Democratic Underground

Archives: March 16, 2010

Deleted in protest

I am all for this new Israeli law concerning organ donation

Why is the Dennis Kucinich Supporters Group so deserted?

Public option: In Pelosi's hands

House Budget Committee approves reconciliation bill

Can we get rid of this inane 'up or down' vote.. call it what it really is...

A Serial Obstructionist

Looks like they've purged all the MSNBC streaming lnks? Anyone have one

I hope DU's righteous brigade of Kucinich bashers

Lawrence O'Donnell / Hardball ---Interview with Michael Moore coming up

In At Least One Way, The Coming HCR Vote Will Be Supremely Ironic...

Clarence Thomas AND his wife are nothing but a huge disgrace

John Boner and Mitch McConman write an article full of lies for the WSJ

Let me shed a few crocodile tears: Alas, poor Orly, the 11th Circuit has upheld sanctions

Federal appeals court reinstates limits on ads for legal brothels

This rethug is trying to put Rachel down and said her researcher needs to do a better job

If you stand with Congressman Kucinich, click here to help KILL THE BILL

WTF? Email alert from Tucson's KOLD News 13: Palin to campaign with McCain in Tucson

Why has Rachel invited this obnoxious RW jackass on

Supreme Court riven by partisan politics ("Stevens gave me every indication that he will leave")

New Health Care Whip Count: 191 Yes, 206 No (204-208 With Leaners) - FDL

New Health Care Whip Count: 191 Yes, 206 No (204-208 With Leaners) - FDL

Update on the Hummingbird hatchlings

Austin American-Statesman: Vote some sense into state board

Hummingbird-cam update - her link was hijacked! New link inside...

Chavez mocks US 'self-righteous' attitude

Orly Taitz Approves Threats Against Judge's Grandchildren

How do you rate Obama's first SCOTUS appointee thus far?

Monsanto and its mad scientists assholes admit their GM cotton is a failure.

J.D. Hayworth out-crazies Rick Santorum: Gay marriage law could lead to ‘man on horse’ unions

Just joined a new Facebook group...

Suit claims police harass journalists and bystanders

Significant improvement in Indo-China relationship: Rao

Other cars have sudden acceleration issues

Obama in more trouble than Netanyahu over Iran - We HAVE Votes for Public Option!

What Prius driver really wanted was publicity for his website

Mandatory Monday Malloy Truthseekers check in!!


Georgia Supreme Court rebuffs sex offender registry challenge

Republican doctor decides to run against Stupak

Wake Up, America!

Have you seen Food Inc. yet? "You'll never look at dinner the same way again."

"Adam Smith unswayed by Chamber ad blitz on health bill"- HCR the first casualty of Citizens United?

J.D. Hayworth is an idiotic asshole

Directv's What's Hot: Pacific Zone: The Rachel Maddow Show #2

Toshiba reads minds with new brain-wave device

Ed Shultz: "White House Made a Deal with the Devil" to dump PO

DVR ALERT: Michael Lewis ('The Big Short' and 'Liar's Poker') will be on Charlie Rose tomorrow

Another aftershock in Chile 6.5

1 in 4 Californians under age 65 have no health insurance (L.A. Times)

Left-wing Rome politicians drop trousers in budget protest

Touching Moody's, Fitch, or S&P has the effect of a nuke detonation anywhere in the world. Planetary

Protein in bananas could help block spread of HIV, University of Michigan researchers say

Clarence Thomas's wife is a Bush Family right-wing operative. Period.

Could I Sue My Town?

Directed towards technically minded people.

New HIV infections increasing among homosexuals

How many people think Jesus really existed?

"Sir, either it is true or it isn't. It's empirical."- Rachel You Rock

Let me get this straight....

Top EU diplomat slams Israeli settlements on first trip to Middle East

LoLz! Toyota Says 'Runaway' Prius Driver May Have Had His Foot on the Gas

California: Pink slips for 21,905 state teachers

"Goodnight Mr. Phelps.." - RIP Peter Graves..

Is religion inherently corrupt?

Aaron Vargas on trial for killing alleged abuser

The people voting with Republicans ideologically are not people like Kucinich

Kucinich remains uncommitted on healthcare bill

Up Or Down. Democratic Party's Party. 3.16.10

Four words to keep in mind this week:

Bank Chief Accused of TARP Fraud

Mexican Border

The Post Is Terrified That Japan Will Become Less Crowded

Earth Quake!

AARP offers job fairs for struggling older workers

The forces of Doom again unite to scuttle literature even more:

whats the easiest way to stall the ecconomy

Dean Baker on the trade deficit

Dean Baker on the trade deficit

Dean Baker on the trade deficit

Diocese Nixes Talk by Cindy Sheehan

Diocese Nixes Talk by Cindy Sheehan

AP: Toyota counts rising cost of recall woes

No jail for NV ex-jailer in 'Girls Gone Wild' case

Is your neighbor a terrorist?

Why are there so many locked threads on LBN ??

Joint Fighter Faces Critical Period

Backstory: How The Texas Textbook Revision Came To Be - HuffPo

Obama Veto Is Threatened on 2010 Intelligence Budget Measure (anthrax investigation)

NYT Joins Efforts to Scare Public About the Size of Government Debt

British Airways prepares for a cabin crew strike by making flying even more miserable

He's Back - Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I just learned what a bumpit is.

TPM: White House Releases Final HCR Talking Points

The Nuclear Arsenal in Europe - Washington Mulls Modernization of Aging Bombs

FBI Forensic Analysts under Investigation for Falsifying Tests

Here's how to get politicians' attention.

Ex bank chief arrested on fraud charges, faces up to 30 years in prison

Former bank president arrested, charged with stealing bailout funds

A nation with the wrong priorities.

The New York Times Doesn't Like Social Security

McConnell, Senate Republicans start to feel the heat over earmarks

They're not appeasing the anti-choice terrorists - Other doctors are filling in for Dr. Tiller

At Lehman, Watchdogs Saw It All

At Lehman, Watchdogs Saw It All

Testimony of Professor Goodwin Liu on the Nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. January 10, 2006

Here's an idea

UK: former porn director standing for Lib Dems

passing of Charles Moore

$1.8 million in stimulus money helps locals stave off homelessness

Jim Oberstar, Minnesota has signaled he

Could Airborne Bears Catch Bin Laden?

