Democratic Underground

Archives: February 9, 2005

"Bush's Middle Class Tax Hike" (2006 budget)

Davis Green: What's In a Name? Everything.

The US occupation regime's fraud and corruption

Tom Tomorrow: "Turning the corner" on a 'free and soverign' Iraq

The limits of freedom (NCR)

American Legion head decries Bush's budget effects on Veterans.

The Unfeeling President - by E. L. Doctorow

Opposition based on Rice’s record (Evan Bayh)

Dean steps up to rebuild Democrats

Any writers out there? We need your help!

Lack of Access Muddies Death Toll in Darfur

FOP (Fraternal Order of Police), rejects Brady claims about FN Five-seveN

Once upon a time we had an Oscar contest.

my daughter wants here own account and posting

I am so sorry to bother

Help! My dog is too old and fat to climb the stairs

Is this the normal view

Please consider "Hijacking Catastrophe" for the front page

Were Americans involved in the cease fire?

Colo. Prof. Says He Mourns All Killed 9-11

Summary of the Case Against Dick Cheney for Running 9/11

I probably won't make it to the meetup!

Any Jefferson or Union County folks in here?

Some Big Election Problems in Iraq

Count still going in Texas provisional vote tally

We Want a Pro-Choice DNC Chair! signatures needed here!!!!!

Election Day Registration is a Good Idea

Countdown (KOEB) Tuesday

Guess: How many Dem. Congressman are fairly sure Bush stole '04 election?

BRAD BLOG: Yang Offered Curtis $1 Million for a No-Work/No-Show Job!

I was wrong. The weather kept Bush voters away from the exit pollsters

NEP raw data of exit polls released?

T-Shirt Slogans -- brainstorm here!

Shelley staffer just told me supportive emails are very helpful !

Any writers out there? We need your help!

State lottery board approves Calif. joining Mega Millions game

Los Angeles Times (2/8): GOP Fears a Redistricting Backfire

ABC news and Anaheim Hills, CA--what gives?

Focus on absentee votes hurt Kerry, report says

What cases of malfeasance or fraud are people aware of other than these?

62% of People in MA think Romney is doing a good job!!?!

Just heard on the news

Is this your normal DU Latest page view?

frontpage 2003 and network security concerns and solutions

The effects of Bush's proposed budget cuts on Pennsylvania

Austin Taser Protest 2/11/05

Dallas to lose the F/A-22 and V-22r due to Bush cuts

A GREAT article about/against Bob Perry, David Weekley and Doctors

Fellow Texans let's push a Texas candidate for 2008 in the ring

what's the best way to do your taxes?

Easy solution to abortion issues:

it's been 9 days since the iraqi elections

Can someone from Costa Rica run for President?

This is what passes for fair and balanced at US Today (right wing bias)

Any writers out there? We need your help!

If abortion is murder, should a miscarriage invoke a police investigation?

Which state is bluest?

American Fundies telemarket to interfere with Canadian Gay Marriage

Great remedy for people against abortion

Randi's got an utter retard on the phone...

Let the right have Condisleeza - we've got Constance!

GoDaddy controversy staged by Fox to help Republican friend?

TV Alert: Sundance Channel: With God on our Side: GWB and the Rise...

GE & Tweety are pumping the polls for bush and the war drum for Iran....!!

TV Alert: "About Baghdad" on Link TV

If you're married, have kids and you regularly go to church, you're

About that invasion of Iran...

i wonder if i can claim myself as a dependent if i support myself...

Thank you for your sacrifice. Now, return your purple heart medals.

Reframing the debate: Not right-wing, but FRIGHT-WING

Daoureport bought out by

So, while people are repeating their personal opinions on abortion

Ark. Drug Bust Crashes Kid's Birthday


"I called for an ambulance!" One GREAT editorial cartoon.

National Review's take on the NY Times

Why did the white house credential a gay internet pornographer?

exuse for asking, but why do we need $19B more for the military?

Anyone watching this freeper bitch on CSPAN?

Is this quote real? I have always loved it.

Am I wrong?

If a married gay couple adopts a disabled, mixed color Beagle

Need photos of millitary coffins from an overhead angle

Calif says "Congrats, Pres B*sh, & we're taking the blue states..." humor

Anyone have any good alternatives to the Daou Report?

While you're perusing the board here at GD...check out the LIVE cam...

If a gay man marries and procreates with a christian box turtle...

UK "Must Seek Bigger Reward for US Support"--UK, Independent

Reality...Have you ever had unprotected sex, had a condom break,

Reframing the debate: not Conservatives, but Regressives

I'm watching "Frontline" on PBS

The Greatest Failure of the Press

is Hubble a national historic whatshamacallit?

Government and Tyranny (Great Quotes)

I heard last year that suicide rates among troops in Iraq were up

Rummy's SSB - The crap-de-la-crap of government secret agencies.

WHy do "our" pundits & reps pull their punches?

Sheep Cloner's Next Step: Humans

Guess who DOESN'T hate Joe Lieberman

Super Bowl Ads (back story)

Why did the church support Vietnam?

Tuesday Truthseekers check in

do you think FAIR or Media Matters serve any purpose?

Anyone watching tonight's Frontline on Wahabbism in Saudi Arabia??

Illegal Aliens-I hate that term. Reminds me of residents of

(PHOTO) Caption this......

Moral Relativism versus Good and Evil

Sperm or Egg?

Tired of that smug "W" in the black square on the back of SUV's?

How the Hell do Republicans sleep at night?

Breaking News: President Spurs Middle East Peace Hopes

So I'm watching "Law & Order", and they mentioned

This is hilarious (gallows humor)-- though it might be a dup...

OUR Nation's Capital: nazis demand release of Holocaust-denier zundel !

Bush attacks Cities: from the Conference of Mayors. READ PLEASE!

My boss is FILTHY rich and is applying for SS Benefits!

dubya is a sci-fi movie fan! here's the proof... kinda weird

Bush on Social Security, "In his own words."

If Bush has such a great plan for Social Security.....

Bill to allow school proselytizing sails through Virginia House panel

These anti-Arab ads were displayed in Metro Stops (public subway) in DC

(PHOTO) Caption this one...

Howard Dean

Are noisy kids in restaurants a serious, common problem where you live?

LA police kill 13-year-old suspected car thief

If liberal schools are so evil why are conservatives always ,trying

R.I.P Steve Kangas...February 8th, 1999

Bush Quotes/Nazi Quotes...other spooky parallels.

Who do YOU think Deep Throat is???

Nuclear Energy? Yes or No?

I never realized how persecuted White men are until I saw this graph!

Conversion: Caked Yeast to Granule?

Great start ......... semi crappy finish

What food, recipe, or product do you really **not** like?

Westmount Cheap

Bush: Holding Three Jobs 'Uniquely American' [drudge]

Iraqi police drawn from former army

Ark. Drug Bust Crashes Kid's Birthday

AP: Virgina Bill Sets Fine for Low-Riding Pants

Judge Allegedly Tries To Board Plane With Knife - Twice

Back from Iraq - and suddenly out on the streets (15% with PTSD)

McNabb Sick During Crucial Part Of Super Bowl

(British TV) lines up Guantánamo-style torture show

Bush's Budget: The Bad Math Is No Secret

Doobie Brothers Drummer Knudsen Dies

Indiana Guardsman Charged With Iraq Murder; Faces Fort Knox, Ky., Hearing

Lesson of Clinton Fund-Raiser: Double-Check That Donor List -NYT

21 Iraqi troops die in blast

Colo. Prof. Says He Mourns All Killed 9-11

A trans-Atlantic storm over arms for China

EU rejects Communist symbol ban

Troops guarding empty embassy: Labor/Australia

(Canadian) Omar Khadr to allege abuse at Guantanamo Bay

Moves to free Bay six hit US appeals snag (Bahrainis)

US set to free last French Guantanamo Bay detainees

Couple Indicted in African Teen Abuse

Amway chief gave state GOP $1-million

Rumsfeld to press allies on Iraq

Republican Party memo riles Senate Democratic leader (Blasts Reid)

Ninth Circuit Sued For Displaying Ten Commandments

DOD Personnel Plan Spurs Protest March

Powerful Republicans Worry About Bush Budget Cuts

Tiny District Finds Bonanza of Pupils and Funds Online

Ehrlich Aide Fired Over (Baltimore Mayor) O'Malley Rumors (FR involved)

New Jet Laser Incident Reported

Iraq War Is Affecting Small State in a Big Way (VT- most deaths per cap.)

CNN news chief clarifies comments on Iraq

O'Malley Blames GOP Plot For Rumors,Ehrlich Fires Aide Over Affair Gossip

Tanks, officers impose order in Fallujah

WP: Selective Questions For Rice

State investigating Schiavo foundation

SLC Mayor Wants Religious Diversity on City Council

WP: Blueprint Calls for Bigger, More Powerful Government

LA police kill 13-year-old suspected car thief

China Poised to Overtake U.S. in 2020s-Author

WHouse Balks at Submitting Social Security Plan

‘Torture jet’ flies back to Scotland

WP: Medicare Drug Benefit May Cost $1.2 Trillion

Schwarzenegger Booed, Questioned Over Fund Raising

Private Study Says U.S. Keeps Up to 480 Atom Arms in Europe

Berezovsky Claims Chechen Rebels Have A-bomb

Young adults passing on college

Abortions! Abortions! Get your abortions!

This is flamebait.

Interesting, read something in paper today RE: no fetuses/restaurant.

After you're finished with your abortion, how about some tasty heroin?

