rats . . .

Nicholas Berg's father to be on CNN this p.m.

Man drags his dogs with car, police say

Grover Norquist will be on Franken tomorrow 7/1

MSNBC : Does Saddam deserve a fair trial ?

Voting Official Seeks Terrorism Guidelines


Terrorist attack a benefit if it gives Bush an FDR-type term- 3 guesses

I posted these pics in the Texas forum

Just heard David Hardy NOT refute anything in FH-911

How is that new EXIT POLLING system going to work again?

Howard Stern Is Back On The Air In Five Of The Six Markets He Was Pulled

Woodmen of the World (Insurance) endorses the "God" in the.....

Woohoo -- F 9/11 coming to a theater near you!

Lila Lipscomb should be on every Talk Show in America......

Walking? Or just talking?

David Hardy is a Big Fat Stupid White Man

the call up of the discharged army personal;

I can't deal anymore with this conservative

Cheney Handed us a Gem for the VP debate

Ashcroft in trouble: Republicans and Dem's want answers

drug prices rise since shit head stole the white house

ALERT!All of you at DU, Our energy problems are solved!

Did you love "Uncovered"? Important new film!!!

FAHRENHEIT 911 6/29 Tuesday $3,785,000

How about we all send "Go Fuck Yourself" Christmas cards to Dick Cheney?

link need: Clarke / Saudi Flights / 911 Comish = Transcripts

WorldNet Daily debunks its own "Syria has the WMDs" article.

It's about time for another War?

John Edwards talked eloquently about the two americas during

Pet Goat - Has the "liberal media" even mentioned it?

The slaughter of WWI sparked an artistic revolution - what about now?

Bush Adm. Squelches Bad News on Parks

Fahrenheit 9/11 Turns Up the Heat (excellent review/provocation!)

Potty Mouth...hehe...opinion letter in today's paper

'Boston Phoenix' IDs 'Anonymous' CIA Officer

Fox News: F 9/11 not a "documentary" due to "editorializing"

San Francisco Voters to Get Say on Iraq

Drug costs up after Medicare discounts started

Just saw an advertisement for one of this week's Datelines

Can you guess which "American terrorist" got a plea bargain?

New film from the maker of "Uncovered": "Outfoxed"

CNN's Greefield urges Dems to Honor a Repug at the Convention and

Just donated $100 to Kerry... ask me anything!

I think Hillary will be the VP nominee...

Fox's Linda Vester on Stern's "railing against the Bush administration"

Who has donated to Kerry in the last month?

Terrible Irony: US hostage in Iraq trying to desert when captured?

A big question unasked by election strategy pundits

Michael Berg on CNN now 515 edt

Unhappy with Bush, But Not Keen on Kerry

Howard Stern has a new fan

David Hackworth - Rumsfeld and Myers should be sacked

Dean breaks the $7 million bat

Is Religion screwed up naturally, or do people screw it up.

If J. Jackson is fined $550k for showing ,what about Fox for penetration

You Have the Power! (where this year's $ is coming from)

The time is past when good men can remain silent

An example of how Freepers think (running for political office, even)

Does Michael Moore Make a Mess of Reporters in F/911?

Recall of Servicemen

When Hillary runs for President....


Dean and Nader are going to debate!

Bill Bennett's surprising new career kicks ass , LICK BUSH in 2004 and then some.

Billboard Altered To Show Bush Quote from F9/11

Have you run into any word class spin-masters online?

Little Georgey plays with his Toy Soldiers.............a Cartoon


"Hillary Would Be One Bullet Away From The Presidency"

Inspirational Quote Of The Day

Howard Stern picks up nine new markets. WooHoo!

Report Shows Revolving Doors Between Gov't, Business

Today's Globe and Mail- does the US State Dept hear what they say?

What would be the value of Bill Clinton on Howard Stern?

Right the power and go shift move to the left!

U2 To Perform at Democratic National Convention?

Whatever you're thinking, Kerry, the Big Dog and half of K street...


I am more Wild-Eyed than ANY of you so called Liberal Losers

I am sure that this is what they are praying for :US soldiers in Iraq..

I will donate 100 bucks to DU if Hillary's not Kerry's VP choice!

Does Kerry have 'coattails'?

Is there any footage of Cheney getting booed at the game online yet?

