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Out of Falluja. Please forward

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Mulkum Donating Member (27 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 04:10 PM
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Out of Falluja. Please forward
Date: Tue Apr 13, 2004 5:42 am
Subject: April 11th - Falluja. Please forward

I'm sorry it's so long, but please, please read and forward widely. The truth of what's happening in Falluja has to get

Hamoudie, my thoughts are with you.

April 11th

Trucks, oil tankers, tanks are burning on the highway east to Falluja. A stream of boys and men goes to and from a
lorry that’s not burnt, stripping it bare. We turn onto the back roads through Abu Ghraib, Nuha and Ahrar singing in
Arabic, past the vehicles full of people and a few possessions, heading the other way, past the improvised
refreshment posts along the way where boys throw food through the windows into the bus for us and for the people
inside still inside Falluja.

The bus is following a car with the nephew of a local sheikh and a guide who has contacts with the Mujahedin and has
cleared this with them. The reason I’m on the bus is that a journalist I knew turned up at my door at about 11 at night
telling me things were desperate in Falluja, he’d been bringing out children with their limbs blown off, the US soldiers
were going around telling people to leave by dusk or be killed, but then when people fled with whatever they could carry,
they were being stopped at the US military checkpoint on the edge of town and not let out, trapped, watching the sun go

He said aid vehicles and the media were being turned away. He said there was some medical aid that needed to go in
and there was a better chance of it getting there with foreigners, westerners, to get through the american checkpoints.
The rest of the way was secured with the armed groups who control the roads we’d travel on. We’d take in the
medical supplies, see what else we could do to help and then use the bus to bring out people who needed to leave.

I’ll spare you the whole decision making process, all the questions we all asked ourselves and each other, and you can
spare me the accusations of madness, but what it came down to was this: if I don’t do it, who will? Either way, we arrive in
one piece.

We pile the stuff in the corridor and the boxes are torn open straightaway, the blankets most welcomed. It’s not a
hospital at all but a clinic, a private doctor’s surgery treating people free since air strikes destroyed the town’s main
hospital. Another has been improvised in a car garage. There’s no anaesthetic. The blood bags are in a drinks fridge
and the doctors warm them up under the hot tap in an unhygienic toilet.

Screaming women come in, praying, slapping their chests and faces. Ummi, my mother, one cries. I hold her until Maki,
a consultant and acting director of the clinic, brings me to the bed where a child of about ten is lying with a bullet wound
to the head. A smaller child is being treated for a similar injury in the next bed. A US sniper hit them and their
grandmother as they left their home to flee Falluja.

The lights go out, the fan stops and in the sudden quiet someone holds up the flame of a cigarette lighter for the doctor
to carry on operating by. The electricity to the town has been cut off for days and when the generator runs out of petrol
they just have to manage till it comes back on. Dave quickly donates his torch. The children are not going to live.

“Come,” says Maki and ushers me alone into a room where an old woman has just had an
abdominal bullet wound stitched up. Another in her leg is being dressed, the bed under her
foot soaked with blood, a white flag still clutched in her hand and the same story: I was
leaving my home to go to Baghdad when I was hit by a US sniper. Some of the town is held
by US marines, other parts by the local fighters. Their homes are in the US controlled area
and they are adamant that the snipers were US marines.

Snipers are causing not just carnage but also the paralysis of the ambulance and
evacuation services. The biggest hospital after the main one was bombed is in US territory
and cut off from the clinic by snipers. The ambulance has been repaired four times after bullet
damage. Bodies are lying in the streets because no one can go to collect them without being

Some said we were mad to come to Iraq; quite a few said we were completely insane to come
to Falluja and now there are people telling me that getting in the back of the pick up to go past
the snipers and get sick and injured people is the craziest thing they’ve ever seen. I know,
though, that if we don’t, no one will. don’t know his name. The men we pass wave us on when
the driver explains where we’re going. The silence is ferocious in the no man’s land between
the pick up at the edge of the Mujahedin territory, which has just gone from our sight around
the last corner and the marines’ line beyond the next wall; no birds, no music, no indication
that anyone is still living untila gate opens opposite and a woman comes out, points.