Having an abortion right now? Check in!

Confess. You have abortion envy.

Welsh rugby fan loses chance to have an abortion in bet.

FINALLY! I have some abortion photos to share with y'all.

I seem to have misplaced my abortion...

Welsh rugby fan loses "manhood" in bet.

He may be the King of Evil, but Ganon is hot

What do you really think about Smokey Bear?

What do you really think of the cancer kids?

More wacky Okla weather...thunderstorms in early Feb????

Hey everybody! It's the year of the Cock!

if you're feeling lost . . . Google's got maps! . . .

BC Duers - have you ever seen a government "Announce" more

So why are we all Abortion Happy again. What did the boy idiot king do now

True expression of love on Valentine's Day?

Breaking: Identity of Deep Throat revealed!

REALLY weird graphics card issue

How are you going to celebrate the Chinese New Year tomorrow?

Keep mocking GD and you will have to face our squirrely wrath!

Check out the Big Chief (pic)

Psycho Techno Hypno Kitten Snake

Deep breathing is good for the system... unless

FooD!!!( and booze)

I've had a rough day.

I have a new avatar! My little boy Henry!

Matcom's ass has its own DNA.

Smokey Bear and Uncle Sam - Are they related?

Birth control is an invention of SATAN

This is flamboyant!

Peeks head out from under blanket....

Weird new graphics card issue...

MAJOR Superman casting rumors - Daniel Day-Lewis, Jude Law, Kevin Bacon

How long until "The fun's over" is over?

David Byrne is on Majority Report right now

Not felling well so..

My right hand and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day.

Check out this editorial cartoon. It ROCKS!

I am cracking up at Bush.

A chicken's life begins at conception,

My ass doesn't celebrate Fat Tuesday,

someone sign up for this site and sue Bush!

Doobie Brothers Drummer Knudsen Dies

Doobie Brothers drummer dies at 56

McNabb Sick During Crucial Part Of Super Bowl

AP: Virgina Bill Sets Fine for Low-Riding Pants

Pretty little thing. Let me light your candle

Tell me more about "woohoo" on the Sims.

I just watched "All the President's Men" for the first time.

10 questions:

rate my humourous autobiography (one page, a third done)

So, I've taken to playing darts on Tuesday evenings

Tinkling crunchy pork.

What sort of emergency equipment do you carry in your car?

Weirdest. Superman cover. Ever.

Does anyone watch the show Committed?

Has anyone seen "Super Sucker"? With Jeff Daniels?

TV Alert: Sundance Channel: With God on our Side: GWB and the...

I'm tired of being PC

Speilberg and remake of War of the Worlds.

Flashback Central: Awesome Vintage Toy Site

D'oh I just realized that it's Fat Tuesday.

Amazing Race Fans - Please no spoilers tonight

Anyone else seen that 1-800-OK Cable commercial?

Who doesn't have a date for Valentine's Day and doesn't care in the least?

I just broke my computer chair in the worst disaster since chernobyl

I have a new avatar...a pic of my Mom you all haven't seen yet

If a gay man marries and procreates with a christian box turtle...

Shameless plug for Longgrain

this is flamebait

I love that Netflix commerical with the mom

One of my former students is going to be on MTV tonight!

about Amazing Race. DO NOT READ IF NOT WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Chong on NPR

Shameless plug for nothingshocksmeanymore

LOL! Debt collectroll in trouble for harassing ME over my parents' debt!

I'm getting a tattoo as we speak!

Derek Taylor wrote in the sleeve of "Beatles for Sale"

I'm a giant green testicle with ears. Am I a freak of nature?

So who did NSMA knock up

My most EVIL post ever

Don't you hate it when you post a serious question and get

Is it wrong to double dip a chip? What do you think?

It is just as you prophesized.! The planets of our solar system....

Flavia Colgen is hot!

give me your best flame!


how would you classify the species of DUer residing in the lounge

Chinese Language TV programming in the US?

Wow! There IS a difference between nonfat and whole milk

Earth to O'Lielly, before you fondly remember your college football yrs...

Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm.


I'm studying RSS feeds.

More lost suit-wearing guys in the airport .........CAPTION

The cure for what ails ya

This kid has a strange independence.

What the fuck was this designer smoking?

Replace a famous hero in history with * and describe the change.

Nice little flamewar going on at my college radio station's listserv!

Classic Video games! Which are your favorities?

Cast the movie of the bushjr administration:

Button, button, who's got the button....

Anyone got anything they'd rather be doing

Tragic death of our house fish

How do you eat Oreo cookies?

I am now the new THREADKILLER!!!

LOL... all the "my posts" threads have been deleted!

2000 posts? How the hell...?

Does the DU "new" button make you think of Burger King?

Oh My God! I'm watching American Idol!!

Oh my Gay Stars: NSMA just outed Arwalden as a Lesbian

They call 'em fingers but I never see 'em fing

My college has given us free music downloading for a semester!

Valentines Day advice, or, just make her happy!

They call 'em motherfuckers but I've never seen 'em....

The Patriots trounce all - most with BY FAR the least in history

How to totally wreck a perfectly good Ferrari...

I like shows like Overhaulin' and Pimp my Ride.

Wow man! I'm smokin' some good shit right now! Jail-shit too!

9 pizza deliveries tonight, and 7 dollars total in tips.

I just posted a smart ass response on a flamefest in GD and lived to tell!

Caffeine Addiction Is a Mental Disorder

Howard Dean's scream = unleashing his inner Beavis?

anyone post her pic in the gallery lately?

Exclusive pictures! Freeper wedding and the cake!

Martial Artists, Check In!

Why does Bettyellen bait me and then disappear?

When my printer is printing, it sounds like it's saying "Not yet."

Everybody go and click your donor star!

Three buck chuck: what do you think? (a.k.a. two buck chuck in CA)

Okay... I know I'm PMSing... when I cry over the losers on Amazing Race!

What are you eating for Fat Tuesday?

What Oceans / Seas have you dipped your toes into?

Read me! Read me! Read me! *jumping up and down*

Sasquatch's Liberal Confessional!! Confess your sins against Liberalism

What's your opinion on Soy Milk?

What Great Lakes have you dipped your toes into??

Faux wouldn't try a Superbowl coverup - would they?

How long will you let someone f**k with you before you fight back?

How many deleted posts do you have on your DU record?

Jazz organist and all around funkster Jimmy Smith dies.

Bullshit waste of time today at school

My cats are famous!!

Does it feel ILLICIT when you meet other DUers in person? Huh? Does it?

I've passed 300 posts finally

Guy in marijuana study smokes 50 joints a day!!

Anyone see themselves here?

What's the weirdest job you ever had?

How well do you know movies?

Bias against Christians?


Just saw"The Origins of AIDS"on Sundance Channel & recommend it highly

This News Story Is Not Gay...............

Zoo Uses Aversion Therapy 'To Cure' Gay Penguins

Our 28th aniversary on the 14th

Welsh rugby fan loses "manhood" in bet

Is golf a sport?

Just found two baby pix of my cat!!

Great anti-ID article (from a rightie, no less.. go figure)

Any writers out there? We need your help!

What kind of DINO are you?

Some "issues" will never be settled.

Incest and Bigamy

Gay Marriage

What if Democrats decided to get into the voter suppression business?

Michael Ledeen on Hardball

Tories attack 'sinister tactics'

Prediction for Iraq......

Grassroots Celebration with Gov. Howard Dean (rally)

Just heard the Rove is being promoted to Deputy (something)--will

Republican congressman is on our side about Iraq and Iran

Does it matter that electronic voting means we can't vote anymore?


The GOP liberal media e-mail - does anyone have a copy of it?

Another Dean Thread

Thinking about how bad things could be when Bush leaves office

Help me out here regarding Dean please

Under proposed immigration act, Sec of HS can break any law with immunity.

Say what you want about Trippi

What will be the major defining issues of the 2006 elections?

What I LOVE about the *resident's SS plan

Flavia Colgen is hot!

I am ashamed, ASHAMED of my government.

Russia protest's why can't we

GOP Members Running from Bush's Privatization Plan

Eeeek! Republicans 56% favorable, Democrats 46% favorable

House of Saud, Frontline, starting NOW

NY Democrats get one million dollar "war chest" from party.

Consider Lloyd Doggett in 2008

2006 Budget a "Strong Step," Says Heritage Foundation

Blame Moore (or Kerry or anybody but the other side)

Channel 5 here in Minnesota reports tonight

I'm listening to Mike malloy for the first time.....

What kind of Democrat are you?

Puke Alert - Freepers commentary on the messiah GWB

A message for Terry McAulliffe....

infighting at freeperland over Bush budget

WARNING!! Don't read this UNLESS you are ready for

Which Of The Following Phrases Best Describes George W. Bush?

Lawmakers say farm cuts would hurt South.

Why isn't the msm talking about this "evolving union"?

Hoyer weighs in with Pelosi, Reid, talking to Dean to back off policy.

Everyone - Support Harry Reid RIGHT NOW by doing this:

How did news travel in the 60s, RE: protests,

"Bush is lying to you AGAIN!" "Think ENRON"

Dean's Plan (in writing) for the DNC

Bush: Holding Three Jobs 'Uniquely American' [drudge]

"Fighting an urge to despair in the Middle East"

CIA prisoners 'tortured' in Arab jails (BBC)

If liberal schools are so evil why are conservatives always ,trying

Portugal to begin withdrawing military police from Iraq this week

Could George Bush Snr really be Deep Throat?

