Democratic Underground

Archives: January 21, 2005

Rush's Racist Comments

Liberal Lion needs a tiger : Ted Kennedy & Howard Dean

From moms of dead, fury; their sons killed in Iraq, mothers speak out on

I'm glad AARP's got my Gen-X back on Social Security

Draft No. 9 What George W. Bush might have said—at least as our columnist

Let America be America again. Langston Hughes

The Salvador option - By Scott Ritter

Speech could also be called the State of the Democrats

Burning Bush brandishes Dostoevsky

Crazy President, Crazy Nation

Friedman: An American in Paris

Katrina vanden Heuvel (The Nation): Taking It to the States

The 50 Most Loathsome People in America

Imperial Presidency - Noam Chomsky

Encourage MSNBC to Drop Plagiarist Monica Crowley

Fox's E D Hill & Steve Doocy lie and insult Dems during 1/20 show

Outstanding Table By of Inaug Coverage

MSNBC 's Monica Crowley's partial truth lie that young favor SS Sep.Accts.

Need info on corporations that don't pay their taxes

As usual Europe gets it - the US is slow to come around.

Is there an association of Democratic Gun Owners? The GOP has the Log

Happy 4th anniversary guys...

Mods...Can a poster that donates monthly get banned?

"Locking: DUers are not qualified to give medical advice."

Make it Stop!

At what point will I no longer be welcome on DU? (from the GD thread)

EU tells Palestinians stop bombings, attacks

YahooNews Unintentional Irony: Bush Starts New Term, Seeks End to Tyranny

replaying some of the speech. Problem is he doesn't embody the words.

What's this about Bush using Homeland Security money to party?

MSM coverage of Inguration Protests

Encourage MSNBC to Drop Plagiarist Monica Crowley

A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition protest on now. C-SPAN 2 (repeat) n/t

C-Span 2 has the protest on again.

Never Surrender: Post here


Can the election still be nullified due to BBV?

they suck (n/t)

Best sign of the Anti-Inaugural

What organization is actively pursuing mandatory paper trails

This Wash Post /AP video of the protesters is good!

Death of Democracy report from New Orleans

Nightline finally did election fraud story.

Ed Shultz make a good point on Social Security


Go to and see what the MSM didnt cover..

Just watched the Nightline piece. WTF?

Johnny On The Spot Does It Again !!!

Video Clip - The Daily Show reports on "re-oathening" of Dungeon Master

Has Anyone Seen KAREN HUGHES since election night?

Greg Palast: Oaf of office

Zogby: Americans Overwhelmingly Reject Race Preferences, Discrimination

Sorry to change th subject but

Talked to my State Senator tonight

BE THE BUSH OPPOSITION; 24/7 --- Status Report

GRAPH: Exit Poll Deviations Weighted by State Voting Method Mix

We have to keep an eye out about the status of speech protester

Showdown in the Senate Tues.: Boxer vs. Feinstein, re Condi Rice!

Conyers: This election isn`t over YET


Can someone post a link to the Republican computer guy that had all those

Rep. Conyers' Letter to Ohio Attorney General: Sanctioning of Lawyers

* and Laura give sign of the devil?

Is Cliff Arnebeck done?

We want to get 100,000 Sigs on petition to protect Social Security!!!

Conyers survey: "verifiable audit trail" is not enough!

I got a letter from; are we all going to support?

4,500,000 More Signatures Needed To Impeach B*sh.

My letter to the Cali DNC critters Re: Dean

***PRES. BOXER*** Acts: Attn. Californians


Today's st paul pioneer press newspaper. Page 1B... who wrote it?

Gutknecht considering run for U.S. Senate

Can someone help me...

Readers of the WSJ

Frustrated and Unhappy Condoleezza Rice Describes Bush's Penis

Bush Daughter Putting on Lipstick in Viewing Stand!!

Psychology Today's "The Ice People"

Who the hell is "Peter Bush?" Some dumbass * supporter said today on CBS,

Majority Report Thread (1/20/05)

Just heard excerpt of Bush's speech on CNN: "Interventionism"

Whats the most up to date bushism?

looking for webpage with protest pictures

Um...not to be a spoilsport, but where exactly is the tyranny today?

Washington State protests

Hey, KKKarl, clever move only giving parade route space to ANSWER.

What is this 'mission to spread liberty' crap???

Looks like Jenna drank a bit too much last night (WARNING: graphic photo)

Bright moment on a dark day.

Here's one that deserves a witty DU caption (photo)....


new Hannity advertiser Rain-x Wipers

here it is 1-20-05 and a mandate.

At what point will I no longer be welcome on DU?

Would you classify the level of protest today as greater than 2001?

DU This Poll

Theme Texas-Remember the Alamo?- Welcome to Baghdad

Anyone know where to get list of how much armour $40 million would buy?

Anybody got a link to the George Will "Banana Republic" comment?

Apparently the inauguration was reallllly boring

limbaugh wants his drugs back!!!

Four Chinese Nationals are being sought for terrorist threats, My

CSPAN 2. Right now. -- Just started the Anti-Inaugural Rally rebroadcast

Shutting down "Sterling's" thread was NOT democratic.

Photographic Proof that Bush Worships THE EVIL ONE

We Stand for Peace and Justice.

Show your support for civil rights!

Does Bush remind anyone else of Forest Gump? (apologies to Mr. Gump)

New Blog: President Boxer

The Inaugural Parade Announcer Charles Brotman WAS SCARY!!!

My response to the DNC today when asking for $$$'s

does the NCLB law REQUIRE the teaching of intelligent design? Satorum Amen

East Coast TV now..."No Place To Hide"

$40 Million equals how much armour for our troops? n/t

On Their Own on Death Row in Georgia

What does "freedom" mean?

Go Veterans For Peace! Protest Photos! Miami!

If B*sh is the puppet, who is pulling the strings?

So, How Long Before W Takes Us Down? Predictions?

Is it true that KRove

GREAT PHOTO: multicolored, " bush*: a M****F**** "

Lists & maps of surveillance cameras.. Is YOUR city there?

A Democrat is a Republican who got leprosy at the Bush installation

Hubris and nemesis - something I hope will be inspiring.

Product placement gone haywire: Peeps march in inaugural parade (photo)

OMG ! reTHUGlicans punching/hitting people in DC....

Thanks DU'ers

Sell out democratic representative from florida, Allen Boyd

Gonzales excludes CIA from rules on prisoners

Just because someone benefitted from Affirm. Action, does not mean

"Bush Begins New Term, Vows to End Tyranny" - does anyone else see irony

The AP gives mr.bush an "Ed Grimley moment"..

Groups accuse Falwell of using tsunami aid money for evangelizing

False Casualty Figures-In my opinion...

Has Air America arrived in Washington DC yet?

They're showing the whole thing again on C-Span right now.

This "enquiring mind" really wanted to know re: the inaugural and the

Great Political Cartoon

I am now officially afraid. Scared shitless, in fact. Witness:

Why are we forced to see the shrub picture

Laura, it's just not you, sugar

O'Leilly's Show - Tony Snow - 500 to 1000 protestors today

Bush's speech? Keith talking about it.

PHOTOS: police brutally beat/maced protestors during bush* FREEDOM speech

Roger Clemens would be proud

Protests in the NW what about the rest of the US?

Here is a lock

Boston Terra update: FBI now seeking 10 more suspects

I watched my local news...

Inaugural Daily Show

By Gosh, Mike Malloy is On the Air In Detroit WDTW 1310 AM

Heavy Ammunition for the Religious Left: Bush Policies Critiqued by Bible

I am a little confused

My letter to Brigitte Quinn.

Bush's speech was not a speech of "vision." It was a Fatwa

Why were Clinton, and even Carter, at the coronation?

Media Coverage of Protests - please contribute..

When Democracy Failed: The Warnings of History

Hey! What happened to all the brown-skinned people?

Who can point me to a good map of Baghdad?

Lieberman freaks me out (On Daily show now)...he's actually a pretty

Hehe, cannot wait to get my history final back.

So now that the coronation is over...

I am converting my "Say No to War in Iraq" sign...

Damn CBS showing a lot of the protests today.

Freedom 27 -- Liberty 15....

My Day in Washington, D.C.

CNN Poll: Did you find President Bush’s inaugural address inspiring?

Mandatory Malloy: Thursday Night Truthseeker Reunion

What are the ten best ways to FEED the radical right-wing freaks?

To the DU police officers:

What are some popular left/progressive blogs?

NO more picts of * horns or Jenna yawning or Babs dress -rant

Lieberman 08

How members of Congress have family in Iraq?

Please stop the nonsense about Jenna's lipstick and Laura's dress

I have mixed feelings about Clear Channel sponsoring Air America stations

Maria Shriver a no-show. David Dreier was Arnold's escort for the day.

PHOTO: mad cop with automatic mace-spraying machine.....

Where are the Bush twins?...I haven't seen them in their De la renta gowns

I've asked this Q for 40 years & never gotten a rational answer:

Any one else watching Garafolo go off on Scarborough?

Yahoo News lots of * protest Photos! (warning DSL or Cable required)

Now that we are starting a holy crusade to spread freedom, will

About that hand sign Shrub and Mrs. Shrub do

Tell your members of Congress

About the only good thing I've been getting out of the Bush Presidency...

Are we ready for the days ahead?

Reporter Who Uncovered Shrub's DWI Forced Out - Is Now a Trucker

French protests over Public Policy make us look like sheep.

"Decoding Bush's God-Talk"; and, article by Bush's speechwriter

Chimp Inauguration Protest Photo (Dictator Limo passing protesters)

It is wrong to say things will get better

Pundits seem to be slowly coming to consensus that parade was PR disaster

Does God hold us accountable for the sins of our nation?

Is the Chimp Drunk Already? >>>

KOEB Meeting

Canned soups as ingredients

How long could you go without shopping?

Anyone see the BBC documentary "The Power of Nightmares"?