We edge along to the hole in the wall where we can seethe car, spent mortar shells around it.
The feet are visible, crossed, in the gutter. I think he’s dead already. The snipers are visible
too, two of them on the corner of the building. As yet I think they can’t see us so we need to let
them know we’re there.

“Hello,” I bellow at the top of my voice. “Can you hear me?” They must. They’re about 30
metres from us, maybe less, and it’s so still you could hear the flies buzzing at fifty paces.
I repeat myself a few times, still without reply, so decide to explain myself a bit more.

“We are a medical team. We want to remove this wounded man. Is it OK for us to come out
and get him? Can you give us a signal that it’s OK?”

I’m sure they can hear me but they’re still not responding. Maybe they didn’t understand it all,
so I say the same again. Dave yells too in his US accent. I yell again. Finally I think I hear a
shout back. Not sure, I call again.



“Can we come out and get him?”


Slowly, our hands up, we go out. The black cloud that rises to greet us carries with it a hot,
sour smell.
Solidified, his legs are heavy. I leave them to Rana and Dave, our guide lifting under his hips.
The Kalashnikov is attached by sticky blood to is hair and hand and we don’t want it with us so
I put my foot on

it as I pick up his shoulders and his blood falls out through the hole in his back. We heave him into the pick up as best we
can and try to outrun the flies.

I suppose he was wearing flip flops because he’s barefoot now, no more than 20 years old, in imitation Nike pants and a
blue and black striped football shirt with a big 28 on the back. As the orderlies form the clinic pull the young fighter off
the pick up, yellow fluid pours from his mouth and they flip him over, face up, the way into the clinic clearing in front of
them, straight up the ramp into the makeshift morgue.

We wash the blood off our hands and get in the ambulance. There are people trapped in the other hospital who need to
go to Baghdad. Siren screaming, lights flashing, we huddle on the floor of the ambulance, passports and ID cards held
out the windows. We pack it with people, one with his chest taped together and a drip, one on a stretcher, legs jerking
violently so I have to hold them down as we wheel him out, lifting him over steps.

The hospital is better able to treat them than the clinic but hasn’t got enough of anything to sort them out properly and
the only way to get them to Baghdad on our bus, which means they have to go to the clinic.
We’re crammed on the floor of the ambulance in case it’s shot at. Nisareen, a woman doctor about my age, can’t stop a
few tears once we’re out.

The doctor rushes out to meet me: “Can you go to fetch a lady, she is pregnant and she is delivering the baby too

Azzam is driving, Ahmed in the middle directing him and me by the window, the visible foreigner, the passport.
Something scatters across my hand, simultaneous with the crashing of a bullet through the ambulance, some plastic
part dislodged, flying through the window.

We stop, turn off the siren, keep the blue light flashing, wait, eyes on the silhouettes of men in US marine uniforms on the
corners of the buildings. Several shots come. We duck, get as low as possible and I can see tiny red lights whipping past
the window, past my head. Some, it’s hard to tell, are hitting the ambulance I start singing. What else do you do when
someone’s shooting at you? A tyre bursts with an enormous noise and a jerk of the vehicle.

I’m outraged. We’re trying to get to a woman who’s giving birth without any medical attention, without electricity, in a city
under siege, in a clearly marked ambulance, and you’re shooting at us. How dare you?

How dare you?

Azzam grabs the gear stick and gets the ambulance into reverse, another tyre bursting as we go over the ridge in the
centre of the road , the sots still coming as we flee around the corner. I carry on singing. The wheels are scraping, burst
rubber burning on the road.

The men run for a stretcher as we arrive and I shake my head. They spot the new bullet holes and run to see if we’re
OK. Is there any other way to get to her, I want to know. La, maaku tarieq. There is no other way.
They say we did the right thing. They say they’ve fixed the ambulance four times already and they’ll fix it again but the
radiator’s gone and the wheels are buckled and se’s still at home in the dark giving birth alone. I let her down.