Limited elections test strength of Saudi reforms

(PINR)Turkish-Russian Relations: Implications for Eurasia's Geopolitics

Gene Lyons

Sick and Broke by Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren

The Human Rights Case Against Attacking Iran

Bush's Budget Transforms the War on Poverty Into a War on the Poor

Mini Nukes

The present danger

The MSM Does It Again: No Credit to Indie Journalists

Elliott Abrams: The Neocon’s Neocon

Bon Jovi Backs President Schwarzenegger

Reid blasts Bush over RNC document :Bush's calls for unity appear 'fal

"Bush Pays Halliburton For Services Never Rendered"

Status quo unacceptable in Arab world - Rice

Dismantling the Politics of Comfort

Sick and Broke by Harvard Law School Professor Elizabeth Warren

Why Does Windows Still Suck?

Chavez a threat to South America?

Anyone doing a "Voices in War Time" House Party?

Talon News' Jim "Jeff Gannon" Guckert Resigns -- Gay Hooker Scandal

Brit Hume intentionally lies re SS and FDR - and Media says nothing?

"The Point" peddled discredited anti-Kerry author Corsi's new book

On CBS News, Dan Rather has a daily tribute to a "fallen hero." Does Fox?

Ron Reagan to Host MSNBC News/Talk Show (Reuters)

PBS "News Hour" shamless corporate advertising

Th extraordinary history of petrodollar recycling...

Here's an idea for getting the deficit reduced (by how much, I'm not sure)

War Time Presiden Bush surrenders - in War on poverty

HP board ousts Fiorina

Question about cumulative tax rates

A "values" view of the Bush Budget by the Episcopal ChurchPresiding Bishop

Bush lays the groundwork for defaulting on US Treasury Bonds

Fortune Magazine Features Alternative.Energy Companies

PCBs, fungicide open brain cells to Parkinson's assault

Speakers call for fewer wells, more wildlife protection

What Will the Rest of the World Do If Saudi Oil Runs Out Early?

Fierce fighting in Sulu continues (Phillipines)

Indonesian Christians go on rampage

US reject 4+1 agreement with Mercosur.

There goes the neighborhood.

Good answer.

My annual plea to Skinner!


Missing post in Southern forum

Getting mine and Sapphocrats star back question!

prayer threads in the lounge

Please sir, why was my copycat thread locked?

towing post deleted?

Where will a thread like this go, once The Meeting Room is archived?

Jeff Gannon should not be on the Conservative Idiots list...

Where is the National Media List? Thanks.

Jeff Gannon=#2 or below.

With the Jeff Gannon scandal hot on the heels of the email from him

BBC (Wednesday): Palestinian groups disown truce

2004 immigration figures are lowerst since 1989

High Court: Gov't can resume constructing fence segment

Anyone here familiar with Boston Logan Airport?

Question about the flight 93 crash for anyone to explain

Heh heh ... I'm tickled pink about this

Can a plane crash cause the electrity to went out?

September 11, 9:09 a.m.: How New York City was betrayed

Chicago Sun-Times: Daley drops hired truck program

Chicago Sun-Times: Madigan: 10th casino belongs on Mississippi

Chris Anderson: Dean family honored by Pork Producers

Russ Stewart: Action at a minimum in 2005 suburban races

Trump International Hotel & Tower: Your Thoughts?

Where to camp

DENNIS HASTERT (R-IL) on The Charlie Rose Show 2/9.

Another state where straight Dem voters lose their Presidential vote- N.M.

Ick! I must be on my state GOP e-list... they are planning Election Reform

Countpaperballots site is working and needs donations

Reid Lashes Out Over 'Obstructionist' Label-WH Refuses to Denounce Attack

Voter Verification Newsletter (Verified Voting tracks fix BBV efforts)

Iraq voting vs US voting - as we wait for Iraq style voter suppression to

A really great Frontline documentary on Saudi Arabia last night

keep your spirits up team - click here from free gmail invite

status of Sproul investigation?

Ohio Officials Begin Voting Machine Fight

A new letter from John Kerry -- A Dramatic Step

Convictions and sentencing of GOP leaders in election scam

Kudos to Rep. Alcee Hastings

Info 4 a Grassroots BBV Doc----looking for info on HAVA

USCV report has been updated

breaking news about OH and Blackwell cover for some fast moves

Hogan's Heroes: Have Americans become like Nazis? Nah

Is anyone else having problems with C-Span and C-Span 2?

Al Franken is on...will be talking to Keith Olbermann

new Hillary email "Count Every Vote"

Breaking: Sen. Mark Dayton (D-Minn.) announces retirement!

REVIEW: Various methods of voting (IRV, Condorcet, etc). Become familiar!

F.B.I. Preliminary Interviews In Ohio

Moving Forward on Election Reform

Raw Story: "FBI now looking into claim stickers placed on Ohio ballots; ..

So half of you guessed that at least half of the Dems in congress..

ON YAHOO!: Voting Committee Examines 2004 Election

Wednesday 2/9 Election Fraud, Reform, & Updates Thread

May anger inspire your activism, but not direct it.

Ney (R) to Blackwell: "You can't run and you can't hide" !!!

The Nashua Advocate: Ohio Electoral Administration in the Grip of Chaos

Kevin Shelley Legal defense fund

Senator Clinton and Senator Boxer to announce 'Count Every Vote Act'

The Prez’s Mental Problems: Does it Matter?

California needs your calls. Hello, they're trying to take CALIFORNIA

Conyers Action

Kerry Donates 1 Million to DNC; Rest May be used for 2008 Bid

Your Opinions Sought: Should Felons be Denied Right to Vote?


Christopher Hitchens thinks the OHIO VOTE WAS STOLEN

My idea to help keep voting honest

PROTEST ARNOLD: SAN DIEGO, Thurs 2/8 11am Petco Park!!!

Documentary film "Weapons of Mass Deception" opens tonight in Larkspur.

Doolittle belatedly reports sports-box use

Yet another toll hike possible, to $6, on Golden Gate

Feinstein letter re: arctic drilling/renewable energy

Los Angeles Times (2/8): Gov. Battles Rising Criticism on Multiple Fronts

Newsom Blasts Dems For Not Supporting Gay Marriage

This thread about Talon News has ties to Finneran and Galvin

Gay Murder Suicide Stuns Town (Leominster, Massachusetts)


Happy Chinese New Year , and some GREAT NEWS!!!

Senator Dayton endorcing Bush Supporter Randy Kelly for St Paul Mayor

Statement of U.S. Senator Mark Dayton on his Decision

MN DUers: We need a meeting!

MN DUers: What day works for the get-together?

Sen. Dayton not running for re-election...

Dayton not running for re-election!!! Links to the stories.

2006: Who should it be?

Has anyone ever replaced the battery on a PDA

New Ohio budget, tax cut for top bracket, throws disabled to the wolves?

Sanctorum's Porn Money: Go, ABC!

Democrat wins special election to PA State House

Hearing on Santorum Residency in Penn Hills (PA)

Houston DU'ers...see this post please

Mayor Bill White of Houston feels the cold steel of Tom DeLay

David Van Os launches "A Fighting Dem"

Ms. Ashling and I saw

OT: My other hobby. Slot Car pictures

Need some help with some numbers

Dallas: City Council candidates WANTED. (map attached)

Call Vilma Luna and tell her why you don't support her

What do you think? re: Doyle's budget?

Kohl gearing up for 2006 re-election campaign

Damn, Packer Fan Fest Tickets Sold Out In 2 1/2 Hours!

The 'ticking budget' facing the US--incredible analysis of the mess

Why did I just hear a Sam's Club ad on AirAmerica?

Has Bruce Springsteen Made Any Statements Since Black Wednesday?

License plate free speech...

We need to organize a war protest

Racist Cartoon published in local newsletter.

I posted here regarding a conversation at a Superbowl party...

The funniest thing about the whole Jeff Gannon mess

Just another "little grass roots campaign! " Please check in & help Texas

Check out Hackworth's column on recruiting

The 23rd Sigh . . .

That Compassionate Conservative: "bush** s budget targets the poor"

The arrogance of RW Hate Radio knows no Bounds!


Remember on this day....

Iraq: does it accomplish anything in "The War on Terror"

Why does B**h always kiss people on the EAR?

So did bush or condi say yesterday??

What is the future of our food?

Did Diebold win the Election?

Back from Iraq-and suddenly out on the streets: Homeless Vets on the rise

Did they postpone the "election" results in Iraq?

A better way to fight terrorism??

did any one watch Night Line last night?

The Dictionary & The Bible both say that bush is EVIL. Is he?

Bill would change right of undeclared voters

Bid on a chance to NAME A NEW SPECIES OF MONKEY!

As the op-ed columnists of the NYT become more and more openly

PHOTO: Veterans sleep in OUR Nation's Capital.....

Barbara and Jenna Bush running the Department of Education?: Editorial

Flawed Wisconsin quarter is fetching prices above $500

The Conservative Message Machine Money Matrix

Another Decency Nazi caught with his pants down, gay hookers & lies

Another freeper--BUSTED!

* quote. From Press confrence

Anybody live near Lake Ontario, hear low rumblings over lake tonight?

I'm pro-life and I'm taking back my term!!!

Pictures of Jeff Gannon at WH Press Briefings?

Smaller government? Not if Bush has his way

What's with this so call 'excellant letter' from charlie daniels?

Except for Saddam invading, did Kuwait have this much "terrorism"

If men got pregnant, Ronald Reagan would probably be alive and healthy!