Mourning for America

How many British died in Iraq?

Is Gore getting to speak at the convention?

The Hulk Hogan And Mr. T Battle The Bushies Game

Halliburton whistleblowers on NBC eve news

Saddam goes to court tomorrow. Maybe now we can see some.....

Come on! Do you really think there are more fence sitters against Hillary

Drug firms to Bush: "Happy Birthday, Mr President"...

Two polls running on one site -- Please DU!!!

ya know something, I am genuinely happy with Kerry as our nominee

Let's not forget these words:

I think one reason Fox news and the retrograde CNN shows have

Sacramento Billboard CHENEYED

The Arrogance of Richard Nixon Revisited

Millionaires Fill US Congress Halls

My letter to Newsweek

Did F9/11 come out too early to affect the election?

Tell me if this isn't the most interesting F911review out there.


Just listen to "LICK BUSH"!

Halliburton pays workers $82,000 a year to do nothing.

"When Halliburton succeeds, Iraq progresses!"

Should John Kerry go on the Howard Stern Show?

Stern Sucks

David Brooks professional blatherer

How come the only people suggesting Hillary as VP are Repugs?

From every mouuuuntainsiiiide ...

Detailed Report on Bush's AWOL

The 228 Year, Great American Experiment With Democracy Dies in 2004.

wow...this is great....repukes have a bad week...great read

Is Lila (from f911) suppose to be on O'lielly tonight?

Wallis: Dem Platform Drafting Committee Responsive to Religious Issues

Opening night for F9/11 here in Bloomington/Normal, IL

An inside look at Boston Police-Menino Controversy

If a Democrat had committed the crimes bush has, what would they have done

Will Bush attack Sudan to give those poor people Freedom?

LaMarche Says She'll Vote for Whoever Can Beat Bush

Why the Log Cabin Republicans need to buy a clue.

The real president and first lady of the United States!

Help, I want to file a complaint on FOX's penetration shot with the FCC

Freepers on hate-radio show in uproar: Huey Lewis endorsed John Kerry

So, they sucked you in and now they will turn up the screws....Greenspan

Best thread ever.

Has anyone heard any new news surfacing about Limbaugh?

How much would you pay?

WOW! New Documentary "Outfoxed"

F911 on a midweek matinee | I see LEGS here folks...

Go to Drudge...

Who here believes the economy is on the right track and who does not?

What's YOUR "End Of The Road" Plan?

"Winning Hearts & Minds" - a propaganda film to help ol' Halliburton

Cuban Americas flock to Cuba

Need a Laugh: Read These Insane O'Reilly Talking Points

Talking about Nader here turns DUers into Freepers

For which Democratic party of old does Zell Miller pine?

DU, please help me understand this party

Does Dennis Miller pay his audience?

Kerry Needs End of Month Funds - Come on DU, Let's Help Him

Green Party VP Candidate May Vote Kerry

So Bush is going down in the polls but Kerry isn't rising. That's to be

Anyone see Dean on Hardball last night?

Who would you like to see give Keynote address at Dem. convention?

Rush Limbaugh is not funny when he is desperate....

I'm in Joshua Micah Marshall withdrawal!

Must read from Kristof

Five Men Detained Near Salem Twp. Power Plant

PNAC mentioned on Letterman tonight! The Tide Has Turned!

Panel head: make plans to cancel election in case of terror attack

What should the Democrats do if Bush wins.

F9/11: Seems Ellen Goodman (nicey poo liberal) thinks Moore is too shrill

"It's all your fault DAMMIT, you're from Florida! Right?!"

need links debunking WorldNetDaily

I do/do not engage in debate with Right Wingers...

people who say 'it's scary', or, 'i'm scared' in their posts

F9/11 is fast turning out to be the De Facto Wake Up Call for the

Robert Fisk: "for Iraq 1917, read Iraq 2003. For Iraq 1920, read Iraq 2004

Republican senator rips Bush on Iraq strategy

How do you feel about non-Americans on DU?

Should we respond to appeals to our better nature OR

White House ignores terror polling data

Breaking: NBCWALLSTREETJOURNAL poll bad for Bush

Would you have supported the war in Iraq if...

The Death of the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE created FOX and the NEOCONS.

