Democratic Underground

Archives: January 5, 2005

A Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities

Common Dreams: Recount Countdown

Assuming Away the Budget Crisis

Animation: "Vibratin' Bill" O'Reilly Action Figure -- He Talks!!

Blog-Gate - Bloggers & "Memogate" in Retrospect

My newsletter column, linking Rev. Dr. King & the OH voting problems

The Jungle In The Desert

Is this statement basically true or false?

They're trying to monopolize high speed internet service

PETA urges Jimmy Carter to stop fishing

Can someone please remove my thread?

Skinner, some of these threads would be compelling to other

remote logout

State readies opinion on Hague ruling

Seven children die in crossfire as Israelis target suspected militants

Academic Witch-Hunt in Israel

Britons rank Israel 'worst country'

EFG>What is your BEST CASE scenario if one senator stands?

I'm going to be raising hell in D.C. on Thursday--who else is coming?

True Majority, sends "No More Ohios" e-mail to Senators

What time is the fascist dog-and-pony show tomorrow?...

Exit Polls: Accurate or Inaccurate? LET'S TAKE A POLL.

Good poem about why the Senators should stand up.

The first sign of fear-Bush asks ohio judge to throw out the people's case

Recall. Spread the word

Butler County Study: Something's Fishy Here

Senator Boxer Considering Signing On With Conyers


Received this email to support Rep. Conyers in forcing debate...

What Pitt and Dems should Sing on Senate Floor, Thursday....

Where did people decide to meet up? I mean DU'ers in DC

Bush will a) enfranchise or b) disenfranchise? Let's take a poll.

Columbus rally video clip on

A good comic to fax to your Senators

I have to post this link

Conyers is going to lynch Blackwell - wait and see

Why didn't Bill Clinton do anything about voter fraud in 2000?

Touchscreen vote machine fraud has been documented in most states

What type of person would vote for Gore but say they voted for Bush?

Madsen's Very Latest and a New Blog for Jamboi's Connection

So what do we all have up our sleeves for spineless senators

Is there any REAL news regarding the contest Jan.6th?

Wayne Madsen's latest -- on vote fraud, and much else boycott 1/20/2005

For those unaware - Wikipedia's Election Irregularities pages.

Check out the letter from BlacKwell

Questions about NOV. 2ND in Ohio because I can't search :(

Wednesday Night In D.C. C'mon People !!!

AP story says Group of House Democrats to contest

I think the only thing that will stop this insane, corrupted government...


Ipsos Poll: Democrats win over Repugs if election today...

CASE-MN meeting with Senator Dayton

I phoned my senators today...

Is there any REAL evidence that Bush turned out his base better?

Okay, this meeting of the DUDQ is hereby called to order...

My plan to Deal with spineless Milquetoast Democratic Senators

check out MM's open letter to senators

Blackwell letter posted on RS

I heard a pretty good news report on KPFA tonight

More Weirdness from Butler County

Fresh Olbermann Countdown Estrogen Brigade thread. woohoo!

How many called Senator Clinton's office and asked for her to stand with

I still believe we are going to see a bombshell on the 6th

Raw Story: Blackwell bragging about helping 'deliver' Ohio for Bush

Posted for "Land Shark": Snohomish Pro-Rossi Irregularities Exposed

Vote machine fraud in New Mexico: EIRS cases of default to Bush

Big Dawg on Larry King!

Is this true about Kid Rock?


PHOTOS - Greene Co. BOE UNLOCKED and Triad Techs doing RECOUNT

Jan. 6 Activities in San Diego

Resolution to Stop Schwarzenegger from Gerrymandering CA

Counter-Inauguration Protest Jan. 20 in San Diego

St Paulites: Ortega is kicking off his mayoral campaign Thurs. Jan 6

Anna Quindlen: The Ghost of Politics Past

Is Michelle Bachmann beatable?

Michigan right wing Minister of Propoganda announces his retirement

Browser Security Test

Capturing stills from AVI

Who do we call/write/e-mail to get rid of DeLay?

Gosh! WPR will discuss "possible" election fraud on 1/5/05

Crap, first day back to school and my 5 year old as a fever of

Found out today that a member of our church is travelling to China for

I'm designing a poster to encourage activism

Excellent piece from The Nation on Kofi Annan and the rw hate for him

So, is O'Reilly jealous of O'Franken going to Iraq?

How much money has Bush donated to tsunami victims?

Let's all get together on this -- it's 'Gonzales,' not 'Gonzalez'

Rummy's Bum and visits to my site...

"Finish the job" what do they mean? what are they trying to say?

OK, I admit it, I am stupid but..,

Kahleefornia DUers: who's the Governator going to appoint?

Ten Questions for Alberto Gonzales

Anyone else feel like puking when they see Jebbie representing our country

Announcing a New Web Magazine, "Is It Treason Yet?"

Tort Reform: a ceiling imposed at the bottom of the financial-food-chain.

How do you know when a neocon is lying to you.....

What are some of the other agency's helping in the tsunami relief

How about this for God Channeling Pat Roberston?

Holly Tornado...Hail and Snow in Phoenix....

Has anyone read a book and thought, "Oh Shrub has GOT to read this!"

'With malice towards none.' Who would Lincoln malice towards in 2005?

CAN-SPAM Can't Slam Spam

What does he want us to defend ourselves with, SPIT BALLS!?!?!

What the FBI says about the green lasers

2002 elections: republicans won by RENOUNCING ss privatization

Michelle Malkin: "2004 was a good year for criminals, terrorists, etc."

Guess God does not love the red states go USC !

To all the RW'ers watching DU looking for kooky comments

So...looking for a company to boycot?

Is it just me, or have there been unusually FEW photos of Chimp lately??

PHOTO: 'Why, yes, my brother is a monkey, why do you ask?'

Protestors Block Entrances to Pentagon and White House.......

How many called Senator Clinton's office to ask her to support Conyers?

Secretary of Defense (Cohen) Reveals Earthquake and Volcano Weapons

Tuesday Truthseeker Gathering Get Your *Malloy On* In Here

"He will make heroes, So please support the troops" Sign on car window.

I have it.... Chimp is the Beast Rabban, JEB is Feyd-Rautha.

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - True American Heroes

PETA Warns PETsMART, "Be Nice to Mice!"

Support the troops: DON'T MARTYR THEM!

Where is the Official List of Missing & Lost Americans?

"Fight terrorism, save the unborn"!

Janeane and Sam need their own shows

"Vibratin' Bill" O'Reilly Action Figure -- He Talks!!

Tsunami vs Iraq perspective. And Lindsey Graham HOPES for big war pricetag

I have a question about Muslim countries donations

Now Bev has pissed off Randi! Jeez, she makes enemies faster

Levitra... Ask your Doctor for a free sample,,, If an erection lasts for

Why do Repukes all have the same weird haircut style?

Attn: All media types and any other interested parties. I DO HATE bush!!

Wow! I never knew B* lied about when he knew about 9/11 !

seriously - WTF is the deal with the south?

SS Privatizers Say That The Trust Fund Is Meaningless IOU's

did I just screw up my brownies?? they called for a cup of vegtable

Canada crowned world champs

Under New Rules, House Can Speak of Senate

New Congress Convenes With Pomp, Promises

Blackwell boasted of helping “deliver” Ohio

More Ports of Entry to Use Digital Screening

FBI Probing Man With Ties to Islamic Charity

Canada crowned world champs

Buddhists sell a temple to raise relief funds

Gonzales Hearing `Contentious' Without Documents, Leahy Says

Bush's Counsel Sought Ruling About Torture -NYT (WH says of Gonzales)

FCC launches probe into NBC profanity slip

Eric Rudolph Defense Disputes Claim He Planned to Flee After Bombing

London firm 'among top 10 war profiteers'

Brethren Agree To Revive 'Alternative Service' Military Draft Programs

Small group of House Democrats to contest formal electoral vote count

China's Population to Hit 1.3 Bln This Week

Venezuela Promises to Grant 100,000 Plots of Land to Poor Farmers

In Angry Waves, the Devout See an Angry God _WP

Michigan Prosecutor Announces Charges Authorized in Fetus Death

Trio of storm systems could have devastating impact on U.S.

C.I.A. Chief Names Deputy and Ends Meetings -NYT

oh no!

How do you feel??

Today I helped the Chinese economy.

Guess what?????????????

After talk of replacement, Brosnan may be in the next Bond pic after all.

Just Made The BEST Omelette's For Dinner!

You know what's best about being a Team Canada Hockey fan?

BEHOLD! My beloved skivvies.

I'm tired and my feet hurt

BLAME CANADA! Official thread.

The official make SusanB leave thread.

The official "I love cheese and rice!" thread

I think tonight's Daily Show is a new one. I was disappointed that

Bummer..Cordell Jackson passed October

The official make me leave thread!!

Can we have rotting vegetables in the Lounge?


Can we have fresh fruit in the Lounge?

Keep your Jesus off my penis!


Can we post even though we're mentally rotting in the lounge?

So, what happened?

You Nasty Old Santa!

Official "Who cares about the National Championship??" site

The official make SusanG leave thread

Lottery winner finally comes forward, after getting a divorce

Send good vibes!!! I mailed out my Grad school applications today!

Ferret pics! (graphic intensive)

One nation under a groove...

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds

only a number of days I dont know till graduation, ask me something

Who did the better version of Kashmir?

Am I a permanent persona non grata at Democratic Underground?

My Space Age pillow developed by NASA

Which is healthier? Canadian or American bacon?


Guess what? It turns out, I'm a dickweed!

Alberto Gonzales' first job as Attorney General will be...