"Is AIPAC putting Israel first? As an American Jew, I find this extremely embarrassing" (Joe Klein)

Health Care Reform - It's NOT all or nothing.

Afghanistan Confirms Blanket Pardon For (Pre-2001) War Crimes

Pakistani Officials: Suspected US Missile Kills 9

Invoking Sarah Palin is like invoking Hitler in an argument are the RWers going to explain this one? B&W mariage? are the RWers going to explain this one? B&W mariage?

The nightmare on Main Street.

All You Need is Love: This is Powerful. Please watch, if you need to feel hope.

Bob Reich (Oooh!! DLC/Blue Dog Corporate sellout!!): " Why All House Democrats Must Vote for HCR"

March 16 Tea Party Protests In Washington: The Final Anti-Health Care March

Florida Vampire to Run For President

Justice Stevens: I will retire within the next three years. I’m sure of that.

Blogs Beat the Press on the Lehman Brothers Scandal

Questions about Sales Taxes

Why hasn't there been a peep from anybody on the right about the government takeover of schools???

Goldman Sachs adjusted its ratings on numerous health care companies, +50% chance of bill passing

conservative cowardly robo calls


Websites NOT promoting the March 20 protest in Washington

Court rules Tea Party can proceed with effort to recall Sen. Robert Menendez

I am so relieved! Tiger will play at the Masters...

Enough grandstanding. Kucinich wants his ERISA amendment, but his amendment

Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000% So You Should Get A Raise When H'care Is Passed

Insurer details its unequal payments

Help Needed! New film on the exploitation of Africa

Joe Lieberman Israel's snub of Vice President Biden just a "Family Feud."

The Rude Pundit: Another Goddamn Post on Health Care Reform

McConnell, Senate Republicans start to feel the heat over earmarks

Racism is linked to Religious dogmatism

Ok, so seal hunting in Canada is bad... how do you feel about the Alberta Tar Sands?

Ok, so seal hunting in Canada is bad... how do you feel about the Alberta Tar Sands?

The Oldest Unanswered Freedom of Information Act Requests

Toobin on Citizens United and judicial restraint

Rachel Corrie RIP

I want a "Bo cam"....Remember Barney cam

Car dealer alleges Carrollton police roughed him up; incident reports differ

Grayson is Awesome

Iraq War Veteran - Candidate for U.S. Senate rising in the Polls

Michael Moore last night?

Walmart offers job training during school day at Detroit Public Schools.

the suspense is killing me, is there a twitter account

Texas Republican Goehmert: Demons Have Invaded The Capital

I want more taxes

Blackwater loses $1.1bn Afghan police contract

The Coming War Against the Supreme Court

MSNBC: Yes, we do still make things in America...

Rachel called JD Hayworth on a LIE

Corporations, Commercialism and Consumerism has Condemned Americans to a Nomadic Life

How "Rock Lobster" Saved a Gay Student's Prom

The display ad does not close when I click 'close.'

The display ad does not close when I click 'close.'

Ex-Pfizer Worker Cites Genetically Engineered Virus In Lawsuit Over Firing

Impending Environmental Disaster: Uranium Mining Begins Near Grand Canyon

An email in just now from Alan Grayson - He is barreling on for our benefit.

Most people here are pretty politically aware and have good knowledge of what is going on, however

Canada ups seal hunt quota by 50,000

Greg Mitchell (Editor & Publisher) to join The Nation online

So I just got polled!

CNN adding to its zoo, ERICKSON. Subtracting from credibility: CROWLEY, Rick SANCHEZ, NAVARRETTE,etc

Tea Party activists distribute signs paid for by the RNC . . . . .

Yes....NOW we will have the "Up or Down" Vote.....Now.

Who's paying for Michele Bachmann's $668.5 million dollar bridge?

US troop reduction in Iraq remains on schedule, Gen. Petraeus says

Who pays for alcohol/drug rehab? I can't see insurance companies paying for it nowadays.

Who pays for alcohol/drug rehab? I can't see insurance companies paying for it nowadays.

Who pays for alcohol/drug rehab? I can't see insurance companies paying for it nowadays.

. . ."US “bunker-buster” bombs are being shipped from California to the British island of Diego Ga

Looks like golf and Tiger Woods is topping today's 'news'.

the frightening words of ms. clarence thomas

JD Hayworth Gay Marriage Man-horse comment...

Michelle Bachman is on Larry King talk about "personal responsibility". Responsibility my ***!

WTF is a DU AdBot?

My eyes and ears almost bled last night

Tax hike in Britain will leave Wall Street bankers the second most lightly taxed in the world

Tax hike in Britain will leave Wall Street bankers the second most lightly taxed in the world

Earthquake in LA, 4:04 AM, seemed 5-ish here. nt

Article: Uncle - Bible gave OK to "marry" 10-year-old niece

San Francisco Chronicle: Obama nominee Goodwin Liu an unassuming man

Update on home invasion shooting at Medical MJ grow

Wapo Q&A w/ Dannenfelser: Continues To Lie About Abortion Coverage When Asked About Lies

In your opinion, how is the multi-dimensional chess game working out?

John Edwards. Surprised? Not Surprised?

Veteran Dallas County jail guard fired over comments

Quadriplegic Losing 24 Hour Care after Multiple mergers of original Bank Employer-Wells Fargo Deny

Hoyer defends deeming the Senate healthcare bill passed without vote

Remember to call Ms. Pelosi.......we can jam the lines if limpballs can

Ads by in the left column

Flight Attendants Ration Pringles on Sixteen-Hour Nightmare Flight From LAX to JFK

Congressional Switchboards Flooded With Health Care Call Deluge!

Congressional Switchboards Flooded With Health Care Call Deluge!

You've almost got to pity Arizona's Republican primary voters.

You've almost got to pity Arizona's Republican primary voters.

When is the Senate going to do something?

When is the Senate going to do something?

dear andrea mitchell, your bias is showing.

Fed admits there are no green shoots, leaves free money policy in place...

Has anyone heard anything about an extension of the $8,000 housing tax

The GOP is in a world of hurt...

Let's talk about women's rights

USJFCOM paints bleak future for the world.

House and Senate attempt to widen intelligence-sharing beyond 'gang of eight' opposed by WH

You know---I'd go to a Democratic Underground 10th year anniversary gathering.