Kerry is wrong about NCLB

Sibel Edmonds: Turkey, drugs and 9/11

Socialism vs. Insurance Industry

1984 by George Orwell - complete text on-line

For My 5000th Post, I would kindly ask all Duers to support......

Can anyone tell me if the Canadian results are good or bad for us?

I have a message from the Big Dog

And so it begins.

'Embedded Patriots'

Fox News promo blurs boobie, shows huge p*nis penetration instead

Dumbest Freeper comment ever?

Who was a bigger dick to Moore - Lauer or Storm?

What is with David Brooks?

help, I don't understand why this isn't explosive

Who will be Kerry's VP pick?

An Uzi Up Your Liberal Nose -- Morford aims at absurd expiration

Serious question for Southern DUers.

Soldier home from Iraq: I killed innocents for my country

Revenge is oh so sweet!

Is Desegregation/Integration an absolute good?

Pearl Harbor LIHOP???????

Watching Detroit Crumble "It's almost like a death spiral,"

Cynthia McKinney, alive and well

Complaint filed against Hastings (Dem. Fl. Rep.)

If Limbaugh and Coulter married

Doubts cast on voter database

Watchdog group urges voting system audit (Florida)

Three Turkish hostages reported freed by militants in Iraq

Courting Minorities,Kerry Promises Expanded College Access

Pentagon to call up rarely tapped Reserves

Suspect bomb shuts Vienna airport terminal (false alarm)

NYT: (NYC) Mayor Shuns GOP's Glow While Pataki Basks in It

Alert in US for terror suspects from Pakistan

Attack Iran, US chief ordered British

In F.B.I., Innocent Detainee Found Unlikely Ally - NYT (Tale of US Gulag!)

Insurgents attack U.S. logistics base near Baghdad International Airport

Father of American beheaded in Iraq calls handover a sham

Bush's reluctant occupation partner (South Korea)

I want those INDICTMENTS and I want then NOW!!!!!

Reserve duty hurts some small businesses

Gov. Bush unveils new Haiti panel (?)

Hong Kong Braces for Democracy March

NYT: Social Issues Tug Wal-Mart in Differing Directions

Statue of Liberty Pedestal to Reopen

Low-wage jobs rise at faster pace

Many wounded in two blasts in Afghan city

NYT: Kerry Has to Decide Soon on Repaying BIg Loan (house)

WP: Sharpton Revs Up a Reality TV Show


Ralph Reed's Gamble (Accepted laundered gambling money)

Twin explosions rock Afghan city

US military police raid Iraqi detention centre to stop abuse of prisoners

Candidate’s wife thinks more Americans want to be part of process

2-Month Amnesty for Weapons Handover

Report: Pataki wants to use Sept. 11 aid for rail link

Lawyers demand to see third enemy combatant

Lawmakers Ask Ashcroft Why Suspect Freed

Troubled Nortel farms out manufacturing (Asia)

Attacks kill 2 in Thailand as 8 held on terror charges

Bird flu kills 4,500 chickens in Vietnam

US (Bush) policy on sexual rights condemned

Royal Dutch/Shell faces investor fury

(Greens) LaMarche says she'll vote for whoever can beat Bush

Saddam's Arsenal Could Destabilize Mideast

Highway hot spots; Iowa's rest stops among first with free wireless Web

Sex pros get ready for party (GOP convention in ny)

Report: Guantanamo Prisoners May Move to U.S.


WP, p1:Budget Impasse Reflects GOP Schism (taxes,spending)

Iraq Remains on Treacherous Path After Handover

I just heard an Expert on CSPAN say that there was no political division

Fed to Raise Rates for 1st Time in 4 Years

Campaign Sites Lack Security (especially *'s)

Campaign Sites Lack Security

Ashcroft, Deft at Taking Political Heat, Hits a Rocky Patch

Afghan president pleads for NATO help

Army Reopens Iraqi Prisoner Deaths Probes

Powell visits refugee camp victims of Darfur crisis

Violence shows growing disquiet in Madagascar

Thousands left homeless in Ugandan fires

Twin blasts leave dozens hurt in Afghanistan

Pentagon expands anthrax, smallpox vaccinations to forces in South Korea

Prosecutor vows to retry teens in video rape case

Iraq Mortar Attack Injures 11 U.S. Troops

Minneapolis terror suspect licensed to haul hazardous freight

Porn site strips political references

NYT: Lessons of Islam in German Classrooms

Fed to Raise Rates for 1st Time in 4 Years

NYC child killer Joel Steinberg leaves prison

ISPs won't have to pay royalties: Supreme Court

San Francisco Puts Anti-War Measure on Nov. Ballot

Chicago PMI tumbles, below views (manufacturing growth slows)