FLDS Church Building a Temple in Texas (another Waco???)

Caption: Sec'y of the Treasury trying to sell the Chimperor's budget

FOX shows nipple on their SuperBowl Website!!

Fans fear for men from U.N.C.L.E

Charity chief warns Cherie guests to donate with care

Outcast Star Zooms Out of Milky Way Galaxy ..

Is GW Bush Co Dependent..a Dry Drunk

HR6 - boy scout troops sponsored by military units

Talon spins to the bitter end ...

The DU Jeff Gannon project.

"Jeff Gannon" RESIGNS

Anger at U.S.scientists designing of new nuclear weapons

Pictures of Jeff Gannon (Guckert?)

Stories from Fallujah . more war crimes

Taking on the American Taliban -- great article! -- one question

So who decides who can/cannot have nuclear weapons?

IPLF seeks moderators, local leaders, webmasters, writers

EPA to Test Toxic Chemicals on Low Income Kids

Prostitutes' support group wins £360,000 grant from Lottery

So, who is Martin O'Malley? He's another victim of Repub. rumor mill lies

Shrub says poor people not necessarily killers

This Gannon thing proves that if you put it on the Net, we'll find it.

Self Delete

well after this latest stupidity from the state of virginia

Drudge can report on 2000 Clinton Gala but not on Gannon.

"Ozzie Davis"?????

Bush's Voodoo Math Calculations On Social Security

The Missing 9 Billion From Iraq?

Juan Cole lacerates Jonah Goldberg, CNN's pseudo "expert" on Iraq

Remember just how far this Gannon scandal goes

QUESTION: Is It Fashionable for a U.S. President to be Openly Fascist?

"And I think everybody understands what the 'next steps' mean."

They are protecting our freedoms.

Don't get old, don't become poor and don't sick...

I nominate Jeff Gannon as Conservative Idiot #1.

Olbermann on with Franken today!

Marine stripped of purple heart---Bush had photo op with him

Which gift keeps on giving the best

We need to get out of Iraq

Anyone else see BushCo's SS propaganda ad on CNN?

"Pentagon to broadcast to millions of U.S. homes"

So...bush's own SS actuary says bush's plan will make SS WORSE SOONER

interview with Robin Williams on his shows with the troops/ SFChron

Olbermann On AAR Now

Saving Medicaid & SS: Here's The Easy Solution

Should A Paraplegic be Eligible For Any Job?

Heads up, Kieth Olbermann on Franken right now!

(PHOTO) Caption this one...

Russia and China announce strategic partnership military and fiscal influe

The terror attack on the US was a one shot deal...

Plame & Propagannon: Joe Wilson Speaks Out

Where do we start and what do we do.

How much is basic dignity worth? 12%, 15%, ???

Lets e-mail O'Leilly and tell him we love the "No spin zone with KO"

I just tipped off Drudge regarding the Jeff Gannon scandal...

Attention KOEB... :) Keith will be on Al Franken's show this hr.

"Wake Up and Smell the Fascism"

Pathways to peace

"Social Security Gassed Its Own People!" | K Chronicles

Jeff Gannon quits

"Order 81" A declaration of war against farmers

Don't mention Fallujah: Another unembedded journalist disappears in

Drudge STILL ignoring the Gannon story!

Support AAR Sponsors!

Houston talk show radio host gets called "religious paranoid" on air

Will anyone else be happy when Rice's face disappears from the News?

Gay Pimp Exposed As White House Reporter

much Tsunami relief money not arriving

spread the truth of Wal-Mart: the Wal-Mart Fact Checker

Why is it that a white guy in a bow tie....

Timetable for "Son of Shock and Awe"

Kerry collecting money for Dean's new DNC leadership role.

How are the Freepers taking Jeff Gannon's "Outing?"

Guns at Work

"Didn't We Get Rid of Those People Years Ago?" (native americans)

Perhaps these Marines Took Gen:"It's fun to shoot people" Literally?

It's time for us to take on the republican party as the moral party

Egyptians - I have a question

My emal from Liberty University

What is Talon News's relationship with the GOP?

That was one of the best Franken segments.

Will there be a TV series: Jeff Gannon - Gay Pimp Journalist?

Prostitutes' support group wins £360,000 grant from Lottery

DU McDonald's for circumventing Oregon's Min Wage Law!

Why I support NYC's $12 Billion bid for the 2012 Olympics

Dahr Jamail on Fallujah stories...

Ok; the "honorable" Ambassador Coats will quit

Applications to Naval Academy down 20 percent

I'm dying to know which Bush man got blackmailed by Gannon

Hey! Anybody got a freerepukelick ID? I got an idea!

WTF- No Iran War Plan but "Everyone Knows What 'Next Steps' Means"?

Franken doing the Gannon/Guckert story now!

They don't read history, they don't REALLY read

So if it turns out Gannon/Guckert was planted by the WH

Please help publicize TX Worker's Comp scandal!

NPR is so boring: 15 minutes on Carly Fiorina

"Every country gets home field advantage" = Olympic cheating?

Any legal restrictions on setting up a *news* agency or calling yourself

Peace in many languages

Is there a summary of Bush's proposed cuts somewhere?

What Bush is REALLY doing to National Defense...

The real reason for the Iraq war: From John Perkins...

look at this...worlds smallest baby born is going home cute...

Let's Privatize SS ONLY if Lay and Skilling Manage The Money

Did you Air America internet stream drop?

Rice: U.S., Europe share 'common agenda' / EU to End Embargo on China Arms

Conservative is closer to Fascist than Liberal is to Communist.

Does anyone tally who gets called on during WH press briefings?

Gannon/Talon News contact info

idiots' storm troopers, attack dogs going after omalley

Olbermann revealed O'Reilly's "resume padding" in Super Bowl program essay

Low-power RM Radio Bill Reintroduced

Medical Databases -- We're Screwed

C4 lines up Guantánamo-style torture show

93 year-old Art Linkletter says the Darndest Things..."AARP..Liberal"

Nuclear madness must not be permitted to metastasize

(PHOTO) Around the World in 80 Wars (Exclusive ->)

Jeff Gannon subpoenoed by Plame grand jury

In defense of Jeff Gannon, Pimp Journalist

Now that we know that Jeff Gannon does gay porn sites,


Patrick Marc M. Rapicault. This Frenchmman gave his life for America.

WTF are they thinking?!?!

Was Jeff Gannon a "PsyOps" by the Bush Admin?

Deep Throat...Revealed?

Osama bin Laden

HaHaHa, on the Limpball radio show today......

Google cache of Gannon's website >

conservative young people- fake or real?

Seriously - how do you get into a WH Press Conference?

The Conservative Voice on Jeff Gannon

Wolf face blitzer going to cover gannon...

(PHOTO) B**h makes it onto Mt. Rushmore

Ivory tower Democrats...

Gannon...Did We Take Him Down??

Darn, you can't get through to "Talon News" in any way!

Comming up on CNN Blitzer doing Gannon...

Warning put on your tin foil hats the dam is going to break.

Four More Wars. . .

Freedom of Speech

A bit morbid but...

Randi says Gannon got his "diploma" from an organization run by

jerry falwell leads funeral services for Marine killed in Iraq (PHOTOS)

$720B Drug benefit cost. He's a lying, coniving, sack of ......

I think it is now officially time to start re-naming things for CLINTON!

Is it time for a "Million Dem March"?

Red states are paying...

So, what was Blitzer's report on Gannon? n/t

You'd think the MSM would be APPALLED re: Gannon

Will the Gannon SCANDAL fade away before our unbelieving eyes?

Can we get some of the Air America programs pod-casted?

the power team .... a religious right evangelization tool

Question about Social Security

Homeland Defense and it's contractors to be exempt from all laws

Congrats to Jeff Gannon...

Leaving Iraq with honor

Anyone think a whole closetful of shoes is about to drop on "Jeff Gannon"?

Gannon and Ambassador James Wilson

Was that cop killer, nekkid?

CNN Blitzer just did a tease about Gannon

Hold on for wolf face story on Gannon:

The boy king kills. How many people would be alive if . . . .

Jon Stewart is going to hire Gannon

So what's Gannon got on Wolf Blitzer?

"A lot of people are asking if conservativ web bloggers have gone too far"

Canadian Unions going to war with Wal mart

None of these journalists cared how PERSONAL they got re: Clinton's PENIS

Is Somebody Being Paid to KICK the Abortion/Fascist Stuff to the Top?

Stop Calling Bush/Republicans Fascists! We Look Hysterical!


Rush Limbaugh: I think he needs to be in a 'Stress Position' n/t

A “living wage” and the pursuit of equality

Noam Chomsky on Democracy Now -- extended 45 min speech

If the Republicans truly won, then Diebold also won

Bush has Enronized the Social Security system....

Leslie Blitzer Outs himself

Oh snap. Check out this page on Gannon!

Pic of Rove and W with a Talon News reporter!

Question for those who remember just about everything

Bush: Child Abuser for Our Times

29,000 hits to almost all right wing sites if you google "fetus+unique DNA

Randi tried to get Jeff Gannon on the show today --NOW!

simplistic there a connection between Gannon and Plame??

Kurtz says journalists (but not democrats) exempt from crotch sniffing


Car Bomb in Spain wounds 43

Is Karl Rove ...?

"Blind Faith" by Bill Moyers... (from In These Times)

FDA backs away from antidepressant warning

I stirred up some shit re. the Anheuser-Busch "troops" ad (long)

I'm liking this mayor of Baltimore, O'Malley

I can't believe Air America is not reporting this. (*Suspending all laws*)

Was Gannon/Guckert REWARDED For His "SERVICES"???

