Democratic Underground

Archives: January 11, 2005

Torture and International Human Rights - Mark Levine

We Have Met The Enemy, And It Is US (Corporate Media)

Max Hastings: Phoney War in Terror

The Rude Pundit: The Horror of History:

Iraqi Elections: Day 1 of Civil War

Rich Man Talking

Americans overestimate the power and reach of their military

Pogo was right.

Torture, terrorism, and Pentagon's proposed death squads for Iraq.

Stench of Iraq Failure Would Have Been Blamed on a Dem....

Fire the Consultants by Amy Sullivan (Washington Monthly)

How Did We Ever Get in This Mess?

Who Will Stand?

Krugman: The Iceberg Cometh

Is America Dying?

ACLU:Show some backbone Congress - Keep Bush in Check - Sign this!

Assad complains of heavy US pressure on Syria

I don't think I've ever understood the gun rights issue in the DU way.

CBS may have fuged in their .50 cal story

Thanks to the mods for doing such a great job.

Any way you would let us change our user names now?

DU "feature" idea.

Busy people, a suggestion for promoting DU

What happened to my post?

Damkira, or other mods....

Egyptian paper: Israel-India nuke test caused tsunami

should i cancel the trib?

If You're Pro-Choice, Pray for Gregoire...(from SeattlePI)

Where is the OUTRAGE of the 21st Century PAYOLA? The Buying of Media

The Kerry/Edwards Campaign Rocked!

Will Jeb be prez in 2008?

Clarification RE: Danger Will Robinson post!

KOEB Witness Relocation Program

41% of Nov. 2 provisional ballots axed in Lucas County.

The Velvet Revolution starts...... now..........

So what is John Edwards doing these days? I sure miss his smile and

John Conyers

Does redistricting also help win Senate races?

Whats the ongoing issue in the Washington Govenors race?? Why is still in

Let's not forget the Green Party

list of discussions of vote fraud in newspapers, journals, internet sites

Will election reform and voting rights become a major issue?

What Now? Terror Alerts or Another Osama Tape?

Election Day a National Holiday - Give Conyers your input now!

Jim Jeffords

Bill Defines 'Political Paranoia' As 'Mental Illness'

Stench of Iraq Failure Would Have Been Blamed on a Dem....

aclu petition...... refuse to surrender

Peoples Rights Violated In This Election According To The Bill Of Rights

I really wish the Constitution had this Ammendent, but unfortuantely , no

massive fraud in NH and PA......but dems did it, so discussion dropped???

Boycott on "coronation day"

Call for Independent Testing of E-voting Machines Petition

Dear John Kerry:

New stategy suggested by some who work for the Dems

Trying to satisfy Cam Kerry's request

Is there a transcript of the Boxer revolution.

Keith Compares CBS firings (Bush) to MSM SBVT non firings (Kerry).

CBS held accountable/Scott McClellan glad!!!

Vote machine fraud in Texas in big counties and suppression of minorities


Nothing about contesting the vote certification on the Daily Show

My response to the latest Mystery Pollster (Jan. 8) blog

Voter Suppression – ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAW! Lawyers?? Will Pitt???

Los Angeles DUers

California's Ugly Skin Game: White-Bread Repubs, White-Hating Dems

Boswell, Leach, and Nussle

Vulnerables in Minnesota

DFL action alert: social security

About that hoax that Christmas lights have to be off

What is Collin Peterson's position on social security destruction?

Any Twin Cities Du'er wishing to get to Scott Lowery's service

moving to Minnesota in May

3 potentially vulnerable Repuke reps in the Wolverine State

Philly DUers

Is Natalie singing for Ford?

Got a TX DPS fundraising call.

Weber Tires in East Bristol, WI

Yippie..............Im at 600 Post

aclu petition...... refuse to surrender

Accountabily-CBS vs *

Put a dent in Bush: just call him the "Presi"

More fake news: WH drug control office issued fake news tapes

Anyone know if Air America is planning on getting back on the air in LA?

All In The Family / Archie Bunker

Hardball is making me sick to my stomach tonight

Armstrong Williams = Cuban "independant journalists"onNED/Cubanet payroll

Nutcase Forbes is back. He wants money.

It ain't America(tm) without death squads! (link)

Let's call them prigs

Randy Moss: Today's News Diversion

Hey where was the "Huge bombshell" today regarding oil-for-food?

Church thanks God for the tsunami and for the death of any gay Swedes

Naked prisoners in pyramids an acceptable method of prisoner control????

Wikipedia is debating deleting an article on neoconservatism

torture? Hell, that ain't torture!

Hey everyone...

Opposing Bush: A Form of Mental Illness? Is this for real?

I sent this email to all the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee

What to say to those Hollywood-bashers...

Counter Protest in Olympia tomorrow per MoveOn-Help Support Gregoire

Itawamba schools back off peanut butter lunch for nonpaying students

Church Gives Away H2 Hummer - Televangelist Uses To Recruit

Armstrong Williams: I'm Not the Only One

We've LOST the best,...of ourselves!!!

An excellent documentary on

Mississippi libraries banning the Daily Show Book

Winter storms...finally unthawing from last tuesday...any others

Tim Roemer said something that makes me support him

Anybody catch the Today show interview "Are You Happy"?

SInce when is "Pretending to moon" people "A disgusting act"

EU Becomes China's Largest Trade Partner--Xinhuanet

Anyone started looking at their local races yet?

Have any other media personalities been found to have taken money?

Article: Compassionate Torturing?

Moore's F911 takes Critic's Choice for best Documentary.

analysis of vote margin shifts in Ohio precinct by precinct

watch the freepers make excuses for kid rock

Is it my imagination or have the rightwing websites gotten very boring?

freeper reaction to skinner's nyt letter

Are you making your Republican boss a good living?


Economic Appeal: isn't keeping your house better than keeping your gun?

Abu Ghraib: Charles Graner says his orders were to "rough up" detainees

Defense Lawyer: cheerleaders all over America form (torture) pyramids

'Listen to me you dirty rat-eater.' Clear Channel DJ to Indian operator

Eric McCormack on the Critic's Choice Awards just said...

Wait, the HORRIBLE Newsmodel Paula Zahn is hosting Aaron Brown's Show!!!!

Caption this pic

Believing in Togetherness Itself - GrannyD

Is BartCop down, anyone know? n/t

Died in the Lounge....Anybody see the PBS show on Martin Luther King on

Wow! This lady gives Bush both barrells!! (Madison Cap Times)

How about a gross political generalization.

Bush...The Never Ending Story...and a 5 year old...!

Why does Mel Gibson hate America!?

Please tell me I am reading this page wrong. Want to be fair....

Tecumseh's (zero year) Curse after Bush?

The Dan Rather non-story: Today's news diversion - part II

One Magic Pill to makes you better! NOT IN THE US not profitable!

Very interesting mail I got today from my Congressman...

MTV Jumps on Christian bandwagon...along with NBC, CBS....

Monday Truthseekers Gathering: Get Your Malloy Here

Okay what the hell does Bush need 50 million for on the 20th?

Rumsfeld, Gilead Sciences and the Flu Mess

Lol! More "Values" X-Tians Upset with * over Kid Rock.

Elephants! helping with Tsunami relief!

The Crawford TX newspaper

Tenn. Drops 323,000 Adults From Medicaid - Bye Bye, Tenn hopes you die

A Rummy Funny: Su Na Mi, That Evil Asian Dictator

I figured out why Fundies piss me off.

Malloy discussing Scott Lowery now...

Anyone hear Bush's latest gaffe?

Researcher cited in CBS Bush Guard 60 Minutes report responds

Who has any info on Datamaxx?

What do conservatives stand for?

KOEB Meeting

Spiritual Anorexia and Beyond

Tsunami relief ...

Could someone help me with a response to Freeper I Work With

Must see movie: "Red Dawn" - Not kidding - even freepers will "get it"

Very cool video...

First our teachers, then police and fire departments now doctors

Was there a flags at half staff proclamation that I missed? Or

Political Test - What are you politically?

My Letter to the Book Banner here in Mississippi

on 'Abortion' .... is there any middle ground?

If you had $250,000 to donate, where would you spend it?

Be Here Now ......

Democrats we're proud of

Rush in meltdown over Armstrong Williams

Hey, whatever happened to the Plame investigation?

"Cheerleaders all over America make human pyramids every day . . . "

"Would you support the death penalty if your child was murdered?"

CNN poll:Do you believe Dan Rather should have been fired?

Why do working-class Republicans vote for Bush? Answer and link

Averell Harriman -- Founding Turd of the BFEE

Yay! Chili!

John Conyers

Supreme Court sides with KKK in adopt a highway program

Man auctions ad space on forehead

Appeals court says Bible cannot stay during appeal

Car bombs target Basra police stations

Former Sen. Breaux to Hold Four Positions

GE, Exxon, Altria Find Inaugural Means Lobbying Without Limits

Derryman jailed for refusal to co-operate with Bloody Sunday Tribunal

Cheney's focus may change in 2nd term

Researcher cited in CBS Bush Guard 60 Minutes report responds

Iraqi women divided about whether to vote conservative and lose rights

US gives backing for regional surveillance centre

Proposal Would Let Nebraska Felons Vote

Clinton Lauds Election of Abbas As Leader

A spies' jamboree

CBS Fires Four For Bush National Guard Story

Maryland Governor Bob Ehrlich VETOES legislation on malpractice reform.

dupe - sorry :(

Pentagon mulls military command for intelligence

The Spook Bank More on the Riggs-CIA connection.