Green Party VP candidate not sure whether to vote for herself

US probe finds Iraqi security forces plagued by mass desertions

Dogs attacked with firework

Jamaica encourages business ties with Cuba despite U.S. pressure

Army recalling 5,674 who left service

Court Approves Microsoft Deal With U.S(denies MASS re inadequate sanction

Briefcase baffles authorities

Sept. 11 Commission closes first chapters

WP:Chalabi,Shunted,Shares Iraq Playbook (explosive info?)

Iraq Mortar Attack Wounds 11 U.S. Troops

U.S. families struggle with medical debt-study

Hezbollah Denies Diamond Extortion Claims

Drug Cost Hike Linked to New Medicare Benefits

'Boston Phoenix' IDs 'Anonymous' CIA Officer

Texas graduation rate worst in nation, again

LAT:(Gitmo)Detainees May Be Moved to US(SC ruling response)

Watchdog Group Complains About Nader Aid (Support from Bush campaign)

Cuban-Americans Prepare for Travel Rules

Cuba sanctions come back to bite Bush

Lobbyist -Lovin' Lori (Parrish) (BBV - ES&S in Florida)

U.S. Air Strike Kills Four in Falluja -Witnesses

Clear Channel sued for dropping Stern show

The transatlantic rift

Hillary: Cheney needs 'anger management' for F-word outburst

"Fahrenheit" scene puts heat on Porter Goss (spoiler alert)

Howard Stern Announces Nine New Markets

Wall Street Fine Tracker Riggs Bank

Nation's Student Leaders Select Next U.S. President in ...Mock Election

Divided They Stand/ (Catholics denying communion/Kerry/more)

Bush notes US cultural excesses

Nader, Dean to Debate if Ralph Should Run

Iraq WMD Hunt Gets New Operations Chief

White House Dismisses Polls on Iraq Terror Fears

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders Hit U.S. Troops in Iraq -Study

Menino lets loose: Mayor slams ‘incompetent’ Kerry camp

Iraqi Flag Hoisted in Washington to Launch New Era in Relations

Top court rules on religious freedom

More Adults Lack Health Insurance

Boy Scouts sued for $14M over fire

White House Dismisses Polls on Iraq Terror Fears

U.S. gets tough on Sudan

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 30 June

More U.S. jobs seen in June, buoying Bush

Pope says sorry for crusaders' rampage in 1204

Paula Jones Challenges Clinton to Debate

Army Expects Further Involuntary Troop Call-Up

Stonewalling on Abu Ghraib

Interception of E-Mail Raises Questions

Janet Jackson Breast Flash May Get $550,000 Fine

Swiss ban anonymous bank accounts

U.S. clears one animal suspected of mad cow disease

Heatwave brings power cuts in Spain

Angry father stabs child molester

'Checkpoint' targets the president

Military, 9/11 families call on Bush to see Michael Moore movie

Kerry Rules Out Opening Records of 1988 Divorce

Taliban say hold woman, Australian reporter missing

Fed Boosts Rate by One-Quarter Point

On heels of court defeat, U.S. acts to try 3 in Cuba

Net Attack Aimed at Banking Data

Al-Qaeda spells out Iraq attack strategy in handbook: report


RCMP official at Arar inquiry says innocent people placed in national da

Alcohol may improve female bone structure

Drug Prices Rose After Medicare Law, Group Says

U.S.: Iraq Wedding Attack Was Legitimate

Bill Gates offers cheap Windows to Asian governments

Kerry opposes driver's licenses for illegal immigrants

Terror Threat on Six Major U.S. Airports

U.S. Struggles With Guantanamo Ruling

Menino lets loose: (boston) Mayor slams ‘incompetent’ Kerry camp

NBC poll: President 'down but not out'

Conservative Groups Accused of Aiding Nader

Laura Bush raises her voice (a bit)

U.S. Air Strike Kills Four in Falluja -Witnesses

A Fantastic Tale Turkey, Drugs, Faustian Alliances & Sibel Edmonds

Investigative Report Is Alan Greenspan a Money Launderer?