No wonder ________

CANADA SCORES!! in first minute

Just finished Lord Of the Rings, Return of the King on DVD. That was long!

Reagan and Shrub ... is this photoshopped or for real

I learned yesterday that I know one of the missing

List of Celebrity Repukes

How do you lose a bag on a 2 hour flight??

Who did the better version of Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds?

6 - 1, 20 minutes to go - Go Canada

King of the Hill fans: Is there an actual Spanish language show with the

Changes in me, since NOV 2:

Check out GD.

My local Dairy Queen has "Burger & Fie 2.49" on its marquee.

Do you have fresh fruit in your house?

I have newfound respect for DU's moderators

We're all doomed. Doooooooooooooooooooooooooooomed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holly Tornado...Hail and Snow in Phoenix....

Okay here is an AYATOLLAH joke thread

Jokes about Diplomats that were variations on the lawyer jokes

Is it fine to delete everything out of the temp folder after installing ?

GD is full of Ring and runs

Dammit, now I have to change my avatar

what's wrong with my computer's clock?

The official "I love rice!" thread...

Will Kellys pants fall down....oopsss....."technical malfunction"

Wow - A friend gave me a copy of Luna's "Rendezvous"

Oops, someone beat me to it nt

Thank Goodness for 800 mg Moltrin

This U2 song SUCKS!

If There's a Bunny, Will Benny Hill Be There?

If there's a "Hill" will Bunnies be there??????


Forever Young

I can't be the only naive one...why so many ads for Viagra

Is This A Football Game Or A Commercial Fest?

What is MSNMUP...

Damn. I should have known better.

I need a shoulder/neck massage - Civic Duty is rough!

Waitin' on the Ice Storm...

Bowl Scorecard - Blue versus Red



Guess God does not love the red states go USC !

Chicago rock fans: VCR alert

If there is a Heaven will Benny Hill be there?

Here is a Wanker! - Alex OVechkin

I predict the Oklahoma Sooners are going to come back

I saw the strangest sign ever today!

Can a person be aborted while being born-again?

* and Paris Hilton.

I think she is such a bitch

If there's a "Hell" will Benny Hill be there??????

Let's have some wine to go with our cheese

Why do halftime shows have to suck?

Anyone else watching "Now Voyager" on TV with Bette Davis?

Blue State Kicking Red State's ASS!!!

I'm dying...1st season of Reno 911 on DVD...too funny...I can't take it!

Take this Lazyness!


They finally made an AFLAC ad I couldn't stand.

Hey, right-wingers! Get your message for tonight right here.

Going down to D.C. and I'ma Scared!!

Name that musical

Shakespeare on film.

Which character in "F Troop" would you cast *?

Question about Internet monitoring software

If I may give my humble observations:

Daily Show Thread!

HAHAHA! So the conservatives are coopting Che?

Are the Sooners loosing because OK elected a bigot to the

best sequel

What's the best site to find the cheapest airfare?

I'm going to watch the movie Ned Kelly staring,

I haven't seen Dennis Miller hawking NetZero on TV in 2or3 days

If there's a "Hell" will Benny Hinn be there??????

I'm watching Band Of Brothers

Took a nap, woke up, now the city (Chicago) is buried in snow.

US Airways liquidation will push many of us into personal bankruptcy.

Okay, here's a toughie: Would you rather hug Joseph Göbbels or a freeper?

Who else thinks Linda Hunt is sexy?

Hey, did HEyHEY find love?

How do you remove one of your threads?

My cats have escaped from the pet forum

I just deleted about a zillion cookies from my computer

Go USC!!! Official National Championship Thread.

I just bought gas for less than 2 bucks a gallon!! Ask me anything!

Randy Johnson a Yankee. Ho Hum!

Original, or Cover: Pinball Wizard

How much do y'all know about vitamin B12?

I've asked at least three times, but no one seems to give a rat's

Anyone just see the screwup in the halftime show?

Ashley Simpson just boo'd on half-time show!

Why Do Winter Shoes/Boots Have To Be So UGLY?

I finally threw down on a fine set of wheels! (pic)

Anyone else shocked that their threads haven't been nominated

The No. 1 most popular word in 2004 is:

Babes of Sorry Everybody updated!

Do I come across as being schizophrenic?

Will I have a snow day tomorrow?

Most recent album you have purchased?

The new Dodge Charger is the second best looking Charger ever.It's a 4door

Say something that you're pretty sure has never been said before

3284 posts away from 5,000! Ask me something!

Proposed list of OFFENSIVE terms for use at DU

Death challenges you to a game - what will you suggest?

If I'm a vegetarian primarily for health reasons

DUers contempt for those concerned with animal rights.

Archbishop admits Tsunami caused him to doubt the existence of God

Intimidation, Politics and Drug Industry Cripple U.S. Medicine

Diet and Lose Weight? Scientists Say 'Prove It!'

Many May Have Seen This Video......

Ughhhh - Jason White's teeth

Moderator - are you going to lock the UGhhh OJ Thread?

"The Man of Steel" (Ben Roethlisberger )

Orange Bowl Thread

Yoo Hoo! Nancy and everyone, how does it look for us getting

herbs for mental sharpness?

This was also posted in the LBN

So, one only has to peruse the photographs of the tsunami disaster

Bush DOJ Violates S.C. when a big donor is victim

Katrina vanden Heuvel kicking Tony Blankley's ass on Hardball!

Democratic Centrists To Oppose Bush Social Security Plan

Ex-Officers who wrote letter against Gonzales: Where's the letter?

gasoline prices peaked last October

Ickes, Kirk Pull Out of DNC Chair Race

Frist's Hypocritical and Dishonest Attack on Democracy - he is LYING!

Link to tonight's Wes Clark Hardball appearance..."We were slow

What happened to Kerry's Protect Every Child Act?

Bush reaches out to "White House-approved people of varying ages"

finding it easier to read about what's going on than to listen, esp to Mik

Blackwell boasted of helping “deliver” Ohio

Catholic Democratic Figureheads still under attack by canon lawyers

Why does Frist always look like a weirdo you wouldn't let kids near?


Vanden Heuval calls Blankley, "An apologist for torture" on Hardball

Republicans faced unreported pressure to ditch the DeLay rule

Help with UN question, please!

Tom Feeney re-wrote one of T. Jefferson's House rules today

If last November you were elected president

OK, here's a picture of Kerry meeting the King of Jordan ....

Frist Caught in Lie on Filibuster

Truth of George Bush Bulge-gate revealed

Every Dem Senator just got sent an e-mail

Bush SS plan screws middle age & young workers with "price indexing"

Who is Bob Woodward, really ?

Did anyone see Wes Clark on "Hardball?"

Read the Current Mother Jones

Robertson: God "will remove Supreme Court JSTS quickly" terrorist threat?

TEXAS REDISTRICTING: Texas Dems Just As Sleazy as Tom DeLay?

Should the Democratic Party move towards the center?

Senate Repukes Cave! We won! We won!

Offies 2004: Presenting our annual Off-Guard Awards for the most stupid,..

A year to forget (Huffington)

(PINR)The Bush-Blair Alliance and the 2005 British Election

Simon Tisdall (Guardian Utd): Possible war crimes indictments in Kosovo

GOTCHA- Fraud Expert's New Book Opens Pandora's Box of Marine Ins. Fraud

Gene Lyons

1/12-14 Orlando Actuaries Living to 100 Symposium - Abstracts

Paul Reynolds (BBC ): Blistering attacks threaten Iraq election

Does the Right Remember Abu Ghraib?

Land of Penny Pinchers -Kristoff with charity stats for US V. Others

NYT op-ed on SS Priv Accts:No Pain, No Savings(pro-addon 401k)-Choose/lose

Good column in the Washington Dispatch today

Resolutions For The Damned

Proof DeLay Is Radioactive? from HOU Chronicle

Anxious to help, they come as builders and end up as porters in the morgue

Bush & Malpractice Awards and a GAO study that has no real data!

Truthout: Stand Up, Senator

Taibbi-Bow Tie Me Up: Tucker Carlson is a dirty weasel...

Gonzales's Curtain Call

Documenting Conscientious Objector Status – Start Now

Audio lecture series from the Commonwealth Club of California

I hate the word "blogosphere." I'm just saying...

Are the super-rich undertaxed?

Are middle class and poor Americans overtaxed?

Alan Tonelson calls out Forbes

> 1 M Americans lost their job in 2004

Environmental job available at Save The River - Abbie Hoffman's legacy

Are the rich overtaxed, undertaxed, or taxed about right?

A rabid Republican I work with sent me this info on Soc Sec...

Study Says Hetch Hetchy Dam Removal Feasible - Hold Water Downstream

Judge temporarily bans off-road vehicles from California desert areas

Does anybody else find this statement funny?

Portugal Facing Worst Drought In At Least 10 Years

S-Central Alaska A Warm, Soggy Mess - Dog Weight Trial Canceled

Looking for a job? Follow in Abbie's footsteps

UK Pine Plantations May Be Net Carbon Sources, Not Sinks - Independent

An interesting take on oil and seismic activity

Argentina recovers international reserves

Mbeki attacks 'racist' Churchill

Question: In the 90s, when the Republicans were claiming that Clinton

Inalienable rights (RKBA et al) and democracy vs. republican form of govt.

Question on Constitutional rights with respect to gun ownership

Earthquake conspiracy threads

Wondering why a thread was moved.

Should we use the "Alert" feature to tag duplicate threads?

Are all reasons for post deletions weighed equally?

What do you do when an entire thread is nasty?

Hi, how can I request a thread be locked?