NJ Rep Governor Christie cuts school funding, eliminates some state jobs,

Does HCR address the concerns of out of pocket expenses for health care?

the republican party is now the tea party...the rally speakers are republican congressfolks

The "corn husker option" ???

legalize drugs and put the cartels out of business.

$70M in prescription drugs stolen in Conn. heist

Subcommittee C, to plan the implementation of the consideration of the policy...

Heads up: Spitzer's on w/ Ratigan and they're talking Lehman

Police / Secret Service Raid & Seizure of Tea, Refridgerator Magnets & Buffy DVD

NJ court: Tea party bid to oust senator must wait

Who should we expect to organize a march on Washington this week? Pro HC rallies...etc.

Break the ice! Don't let your congressperson stop a "reasonable, responsible plan" PASS HCR NOW!

Hey, I vote we change "taxes" to DUES. The U.S. could be a really

World's shortest man, He Pingping, dies in Italy

DU Health Care Reform Bill

"few hundred" teabaggers in DC according to NPR

NPR: How High Court Could Change If Stevens Retires (w audio)

Anyone watching Schuster on MSNBC?

Michael Moore on Keith O show with Odonnel - he says this bill

Will Toyota ride the 'San Diego Prius' back to glory?

Heads up: Spitzer's on w/ Ratigan and they're talking Lehman

America's most literate cities.



I'm tried of hearing how great HCR Bill is from upper middle class white people with Insurance.

Grrrrr...Dems inability to counter false claims

The code of Conduct Clarence Thomas is violating

BY GEORGE M. BURGESS Unions stepped up to meet crisis (The Miami Herald)

House Democrats may try controversial tactic...cnn pic & headline

Lincoln (CA) parents camp out overnight for kindergarten

Hospital bill $2500, insurance pays $290

3fer: T-baggers have'nother fit of the crazy.Kirstie's scientology sham diet.MURDOCH loses on Avatar

Charges: Dentist used paper clips in root canals

Charges: Dentist used paper clips in root canals

Seperated at Birth??

MarketWatch: 'Wall Street' sequel is an omen of U.S. collapse

Ratigan's program looks good today

No More Mr. Nice Republican

BREAKING: Petraeus supports DADT repeal!

Michael Moore making the rounds on TV selling his DVD

Michael Moore making the rounds on TV selling his DVD

Jim Bunning blocking nominees again - because he doesn't like a CANADIAN law!

I have admired Kucinich but he's wrong on the HCR bill and his "fans" here seem like cultists. nt.

Another Stupak Bloc Voter Won't Block HCR (Perriello)

"There but for the grace of God go any one of us" (Email from Whitehouse)

Blessed Are the Cheesemakers.

What happened to Sarkozy's wife?

I wish all residents of red states drag their census feet

Partisanship in DC hits a new low: Repukes support restraining schoolchildren by 145-24 margin

Partisanship in DC hits a new low: Repukes support restraining schoolchildren by 145-24 margin

Look around you, fer gosh skaes.

I guess I'm having trouble with the whole concept here...

30 Days through Afghanistan

obama's lobbying initiative -- smoke & mirrors?

Alexander Admits Senate GOP Will Obstruct Fixes To Improve Health Care Bill

New NBC poll on HCR... good news... coming up on Hardball... Chuck Todd

New NBC poll on HCR... good news... coming up on Hardball... Chuck Todd

Should I be offended by the 'negro' option on the 2010 Census form?

Should I be offended by the 'negro' option on the 2010 Census form?

Mann Bites Dog: Why ClimateGate was newsworthy.

"Deem And Pass" Is NOT "Without A Vote"

God Heals, ObamaCare Steals! - Tea Party Anti-Health Care Signs - pics

Genetically engineered crops being grown in wildlife refuges? WTF?

Republicans misquoting the Constitution ...AGAIN....

Republicans misquoting the Constitution ...AGAIN....

Fox News; Tens of Thousands of Tea Party Activists expected in D.C. today

I quit paying attention to the Health Care Insurance debate, did they pass it yet?

So House Republicans feel they deserve an up or down vote on health care!

i suspect there are no camera lenses wide enough to capture the hugh crowd in d.c. today

File this under: "Stuff I Like" - Obama's Budget and Affordable Housing

'On Her Own' For Legal Fees, Monica Conyers Declared Indigent

Utah bill reduces women to incubators

Do you have a link that shows the current co-sponsors for Grayson's

Cahill bashes state -- and national -- health care reform law

I noticed a couple of young guys at the intersection just now.

Let's not forget: all these procedural maneuvers stem from the abuse of the filibuster.

Calif. Lawmakers To Get 'Courage' Award

Why Not State Banks?

Kucinich, Chavez, Breast feeding, guns, religion, smoking, olive garden, - what is the connection?

Is anyone familiar with Qlience Health Coverage?

Johnny answers a call for help! Courtesy of Philip Morris, 1948. (Warning: large image)

Been here at DU for about 9 years...

Anyone else want to admit they watch American Idol?

Susan Molinari re: Edwards on The Ed Show: Would anyone have an affair when their wife has cancer?

C-SPAN Archives Now Online

Evidence appeal could delay ruling on gay marriage

Choose One:

FOE challenges unique industry tactic to charge ratepayers for nuclear plants not built

BREAKING: Robert Gibbs Will Announce If Secret Deal Was Cut To Kill Public Option - Adam Green


Neigh Sayers

Drunk at hearing, man gets year

POLL: More Than 70% Of Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Comfortable Serving Alongside Openly Gay Troops

Sick and Tired of Kucinich, Moore, and Hamsher

Turley criticizes Justice’s wife for ‘injudicious’ Tea Party activism

Can someone splain this pleaze.

Kucinich on Standing up as the Sole Public Option and State's Rights Health Reform Advocate

Sacramento police dog undergoes surgery following home invasion shooting

Sacramento police dog undergoes surgery following home invasion shooting

CSPAN digital archive to be available online

So Much for the Tea Baggers

I voted in our local elections today...

Was the Civil War state-sponsored revolution?

Was the Civil War state-sponsored revolution?

Holder: Osama bin Laden Will Never Face US Trial (We will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse)

The things you see on TV with no camera handy - today's NBC 17 Raleigh error


Sagging Teabags on Capitol Hill today

Listen up Liberals: Progressive means Progress!

Does anyone know what will be in the HCR "fixes" Pelosi is proposing -

Saw my first robin of the year today. Winrter is done here.