We can’t go out again. For one thing there’s no ambulance and besides it’s dark now and that means our foreign faces
can’t protect the people who go out with us or the people we pick up. Maki is the acting director of the place. He says he
hated Saddam but now he hates the Americans more.

We take off the blue gowns as the sky starts exploding somewhere beyond the building opposite. Minutes later a car
roars up to the clinic. I can hear him screaming before I can see that there’s no skin left on his body. He’s burnt from
head to foot. For sure there’s nothing they can do. He’ll die of dehydration within a few days.

Another man is pulled from the car onto a stretcher. Cluster bombs, they say, although it’s not clear whether they mean
one or both of them. We set off walking to Mr Yasser’s house, waiting at each corner for someone to check the street
before we cross. A ball of fire falls from a plane, splits into smaller balls of bright white lights. I think they’re cluster
bombs, because cluster bombs are in the front of my mind, but they vanish, just magnesium flares, incredibly bright but
short-lived, giving a flash picture of the town from above.

Yasser asks us all to introduce ourselves. I tell him I’m training to be a lawyer. One of the other men asks whether I know
about international law. They want to know about the law on war crimes, what a war crime is. I tell them I know some of
the Geneva Conventions, that I’ll bring some information next time I come and we can get someone to explain it in

We bring up the matter of Nayoko. This group of fighters has nothing to do with the ones who are holding the
Japanese hostages, but while they’re thanking us for what we did this evening, we talk about the things Nayoko did for
the street kids, how much they loved her. They can’t promise anything but that they’ll try and find out where she is and
try to persuade the group to let her and the others go. I don’t suppose it will make any difference. They’re busy fighting
a war in Falluja. They’re unconnected with the other group. But it can’t hurt to try.

The planes are above us all night so that as I doze I forget I’m not on a long distance flight, the constant bass note of
an unmanned reconnaissance drone overlaid with the frantic thrash of jets and the dull beat of helicopters and
interrupted by the explosions.

In the morning I make balloon dogs, giraffes and elephants for the little one, Abdullah, Aboudi, who’s clearly distressed
by the noise of the aircraft and explosions. I blow bubbles which he follows with his eyes. Finally, finally, I score a smile.
The twins, thirteen years old, laugh too, one of them an ambulance driver, both said to be handy with a Kalashnikov.

The doctors look haggard in the morning. None has slept more than a couple of hours a night for a week. One as had
only eight hours of sleep in the last seven days, missing the funerals of his brother and aunt because he was needed at
the hospital.

“The dead we cannot help,” Jassim said. “I must worry about the injured.”

We go again, Dave, Rana and me, this time in a pick up. There are some sick people close to the marines’ line who
need evacuating. No one dares come out of their house because the marines are on top of the buildings shooting at
anything that moves. Saad fetches us a white flag and tells us not to worry, he’s checked and secured the road, no
Mujahedin will fire at us, that peace is upon us, this eleven year old child, his face covered with a keffiyeh, but for is
bright brown eyes, his AK47 almost as tall as he is.

We shout again to the soldiers, hold up the flag with a red crescent sprayed onto it. Two come down from the building,
cover this side and Rana mutters, “Allahu akbar. Please nobody take a shot at them.”

We jump down and tell them we need to get some sick people from the houses and they want Rana to go and bring out
the family from the house whose roof they’re on. Thirteen women and children are still inside, in one room, without food
and water for the last 24 hours.

“We’re going to be going through soon clearing the houses,” the senior one says.

“What does that mean, clearing the houses?”

“Going into every one searching for weapons.” He’s checking his watch, can’t tell me what will start when, of course, but
there’s going to be air strikes in support. “If you’re going to do tis you gotta do it soon.”

First we go down the street we were sent to. There’s a man, face down, in a white dishdasha, a small round red stain on
his back. We run to him. Again the flies have got there first. Dave is at his shoulders, I’m by his knees and as we reach
to roll him onto the stretcher Dave’s hand goes through his chest, through the cavity left by the bullet that entered so
neatly through his back and blew his heart out.