A humble suggestion

How is this thread considered a flamefest?

Should PETA threads be locked?

Lounge Threads Aren't Showing up in 'Latest'

Permanent thread on the homepage ridiculing right-wing conspiracy theories

jeepers, Skinner...I'm sorry

Abbas or bust

Fatah calls on Hamas to halt Qassam rocket attacks

Top Ten Arab and Iranian Conspiracy Theories Ending 2004

Appeal by Pretty Woman Star Perplexes Palestinians

Tension mounts between Hamas and PA

Allawi Using US Paid Mercenaries. Another Reason He Will NEVER Be Accepted

OK, lemme see if I've got this figured out...

Spooks, Saudis, Florida "The Covert Op That Ate The World"

OK, lemme see if I've got this figured out...

FBI: 911 hijackers "possibly deceased"!

What caused the damage at the Pentagon on 9/11?

Chicago Sun-Times: Feds: Ryan was at center of corruption

Has the latest Conyers report been released yet?

We need as much film as possible on Thurs

dKos: Barbara Boxer will join Conyers if enough calls!

Call the home office phones. They'll respect you more.

Who's willing to make a movie about Thursday

Press Conference at 2 today - tell CSPAN to cover it

Why did Karen Hughes tell * he lost ?

The Rally for the Republic in San Francisco tonight ROCKED

Michael Moore has come around...

Exit Poll: Turnout and Ballot Spoilage Could Have Swung Popular Vote

Blackwell Revels in the Hot Seat - Brag Blackwell, brag

Chiccago Sun Times--Senators should object to Ohio vote -- by Jesse Jackso

I popped in to see how you're doing and, wow! Big things are afoot!

important post abt a senator challenging...needs its own thread

Kenneth Blackheart (long)

I think I have just figured out where Kucinich has been on the recount

t r u t h o u t | Report -- Stand Up, Senator

Raise your hand if you are headed to DC today or tomorrow

Wednesday 1/5 /05 Election/Fraud/Recount Thread

I am offended by DUers who refuse to support John Conyers

Republican Sen. Chafee didn't support * election. And he's counting hands.

good news from Sen. Mikulski's office

Please contact John McCain

The Nashua Advocate: Breaking News: Lytel States Boxer Will Contest Ohio

Serious question about these Senate objection arguments:

My letter to Jim Jeffords in response to his ridiculous statement.

Let's Get Jon Stewart's Crew to do some "Bush Stole the Election" Skits

Boxer's office is not releasing info on whether she will stand.

I think I1ll go puke now.

Conyers going on AAR soon


KY update, Woodward denied Senate seat

John Conyers about to be interviewed on Air America

Rep Conyers, (D) of MI on AAR Now

Why would any Dem consider running in 2008?

The Crime of November 2nd. The Human Side...

Summary of new exit poll data- evidence Kerry won

I knew they'd attack Conyers, but

Positive News Starting to Come In - Let's hold an attitude of

My lame response from Senator Chambliss (GA)

Sen. Chafee's office said the are keeping a tally.

Don't forget to FAX too!

New slogan! "IT'S IN THE CODE, STUPID"

NY Rev of Books: "How Bush Won", An Excellent Read

Hartman talking Blackwell after the break - 12:20pm ET

"Exit Poll Smoking Gun, Part II, Mitofsky Responds" by Slate's Mickey Kaus

Election Irregularities hits front page at DailyKos

Now that We've Penetrated the Heart of Darkness. What Now?

This does not end Jan 6 or Jan 20.

Lucas County JUST certified their vote last night

Conyers' 102-page Election Fraud Report is COMING!

Ohio - Blackwell + lockdowns + lack of transparecy

Call Rep. Nancy Pelosi's office

Got a letter from Michael Moore-he's finally speaking out about Ohio

anyone from the State of Washington

Is It Just DU members contacting Senators?

Hitler, the Left, fundamental principles, and Jan. 6

LYNDON LAROUCHE WEBCAST from washington DC now jan5

A free, easy- to- use form to FAX the key Senators:

Is anyone calling Barbara Boxer?


Some seem to think I claimed absolutely that Boxer would stand up

Why do I have tears in my eyes as I listen to Conyer's AAR now

If we don't take down Shrub, this is what we have to look forward to:

Down to less than 24 hours.

Sorry to be lazy, but could someone post a handy reference on...

We need a celebrity to publicize the cause!

Why so many threads jumping the gun on Senators signing up to object?

CSpan needs help too...FCC could boot them off cable networks

If there is a challenge tomorrow what will the Dems say during the debate?

Conyers says: (On AAR)

National Review Online: Boxer to challenge, challenge defeated-voice vote

John Conyers and the War against the Machines

Does anyone know which states gave Bush 11 million extra votes over 2000?

informing and motivating college students . . .

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything

Oh Boy! - LET THE EAGLE SOAR at the 2004 Coronation

Richard Hayes Phillips at Nat. Press Club today

* on CNN right now

Does everyone agree that Bush is going to still be President on Jan 20?

From the Middle East, Kerry Urges Supporters to Fight for Electoral Reform

I need home office fax numbers for the following people

Keep the faith!!! We Will Not Stop Until The Truth Rocks Our Country

On pg. 32 of the Final Judicial Report

Chip Reed, MSNBC, will have full report re Dems who will object tomorrow!

Bush Asks Judge to Toss Ohio Election Suit

Why it is IMPERATIVE that we contest Fla, NM, Colorado, Tex., NC., & other

Diane Feinstein's response to my letter urging her to challenge...

Just spoke with John Conyers office in DC!

Irony of the day: GOP may object to ratification of governor vote

Anyone know where we can listen to the National Press Club

My lovely beautiful Catwoman....You know I love you....

Skull & Bones -- Will it prevail?

Tomorrow: May the Force be with us

Could all the 'denials of interest' from the Senators....

Call Conyers office to thank him!

FYI on William Pitt's blog regarding upcoming press conference

Requirment for 2008 nomination: if you're there on 1/6, you must contest

Wear a black hooded sweatshirt on Jan 6

The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes...

Regarding Math Degrees, Legitimacy and Transparency

Moderate Republicans are Fraud Targets, too. Contact them.

Does anyone know who is covering the 2p.m. press conference?

Blame Bush

Thank you, Congressman Conyers

Fool Me Twice? Remember Cong. Black Caucus on Senate Floor in 2000


Conyers On Randi Rhodes at Bottom Of Next Hour

Michael Moore Reports for Duty - "An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate"

E-Mail for My Family and Friends

What time and what channel tomorrow? n/t

How to deal with the "Nader apoligists" aka "perpetual whiners" tomorrow.

What d'ya spose Bush & co are doing today??

I bet Wellstone would have stood up.


Terrorist attack before 1/6 ?

On MSNBC RIGHT NOW!!! Jan 6th-Dems will contest the vote!!

Kennedy is "undecided"

Rep. Maxine Waters: "I don't care that it is not signed by a senator"

RAWSTORY UPDATED: Boxer’s office won’t confirm MSNBC, Hill claim that Sen.

MoveOn. Pac just came on board officially!!!!!

I Wrote Sen. Bayh

Slate: Exit poll leak and Mitofsky's response.

What will be the top story in MSM tomorrow?

Might wanna tune into Randi! n/t

It's not a coincidence - all the pieces are coming together...

Let's put orange signs in our yards tomorrow!

MSNBC just reported that Barbara Boxer is likely to challenge!

Boxer's office is saying she's still undecided. Keep calling.

voter fraud flash animation

Just got off the phone calling my Ohio senators

Conyers On Now


Is this real? John Kerry's letter 1/5/05 - What does this mean?

KERRY VIDEO follows your report that you called - LISTEN!

Senator Faxsender - Just click a button and you've faxed your Senator!

Ladies and Gentlemen -- The AP weighs in

THINK! Who do you know in California? Who do you know that knows people

Funny how few "NO SENATOR WILL STAND UP" threads there are today!!

The argument against a Senator standing up without absolute proof

Thank you

Randi Rhodes: "Yeah he's (Conyers) got somebody"

Maybe that's why Kerry voted for the Iraq invasion ...

MoveOn Pac Email NO MORE OHIOs

MoveOn Pac Email NO MORE OHIOs

HELP - Use MEDIA BLASTER to ensure coverage of reps contesting election!

... and from Chafee's office too ...


"Don't CERTIFY what we can't VERIFY"; make congress choose the president

If Chafee stands...

We have to concentrate on nationwide fraud

I was faxing senators, and decided to send this to Kerry:

Boxer's fax number in D.C.

? Is it worth it to call my OK senators?

From Randi Rhodes. Excellent!

YES! WE HAVE 4!! MSNBC--Conyers Jackson & Jones (Boxer) CONTESTING VOTE

Conyers on Air America Radio Right Now!

Check out freeperville, whats that I smell???? BWHAHAHAHA

UhOh.. just thought... is there anything Cheney can do to...

Why no "proof" of fraud is needed...

Here is the Letter that I just got from Senator Levins office.

Randi Rodes Talking Points re: Election Certification

On 30 Nov 2004 I sent the following letter to Senator Kerry & ....

What was Randi just reading and where can I find it?

BRATTLEBORO REFORMER: Will a senator stand up?

Randi rhodes AAR quick turn it on

Conyers has somebody?

Will DU'ers Also Meet in DC on Thursday Night?

Could election fraud be the thing that saves the Democratic Party?

Preserving Democracy: What Went Wrong in Ohio

OK, last call for signs tomorrow - how bout "I BELIEVE"?