US Refuses to Let Guantanamo Man Cross Airspace

Police Use Pepper Spray at Bush Inauguration

Reid vows fight against budget

British judge rules Schwarzenegger libel case will go ahead

Demonstrators make it loud and clear: polarization trails Bush into second

Deutsche cuts ConocoPhillips on Venezuela worries

Surplus continues to swell

Alameda County (CA) suit alleges Wal-Mart cheated workers

Officer who beat boy gets $1.6m


Burning Bush brandishes Dostoevsky

bastards are back - "Swift Boat" salute thwarting Kerry

NHL Labor Talks End With No Progress Made

NUCLEAR WASTE REPOSITORY: Bodman vows to press Yucca dump

Michael Moore's bodyguard arrested on gun charge at JFK

Tensions Surface During Funeral for Slain Christian Family(Muslims blamed)

Smiles for the family, a fiery warning for the world

Democrats gird for battle with Republican dominance

Iran will defend itself from `arrogant' US

Man Who Sneaked Into Inaugurals Arrested

Rice confirmation vote delayed

Low Turnout for Iraqi Voter Registration (UAE)/Gulf News

Man Who Sneaks Into Inauguration Arrested

Global warming may have caused extinction: study

Senate Confirms Two Bush Cabinet Nominees

FBI Adds 10 Names to List in Boston Threat

Groups charge Bush is lying: Social Security ‘crisis’ is phony

Jersey City Slaying Spurs New Wave Of Anti-Islam Bias

UN ‘cannot observe’ Iraqi elections

WP: News Reports Focus on (Bush's) Religious Tone

WP: 'A Stoical Kerry on Bush's Day' (man calls Kerry a "Loser!" )

Theory of intelligent design enters Blount Co. (Tennessee) high schools

Kerry, Democrats on Hand for Inaugural

A shiver runs round the world as Bush bangs the drum for 'fire of freedom'

Soldier explains refusal to return to ‘insane’ Iraq war

I need help!

I'm earwormed with "Hail to the Cheif."

Mrs. GTRMAN is still cursing *

Texas country singer booked on DUI...maybe Gonzales can bury it

"Fuck you, fuck you and your republican bullshit nonsense!"

How many hours of new programming does Fox have a day?

I need to seek the help of computer experts again (Dell)..

Frustrated and Unhappy Condoleezza Rice Describes Bush's Penis

Bullseye! Cheney's limo gets snowballed - PIC!

Recommend some good "new release" movies to me.

what is most likely going to get you crying?

The Dirty South - Drive By Truckers

Wasn't the lead in "Electra" also in Dare Devil?

What A Glorious Glorious Day!

Book research resources

I woke up this morning, and you know what? The sun still came up.'ve gotta see this

Pork chops! (recipe inside)

I posted something 48 hours ago and it's already in the archives

Damn it, I wish I could hide the tater tot thread....

Help is needed please!

Worst Horror Movies

Where's sniffa?

Ok, why in the hell do I have to look at bush's fu***** face every

Tater Tot Casserole for supper, what are you cooking?

On ABC now - Billy Grahm special

Great News from the Future - "White Noise" News Network-AWESOME

Respond to this poll by 8:30 PM EST! No later!

Heheh, the Young Republicans group at my high school

I actually follow the orders of the bushnistas today.

Good GOD, Rove's wife looks just like him in a Lewinski beret

CSPAN 2. Right now. -- Just started the Anti-Inaugural Rally rebroadcast

Can I use vinyl/leather repair on sheepskin leather?

Could the Chimp look anymore like a TOTAL IDIOT? Pic from today.

Apprentice is on, Its college educated vs. high school educated

If you could be an Ewok which Ewok would you be?

best, make that ONLY, redeeming value of You've got Mail . . .

Does anyone have a clip of Alvin and the Chipmunks?

please help me identify this artist and song title

Who here hates Elmo

Do you guys do PSA's?

Do you feel that the last stanza of "Message in a Bottle" became real?

I'm Phil Parlock. Ask me anything.

"I took a pounding from my radio today, I heard the radio say

more new pics of the Venation cats (dial up warning)

I'm Wearing Black Today

Is it just me, or is "Anarchist" a bad meme?

I think Keith Olbermann took a page from Daily Show

Somewhere in America, Ronny James Dio is weeping.

Thirty thoughts to make you smile...

Today COULD have looked like THIS, in a better world.

Bush girls' gown photo, the stuff lawsuits are made of....

Twitchy, throbby eyelid... potassium or calcium deficiency?

Best. Ripoff. Of. A. Song. Ever.

I've been jonesin' for some chocolate all damn day!

Me and CPD made Catwoman happy at the same time.

Argh! One of my project group members keeps spelling meant 'ment'

I have now been joke-free for six weeks

Oh yay!!! On HBO they just had an ad for the new season of

I made CatWoman happy

I don't like today's necktie styles

Here's one that deserves a witty DU caption (photo)....

I miss VelmaD. :-(

Inauguration Protest Photos - Kick this Blog!

She's SEXY!

My wife just asked me, if I were a woman, would I do Jon Stewart?

I miss Aristus

Paper products: Which ones could you never do without?


Watching "We Are The 80's " on VH1 Classic

It was four years ago today...Sgt Skinner taught the band to play

I just got back from the coronation/protest. Ask me anything!

I almost got through today without getting upset, but...

It was four years ago today, a very important group formed.

Man found living in a high school may be deported

Would you date THIS man?

Tune to to see what the MSM didnt cover in DC today

What are conglomerate rocks?

Seven posts left to 10,000. Ask me anything!

does anyone know what i was going to do?

I apologize to all DUers.

Who is this woman crying behind Jebby?

Comforting and soothing ...

"Do ya like muh bahdee?"

surgery in 1 week but left arm weakening... had called neuro, said

Are there any artists out there?

Jenny said when she was just five years old

Apparently Bush likes to have his tongue out while he dances.

Prof to study why women flashed breasts at NHL hockey fans

I'll take it like a man?

Famous people saying bad words.

Hey. Where's Catwoman?

Jenna Bush Thanks The Prince Of Darkness

Man castrates self w/ a procedure learned from the internt to lower libido




Honestly, what did you think of 'Velvet Goldmine'

I've been watching the film "The Pianist" .....


Something in the way she moves...

Downtown Dallas was like the depths of Mordor today.

Did you watch or listen to the "Coronation" today?

Would you date this man?


anyone got pics from a local protest?

In front of an Anti-Bush crowd, I had my first feminist speech

Coming soon:New Coke, water flavors, new energy drink, and ad theme

What film have you cried during? Or because of?

What song are you listening to...RIGHT FRIGGIN' NOW!


Eight posts away from escaping the 700 Club. Ask me anything.

Just talked to LynneSin in DC

"And now you do what they told ya" -

Time for Tequila Shots!



What made you happy today?

On Coronation day a Rat joke for y'all...


this smiley disturbs me:

I do NOT apologize to all DUers

NHL Labor Talks End With No Progress Made

*Sigh* Another girl with potential turns out to have a boyfriend.

In What Decade Were You Born??

Songs about suicide

I have now been smoke-free for six weeks.

Who else here hit the 1000-post count without realizing it?

I am too scared to click "enter"

Would you date this man?

Do you live amongst Dems or Repubs?

I'm a Suns fan

Freak or Geek?

I love movies about revenge. What's your favorite revenge fliks or books?

Wow! I spent most of my day posting in GD! Help - can I come back now???

You've started a progressive rock band...

What DUer, in your opinion, looks the most "political"

My hobby--and how one's interests evolve in adulthood.

Seven hundred posts left to 10,000. Ask me anything!

aw, hell, here's a cute animal thread to cheer everyone up

Do you procrastinate?

Aw man! The things I want to do with that delicious Clementine!

What's the most annoying band?

The Gowns Don't Really Resemble the Sketches >>>

Sinnui yauman (Chinese Ghost Story)

new pics of the Venation cats (dial up warning)

Which kid's show started with this line? "HEY YOU GUYS!!"

My blog has topics by day-of-the-week.

So I just found out a German friend of mine stayed with fundie freaks

Looks like Jenna drank a bit too much last night (WARNING: graphic photo)

Oooh! A whole site full of freeper-pics!

I am Rudolph Giuliani, ask me anything

Dennis Hopper on Bush

What's songs do you know Reference Cannabis?

Well, I got thru the day without spending a dime

If 70's style progressive rock bands existed today

Listening to Guns & Roses: Appetite For Destruction. Ask me anything.

What is the funniest film ever for you?

What is the scariest movie you ever saw?

What's your favorite use for nutritional yeast or recipe?

Weighed against the Bible, Bush's actions are not only morally corrupt...

Posted on a Baptist Church sign:

Should we use Bush's own words against him?

Man on trial for gay bashing (Kentucky)

Choose your colors: The Pink Pistols

I want to see the Eagles(W/TO) vs Steelers Super Bowl

Honest Post to New England fans:

NEWS FROM THE FUTURE---"White Noise" News Network

America's financial woes? Star IQ's Robert Gover:

Mars coming to a conjunction with Pluto Jan 22 to Jan 28 and


My sympathies to American atheists

From Will Pitt in DC

Some douchebag wants Kerry to give up his Senate seat

no wonder Bob Dole went after Kerry during the campaign

Masculine Spirituality

Mysterious cult backs Bush

Are you ready for the Iraqi election?

The inauguration today

What is the "American Anthem" that was sung by Denise.....

Nominating judges and AG

How convenient. Bush has found a new word to replace the phrase “WMD”

Wow! Moveon launches door-to-door effort!

How will * stay sober tonight?

IT's official, half of America are sadistic, sad, sick ....

Maureen Dowd really cuts down Condi's ego

LOL C-Span!

What a load of SHIT!!!

Chimp Seeks End to Tyranny (so why doesn't he resign right now)

LOL! Check out this graphic on the front of

They are playing MLK on NPR here tonight. The "I have

Why does Atrios have an ad on his site for W the Ketchup?

Meanwhile, in Iraq....