Congress sucks; lobbyists are smiling.

Where can I find information

What’s Killing the Great Forests of the American West?

Now, this is an outrage. Talk about infiltration and ignoring history.

$100 Million Flood Control Project partially funded by stimulus saves homes and lives in New Jersey

$100 Million Flood Control Project partially funded by stimulus saves homes and lives in New Jersey

Just filled out my Census. I have insomnia . Was not a huge ordeal. Why is Bachman throwing a fit?

Hayworth's even slimier than I remembered

Ohio Department Of Natural Resources Hiring 70 Forestry Workers-funded by economic stimulus

Kucinich now undecided on HCR Vote

Hey, need those pesky Native American kids taken care of? Do I have the solution for you!

Why Does a Salad Cost More than a Big-Mac? (chart inside)

"Snopes is a hoax." Email from a wingnut.

"Snopes is a hoax." Email from a wingnut.

What fresh bloody hell is this?

Olbermann: In lieu of flowers .... donations to the National Association of Free Clinics

Olbermann: In lieu of flowers .... donations to the National Association of Free Clinics

Here's the new battleline (thanks mzmolly)

Many of the people funding the DLC were once Republican backers...

Dumbfuck local Maryland official loses bid to allow his city to secede from the state.

"Demons have invated the Capitol"

AP doesn't like social security

Immigrant exodus

Elephants or ivory?

Peak oil production predicted for 2014

The Troubles

Bush is gone people!! Learned Helplessness and our collective psychosis

Dem House leadership memo: Plan hospitable greeting for Tea Party protesters

Internet Speed in America

“Ugly Feminists Return to Their Kitchens”: Meet Your Newest CNN Contributor!

What would you do with the District of Columbia?

My Husband lost his job yesterday

Tweety - Teaparty folks with some very ugly signs

About 1 in 4 in California lack health insurance, a UCLA study finds

Nuclear waste study: Fast breeder reaction will not solve waste storage problem

In praise of.....Michael Moore

Slate: The Great Catholic Cover-Up

Obama offers his vision for improving education

Speaking of Class War, I saw some Fascist reality show on the Food Network

Why I'm not donating to the DNC, DSCC, or DCCC.

Senate Judiciary Committee schedules Goodwin Liu nomination hearing

Idaho lawmakers approve bill to let state taxes be paid in silver

"One of the greatest crimes ever perpetrated..."

Could somebody please explain the healthcare plan known as "Romneycare"

Which Christian denominations believe in the rapture and which ones do not?

Plane Kills Beach Jogger in Emergency Landing-Didn't hear cause of IPod?

Unmarked police cars targeted for towing

The Stupak Bloc just Broke Apart (Rep. Oberstar voting for HCR Bill)

Breaking: White House Affirms Deal... (last August:)

Did the CIA test LSD in the New York City subway system?

Noam Chomsky on Obama's Foreign Policy

The Dam Breaks: Sen. Kaufman Outs Wall Street

Tea Party March 16 Protest Turnout: Democrats MOCK Smaller-Than-Expected Crowd

The "HUM-Cam" is back up.

*65 Reps Took a Pledge they would not vote for a HC bill without a PO

NJ Gov. Christie (GOP) unveils budget that hits children, the poor, & elderly, but spares wealthy

NJ Gov. Christie (GOP) unveils budget that hits children, the poor, & elderly, but spares wealthy

I Stand With Natoma Canfield

FBI sets up fake Facebook profiles to snare suspects

This is why the bill does little to end rescission (excerpt)

Remember When Democrats Promised to “Fix” Medicare Part D? Marion Berry (D-AR) Does

When this Health Care horseshit is over and a Bill is signed, there will only be one person to thank

Former CIA agent: In summer 2002, was told Bush Admin had already decided to invade Iraq

A word or two about paragraphs...

A word or two about paragraphs...

Walmart internships at Detroit schools. Influencing curriculum?

If you are working class, You'll go to bed at night after HCR the same way you did before HCR:

If you are working class, You'll go to bed at night after HCR the same way you did before HCR:

If you are working class, You'll go to bed at night after HCR the same way you did before HCR:

Last possible min. HCR Town Hall meeting in NC 5th district. I now want to throw my jacket away.

Free Food, Free Camping, Free Hope for Real Change

We don't need HCR in CA. A mere 24% of the under-65 population is without medical insurance.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating

Virginia AG: Obama birth certificate will 'get tested'

Let me exhale first and dry my eyes so I can see to write this.

DLC, get out now

I just completed my census form. It took lss than 5 minutes. I really

Should meth be legalized and regulated/taxed?

Sarah Palin---Michelle Bachman---JD Haynesworth---James Inhofe---Michael Steele---Jim Bunning---

I really don't like this kind of thing from Obama.

Backfire: IL State Rifle Assoc plays race card & equates being Black or Hispanic to gangbanging

This is your trash, America

Is there a new student loan deferment law in place now?

Breaking: Public Option in House Reconciliation Bill

This Modern World: If we can't get single-payer... We'll settle for the public option.

Obama to appear on faux News Wednesday

Perfume banned in Detroit.

Kucinich: "I will vote yes only IF".....

Paragraph breaks? Or long, run-on blocks of text?

Rep. Weiner on Kucinich's HCR NO Vote: "It's Folly"

LET ME CHOOSE - MEDICARE FOR ALL. Don't make me make Insurance Companies richer

What's the consensus: If Toyota-prius guy is lying, should he get away with it

Is "People are Evil", the cornerstone of Liberal thought?

Wisconsin Capital Times: Protect kids from Terrible 10 in Texas

Screw Moody's - Threatening to downgrade U.S credit standing

Pelosi: Complaints should be about insurer tactics

Your five day week is in danger

PROGRESS is NOT just passing a bill

How did Americans collectively become so dumb and cowardly?

How did Americans collectively become so dumb and cowardly?

Central Figure in CDC Vaccine Cover-Up Absconds With $2M

2.75 for gas! CRAP!!!

The Anti-Teacher Hysteria: Why Teachers' Unions Matter

NY Times Reporter Confirms Obama Made Deal to Kill Public Option

Kucinich & Moore are wrong: Listen to Natoma Canfield

The Myth of Europe's High Taxes

how many use dial-up?