We NEED a Quorum Call !! URGENT

Boxer will Join Conyers if enough calls

Senators don't want to be shot in the head like the Kennedys

My letter to Sen. Boxer

Where is Dennis? He signed Conyers's letter to the Senators

Legal DU minds, please interpret Moyers' ruling implications

Boxer must be getting lots of calls as I have been dialing

What's the URL for the film of the Ohio voting

Wyden call was good

Question- did someone tinker with OH. S.oS. numbers?

Reid's office wanted to know which election we wanted contested

Warn the Senators about the risk of freeper calls. They read DU too

Quick-Is Challenge to be on tv (cbs etc)

Not even on the topics list

Walt Starr for Senator

The Free Press: Crime of Nov. 2 -- The Human Side of How Bush Stole Ohio

1\06\2001 on CSPAN3 tonight

My letter to Senator Boxer

MSM AP: "Dem Lays Out Case Against Bush's Ohio Win"

Urge Congress To Contest Florida and New Mexico Too for Longer Debate

Good Editorial from Wisconsin's Capitol Times w/ Pics

I phoned Democrat RON WYDEN - Oregon - 202-224-5244 - (503) 326-7525

Where is Harold Ford, Jr. on this -- he's my rep sort of

Special Report with Brit Hume reports finally.



I had a terrible thought...what if the Freepers are calling Senators and

TruthOut: Conyers -- Report of the House Judiciary Committee Dems....

The Free Press: Crime of Nov. 2 -- The Human Side of How Bush Stole Ohio

I found new connections/evidence in Ohio

DU in D.C. Wed + Thurs Night Meetups

Update on Wendy Orange - ESS Whistleblower

Bernie Sanders WILL Stand With Conyers

Does anyone have info on Belmont County OH recount??

Once we start letting the Senate vote in our President, how long before we

Clint Curtis please meet our Senators

Did you all get the email from Kerry?

Pitchforks and Protests: "Blackout protest Jan 6 at 9pm est" -please kick

Kerry SHOULD be here when the 2004 election THEFT is contested!

Fax and phone info for all Frist and Hastert offices

LAST CALL: 24 House members issue plea to Senate...

Sen. Barbara Boxer's Contact Info:

Our country's future is on the line tomorrow.

Why proof of fraud should not be the test on January 6

Paper ballots NOW!!!! Hand counts Now!!!!!

Just spoke with Sen. Baucus (D-MT) office.

Air America said Bush gave $10,000 to Tsunamis // BIG WHOOP

Randi Rhodes On Fire--Appealing Directly To Senators--Very Cool


Just called Feingold's off. They're hearing us!

Just got email from KERRY: Counting on You to Make Sure Votes Get Counted

Does anyone know the current margin of * over Kerry?

a lousy two hour debate is all we get. . .?

Are You Playing Hooky Tomorrow?


Western Union a Senator

I called McCain's office re: voter fraud

Nashville Election Fraud Action Scuffle

I have a good feeling...

Are there any scenarios where Kerry/Edwards can win this election?

Please reply with a list "Moderate Republicans" we might call.

The big question: Who won on 2 November?

MSM keeps claiming that nothing will change the results of the election.

THE OFFICAL REPORT / House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff

What Will You Do? Not one Senators stands.

I am amazed - AMAZED - at the way this place operates sometimes

After A Senator Stands Up Tomorrow our Work Will Just Begin. Anyone Game?

The effort to discredit Conyers has begun....over TURKEYS.

My experience calling all 45 senators-what they say

how many thinks kerry letter is telling us to go ahead tomorrow

Senator Lautenberg threatens to arrest Andy Stephenson

HOLD THE PRESSES! Our scope has been too limited.

Fun pic of tomorrow's weather forecast in DC...umbrella, anyone?

OK, I keep seeing this DINO reference and it gives me the willies...

It's threads like this that makes me want to tell DU to fuck off



BRAD BLOG: Kerry Chooses to Throw Over Base for a 2008 Presidential Run!

Join me. Pledge now to help re-elect any senator who stands with Conyers,

A button that brings me a lot of positive feedback:

I'm MSM. Give me your best shot, n/t

Dear George Washington, please don't fight the British


Boxer wants calls on the election fraud. Spread the word

so who is running for Bob Matsui's seat

Dayton is on MPR now

Not Just for Deaniacs Anymore! DFA Meetings Tonight

Announcing Camp Wellstone Twin Cities: January 28-30

"Conservative Con of the Week" is my new name for

Anti War Protest, Grosse Pointe, Sat Jan 8

Any ASP experts out there?

Southwest Airlines to begin Pittsburgh service

Do any Dallas area attorneys post here?

Stick withdrawing his election challenge

Texans: Let's bug Kay Bailey to stand up tomorrow!

Dallasites: Eddie Bernice has NOT said she's standing with Conyers!


Christo gives Central Park an Art Attack

fraWd in the White House!!!

A New Day Dawns in the Life of a Freeper...

Gotta check out this movie from the ACLU -- funny but tragically true!

It was Mother Earth's revenge after years of abuse by the hand of man.

BSU #12 in AP Poll 01/05/05

Center for the Study of Political Graphics . . .

Pepsi killing Surf campaign featuring Beckham and others.

I need some stats data on things like jobs/crime/edu/poverty and

A question. Please Read.

god endorses condom use with Trojan win. Abhors abstinence

Allawi Using US Paid Mercenaries. Another Reason He Will NEVER Be Accepted

Why have Democrats swallowed the mythology concocted by the

Spooks, Saudis, Florida "The Covert Op That Ate The World"

Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy?

So where's the Compassionate Conservatism

The "Insurgents" Are Videotaping Attacks on US Convoys !!

There was a time when we used to laugh at what passed for "news" from the

I have an idea why we Democrats are so ineffective.

I need some stats on things like jobs/crime/edu/poverty and

Another "Terrorist" Is Made in Iraq By The USA!

Archbishop admits Tsunami caused him to doubt the existence of God

who will win

My local ABC affilliate called *'s Social Security Plan

c-span to show Electoral vote live tomorrow...

The Creation of the Hawaiian Islands

Pentagon divided on role in Afghan drug trade crackdown

Tsunami news drives ratings CNN

In what way is the Bush admin. different from Don Corleone's Family?l

Ya know how things start to add up & suddenly you feel they're snowballing

Looking for the yellow ribbon magnets Support our troops, bring them home

Pepsi pulls ad with David Beckham surfing tsunami-like wave

Maybe this horrific tsunami has given us the excuse we need

House of Bush, House of Saud - Two very cheap families

Why hasn't Cheney been indicted yet?

Is John Conyers wasting his time?

"A Mole in the Progressive Movement?" (David Corn?)

Ray Taliaferro has let me down

Can there be any human beings lower than this?

I met W yesturday

YEESSSS...they need to see some big american PORKERS !! (PHOTOS)

Has corporate PR learned the lessons of 9/11?

My Simple Answer to Those Who Support *'s SS Scheme.

Judiasm and Christianity both see anonymous giving as ....

Big Bush Donors Gunning to Kill SS As We Know It


WTF is with the media (now FOX) linking DU and "conspiracy theories"

Deranged DU member moons Fox News

The Plan to take America back from the RW

Gonzales Hearing Set for Jan 6

APA Connection to the government?

Another Bush bait and switch, in the "tort reform" area.

Dear Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, etc.

Powell: "Because that's what Americans do"

Middle East "is (Shrub's) BITCH," and Other Dan COULTERisms

Suggestion: A DU Symposium

OK, lemme see if I've got this figured out...

Where was Karl Rove during the Vietnam war?

U.S. to deploy 35,000 troops in Baghdad for elections

On Civil War in Iraq

Will We See You There Or Anywhere?

A running list of conspiracy theories Faux is propagating.

The community impact of 9/11 - and its usefulness

Allawi Using US Paid Mercenaries. Another Reason He Will NEVER Be Accepted

Impress... coercing one into military service is the word for today

Washington Post online chats

Let's have a contest: who can bust the most (legit) new trolls!

Rocky Flats gets revisited

FOX Calls FCC Indecency Rules 'Obsolete'

8 days later and 100 miles out to sea tsunami survivor found

Feeling Really Helpless Today

New Gizmo's from Samsung at CES

(From CES) Sirius Video Service Now Planned for 2006 (2nd half 05?)

Part 1: Why the emperor has no clothes - how smirk's scam works

Hartmann is now on opposite Franken on Sirius Left 143.

MSNBC Democrats to object to election results

Who's afraid of the big, bad Fox?

Thousands of Fallujans Protest (outside gate of city) who knew!

Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say (most women & children)

Bush is NOT a Strong Leader

If Dems are considering contesting electors now where were they in 2000?

Please: Use the alert button early and often.

Bush will gain political advantage from the US tsunami humanitarian relief

Authoritarians a danger to a peaceful society..

An interesting take on oil and seismic activity

Now That We've Penetrated The Heart of Darkness, What's Next?

Tsunami scam emails already starting

Why didn't President Bush comment on tsunami sooner?

Dems to "values voters": You are like us

The false link between global warming and worse tsunamis

Should ameriKans be jailed for refusing to kill?

America in GWB era most resembles this other American era:

Houston preempts 60 Minutes... again.

The Matsui Memorial Service

Judge orders drug addict to stop having children

A must read -- Analyzing Murdoch's Fox Biz Channel Plans (DU hits?)

What are your fave rightwingnut mantras that make no sense whatsoever?

Is FOX News part of a "Dominionist" plot to ruin our economy and our

The lack of a stepping stone in 2008 for the POTUS is interesting

T-minus 24 hours to the EV certification - Predictions?