China's Exports Rise 33% to Record; Trade Gap Widens

House GOP seen straying from pledges in 'Contract'

Oil Find Hints at a Less Dependent Cuba

NYT: Supreme Court Declines to Hear Case on Adoption by Gay People

Cuba resumes relations with all European states

Two held in Ł26M robbery probe

Bible removed from monument outside Houston courthouse under appeals court

WP: In GOP, Resistance On Social Security

FEMA overpaid $12 million for hurricane relief in Florida, agency says

Republicans try to block Gregoire's certification as governor (1/10)

WP: Tiny Corner of La. Mourns 6 Soldiers

Johnston Band Still Needs $7,500 For Inauguration Trip

Former Head of the Federal Superfund Cleanup Program Sentenced

Bush Names Major Fundraiser as Economic Adviser

Dollar Falls After Snow Signals U.S. Won't Try to Strengthen It

Film reveals true destruction to ghost city Falluja

WP: U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Security Expenses (Inauguration)

Four North Carolina donors give $250,000 for Bush inaugural

Poll: Bush's approval rating climbs (CNN/USA Today)

Tsunami warning buoys experiencing problems

Listening to The Rolling Stones: Beggars Banquet. Ask me anything.

Do you people know White Ninja Comics?

So, who's gong to list "pundit" on Ebay first?


Pittsburgh Anchorman accused of exposing himself. (KDKA)

I just woke up from a coma. Clinton is still president, right?

My wanna be fundie mother is visiting this week,

How Do You Like the New 2006 Volkswagen Jetta?

SNL or MadTV ?

Does anyone here have any first hand information about witch's covens?

"24" is on now for anyone interested.

Interesting...similarities between DU and FR

Any insulin-dependent diabetics out there? (NOT medical advice, Mods!)

If Bart Simpson grew up with the times, he would be 25 years old.

Who's still writing 2004 on their checks

I'm watching Blood Feast 2.

Can Someone Tell Me Where / Who This Quote is From?

How old do you think SpongeBob Squarepants is???

A Volkswagen that gets 235 mpg??

My Chemical Romance - I'm Not OK(I Promise)

"The best time to wear a striped all the time..."

Man auctions ad space on forehead

MIA: Misunderestimator

Hmmm, B12 deficiency can cause symptoms of depression, anxiety, dementia:

Jeep unveils 670 hp vehicle with 2 Hemis.

Would President David Hasselhoff be worse than Junior? NO! Hasselhoff 2008

Do you ever feel misplaced?

If Bon Jovi joined the mafia, would he be Don Bon Jovi or Don Jon Bon Jovi

Which of these 3 would you "do"?


Am I indivisible?

Want a good laugh? Watch freerepublic explode over Mel Gibson

I touched my feral cat visitor two days in a row.

So, it's like my birthday and on the way to work this morning...

What is with the woman in the new Rolaids commercial?

follow-up on PC problem

Danzig is a bad-ass motherfucker.

Human Spontaneous Involuntary Invisibility

Britney Spears FYI

Ahhhh drinking on a Monday night...

Am I the only person on DU who likes to drive fast?

John Voight - Bite me

Okay. I'm off to bed.

I need to get to 2000 posts

Welcome to Death Row

If I turned this into a bumper sticker and put it on my car,

Cheering fans, have you seen this site yet?

I'm depressed. I don't recognize my country. Help.

I am onto a vast telecision conspiracy regarding TV show char. names....

AAR now

Fock the Fuckers. The name with the horrid title is up $200m.

F911 just won the critics choice award!!!

Rain ......

A question about August Wilson's play "Seven Guitars."

Monty bites Simba in a strategic location


I Knead Sandals

What's the most unromantic thing a partner has done DURING sex?

Dorothy, give the ruby slippers to the Scarecrow. Please.

A co-worker is happy his son is off in Asia, teaching christianity.

I have a new puppy dog! RAVEN!!!

I just posted on every thread in the Artists Group--ask me anything...

Lord of the G Strings

Daily Show time...

Gevalia coffee poll

żUsted vive en un estado azul o un estado rojo?

Have you lot seen the trailer for Sin City?

Have you sinned on a lot in Trailer City?

Goodbye Khephra

If you've been here two months and you have less than 2000 posts,

Have you ever gone nuts looking for an old thread you started?

Whom do you find attractive that your spouse/partner/etc scorn you for?

Why do so few women like Tenacious D?

This "Essential Bruce Springsteen" disc is a trove of campaign theme songs

I just got Crest Toothpaste Cinnamon Rush, ask me anything

Monday night time waster

Does listening to Mike Malloy make you angrier than you already are?

Who were/are the most underrated dictators of all time?

Question for Mac users

Venting after a totally rotten day.

You could drink whole milk if you wanted to.

Anyone see Hotel Rwanda?

Nothing's shocking.

Hey everyone...

Just downgraded my Dish Network service--ASK ME ANYTHING!

Did you like Napoleon Dynamite?

Am I progressive?

Anybody see the PBS special on Martin Luther King???

Oh no! The Old...Desert Island ?'s

What are the best anti-Bush songs?

G'nite, gang. See ya tomorrow! *hugs*

Saturday, January 10, 1998: The day I officially became an orphan.

I'm not obsessed by music---Is there something wrong with me?

I saw the thread of ********Bush

World Leaders Welcome Abbas Victory

RRRRRReeet Petite, the finest girl you ever wanna meet...

I used to take prescription SSRIs. Ask me anything.

I knead dough

I Need Candles

greatest actor presently performing PART 2

greatest actor presently performing

What's a good book about Cherokee culture?

Anyone else here addicted to Seinfeld?

Why aren't there are any sex threads in the Lounge right now?

I'd practically kill for a piece of dark chocolate right now.

Writing My Own Publicity

Well, it looks like all the syncophants have me on ignore ...

My SWM = Stinky Wind Machine

What makes this forum so addictive?

Could someone explain the ice sport where you use a broom?

Why aren't there are any Art threads in the Lounge right now?

Hey ya Lizards! Did you dig Boxer and Tubbs Jones contesting Ohio?

My 30,000th post is dedicated to Kef


New Study Clears up Myths about Constipation

Conga Line time! Dah-dah dah-dah-dah, KICK!

Post the lyrics to a random song from your playlist.

So what are you wearing to the inaugural ball?

would someone please post some puppy pictures to this thread?

How long after Randy Moss retires will his money run out?

Hey Ladies--what mulitvitamin do you use? Those froofy women ones?

Is anyone interested in a health and fitness group?

Twas the night before Macworld!

Which bookstore is better?

Clark Kent

Am I Invisible?

What is your least favourite household chore?

Anyone want to stay with me for 2 weeks in Sarasota Feb or Mar

Aqua Teen Hunger Force is the best show ever

Friends of Mrs. Grumpy:

Time for a LOONEY TUNES THREAD!!!!!!

Let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby,

Khephra's Funeral Arrangements

Sin City Trailer.

Lost Apes Of The Congo

Are we all wrong about Qasars?

Extinction. The last of the Tasmanian Tigers.

Hideki Matsui donates 50 million yen to the Tsunami Relief Fund..

Please help...

I offer a motto for the Democratic Party:

Pssst.... over here....

I don't feel like giving up

Hey how many of the Kerry supporters have signed up to help out

Kerry sighting on TV--well a few seconds anyway...

What do you all think about a get-together?

Thrilling week in Central Florida

aclu petition...... refuse to surrender

Combat Bush by calling for release of "Dinosaurs" DVD's

Where can I get a transcript of the House debate of Jan. 6, on Ohio? (nt)

Bush Impeachment Countdown -- 575 days to go

"Fight for the Next Election Starts Now": DFA's Other Inaugural.

New Rule: Republicans should not be allowed to own cute dogs.

PDP endorses Dean:Popular Democratic Party

Many, many questions? Who else is on the take?

F9-11 just won the Critics Choice Awards on WB network

Could somebody help me with the concept of "death squads?"

Scarborough calls Armstrong Williams a "sucker," says he got way more

Is there going to be a new TDS tonight?

Panel Finds CBS News Rushed Report on Bush's Guard Record

The Democratic Party meetup is tommorow - who's actually getting involved?

Election reform and gutting media ownership laws are the issues that must

Is the constant left-vs-center infighting in the D.U. good?

Ho Chi Minh once said...

Arms transfers to Iraq, 1973-2003

Does anyone have a link to Bush accidentally saying "erection"?

How did Jesse Jackson say Kerry fought against him and the Greens in Ohio?

WOW ... maybe we're being heard after all !!

Do you want Howard as the Head of the DNC or the '08 candidate?