There’s no weapon in his hand. Only when we arrive, his sons come out, crying, shouting. He was unarmed, they
scream. He was unarmed. He just went out the gate and they shot him. None of them have dared come out since. No
one had dared come to get his body, horrified, terrified, forced to violate the traditions of treating the body immediately.
They couldn’t have known we were coming so it’s inconceivable tat anyone came out and retrieved a weapon but left the

He was unarmed, 55 years old, shot in the back.

We cover his face, carry him to the pick up. There’s nothing to cover his body with. The sick woman is helped out of
the house, the little girls around her hugging cloth bags to their bodies, whispering, “Baba. Baba.” Daddy. Shaking, they
let us go first, hands up, around the corner, then we usher them to the cab of the pick up, shielding their heads so they
can’t see him, the cuddly fat man stiff in the back.

The people seem to pour out of the houses now in the hope we can escort them safely out of the line of fire, kids,
women, men, anxiously asking us whether they can all go, or only the women and children. We go to ask. The young
marine tells us that men of fighting age can’t leave. What’s fighting age, I want to know.
He contemplates. Anything under forty five. No lower limit.

It appals me that all those men would be trapped in a city which is about to be destroyed. Not all of them are fighters,
not all are armed. It’s going to happen out of the view of the world, out of sight of the media, because most of the media
in Falluja is embedded with the marines or turned away at the outskirts. Before we can pass the message on, two
explosions scatter the crowd in the side street back into their houses.

Rana’s with the marines evacuating the family from the house they’re occupying. The pick up isn’t back yet. The
families are hiding behind their walls. We wait, because there’s nothing else we can do. We wait in no man’s land. The
marines, at least, are watching us through binoculars; maybe the local fighters are too.

I’ve got a disappearing hanky in my pocket so while I’m sitting like a lemon, nowhere to go, gunfire and explosions
aplenty all around, I make the hanky disappear, reappear, disappear. It’s always best, I think, to seem completely
unthreatening and completely unconcerned, so no one worries about you enough to shoot. We can’t wait too long
though. Rana’s been gone ages. We have to go and get her to hurry. There’s a young man in the group. She’s talked
them into letting him leave too.

A man wants to use his police car to carry some of the people, a couple of elderly ones who can’t walk far, the smallest
children. It’s missing a door. Who knows if he was really a police car or the car was reappropriated and just ended up
there? It didn’t matter if it got more people out faster. They creep from their houses, huddle by the wall, follow us out,
their hands up too, and walk up the street clutching babies, bags, each other.

The pick up gets back and we shovel as many onto it as we can as an ambulance arrives from somewhere. A young
man waves from the doorway of what’s left of a house, his upper body bare, a blood soaked bandage around his arm,
probably a fighter but it makes no difference once someone is wounded and unarmed. Getting the dead isn’t essential.
Like the doctor said, the dead don’t need help, but if it’s easy enough then we will. Since we’re already OK with the
soldiers and the ambulance is here, we run down to fetch them in. It’s important in Islam to bury the body straightaway.

The ambulance follows us down. The soldiers start shouting in English at us for it to stop, pointing guns. It’s moving
fast. We’re all yelling, signalling for it to stop but it seems to take forever for the driver to hear and see us. It stops. It
stops, before they open fire. We haul them onto the stretchers and run, shove them in the back. Rana squeezes in the
front with the wounded man and Dave and I crouch in the back beside the bodies. He says he had allergies as a kid
and hasn’t got much sense of smell. I wish, retrospectively, for childhood allergies, and stick my head out the window.

The bus is going to leave, taking the injured people back to Baghdad, the man with the burns, one of the women who
was shot in the jaw and shoulder by a sniper, several others. Rana says she’s staying to help. Dave and I don’t hesitate:
we’re staying too.
“If I don’t do it, who will?” has become an accidental motto and I’m acutely aware after the last foray how many people,
how many women and children, are still in their houses either because they’ve got nowhere to go, because they’re
scared to go out of the door or because they’ve chosen to stay.