Does anyone have the recent #'s on the % of people who support this

Bush has a one in a million chance for real peace with honor in Iraq now

LOL-"Fox & Friends" host has written a best seller

Mastercard/Visa will be donating merchant fees

Yesterday I posted thoughts on Torture - My wife agrees with the DU Response

EXCELLENT Josh Marshall tidbit on Roemer/DNC (has this been posted yet?)

Anybody just hear Bushie say "make our quality of life a better place"...

Family of Boy with Cancer Bids on Hope

Australia pledges $764 million in tsunami aid

WAR is more horrible than tsunamis!

W calls for "Big things" from Congress

Who's interested in a DU Arachnids group?

How many here think that Iraq elections

Can we have an "Aluminaughty Tinfoilers" forum?

A quote from George W. Bush that you may not have heard

Wal-Mart bid to buy shipping line?

So let's say they pass tort and liability reform....

if you were vacationing in Europe, and overheard anti American remarks..

What Are "Some People Saying" About Roger Ailes & The Fox Anchors?

The US is Losing Iraq

Let's look at some predictions people made about this war, shall we?

Time to Saddle up, Alberto

Americans are closing their eyes and letting a new form of fascism get rol

Great news, everybody. Gonzales says he won't encourage torture anymore.

Interesting article from the Cato Institute regarding the war in Iraq.

Senator Conyers vs Soap Operas

Ashcroft's last laugh: Not for the emotionally frail

Bush donates $10,000....Sandra Bullock 1 MILLION to tsunami victims

FOX just showed DU, you know, the conspiracy site-2nd time in 30 mins.

Arab/Muslim Propaganda - We Caused the Tsunami

Longtime DUers: When did DU show up on Roveco's radar screen?

Haul Pat Robertson's sorry butt out... AND STONE HIM TO DEATH!!

showtime canceled Dead Like Me, even though there is no

Social Security Benefit Cuts in 2004

Blackwell brags about "delivering" Ohio for Bush...

Anyone recieve an email fro Kerry today? And did it piss you off?

U.S. Commander Says Coalition Dogs Starving In Iraq

Ben Sargent's reply to recent story about * 's "accounting"

Wouldn't it be great to buy some tsunami survivors a boat?

Bush Administration talks like "Gangstah's" Powell says "Snuffed Out"

I urge y'all to read Ecotopia Emerging

The DU Symposium

Crisis in Fallujah

I just went out and bought groceries and filled the car so

"not one dime day"

Justifying high wages, (tsunami style)

When does The Daily Show start with new shows again??

Those pesky internal Fox News memos

Ex-FBI agent admits giving out 9/11 data to stock traders

We the People of the United States

My Partner's Son, HOME From Iraq!!!

Here is how I feel about George W. Bush...

Randi is asking the Senate/house, not to certify the vote in Ohio.

Who is to say FOX/Ailes/Rove didn't post on DU only to "quote" us later

Is Tucker Calrson leaving CNN?

"Official Says 30,000 Terrorists in Iraq"

If Dems are considering contesting electors now where were they in 2000?

Media swipes at DU - attempts to drive high profile dems away?

RED ALERT: Draft could be just weeks or months away

A Plea for Religious Tolerance:

How do liberals hate the "working class", if we stand for workers rights,

The O'Reilly Factor for Kids & Left Behind: The Kids Series (books)

"God in the Tsunami?"

Hot damn Jesse Jackson said he had senators to sign

Family planning for 3rd wld nations: a Plot to Steal Natural Resources!

Every neo-con should be __________ (fill in the blank)

When did India-bashing become so in vogue?

I hate Republicans!

Our tax dollars are being used to help defend drug companies

this is going to backfire:

Canadian TV: Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans reruns tonight (Wed)

People Asking Terry McAullife to stay!!

What an asshole!

Jeb in Phuket: "Who are you?" "Jeb Bush." "Good for You."

One reason Bush is reluctant to order a massive relief effort for the

Change in Federal Formula Means Thousands May Lose Student Aid

Another Bush/Cheney '04 election ad --- "Dubya vs Jesus"

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

American Humanist Association to Support Tsunami Disaster Relief Efforts

If a doctor's screw-up costs me my left leg, I should get only $250,000?

"Tsunami More Horrifying Than War" (Graphic photo)

Palestinians: "We know who to elect. (Americans) elected a MORON."

Most Fallujah dead are women and children, journalists barred

Coulter's Argument Against the New York Times

someone ought to tell bush how asinine he looks in those cowboy hats

Brethren Agree to Revive 'Alternative Service' Draft Programs

Some "Kooky" D.U. Threads That The N.Y. Times Will NEVER Mention:

PLEASE help me refute this Newsmax BS about troop armor.

New Years Card from PeTA2 (no bashing please)

Pat Robertson says Muslims will be turning to Jesus Christ in 2005

Fox just did a direct hit on DU - related to Tsunami

A Prophetic Warning

Here is a journalist who gets it!

anyone else get this letter from Kerry ?

Florida 2000

Your favorite nickname for Fox "News"

Allowing Abortion in the cases of rape

The doctors loooove boosh..

I'm suffering from Tsunami fatigue---The Spanish flu was worse

Dear Fox Fans: Here's What Fox News Won't Tell You >>>

Condom testing reveals best brands (Bush abstinence-only education remark)

Confession Time: I'm a "Bad" American!

excitement! protestors block entrences to W.H. & Pentagon

Scientific literacy is a virtue.

Will the US go bankrupt? Look at your interest payments on the debt

The false link between global warming and worse tsunamis

Germany could ban secret paternity tests by fathers

Bush - Gonzales defense: Jesus tortured the moneychangers

Does anyone remember when Islamic extremism was considered a good thing...

"It's The Ultimate Sacrifice, Really"

Right Wing Radio must be STOPPED NOW!

Think *how cool* it would be if Obama supported Conyers....

Need info: Solicitation arrest in 70s of Jeff Christie, aka Rush Limbaugh

NBC's 'Fear Factor' Sued for Rat-Eating Episode (For $2.5 Million)

About the New York Times, Fox News, and Kooky Tsunami Conspiracy Theories

Bizarre French cuisine I've just eaten....

Ranchers spend millions on cattle sperm

India Leading Relief Drive, says Mulford (dispels rivalry but MORE)

Tax Break Spurs NY Distributor to Bring Biodiesel Home

3 to Testify Against Gonzales at Hearing

Army restricted ethnic recruits (British)

Couple dies in apparent double-suicide

US wounded in Iraq reaches 10,000

US diocese makes $100m abuse deal

Birmingham program questions White House "faith-based" listing

"Spam King" to stop invading computers

Thailand fires top tsunami forecaster

U.S. Helicopter Drops Load of Aid Supplies Into Indonesian Mall

Iraqi officers, police members killed so far total 1300

Car Bomb Explosion Kills 20 in Baghdad (Wed.)

Just One Senator... An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate from Michael Moore

After Retreat, G.O.P. Changes House Ethics Rule

Sheriff Posts Snipers After Firings

House Dems to Contest Electoral Vote Count - AP

Indonesia starts building refugee camps for 500,000, while world leaders p

IAEA: U.N. to visit suspect Iranian site

Opala sues fellow court justices

Trio of Storms

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi reportedly arrested in Iraq

Bush's Counsel Sought Ruling About Torture, NYT

1st court-martial begins in Tigris River death:Army sgt. faces charges in

He's the Hill's King for a Day, but Senate Has Other Plans (Obama)

(US appointed) Iraq president urges U.N. to review poll date

Marriage case goes before judge

US weighing more sanctions against Syria over support for Iraqi insurgents

Germany significantly increases tsunami aid, promises $674 million US

Military Operations Likely To Begin In Mosul

Sheriff posts snipers after firings (CNN)

Egypt accused of secret nuclear tests

'You're George Bush's brother? Good for you.'

GOTCHA- Fraud Expert's New Book Opens Pandora's Box of Marine Ins. Fraud

IRAQ: Death in Fallujah rising, doctors say

Man 'forgot he had gun on plane'

Eastie gang linked to al-Qaeda


Us Troops, Iraqi Police Clash

Car Bomb Explosion Kills 20 in Baghdad (Police Graduates?)

Pressure mounts for Iraqi election delay

Marine jailed for refusing to pick up gun

Iraqi expats in U.S. face hurdles to vote in historic election

Catholic church makes $100 mil sex abuse settlement in California

Islip Terrace native killed in Iraq

Berlusconi accused of dressing like Il Duce

IAEA: U.N. to Visit Suspect Iranian Site

Pope prays for tsunami victims on day of mourning

Pentagon unveils rape policy - New rules follow scandals in Iraq

Anxious to help, they come as builders and end up as porters in the morgue

Social Security Battle likely

Judge Dismisses Kennedy Smith Civil Suit

Criminals may be trafficking orphans

GOP may object to ratification of (WA) governor vote

N Korea issues 'wartime guidelines' -- Bush Style Tactics to Scare Public

Damage Looks Worse Than War, Powell Says

Long toenails and flip-flop fears keep Abu Hamza out of court

End challenge to Bush's win, lawyers urge Ohio high court

Five Iraqi civilians killed in Ramadi clashes (by US soldiers?)

Fox just did a direct hit on DU - related to Tsunami

Egypt carried out secret nuclear tests

Democrats In Legislature Quash GOP Hopes Of Governor Re-vote

Pentagon Issues Tougher Policies on Sexual Assault

Bush Eyes Plan Using Bulk of Payroll Taxes

AFGHANISTAN: NGOs victims of growing criminality

Two more Gitmo detainees make their case for release

Judge grants divorce to beaten Saudi wife

Houston preempts 60 Minutes... again.