‘People live in fear’ over pre-existing condition rules

CNN healthcare Poll - Pass it now, Start over, Drop it.

Just got a call at the house from a Puke firm asking for money re HC?

Tonight! Overnight Senate session coming on jobs legislation vote

"After Delay, Dem Allies Join Health Care Fight"

Video: Natoma Canfield on Countdown, "I'm feeling a lot better now..."

"Obama Begins Summoning Undecided House Dems For One-On-One Meetings"

I will personally table against Kucinich this summer in Cleveland if he votes against health care

Photos: "I'm Here Because of Natoma." (The Obama Presidency Day 420)

Dean Baker: Obama Fed Appointees- no one on the list warned of the housing bubble

Done. Done. Just get it done, OK?

The Final Countdown: Schedule of Events.

Lawrence O'Donnell puts odds of tomorrow being Tuesday at 50/50

Billy Kennedy's take on Virginia Foxx's healthcare town hall

Health Care And The 1994 Precedent

Protecting Agencies From Oversight, Obama Threatens to Veto Intelligence Funding

Micheal Moore: Pre existing doesn't kick in until four years from now

"People live in fear’ over pre-existing condition rules" - Kansas City Star

"Pro-Life Dems Start Breaking In Pelosi's Direction"

Petraeus: 'Time Has Come' to Rethink Gay Policy

Ezra v. O'Donnell = Good TV!

With Medicaid Cuts, Doctors and Patients Drop Out: we need health care reform

Instead of George Lakoff, how about Sun Tzu?

Cue Abba for the Republicans. The President has got this.

Belly of the Beast. President Obama To Sit Down with Bret Baier for "Exclusive" FauxNews Interview

ALERT: We're in trouble DU, so please DU here...

Rules memo defends Dem plan to pass Senate bill without vote

Holy shit: NJ Court OKs Tea Party Group's Bid to Oust Senator

AP: NJ Court Issues a Stay On Its Ruling Re Tea Party's Bid to Recall Senator Menendez

39 Congressional democrats are against health care according to Big Ed

Universal health care tends to cut the abortion rate

Fareed Zakaria on Tim Geithner 3/14/2010......

Ezra Klein: Everything David Brooks says about reconciliation is wrong

"The authentic base has rallied around the cause of health care"

Dems On GOP Complaints About Rules: You Started It!

Michell(crazy eyes)Bachmann:I work hard for my healthcare in Congress

Sen. Corker sadly Admits that it Looks like Health Care Reform will Pass......

TPM: Former Obama Campaign Staffer Hildebrand Could Run Against Rep. Herseth Sandlin in Dem Primary

Wife of Justice Thomas Is a Teabagger...

Dem Leaders To Rank And File: Public Was Closely Divided On Medicare, Too!

What should school tour guides say about Jefferson Monument when on DC school trips?

Tell the House: NO VOTE, NO BILL

Don't Believe Them - "Deem and Pass" Is NOT "Without a Vote"

SEIU Keeps Up Pressure On Wavering House Dem With Brutal Ad

Obama Takes the Long View in Times of Crisis

CNN on full assault against the Health Care Bill!

Teabaggers against health reform demonstrate teh crazy

A Guide to the Neocon Bloomberg May Back for Senate (Dan Senor)

A Guide to the Neocon Bloomberg May Back for Senate (Dan Senor)

Franken Describes Nominating Breakdown As 'Nuts' (blame Bunning, again)

Fight to the end

Pragmatism's Gift (Or Why Pragmatism Transcends the Simplistic Claim that It's About "Compromise")

Talkingpointsmemo's Josh Marshall: Petraeus Makes His Move

CBS News: National Debt Up $2 Trillion on Obama's Watch

I am so sick of the "too expensive" argument against HCR.....

The Americans Who Can’t Wait for a Better Bill

Hoyer Defends Controversial House Procedure

A Tale Of Two Headlines

CNN hires RW blogger

OK, Grayson and Krugman have brought me on board

Should Connie Saltonstall Primary Bart Stupak?

Which is your Upmost Priority?

Is Thomas getting ready to quit and blame his wife's tea party

Is what Lawrence O'Donnell said about reconciliation on Morning Joe true?

NBC/WSJ POLL: 46% say pass the health care reform bill. 45% say leave system as is.


Awesome video from the White House

What health care reform will mean to me...

Can I get an "Amen" for Rep. Earl Blumenauer?

Matthew Yglesias: Playing The History Card

Maffei Decides Yes

FACT: There Will Be An Up Or Down Vote On Health Care

"Deem and Pass" keeps Lucy from yanking away the football.

Kucinich to announce his health care reform vote at 10:00 am tomorrow. Will he stick or flip?

Tea Partiers Working With Firedoglake on HCR Whip Count

Politics Daily: Bill Clinton to Democrats: Health Care 'Doesn't Have to Be Perfect'

Joe Conason: What Democrats must at last learn from the GOP

Obama To Hold Health Care Rally Friday Morning

26 million

26 million

Obama Agencies Invoking Secrecy Provision More Often than Under Bush

Help - how do I respond to this Ron Paul email from my RW Brother in law.

I AM ABOUT DONE WITH MR. KUCINICH (He is our Party's Ron Paul)

Can I get an "Amen" for Gary Hart?

We did our taxes this weekend, and THANK GOD for the Obama middle class tax cut

This notion of "no vote" is nonsense

Who's having a 'temper tantrum,' Rep. Weiner?

Will Kucinich change his vote?

My alma mater: 2010 Massachusetts State Basketball Champions!

I'm dizzy, listing to the left. Which inner ear is messed up - left or right?

tres hombres

Remember me, I remember you...."Remember The Lightning"...

Über-douche Spencer Pratt on MTV-imposed "hiatus" from "The Hills" for threatening producer

The ghost of Manhattoes

Which is the better Beck Album? Sea Change or Mutations?

Water in the desert.

Puppy wrastlin'!!

I am a ghost.

The Hidden Meaning of Lady Gaga’s “Telephone”

Baby picture thread!!! Post-a-pic of your baby!!!

Am I still here?

Help me celebrate 1000th post :)

i just learned that FEMA death camps are the retribution of an angry god because of our sins.

Pick a winner

So, I saw a guy with something about 3 ft long hanging out of the back of his pants today.

So, I saw a guy with something about 3 ft long hanging out of the back of his pants today.

Keyboard Cat Reincarnated

Goodnight., Lounge!