To begin with it’s agreed, then Azzam says we have to go. He hasn’t got contacts with every armed group, only with
some. There are different issues to square with each one. We need to get these people back to Baghdad as quickly as
we can. If we’re kidnapped or killed it will cause even more problems, so it’s better that we just get on the bus and leave
and come back with him as soon as possible.

It hurts to climb onto the bus when the doctor has just asked us to go and evacuate some more people. I hate the fact
that a qualified medic can’t travel in the ambulance but I can, just because I look like the sniper’s sister or one of his
mates, but that’s the way it is today and the way it was yesterday and I feel like a traitor for leaving, but I can’t see where
I’ve got a choice. It’s a war now and as alien as it is to me to do what I’m told, for once I’ve got to.

Jassim is scared. He harangues Mohammed constantly, tries to pull him out of the driver’s seat wile we’re moving. The
woman with the gunshot wound is on the back seat, the man with the burns in front of her, being fanned with cardboard
from the empty boxes, his intravenous drips swinging from the rail along the ceiling of the bus. It’s hot. It must be
unbearable for him.

Saad comes onto the bus to wish us well for the journey. He shakes Dave’s hand and then mine. I hold his in both of
mine and tell him “Dir balak,” take care, as if I could say anything more stupid to a pre-teen Mujahedin with an AK47 in
his other hand, and our eyes meet and stay fixed, his full of fire and fear.

Can’t I take him away? Can’t I take him somewhere he can be a child? Can’t I make him a balloon giraffe and give him
some drawing pens and tell him not to forget to brush his teeth? Can’t I find the person who put the rifle in the hands of
that little boy? Can’t I tell someone about what that does to a child? Do I have to leave him here where there are heavily
armed men all around him and lots of them are not on his side, however many sides there are in all of this? And of
course I do. I do have to leave him, like child soldiers everywhere.

The way back is tense, the bus almost getting stuck in a dip in the sand, people escaping in anything, even piled on the
trailer of a tractor, lines of cars and pick ups and buses ferrying people to the dubious sanctuary of Baghdad, lines of
men in vehicles queuing to get back into the city having got their families to safety, either to fight or to help evacuate
more people. The driver, Jassim, the father, ignores Azzam and takes a different road so that suddenly we’re not
following the lead car and we’re on a road that’s controlled by a different armed group than the ones which know us.

A crowd of men waves guns to stop the bus. Somehow they apparently believe that there are American soldiers on the
bus, as if they wouldn’t be in tanks or helicopters, and there are men getting out of their cars with shouts of “Sahafa
Amreeki,” American journalists. The passengers shout out of the windows, “Ana min Falluja,” I am from Falluja.
Gunmen run onto the bus and see that it’s true, there are sick and injured and old people, Iraqis, and then relax, wave
us on.

We stop in Abu Ghraib and swap seats, foreigners in the front, Iraqis less visible, headscarves off so we look more
western. The American soldiers are so happy to see westerners they don’t mind too much about the Iraqis with us,
search the men and the bus, leave the women unsearched because there are no women soldiers to search us.
Mohammed keeps asking me if things are going to be OK.

“Al-melaach wiyana, “ I tell him. The angels are with us. He laughs.

And then we’re in Baghdad, delivering them to the hospitals, Nuha in tears as they take the burnt man off groaning and
whimpering. She puts her arms around me and asks me to be her friend. I make her feel less isolated, she says, less

And the satellite news says the cease-fire is holding and George Bush says to the troops on Easter Sunday that, “I
know what we’re doing in Iraq is right.”
Shooting unarmed men in the back outside their family home is right. Shooting grandmothers with white flags is right?
Shooting at women and children who are fleeing their homes is right? Firing at ambulances is right?

Well George, I know too now. I know what it looks like when you brutalise people so much that they’ve nothing left to
lose. I know what it looks like when an operation is being done without anaesthetic because the hospitals are destroyed
or under sniper fire and the city’s under siege and aid isn’t getting in properly. I know what it sounds like too. I know
what it looks like when tracer bullets are passing your head, even though you’re in an ambulance. I know what it looks
like when a man’s chest is no longer inside him and what it smells like and I know what it looks like when his wife and
children pour out of his house.