Breaking: Joseph Steffan's Computer Seized (FreeRepublic)

Roaches... (Gannon version 2)

Jeff Gannon "reporting" about Helen Thomas, Dan Rather

Gannon's not the first link between the Bush family and prostitution

Ambassador Wilson labels the Bush administration with the 'F' word

US scientists designing new generation of nuclear arms (Interested Yet?)

PHOTO needs caption: finally, bush* kisses pickles....

CNN: The most trusted name in news?

I thought i'd share this with you all

Has CNN/FAUX/MSNBC/etc even said ANYTHING about...

Consumer Reports: Mac Laptops Have Fewest Repairs

NC E-voting bill approved by committee 11-1

Jeff Gannon "Goes Silent"

Wolf trying to white-wash story!!!

Wolf and Howie Kurtz just stuck up for Gannon...

PHOTO: DOCTOR Rice doesn't look happy to be at EU headquarters!

Great criteria to evaluate the morality of abortion

Boy did they spin that one! CNN/Gannon...

Senator Dayton's decision will help us now!

GANNONGATE! Talon "News" "reporter" Jeff Gannon ties to gay hookers!

Questions for Rice screened in Paris and audience restricted.

Al Franken says Brit Hume should resign.

WTF is up w/Novukula's forehead?

The New Iraq: "Chess Is Absolutely Forbidden"

Has anything done by Chimpus Khan thus far affected you **personally**?

It seems to me....someboy is crying "Wolf"

"A lot of people are asking if liberal web bloggers have gone too far"

So Bush has allowed our White House to turn into a male prostitute ring

"Kerry Could Become First Gay President" By Jeff Gannon

How many other stories SHOULD have had legs?

News: DOCTOR Rice puts IRAN & Europe on NOTICE!

DENNIS HASTERT (R-IL) on The Charlie Rose Show 2/9.

is anyone else sicke of the Jeff Gannon story yet

A poll about random searches

Iraq Election Results Delayed on Recount (ballot's "not folded right")

PHOTOS: Anti-War Demonstrators in front of the Supreme Court TODAY

Help, more Gannon fodder

Gannon theory: Rove pimped Gannon as media whore because

Al Qaeda Militant Dies in Custody in Kuwait

Jeff Gannon connected to male military escort service?

Jeff Gannon: Freeper.

Why Isn't The Jeff Gannon Story On Drudge?

Why are bloggers having to do job of mainstream investigative journalists?

Bill O'Reilly's sexcapade to get 'Law & Order' treatment... TONIGHT!

Iran is "starting-up" an Oil Exchange trade in Euros -- War Soon.

bush HAD TO HAVE KNOWN Gannon was a FAKE reporter don't U think?

READ AND SAVE Jeff Gannon's Deleted TALON NEWS Articles Here:

I wish Ms. Rice would quit rattling the sabre.

Aide to Gov of MD resigned after admitting to posting rumors on FR

Big fuckin' Cross at the Crossroads

Social Security: Let's Be Clear About The 'Problem'

I'm a new precinct chair! Precinct chairs, check in here and say HI!

Anyone remember the "call boy" sex scandal in Poppy's WH?

When did the Iraqis converge on the Saudi border?

GAWD! What is that big black blotch on Novakula's forehead???

What’s really wrong with Social Security and why the GOP plan

"Surprises" from red states

Attempts to Indoctrinate my Children at school

'91 Memo Warned of Mercury in Shots

Don't Cry For Me, Palo Alto: Fiorina severance package is 21 million bucks

Is Jeff Gannon the Heidi Fleiss of Washington "Journalism"?

"Jeff Gannon" and Karl Rove -- one degree of separation

Is anybody getting copies of the Gannon articles etc.

Showing undies could cost Virginians $50.

Iraq Camp Bucca Mud Wrestling Pictures

i told my two children about the "child in restaurant" thread

Sign Louise Slaughter's petition, PLEASE

We're giving 100 MILLION Tax-Dollars to Poland for Iraq Participation?

Rep. Slaughter Calls for Investigation of Gannon Scandal >

Would you change Operating systems based on politics?

When will people grow up and try to be civilized?

Gannon/Guckert seems pretty proud that he was involved in outting Plame

A Petition against the Constitution Restoration Act of 2004

Does Fitzgerald Have the Gannon Story?

Do you agree with this statement?

Bush: Holding Three Jobs "Uniquely American"

Condi and Carly

from Sen. Coburn's mouth: slicone breast implants make you healthier

Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005

A message to CNN, FOX, and all media lurkers...

what if GAY PORN and The White House become co-related

Why can't Iran have nukes?

DU groups proposal: Pro-Life Progressives

Microwaving Iraq 'Pacifying' Rays Pose New Hazards In Iraq



here's a good resource of food links

do "Pizza Stones" wear-out ?

Does anyone have one of the new french door refrigerators?

La question du jour - cookbooks

I'm making potato soup. I'll let you know how it turns out.

If by some chance the gay marriage bill is defeated...

Day of violence in Iraq claims high number of casualties

NYT: New White House Estimate Lifts Drug Benefit Cost to $720 Billion

U.S. Soldier Killed in Northern Iraq, Army Says (1450)

Gunmen Kill Iraqi Journalist, Seize Govt Official

South Africa draws big money with big game hunting

Rove Is Promoted To Deputy Staff Chief

Medicare Drug Benefit May Cost $1.2 Trillion - Wash Post (double the $$)

Blueprint Calls for Bigger, More Powerful Government (Wash Post)

WHouse Balks at Submitting Social Security Plan

A Scripted Follow-Up For Rice - State Dept., School Vetted Questions (WP)

A million flamingos could lose home as Kenyan lake dries up

Smoke, gunfire in Baghdad

Soldier Found Dead From Gunshot Wound (#1451)

Murtha vows to fight Bush proposal to cut drug intel center

Alleged Kuwaiti Terror Group Leader Dies (heart failure in prison)

Saboteurs bomb gas pipeline in Iraq's north

Working three jobs "uniquely American," Bush says

Democrats insist on the changing of voting system

Stories from Fallujah . more war crimes

Iraqis Commandeer Women's Shelter co-founded by Nashville attorney

Judge demands appearance by Gale Norton

Venezuela calls US official “impertinent”

Vatican tightens annulment rules

Jeff Gannon resigns from Talon

Treasury releases 1992 ERM papers

Anti-bribery chief gives up in land of greased palms

Charity chief warns Cherie guests to donate with care

Could George Bush Snr really be Deep Throat?

Putin cronies exposed in new list of Russia's rich

Backlash against Bush small biz cuts

Medicare Benefit Estimated at $720 Billion

Siptroth wins special election for 189th District state House seat

New move over Pinochet immunity

Proposed Meal-Break Rules Panned by Worker Advocates -CA

Smallest Baby Born Goes Home From Hospital ..(wieghed less than soda can)

Russia Faces Chechen Cease-Fire Bid

USA Today Poll: Tap wealthy on Social Security (most Americans agree!)

Periodontal Bacteria Linked to Heart Disease

Saudi talks marred by 'terrorism' definition

Mom's dress code protest attracts KKK

Former GOP Consultant Sentenced to Prison

HP's Carly Fiorina ousted by board...

Bush sent envoy to China over Korea arms


Fiorina resigns as chief of HP

Car Bombing in Madrid Park Injures 43

Proposed Budget Would Strip TSA of Its Biggest Programs (privicy at-risk)

Rice urges tough stance on Iran

Pope health poses Vatican dilemma

Rice warns Iran: U.N. action looms

Polish outrage at 'innocent' police list leak

Pentagon drops toxic-drug diagnosis

Italian pilots win cowardice case (anti-missile protection)

WorldCom finance chief tells of Ebbers pressure

Campbell Suffers Curse of Blackberry Emailer - "F*ck off twats" to BBC

Display Stirs Controversy In Land Park -Soldier's Uniform Hangs From Noose

Breaking: Minneapols TV reporting Mark Dayton will not run for reelection

Explosion in Madrid

3 sheriffs shot in Ocala FL massive manhunt underway Lake Katherine?

Iran to take control of world's oil trade in 2005

Dayton Won't Run for Re-election

Dayton (D-MN) won't run for re-election

FBI checking Clermont voting Congressman claims tampering

Fort Bragg Soldier, Teen Found Dead in Home

Schroeder: Iraq elections 'only small progress'

DeLay Sees Chance of Immigration Deal

WP: Asylum Seekers Often Mistreated, Study Funds

Healthcare Costs Take Big Bite From Economy (HSA NOT A SOLUTION)

Medicare Drug Benefit to cost $720 Billion

Japan claims disputed lighthouse

Indonesia earthquake triggers panic

Steve Martin Donates $1M to Art Collection

Minnesota Senator Will Not Seek Reelectioin

U.S. general says he believes British plane was downed by hostile act, not

Governor Tennesee, Bredesen: Medicaid reflects socialism.

Asset test bars 900 kids from CHIP (TX health care program)

Attorney: Terri Schiavo's feeding tube could be removed Feb. 22

Bush to Seek Funds for Polish Military

Rice to Iran: Take EU3 Deal or Face U.N. Council

Bush calls for end of racism

Deadly Philippine violence continues

Pentagon asks for $19 billion increase

Ex-NBA Star's Mosque Named Probe

Russian Duma Kills No-Confidence Measure

BBC producer killed in Somalia

Republican National Committee chair reaches out to African Americans in Pr


U.S. Companies Move Call Center Work to the Home...USA

'Team America' unsettles Team Kim in Pyongyang

U.S. Routinely Updating War Plan for Iran - General

Walmart to shut down store in Canada because they voted for a Union!

