cnnTrump endorses Romney
CNN) -- Celebrity business magnate Donald Trump endorsed Mitt Romney for president Thursday, telling reporters he will not mount an independent campaign if Romney is the Republican nominee.
Trump, who has repeatedly flirted with the possibility of his own White House bid, revealed his decision in Las Vegas two days before Nevada's Saturday caucuses.
"It's my honor, real honor, to endorse Mitt Romney," Trump said, with Romney and his wife standing nearby. Calling Romney "tough" and "smart," Trump said, "he's not going to continue to allow bad things to happen to this country."
Romney responded by praising Trump for "an extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs" and for being "one of the few who has stood up to say China is cheating" in international trade.
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The billionaire who made his fortune through inheritance and abuse of the bankruptcy laws, endorsed the two or three hundred millionaire for the Republican Presidential nomination.
That should raise Obama's chances of winning by quite a bit.
I can see Axelrod smiling as he sharpens his pencil right now.