Goodnight., Lounge!

Are politicians more like sea gulls or cats?

If Your Boyfriend Is A Werewolf, Do You Have To Put Him On A Leash and Walk Him?

Let's compile a list of good, non-fiction, progressive books

Damn, DU looks the same even after all these years!

fun fun. i get to be the bird expert for my friend's kindergarden class.


Sony plays the Dead Elvis card: 10 new Jacko "projects" over 7 years, Estate guaranteed $200 million

These are not the droids you are looking for.

I just learned what a bumpit is.

Today's random article from Wikipedia: Marine sandglass

C'mon Fuckin' Guy: A DU Lounge Novella. Coming April 2010 (maybe)

Aqua Pearls

Behold, The Mighty I.K.S. Lady Nocturne! K'Pla!

Good morning Lounge

He Pingping, the world's smallest man, is dead at 21.

I had a dream about terrya yesterday.


Some Truckee Residents Not Cool With Penis Snow Sculpture

dog-human hybrid

I told my wife that a study says Erectile dysfunction is strong predictor of fatal heart ailments

I take it back.

Can everyone think nice thoughts for the next hour?

Saw a girl reading an Atlas in a restaurant, I shrugged

Jump Around

Not Tonight (The Bouncer Song)

Oh Sandra Lee, you crazy Kwanzaa woman

After Meiwes and the victim jointly attempted to eat the victim's severed penis....

It's 1:41 ET... It's time to chill

Sing along with me! "I was alone. I took a ride. I didn't know what I might find there."

I was betrayed last night.......

I saw Betrayed last night...

Leonard Cohen

I dreamed I was singing "American Pie." What do you think it means?

The Alien Lizard Overlords are supposed to be invading the Earth today

Time for a Pizza

I accidentally dropped my antibiotic into my yogurt

Remember the days when you could rebuild a truck transmission in 3 minutes with a screwdriver?

Cheese sandwiches

Can we burn GD to the ground?

OMG! Big earthquake in L.A. today

Han shot first

the severed penis eating thread is taunting me....

Should math be legalized and regulated/taxed?

What happened with the hummingbird nest?

Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart and Geddy Lee walk into a bar.

Blessed Are the Cheesemakers.

My eyes and ears almost bled last night

I just ate an entire jar of pickles and now I want some cheese sticks.

Cigar City Brewing in Tampa FL - YUM!!!

Wall of deaaaaaaaaaath!!!!!

Endocrinology is fascinating and exciting. Yes, I'm serious...

Mmmmmmmmm... cool breeze.

evidently I have a job!!

I think I'll have some Harp Lager just to warm up

'Beyonce is the devil': Fun with Google search suggestions

Who should play "The Most Interesting Man in the World" in the inevitable movie?

At least she didn't quit half way through the battle

New Additions on the 101st Keyboard Warriors FB Page.

Shades of Spring

Some funny odds for this years NCAA tournament

Just gotta share

I would very much like to catch a break - Lounge vibes request

I like Billy Joel.

What do you get when you cross Scarface, 8 Mile, Rebel Without a Cause, Gangs of New York...

Dog saved one hour before euthanasia this will make you smile

"No Reply at All" is not a great song but whoever is performing it now is horrific.

Yesterday, I bashed Rush (the Canadian prog rock band).

These Facebook groups are pretty stupid

Breaking: Canadian band Rush announces their retirement

well, it finally happened.

I got my seed potatoes yesterday! 5lbs of blue and 1lb of Yukon Gold.

Hummingbird tosses egg and lizard screen captures for those following Phoebe.

Patti Smith or Patty Smyth?

The Yugo Florida. My GF in college had one of these.

The Ambien experiences thread

Sky Masterson and Dr. Strange's "Six degrees of Kevin Spankin."

I'm So Old, I Can Remember When Milk Was Delivered.

I'm on a diet. For some reason I hit a plateau. I have only lost 3 pounds in the last week

I'm excited, I really am. Are any of you?

Choose one

Choose one

Dog advice..please


Anyone read "Born to Run"? (about ultramarathoning)

What is it about baggage claim that make people think "NOW I will be a rude fricking asshole!"

Don't you really want to say "I've kicked Lynnesin's ass"

Best chips?

Saw a girl reading Atlas Shrugged in a restaurant.

Mercedes or BMW?

Dear DU

Owner's Associations. Or, as I call them, Condo Nazis.

Everyone gearing up for St. Douchebag's Day?

Dice Player

Because one of my students really wanted me too, I watched a music video by Justin Bieber.

Anyone else want to admit they watch American Idol?

2011 Ford Mustang GT Leads Class With 26 mpg Highway, 412 Horsepower

Hill's $nub of U.S. companies in purchase of crystal stemware is clear

Obama: Premiums Will Decrease 3000% So You Should Get A Raise When H'care Is Passed

AFSCME backs Bennet

Egypt's wall along Gaza border nears completion

Israel Feeling Rising Anger From the U.S.

Netanyahu affirms settlement project that U.S. considers 'affront'

Final destination Iran?

Michael Jackson Estate Signs Sweeping Contract

Chamber asks EPA to please reconsider

Threatening letter leads to evacuation of City Hall

Former bank president arrested, charged with stealing bailout funds

Blogs Beat the Press on the Lehman Brothers Scandal

Erectile dysfunction is strong predictor of fatal heart ailments, study finds

European Court says Croatia violated Roma rights

Insurer details its unequal payments

UAW Reaches Tentative Agreement on NUMMI Closing

Chamber: Dodd bill takes "three steps backward"

(UK) Baha Mousa inquiry: Attorney general 'blocked' system to stop prisoner abuse

Aide: Karzai 'very angry' at Taliban boss' arrest

Socialists Lead in Early Voting in France

Bolivia fires prison chief over favors for convicted ex-dictator

Court rules Tea Party can proceed with effort to recall Sen. Robert Menendez

GOP Seeks Resolution Promising Up-or-Down Health Care Vote

Breaking: Public Option in House Reconciliation Bill

Google to pull out of China soon, reports say

2011 Ford Mustang GT Leads Class With 26 mpg Highway, 412 Horsepower

Violence surge in restive Iraq’s Mosul and Falluja

Death penalty dead and buried as (Australian) Parliament bans it for good

Insurer details its unequal payments

Fed to hold rates at lows for ‘extended period’