Researchers hit 'abstinence-plus' (Heritage Foundation to Congress)

PM apology over IRA bomb jailings

Rumsfeld, in France, Warns of 'Bumpy Road' in Iraq

Lawmakers criticize absent Blackwell (not just Dems)

Teen goes into cardiac arrest after cop uses stun gun

Digital guru floats sub-$100 laptop PC

O'Malley Likens Bush's Proposed Cuts to Sept. 11 Attacks

Oldest tree in Versailles pulled down after 324 years

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Wednesday 9 February

Hoyer to Dean: Leave policy to us -The Hill

Smaller Fixes Could Bolster Social Security -AARP

Record number of women groped on Tokyo's subway

Bush's Social Security Plan Assumes Much From Stocks (Wash Post)

Doctors Begin to Separate 'Mermaid' Baby's Legs

Dayton Expected to Bow out of Re-election bid...Minnesota

Poll: Tap wealthy on Social Security(end the cap on payroll taxable wages)

Kerry Donates $1 Million to DNC

Hungary PM's 'terrorists' gaffe

Russia Says It's Ready to Arm Saudi Arabia

French press slams Vatican spin on pope's illness

45 PBS stations to air inclusive 'Buster' ep

Poll: Hillary honest, doing a good job

Wal-Mart to shut unionized store

GOP appears open to (Roy) Moore candidacy

Rep. Slaughter's letter to * for investigation into White House ‘reporter

Mother who killed child ordered sterilized by judge

Thousands attend speech by embattled Colorado professor

AP: U.S. Aims to Oust U.N. Nuke Official

Soldier's Iraq Death A Hoax, Records Show

Hewlett-Packard CEO Fiorina Resigns

Pentagon to broadcast to millions of U.S. homes

Ahmad Chalabi Is on the Brink of a Comeback

Congo plans to clamp down on "blood" mineral

Democrats, Labor Say Bush Amtrak Plan May Backfire

Plan could require all in state (CA) to have health insurance

Mystery Illness Baffles Doctors; Frustrates Patients

Austrian Firm Sells 800 (sniper) Rifles to Iran

Rice: Iran must halt nuclear program

Gregoire supports statewide ban on smoking in WA

Bush's budget eliminates college loan program

Bush: World Must Speak with One Voice on Iran Nukes

"'Prince Of Darkness' Ousted" - MD GOP Slanderer Resigns

Newsom Blasts Dems For Not Supporting Gay Marriage

Kansas board to seek experts' opinion on science standards

(NPR) Conservative Reporter Resigns Amid Controversy

Rather than riding in the "Hello Kitty" Ferrari...

How much of your ass are you currently using?

Hockey fans - Red Deer v. Sherbrooke for the Cup?

Curad bandaids are so much better than Band Aid brand.

Have you seen this video yet?

Funny license plates.....


When they build subways..

Funny inside joke on NCIS

When Pornstars attack

Which DUer(s) would you like to meet in prison?

Ever did anything with another DUer that you're ashamed of

Which DUer(s) would you like to meat in person?

Repeat of Bon Jovi on Donny Deutsch on CNBC on now...where he

Are any DUers Nielsen ratings families?

Before I go to bed, here's something to piss off the right-wing lurkers!

Who was / is the youngest DUer?

In favor of of all us Single DUers

woohoo, looking like my first all-nighter for the semester!

Do you shave or trim "it?"

Q: I'm really stressing out over school right now, and...

Who remembers this great song?

Holy Crap! Is PiL's "Second Edition" the best album ever, or what?!

Damn it, I want my own K-Tel greatest hits collection! has * at 63.5% annoying

That was pretty cool. Never watched them shut down Mardi Gras

Who can identify this song?????

Fuck you, commuters! I'm buying my very own tank!!

I've removed the pig from mi (sic)

Okay, who knows THIS song?????

So, I have this Excel file on a floppy

Need help, what kind of computer should I buy?

I just had to withdraw Grad school apps because of health AGAIN

Nuts to legitimate film production...I'm going into prawn!

I've removed the pic from my sig

The little flamey thing doesn't happen at '30' anymore

Hey, BouncyBall - as we near Valentine's, post more of your love poetry!

I get to go and see a shoulder dissection tomorrow...

What does "redneck" mean?

You know I was...I was wondering, you know, if...if you could keep on...

Should I leave a lime to rot in my kitchen as a political statement?

Name the movie

Name this song: Times have changed. Times are strange.

I'm such a chicken...

how about a no repuke restaurant?

Well, that's just great - dart night is coming to an end

What dips/sauces have you dipped your toes into?

Should I post my 2000th post tonight?

Holy dancing hamsters batman!

I'm about 8 posts away from being in the 700 club-don't ask me anything

I'm 9 posts away from 2000....ask me anything.

Statins for high cholesterols: Question.

meh, what's the point?

Aerial image of where you live.

Good morning all ya!

Why is it that every time I turn around CNN is airing Larry King???

Woo hoo! My first use of my new wireless keyboard and optical mouse!

I've got wierd gas in my chest for some reason

The Future of the United States Intelligence Community...looks kinda blue!

Good morning DU.

Mom Gives Birth To Twins - Two Month's Apart

I had to reboot our email server this morning.

Valentine's Day Looms Ever anti-lovesongs here:

Self delete.

How do I tactfully tell someone email is not the same thing as chat?

I had to refruit our loom this morning.

Oodgay Orningmay

It seems that the UK has far too many tits.

Okay, I just tipped over my chair

Should we have a Jeff Gannon forum? There's a gazillion Gannon posts

Man Charged In "Chalupa Assault" At Taco Bell - Hit Employee With Chalupa

I'm going to Vegas for the first time next week, What should I see/do?

I am in New Orleans today.... why does my head hurt?

Woke up to Steve Earle music in my head this morning

Colorado Teens Fined for Giving Cookies to Neighbor

Are people getting sick more times and longer durations this winter?

How About a No- Old-People Restaurant


I think the little old lady across the street might be right said fred.

If I can teach you anything, it's this: Don't go to a dive bar and order

Fans fear for men from U.N.C.L.E

Why aren't there any funny galoshes?

Is everyone just now realizing my screen name?

is sanctimonity a word?

Teen Survives Scalping: Fellow Member Of Punk Clique Suspected

Who wants to bet that StopTheMorans can't copycat this thread?

What's your favorite band...for how long?

Latest Bin Laden tape seems a little fishy...


CONFESS!! Who here didn't realize you were put on Double Secret Probation

My link url just posted as F_CK YOU HOT LINKER!

It's new

I hate Al Stewart and the Chinese.

Police Taser Puts 14 Year Old Boy In Cardiac Arrest

Latest Bin Laden tape seems a little flashy...

What great Lakers have you dipped your toes into?


I'm the operator of my pocket.......... Talking Computer Pen.

Time again for "Name that DUer"

So, I'm driving along this morning, minding my own business....

i miss chris farley... :::sniffle:::

Costa Rica

Cop Fires At Deer - Bullet Ends Up In Family's Bed Room

Post 2000!!!!!

HEY! Who stole my star while I was away?

What do you do about a boss....


I'm going to visit Vegans next week...who should I see/do?

Does anyone remember the Frank Zappa quote

thoughts and karma for my mom today... Radical mastectomy

What great toes have you dipped your lake into?

Yet another Name that DUer thread!

Imagine it's the 1970s, what are your predictions for the year 2000?

My grandma fell and broke her hip, I'm afraid she might not pull through

It's rough being old ... y'know?

I think I have an arc-tangent infection...ask me anything.

Could Jeff Gannon really be....

Zoo wants to let sheep in to stop the moreen pants made from this thread

Only stop in the United States: Salador Dali at Phily Museum of Art

Woman Wakes Up To Find Drunken Neighbor Sleeping With Her

How many days in a row have you called in sick

Obscure Canadian reference: "Westmount cheap"

Professor suffers burns after trying to carry burning tree out of home

I HATE moralizing billboards!

I think I have a Linus infection...ask me anything!

Freepers Totally Tizzed Over Gannon LOL!!!

U.S. WINS!!!!!!! (Pancake Race) - "U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!!"

Town In Italy Offers $14,000 For Every Baby Delivered

Was cuddling on couch with husband and son last night...

My son's going to Berklee in the fall

So this morning I find out I'm getting married in Vegas. I need help...

Az's avatar scares me

need advice from a computer guru..

don't forget to carry an extra handy-wipe with you today...

Did Jeff Gannon quit today to give up whoring for lent?

The Comfort-Zone of all CAPTIONS!!!!

Northeast Snowstorm thread:

NCLB: how am I expected to cover all of the information on the....

I tink I ave a sinus infection...ask me anyting.

A quotation to keep in your heart.

For my 1000th post, I just want to say thank you, DUers

Nature's Burger

I'm looking for a miracle man, and it's not George Bush.

The Cribbed Crusader of all CAPTIONS!!!

Flintstones Are ‘Way Too Gay’

Can one be anti-establishment AND get rich?

Is it wrong to NOT pet a gnome?

Where do people get such a sense of entitlement?

Could Jeff Gannon be Deep Throat?

I want this tshirt

OK, who wears the bunny suit then? I've been netless 4 days.

"If you listen real careful to my head, you can hear a ocean roar."

mardi gra live webcam Bourbon St...looks like it rained..