List of links regarding Kerry's legal efforts on the Election recount

Is it me or has the tide begun to turn? More bush bashing in media since

MA State Party Chairman Opposes Anti-Abortion Roemer As DNC Chair

What are your plans for Inauguration Day?

Anti-DLCers, are you really against the DLC as an organization

Why did Kerry lose?

Supreme Court Rules KKK Can Adopt a Highway..and Post A Sign!!

If you can stomach it, "More on Salvadorian death squads ",

Yikes ... is everyone but the DNC talking withdrawal ???

How I am staying post election day strategy....

When will everyone at Fox "News" be fired

Is this why SS and Medicare are being destroyed? The DLC agrees?

Why did Dean lose?

Why is no one outraged over 60 Minutes last night?

Tenn. Drops 323,000 Adults from Medicaid

Dean makes it official tomorrow

A site about moderate republicans. Not many of those left any more.

WashPost Daily Briefing has good coverage of Armstrong mess

Can we all agree that it's time for Bob Shrum to retire?

Two possible retorts to RW declaration of "The U.S. is NOT a democracy"

The best choice for the 2008 Presidency


Watch for the Terror Threat to Go Orange - or

Bill is not longer DLC. In fact, he told them off a couple of years ago.

George Monbiot (Guardian Utd): Punitive - and it works

First They Came For The Terrorists... Thom Hartmann

Effort Under Way to Weaken U.S. Endangered Species Law

Business Lobby to Get Behind Judicial Bids

"What's the Congressional Black Caucus Thinking? "

Bush's Budget Moves Have Made the Future a Voiceless Victim

Staff “Purge” at Office of Special Counsel; Whistleblower Staff Claiming

Political Antics and Race-Based Animosity

City of ghosts (The Guardian, report on Fallujah)

Iraq - The Devastation

Protester a Fixture in Downtown Stevens Point (WI)

Opposing Bush - A Form of Mental Illness?

Wash. Post columnist relied on dubious study to promote tort reform

"Bush is real threat to Social Security"

Deficit Dance ("Beware the Texas Two Step")

US Casualties Are Even Worse Than What Islammemo Reports

Reject Gonzales' nomination for attorney general

A House Divided

Liberal talk rockets in San Diego

Letter to the Daily Breeze: Boxer stood up for voting rights

Labor Pains

A short but sweet NYT editorial....

more money for parties, parades, and feasting at the coronation!!

Bush considering Salvador option to pacify Iraq

Republicans On the March: They're digging their claws into our democracy

Social Security Goals May Clash (with other GOP goals)

Saddam's Gone – Why Aren't We?

The Secret Lives of Just About Everybody

It's beginning to look like Vietnam

Nature: A Real Moral Value

LA Times: Is Al Qaeda Just a Bush Boogeyman

more broken promises and flip-flops from our prez

Radical Right's Latest Courtroom Drama

Brush Up Your Solzhenitsyn (Elaine Cassel)

The hard sell on Social Security/ War Room Salon article

The devastation of Iraq

Privatizing the Public Good

Oliphant: Bush needs to adopt Kerry's answers to Iraq problem

"The Bush Survival Bible" by Gene Stone

Robert Parry: Bush's 'Death Squads'

A Man-Made Tsunami(Why are There No Fundraisers for the Iraqi Dead? )

US defends “evidence” obtained through torture ...

Molly Ivins: Leading by misleading

U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses

News on the Draft Issue

Bring back the draft ---- with options

Is Al Qaeda Just a Bush Boogeyman?

Is Al Qaeda Just a Bush Boogeyman? (LA Times)

Full Frontal Offense: The "I had an abortion" T-shirt

A Bloody Mess (Social Security Privatization)

Possible Study in Ohio

My plan to dramatically increase the effect of our email activism

unemployed, underemployed? File a complaint (esp. tech people)

CNN/Reuters give Balanced Report on Bush/Social Sec. - the AP does not

USA Today ....CBS Coverage.

journalism, capitalism and the death of democracy ...

Liberal talk rockets in San Diego

Who's really in charge here

Brazilian Soy Business Demands Paved Road Straight Through Amazon Forest

Reagan's view of alternative fuels vs *'s view of Iraq's democracy

Nissan Plans To Build Hybrids In US In 2006 (Hybrid Altima In Works)

Despite Hybrid Hype, GM & Chrysler Highlight 4.6 & 6.1L V8 Engines

So. California Storms Will Have Little Lasting Drought Impact - LA Times


What Rumsfeld did instead of doing his job

Thanks mods

Dealing with this guy who is making the sick posts about Khephra

Double standards question/clarification

Need help with Banned member stalking

Hey Admin

Hey Skinner, my College Dems group was just offered a two hour radio show

RSS feed problem?

A request- Do not let fear of 'conspiracy theories' stifle DU debate.

Poll about Dean's loss in the primary

Curious about demographics...

DU Group: Exercise and Fitness - Mission Statement

A question, please, Skinner.

An apology

Skinner...I'm curious as to why this thread in the Lounge was locked?

The Mods are doing a great job in the Lounge

I agree with cali--I don't see how her thread violated DU rules

Sorry guys, it's my fault we lost the election.

You pulled my post about the Chris Heinz post.

I posted a protest suggestion this afternoon which was locked and I wanted

The Mods Are Going Overboard in the Lounge

What about a Fat Acceptance group??

Attack in Shebaa Farms may be a sign of more to come

Lesbian couple get okay for adoption

Soldier who lied to military court sent to jail

New Sharon government takes office

Hamas calls for more suicide bombings

Did the 9/11 hijackers have guns?

State Journal-Register: Expanding for Education (Beardstown)

Pantagraph: Workers take Cat deal

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

Can anyone post the names of the Illinois Dems who..

Pure vanity post: I beat the Illinois Forum on reaching 3,000 posts

Friends of Padraig18:

A bad rumor about Blagojevich is spreading around here

Look Look I am wearing my own name now...

F911 & Michael Moore Just Won Another Award!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supreme Court Rules KKK Can Adopt a Highway..and Post A Sign!!

Did B**h Violate His Oath Of Office Could It Be

The Nashua Advocate: The Election Reform Movement Blasts Off

Interesting take in new article by Joe Bageant

"All the President's Men..." or when the WaPo used to report the news

A Title Worthy: "The Lingering Stench In Ohio"

exit polls ..... how many were polled???.... this is BIZARRE

Isn't it odd * won by 3mil. popular votes and so did Gore. Hmmm

Inaug protest - Info for 2 major groups from United for Peace and Justice

What do you think Blackwell's fate will be in the next year or two?

question for will pitt, please

gonna float fraud idea to my college dems....

DC asked to chip in for the coronation

Know this is old: "Purging of rolls, confusion anger voters"

Senator Boxer's response e-mail. May already have been posted...

Protecting those who stood up(J.Jackson)

AWFUL GRAB: Americans Who Feel Ugly Lies Garnered Retarded Autocrat Bush

MUST READ article on what the left must do in order to win

Stupid question for those that know these things

Florida citizens' recount going on

Lawsuit Over Ohio Voting Dropped

Ok, here is where i might ask for help gathering info for the flash/video

MUST READ: End notes from the Baiman-Simon paper.

I'll tell you what it will take for the Dems. to win in the next election.

What Repubs have said when I've told them about the vote fraud.

Broward County Florida, Nov. 2, 2004. Don't believe your own eyes

Lawsuit Over Ohio Voting Dropped

Washington State Repubs, meet U.S. congressional Repubs:

Did anyone bookmark Conyers' letter to Blackwell?

I dont get it, folks....i just dont get it

I _THOUGHT_ the 1960s were "history"

If Cheney does not finish his term could * install brother Jeb as VP?

Arnebeck drops lawsuit: posted on ChannelCincinnati

Drudge Briefly Showed Exit Poll Numbers then Pulled Them

Truitt/Arnebeck Just Filed Motion to Dismiss Moss v. Bush

Is debating Kerry even relevant at this point?

Those who stood in opposition to DEMOCRACY on 01-06-05:

Letter from Sen. Jeff Bingaman from NM

Kenneth Blackwell's DISGUSTING letter

An incredibly good read

should we bombard Moore

Franken and a "Berkeley Professor" explain how "*" "won"

Basic Dynamics of Exit Polling

To Everyone Who Would Protest January 20 >

Who are OUR experts we'd like to offer for media interviews?

Tuesday 1/11/05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

Please Senator Kerry tell me this is not true

Hacker tells NC lawmakers he only trusts paper ballots

OUR LAST AND BEST HOPE: Beat on Edison Media Research and Mitofsky

Please visit and vote! links to DU for videos of 1/6 and more

Must Read: The 2004 Election Was Stolen

Jan 6 2005 House Session and Debate for sale on DVD

What is the most common dismissal of election fraud that you hear?

UberGeeks (Perl Monks, CVS admins, etc.) please read: project starting.

Martin Luther King, Bobby Kennedy, JFK & 2004

Ohio Voters Challenging Election Results Drop Lawsuit

Is this forum for those who believe the 2004 Election was fraudulent?

More "smoking gun" stuff. Sorry if this is a dupe.

Do You think Kerry Still Think about US?