The sad irony


I want to know if Bush voters are provided with

Does anyone know what "Medal of Honor " tickets signified in DC?

A Skull and Bones Primer

Soulforce invitation to a May Cotillion with the Focus on the Family

Very powerful statement from Not in Our Name,,please sign

Orwellian speak from the inaugural speech, what memes they be using?

ANSWER ralley replay on CSPAN 2 - now!

Priorties for the next four years

Just heard that Delta Airlines lost $2.2 billion in the 4th quarter.

Anyone hear about the pepper spraying today?

Freedom as defined by * & Freedom as defined by FDR

"Patriot Ball"??

Caption this image (front page

(Caption) Look what the cat dragged out today

Cheney is sworn.............Hestert mumbles and stumbles

It's time for a sing-a-long (and-a-one, and-a-two)

Fill me in...what happened after Bush got out of the limo?

Why does bushfraud say he is ending "tyranny in our world"?

DeLay: Four More Years of Promise for America

Suprised no one has mentioned this... Conyers endorses Dean for DNC chair.

Have cowboy hats and boots become the new Nazi uniform?

Suppression & ridiculousness at the inauguration today

WP - Cheney Says He Overestimated Iraq Recovery Time

DU this poll: Did you watch any of Thursday's inauguration ceremonies?

Is too much energy spent obsessing on George Bush?

Protest this morning in Sacramento...(photos)

Patti Davis takes a whirl at writing Bush's Inaugural speech: "Draft #9"

Was David Gregory getting testy with Tweety tonight?

to all the protesters in DC and everywhere else today ...thank you!

Black Thursday & Not One Damned Dime local report

Go to and see what the MSM didnt cover in DC..

Did anyone else not watch any of the inauguration today?

Backbone Campaign-1/21 Deliver a spine to Dem leaders!

Where are the DU media contact lists?

The question continues to be ask, "What's the exit strategy? Here's

What exactly is a mandate?

This is America's Fault! (mail this out)


Why did only 2 of 8 DEM senators vote against Condi?

Post The Most Evil Hypocritical Sentence In Dubya's Inauguration Speech.

What other dems besides Clark have said Alberto Gonzales is unfit for AG?

Coronation protest in Anchorage

Jon Stewart and Brian Ross (ABC)..unforgettable snippet, esp. re: today.

Trickle-down inauguration spending

Please post your protest pics here!

Can Bush Dance????

ABC's This Week with Howard Dean

Help me explain the integrity of Wesley Clark to those who don't trust him

Take that Republicans. Dems and Greens strike a blow thru heart of RNC OC

Are there any Republicans you could see yourself actively supporting?

What will it take to Sack Iran?

What exactly makes Obama a "rising star?"

Swiftboat Liar IS going to move to Mass to run against Kerry.

Aljazeera Poll says that Bush has made the world more dangerous

Shales: On Television, A Day That Speaks for Itself

"The Republican Moment", subtitle WSJ loves Bush

Dean Gaining Early Momentum in DNC Race

The Bull Moose on the inauguration

Fireworks in Washington, despair around the world

Krugman: The Free Lunch Bunch

The BEAST's Ten Worst Presidential Election Campaign Hacks

Coronation in the Garrison State: Mike Whitney

Times is a media whore--for real! (buying into porn)

No room for progressives on cable news inauguration coverage

Four More Years of Happiness...op ed, may help.....

American Terror

Hear 'Reform,' Think 'Destroy' Bush warps the language of killing Soc Sec

No Country Left Behind (next 4 yrs will be interesting?)

Today's Missing DUComix - "Spoiled, rotten."

Putting Democracy First May Test Key Relationships

Cheney Puts Iran on Notice) U.S. Adds Israel to the Iran Equation

MSNBC lists Bush's "priorities" (the agenda Dems pledged to fight)

Bush Doctrine: Spread Liberty

Interesting editorial in The Lima News (Verry Conservative)

Collin Levy is Frank Blethen's attack dog.

Address lays groundwork for global freedom mission (but CATO objects)

An Ambitious President Advances His Idealism

Bush Has No Foreign Policy

Police Back Wd-40 Oil Spray to Combat Drug Users

Some good photos of protests

Global Eye - American Terror

Worrisome Hubris By David Ignatius

The Anti's Antidote For the Bush Blues

Newsweek/Patti Davis: Draft No. 9 (What George W. Bush might have said…)

Bush's Words On Liberty Don't Mesh With Policies

the teflon wears thin;Ellen Goodman

Once Again Ted Rall Attacks Illegal Immigration

Pitch for global democracy forgets about Iraq war (Novak)

Geopolitics--- Israel/ Iran

'Why did they shoot? We have no weapons' - GI's shoot up car of children

Way Too Much God

Your Inaugural Address was MAGNIFICENT, mein fuhrer!!!

The Salvador Option - By Scott Ritter

"U.S. 'No. 1?' We're not even in the Top 10 anymore."

Gingrich on C. Rose: Dems in Denial ...

Looking for SOS- House and Senate Lists of who is vulnerable

signs from pdx Bush tribute

I'm doing something a lot more than Not One Damn Dime Day...

Air America Radio will be back on in L.A. Feb. 3rd

Media training now required for all Iraq-bound troops

Green Party's response to Cokie Roberts on ABC's Nightline

Did Morning Show MSM have any protest coverage?

OPEC trying to give us a new oil shock?

Tobin tax on currency trading

US printing money?!? I need some help with Macro Economics

Foreword from The Rebirth of Cold Fusion -- by Sir Arthur C. Clarke

"We've Got Issues": What is the future of environmentalism?

How should a Nuclear Armed Iran be dealt with??

If the four chinese snuck through the border with Mexico...

So things are still crazy down here???

Packin heat?. . . a novice shares the choice she made (AP)

Of those of you that oppose Gun Rights, how many of you have ever fired...


Hee.. hee.. hee...

AboutNewHampshireDems post

Umm I posted a ? but it too has been deleted?

Skinner. I just sent you a very urgent PM.

Offended by where my thread was moved

Skinner regarding that post of Sterlings'

Please take Bush off of the home page

No need to reply --

'people wonder why nobody likes to post outside of GD'?

Please add Stephanie Miller (Sirius Left) to your National Media List

Comic Book DU Group

Lots of discussion about Election Results Forum changes....

Abbas deploys forces to stop attacks on Israel

First Chicago College Democrats Meetup: STUNNING SUCCESS!

Chicago Tribune: Hundreds decry Bush in Evanston (high school students)

Mell retracts Blagojevich allegations

Belleville News Democrat: O'Fallon to vote on 2nd High School

Did the Trib catch BushCo saluting the devil in photo?

Illinois Times: Back to the future (Springfield Union Station upgrade)

grace4018 says we need to defend Obama

Durbin will speak at Condi Rice Senate session

Blue news in illinois

What a night for Illinois College Basketball!

Illinois County by County Roll Call 1/21/05

Pantagraph: Doctor with political ambitions quits board (Dr. David Gill)

My family lives a block away from the "Iraqi Election" center in Skokie

Are you guys aware that C-Span is covering the protestors now? n/t

The European political culture of Party organization

"What George W. Bush might have said" by Patti Davis . . .

Must Read Article on Ukraine election fraud and U.S.geopolitics


Freepress - Bush/Rove's new Ohio attack is about revenge, intimidation

CNN's "New Poll", just out of their butts...

NY Times: Study Cites Human Failings in Election Day Poll System

I Hate to Put a Damper on Things, but....Here comes SOTU!

More good news!

Secretary's Day: The Daily Show

MSNBC: Thousands protest, hold vigils on inauguration

Cool deck of cards.

Remember Ohio!

OMFG look who registered

Poll: How do you view the B*shes? Negatively 57% Positively 43%..HA!!!!!!

Full Conyers interview


Need a place to park the BUSH CHEATED files for download, I got booted

Pretty good article about the protests

Bush/Rove's new Ohio attack is about revenge, intimidation and....

mass email to hillary: faith based initiatives

Support they have the right priorities for us!


Fine Words but Where's the Detail--- The Austrailan

Any books in the making about 2004 election fraud?

I watched 5 minutes of the coronation

Does anybody know if it's illegal to organize a boycott of a radio station

More Kerry voters, more Kerry votes, more Kerry people talked...

David Letterman "gets it"

Historical perspective, November 2nd, 2004

A thought and some questions about the exit polls.

Extremely hypothetical question: if you lived in Iraq...

OAF OF OFFICE - by Greg Palast

Boulder High Does it Again; "I think it's important to show what we believ

Dubya's 2nd Inaugural: A Patriotic Commemorative Photographic Tribute...

republicans registered in 2003

if aWol's "base" turned out in droves as we're led to believe

Pics: A neighborhood protest by Chicago's Southsiders for Peace

Republican National Committee registered

Petition to charge Kerry with treason????

Here's a poll....HIT IT!


Bush Inauguration Well Received (So SaysGallup)

Friday1/21/05 Election/Fraud/Recount/Protest Thread

Anybody see any signs of Not One Damn Dime Day?

How about having "Not One Damn Dime Day" every month on the 20th?

"Rethugs" went crazy after "*"'s speech yesterday!


Great Quicktime Panorama Photo of Protests from the Washington Post

Are we (the USA) headed in the right direction? Take this Poll!

Motorcade Runs a Gaunlet of Protestors-- The Austrailan

PROTESTS across the country.. RATE IT UP !!! needs DU badly

Madsen: Curtis, Feeney, Khashoggi link, $29.6 mil check, former CIA!


"Why are they so afraid of this guy?..."

What Is The Story With Mitofsky?

Joy to watch... some truth slipping out on Faux news..


Popular San Diego DJ totally berates DU - Calls us fascist pigs!

Feinstein supporting warmonger Rice? She needs to hear from us!

Reports on un-Inauguration protests in other cities

URGENT! Tell Sensenbrenner to hold Conyers' hearings!


Alternate Reality

CA progressive organization -- of legislators

How about "Draft Sheen for Senate" meet-ups?