Saddam lawyer says trial mockery of justice

Britain not sending any more troops to Iraq: report

Stern lambastes Bush, FCC

10% Of Kids Victimized At School By Sexual Misconduct

U.S. Disappointed on Sudanese Attitude to Darfur

Iraqis given custody of Saddam

Reuters: More U.S. jobs seen in June, buoying Bush

Iraq is worse off than before the war began, GAO reports

Army Expects Further Involuntary Troop Call-Up

Iraq WMD Hunt Gets New Operations Chief

Republican Senator (Hagel) RIPS Bush on Iraq Strategy

US Government warns against Internet Explorer

Report: Janklow avoided tickets 16 times

Nader Won't Be On Indiana Ballot

Survey Shows Bush Support Drops Among Muslim Voters (Well, Duh!)

Ralph Nader Calls Israel a "Puppeteer"

Watchdog Group Complains About Nader Aid (Republicans for Nader)

It could be the beginning of a love story

Listening to Led Zeppelin's How the West Was Won.

Whatever it is... it is amazing and collosal.

Trying to find out total registered Dems and Repubs in certain cities...

Good night John Boy!

Poker with Dick Cheney

Letterman: Top Ten George Bush Complaints about F9/11

I am so mad.... i'm going to be sick!

I have question related to business and economics...

Question for the "old timers"

Minister spreads good word about Linux to nonprofits

Boy Scouts of America Sued over fire..

damn, MC5 is on Kilborn

I turned down a job...

Irish bank ditches Windows in favour of Linux

traumatized and I have a bad leg, ask me anything

Man Runs Over Grenade With Lawnmower

One Dead After Fireworks Explode Inside Car

E-mail to me from stranger...

Man Who Photographs Naked Barbie With Kitchen Appliances Gets $1.8 Million

I don't want to go to work today.... someone talk me into it.

I've got to go to the toy store this morning

If I was you, and you were, well

Someone help me wake up please!!!

Top Ten George W. Bush Complaints About "Fahrenheit 9/11"

Man told to get rid of 140 dump-truck loads of junk on his land

Good Morning DU!

Does your snoring bother people?

If Limbaugh and Coulter married

I Love My Horoscope

I have a confession....I'm secretly in love with Dubya.

I had a horrible nightmare last night...

Had this uncontrollable urge to post!

New Toy To Help You Choose What To Dream

Man Shoots At Mexican Boxing Champion - Gets Beat Up

Randomkoolzip's flying out to my place this weekend - music will be made!

A few cool Tshirts

Teenagers Kill Puppies By Placing Fireworks In Their Mouths

Reagan Pyramid Nears Completion

Name the best concert you missed

Firefox, Thunderbird Minor Upgrades Released

Ohio Woman's Granola Pie Recpie Wins Her $1 Million

Landscape Pet Peeve - Please don't do this!!!

If Cheney lived in 1773, the Boston Tea Party might have sounded like...

Caption the major-league pottymouth

Did anyone else notice the typo on the home page?

Was Bush channeling Lenny Kravitz with "Let Freedom Reign?"

One dead, one injured in highway fireworks accident

I am sus' psychiatrist who breaks rules...ask me anything about her

American People Ruled Unfit to Govern

Picked up a hitchhiking carny today!


I have decided my GF is a lousy kook

Best ever political satire piece in today's Onion? I reckon......

I'm off for a while.

Man Behind the Curtain may go national!

I have to admit it - Abbott is getting fat

I cannot wait for tomorrow to get here.

Oh crap. I'm hungry and the road to the fridge

Fu Manchu fans check in

More news on puppies killed by fireworks

German Madame Hoists Reichstag Flag Over Her Brothel

Is everyone now aware that there will be sex at the RNC convention in NYC?

CELEBRITIES Answer Question: "If You Had 5 Minutes With Bush"

I decided my wife is a lousy cook

Log-cabin republicans?

Do you/did you ever *walk* in your sleep?

how much does an oz of good weed cost where you live?

Speaking of Comcast

Slightly tasteless joke

I will not cast my ballot for Kerry on 11/2


"The Natural"?

Doesn't need a caption?