NYSE withdraws support for Jesse Jackson conference

Another OHIO VOTE FRAUD article. This Story... Will Make Your "Toes Curl"

Lets Recount Ohio!! I've got $20 down!! Any takers??

All Eyes on Ohio, Few on Florida, Brother Jeb President in 2008

Anybody up for protesting Blackwell and his ethics luncheon?

Blackwell speaks on "Ethics In Leadership" Weds 1/12

Naysayers are just way too primitive

NJ Governor endorses voter verified paper backup!!

Florida: Funny Vote Patterns

Can Bush be impeached for crimes during 2000-2004?

Camp Wellstone training coming to NJ


False Populism: Racism, Religion, & Republican Values

Has this been sent to the Cobb-Badirnik team yet?

Please Use and Disseminate: My Letter to the Republican Leadership

info cards - need feedback - images actually appear now :.)

Opening Volley in Yearlong Fight for Control of Spending

Orange County Democratic Central Committee takes sharp rightward shift

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

How do we oust Arnold S. in 2006?

All California prisons on lock-down after guard slain

Are you currently planning to back Jerry Brown for AG

When will 101 north through Santa Barbara re-open? No one knows

so-cal DUers 6 P.M. Jan 20 th. Westwood ! be there ?

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

the 49ers-local action group

Hey Iowans. What is your feeling on the "Bottle Bill"

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

help get Dean in the DNC Chair position!

a public meeting to discuss transportation in and around St. Paul

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

Anyone else notice an increase in the billboards advertising the Patriot

can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

Miller says she won't run for Senate against Stabenow

More M$ troubles, this time WMA

Michael Oxley: Can he be taken out

High Court declines to hear Nader's case

Barbara Ann Radnofsky to run for U. S. Senate

Streaming Media from the Texas Legislature

Insurance Commission to RESIGN!!!!

January 20 Washington Protests

Hou Chron Vo Story: Voters subpoenaed in Vo-Heflin flap

Tarrant County Democratic Counter Inaugural Ball

Houston DU Meetup Weds. 1/19, 7 pm

Free email "peace digest" from Wauwatosa's Candlelight Coalition.

New Study Clears up Myths about Constipation

too bad this boulder didn't fall on a highway in DC ...

ACLU = "American Communist United League." (To right wing morans)

Michael Moore's acceptance speech on Critic's Choice Awards

Another argument to use against fundamentalist Bushbots

The government wants you to use tons of gas, SUV away......

"How fucking clueless do you have to be?" Answer: A rightwingnut.

I'm trying to think of a catchy name for my College Dems "Rapid Response"

Please remember to hit alert

Iraq Disintegrating, as Usual

US Casualties Are Even Worse Than What Islammemo Reports

Delete me.

There is no joy in America...

what do you want?

Idiot lawyer who made Abu Ghraib/Cheerleader comparison is a GWB donor

How far would the monkey have to go before SOMEBODY did something?

What's the best euphemism for Democratic/Republican?

Ok, this is what makes my blood boil

The "Unbooked Pundit" on Social Security

Welcome to all the DU Night Newbies

Preacher dies during sermon about heaven

Naked Pyramid-building Cheerleaders for Superbowl Half-time Show

For my 1000th Post - I want out of Bizzaro World!

What do you think Fahrenheit 9/11 2 will look like?

CNN reporting 52% approve of our great misleader. Proving that 52%

DUPE (Please remove!)

Some years ago, Gore Vidal said that we have only one party in America.

DoD report says we need 20 troops per 1,000 Iraqi's

Bush Admin forces DC to pay for inaugaration with Homeland Security Money

For the rightwing, is it "Party Uber Alles"???

"The Americans brought electricity to my ass

Outrage Fatigue.

Tim Roemer must not be the DNC Chair.

Did Mapes break Abu Ghraib?

Who should become DNC Chairman?

Bush teaches Allawi well. Allawi offering Arab reporters bribes

"Yes-men" are a threat to democracy.

Howard Kurtz is a pro-Bush lackey

Mark Cuban Tells Bush to Donate Inaugural Funds to Tsunami Victims

Tavis Smiley has Ken Burns tonight (Monday) -- 5 stars

CNN/Rather poll getting freeped.

Bush Inaugural partying scandalous even before tsunami

JOSEPH L. GALLOWAY: After Iraq elections, U.S. should pull out

So much for respecting belief and not saying the pledge

Chernoff is a Turn-off! He be illin'--looks like a wasting disease.

Reasonable news stations are discredited / under fire...

Rathergate question - mods, please delete

California principal Bans 'Freak Dancing'

Chertoff tells EU/Hague no guarantee on no death penalty for extraditions

Armstrong Williams just one part of the behemoth RW marketing effort


Amazing site about what's going on in Iraq. From Russia.

Freepers Are Truly Disgusting Pieces of Filth

Witnesses tell of 'Trojan Horse plot'

Marijuana legalization advocates, radicals, tune into John Sinclair

Witnesses in the CBS story proved it was true even without the document!

Any interest in a DU Group - Exercise and Fitness?

Is the Armstrong Williams story dead already? Didn't seem like it lasted

Austrian woman who insulted pope fined

Chertoff and ENRON:

Controversial Catholic group is given care of parish church

Rathergate question

Senate expected to OK Gonzales

Preacher Dies During Sermon About Heaven

Bush taps Chertoff (Ashcroft's 'top gremlin') as new Code Orange Czar

Left By US Soldier For Fallujah "Fuck Iraq and every Iraqi in it"!

Remember when DOS commands were all we had???


The simplest crushing response to shrub's social security proposals...

Chertoff?!!! After all of the lawyer bashing during the campaign!

A Poll strictly for the rightwing lurkers!

George Clooney should run for office, ANY office

Wolcott: I am unable to confirm a rumor I am trying to start...

Suggested question for anyone who gets on a RW radio show:

US RJs threaten Indian BPO worker

The end of Oil??? Link to Technology Review Article.

Robert Byrd prepares autobiography

Moore: "Where's Our Arnold?"

Visit The Blog for Tsunami/Human-Trafficking Information

JoJo To Play Inauguration Concert

do you know anyone who voted for the Chimp because "he own's a ranch"

For any DU'ers who are Sierra Club members, could you fill me in

9/11 co-conspirator Buzzy Krongard says leave Bin Laden alone!!!

A freeper just posted...

Once again the America reveals its true character

Why does that jerk Franken keep saying "alleged sex tape"?

They hate us just because...

Texas Company Wants to Sell Biosphere 2

Tim Roemer

Police Begin Fingerprinting on Traffic Stops

What in the hotel bill is he talking about. Can someone

Repukes are vampires, they never die!

Zell Miller's Great Moments in History. 200th anniversary.

Think you are not being watched?? Think again

Why Has Bartcop Looked The Same For So Long Now?

Since the freaks like torture, maybe we should have tortured -

Since the freaks like to torture, here's someone who they should consider

The actual war approval vs bush approval..

Petition to stop social security privatization & increase minimum wage

Air Force 2025

Mark Crispin Miller on Air America NOW>..

New head of homeland security

Was the F911 win at the PCA actually 'freepable'?

belt way boys say they were not paid off

Now here's a headline!!!

question re 'the chris matthews show'

Sweden proves the neoliberals wrong about how to slash poverty.

ROFL - Just saw Army recruiting ad on tv....

Dean enters race

Cosgrove tables VA HB 1677...for now

Katherine Lanpher (AirAmerica)

Clooney, O'Reilly spar over tsunami telethon

I've seen posts referring to Bushit paying reporters.

FLASHBACK: Michael Meacher, UK MP; "This war on terrorism is bogus"

American families cashed out $333 billion, putting their homes at risk

Question about salaries....

Repeating this, for the Fundies......

smirk pays reporters to lie - can we pay reporters to tell the truth?

CBS' Les Moonves and Sumner Redstone @Biltmore in Phoenix today 4:30

QUICK . . . somebody ask me a question, this is my official . . .

Constitution email......a little bit of humor........

Wow, looks like we suburbanites are the new Southerners of DU!

Inauguration Costs vs. Homeland Security

Have you *ever* done *anything* that didn't maximize society's wellbeing?

Whats the scoop on the new Homeland Security nominee?

Do you patronize corporate food factory quasi-restaurants?

Abu Ghraib torturer Graner wants to keep a smile on his face

a powerful cartoon from BartCop

Another attack on DU from the right-wing

Great conspiracy theory essay.

Forgive me for indulging in a guilty pleasure.

MSNBC Q of the day and Poll...

How about a counter inaugural sickout?


HERO HOMELESS - Welcome Home Soldier

interesting correlation

Archbishop regrets abortion Holocaust remark

Please read this first-hand account of tsunami relief effort

Clooney Invites O'Reilly to Telethon

Man jailed for putting noose on black teen

I hope the Republicans do try and bring back the draft

Bush was exposed; he denied nothing; no witnesses came to his aid

More helpful with Tsunami relief? Elephants vs. GOP elephants?

Does being more religious help make people more financially successful?

Did you know there is a fear gland? The amygdala!'s Word of the Day: quagmire

What happened to the 350 tons of missing explosives?