STOCK MARKET WATCH, Tuesday March 16

U.S. Is Reining In Special Forces in Afghanistan

Dodd says Congress must address financial reform

Obama threatens to veto intel bill

U.N. chief chides Israel for confidentiality breach

Clinic: Ohioan championed by Obama will keep home

4.5 Earthquake in Pico Rivera CA

New Colombian party linked to right-wing gangs

Afghanistan confirms blanket pardon for war crimes

Petraeus: ‘Time has come’ to rethink ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’

VCU provost reassigned; no reason given

Excellus board voted itself a 37 percent pay raise

$70M in Prescription Drugs Stolen in Conn. Heist

Challenger Overtakes Iraq PM in Overall Vote Count

Obama Aides See ‘Extended Period’ of Unemployment

Honda to recall 410,000 vehicles for brake problem

Virgin America Flight's Grueling Delay Compounded by Surly Staff

Plane kills jogger in SC beach emergency landing

Obama On Fox News: Bret Baier To Interview President

Gallup Poll: More Americans optimistic about environment under Obama

FM boycotts Lula's visit over Mount Herzl row

House may try to pass Senate health-care bill without voting on it

Venezuela's Chavez 'held secret talks with Farc rebel'

Death penalty dead and buried as (Australian) Parliament bans it for good

Republicans slam Obama's hard line on Israel

UN report criticises covert troops who committed Afghan killings

Pepsi to cut sugary drinks from schools worldwide

Clinton: Israel Must Prove Commitment To Peace

War Sending U.S. into Ruin part 2

On The Brink Of The Breitbartocalypse

Countdown: Michael Moore PT. 1 - 'Here. Thanks for Stealing the Money. Take Some More.'

Dylan Ratigan: Politicians & Bankers Enriching Themselves By Destroying Our Country!

Climate Denial Crock of the Week/Flogging the Scientists

(ISC)² Board Member Howard Schmidt appointed White House Cybersecurity Coordinator

The Allegory of the Black Woman

Edie - rescued yesterday an hour before euthanasia (Video by Eldad Hagar and Bronwyne Mirkovich)

Young Turks: Karl Rove Blatantly Lies On Meet The Press (Video)

Hasslebeck on Hunter's GQ photos: If you're gonna involve Kermit, Barney and Dora, put your pants on

We're Doomed and Washington Can't Do Anything About It - Marc Faber and Mish Shedlock

Petraeus Testifies About DADT

Last Coverage of the Breitbartocalypse from Sum of Change

The Beginning of the Breitbartocalypse

Natasha Skretchen, lost her job, no insurance for herself and her child

Rachel Maddow v. JD Hayworth

USA: Internet organizes 'Coffee parties' to counter US ...

Jesse Ventura & Michele Bachmann On Larry King pt.1

Is There Any Soul Searching In The Church As To Why So Many Priest Abuse Children?

Come to the Protests on March 20th. Old, young, men, women.. Get out there!

Lehman Kept Billions Off Books

Why republicans don't want to crush democrats?!

Horrifically Brutalized Afghan Girl Finds Strength (Disturbing)

ABC: Christians Rip Glenn Beck & Call For Boycott Over 'Social Justice' Slam

Victoria Jackson: "There's A Communist Living in the White House!!"

Senator Dodd Could You Possibly Sound More Full Of It ? Fed gets a Boost!

Countdown: Michael Moore PT. 2 - On Kucinich 'Only 1 Out of 435 Standing Up. How Truly Sad Is That?'

TYT: Glenn Beck Attacks Bruce Springsteen - Why?!

Countdown: In Memoriam - Theodore Olberman 1929-2010 (Donation Link)

Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death

Guardian UK: Accounting for Lehman, or Enron Pt 2

Consumer Protection Agency to Be Housed in Alan Greenspan's Bathtub

Joe Conason: Paul Ryan's populism: Raising taxes on the middle class

Sen Graham, you can shove your threat (made on ABC's "This Week" ) up your ass where your head is.

A Cost-Control Mirage

Despite Rumor and Explanation, Details of Maliki’s Hospital Visit Remain Mystery

Georgia needs help to get better

VenEconomy dreams of returning Venezuela to the "democratic paradise" of the 4th Republic

Yoo Besmirches Legacy of Jefferson

The House Health-Care Vote and the Constitution

Heh. WP's Milbank skewers Dick Armey/teabagger version of "history"

Man of Letters-Captain Whitten was my student.

Big Oil U. - how the oil industry is buying influence in university research - PRWatch

Doubting the Thomases

How to Bribe a Supreme Court Justice

Votes are there, Will is not for the public option.

Charity CEO's Get Rich by Taking From the Poor

Franken: A Perversion of the Filibuster

Analysis of Modes of Failures for 1202 Failure Events in Sweden's 624 Wind Turbines 2000-2004.

Adding Iron To Oceans For Carbon Capture Can Boost Production Of Neurotoxic Domoic Acid, Study Shows

CO2 at new highs despite economic slowdown

Drumbeat: March 16, 2010

Unknown Amount Of Coal Ash to Remain Permanently In Emory River - "Physically Impossible" To Remove

Massive Longline Arrays Biggest Threat To Biggest Seabirds - Oz Scientist Seeks Better Practices

CITES Sec-General On Tigers - "We Have Failed Miserably And Are Continuing To Fail" - BBC

After Drought & 3 Straight Weeks At -40, Mongolia Takes Stock Of Devastated Herds & Herders - AFP

EU Bloc Showing Cracks On Bluefin Ban: China Will Oppose Action - AFP

River Levels So Low That Saigon Water Plant Can Only Draw Freshwater During Low Tides

Porous China-Myanmar border allowing illegal wildlife trade

Big Oil U. - how the oil industry is buying influence in university research - PRWatch

A rarely discussed issue - TONS of discarded food by restaurants and grocery stores

Cracks found in critical reactor parts at Davis-Besse nuclear power plant

New York Times Science Section Editors Don't Buy Your Egghead 'Science'

Delhi's Holy Yamuna River A Bubbling Mass Of Methane & Garbage - DPA

Nuclear plants need real security

Our Obsession With Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities and Our Health

Nuclear bailout

Despite Mercury Warnings, Americans Eat 13 Million Pounds Of Ohio River Fish Annually

DIRECTV and VERSUS reach carriage agreement

Ovechkin banned two games for Campbell hit


The Tampa Bay Derby photo finish picture.