I have questions that NEED answers...

I start my vacation 1 week from tomorrow!

If i go to F9//11 this afternoon, do you think i will get a seat?

mmmmmm nice, hot peppermint tea

Has a DUer ever been turned into a freeper?

Man Paid $15k For Dinner With Tony Bennett - But With 116 Other People

Laurie Anderson Accepts Art Commission From NASA

How to Protect Your Computer & a Virus Story !

July 10th can't get here fast enough!


CAPTION the two hardest working men in crony capitalism

Happy Birthday ______________________________

Missing Toddler Found Guarded By Family Dog

I fixed the car stereo!!!

Song Help

June 30, 1963 (For ROLLING STONES fans)

CONFESS!!!!! Have you ever done anything naughty at work?

Anyone going to NYC for the protest on August 29th

Check out my "George in Turkey" cartoon

For those US DUers thinking of emigrating to Canada

OK, I admit it. I kinda like this song.

My 15 minutes of fame!

Do what you want, I'm certainly not voting for Kerry.

Please help me read.

Meanwhile, 4000 posts later...

Bob Dylan - Masters of War

18 1/2 hours on a flight from Singapore to NYC? Anyone up for it?

Youngest Lotto Winner Ever In Colorado Arrested After Shooting Man In Head

Any fans of the band "The Chills"?


Man Who Wore Soiled Diaper and Pink Tights To Elem School Got Probation

Get a look at this good looking couple!

What is this LG company that seems to have their name

Spiderman 'hanging out' with friends

Spyware, is it all your fault?


Serious Question for Southern DUers.

Win RNC tickets, meet Hannity

I am looking for a link I had on my old computer. It was for a 9/11 websit

Ha ha ha time Cheney appears in public

Are you gay?

Highly critical update for Mandrake Linux 9

Fahrenheit 9/11 vs. The Fog of War: Which did you like better

Have you seen the film Santa Sangre?

Guns don't kill people

gonna make a big ol' pile o' 'black snakes' & light it on fire......


Company Creates Harley-Davidson 'Hearse'

July 23rd can't get here fast enough!

Level 1 Cleric Seeks Other Nerdly Adventurers for Dice Rolling and Mayhem

I am a psychiatrist who gives free advice...ask me anything.

i just passed 9000 posts and i`m

Does anyone watch "Coupling"?

Here name was Lola / She was a shogun!

Is sus a lesbian? Let's read the email!!!!

The Ballad Of The Tenacious Bee

F9/11 Coming to Jackson MS!!

Man drags his dogs with car, police say

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Captain and Chenille

Biggest Sell out by a Prog Rock Band

DU women: What attributes are foremost in attracting you to a woman?

it is summer and my brain has ceased to function

NO LOGO by Naomi Klein

Are there in-door wasp/hornet traps?

F9/11 Viewers try to kill Limbaugh fans with popcorn???!!!

So - what DO you all think of the film The Harder They Come?

Can we bust Fox News for obscenity now? (link to naughty image)

Southern Abolition movement

I have my first LTTE being published tomorrow...

The Remedy

Obligatory Music Post: Great Underrated Guitarists

You could name the next album by CStheT and Randomkoolzip!!!!!!!

I just watched "The Office" this weekend.

Computer spyware question: What is a "Registry value"?

Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Does whatever a spider can!

I just re-upped...


7% of Pubs are Gay, which means most are hidden away in the closet

Yet another reason to love Randi Rhodes

DU Men: What attributes are foremost in attracting you to a man?

I am eating two pounds of cheese. Why?

I'm leaving on vacation in 1:15! Do you envy me?

Any fans of "Liberty Meadows"?

Favorite FCC-approved "curse word"?

does quebec think it owns labrador?

Your opinion of the band Swervedriver?

May I declare an early Friday just this once?

I used to like Spike Lee - now only "Do The Right Thing" is watchable


Dedicating my 1000 Post to the Lounge!!

Woman Dies After Swerving Car To Avoid Turtle

Machine gun tearing my body all apart.....

Tonight's Reno 911! sounds like it's going to be damn funny!

Question for DU newbies:

I-photo. Anyway to compress images?

VACATION! This time tomorrow I'm on a plane to Amsterdam

Question re: Flash BIOS Updates

Just donated $100 to Kerry... ask me anything!