Randi Rhodes ---Domes day plan?

Bush women choose inauguration outfits

bush paying off political favors - reaches Chertoff's name on the list

anyone else having problems with the AAR stream

The geneva conventions quaint?..

I think Boosh should have a BBQ down at Crawford for his inaugural.

Would you give up social security for universal health care?

OH No People aren't lied to.....CNN on Air America

Secular Humanist Aid and Relief Effort raises $22,000 in one week

Letters to Chimp @

ANOTHER tsunami survivor found at sea-2 weeks later-check out the raft

US Tells DC to Pay Inaugural Expenses

Our lack of leadership: A paradox

White House's "Renewal in Iraq" page last updated Oct. 21

does anyone know of any good progressive books coming out this spring?

Bush holds frank discussion of Social Security

Election results analysis

bush puts on "nomination face"

Torture or not torture....a point I never hear

To be or not to be: a Hummer Salesman?

Are social classes necessary to civilization and/or culture?

What Armstrong Williams did is called "Cash for Comments"...

On the Subject of 3 Phantom Centuries . . .

Frepers think the most important thing to send to Tsunami victims are

Found this on aol this morning showing how Social Security works...

Prayer Rug

USA Today got Armstrong's contract through FOIA, how did they

through the looking glass . . . we are told that

NASA Details Earthquake Affects on the Earth

Will there be an inaugural hat?, asks the WaPo

is it just me, or does the sec'y of Fatherland "Security" nominee

Clooney calls out O'Reilly! Video

Read some of these AARP topics and responses.

Chertoff: this guy is only 51 years old???? Jeez.

Randi Rhodes.....Kerry....had a Bad campaign

To the giggling murderer and his evil family. Remember JAMES!

FCNL: Steps Toward Withdrawal From Iraq

How Do They Get Away With It?

Stock Market on 1/19/2001: 10,587.59

"Tsunami bomb NZ's devastating war secret": NZ Herald, June 30 2000

Rush-"Let's get it all out on the table 'neo-con' means 'Republican Jew'"

GA House Repubs change the rules.

Partial(I think) List of Donors to Imperial Bush Coronation

A thought about abolishing the electoral college

Could the cloud of our current minority status have a silver lining?

WH, Pentagon & Industry colluded to skew NAS Perchlorate Report, documents

Rep. Slaughter Demands GAO Investigation Into Bush Administration Journali

Before Bush2000, didn't Free Republic work to expose the Bush-BCCI crimes

A Quote From Earl Warren

Bush* thinks he can avoid history recording his tenure as a FUCKUP

Spongebush Cheappants is at it again...

Email from Dean: I'm Running.

If Cheney does not finish his term could * install brother Jeb as VP?

Our Stupid, Stupid World for Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2004

more like Armstrong Williams - more info from David Corn

Dem Spokespeople Should Demand That Repub Commentators Disclose Payments

thinking about dennis miller earlier today

While some of you buzz about Hillary, some of you fawn over Wes....

Kyoto Kanoe

From CLG mail: 'Democrat' claims CLG, Kerry are 'left wing nuts'

So, will O'Reilly put up or shut up?

I think Scott McClellan wants to quit his job (WH Press Secretary)

What do you know about Michael Chertoff?

Bill O'Reilly and George Clooney are at it again!

I _THOUGHT_ the 1960s were "history"

Cuba Strikes Oil

Are you mad at Mike Malloy for blasting Democrats?

Debka: U.S. prepares February attack on Syria

Strippers dance naked. Is THAT torture?

No Doubt About It! The US Wants an Iraq Civil War....

Chertoff is a LONGTIME, and VERY partisan BFEE tool.

Tim Roemer must not become DNC chairman.

Dear Mr/Ms MSM Pundit,

Anyone familiar with the "edible schoolyard" in Berkeley?

IMUS Just Spent 3 Hours on the CBS Report

Halliburton paying for Cheney's screwup, anyone feel sorry for them?

Who else lives in a rural area?

John Tesh doing tsunami relief -- for *Pat Robertson*?!

This disgusts me, damn DLC is bad for the Democratic Party

Who remembers this? Just in case you forgot here it is.

This makes Sooo much sense

Conspiracy Theorists

Email I received from far right so-called Christian abortion foes -- scary

Could Fox's "24" be a propaganda tool?

Newt: "This could be a 30-70 year war"

The CBS debacle just baffles me.

Bush women choose inauguration outfits

U.S. nuclear sub runs aground in Pacific..........huh?

Okay, honestly... your opinion.. is the party on the ropes?

Crazy Idea - A DU'er for President

Are you personally afraid of Homeland Security?

Any advice for dealing with a banned DU stalker?

Marine did not want to return to Iraq; kills cop

Is there a DU consensus on banning smoking in businesses?

Mark the "Ditto head" on the Al Franken Show

Hillary wanted Wes Clark to run for DNC chair

RE DLC Chair Contest: For the millionth time, Dean *IS* a moderate!!!!

Rep. Slaughter Demands GAO Investigation Into Bush Administration Journali

Do you drive a large SUV? Why?

the rules at Falwell's "university"

But wait...there's more idiots in the VA legislature

Bush Bulge a "LifeVest"? Pardon if repeat.

Howzabout a A Global Gas Out..begin on the War Criminal Inauguration?

"Cheerleaders make human pyramids. Is *that* torture?"

"The Coronation" may not have enough money!

Why are Right wingers and fundamentalists so angry? I think it is

First-hand account of Indonesian relief - Letter from the USS Lincoln

Cosgrove removes miscarriage bill

Gay Civil Rights Bill Passes Illinois Senate

Tsunami Survivor Picked Up After 15 Days

Do you feel that males have little say in the abortion debate?

Freeper at work gives his assine 2 cents on Michale Moore's win

Forget SUVs, what about all those huge houses being built?

The Franklin Cover-up

My 15 year old son got a letter from the Marine Corps today. ..addressed t

Christian group threatens to SUE if crosses can't line inaugural route

Do you shop at Wal-Mart? Why?

Cheap breakfast that will impress the pants off anyone...

Do any of you make the from-the-box pizzas?

Anyone experienced with cooking Indian food?

Anybody here from Thunder Bay?

"What Do You Think Of It So Far?"

A Voice from Above & To the Left (Ed Schultz comes to Wash. DC)

Please remember to hit alert

Governor releases $111.7 billion budget plan (Schwarzenegger)

Researchers mum on financial interests

Witness says higher-ups condoned prisoner abuse

Bush's Budget Moves Have Made the Future a Voiceless Victim

India finds a $40bn friend in Iran

Iraqi police killed by car bomb in Tikrit

Eight Dead in Australia Fire, Others Forced Into Sea

Democrats Name Campaign Leader (Rahm Emanuel)

Lawyer: Iraqi Abuse Was Like Act of 'Cheerleaders'

Bush names Hubbard as key advisor (BBC)

Bush Names Major Fundraiser as Economic Advisor

US Casualties Are Even Worse Than What Islammemo Reports

U.S. tells D.C. to pay inaugural expenses ( Bush: divert HS funds!)

Copter Crashes in River; 2 Die (WP)

Aggrieved with CIA, a former spy goes to court

Deficit Dance ("Beware the Texas Two Step")

Witness: Graner Punched Iraqi Prisoner

NYT-Science Panel Issues Report on Exposure to Pollutant-percholorate

Witness: CIA, SEALs Beat Iraq Prisoners

Plan for Ramone statue inspired by Reagan

State court to decide e-mail privacy rules

Clooney, O'Reilly spar over tsunami telethon

Bush has ordered US Iraq commander Gen. Casey to prepare February attack

The devastation of Iraq

Feds Failed to Disclose Financial Interest

Three U.S. Senators Say They Hope for Improved Relations With Venezuela

Pssst! They're listening when you're on hold

Ex-Baathists Play Crucial Insurgent Role, U.S. Says

NYT: Your Rants Will Be Monitored

Walter settles with kin of coal-mine dead

Gay rights bill advances

Separatist conflict poses risk to relief effort in Aceh -CSM

Ark. Soldier Back in Iraq After Lawsuit

Spending on health care grows at the slowest pace in 7 years

Librarian's Faith Is Renewed

Feds Detail Philadelphia Corruption Probe (FBI bugs in Mayor's ofc case)

Shelley a no-show at hearing on use of U.S. voter funds -subpoena threats

Breaking: Bush to name Homeland Security Sec at 10 a.m.

Halliburton wins drilling tender in IRAN (reuters vis pakist. daily times

U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses

Dean for DNC Chair

Official: Judge clears way for Haitian gang leader's removal

Pakistan rejected FBI, CBI demands to nab Masood Azhar

Book Prompts CIA to Look at Rules

DNA trawl to find Cape Cod killer

120 cut from shipyards in Louisiana, Mississippi

Overhaul Plan for Pensions Is Outlined (killing defined benefit plans?)