Doobie Brothers Drummer Knudsen Dies

*You* (yes you) are a freeper.

I hate cat hair on DU

Dobie Gillis, Patty Duke Show or Gidget. Favorite early 60's teen sitcom?

Really funny video, by Eric W. Schwartz.

Sorry fellers, that fine gal Nicole Richie is gettin' hitched.

Is it wrong to NOT name a pet?

Badness: where do you stand on it

Okay...going to the doc for my sinus infection today.

Is The Amazing Race about to jump the shark with Season 7 with Amber/Rob?

!!!Congratulations to the Queen of Mardis Gras — Our own SusanG!!!

Have you ever had a good manager?

jswordy? where are you? I have to give you something (not sure why, yet)

Soo... what DUer would you like to see covered in chocolate?

I'm sleepy as hell and I have a class in 45 minutes.

My cat's enjoying the Mike Malloy show as usual

Which DUer(s) would you like to meet in person

Why is CSTT asking so many broad brushed questions?

If you could get a WH press pass and ask a Bushie a question...

i'm not a commie

The Paul McCartney halftime show was the best halftime show ever. IMHO.

Listening to Deep Purple's "Burn". Ask me anything.

Where's Belladonna??

Freepers flooding the message boards at MMFA

um, friends- a kick for my mom- she was a liberal while you were in diaper

well mom came through surgery- minus one breast

My son's friend admitted to him he's Pia Mei. Dad sent him to Okinawa.

Britney Spears, marriage troubles, and how the mighty have fallen

The rhinoplasty: not to be nosy but what do you think?

Will someone PLEASE bring me another blanket and some

Two Patriots Fans Say They Were Attacked & Beaten By Eagle Fans

The flipside of reality.. a "review" By an Italian "visitor"


Does anyone know anything about refrigerator repair?

Snowfall in Southern Utah breaking records this year

Why does (insert your favorite band's name here) suck so much?

They quoted me, "GOPBasher," on another website and gave me credit.

Question for the computer literate techies about VJ software for PC's

So Boston DUers (Esp Will), what weekend in May should I come to Boston

How come Americans are such chickenhawks?

It's Chinese New Year, Ask Me Anything

White House gives Osama bin Laden press credentials??



What is this?

Why are Americans so arrogant?


Wait a second. Wait a g*****n f*****g second.

My Shar-Pei admitted to his dad he's Fey (as in Gay)

How will Rove and Co. make Gannon Go Away?

A DU first? Murphys_Unlawful has asked buddhamama to get married and...

Headache powders: how many different brand names/varieties are there?

OMG - I saw "The Grudge" last night!



Are 18-25 year old females *really* more emotionally mature than males?

SNL question (Paul Giamatti as guest host)

How do I hook up a difference engine computer with a DSL web connection?

My Archie Bunker co-worker is getting a divorce- is it wrong to laugh?

Elton John Leads Poll To Be Sculpted In Chocolate

Baldness: where do you stand on it?

Condi Beats Super Bowl Oddsmakers

Happy Beginning of Lent Everyone!

Has someone misplaced Pagerbear? If so, would you please

I have a huge crush on Tina Fey.

Resolved: No more sarcasm. It's unfair to the sarcasm impaired.

A DU first? jswordy has curious pimple removed from ass...

Listening to Kansas: "Power". Ask me anything.

Are the "Bush's" Beans and Chili people related to the white house scum?

I'm going to Vegas for the first time next week, Who should I see/do?

What is maturity really?

Does anyone else sprout their own sprouts?

I visit porn sites regularly. Where's my White House press pass?

130 dead cats found in home

Why are Americans such bible thumping, sister marrying, hillbillies?

A DU first! jswordy gets name in discussion topic

Is it possible to see ALL your posts?

Does anyone else grow their own sprouts?

Why are Americans such mongrels?

Speaking of Miss Hockey

So do I have to register a porn site before I get my WH invite?

Funny pub near my apartment

I am not named someone not named Jeff Gannon. Ask me anything.

I have FIFTY Gmail invites to pass out...

TV morning news show poll---OOH I'm LOVING this!

Why are conservatives called "Brown shirts"?

Gonorrhea Lecthym - New dread disease identified!!!!

Goddamn irs, goddamn dept. education, goddamn me

Sheesh. Women. She thinks I'm going to call, I won't?

Just got my DU bumper sticker

Remember the Simpsons episode....

Should the Gay Penguins be allowed to remain Gay (and Fab)?

Police Crash Toddler's Birthday Party In Marijuana Raid

Has anyone ever tried out to be a contestant on "Jeopardy"?

What's your current earworm?

Update on my Grandma's condition (I Need a Hug)

Liam claims new album is “the best in the world”

Terri Eberle of greets his bots today. Mum about Gannon.

Carnac the Magnificient: George Gershwin, Jeff Gannon & Arnold Gropenator

Damn, people will ask the administrators anything


Nine(!!!) MS Security Updates today!

New Power Couple: Jim Guckert and Jeff Christie ((WARNING SICK PICS))

There's no point...just a PENGUIN!

I'm leaving until tomorrow...

Shout out to the "Mother of the Year 2004"

My bumper sticker for Bush:

Carly Fiorina, Bernie Kerik, Asscroft in the life raft, who to eat first?

I'm still getting emails from Africa

The George Bush Monty Burns "EX-cellent" pose


God I hate ripoff shipping costs on Ebay!

I need to hack my home's wireless network.

Free joke with every spam

Funny stuff

Whats the strangest thing you ever thought about marriage?

Eminem Or Kid Rock

My &%#$()^#$#% system crashed Monday. Anybody miss me?

"Why are Americans so ignorant?'

La la la la.... la la la la.... I don't see you...

can someone make me an avatar of this ....

Tonight's Law & Order based on O'Reilly's sexual harassment

Knives are good

Sierra Mist: 39 carbs

*Ahem*: Anybody wanna buy a book from a blue company?

What State, City/Towns are your favorites?


do you fell the time of year yet!!!!

The George Bush Salty Sea Dog One Eyed Pirate Pose

Find the worst items on Ebay to give to a partner for Valentine's Day.

AND a-one!!! AND a-two!!.............

Bumper stickers that are just plain illogical

Sooo....what DUer would you like to see carved in Chocolate


Should Australians be used as slave labour?

Connecticut Bar To Hold 'Naked Karaoke' Contest

What have you listened to today?

Why aren't there any funny Joshes?

I'm watching Yentl....

Jeff Gannon


Lawyer steals little boy's dog. How can a grown man be such a CREEP?

Please stop me before I post in one of the abortion threads in GD

Who wants to fight me?

Breast augmentation: what do you think?

StopTheMorans vs. Fabio

Guten morgen

Now that we know that Jeff Gannon does gay porn sites,

Statue of George Herbert Herbert Bush the 1st in Houston's Bush Airport

"Life is a Rock (But the Radio Rolled Me)" is the dumbest song ever!

So do you think Jeff Gannon now regrets telling Liberals to "Bring it On"

Fire department rushes to church, finds priest making ashes

A Dancing Roomate.


Fines for 'droopy drawers' backed

Why aren't there any funny Canadians?

Guess the DUer antonym thread

I hate cat threads on DU

Buy your own Drive-In Nudie Bar! - EBay

Breaking: Bush rigged the Super Bowl

True Or False: "Bowling Is A Sport"

Planning my garden and ordering seeds

My son's friend admitted to him that he's gay. Dad sent him to Oklahoma

Who's The Greatest Guitarist Ever?

NASCAR fans, rank these drivers first to last, please.

So what are you getting your sweetie for Valentine's Day?

"Most hunters identify themselves as a)Democrats, b)Republicans, c) other?

Whenever I see an Ayn Rand postage stamp I laugh my ass off!

Murphy's_Unlawful & Buddhamama asked me to plan their wedding. Check it!


"Most all hunters ... ARE Fundies and Red Staters." Agree or disagree?


Colorado Teens Fined for Giving Cookies to Neighbor: A question

Holy Shit! The naked mole rat is the ugliest animal in the world.

Sheesh. Men. He's not going to call, is he?

Do you have an irrational hatred of anything?

How about an Auto Enthusiasts or just plain Auto Group?

OK... who wants to LINK with me? | seriously!

Do you have a favorite quote regarding vegetarianism/animal rights?

Presiding Bishop of Episcopal church, USA, on Bush's budget

Vatican tightens annulment rules

When Jesus said "Do this in remembrance of Me..."

Help Me To Understand Why Many People Feel Personally Put-Apon...

Healthcare Costs Take Big Bite From Economy -(Single Payer Nat'l Health?)

Outcast Star Zooms Out of Milky Way Galaxy ..

British bishops ban discrimination against gays, co-habitors

Lesbian moms swap with anti-gay family on "Wife-Swap" tonight-- ABC

Salt Lake City Mayor Backs Gay Candidate : protests and celebrations for Freedom to Marry Week

Alabama Senate Passes Gay Marriage Amendment

Marine recruiter goes on campus to explain "don't ask" policy

Stonewall Democrats Appoint New Leader

Clergy Sign On To Gay Marriage in Marylan

Gay-Themed High School Play Sparks Va. Protests

We Knew This Was Coming-Contitutional Amendment To Ban Gay Marriage Filed

NY Court Coy On Gay Marriage Appeal

What is your take on butch straight women?

I Bet McNabb Was Poisioned

Sox thrilled to have historic ball

Do You Miss Hockey?