What cartoon character would you like to have sex with?

King's last ride.

Interesting observation...

The Plaidder Reality Channel Presents: THIS F--ING SUCKS!

The Hands-Off Approach of all CAPTIONS!!!!

What should I call my next musical project? I await your suggestions.

Email I just received -- John Kerry Benefit in NYC

Michael Douglas' stalker wants out of jail to finish her Psych degree

Whew! For a minute there I thought I might have to work late!!!

Charity workers beat up man who refused to buy raffle ticket

I am so tired of Novak's sniggering.

Whats your favorite "smiley" available on DU?

Man drags his dogs with car, police say

Who are you ?

Stuffed pork chops

VP Race: Clark, Clinton or Edwards

Need help from people who use Paypal.

DU Gay Women: What attributes are foremost in attracting you to a woman?

This is my 2000th post!

Best things to say to impress New Yorkers with our Southern sophistication

Why Jack Chick doesn't go to church

Garlic Pot Roast

S**t! I just passed 5,000 posts--I was hoping to post something profound


Five posts to go till I hit 2000 - ask me anything

Two hot Goths and a gay cabaret!

Is Trumad a total wussy for not taking my bet?

Howard Stern expanding again.

Two hot dogs and a glass of Cabernet

Now I am watching a DS9 episode, while I continue to scan stuff.

For me, it's vegetarian pizza

Oh if it were only true...

silliest thing ever happened to you

Louisiana Back Bay Bayou Bunny Bordelaise

Biggest Sell out by a Prog Rock Band (attempt #2)

Official White House transcript of Cheney/Leahy "f*** off" exchange

My cell phone bill

Billy Shears

Mullets on bubbas

Thank gods/goddesses and everyone else for Caller ID

Britney marrying for LOVE this time!!!

Reference to Iraq on Star Trek Website.

A question about Brian Jones (Rolling Stones)

Who would you rather be stranded on a desert island with

What attributes are foremost in attracting you to a man?

Any advanced win 98 users out there, keep getting a popup even

Who would you rather be on a deserted island with part II. Political women sucks - buyer beware sucks - buyer beware

Please help w/uploading pictures/images.

Where Are All The New Vaudeville Band Fans????

Steam or Sauna sucks - buyer beware (sorry for dupes)

Anybody else having trouble getting into the other forums?

I'm a Photoshop dumbass.........................

Funny names and nicknames

picture of Reagan holding a very young George W. Bush

WIll John kerry be a guest on The Daily Show? I'm quite certain

OK where can I get a decent quality DivX rip of F911?

Just read Still Life With Woodpecker. Do you like Tom Robbins too?

OK Forget this post. I ate the celery. Your loss.

malarial today, ask me anything

How often do your cats throw up?

Funny Cartoon

Which would you rather see in the theatre?

Unatural act CAUGHT ON FILM!

Spent some time this afternoon watching squirrels...

Just Ate SWEET CANDY For Dinner! Who Wants To Lick My Lobster Bib????


Yikes!!! Computer savvy Duers - my computer screen keeps blinking at me

Which DUer(s) Would You Like To Get SPANKED By?

I got home from a F9/11 matinee

Please help w/posting pictures/images.

I bought Rush's Feedback today.

Brothers and Sisters .... can you spare a dime?

Dish Network or Directv...which do you recommend?


Gift for Wedding that won't last

This is bad for two reasons:

I got to hang up on a collection agent!!

Who wants to go to the pool?

Let's support KEITH OLBERMANN for Playgirl Centerfold!!! He is one of the

Ow! Ow! He was walking all around with spine fractures. Ow! (Formula One)

First aid question (bad burn)

Computer help (!!!!)

I am an ink-stained wretch

Your opinion of the Starland Vocal Band?

Best place to download music (legally)

What the hell, got some more freeper jokes for ya!

Who would you rather be on a deserted island with part II. Political women

lately I have been getting emails returned as undeliverable

So my mom is not going to be paralyzed.

Damb! Mrs Q just called! It's steamers and stuffies for dinner tonight!

I know bankruptcy is not a good thing...

Change of Habit

Where Are All The PAPER LACE Fans????

"Late Braking" WWII veterans being called to duty............

Go Dick yo self, I'm voting for John F Kerry!

Dog toy or marital aid ???