In GOP, Resistance On Social Security

A Marine from Modesto opened fire on two Ceres police

Insurgents warn about snipers targeting Iraqi voters on election day

BBC: EU-US seeking deal on air dispute

US Congressman Says N.Korea May Be Ready to Talk

Plan for Ramone statue inspired by Reagan

Chertoff Named to Head Homeland Security

Gunmen Kill 8 People in Minibus Attack Near Baghda (Insurgent Roadblocks!)

Sources: Dean to Seek Chairmanship of DNC

UM picked for center to study terrorism; $12 million federal grant

'Terrorist' Habib free to go home

Frenchmen told of Iraq 'holy war'

Cop, Gunman Dead (Marine who didn't want to go back to Iraq)

The actual war approval vs bush approval..

U.S. Tells D.C. to Pay Inaugural Expenses

Flooding damages homes and businesses along Ohio River, killing one

Nature: A Real Moral Value

Nashville firm offers tool to fight terror

Case Fatality Rate of Meningococcemia-like Disease and Bird Flu

Allawi slips cash to reporters to cover his press conferences

Democrat Urging Anti-Bush Boycott on Inauguration Day

Halliburton set to begin work in Iran

Christian donation never claimed by J'lem Municipality

Viewers Express Concern Over Revote Ad's 'Buzzing' (Rossi creating fear)

WestPoint Stevens to layoff more than 1300 from Clemson plant (2500 total)

Bush women choose inauguration outfits

GOP bid to stall Gregoire is turned back (1/11)

Dean to Seek Democratic Chairmanship

Move Indicates Criminal Charges Likely Against Ex-Riggs Executive

Cop, Gunman Dead

Bush taps judge for Homeland Security

"Indonesia Restricts Aid Workers in Aceh" Democracy Now!

Senator Lautenberg (D-NJ) proposes Federal Election Integrity Act

Report: U.S. Lost 1.5 Mln Jobs to China in 1989-2003

GM review poses threat of closure to Saab

Wash Post: DC Charged for Inaugural Expenses

Kerik says ignore press, then does

Matsui's wife plans to run for husband's House seat

Fallujah Residents Angry Over Destruction

Bloomberg says campaign will focus on 9/11

Bush Warns Congress on Social Security (Don't go against me or else

DNC to Give $5 Million to Kaine's Bid For Governor

Clinic fire deemed arson

Lawsuit Over Ohio Voting Dropped

Rep. Slaughter Demands GAO Investigation Into Bush Administration Journali

Standard Federal Bank announces (500) layoffs

Extra-Tight Security at Bush's Inaugural

Chertoff worth millions, documents show

Illinois House passes gay rights bill

Miller Says She Won't Run For Senate Against Stabenow

MU Murder Investigation Gains Focus

Evidence for Milky Way's Long-Theorized Stellar Graveyard Found

Rumsfeld denies consideration of "Salvador option"

Torture Victims Testified Today

Senate Democrats to challenge Bush promotional efforts

Cuba and Venezuela Promote Alternative Latin American Pact

US ready to free British terror suspects (Guardian)

Bush Paints Dire Picture of Social Security Future (Reuters via Yahoo)

Ukraine parliament: Withdraw Iraq troops

Sources: Dean to Announce Bid for DNC Chair

Preacher Dies With Heaven On His Lips

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday 11 January

Your Call (and Rants on Hold) Will Be Monitored

Alert: Metro Police Officers Are Using New Behavioral Profiling

Press release: McAuliffe, Kaine to Hold News Conference Announcing...

PeopleSoft layoffs coming Friday (6000 jobs cut)

Chilean judge grants Pinochet bail

More worries over mad cow

Library board puts Jon Stewart's book back on shelves

Christians face hearing in felonies at gay rights event

US to release Habib without charge

Berger Heist In Front of Grand Jury

Americans see malpractice awards less a problem than health care costs

Don't give a cell phone to your child, warns expert

Gay Servicemembers Seeking Help Hit New High

Allawi: Some areas of Iraq may be too unsafe to vote; two bombings kill Ir

Oregon Gov. Calls For Anti-Homophobia Law

Allawi group slips cash to reporters

Bush Warns Social Security Opponents

WallStreet Hears-SocialSecurity Plan(asks howmuch debt can Wall Street han

ACLU Says Bush Choice for Homeland Security Head Worrisome

Group files FOIA requests with 22 govt. agencies (Armstrong Williams)

Ceres (CA) Officer Dies, Another Injured In Gunfight With Marine

Get Ready for The Largest Demolition Derby on the Planet

Holy crap!!! Oct 05 on Adult Swim welcomes "Boondocks"

These Pretzels are Making Me Thirsty.

Listening to some old School Aerosmith.

I've become a wine junkie

Are you kraysee?

My proposal for this guy making the sicko posts about Khephra

So am I the last to know?

Can you get mad cow disease from twinkies?

Am I Cro-Magnon?

major hint being given?

Mencken on George W. Bush?

Have you ever seen an actual can of crap?

After a short hiatus: Tonight's message to lurking right-wingers!

I got an unbelieveable picture of the tsunami, can I email it to you and

The Day after Tomorrow

I just got NCR Let Feardom Ring from Buzzflash today

The Day after Tomorrow in Phuket...

These Pretzels are MAKING me THIRSTY!!!!

are you bored stiff?

Do binkies really stay in your towels for twenty years?

are the "24" crew people just lazy?

Rock & Roll, Hoochie Koo.

Love and Mercy

Is there a good USB radio out there?

I think I used to think Charles Darwin was anti evolution


Why am I still pissed off?

Any advice for the latest soap opera mess I've gotten myself into?

Just found this old pic of me

Do twinkies really stay in your bowels for 20 years?

For all you Rush fans, this is for you.

A Town Called Malice

Burping sulphur?

A good Seinfeld site for fans.

I'm Muskie Edmund, ask kleeb anything

Serenity Now!!!!

Does This Surprise Anyone?

Let's dance!

I have 3 minutes to get out of the 700 Club before midnight PST


I'm trying to think of a catchy name for my College Dems "Rapid Response"

I'm Gerald Ford, ask me anything

Gerald Ford is crazy, he ate Mrs. Edmund Muskie

AWESOME show on Comedy Central right now called "Wanderlust."

I need dough

Net Art

I flushed him even though he was the best lover I had in 25 years

new 'toon -- the press puppies

SoCal DUers. Are you tired of the fucking rain yet?

Psst...It's past curfew. I want to sneek out and cause trouble...

In the attic lights. Voices Scream, nothing seen. Real's the dream.

PODCASTING: How do I get started?

Just a reminder


Green Bay Packers Fan Selling "Cursed Hat" On eBay

Give some input to the media NOW!

Young Girl Denied Permit For Lemonade Stand To Help Tsunami Victims

Animals should be locked up in your closet.

The 100 Best Companies to Work For

I need help -- When someone lies to you or about you

OK It's starting to get to me ...Post songs about SUNSHINE

Olive Oil Helps In Breast Cancer Fight

I'm watching Buck Rogers on Sci Fi right now

Funny (genuine) place names

Animals should be locked up in your stomach.

This Friday at 9...

A sad day for cricket

Vince Neil weds (MC Hammer officiated) only one mysterious injury

For no reason here's apu (nt - click picture image for laff)

For MLK Day: Wearing Black for Khephra

The good joke thread

I like this company's motto

In honor of the California mudslides.

When the "Rupture" happens, can I be President?

A religious question

DeNiro-Pacino '08


I have a crush on Jerry Falwell.

Which state has the worst divers?

is it bad that DU holds 99% of my most visited pages in my history?

Which state has the worst diverse?

Linux Kernel Multiple Vulnerabilities

Mike Malloy pays tribute to Khephra - link to the Mp3 file (434K)

I'm in love with the most inedible woman I ever met.

Man has been walking nude in school's hallways, locker rooms

My new job holding cue cards for home makeover shows

This obit is funny as hell (and real too).

Kidnapping victim is tossed in jail with the kidnappers

I just found out my Bush is run by a Cat Food Lovin' CEO

How can we guard against getting too extreme?

True Confessions: Who here has ever...

Has Chertoff always looked like a dying man?

i'm calling whoisalhedges

I'm calling terrya out

The "Brainstorming for Charity" CAPTION

The "Awwwww, Wook at the Big Execwutive" CAPTION

How long have you gone without taking a bath or shower?

B_E_B's "Wild Kingdom"...Two monkeys inspect each other for lice

How about BUSHBODYCOUNT the boardgame? I know someone here

I'm calling BigMcLargehuge out.

I'm calling Wat_Tyler out.

Vacation? the "Triangle of Death" or Kaktovik, Alaska?

Teacher pleads guilty to stealing student's prosthetic arm

The "THAT'S the Spot" CAPTION

I'm asking out whoisalhedges!

Good lord, AverageJoe--get to work!

I met a non-dairy creamer explicitly laid out like a fruitcake

What's the freakin' deal with R.E.M.???

Wanna meet the REAL Focker?

DU Group: Exercise and Fitness...any takers?

Does DU give out Cookies?

Long hair or short hair?


La Conchita mudslide keeping me home from work day two

Will Pitt, this guy thinks you're "insane."

I guess my age is finally catching up with me.

Does DU give out Cooties?