Officers to ignore burglar alarms, save about $600,000 a year (Fremont)

ARNOLD ART: a dog and his masters

E-Mail Dianne Feinstein Regarding Alberto Gonzalez!

Attention SAN DIEGO progressives!!!!

Culeeforneeya's gain could be Michigan's loss

we need BB in California

Private Prison Jails Reopen under Arnold

Wow there were alot of police in Westwood tonight.

Fienstein's Conflict of Interest.

Enjoy Brian Camenker's bandwidth . . .

Minnesotans protest and party, too (Strib)

Anyone go to the "Blue State Ball?" nt

List leftwing political blogs by Minnesotans, please. (nt)

Norm Coleman gets a new mouth (must-see, if you can stand it!)

Look out Michigan! "Uncle Tom" Ward Connerly is on the way

Zip Drive and XP

I've got a camera question

Why does Quicktime hate me so much? What did I do?

Anyone here good with PHP, and specifically XOOPS?

Newark Advocate Article

Let's kick some GOP butt in 2006

No selling your P!

Hey Austin DUers!!

Texas/Dallas DUers - Question: So, if Texas is sooooo anti-tax

What are Wisconsin DU'ers doing about Sensenbrenner?


How are these for bumper stickers?

An American Hero

Check out the stage design from today...

Pierce Bush on Larry King( *'s nephew )

Surprise, surprise, surprise.

"military officials extended their condolences . . .

It was a "peaceful transfer of power" - from Cheney to Bush*, so that Dick

Why is DU honoring shrub?

How long before we start documenting some modern-day Hoovervilles?


C-SPAN 1 is blocked on my cable now

Bizarre scene #3 - please caption (photo)

Bizarre scene #2 - please caption (photo)

Bizarre scene #4 - please caption (photo)

If he starts a war with Iran, it would be a good reason to leave the U.S.

My letter to the editor on Pell Grants.

well, now they can make weapons out of microwaves?

another OUTSTANDING anti-bush* sign (PHOTO)

$40 Million To Toot His Own Horn, But...

Jon Stewart: "FEAR is the new black"

"There won't be a draft because Pres. Bush said there won't be a draft"

Bush is drunk at his inaugural balls...he's at the "Patriot Ball"

What did Rice wear to the ball and

Goat Has Admitted that He is HOMOSEXUAL

The tsunami has proven beyond a doubt that fundie Christians are WRONG.

We've Reached the Halfway Point of the BUSH Presidency!

"No damned politician can ever scrap my Social Security Program.”-FDR

Nice pic the AP uses with the Bill Cosby story

Man, Chimps Dad looks like a total geek at his inauguration!


Photo of Republican Christian Fascist Inaugeral... in all it's glory

My thoughts on Bush's Inaugural

Wolfowitz says higher Iraqi death toll is sign of success

any good guesstimates on the actual number of protestors in DC? n/t

FULL TEXT OF THE INAUGURAL ADDRESS - Fascist Propaganda worth reading

Please To See The King.

Against the corporate orgiastic Bush coronation? You are a communist!

Pilgrims Perform "Stoning the Devil" Ritual On Jan. 20

Spongebob tearfully comes out; admits 5-year relationship with Tinky Winky

Are People Blind? Or Just Stupid?

What a load of hogwash.

Is Howard Fineman stupid, or just on the White House payroll?

Something about the 2 civilians killed story with the kids..

How do you personally define persecution?

The "unfortunate incident in Tal Afar" (from BBC..12 sequential pics)

Email Scarborough at to support Janeane and Sam!

I am sick....

Excellent protest pic

Washington Post Retracts Story On Saddam-Era Torture

US plans to take over Cuba inorder ' to expand Guantano facilities'

Enough of this

How's the world, legit, media handling the * coronation?

NPR covering the protests

"Limbaugh Seeks Return of Medical Records"

Nine Balls and home by 10:03. (the life of a dry drunk)

We're stepping off into a new world today

The Christian Right are Bush's Frankenstein Monster

C-SPAN -- Should America use its power to spread democracy?

Not my country anymore...

Knowledge About Government is Power

Free Speech/Press question.

LOL! AAR just played the CNN "F**K BUSH!" clip from yesterday

Where can I get this bumper sticker????!

Nixon. Reagan. Bush I. Bush II. TRAITORS TO AMERICA.

"Cheney Puts Iran at Top of Trouble List"

My family lives a block away from the "Iraqi Election" center in IL...

Iraqi Insurgents tell Bush "Bring em' on"

Excellent 'toon by Tom Toles

were all the airports closed for *'s inauguration?

Has anyone heard anything about China making alliances with

Noonan: "mission inebriation" speech

Anyone have a transcript of that fox/vanity fair writer dust up?

O those pesky libertarians... they're not too happy with Bush

Remember this from 'blogs for'

Dear Abby,

The line of the day from Jon Stewart last night...

I must confess

Anyone else see the CLINTONS nodding in agreement during the speech?

What Jerry Falwell says about Martin Luther King

Is it even in the realm of possibility to invade Iran?

anyone have pictures of the Bushes giving the horns sign?

The "A" word: What does the term "atheist" mean to you?

Bizarre scene #1 - please caption (photo)

And much of the nation lets a total misuse of the word tyranny slide?

Shrub-GONZALES Have Made Torture Kewl

Why there is no exit plan for Iraq

Ron & Nancy's pro-drug video

Why are the RW'ers appeasing the Christian Right?


Latest from JIB-JAB...

Daily News prints new, more accurate front page (pic):

MSNBC: Do you think it's America's job to spread freedom around the world?

media propaganda (is this a good example?)

10 year vet being chargedd with desertion for no going back to Iraq.

watch then email this clip to all

Bush by the numbers

So is it no longer acceptable to discuss atheism in General Discussion?

Vatican holds ground on condoms

1/21/2001 - After Al Gore won Florida by 600 votes

Is WaPo fashion writer on drugs?

Bush Picks Top Polluter For Energy Secretary

Peggy Noonan says Bush speech "over the top"

In pictures: Shooting in Tal Afar

new Oxyrush, Hannity, and Savage Weiner advertiser Amini's Galleria

Want the terrorists to win? Then support the Christian Right

Fox meteorologist has a lapse into Tourrete's...

Who drives you up the wall more?

DU this Poll

A CNN inauguration video to brighten your day:

Nasty storm headed DC's way

Something to make you smile

Disappointing Republican Celebrity: Edward Norton

Real cost of the inauguration?

Let's see if Bush lies!

Bush is like a kid in a toy store ....

LOL A right wing nut case just complained about the protesters costing us.

Hillary's plan to promote Bush's "Faith-Based" schemes is all about...

C-Span Kool-Aid drinkers-Anyone else feeling my pain?

Why does nobody speak of the real Soc. Sec. scam? Ds or Rs....

i not need drugs anymore......

CNN vote, ok that's funny

Gov't advertising during Magic School Bush on Discovery Kids

The Most Hated Man in the World Takes a Walk >>>

how can smirk invade Iran when Halliburton just got huge contract

Bush's speech yesterday was actually pretty good. Have we been wrong?

a snowball and snake cheney

Anyone else in NYC area having trouble (again) with AAR signal?

Did anyone expect Nightline's 1/19 Vote Fraud report w/Cokie Roberts

Counter Inaugeration Protests, Global Coverage.

'Conservatism' now hijacked by political cult - Mississippi writer

Some Scary Position Papers from the PNAC 1997-1998

Does The Bible Predict President Bush Will Start WW3?

Please post what Howard Stern has to say today....

creep arnold - libel - an uninvited touching of a breast

The hypocrisy never ends....

Check out this photo of Cheney...

I am confused by the gay warning

How sick are these people??!??!?!?!??!?!?

masks - the Iraqi police wear masks - some US troops wear masks -

if I were Iraqi I wouldn't vote - too life threatening

So how long does China get before they hold elections or get invaded?

someone recommended George RR Martin to me

yea! yesterday protestors on US 41 in Fla.

Hillary Clinton reinvents herself into a Christian fundamentalist

I admire & support our brave troops, but if we "succeed" in Iraq

Jim Wallis on Al Franken NOW

Same Planet....Different Worlds

F Bomb dropped on CNN - "Fuck Bush!"

Why is is traitor* speaking of giving freedom to all nations in the world?

Bush/Texas "hook 'em horns" means "bullsh*t" in sign language

Let the RW'ers gloat in the victory they do not deserve

Invasion of the Redneck Zombies (photo)

Verizon blocking email from Europe

the new "Bush Doctrine"

Not pulling any punches

Air America starts in LA on Feb. 3!!!

Is single-sex schooling a good idea?

***New Scam***??? Windfall??? Am I forming a new church???

Are They Praying for Forgiveness? >>>

The concept of truth and the facts...

Anyone know when Limpballs will be indicted? He's losing stations like

Has anyone noticed?

Tweety's secret interview with Bush leaked

Dell used "patriotism" to press NC for concessions

Media Whores Online - What ever happened to it?

Is it just me or

Most U.S. workers not prepared to retire

JP Morgan admits US slavery links

Why'd the announcer yesterday say "Get ready, 13 states"

Who is your all-time favorite President of the USA and why?

Democrats - What are you going to DO NOW?

Hey! Look here! Received my black "ribbon of resistance" today.

Words of wisdom from an 18 year old

Randi Rhodes' show the same as yesterday?

Seriously. They are not going to attack Iran. Right?

So it turns out the SpongeBob thing was a misunderstanding

Was Boxer's questioning of Rice an act?

Hersh article on Iran, Link anyone?

after our banana republic military parade yesterday

Caption Poppy!!

What do you think are Living Skills?

Just found out my 5yo nephew was molested by his grandmother

Please help de-freep this Time Question of the Week.

Could the U.S.A media be defending Bush because the world is against him?

Inaugural Photo of Police Spreading Freedom in DC


Favorite-smelling store?

Hook'em Horns - The Bush Family and Satanic Symbolism

Boxer and Rice spend weekend together in Georgetown estate (offensive)

Bush Vows Activist Agenda in Second Term, however?