For Me, It's Outback Steakhouse for Dinner Tonight!!!

I am going to see Guster, Rufus, and BEN FOLDS tonight!! ENVY ME!


Past and present teenagers- what was your first job?

just broke 500; but nobody will ask me dick


I just downloaded Mozilla Firefox 0.9.1 - tell me what's cool about it

Weight Watchers recipe cards from 1974 - EWWW!

Baby at a museum

Let's take the ink blot test: What do you see in this picture?

DU men; What female attributes are foremost in attracting you to a woman?

CAPTION le frog and il dunce

CAPTION those shit-eating grins.

Now you can tell by the way I use my CAPTION I'm a woman's man.....

Little Steven's Underground Garage Festival w/Iggy & Stooges!!!

I just got tickets to my THIRD Hanson concert!

DU people: What makes you assume folks are heterosexual?

My Wife has turned into a GRAMMAR NAZI

Last 5 CDs/albums you've listened to

The First Official DS1 Groveling Thread (DTG)

plz help DE-freep this poll

DU women: What attributes are foremost in attracting you to a man?

Randi Rhodes just said married sex sucks.

If you could only pick one...What decade would you choose to live in?

Bands You Like That We Are All Going To Make Fun Of You For

Happy 4th of July...check out this link Really Cool

Saturn Todays Pic

I need a browser


"The Clever Italian"--funny joke

Can someone explain the whole Nader/Green thing to me...

President John Kerry

Kerry deciding how to pay off house loan (campaign or own $$$)

They're getting ready to cancel the election....

Florida: Kerry 43%, Bush 43%, Nader 5% (Quinnipiac)

What's the story behind Kerry's divorce records? Please explain...

the Republican Convention ?

WP: Sharpton Revs Up a Reality TV Show

How to Predict a Modern Dem VP Pick

"Fahrenheit 9/11" adds 316 theaters today- 526 more Friday - total 1710

Watchdog Group Complains About Nader Aid

Who here on DU is sick of hearing about Wes Clark?

Potential central campaign issue ?

Bill Press' book: "Bush Must Go"

Time: Is Kerry Leaving Blacks Cold?

Kerry & Edwards 4th of July plans

Survey Shows US Muslim Voters Support Kerry

Nader voters in swing states.

Anyone defending Nader on the latest?

Meyerson's thoughts on Cheney, Edwards, Gephardt

College R's pretend to be Nader supporters

Bush gets boost in Arizona poll (Bush 47%, Kerry 35%)

NH radio interview with Dean yesterday. Informative and pleasant.

Media Alert: Wes Clark on FOX 6/30

Graham Defends Castor

5 Lessons Democrats Can Take From The Canadian Elections

Maine Poll: Support for Kerry, tax cap dwindle (Kerry 43.5%, Bush 41.0%)

Stop the Nader's Bush enabling ego trip by contributing today!

"Disturbing Times But We Must Not Be Disturbed" Granny D

How many debates will * agree to?

See the new Kerry ad "Pilot"

ACLU conference next week....debate with Gov. Owens and Gov. Dean.

Jesse Helms Slams Bush Tax Policy

VP poll in wrong forum

When George Meets John (comparing debating styles)

Kerry - U.S. Trade Modification Legislation

CARTOONS: The Republican Potty

Any Kerry (passionate) Soundbites today?

Hillary to be VP nominee? Miss Cleo says...

Chris Heinz comment on crossfire about John Edwards for vp


Fmr. democratic congressman Ron Klink to endorse Arlen Specter

a reunion concert for Kerry? . . .

Interesting point about Clark's appeal across party lines

Dave Matthews Band holding benefit for Kerry July 8th, NYC...

"They came for the Democrats...

Republicans want Edwards for Veep! They finally admitted it.

Gen. Wesley Clark -- "Man of the Week"

Alcoholic Traitor Novak Blasts Clark, Not Edwards, Geppy, Vilsack, etc.etc

Sludge is reporting Hillary will be VP. Anyone going for this?

My sort-of liberal brother is thinking of voting Bush

bush polling lower than pre-9/11

Current Veep odds

Who Will Give the Dems' Keynote? Kerry Lets a Hint Slip

Clark's string of TV appearances... random observations

DU this poll

Nader, Dean to Debate Ralph's Run