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Minnesota Tax Day rally numbers way down from last year [View All]

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CatholicEdHead Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-16-11 07:19 PM
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Minnesota Tax Day rally numbers way down from last year
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They supposedly had a thousand last year and it sounds like much, much less this year. It sounds like very few this year, probably 50-100 or even less. Nice to know Bachmann cares more about South Carolina than the state she was elected in, Minnesota.

A mere shadow of its showing in recent years, the annual "tax day" rally at the state Capitol attracted only a smattering of adherents on a cold, wet afternoon Saturday.

"Is the Tea Party dead because it could only bring out a couple hundred people on a cold, snowy day?" asked radio talker Mitch Berg, adding, "No, the Tea Party is watching them. The Tea Party is coming for them."

The rally lacked a headliner comparable to Sixth District Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann, who roused more than a thousand last year in the wake of passage of the federal health care law.

Bachmann, the congressional doyenne of the Tea Party movement, was in South Carolina (an early presidential primary battleground) Saturday, addressing another Tea Party rally.
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