7th_Sephiroth Named head of department of fear

Anyone have experience building a barebones PC?

Plan for Ramone statue inspired by Reagan

I dreamt about the afterlife last night....

Ministry of Truth and Ministry of Love appointments still to be made.

Has anyone seen the movie "The Edge" with Alec Baldwin?

Steve Job's Keynote

Um, what's wrong with this picture?

RATS! I thought I was pregnant...

Ahnold steps up to the plate - REPUBLICAN STYLE ....

Preacher Dies In Mid-Sentence of Sermon - "When I die and go to heaven..."

Has anyone seen this one? Gotta be fake, no?

MC Hammer married Vince Neil

SoCal DUers: WTF is that yellow orb in the east...

visual effects DVD

The "Suddenly, Bernie Kerik Doesn't Seem So Bad" CAPTION

I'm calling this guy OUT!!

There should be a counter to the fitness and exercise group

New Word! Bushtapo!

"God" vs "G-d".... What's That All About?

Links for the 2000 votes in Florida?

I'm Calling out U2

Jennifer just wanna stay aware. Ay you fellas should we keep her aware???

Digital cameras and my computer are so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm calling out arw-lden.

Is free verse legitimate poetry?

giner aLe juice? ewwww

Help: Looking for free storage for large files.

The River by Bruuuuuuuuuuuucee


Help! Looking for free storage for large flies.

Ya know what's a funny word?

Help: Looking for free storage for large flies

Help! Looking for free storage for large pies.

I've finally decided what to wear to piss bushbots off around here!

John Lennon's BEST song from The White Album

Can you laugh at yourself?


can't make it to counter-inaugural protests? you can do this:

The best DUI video I've ever seen

what's for lunch

Which province has the worst drivers?

BEST MOVIE of 2004!

I can't make it to the counter-inaugural protest, what should I do?

Help! Looking for free money for large stuff.

Could Fox's "24" be a propaganda tool?

Look at me! Look at me! (Another photo thread)

Could Sherwood Schwartz's "Gilligan's Island" be a propaganda tool?

Schnappi hits #1 on the German music charts. Funny stuff!

Scavenger Hunt Time!

I put my boxers on backwards this morning.

What TV show should Jon Stewart take down next?

devoloping.........another celebrity break-up

The Day after Tomorrow in NY

If what you say is true the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang could be dangerous.

Just watched Star Trek THe Next Generation episode "The Drumhead".

PASSION OF THE CHRIST sequel trailer available now!!!

I hate to ask, but can I get a synopsis of what happened to Khephra?

I *still* can't get over

Is anyone interested in a shiftless slug group?

Could the Lounge be a propaganda tool for Psychotherapy?

Microsoft Security Bulletin - 1/11/2005

Link to new DU Exercise and Fitness group

She's a very kinky girl.

Sexy New Mac Stuff!!

Let's play...............


Had a little horsy named Paul Revere

WORST MOVIE of 2004!

Can anyone answer a question

What would you do if your husband or wife took a job

Breaking news: Wok department has opened (this will hurt if you're hungry)

Excellent discussions in General; Discussion today

I HATE it when someone leaves a message that is not a message

Firefox Makes Gains as RSS Reader

Permission to commence the Lysergic B remix of Beware the Beast Man, Sir!?

2 days into South Beach Diet and I'm eating Krispy Kremes.

Am I a bad person if I like celebrity gossip?

I've gotta say that Eliza Dushku flips a mean bird...

Any Blackmore's Night Fans Here

Janitor learns the hard way what the "M" in MRI stands for

The AFA is losing their minds.

Apple anounces new Mac Mini @ $499 and iPod Shuffle

What is ten inches long and hangs between W's legs?

Why does anyone give a flying F*ck about Brad and Jen?????

What's the coolest job you ever had?

voicemail/phone message rant

Never Mind.

Any plumbing and/or heating experts on here?

I'm a thread killer! And I don't want to be...

If you were married to Laura Bush, would you be down with OPP?

Developer Raps Linux Security

What color are you? (It's not what you think.)

Supertramps "Its raining again" - is it a cover?

My 14 year old jams "American Idiot" on his guitar.

What should I do?

Help! I can't find my Universal Remonster!!!

OK Jets fans, explain how you are going to beat my Steelers this weekend.

60 tomorrow, but only 4 on Saturday morning--- WTF?

Just got back from trip to Oaxaca, Mexico

Notice to all Linux geeks (CPD goes grovelbotting)

Could someone please explain something to me????

Photo of Rush Limbaugh's stool specimen...not a pretty sight...

Focus On The Family Guy

democracy and optimum decision-making

So I realized what makes U2 what they are - it's the Edge.

I'm calling you out.

Cat People: is your Computer Screen dirty?

Fox blocker for those who don't want Fox News!

Corn Obsessed People, Is Your Computer Screen Dirty

Well the wife and I were playing with the new camera


So Napolean, what are you going to do today?

Expert Writes

Who do you think will win the Super Bowl???

North Korea wages war on long hair

Porn obsessed People: is your Computer Screen dirty?

Napolean Dynamite

"For lounging in her boudoir, this simple plain pajama....

You have a new 4 digit club member

Finally a Sound Conspiracy Theory: Bielefeld

Yay, I got my first real mail-based chain letter!

Photograph of George H W Bush's stool specimen...not a pretty sight...


I just had the opening conversation from "Swingers" with my buddy

Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?


I got my grades today - who gives a flying crap?

Imagine, in the 90s, Randy Johnson pitched to Ron Karkovice in an

Today's strange question: Is it possible to dye pubic hair?

Mr. Blackwell says Sheridan is worst dressed

I just found out my Cat Food is run by a Bush Lovin' CEO

Is all this extreme Heathers starting to get freaky to you?


Hooray. I got my 2 free CD's in the mail today.

A question about Randy Johnson, the newest New York Yankee...

Oh, yeah? Well, what do you think about this?

Is all of this extreme heather starting to get freaky to you?

is all this extreme leather starting to get you freaky?

Is all of this extreme leather starting to get freaky to you?

Do tell me, am I like Napoleon Dynamite?

Can't get to Randi Rhodes right now

Gary Condit looks just like my old HS gym teacher, Miss Murphy.

Anyone planning to attend Scott's service

AirAmerica Radio alternate web streams?

Donavan McNabb can't pass a football

My grandma's having open heart surgery.

Eerie "real world" followup to a dream I had months ago

Any knitters here??

Wouldn't it be great if we could sell Bush to another country on eBay?

How to tell if you live in a red state of blue state...

I'm Zell Miller. Ask me anything.

Only the Foxboro weather can save the New England Patriots this weekend.

new recipe for you.

Examples of real-time in T.V.

I'm making beef bourguignonne -

Funniest post of the day imo

I got my grades today - who gives a flying crap?

Who wants to see my huge weaner?

mother of the year

What was the song Randi just played?

Lemony Snicket or Oceans 12

What side was your family on in the battle of Endor?

What side was your family on in the battle of Meggido?

I we Todd It.

Pull my finger. (photo)

Focus On The Family

What side was your family on during the Trojan War?

Wanna give props to WRIR radio in Richmond, VA

Oh oh oh oh oh! I think its starting to snow!

If the Eagles win the Super Bowl

What side was your family on in the battle of...... oh nevermind......

Water in ,my crawlspace.

HELP!!!!! Donate to the Wat_Tyler / ChavezSpeaksTheTruth Sex Fund!

I'm calling U2 out.

Who is the guy in the "Get a Brain Morans" picture?

I was just invitied to attend graduate school....

If this roast beef sammich doesn't make you cry, you are not human

L-O-V-E the new U2 Album

Matcom News --- Two Pa. Teens Arrested in Airborne Egging

Friends of Padraig18:

Little Feat fans: This album only sold 11,000 copies in 1971:

I am obsessed with The Killers

I can't find my cat - please cheer me up

So, is Guy Womack the worst goddamned defense attorney ever, or what?

post and receive a silly title

Is the Lounge non-smoking?

Quote from Mel Gibson about Michael Moore!

Final countdown to our vacation

Does anyone have nekkid pics of me...

New Years Photos: Guy Attempts to shoot fireworks from his ass crack

Dookus is back???? yeah!

Big Ben donates playoff check to Tsunami relief.

Just saw Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

Something to offend everyone

what do you think the Christian right thinks about Jesus Christ Superstar?

Music Theory / Piano Question

Remember when DOS commands were all we had???

My dawg, for those who asked...


My dawg, for those who asked...

If you missed Mike Malloy's comments about Kef last night

Is all of this extreme weather starting to get freaky to you?

WTF moment: my hyacinths are blooming.

Apple advises users not to eat it's newest iPod (iPod shuffle)

these pipes for tabacco use only - don't even ask

MOVELEFT.COM list of articles for Jan. 11, 2005

Time for a Looney check in thread

Ok I finished my damn Appalachia research paper, yeah ask me something

The Amazing Doggie Treat Thread

When the "Rapture" happens, can I be President?


QUICK . . . somebody ask me a question, this is my official . . .

Why are my eyes so freaking sensitive to light? Are yours?