What would the Far Righters REALLY like to do to us wild eyed Liberals?

It's OFFICIAL: the FLU is at EPIDEMIC levels in America....(CDC link/map)

Will Chertoff’s ties to the 9-11 financiers prevent his confirmation?

Proof that * is a stooge playing a role

Have something to say to the WP re Internet privacy? Here's your

Iraq to arrest Ahmad Chalabi ("I never met him") after Eid

CHART: Who is committing class warfare?

My letter to the editor on Pell Grants.

Women should not work outside the home.

Hands off Venezuela

Time to fess up, Jenna Bush is hot

Wolfowitz says reducing US casualties in Iraq more important

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

I think I may have cheesed off my mom...(pic and letter included)

I wish a conservative would explain "freedom" to me

Saw License Plate: IHLIBS...

This Has to Be Homer Simpson...


What is the purpose of the FCC?

Billy Graham: "God had a hand in Bush's re-election"

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,

Wow, just got a LD call from the Houma, LA newspaper to ask me if

For all us Wesley Clark fans:

What is your all-time favorite presidential speech?

Slideshow of Inaugural Protestors

Be the change....

Just curiousity...why are you here? Non-US voters?

Ramsey Clark speaking Now on replay of protests on LINKTV

Redford Kicks Off Sundance on a Political Note

gee, I didn't hear of any pundits mentioning Haiti and Venezuela

Was the Dan Rather Story Untrue?

Does Social Security Really Face an $11 Trillion Deficit?

Why is Leslie Moonves such an asshole?

Fox News gets it all wrong about "Michael Moore bodyguard"


One of the head Funders of the Right has Paranoia

The problem with Mike Ruppert

"No damned politician can ever scrap my Social Security Program.”-FDR

Inauguration fit for a Stepford Nation.

Protest Artwork from Ohio. Click enclosed link.

Why is the Conan O'Brien show on MSNBC now?

Why is the right wing endlessly obsessed with 'gay this' and 'gay that?'

GOP declares war on veterans

Best overall Progressive radio personality

Where would Bush be today IF...

What a stupid effing Inaugural speech. Just read it at NYT.

Bush Sr. the Dove?

Buck Fush - What Mandate You Nitwit - Protest Photo

Jay Leno last night.

Who replaces FCC's Powell? It's up to you

BBC: "Despite the Democrats poor showing in last November's elections..."

SAD >>>

No War in Iran Petition at 5%

Blogging from the PDA Summit in DC! - Keep it Kicked!

The Progressive Democrats of America summit in DC

Right Wing says Spongebob Squarepants is Gay!!!

What yesterday would have been like if we lived in an alternate reality

what income level is defined as middle class?

Moore's bodyguard busted for carrying a gun?

Big Brother.....thought-provoking movie from the ACLU.

"Eyes Wide Open" DC, 1370 combat boots exhibit....(PHOTOS)

I think the world will decide to work against the US economically.


I'm troubled by all these 'Christian' leaders and their Anti-GLBT stances

NOW Calls for Resignation of Harvard University's President

The real reason why Jerry Falwell hated Tinky Winky

What tsunami?

Congratulations Mr. kiss my Democratic Ass

Oh god

Impeach Bush - Ramsey clark speech

Could the Iraq War be a red herring? Could the real war be here at home?

CONASON: "All the president's fantasies" | and a GREAT pic!

BOB HERBERT: "Dancing the War Away"

Social Security-Nobody even talks about the true fraud that it is!

"Former cult member speaks from grave" (about abuse and revenge)

At work today.....I was told I was too expensive.

Cartoon on Condeleeza Rice by Scott Bateman

Your Repug Friends/Family's #1 Excuse for Supporting the Giggling Murderer

The Unbearable Gayness of Children's Television (Hilarious)

bush* used word FREEDOM "28 times" in his "Freedom Speech" (link)

You're fired.

Horned hands everywhere - Quayle, Amy Grant, etc.

I heard Colin Powell's son Michael is stepping down from head of FCC

Vegetarian? How long?

Are we going to attack Iran?

There's always someone worse waiting in the wings

Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute

Ex-judge charged over penis-pump incident

Dubya's Prayer Service, Eyewitness Account!

Someone Explain To Me... What Is WRONG With These Christians...

Why do so many so-called "Christians" believe in "The Rapture"?

Are you proud of our troops?

This is one Dean supporter who hopes Clark

Iraq: Voter Turnout Won't Be Enough to Legitimise Election

OMG...late night DC action...bricks thrown into RIGGS BANK windows....

I'm Sick and Tired of READING about the Iraq War

Rawstory: list of Dem senators who've agreed to speak in Rice debate...

So Much for Protest Warriors.

DNC Chair... when?

Pinochet 'secret' accounts sought


Neocons? Nope......Neo-Fascism

Is this a joke? Soldier being charged with death of Iraqi civilian?

When you are a fortunate daughter. And when you aren't.

the Inaugural Ball you didn't see on Fox News....

US Troops kill Mom+Dad in front of their 5 kids-car didn't stop checkpoint

Viacom's Paramount Studio in Trouble (CBS parent): Aw, shucks!

Blog from PDA summit

Wuttup, dogs


My Senator is Better than yours =:>)

Boulder Church Buries Ashes of Aborted Fetuses

Laura Bush*s $700 Haircut

Student Sues to End Summer Homework

The "A" word: What does the term "atheist" mean to you?

"Swearing In or Swearing At?" | the inaugural TOON special!

info on Kitchen Aide models, I think I'm ready to buy-- HELP!

I don't think this will work...using hard bolied egg instead or fresh

Any side dish suggestions for a Chicken and Dumpling meal

Blue Cheese stuffed Olives

Do you go to a supermarket or a real market?

Call to Action: Toward a New World Order You Can Support

Turks and Caicos

Goddamnit, those yanks were right about saying "Aluminum"....

How mad is Robert Kilroy-Silk?

Hi folks. Back again after a sad week.

The countries that we love and hate (UK YouGov survey)

Mexican prison guards shot dead

'Morning After' Treatment Advised to Prevent AIDS

Bomber misses Afghan warlord

Bush Limo Pelted With Fruit , Pitt Says

14 Killed in Explosion Near Baghdad Mosque

LAT: Mysterious (So Cal coast) Oil Patches Take Big Toll on Seabirds

French Agree to Military Project

Police must pay coach $4.4 million over arrest

Church plans to bury fetal remains from abortions collected without aborti

Italian soldier killed in helicopter over Iraq

Abbas deploys forces to stop attacks on Israel

Christian Aid Flows to Tsunami Victims

Senior officer testifies in case of British soldiers accused of abusing lo

NYT/Bloomberg: AOL Offers a More Refined Search Engine

Christians issue gay warning on SpongeBob video

Cheney says Iran is priority hotspot

Small communities fight for military bases facing closure

WP: China Plans Modest Memorial For Zhao: Party Vets Urged State Funeral

Choreographer wins $450,000 for operation on wrong knee

Hummer-driving halfwit scalds her with Starbucks

Police Probe Allegation Against Bill Cosby

Irish group in US effort to bar Thatcher

US will increase aid to Serb people, Polt

As Private Jails Reopen, Critics See Long Arm of the Lobbyists

Powell out at FCC

PI: GOP loses request to speed up court case seeking revote for governor

Cheney: Saddam at fault for long Iraq recovery

Sole Omagh Bombing Conviction Overturned

Reuters: U.S. Soldier Killed During Anti-Guerrilla Raids (#1371)


Reception honors black conservatives

KTLK Brings Progressive Talk To L.A.

Bush Set to Open Ambitious Second Term

Oil Rebounds, China's Crude Imports Surge

Detroit district: 110 schools must close

Safety Prompts Move of Iraq Vote in Tenn.

Norwegians confused over Bush "salute to Satan"

NOW Calls for Resignation of Harvard University's President

Insurgents blow up police station (Hit, Iraq)

Underfunded Iraqi parties fight to be heard*

NYT: Harvard Pres Tells Women's Panel He's Sorry (he requested meeting)

Indonesian army ignores ceasefire to attack rebels (Aceh)

Denmark Charges 5 Soldiers with Iraqi Prisoner Abuse

Blog from PDA summit

Bob Jones III retiring from university

Bill Cosby to be accused of molestation???

Climate Change

Hockey Fan's Obit slams NHL strike

Norwegians confused by Bush family's 'Satanic salute'

'Inch of snow' shuts down air marshals

Four Months on Planet bin Laden - America's policy is doomed

Residents unleash anger at security forces in Iraq*

Residents have returned to Fallujah

Bill Would Create 'Dot-Sex' To Filter Porn Web Sites

Iran president calls U.S. attack unlikely

US Refuses to Let Guantanamo Man Cross Airspace

Survey: Most Iraqis plan to vote (International Republican Institute)

Haj Pilgrims Stone 'Devil' Bush

FCC Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy's Statement on Chairman Powell's Depar

US Troops kill Mom+Dad in front of their 5 kids-car didn't stop checkpoint

Popularity of US visa lottery on the wane ("green card")

Pilgrims stone "devil" Bush in haj ritual

Bush's second term begins in prayer

DCCC Up Date on Social Security Piratization (Fund Solicitation Removed)

Dupe - Iraq to Arrest Ahmad Chalabi After Eid -TV

NYT: G.O.P. Irate Over Delay on Rice Vote

From the 'Axis of Evil' to the 'Outposts of Tyranny'