Georgia Pit Bull Owners, Please read and pass on to anyone

I should'nt get attached to the outdoor cats

after a short delay -- Foster dog to arrive tonight

My little pomeranian is a snob!

Lutin on The New Moon of Feb 8

Dream or actual experience?

Arch Crawford on CNBC Wed. 2/9 at 2:20 EST

Any other Reiki people here?

For My DU Friends - Astrologers, Tarot Readers and Others

Sylvia Brown

What are we all giving up for Lent?

How do I deal with these emails a coworker keeps sending me

Atheist Fanatics

What goes on here?

Issues that burn under the skin

Kerry Donates 1 Million to DNC; Rest May be used for 2008 Bid

Sinclair Broadcast Group peddled discredited anti-Kerry author

John Kerry wrote to me

Help me spread this

delete me, read whome's post instead.

Here's an idea. How about some feedback. (Not my Vote Jar)

Condi Belgium Rumsfeld in France...

Keep putting out those flyers - cars, phone booths, bus shelters, etc.

Bush Wants Electricity Set at Market Rates

VERY Early Campaign 2006 Top 10 Priority List

the next Jeff Gannon affair question

If I tried to recruit congressional candidates from DU ?

Farm cuts + SSI + debt = GOP decline

Wrong for the " Inaugular", Wrong for the Dems

Wow, this article lays it on the line re: Bush's second term

Went over and checked out OPERATION TRUTH

Give 'em hell, Harry!

How bu$h agenda would grow the government

The new Democratic Party: Vice Chair candidate posting at Kos and MyDD.

Charles Rangel on CSPAN now sounding great on the budget.

Carl Rove to get more Power???

CNN "lowballing" Medicare cost increase

To those who voted for Bush based on moral values, i have only one thing

Rove promoted to deputy chief of staff

Anybody hear the millionaire asshole just called into C-Span?Unbelievable!

Bush is all heart with the little people

Has anyone heard any update on the Reid/Bush dust up?

Is Talon News part of Talon, LLC?

National effort to save Shelley (CA Sec. of State)--how you can help!

My question to Scott McClellan

Who are the Gannons that Bush hangs out with in Crawford?

Want to save Social Security? Invest surplus in private bonds

Is there a DU position on Federal Law on Voting (VIVA-S- 2437 or HR 550?)

Vermont has most deaths per capita in Iraq....large number called up.

Coloradoans should be embarrassed by their Representatives...

It's time to scrap the Bush tax cut AND the prescription drug benefit

Rep. Charles Rangel of Ways and Means says:

Doesn't Primary math hurt HRC in 2008?

Loss of Amtrack funding means Airline lobbyists have won...

Germany protests bush* on Fat

Uncharitable accusations dog Cherie's book tour

Lame Duckness brings out the REAL Bush: Slashes People Friendly

A great time saver from Metacomments

Bush: supporting tort reform with false numbers

Americans are a hard-headed people...

WMD absence 'makes public doubt terror threat'

What Could I Have Said to My Manhattan, Liberal, Kool-Aid Drinking Friend?

Jonah Goldberg's Offers A Bet To Professor Juan Cole...

2005 Budget Proposal assumes ANWR lease sale revenues

Examples of corporate malfeasance and the diminishing right to jury trial

Hillary Wrote Me - About Voting Irregularities

repugs throwing their love behind blackwell

What are the Liberal Progressive Democratic Values? I want a list...

Just in: Kerry giving 1 mill to DNC for Grassroots Organizing.

I doubt we'll be hearing about the Oil for food program for a while

Ehrlich Aide Ousted Over O'Malley Rumors

New U.S. government-funded center at the U. of Maryland to study...

Federal Judge Wm. Acker Denies Clerkships to Yale Law Grads

Franken and Media Matters skewering Gannon right now-1:12 EST 2/9/05

Jayson Blair - Jeff Gannon - What's the difference?

"Even Start" bush-it failed vs the real story

Ari Fleischer Won't Throw the Book at Bush

I just heard "we will see on CRice's 'charm offensive' worked" after we

Alan Murray: Health-Care Overhaul: GM CEO Weighs In

DNC Card

Howard Dean's responses to Move On questions

Editor & Publisher Poll: Rehnquist=Deep Throat

George Will is an ass (& Harry Reid must be doing something right)

Here's a roster of DNC members for anyone interested.

Yikes!!! I've never seen so many blogs listed in one place!!

CNN goes completely bonkers on Rice. A true love fest.

Whazzup with this list?

Who tried to stop Hitler?

The latest from the Reid/Bush dustup - Harry's hanging tough @

For crying out loud

The Real Reason We May attack Iran?

Fines for 'droopy drawers' backed

A letter from Canada about "ownership society"

Minority Front Men and Women

Recent History is against Feingold. Why do Americans dislike Senators?

Rep. Slaughter certainly acted fast!

When does Dean officially assume the chairmanship of the DNC?

PDA - URGENT ACTION! --------- "REAL ID" Act

I think BushInc is pushing the impression that Colin Powell was too wimpy.

Gannon has his own gay porn site? Is this true?

Guys - PLEASE heed - Red Meat Red Alert: Required Reading here:

BushCo doesn't care if people live, die, starve, or live in misery.

Want to talk to Jeff Gannon?

CNN: Wolfie just mentioned Gannon in

When is the last day for Crossfire?

Does Red America Enjoy Watching Our Nation Fall Apart?

You want to start a writing campaign to oust Britt Hume?

Gannon and Washington - THE story of the year

They are trying to reframe the issue concerning the lies about O'Malley

Message from Hillary Clinton on Voting Reform

Leslie Blitzer going to report on fake news at 5 pm

Ross Perot???? Howard Dean???

Dems MUST use this Gannon/Williams/Gallagher thing to our advantage

Local Leaders/Online Moderators

Rep. Slaughter Calls on President Bush to Explain Gannon

Iran dumped US dollars in 2004 for other currencies... (like Iraq 2000)

What bloggers should I read?

Might be a good idea to do the "write" ward off Dean attacks.

Still nothing re: GannonGate from any mainstream newspapers

Fake News

Voting Opportunity and Technology Enhancement Rights Act of 2005[S.17.IS]

Whoever has all the Gannon info listed. Please send to Knight-Ridder in DC

Talon news reporters who went after Dean so much.......Brock has bios.

Did anyone see Jay Leno last night?

Petition for ELECTION REFORM -- Cosponsored by Boxer and Clinton

Ugly Thought On Gannongate: Is He The Plaime Fall Guy?

Next press conference

What are the 150 programs to be eliminated?

Anyone heard about the Iraq election?

Somewhere, as he tends the fires of hell, Roy Cohn...

Petition: Special Prosecutor should investigate "journalist" - Jeff Gannon

"Publications" that published "Gannon" articles?

HR 418 is the authorization for the death camps. Call your rep.

How Not To Be Eaten By The Neo-Con Wolves! Got Other Suggestions?

What the hell is going on with our Country!!!!!!!

Dean's classy statement on Trippi, and his comments on gossip.

Holler NOW for Integrity in the Press

State (CA) has no campaign finance documents for 'Save our License'

Is it time to bring back the Independent Counsel Law ?

anyone know why Sen. Dayton has a low approval rating? He seems

CNN contact page....if you hate media whoring.

So is Jeff Gannon doing Scott McClellan?

Nasty Gannon --- smut websites??

So, let's lay bets.

More about Mens New Daily,....a little anyway.

Mayor Martin O'Malley on Franken Now: 1:08 Central...

Minnesota DU'ers: How About ALAN PAGE For Senate?

Jeff Gannon on FR since June, 2003


Is Zell Miller still a member of the Democratic party?

Wolf Blitzed is about to do story on "White House Reporter's" resignation


Gore-Clark 2008

Howard Kurtz seemed nervous defending "Pimp-Gannon" on CNN today.

CNN should be ASHAMED

Rummy's Got a Secret: $40 billion more for his budgets

Minnesotans: What Dems are likely to run for Senate with Dayton out?

Question about Talon and its website...

Foreign Born Presidents?

Whjy Are We Asking If All These Folks Are Gay As If There's Something

Why am I just finding out about this Jeff Gannon guy today?

Ed Schultz thinks the media is going to go after Dean hard this weekend

an older story, but still worth reading (too late for LBN)

Gannon in Action? Did the Daily Show have a scoop and not Know it?

Linkletter Claims AARP is Country's Largest Liberal Lobby

Have you called your Senator today about Chertoff?

We need a name to distinguish the kool-aid drinkers ...

Kerry making $1M contribution to help DNC to build, support grassroots

What we know: Mehlman, McClellan, Williams, Gannon are all gay Bushies.

Stop the March to War (again)

Freeper/Aide To MD Governor Fired Over Alleged Political Internet Gossip

Consumers: the new indentured servants

Repubs plead : Please save us from ourselves.

Who is Deep Throat

HEADS UP : Randi going off on Gannon ..

I'm not buying the "GOP wavering on AWOL's SS plan" line

Great Britain's Social Security System

The Thought Police: "Are American Colleges too Liberal?"

Stop alienating all republicans

Attn: Kerry-voting Republicans of DU: Do we offend you sometimes or not?

Jeff Gannon QUITS!

The Gannon-Plame Connection from Joe Wilson's Mouth

Keith Olberman is coming up on AAR - talking about the No Spin Zone

Dean answers member's top 5 questions.

Tell President Bush to Stop His Attack on America's Priorities

The PROPER way for the Dem's to respond to the "Gay Marriage Issue"...

what if GAY PORN and The White House become co-related -- xpost

Problem I have with the living wage idea