It’s a crime and it’s a disgrace to us all.
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mistertrickster Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 04:24 PM
Response to Original message
1. "The rest is silence." Hamlet
I'd rather be cast into the ocean with a millstone around my neck than be George Bush on Judgement Day.

A lot of bad karma there . . .
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doni_georgia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 04:52 PM
Response to Original message
2. My God.
Who wrote this? Do you know? I am guessing it is a western aid worker? This is very powerful. I do not doubt its authenticity, because it reads too true to be false, but I would like to know the source, just for purposes of passing this on.
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rog Donating Member (301 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 06:45 PM
Response to Reply #2
6. Written by Jo Wilding.
This is from Jo Wilding's blog. She is a British aid worker who was helping to get the wounded out of Fallujah. There are two followups to this article on her website. This is a must-read, and yes ... please forward this info and make as much noise as you can.

The BBC (finally) picked up on this story today and quoted heavily from her blog.

Keep an eye on Fallujah and Najaf ... this is a continuing story.

See also:

Daily news and comments on the situation in post Saddam Iraq by an Iraqi dentist
Rahul Mahajan is publisher of Empire Notes. He was in Fallujah recently and is currently writing and blogging from Baghdad. His latest book, “Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond,” covers U.S. policy on Iraq, deceptions about weapons of mass destruction, the plans of the neoconservatives, and the face of the new Bush imperial policies.

His article on the forced closings of hospitals in Fallujah and Najaf is a must-read.
Juan R. I. Cole is Professor of Modern Middle East and South Asian History at the History Department of the University of Michigan. He has written extensively about modern Islamic movements in Egypt, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. He has given numerous media and press interviews on the War on Terrorism since September 11, 2001, as well as concerning the Iraq War in 2003. His current research focuses on two contemporary phenomena: 1) Shiite Islam in Iraq and Iran and 2) the "jihadi" or "sacred-war" strain of Muslim radicalism, including al-Qaeda and the Taliban among other groups. Cole commands Arabic, Persian and Urdu and reads some Turkish, knows both Middle Eastern and South Asian Islam, and lived in a number of places in the Muslim world for extended periods of time. He updates several times a day.
Dahr Jamail is Baghdad correspondent for The NewStandard. He is an Alaskan devoted to covering the untold stories from occupied Iraq.

Specifically, HIS confirmation of the hospital closings, shooting at ambulances, etc.

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MuseRider Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 05:23 PM
Response to Original message
3. Somehow
I have no words for this. Thanks for posting this, it is important. It is just wrong and very sad that anyone should ever have to go through this.
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doni_georgia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 05:29 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Everyone needs to read this - lets keep it going n/t
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rog Donating Member (301 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-24-04 02:46 PM
Response to Reply #4
8. Kick ...
... for the Saturday readers.

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mtnester Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 05:57 PM
Response to Original message
5. There is no one word to describe how I feel
right now.....

heartbroken, sickened, rage, pity, fear, outrage, horror, depression, shame....

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
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kentuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Apr-23-04 06:52 PM
Response to Original message
7. From the blogspot.............

"Makes us less of a target for kidnappers, Lee tells him. Suddenly he decides he recognises Lee from the TV. Based in Germany, he watches the BBC. He sees Lee on TV all the time. “Cool. Hey, can I have your autograph?”

Lee makes a scribble, unsure who he’s meant to be but happy to have a ticket through the checkpoint which all the cars before us have been turned back from, and Sergeant Tratner carries on. “You guys be careful in Falluja. We’re killing loads of those folks.” Detecting a lack of admiration on our part, he adds, “Well, they’re killing us too. I like Falluja. I killed a bunch of them mother fuckers.”

I wish Sergeant Tratner were a caricature, a stereotype, but these are all direct quotations. We fiddle with our hijabs in the roasting heat. “You don’t have to wear those things any more,” he says. “You’re liberated now.” He laughs. I mention that more and more women are wearing hijabs nowadays because of increasing attacks on them."

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-24-04 06:44 PM
Response to Original message
9. It’s a crime and it’s a disgrace to us all.
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