46.4 % of all brackets at Yahoo pick Kansas to win it all

Woods says he’ll return to golf at Masters

Let's go Bucs!!

Shaky ride scared Leafs

I am so relieved! Tiger will play at the Masters...

Lane Kiffin, Sexiest Woman Alive? 'Esquire' Says Maybe

Just finished my bracket....ask me who I picked to win it all!!!!

7-10 Matchup Oklahoma St. v. Ga. Tech Who do you like?

Commercial Apiaries Reporting 30 - 50% Colony Loss From CCD This Winter - WP

Bet The House on Cornell To Win It All

Rich and Independent Brazil Seems Poised to Become LatAm's New Uncle Sam

Our Best Chance to End the Travel Ban to Cuba in 2010

Chavez admits meeting with FARC Raul Reyes and ELN (Spanish)

Leftist party distances itself from Chavez

New Colombian party linked to right-wing gangs

Bolivia fires prison chief over favors for convicted ex-dictator

Indigenous Colombians Struggle to Survive

Women, girls rape victims in Haiti quake aftermath


Lula da Silva declines to visit the grave of Zionism founder

Belarus offers closer military ties with Venezuela

Cuba criticizes US ruling on Internet access

Electricity Crisis Update

Republicans slam Obama's hard line on Israel

Netanyahu affirms settlement project that U.S. considers 'affront'

Children of Gaza: Scarred, trapped, vengeful

Jail ordeal of hundreds of Palestinian children arrested for throwing stones

1,000 Days have passed ... but it's tomorrow that counts

Mitchell postpones Israel visit

The U.S. quarrel with Israel

Jerusalem on high alert after Hamas announces 'day of rage'

U.S.-Israel rift undermining some long-standing taboos

Egypt's wall along Gaza border nears completion

A Rotten Deal (Newsweek)

AIPAC rallies troops

Israeli-Palestinian News: "Anyone Who Isn't Confused Really Doesn't Understand the Situation"

On eve of AIPAC parley, pro-Israel groups want sides to make nice

U.S. anger over East Jerusalem row is excessive

'U.S. administration is ignoring a host of Palestinian provocations'

Top EU diplomat slams Israeli settlements on first trip to Middle East

Sarah Palin opens her big mouth!

Sarah Palin opens her big mouth!

Weiner: White House should stop 'temper tantrum' on

Rightists prepare banner declaring Obama as 'PLO agent'

A Serial Obstructionist

Israel Objects to U.S. Construction Demands

Israel's Titanic Moment: Does Obama Want Bibi's Head?

Bil'in, Na'alin declared closed military areas each Friday for months

'Day of rage': Hamas calls for terrorist attacks inside Israel

"Is AIPAC putting Israel first? As an American Jew, I find this extremely embarrassing" (Joe Klein)

Exposed: Chevron's Cover-up of Gross Environmental Abuses in Ecuador

Why Punish Iran for What Israel Has Already Done?

House Subcommittee to Hold Hearing on Bill to Strengthen Workplace Health and Safety Penalties

Hawaii Proposal Would Subsidize Health Care If Businesses Keep Workers On The Job

Today in Labor History Mar 16 More than 350 Vietnamese villagers were murdered by U.S. troops

Tour says it is not discriminating against Weir

Gay seniors come out late, start second lifetime

HATE is not an opinion, got that??? INTOLERANCE is not a point of view!

Pretty damn quiet around here

Gay Parents or Death? Famed Latino Singer Picks Death

Lawmaker wants to ban open carry in California ...

"You are too old to be alive anyway."

I registered to vote as a democrat and bought my first rifle today.

Va. student accused of bringing gun to school

"One rule for me, another for thee." Why do some see this as acceptable.

Man arrested for suspicion of committing crime in the future.

Self delete - posted in wrong forum AGAIN. No link so you don't think I do it on purpose

It must be spring. Look what I found.......

wheel barrows

A few from Northern California

Adventures On The Census Trail (pic heavy)

here's a heroin picture, add your own!

A couple of panorama attempts (one worked, one didn't)

Here is a heron picture, add YOURS (or other large bird)!

New glasses allow blind soldier to 'see' with his tongue

Today I met a beautiful naked tree

Phobos flyby images

Help me identify this hawk

Equinox New Moon in Pisces—Move from Fantasy to Action

Are you ready? Tonight at 5 pm PDST

OMG. Did you see this?

Happy Birthday Wishes BanzaiBonnie

National Health Expenditures per Capita, 1980–2007

Money-Driven Medicine


A word about the homeopathic tinnitus "remedy" Quietus

Want to learn human anatomy in about 3 hours?

The Secret Heart Symbol

'Christ The Redeemer' Undergoes Renovation

A meeting of religion and science

What does evil look like? Two crimes in Poland

Is religion inherently corrupt?

Racism is linked to Religious dogmatism

Atheist bus ads are desecrated

How many people think Jesus really existed?

Check it out - Kucinich argues for public option

HPV vaccine protects from cancer recurrence

China's Water Pistol

Tracking the Nation's Bank Failures (interactive map)

Private Equity’s Trojan Horse of Debt?

Chinese Teabaggers

DU this poll. Whom Do You Trust More: Steve Liesman Or Rick Santelli?

Memo to Moody’s: It’s Accounting 101, Not Economics

Big Bailout Banks Slashed New Lending In January

Burton ends snowboard manufacturing in Vermont.

Continental Cuts Most Free Meals in Coach

With Medicaid Cuts, Doctors and Patients Drop Out

Erectile dysfunction is strong predictor of fatal heart ailments, study finds

Goldman Sachs derivative liability = 33,823% of assets

Hitchens - The Great Catholic Cover-Up


Junk Bond Avalanche Looms for Credit Markets

That Prize Goof on CNBC

The study of stress

um, I think something's brewing under the surface here...

It was by "invite" only. Some 800 invitations went out to those

What if a college education just isn't for everyone?

L.A. Unified panel recommends changes in teacher evaluations

Diane Ravitch: The Shame of Newsweek

National March to Defend Public Education Saturday April 10

Schools Matter: Privatizers Seek to Breathe Life into Dead DC Voucher Program

Forget Goofing Around: Recess Has a New Boss

Civil Rights in Education

So, I'm meeting with Arne Duncan Friday.