Street fighting worsens in Baghdad

Thousands Protest Bush's Inauguration

Canadian Prime Minister Threatens Snap Election Over Gay Marriage

DFW radio station features bin Laden in billboards

Anger over Megan's Law website grows

U.S. OKs Expanded Oil Drilling in Alaska

Russia slams U.S. for accusing Syria of terror ties

WP: Elephant's Death Renews (cold-weather zoo) Debate

The View from Behind the Hijab (Iran)--Der Spiegel

Russia seeks closer EU defence ties, says France

Doubleday to publish Bin Laden book

Bush's anti-tyranny drive to be tested quickly

Women Being Forced Into Combat

World media: Bush inaugural a jolt

Russia Slams U.S. for Accusing Syria of Terrorism

Kansas Group To Protest Homosexuality In Plattsburgh

Settlement reached in stun gun death

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Friday 21 January

Extreme Associates Obscenity Case Dismissed


Lincoln is yielding to Reagan

Elementary students try to hijack school bus

FCC Boss Opposes Broadcasters on Digital Multicast

Iraq Intends to Arrest Ahmad Chalabi After Eid -TV

Michigan consumer index down- surprises economists who expected increase

Dean leading endorsements for DNC chairman*

Inauguration proves to be hard sell for vendors

WP: Analysts Note Gap Between Bush Rhetoric And Reality

FBI Tries To Limit Info Searches (freedom of information act)

Parents of soldiers bash Bush

Bush to Seek Cuts in Medicaid, Benefits

Church plans to bury aborted fetal remains

Rep. Conyers responds to Mitofsky "report"

JP Morgan admits US slavery links

Titan a 'Flammable' Moon Covered in Liquid Gas

Church retracts consent for condoms

New Bush term sparks anxiety

IE Continues to Lose Grip on Market

N.J. Pastor Faces Charges For Racial Slurs

Pet store animals cooked in school Student prepares Guinea pig, rabbit

Mo. Woman Allegedly Gives Crack to Son, 4, to calm him down

Some US Airlines Outsource Maintenance to Central America(El Salvador)

Government to Allow Oil Exploration in Ecologically Sensitive Alaska Area

Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute

Astronomers Surprised by White House Plan to Scuttle Hubble

Dow set for worst new-year losing streak since '82

Texas teen's body found after abduction (Abducted from Wal Mart)

Rumsfeld scraps Munich visit over 'war crimes' probe

Many casualties after ambulance drives into wedding party and explodes sou

Who else loves "The Brini Maxwell Show"?

Okay, so this is a pretty cool thing.

Did anyone see Letterman tonite? Anyone has the footage?

I am only 2,015 posts away from 40K

Bloggin' to myself and feelin' old

Kerouac icons, check in!

What's the name of this establishment?

Just got this from (an oldie but a goodie)

Hey, wherrrre's the shitterrrrr at? I got a turrrrtle 'ead pokin' out.

Which of these two 1986 albums is better?


This is stupid question

Anyone just hear Mike Malloy mention DU?

she's b-a-a-a-a-a-a-c-k . . . .

Anyone want to make kindergarten-quality art? Here's your site

Time to check the headlines

How to cope with Bush in the next 4 years...

A: a gene, a fish, a jellyfish, a mollusc, a spider, a planet . . .

Can't wait till he's gone.

Why do Beatniks hate me?


Smith & Yale

Poor Rabrrrrrr, he can never do #2 again

Photoshoppers...Find Laura a new hairstyle

Does anyone know where Placebo is?

Inauguration: feelings split between depression and humiliation...

Have you ever been so alone, that you even kind of wished

Quicksilver Messenger Service: "What About Me" lyrics. Any change?

Debi the woodworker's wife I need helpppppppppppppppppppp

Car polish/wax

Official Steelers/Patriots prediction thread!

can you handle the truth?

Confession: I don't like Yakov Smirnoff


Take a lead from Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether

Stupidest thing done while drunk

Which of these two 1968 albums is better?

Well Rabrrrrrr I'm down to cats, no dime day, or funny freeper posts

Spongebob announces Fundies are Stupid

You know what? I really relate to the Character Dumbo.

In the spirit of N.W.A. an ode to George Bush.

Spongebob announces Christians are gay!

Lets list Georgies magazine subscriptions

I like Jamba Juice

Long cool woman in a red dress (picture)

Free computer screen cleaner

Thank you Eric Blumrich!

Quick buy um Laura, they'll make nice lawn ornaments

Is anybody watching the Hasidic guy sing Reggae on Carson Daly?

What do YOU want? (picture)

Which of these two 1975 albums is better?

I'm so bored that I think I'll go try the AP and Reuters wire . .

Best Theory: Huge Guy or Serial Crusher

Announcement: Christians gaily bob for sponges

Which of these two 1971 albums is better?

What would you rather do than watch a "Full-House" marathon?

It's amazing how consistently frumpy the Bush twins look, isn't it?

Which of these two 1987 albums are better?

Christians announce that Spongebob is gay.

Cartoon from Bartcop

banned from freerepublic in 1 minute!

"Terrorist" . . .

Just heard "Mohammed's Radio" on Sirius.

Best album from 1974

"Gangster #1" is probably the most brutal movie I've ever seen.

A song to lift our spirits..

goodnight DU!

Did the U.S. elect Bush to be the Ruler of the Planet?

Nice pic the AP uses with the Bill Cosby story

How do I make DU my home page?

Talk about some smart students from Delaware!!!

This is Bullshit

G'nite, folks. We're one day closer to being rid of the Chimperor Liberal/Progressive talk radio audio archives

'Sin City'...anybody else psyched?

I just noticed something...

A great story from today

Beloved James Garner on Leno:

OK, a stupid question I desperately want an answer to

Which of these two 1991 albums is better?

it's 12:17 am and I made it through no buy day

Really cute -- letter to Dear Abby!

FreeTofutti! FreeTofutti! FreeTofutti!

Send Your Dog to "Dog Island"

My nuts are moving.

I'z a feelin' fizzucked up in da hizzead. Ax me anythang!

Hugh Jass seen at Inaugural Festivities. All over.

And Then Jenna bit her undead father's ear off

do you love Matthew Modine? Read this and see why you should

is any web site safe from freepers!?

Robin Cook on Bush's coronation in this morning's Guardian

I slept through the inauguration!! Ask me anything...

Let's give a warm DU welcome and hooray for DUer artv28

Ugh. Just heard two commercials

CDC Warning: New Socially Transmitted Disease

So, I just poured a Martini - who wants to toast a goodbye to America?


Gooood Friday Morning DU!

I've never had a "Freeper Encounter"

Request for Jon Stewart

When you see a reply ending with nt or eom, do you click on it anyway?

Which of your favorite childhood homosexuals promoted cartoons?

My dog, the wino

Hey Hey's Bill Cosby

Now watch what you say

Cartoon: Steve Bell, Guardian

Weather website with FREE precipitation amount predictions?

photos from Seattle anti Inaugural

I am SICK of seeing bad news day after day

Check out the counter protesters at the Jazz Funeral for Democracy

I miss weather that doesn't hurt to walk in

In honor of the Huygens probe...

Caller from Alexandria, Virginia go ahead, you're next:

congrats! you're the 3rd most Loathsome of 2004

Yay - he's gone!

Aw hell, look out...Lynne and Evil Dick found the no-host bar

Mmmmm... pizza!

You want a Bush AntiChrist photo? HERE'S a Bush AntiChrist photo.

matcom vacation beach picture

In the year two-thousand:

Important CNN poll!

Word up! The Big Idea is posting again

I think presidential term limits should be rescinded immediately.

Anybody know the exact amount of time between

This Has to Be Homer Simpson...

Well, I just wasted an hour over at FreakRepukelick...

MMMMMMM. Kool-Aid!

Breaking: Cheney, "Hoover at fault for lagging US Economy"

Are you ready for winter to be over?

favorite Blue collar comedian

I'm going to a sci-fi convention. Ask me anything!

What would the universe have to do to make it up to you?

Are these 2 posts related?

My friend in DC reports seeing this morning...

It's Super President!

It's The Winter Doldrums Poll!

What movies should I pick up for the blizzard?

* to Enterprise, 2 to beam up

Michael Moore's long lost evil freeper twin brother

battle of the comedians!

What are some red-flag signs of high-maintenance people?

Funny, just went through **'s speech carefully...

Best Hot Pocket®

Battle of the Mooninites!

I admit it. I just don't get The Grammys.

Dick and Lynn cut the rug!!!!!!!

If tis isn't a joke, it should be

Woot! I hit 30,000 last night

Fake or Greek?

!anything me Ask !backwards on brain's My

Kick this Inauguration Picture Blog!

Who is more suave?

Avtar help!!!

i got an emaiL from 'rocky burns'

Confession: I don't like Janeane Garofalo

I just found out that one of my best friends is engaged.

Guns N Roses Fans: Best album?

Want to see why something like punk should happen again?

People with serious issues:

The "Greasy Palm" CAPTION

Anyone want a GMAIL account?

1460 - what is this number?


Anyone see this family at the coronation today?

Okay. What's a clever caption for this photo?

who's more important to astros?

Guys, I am so weak it's embarrassing. I had ONE margarita tonight

Did someone leave a window open?

In What Season Were You Born?

You know how it feels when you have been dreading something

Song you won't see a remake of

Norwegians Confused by Bush Salute

Wishing away the Shrub presidency...

Pray for Victoria

Florence, my grandmother.

What's your favorite season?

Due to recent events, I had to change my avatar.

What's up with Nick Cave's "Breathless?"

Photoshop this to match the edited caption

When I bite into a York Peppermint Patty

Hey can I like see the threads wondering about me

Well???? Are YOU Spongeworthy?????????

How often do you start writing a msg here only to change your mind?

Is Spongebob the new Kleeb? n/t

i Like these ACLU peopLe

So what effect does Spongebob have on people already gay?

Freepers think cartoons cause homosexuality

This is why Punk happened.

Who's gayest: Tinky Winky, Spongebob, or James Dobson?

Shouldn't a Sponge be a heterosexual icon ?

WTF is it with all these SpongeBob threads?

Does SpongeBob Even Have Any Sexual Organs?

Spooooooooooooooonge Boooooooooob

Hummer-driving halfwit scalds her with Starbucks

Spongebob will recruit your children into the gay lifestyle!!

Have I made it clear yet how much I hate Trog Rock?

Spongebob or box turtles?