US Job Cuts Edge Up in December - Report

Religious Marine Jailed For Refusing To Carry Gun

Iraqi PM says holding elections on time important to quell violence

House Democrats to Contest Electoral Vote Count

Number of Americans dead in Tsunami raised to 36


Member of major Iraqi Sunni party killed in Mosul

House Removes Gag on Senate Talk

U.S. to allow Indonesia plane spare parts for aid

Swiss Jews furious at report warning of violent extremism

Man Charged Under Patriot Act for Laser

Five Pakistanis die in suspected honour killing

Ordinary Charities Fear Fewer Donations

Biggest clergy abuse settlement announced

20 more Americans presumed dead in tsunamis; toll now at 36

Inauguration to break from tradition - AND "Let the Eagles Soar"

MSNBC: Boxer to Stand!

Boy faces felony in baseball bat abortion,Law won't allow Macomb teen girl

self deleted - duplicate

Military Doctor Closes Online War Diary

Boston Herald publisher to fight deal (oh, the irony)

Frist Seeks Fast Approval of Bush Nominee (Reid silent)

Woman quits French Muslim council

Military doctor's Iraq Web diary shut down

Germany ups aid to $900m

Conn. Gov. Calls for Unity After Scandal

At least six police killed in new car bombing in Iraq (3rd on Wed.)

Army Agent Testifies at Drowning Trial

President Bush Donates $10,000 to Tsunami Relief Efforts

Gen Pinochet under house arrest

Man who attacked Berlusconi gains hero status in Italy

US helicopters in Iraq bomb Arbil

Who else had your bank account number? (Banks recycle account numbers)

Son Reaches Plea Deal in Arson Death of His Father

Sheriff posts snipers after firings

Boy Faces Felony in Baseball Bat Abortion: result of parental consent law

Feds Probe Attempted Explosive Purchase

GOP Radio Campaign Pushes for Washington Revote

John Kerry's Email to Supporters

Democracy for America Meetup:7pm tonight to watch Lakoff DVD

Ex-Lawmakers Take Home Generous Pensions

Crisis in Fallujah

Triple threat storm system coming this weekend, sorry if dupe...

U.S. Foreclosure Inventory Reaches Peak for 2004

Britain Closes Embassy in Yemen

U.S. general warns Army Reserve is being 'broken'

Online scams emerge in tsunami's wake

Wild horse patrons to appeal to public

U.S. Marine in Mysterious Case Declared Deserter

Slain governor of Baghdad had close ties to Americans

ElBaradei warns US against eavesdropping on IAEA

A Guide to the Memos on Torture (NYT)

Riggs Negotiating Settlement With Justice Department

Europe bows in silence to tsunami victims

WP: Bush to Seek Limits on Lawsuits


Dem Lays Out Case Against Bush's Ohio Win

Howard promises $1 billion in aid

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 5 January

Staples, Inc. will no longer advertise on Sinclair Broadcasting Group

Where Did Turkeys Go? (GOP Goes on a turkey hunt for Conyers)

(Boston) Eastie (street) gang linked to al-Qaeda

One American soldier killed, two wounded in north Iraq attack

Iraqi communist gunned down

US troops to be out in force in Baghdad on election day, commander says

North Korea Issues Wartime Guidelines

WP: Field of Candidates for DNC Chairman Narrows to Four

U.S. Embargo Putting Mexican Firms Off Cuba

Judge Orders Addict to Stop Having Kids

Bush contributes $10,000 in personal funds for tsunami relief

Soldier Begging For Dog Food For Deployed Dogs

US eyes greater military clout in Asia following tsunami tragedy

Gonzales Helped Set the Course for Detainees (Cheney Ghostwriters)

U.S. general warns Army Reserve is being 'broken'

WP: Army Doctors Accused of Violating Geneva Convention

Mad cow case won't stall border opening

CNN Letting Tucker Carlson Go

Heart expert warns about using Tasers

Chile Supreme Court upholds Pinochet indictment (Henry Kissinger next?)

Mexico offers illegal immigrants tips on how to cross US border

Anti-Schwarzenegger Campaign Kicks Off

Spy satellite debate Sen. spat brings attention to stealth programs

School Emergency Policy: Leave Wheelchair-Bound Kids Behind

Bush Promotes Bartlett, Hires Devenish, Keeps Rove

Aceh Inmates Stood No Chance in Tsunami

Tax Panel Leaders May Be Named (Mack & Breaux)

Shock jock: I was pulled from the air over satellite dispute (Stern)

Ailing Chief Justice Rehnquist Returns to the Court

U.S. military to investigate abuse allegations at Guantanamo

Bush Administration Bans Some Land Mines

Schwarzenegger Plans Shake-Up of Calif. Pensions (partial privatization)

U.S. Says No Adoptions Now of Young Tsunami Victims

U.N. Warns Tsunami Death Toll Could Double (300,000)

Ohio Homecoming Events to Mark Vietnam War

SoCal conservative taking over House spending committee (Rep Jerry Lewis)

Bush Launches Battle to Limit Malpractice Awards

U.S. business group blasts Spitzer (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)

Bush Seen Unlikely to Back Any Delay in Iraq Vote

Some in House Look to Roll Back Bush Plans (Drug Benefits/NCLB)

Pataki wants tax checkoff to help pay for 9-11 memorial

Gonzales Promises Non - Torture Policy

Mbeki attacks 'racist' Churchill

OK, I'm ready for bed. But before I go, remember what I always say...

West-coasters: Frontline's "The Jesus Factor" is on

If there's a "Henn" will Benny Hill be in there??????

Did you ever wet the bed as a child?

Christmas Thoughts


I'm having a pity party and I'm the only one that showed up.

Condom testing reveals best brands

I keep hearing people talk about Clinton as UN Secretary General.

I'm 20,584 posts away from hitting 27,000 posts...Ask me anything!

Which song from a muscial would sum up all or part of your life?

support a fellow DUer (Cadence): check out her website!

MoveLeft Media Jan. 5, 2005 Edition

Hey, I've been in a doctor-prescribed state of dementia all day!

Woohoo Go Trojans!!! USC National Champs!!!

Ugliest album cover?

Bill Clinton and Al Gore's revenge

Ladies: Starbuck or Boomer?

Ashlee Simpson booed at FedEx Orange Bowl (THIS IS IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Revell actually made a model based on Billy Carter's Pickup?

It was 20 years ago today. Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.

Alright, so if MiGs are faster and more maneuverable than our

Every breath you take. Every move you make.

Heartsick 'Hockey Night in Canada' fans close your eyes and listen

Ok so I really need some popcorn


How do you pronounce tv tome

MORE events/locations should opt for corporate sponsorship.

Listening to Chris Gaines. Ask me anything.

What should my wife and I name our son?

Anyone having trouble with t-mobile service tonight?

Great-Granny pregnancy hoax

Ever tried Cat's Cradle tricks?

The "We're Laughing At You, Not With You" Awards.

I have my 400th Post - Ask Me Anything!

Who else thinks Mike Hunt is sexy?

100 ways to feel better

Chicken Fried Steak...

Which former vice president has the most pleasant body odor?

You know, we have some odd critters in Wisconsin...

Hi, honey. How was your day?

Hey, you know what's REALLY weird?

Will Eisner has died

Should sending spam be punishable by death?


Morning news crews cause traffic jam

Terrorism Ruled Out In Case Of Exploding Toilet - 4 Men Injured

Guess who's coming to dinner - Natty Dreadlocks!

Today's bushism

Man Invents 'Automatic Condom' For Toilets

God- every time I go into GD or GD: P I get SO damned angry.

Police Vow To Catch Serial Toilet Tipper - 50 Porta-Potties Tipped Over

3 minutes for Tsunami victims


monetary gifts in multiples of 8?

Listening to Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club band. Ask me anything.

Flasher In The Park...

Not as much snow here in Chicago as I thought this morning.

Almost got myself auto-nuked last night!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. Deep secret time. How many Duer's have pictures of themselves with

Does anyone get tired of politics?

legionella pneumophilia

The Creation of the Hawaiian Islands

Hire A Girlfriend To Stop Your Parents Nagging

How many times a year do you get sick?

It's the end of the world as I know it.

USC Trojans, National Champions!

What is your favorite preparation of potatoes?

Harrrr, this hour, thar be only cutthroats & drunkards here...

Cartoon Steve Bell on Bush's tsunami appeal

What's the best way around DC going North on 95


Blue State Sports Champions......

When will bush*Co start offering destitute tsunami victims careers...

What's going on @ Sears?

Post A Photo Of Someone More Presidential-Looking Than *

Do you spam the Lounge with stupid polls when you're bored?


Come On Girls! Do You Believe In Love?

Bells Palsy, anyone?

When you post copy cat threads, do you go for a slime, fun or gamaran?

How do you know if your bed wetta is bored?

Why are the School officials in my town so STUPID!!!????

Help Me Become a Civilian Again

What type of sawdust is the best

How do you eat corn on the cob?

Tech support request! Is there a way to save a Word file as a .pdf?

Rare kittens on sale for Ł80,000 each

Scissor Sisters album is a cut above the rest

NPR proves Nickelback sucks!

What quality makes a person a good person?

When you are painting a house are your strokes horizontal or vertical?

When you sleep is it on your side, stomach or back?

The "Man of Letters" CAPTION

When you post copy cat threads, do you go for a rhyme, pun or anagram?

How do you know if your pet betta is bored?

Texans are selling snow online -- and getting three-figure bids

What's your favourite road surface - NOMINATIONS PLEASE!!!!!

Favorite line from a song...

