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Glenn Beck and Kyle Olson: Teaching social justice themes in school creating a left wing army... [View All]

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-05-11 02:23 AM
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Glenn Beck and Kyle Olson: Teaching social justice themes in school creating a left wing army...
Run time: 09:19
Posted on YouTube: December 04, 2011
By YouTube Member: eagfoundation
Views on YouTube: 36
Posted on DU: December 05, 2011
By DU Member: madfloridian
Views on DU: 5732
An army of students who will enact the personal agenda of teachers.

They are speaking of what Kyle Olson calls the movement to insert "social justice" into math curriculum. He says teachers will use that to teach things he does not want taught in his country. That is just weird that he and Beck would object to social justice themes.

They started out talking about the book called Click, Clack, Moo. Cows That Type Video of the very special book at the link.

The book was written in 2000, won the Caldecott award the next year. It is about a group of cows on a farm who get hold of a typewriter. They type a message for the farmer demanding electric blankets because the barn is cold. When the farmer gets mad and demands they produce, they send another message that the chickens are cold as well. They offer to give up their typewriter if they get the blankets.

The farmer agrees to give blankets to the cows and hens so he can get his eggs and milk. Soon the ducks become involved in the bargaining.

It's a great story.

Kyle Olson claims to be a founder of a non-profit group called Education Action Group. In reality they are funded by the Koch and the Devos family. Betsy Devos is sister to Erik Prince of Blackwater fame, so there is a real right wing movement behind Olson's group known as EAG.

The latest right-wing loony accusation is delivered by Kyle Olson of the Michigan-based grouplet, the Education Action Group.

Olson parades around as a concerned parent of a kindergartener. But we have pointed out that the EAG is secretly funded, has close ties to the Koch brothers, Andrew Breitbart and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. The Mackinac Center has recently been exposed for secretly sending emails and lobbying Michigan legislators in violation of their non-partisan tax status.

...This week, Kyle went on Fox (surprise) to denounce the use of Click Clack Moo. Cows that Type to indoctrinate kindergarten students in pro-union ideology. He accused a Chicago teacher of sneaking the word, “negotiate,” into a vocabulary lesson."


EAG isn’t really a group. It’s two very partisan men with ties to the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and Dick DeVos of Amway Corp. fame. Olson’s brother is director of education policy at the Mackinac Center, another anti-union, pro-privatization group. The man who incorporated EAG, Eric Doster, is a Michigan Republican Party lawyer who has served on the board of the Great Lakes Education Project, a political action committee linked to DeVos. DeVos, of course, helped finance the failed 2000 vouchers initiative.

Right wing claims teachers using union propaganda

This is an example of the education reform movement that is sweeping our country.

They consider a book about cows negotiating with a farmer to be union propaganda. They consider that teaching about social justice is creating a left wing army in the schools.

I wonder what other countries are thinking about our country's idiotic right wing right now?
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