Am I missing something with all the Spongebob threads?

Who here watches Spongebob?

I'd like to apologize for not meeting up with the main DU crowd thursday

Chucky (child's play) lives!

It's getting to be that I hate the telephone

a 16.7 pound newborn baby?!

Jim Wallis from Sojourners on Al Franken NOW

Another reason why I love Firefox...

Should we all switch to Spongebob avatars?

Dmn. 'v jst dsmvwld myslf. Nd mdcl dvc.

Bob announces Fundies and Sponges are gay!

If SpongeBob can make kids straight kids gay ...

How can I tell whether I'm dating a girl sponge or a boy sponge?

Hockey Fan's Obit slams NHL strike

Who's sexier? SpongeBob or...

Spongebob has a core audience of children and potheads.

Did you ever wish some days you weren't a Dem/progressive/liberal?

Some Confused By Bush's 'Satanic' Salute

Here are pics of the peppers spraying incident yesterday

Stupid things for love

what are you gonna give me?

I'm a single white straight drug free Christian guy who loves Sponge Baths

* Salutes the world

I think I got a small case of food poisoning

I'm a human male that just wants to live and be loved in this world.

Spongebob or Fairly Odd Parents?

That video clip of rumsfeld lying about WMDs in iraq on meet the press...

I'm Making a Concept Album- What Should it Be About?

I'm Gonna Be

Bushes new mandate

Air Ameirca starts in LA on Feb. 3rd!!!

How should the left protest the Bush administration?

I am a white, something, straight guy

spongekLeeb squarepants

What is Tyler, Texas like?

Tell me there is not a resemblance here!

Elton John coming to town!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of snow this weekend

What are your pets' names?

Elmer Fudd is a homosexual!!

need help understanding credit score

Some of the lyrics from "Flagpole Sitta"

Paris Hilton steals her own porno (video link)

Tomorrow at 10:30 am will be 120 hours Smokefree for me

How well do you know your mates?

It's January, 2005. I don't care where you are.

favorite name

When worlds collide - Free Republic and Dr. Who

Yet another career change for me. Just so you know.

Favorite Closted Gay Athlete

If Elvis Is The King Of Rock And Roll...Who Is The Queen Of Rock And Roll?

Guilty Pleasure: Who Watches Blind Date?

Think blue!

Outside of California, do narcs try to bust pot smokers at concerts?

Serious question for DU cops:Do you think busting pot smokers ...

Somebody please tell me.

Tomorrow's my birthday, but I won't be here.

I know what thought was in Karl Rove's head yesterday.

I've got a picture of a photograph of a wedding in a shell...

Whats Malware?

CNN Poll: SpongeBob SquarePants is...

Bush Countdown Clock

I'm not a dog person, ordinarily, but this here dog is a star!

Pray for Victoria

Come to see victory

Best Sonic Youth album?

This here cat is a star!

Slideshow of Inaugural Protestors


Wat_Tyler, what is Texas like?

Kim Cattrall WOULD do a move with good script & she is paid handsomely

Big Brother is Watching!!!

Need College Advice -- Please Help!

Breakin' vs. Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo

Face of Klansman found on Titan

so this old boy farmer in Arkansas

How many minutes left in your work week?

Fish are really frickin' cool to watch - and amazing

Who will play in the Super Bowl?

Favorite-smelling sore

I'm starting a prog-rock band-what can you play?

I am Wooldor Sockbat, ask me anything

Music you want but can't have


I had a calling from beyond the stars! God told me so!



Does your company block email websites?

10 inches here

Freeper Alert!!!!

It's snowing here!

Test yourself against an AI computer

I'm a single white straight Christian drugfree gal who loves SpongeBob

Is it wrong to want ice cream when it's bitterly cold outside?

If you had a time machine...

Name an experiment you've had, few others have had.

Someone....anyone? Want a GMail account?

The "Basking in His Moment" CAPTION

Putin’s Election Web-Site Taken Over by Call Girls

Patches the Horse.

Today is my Last Day at Work!!!!!

What was the scariest performance/concert you ever attended?

Damn! The cats found my catnip stash!

go away!

10 inches expected overnite. Ladies, you've heard that before.

The Pub is open!

Why's everybody got it in for prog rock today?

Knowing when to get out of the water..........Priceless.

Mark Fiore's "The 0ffice of Truth Enhancement" Animated Toon

WooHoo! I got a big refund check from my therapist!

Have I made it clear yet how much I hate Prog Rock?

WTF? Elephants get potty-trained?

It occurs to me that we haven't had enough Audrey Tautou pics here lately

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

Favorite version of "I Heard It Through the Grapevine"

LOL...prisoners have lost their bibles for rolling smokes with them

Best Van Halen album.

The shadow of Mordor is on the rise

I don't mind if I do.

So...who here thinks Carl Edwards can win at least...

We are having Pizza for supper, what are you eating?

Better yet, lets have a spelling bee, err geography bee,

It's my 4th Year Anniversary at DU! Let's PARTY!

Unintentionally funniest movie you've ever seen

How Do I Get This Woman-Smell Out Of My Man-Parts?

I have an IQ of 164.1 or do I?

Drinking = Pimples = Going Home Alone!

Gallagher has an IQ of 4

Liam Gallagher has an IQ of 164.

Why does Gallagher smash watermelons?

Contact info for the Not Me bracelet, please?

This is Lounge material. Elementary school kids try to hijack a school bus.

Confess!!! If you wrote a letter to "Dear Abby" what name would you sign?

Who thought Gallagher was even funny?

Most Disappointing Album You've Ever Heard (not the worst)

Damn. I've just disemboweled myself. Need medical advice.

I Married a Monster from Outer Space

Getting ready to go to a Pampered Chef party

I don't need to fight. To prove I'm right. I don't need to be forgiven.

Milwaukee student sues to put an end to summer homework

LOL I'm watching I love the 90's part deux.

Got a good stomach?

Blizzard warning, NYC through Boston!

How do I get this Spam-Smell out of my Apartment?

testing a portentously baggage in Thai somewhere. Wholly thighs quark? One disunity

I have an IQ of....

This Eagles fans sings: "Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow"

Have you ever bought a CD (or tape or whatever) and really

Hello, it's me

Who wants to throw Spongebob a coming out party?!

Ghostbusters vs. Ghostbusters II

Please post something intelligent - My IQ suffered yesterday at the farce

how many M&Ms can you fit inside a Kline bottle?

the blizzard of 2005!!!!

A little advice?

Hi Daddy!

Favorite-smelling store?

I have an IQ of 10001101

Hello, my lovelies! How is everyone?

Did you see the new Apprentice last night?

Just got reunited with my dog after a five month hiatus!

Favorite-smelling store's section?


Tom Brokaw (or Dan Rather, or whoever this is) can kiss my ass

How do I get this Man-Smell out of my Apartment?

Oh YEAH? Well I have an IQ of like a GOOGLEPLEX!

Which is worse, Sponge Bob or Levitra/Cialis D*ck Pill Commercials?

Battleship (Free Game)

I am Al D'Amato, ask me anything

Captain Pike was an idiot

LA Duers: ABC Anchors Paul Moyer/Ann Martin tear each other a new one

Why English teachers retire early (Funny stuff)

"Dad, you're an IDIOT!"

I think I'm losing it!

A message for coloradodem2005

Upon My Return from Australia

MSNBC Making a Mockery of Dobson's Assault on Spongebob Squarepants

Let's have a Spelling Bee.

Dirty basketball.

Who is the most conservative person you've ever met/known/talked to?

I just turned 400. Can I get some love from the KOEB?

Problem with Mensa....

Where the hell is ChavezSpeakstheTruth??


"I Was A Hundred Foot Tall Amazing Shrinking Teen Age Werewolf

I just got offered an internship! Ask me anything!

PHOTO (screen grab): jenna applies lipstick(?)

I'm a hateful minipenis ignorant POS paranoid windbag - as me anything!

Irish fourm is up!

My mom is all skeptical over the news that Laura Bush is a size 6. Are

Jenna wore a green dress

How well do you know your states?

Gallagher's watermelon has an IQ of 5

I have an IQ of....

What cartoon characters are lesbian?

New JibJab Cartoon: Bush's 2nd Term

Who buys those 4 liter jugs of wine that cost $8?

So which cartoon character will be outed next by the RW?

Best Aerosmith Album

Holy Moley! Peach Salsa!

Well it's official george has moved back in

Woohoo! My industry is saved (for now)!

Laura Bush's profile at

How's your freepdar? Can you tell which of these is a freeper?

Some gay humour..........

Its July 1991, where are you?

Why do you think certain people feel the need to yell when they talk?

Why doesn't American spellings match that of British words?

I made BuzzFlash.

John Stewart....The Re-Oathening Video

You know you've been on DU too long when...


Noel Gallagher has an IQ of 64.

anyone had the "naked chicken strips" at popeyes??

James Garner is No Republican! Just appeared on Jay Leno...

A MASSIVE apology to all Americans re: Aluminum......

Do you consider Pink Floyd "prog-rock"?

I'm seeing Cher and the Village People tonight...

Which of your favorite childhood cartoons promoted homosexuality?

what do you feel is *most* important in a serious relationship?

Most underrated album ever?

Best MRE

Why would you wear Ugg(ly) boots w/ a miniskirt

Think spring!!! Colorful pictures of orchids inside. Click here!!!

MrScorpio Speaks To His Fan Club...

Drinking = Pimples?

What's that song that goes "Gooooooo Atlanta! Goooooo Atlanta-uh!"

How come it's legal for cats to have catnip but illegal for humans to have

What do you like on your pizza?

I hate mixed signals

What is proper ettiquette for applying lipstick in public?

Animal Welfare vs. Animal Rights

The "A" word: What does the term "atheist" mean to you?

Tort Reform EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN in Exodus 23:6

Should Christians refuse to take oaths of office, especially on the Bible?

Regardless of what you believe, do you see value in the Bible?