Funniest Horror film of all time

Wierd restaurant names

Do You Nickname Your Pets?

Best song off of Slayer's "Reign In Blood"

Want Dean to be the DNC Chair?

I'm Edmund Muskie, Ask Me Anything

Best combination?

Indy hasn't won shit

Yet another....TITANIC Iceburg breaks off Antartica....

15 finalists for NFL Hall of Fame class fo '05 announced

Did anyone see Jessica Simpson scowling at Michael Moore

Looking for some new music to listen to. Hit me.

Hey DU scientists - spectroscopy question

Only 347 shopping days left until Christmas

Kef's service HOTEL info as of 5pm CST

The Guardian rips Bill Gates a new one - WOW!

IBM's has fastest Supercomputer in the World "Blue Gene"....

After Eating Raw Duck, Lost Hunter Saved By Underwear

ooOOhh, a FREEPER BALL! (Warning: FReeper Link attached)

do nekkid pics of you exist inthis world?

Regional Memorials for Kheph

silly titles, part 2

Because I hate you and don't respect your space, I'm smoking in the Lounge

Another photo thread. (let's see them)

I'm Ben Nighthorse Campbell, ask me anything

The Ripples Speak of the Rock (for everyone mourning Khephra)


Any eBay experts around here? Through with Christmas.

I'm in a fiesty mood...................

photos part deux

About the Khephra Flower Fund

Progressive message revitalizes Baptist church

Health care costs see slower growth, Disadvantaged lost benefits (2003)

New prescription for mental health: read a good book

UK Board: Don't give cell phones to young

Babe Magnets

Matter Rides Black Hole's Space-Time Wave

Case Fatality Rate of Meningococcemia-like Disease and Bird Flu

Iceberg's slow-motion collision near Antarctic Research is immenent

VA: GOP Aims to Extend Marriage Restrictions

Gay Marriage To Be Legal In Canada by Summer Gov't Says

Lutherans To Release Gay Study

More Anti-Gay Amendments Coming

Expelled teen’s parents threaten to kick him out

Outing dead gays

Friends of Padraig18:

Health and fitness forum

Anyone know where to view stream of Beltran news conference?

Dumb Question! Why was Steinbrenner banned from baseball?

Pro Player now Dolphins Stadium

USC Trojans are national champs and led the AP poll

nfl mock draft 2005

T.O.'s injury doesn't matter.

Arlington Dog Owners Fear Possible Poisoning

So what can I feed my two furry pals now that I know Nutro is a repug

AA Ariel...Jan '05 info..tsunami-astrology-energy- more

Dead Caught Communicating on Tape

Did you guys see this thread in G.D. the other day?? The Merlin Project

Nice Editorial in Boston Globe

Anyone else notice the increase in god-related stories in the news

A nice bit of anti-Creationist rant I just found

Does anyone...

I think I've outed myself

Where have all my pretty Kerrycrats gone?


Dem beauty number 2, Catherine Zeta Jones

Ok, its the first official dem beauty WOMAN thread

Now Showing: Chris Heinz vs. the Church of St. Howard

Get your Kerry news here!

Homeland Security dimwits...kinda scary these people are in charge

Let Prisoners Vote (includes link to Flash Video)

bush & Cartel; breaking laws for fun & profit!

How is Jeb going to downplay the multiple arrests of his daughter

Is anyone else losing sleep or am I just going crazy?

who really cares?

Need feedback on cards that will be distributed

to understand who keeps Bush in power, you gotta understand this ...

Opposing Bush - A Form of Mental Illness?

winner of the Technorati developers contest

Counterpunch, 6/11/03: "Michael Chertoff: Ashcroft's Top Gremlin"

Picture Gallery; Fallujah..Warning-Graphic,Disturbing Images..

Soc. Sec: The Republican's Rope?

"Michael Chertoff: Ashcroft's Chief Gremlin" now to head Homeland Security

Krugman discusses the $15 TRILLION iceberg Bush is putting on Social Sec.

Bush says he's realistic about Iraq (includes comments on domestic issues)

BUSH Makes DC Pay Inaugural Expenses - Does his arrogance know no bounds?

rather and armstrong

Bush Social Security advertising scripts revealed - coming soon

Are you a member of THE-49?

What options are available to Congressional Democrats in regards to SS?

Chertoff: Kerik without the sex

Dan Gerstein in the WSJ: The Terry McAuliffe Syndrome

"He's a right-wing partisan slug".

Vince Lombardi Democrats

Rethug 527 Group "Progress for America" behind SS privatization ads! Suggestions. Have you all seen this?

The Nation: "most vigorous opposition" to Gonzales from military officers

Why did Clark lose? Poll for those who did not vote for him

Bush, Asbestos and the Expendable Workforce

If SS is privatized.. you know what companies will do right?

Why did Edwards lose?

Poll question: Why did DK lose? Poll for those who did not vote for him.

Social Security email: Congress dosn't pay SS and Response

Why did Dean lose? Poll for those who did not vote for him.

The Social Security Ads have started!

More than you'd ever want to know about death sqauds:

I still say the GOP is holding a losing hand on Social Security

A Proactive Strategy for SCOTUS Nominees

Just Say NO To The Whitehouse Weasels

DNC member list

How much more fake news will from the Bush Regime?

Good Morning America shills for Bushco on SS "reform"

Dean for DNC chair? – You bet

How come we have SS surplus today with only 3 workers for each recipient?

journalism, capitalism and the death of democracy

Election Reforms Poll

What is ten inches long and hangs between W's legs?

"Don't Frighten Seniors, Bush Warns"

Reveling in Inaugural Excess, Bush Taps D.C.’s Homeland Security

Any thought from the DU on Bush's selection of Michael Chertoff

AP: Ohio lawsuit dropped! Arnebeck will pursue "other avenues."

Please Help w/ Election Activism--Informing the Populace

The Voice of the White House

"Democrats' Fury, and Values, Go AWOL"

Another plus for Dean--he would be an EXCELLENT

Post Rapture government, aka The Doomsday Plan

Iraq resistance propaganda

My call to my congressmen re: Gonzales

No retreat...... No surrender..... Sure thing, Sen Kerry

Email from Howard Dean I just got

"Inauguration to Get Unprecedented Security"

Question for Chris Heinz

List of cash supporters of the coronation...

Contact the DNC Committee Person in YOUR state

Time to focus our efforts on Election Reform

What's most important for us to do in order to protect our democracy?

Democrats' Fury, and Values, Go AWOL

For Something Completely Different...

Use AARP action alert to write your Congressmen re SS Privatization

YDA Founder's Day - Same time as the DNC Selection

Why Chertoff?

can Al Sharpton win if he ran for Mayor of NYC ?

Request from the DFA blog about how to help.

Oliphant column: Wants Bush to hurry and adopt Kerry's ideas for Iraq.

To debunk the Dean "pretended" thing.... the DLC's own words.

Biohazard America

We fail to understand the extremity of the "pro-life" position!

Social Security is the chance to reverse the 1994 election.

Look what Boxer's doing! New progressive Pac for a Change

A talking point, when people say that an economic progressive...

This will probably sink like a stone, but on Saturday's

Gonzales Confirmation: Reply from Senator Cantwell

Buchannan says CBS should've covered the real story: Swift Boat Vets

CommonDreams DOA?

Is this for real -- Dems enforce party loyalty

Swift Boat Liars

Interesting choice of photo for Ari Fleischer's book

"Outside the box" choices for Prez 2008?

Dean supporters are going to be busy as hell in a few minutes

As Frederick Douglass stated in 1857...........

White House Press Briefing with Scott McClellan (1/11/2005)

Dean's words...."they can tag us with liberal or whatever they want"

Correct me if I am wrong...but Donna Brazile is an idiot

Clooney calls out O'Reilly!

Dean wouldn't be announcing if he didn't have strong support

Why Do The Super-Rich Vote Dem?

Homeland Sec Chertoff/NJ doctor/Osama connection article.

Bush: "Mike helped trace the terrorist attacks to the Al Qaeda"

Tamar Jacoby of the Manhattan Institute on Open Borders--YUCK

Why is Bush such a LOSER?

Check out this Inside Politics transcript re DEAN!

The Global Question- Why Do Democrats Continue To Lose?

How do you feel about "higher-ups" and folks with major party connections

Allawi gives reporters $100 (those who showed up for his news conf)

Kerry & Arnold partied together during the holidays - really

Mel Gibson Likes Fahrenheit 911-Freepers are Screaming! Video

Is Dean really all that liberal?

Hello DU. I'm a Newbie.

Some notes on Lakoff's framing

USA Needs Mandatory Voting like Australia already has.....

Florida needs Bob Graham

What happened to the "Independent Council"?

Why is the "liberal media" focusing on Rather and not Armstrong ?

Dean's Announcement at DFA:

John Kerry spent three years campaigning.

"Choose Your Neo-Con Poison" - The very latest from the DLC

It was nice of Chris Heinz to post here about Rosenberg.

Who would like a Progressive Democrats of America discussion group?

The battle and its beginnings early in 2003. The DLC and Dean

Inauguration Day protest

Message from Chris Heinz