Murderer Gets Three Extra Years For Passing Out Cheese Sandwiches In Jail

Aint I so romantic!!

DO NOT mess with this German guy!

How many times a day do you floss?

The "Politics is the Art of Compromise" CAPTION

Black luggage or colored luggage?

Jenna Bush doing the Elvis dance for Bandar or a plate of fish sticks

So, how do you like living in Frank Burns' America?

Post here to opine about copycat threads

Post here to wine and dine copycat threaders!

Eating pretzels: do you start at the nub

If you cut your sandwiches in half, do you use a vertical or diagonal cut?

Do you peel an apple before eating or not?

The "Better Listen to the Speaker" CAPTION

Voice Mail or Answering Machine?

Edgies or center pieces?

When you put on pachouly do you dab behind the ears or just pour it on?

Lottery Winner Finally Comes Forward - AFTER Getting A Divorce

Which way do you put on shoes and socks?

ESPN: USC victory one of the best in college ball

Please help ! Do you know a place like photobucket that can...

Pizza talk...

George Bush. This is for you.

Shame on You

French you put salt on them?

Post here to whine about copycat threads

Man Charged Under Patriot Act For Laser


Product Recall: Vibrators!

Whine here to post about whiner copycat threads.

Post here to whine about copycat thread whiners.

Great...Stephen Baldwin is a repuke!

Did you ever notice...?

Q-tip, or finger?

What do you wear to bed?

The Dandy Warhols - Yes or No?.......................

Some recent REALLY dumb robber stories

Anyone see Ashlee Simpson get booed at halftime yesterday?

who else liked the movie Van Helsing

I'm really frustrated with Verizon's cell service

My Desert Island CD's

The unofficial welcome back LDS Jock thread

The unofficial welcome back kick-ass-bob thread

Help! Do you tip your barber?

Attention writers: abnegation means self denial

Deranged DU member moons Fox News

QOTSA's single "Little Sister" out on Jan 24!

What's your favorite Hummer: Monica, the SUV, Paris, the bird?

Who is bringing back the about to expire threads?


Chocolate or Vanilla

Any DU hams or SWLers monitoring tsunami relief traffic?

Help! Do you tip your Berber?


Playboy coming to iPod

Ashlee Simpson Booed Off Stage

Opinions on chlamydia? Had a 1st time visit yesterday.

Opinions on CHIA? Had a 1st time visit yesterday

Do you use a washcloth when you take a shower?

YAAAY! My copycat got locked!

Does kick-ass-bob really kick ass?

An amusing anecdote from Down Under...

Shall we bet?? I predict the MSM will not report election fraud

It must not be a poll kind of day

Why are there no polls on page 1 of the lounge?

I'm the greatest threadkiller of all time...

What is your favorite poll color?

Welcome FOX viewers!

DU Skiiers??? check out the new gear from Motorola


What has happened to Cameron Diaz's face?

I just cranked up my radio to listen to Air America...

Where would you put yourself on the Richter scale?

Lemmy vs. Tom Araya

I have a major kink in my neck, can someone please take pity on me

I just got the first two seasons of "Pee Wee's Playhouse" on DVD!!!

Worst. Halftime show. EVER!!!

Greatest male voice in rock history?


Pennsylvania Thieves Stealing VW Jetta's - But ONLY White Ones!

What's the best website to find a place to rent in France?

I was turned down for life insurance. Very depressing.

867-5309.... call me!

A most satisfying bathroom break

Brian Wilson in Tsunami Appeal (loses bandmate in disaster) - NME


Hastert to swear at Cheney at inauguration

Howard Zinn must be quaking in his boots...I give you:

Wow...heat wave.


From George Bush - A Thank You Letter for All My Support...

Canadian CHUM network is raising money all day for Tsunami relief

Does anyone use the gas station car washes?



Heidi Klum, Seal Engaged

Cops Get Reports Of Kangaroo On The Loose - In WISCONSIN

Maury Povich vs. eighteen rabid vicunas

Frank Zappa spanks conservative ass on Crossfire (oldie but a goodie)

Did anyone else enjoy Ashlee Simpson getting BOOED at halftime?

I just ordered a food processor, ask me anything!

Wish I could buy stock in Skull and Bones. definitely a winner.

A headline that made me do a double take....

If you had to choose....

Which version was better of "Every Breath you Take"? PDiddy or The Police?

Does it cost a quarter, or 50 cents to put air in your tires.....

!derob m'I, slleb slleH.

Will there ever be just "The Human Race?"

If you saw a license plate that read MITYWTY

I'm gonna kick Rachael Ray's ass

The "Found His True Calling" CAPTION

Who wants to form a DU Anachronism Group?

Man Leaving Hospital After Losing 462 Pounds

I Thought of Alvino Rey Before

Remember the "Half Ton Man"? He has lost 450 lbs.

In true Southern fashion, today I'm wearing a big hat to 12 Oaks...

I watched "Anchorman" last night and laughed my ass off.

I dreamt I went to work and played online all day!

does anyone have directv?

I dreamt I talked about how to evade the draft in class using acid

It's snowing here. What's it doing where you are.

Oh, (bleep) on it!


Where would you put yourself on the Kinsey scale?

Santanica Pandemonium. The kind of girl you take home to meet Mom?

Who's interested in a DU Arachnids group?

I dreamt I was dating Lionesspriyanka last night.

Gonzales confirmation hearing - not torture

I wish I remembered my dreams

Who's interested in a DU Anna Nicole Smith group?

Post your computer tip-of-the-day here

Anyone remember Crispin Glover on Letterman?

"Seven years of power, the corporation claw --

Breaking News!!!!

Doc. I'm from the future.

Less than 5 hours until lost!

Jason White and the Heisman Trophy

Commodore Computer may return.

Name a popular surname that you've somehow missed in your life.

Inhale positivity.

Oh, no! The inventor of the bundt pan has died!

You know what's sad?

I dreamt I was degrading myself last night oh wait I was

Pictures From Chimpy's Latest Vacation

OK I'm bored let's play tag! SNIFFA! TAG you're it!~

Anybody know how to build a flux capacitor?

Senor Playboy

I Stroked A Manta Ray Yesterday, Ask Me Anything!

If you could go home right now, what would you do there?

Hey Lounge People! Please visit this forum re: tomorrow's vote

Who's interested in a DU Anarchism Group?

57-year old Joe Walsh can still hit all the notes in "Rocky Mountain Way"

Kitty Cat Pictures!!!! Finally got some pictures of my kitties to share

Have you seen SUV's etc. with silhouettes of mom & dad & the kiddies on

I dreamt someone on DU dreamt I was in bed with them last night.

I dreamt I wet the bed last night, and a DUer woke me up

Eating Raoul

I Stroked A Man Named Ray Yesterday, Ask Me Anything.

Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

My eye glasses have left indentations

Do you peel an orange before eating or not?

100 Centre Street -- all episodes on DVD set?

Funny bumpersticker

How did some people NOT KNOW?

Way down in Louisianiana down in New Orleans.

Why is my dog drinking water nonstop?

Genevieve Bujold

and she's dancing like she's never danced before

Do you peel a banana before eating or not?

Cell phone users!

Take a look at what I'm wearing, people.

Why is my Air America/Real Player playing at chipmunk speed?

10:16 p.m. last night - "Talk about getting ranked!

Lost Aussie

In case you missed it, Ashlee Simpson getting booed off stage

Sapphire and Steel on DVD

If I hear or see one more commercial for male performance

Kooky Consparicy Theory

What is our Homeland Security Alert Level?

What is your net worth?


Former obscure TV sitcoms that you think you're the only one who knows of:

My Kitty has Bumps

Whats that website..

EVERYONE, I have an announcement to make

help with ms-dos/command prompt

Have you ever had frostbite?

Listening to Dream Theater's "Awake". Ask me anything.

Puckheads, what's up?

I Wish I Was As Punk & Hardcore As Ashlee Simpson

Which Dream Theater album is the best?

I had a dream, I had an awesome dream!

Banana Republic is 'Blue'

Ok who else could cry at a TV commercial when they're PMSing?

Jude Law is getting married again. Let's all cry.

Break this down for me *.

The Christmas Tree Has Rigor Mortis. It's Sooooooooooo Dry....

How many Duers are emboldened by the flashiness of their usernames to

Did I wish you all a Happy New Year??

Do You Think This "Internet" Fad Will Last?

49ers fire Erickson and Donahue

I dreamt I was in my shed with a DUer emboldened to flashiness

Bastards! - I was just in court

Does YOUR soap attract cowgirls?

I just want some skank.

Chicago is the 5th fattest city in the country. Accodring to Men's Fitness

The Moran family is on the Family Feud!

Origins of this short bus

I have 700 posts and am at work with nothing to do. Ask me anything.

It's Official! I start the loserest threads!!!

A "WTF?" story from Indiana

You too can have Donald Trump's Hair

I dreamt I was in bed with Rachel Ray and Giada De Laurentiis last night

Bowtie stocks go into tailspin on news CNN is not renewing Tucker.

The ice cream fascists are still here

I just want some weed.

What do you call a carbonated beverage?

I have a question about cars.

To anyone having newer Ford F-150 pickup.

Jason White and the Heisman Trophy

I wanna be BONA FIDE!

Grandmother Leaving Iraq This Weekend

Do you put salt on your dill pickles?

Do you own a cell phone?

Netflix blows!!!!

I just want some steak.

Bye Bye psycho neighbor!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAA!

What's the outdoor temperature (degrees K) where you are now?

The weather in Connecticut is so f*cked up!

Pick a Bridges.

The REAL cause of the Tiramisu!

I dreamt I was grading Lioness Priyanka last night.