The response I gave to a man who believes God sanctioned the death penalty

white house axes Hubble

Methane rain feeds Titan's rivers

'Innocent' Pleas In Gay Teen's Beating

SF Gay Group Fights Handgun Ban

Spanish judges liken gay marriage to marriage between humans and animals

Federal prosecutor asks for marriage equality in Brazil

Nepal gay group launches journal

LA Gay & Lesbian Center Sends Message to Spongebob: You're Not Alone

Italy honors gay victims of the Holocaust

No 'Gay Families' In Arkansas Schools

Gay in East Texas

A big fringe benefit of the Democrats selling us out. . .

Now if we can just get Peppermint Patti to 'come out' in solidarity with

Advertisements advocate for civil unions in Idaho

Article 8 Anti-gay fundies: Boston conference and new blog

Wanda Sykes: Football = "straight man's gay pride parade"

U of Kentucky asked to put US flag on jerseys

Temple to stay in I-A without conference ties

Who has the advantage in snow/wind in Phillie?

To all Patriots in town for the game - Try Chi-Chi's green onions. Mmm.

Here are my predictions for Sunday, since I am completely unaffiliated

Did Any Quarterback Have A Better Cannon Than Terry Bradshaw?

Magic Rat's Fearless Predictions For Sunday's Championship Games...

Steelers bars in New England?

Click For Sunday's Winners

The mean cat is home from the vet

Is anyone else a "Dog Whisperer" fan?

Talking with (to) believers. Golden Rule.

New Iraq documentary w/be released in March


Someone give me Kerry's ratings

Smear Boat Liar news: Quick take that blood pressure med

I am home

Excellent Boston Globe ARticle 1/21/05

Kerry under attack - continued - Treason and Excommunication - WTF!

Great place for Bird Photographers


What do you know about Gov. Phil Bredesen of Tn?

Peggy Noonan: Speech had 'way too much God'

Democracy for CT members are state party chair and vice chair.

"Freedom" vs "Liberty" Bullshit.

Delegates--adopt the "Backbone Platform"

good site for protest coverage

Consumer Protection Lawsuit Against Diebold Now in Play; 2nd Suit Filed creates a new mascot for the Democratic Party

Did you attend a counter-inaugural event?

If the Dems united with the Greens and other coalitions ??

An Opposition United Like Never Before (

Can you decipher this?

Pres. Bush Inaugural Address - Video

2006/2008 - what are the issues we want to run on, and our message

Bush* stepped out of the limo! What bravery!

DU this poll--it's being freeped! Will we be better off in 4 yrs?

According to the Daily Show

Refresh my memory: Were there protests at Clinton's 2nd inaugural?

Where's Karen

The latest terror threat - BS for the inauguration????

It was Newspeak's finest hour

"Bush is a gambler, placing higher stakes as he loses."

Anyone have that e-mail list of media contacts and Congress available?

GUNNER PALACE - Iraq documentary gets a US film distributor

Is this what W thinks Freedom and Democracy (Pics from today in Iraq)

Inaugural Sound And Fury: The Stuff Of Captions

"Bush Vow to Spread Freedom Raises Questions"

"Analysis: Iraq Shadows Bush's Inaugural"

"Fireworks in Washington, Despair Around the World" by Robin Cook

Disgraceful freeping commentator on NPR

Where are the MSM articles on the protests? I can't even find a

Church to Bury Fetal Remains Collected Without AbortionClinic's Knowledge

"Inaugural Bunk" by The Progressive's Matthew Rothschild

My 11 year olds protest during the coronation

Is there a DU for high school and college kids?

The Voices of Opposition Arise in The Strangest Places.

Inaugural movie short by Eric Blumrich featuring Mike Malloy

Highlights from last night.

A political dynasty grows in stature

Most Americans believe that people agree with Bush and like him because

Americans View Bush Speech Differently

National Prayer Service

Mainstreet Moms - Love Dean for DNC Chair

The second-term mission: to end tyranny on Earth

It should have been US --warning: long rant

Are we underestimating Bush's intentions? accompanied by ramble


C-Span...National Prayer Servic * embarrassment, keeps rocking/swaying...

F. U. Cheney would like some captions

Fun with commas - "Tyrants, Beware!"

Democrats defiant over Bush term

Conservative analysis of * inaugural speech

Why I love BBC.

Republican Nutcase Story: "Bushwhacked" by Drugstore Manager Over * Sign

Bush's America in a nutshell

Bush's new book for a new term

I thought Democracy, self rule, & human rights was US foreign policy

Would you rather have a senator who votes his/her conscience

It is officially over - the 4 days of Inaugural "Festivities" are finished

Jeb for VP ???

Important announcement from the Department of Homeland Sanity

The new Stepford line is unveiled at the Star and Stripes Ball

Who paid for * coronation?

Cheney screws up

Jazz Funeral For Democracy

Pomp & Circumstance....Brit news front page photos.....

US MEDIA NOT SO 'FREE' - Dr. James J. Zogby

Trent Lott as MC -- talk about "the baggage of bigotry"

Report from Seattle protest

Christian right marks start of 'a good 4 years'

A Securities Question: How can publicly held corporations justify

DCJ20 Police State of the Union Report

1460 days and counting...

Redford encourages voice of dissent

Sheepish US Media losing audience - Foreign news sees increase

The true number of U.S. casualties, is anyone confused?

I Am Deeply Offended...

The next 4 years is primarily "cover your ass" for the Repubs...

A Dem vote for Condi now . . . a nail in the Dem coffin for 08

Condi's List

PROTESTS across the country.. RATE IT UP !!! needs DU badly

Have you seen this video from Fox ? This woman is my new heroine!

Bush Inaugural Speech Statistics

Even Katherine "Cruella" Harris not buying Bush Social Security Yet

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth convention Orlando, 1/26-27

Do you think the young Republicans understood this part of Shrub's speech

hell IS freezing over: Noonan criticized Bush's speech

Top Ten Perks Of Being The New White House Dog

Is there such a thing as Mutual Assured Destruction in MiddleEast ?

Chimpy sends science down the crapper again...

Martin Luther King Tribute

When is Al Franken going to stop giving his dittohead friend air time?

Will at least one Democratic Party leader please wake up?

Anyone taking bets that Monica Crowley is "on the payroll"?

Can't be at the Progressive Summiit in DC?

Excellent article in the London Daily Mirror

Bush Limo Pelted With Fruit , Pitt Says

My rant of personal experience with Repubs and a call to action!

Excellent article in the London Daily Mirror

Kinky Friedman is running for Gov. of Texas!

Why doesn't the media mention that Chalabi is one of the candidates

What In The Hell Is With This MTP Lineup?

Will Pitt: Limo and Fruit - Any Record?

Response to the "SS is in Crisis" memo - Of course it is, Shrub is

ER's Republican Hit Piece...

Do you think this theory is crazy?

Led by Cheney, Imus in the Morning became Brit Hume fan club

New Republican emblem - the elephant is so over...

Democracy Doesn't Exist - It Is Made

Democracy for Colorado--Open Strategy Meeting--tomorrow!

Be the first one on your block! Boxer '08

Military Service and Politics

Let's attack Iran!

Why is PNAC and NeoCon starting to crop up in the media?

Did you hear the Freeper on NPR?

CS Monitor - World media: Bush inaugural a jolt

Conyers Survey on Election Reform

I need Social Security facts for an editorial

An Open Invitation:

Who else besides me didn't hear *'s speech and doesn't give a damn?

IMHO the SpongeBob thing isn't about being "gay"

Who's next? Possible contenders for 2008

Jon Stewart: "At that moment, 49% of the country solemnly swore"

It has been bugging me

The irony is that the more you hate Bush, they more they love him

"Petty partisan politics" say the man who didn't want to roll out a new

Do we have a list of the worst/dumbest quotes from the inauguration?

Has anyone noticed how big Laura Bush's butt has gotten?

MUST SEE "Daily Show" Re-play at 1am EST/11pm PST

Great pro choice argument

Why Not Free The World? Think of the possibilities...

Lets put those who belong in the red, IN THE RED...

This is the leader of the "free" world.

Two Kodak Moments That Sum Up The Coronation For Me...

Has the Left Stopped Being Effective Using Fear to Motivate Voters?

Rep. Pelosi: Democrats are Ready for the Next Four Years

From Jon Stewart- Bush Presidency is officially more than half way done


Undercover Police Dressed Like Activists Arrest Anti-Inauguration Proteste

Draft Sheen in 2008

Does anyone have today's Letterman footage? It was so funny!

How do you feel about this?

Bush On Democracy...... Doctrine? Or Lame Attempt to Justify Aggression?

General Clark To Appear on Fox and CNN today to discuss Iraq & Bush

A trilbute to Barbara and the 31 Reps

Bush tries to weasel out of using "Privatization" to describe S.S. plan

Cheney: Iran on top of Agenda

Kerry Shows He's A Class Act Today...

The protests and the other side

"Christians" issue gay warning on SpongeBob video

Blog from the PDA summit

The thing about Bush and 9/11 that I don't get...

What the heck, Bush quoted the Devil in his inaugural speech?

The opposite of "good" is "perfect"

Wes Clark won the Ed Schultz Poll with 41% of the vote

Evolution in Georgia

What are the Dems doing to make sure the next election isn't stolen?

Cowboy hats block the view as nose-ringed protesters vie with the women in

A Spy In The House Of Blogpac

Iran will deliver deadly response to any act of aggression: Khatami

Anyone remember the REALLY dark days? Check in.

Did Hillary minimize her chances in 2008 yesterday....?


Redding Pitt comments on DNC Chair race

Yes, Rush, There WAS a Clinton Surplus

I admire Wesley Clark-- If you want to know why, Check-in Here

Bush campaigned on gay marriage fears and stopping abortion to get votes.

I think it will all come down to who controls the word "values."

If you didn't catch Ramsey Clark's speech yesterday --

I saw a Barbara Boxer for President 2008 sticker...

Who are you leaning towards for the 2008 nomination?

Who should we push for FCC chair?