What's the outdoor temperature (degrees F) where you are now?

Hmm....ever open the door to look at something and have one of your cats


I Adore The Movie "Barbershop"...

400 posts (AMA)

An obnoxious letter to the editor.

ouch! another paper cut.

Anyone ever do any foreign investing?

I'm giving a lecture in a few weeks.

Whats the indoor temperature where you are right now?

"White Noise" Looks like it is going to be creepy as hell!!

The Amityville horror is being remade

Don't push me . . . 'cause I'm close . . . to . . . the . . . edge.

Help me plan my trip to Europe!


Let's have another artistic shitstorm - best director ever?

I'll bet you can't guess who I have in my shed.

"Perfect Storm" to strike U.S.

What's your local blues guy's name?

Don't you wish you had a transporter ray?

Cats: a solution to Petsmart's and all our rodent problems

let's start a "we adore our DU men" thread...

Feral cats should not be fat!

Help me escape the 700 club: ask me something... anything...

States ranked by population per square mile.

I made it to 9,000 posts!

I always said he'd come to no good in the end your honor!

If you have credit card debt, how did you acquire most of it?

20 Questions

Help me pay for my trip to Europe


List of latest articles at MOVELEFT.COM

Gratuitous applause:

Just saw the Motorcycle Diaries

19 posts until 9,000! Ask me something!

Two-Hour Snow Delay - WOO-HOO!!!!

Please send prayers/best wishes my pet's way....

Du Men: What kind of underwear do you use? Guess which one is me on this page:

It's official Leonardo DiCaprio is the new Barbara Streisand/Jane Fonda

the REAL cause of the tsunami

Great music video skewering GW and his Xrazy Xtians.

Have you ever bought a new car?

What clique were you in in high school?

1999 on the richter scale

What is your TOTAL debt?

OK, I'm bored. Let's play "toss the molotov cocktail." Here, you catch.

If you've got the right software, you can make a vocals-only mix

let's start a "you know you're addicted to DU women..." thread!

Which of these Arkansas governors has the funniest name?

God damn, I love tapioca pudding!

How much do you pay in property taxes?

I dreamt I was in bed with Jimmy Jazz and yvr girl said DUer.

I dreamt I was in bed with a DUer last night, but


What's your favorite Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, etc. Quote?

My explanation of the Regular Features at MOVELEFT.COM.

let's start a "you know you're addicted to DU when..." thread!

How much did you spend on your wedding/reception?


Remember where I was moments?

What's your total credit card debt?

Ford Motor Company to Support the Troops

Worst male voice in rock history?

CD Packaging - Jewel Cases or Digipaks?

Replace one word in a movie/TV title with "Moran."

Bruce Dickinson vs. Rob Halford

Time for Bacronyms!

This makes me SICK!!!! wtf is with people???

Grown men wander my local mall in groups to make contact with teenage boys

My kitty is missing! I fear the worst.


f*cking Food Network!

I bet you can't guess what I have in my shed!

What are you most looking forward to in 2005?

what is everyone currently reading?

Best Movie Rental Nobody's Heard Of?

New season of Alias premiers tonight!

Who saw The Amazing Race last night?

Director Stone Turns on Critics of 'Gay' Alexander

Religious Beliefs of Al Franken

Is 'Americanism' a religion? - from the Asia Times

Religions:Am I a Crazy Dreamer?

Some interesting quotes from scientists on religious matters

The War Against Islam

Children's advocates target law on mental-health care

What is the civilian name for 'gulf war syndrome?' & a cure?

The false link between global warming and worse tsunamis

Earthquake: Coincidence or a corporate oil tragedy?

Thaw sees grass take hold in Antarctica

Guardian's discussion of homophobia in Jamaica

Officials Quit Over Gay Marriage

MassEquality urges you to email Massachusetts legislators TODAY

Anti-Gay Marriage Vote Looms In Massachusetts

Homosexuality, fornication cause of tsunami?


Sitting here in snowy Denver, wondering how much the Broncos will lose by

So Larry Birdine, Is Matt Leinart Still Overrated???

Two years OU makes it to BCS title game; & 2 years they didn't deserve to!

Uh oh. Now it's the Curse of the Pokey!

TROJANS!!!! NO. 1!!!!!1

ESPN picks the Pats to win it all

Send good wishes to my bunny, Baylee, today.......

Does your Kitty ever turn into The Cat From HELL????

Cheney's January astro-forecast

Okay. Three times is the charm .One day to go and no one seems to have a

supermoon and storms

Curcummin in curry helps with alzheimers

Neti pots

Is there a good time to quit smoking?

The "Yo-God" God Detector

Preschools - a vent

Where's everybody?

Oh the naysayers are SOOOOOO upset right now!

Where Are All The Kerrycrats Tonight?

Has everybody seen the new e-mail Kerry sent out?

Photoshoppers; Critique please?

Ad against Gonzales that will be in NYTimes.....

What happened to the hacking investigation of Dem computers by GOP aids?

My Choices For The 08 Ticket, John Edwards & Harold Ford.

Wanted For Questioning By Homeland Security: Dick Tracy?

Video: The 2000 Inauguration protest and riots the Media never reported

Should Democrats intentionally violate house ethics rules in protest?

still waiting...

Is this the way to honor Chisholm and Matsui?

Dems Lieberman/Bayh/Carper working w/Snow-but SSpriv acct carveout unlikel

The bright side: Bush and Republicans get to clean up their own mess

Roemer completely unsuitable as DNC chair

No longer hoping for the best

National Press Club "Ohio Election Challenge" 2 pm. ACTION needed

DU! Phone blitz our Democratic Senators to let Conyers speak on Ohio!

USAT on Bush -- sees himself as overcoming "disadvantages"

Woman ordered to stop having children. What do you think?

Let's take out some of our best Dem Senators!

Conyers to be on Air America Radio

UN going into Iran: Does this look familiar?

TYBOB article in Cap Times

Wingnut C-Span caller: RE Iraq elections and fraud:

Our plans for terror suspects are un-American

Hastert to Swear in Cheney at Inauguration

Former Senior Aide to Pat Buchanan Spoke at Holocaust-Deniers' Meeting

C-SPAN right now: Oops. It's a service for Bob Matsui

Caller on C-SPAN cites election problems in Iraq

AAR (Unfiltered) is asking IF we WANT a Senator to stand

Cable News is Sexing Up and Politicizing The Tsunami Disaster

Two withdraw from DNC chair race

I am ashamed that these are Americans.

Conyers in turkey flap?

What happens to the Social Security number when there is no

Is Amazon a red company?

What crisis can prevent Jan. 6 electoral vote?

Just One Senator... An Open Letter to the U.S. Senate from Michael Moore

Bill Frist: "We can afford it."

Why is Colin Powell Lying? Video

Somebody just called Randi and asked her

MY Declaration Of Independence!

oh my, Guy Hovis to sing ashcrofts's let the eagles soar at inauguration

Gonzales hearings will be taking place tomorrow.

Will C-span have coverage?

Democracy for America Meetup:7pm tonight to watch Lakoff DVD

Conyers on Air America

Randi is giving the Swan Song for Democracy in America right now.

A report from Rep. Conyers and the House Judiciary Committee

Program schedule for President Bush's inauguration

Contact Info for Senators and House of Reps.

Speaking of Fox; have they ever anywhere at any time mentioned...

Tyranny posing as compassionate conservatism.....

Intimidation - How about taking a page from the Repugs play book

My Thought on the Election

Frist's office - Sent me to a message saying their office is closed for

Howard Dean on world aid, and an invite to tonight's meet-up.

DRAFTy in here... Remember when bush said "If we don't stop

Where are the other Presidential candidates? Dennis is on board.

The Bush management style: "your predecessor is just down the hall"

Political Donations of Corporate America's Top Chairmen and CEOs

Jesse Jackson talking with Randi Rhodes now!

Senate in Session--started with...PRAYER?!

Boy, do I plan to respond to this LTTE!


Pigboy Says Democratic Opposition to Gonzales is "racist"

Everyone be sure and call Byrd.

Looking to reach Sen Salazar..can someone help?

Who else just got the email from Kerry?

Do you think it would ruin a Senator's career if he/she backed up Conyers

the internet will be the Democratic party Cash cow If

The framing of political debate (Linguistics professor George Lakoff)

I think it will ruin a Senator's career if he/she fails to stand tomorrow

MSNBC: Boxer to Stand!

The trouble with George W. Bush

Republican negative attacks work, because they own the corporate media


Kerry Believers & On the Fence Believers.....ACTION ALERT! NOW!

Where is this man? Ted Kennedy's 1980 Speech at the DNC

I called Senator Cranston's office

Late January, 2009: It's only 4 years & 2 weeks until Clark & Obama

Jeb Bush "started saying the rosary" at tsunami damage site

Who are "African-Americans" and why bother with it now?

Should doctors be allowed to kill by malpractice without consequences

WTF? Letter from Kerry: "our legal teams ...have found no evidence ..."

Andy Stephenson's run-in with Sen. Lautenberg

Which of the following contributes most to medical inflation?

"Cheating is usually on the Left-Al Gore tried to steal the 2000 election"

Why Senator Barbara Boxer should be the one to step up tomorrow

It took less than 1000 IRA fighters to keep 38,000 British pinned down.

D. Kuncinich just said not another penny for the war!!

Germans blame 1/2 of Americans for US failures ...and spit on them.

Need information to denounce Bush's Social security Plan

Kerry "won't participate"

Just how many doctors have given up medicine because of malpractice awards

Liberals/ Progressives stay true: don't vote for DLC-approved candidates