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This is how the ruling (Repug) class rules.- Walker and Republicans Go Over the Heads of the People

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iwishiwas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 08:07 AM
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This is how the ruling (Repug) class rules.- Walker and Republicans Go Over the Heads of the People

Cruel, just plain cruel. And it affects ALL communities in WI now!

Walker and Republicans Go Over the Heads of the People and the Courts to Squash Paid Sick Leave
By Matthew Rothschild, April 14, 2011

This is how the ruling class rules. If it doesn’t get its way at the polls, it will do whatever it takes to defy the wishes of the public and prevail.

On November 4, 2008, 69 percent of the voters in Milwaukee passed a referendum requiring local businesses to give their workers paid sick leave. The ordinance said if you work for a company with fewer than 10 employees, you could accrue five days of paid sick leave a year. If you work for a bigger company, you could accrue nine days.

But for the people of Milwaukee, it would have made a huge difference: Instead of having to choose between going to work sick or staying home and risk getting fired or losing pay, you could rest comfortably at home. Instead of having to choose between sending your sick kid to school or staying at home and risk getting docked, you could focus on tending to your child.

Not liking the results of democracy, business interests in Milwaukee tried to overturn the referendum in the courts. But after more than two years of legal challenges, they failed.

(Note: Some of the opponents of the ordinance argue that Clinton’s Family and Medical Leave Act was sufficient. But it applies only to companies with 50 or more employees, and the leave is unpaid. As the Court of Appeals said in its ruling upholding the ordinance, “With respect to paid versus unpaid sick leave, it is reasonable to conclude that paid sick leave will induce more employees to take time off work when necessary for their health and the health of their families.”)

So the business groups went to the Republican legislature in Madison, which gratefully obliged. On Tuesday, the state assembly passed a bill, 59-35, that will not only void Milwaukee’s ordinance; it will also prohibit all other cities and counties in Wisconsin from offering paid sick leave on their own. The state senate passed the bill earlier in the year,......................................
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Welibs Donating Member (125 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 09:37 AM
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1. As awful as it sounds, this needed to happen so the people wake up!

I've read some articles that interview Republicans that voted over and over for Ryan and his ilk and they finally realize that the cuts these charlatans are proposing will affect them too. I think they all thought these cuts were only going to hit Democrats.

They are turning their backs on Ryan but feel badly about it for some stupid reason. I can't see these people voting for Democrats but they won't be voting for Ryan again. I hope they remember that when they voted for Walker and Ryan and the rest of the carpet baggers, they didn't get what they voted for because the baggers all dressed in patriotic clothing and pretended to be American and have American values. The minute they got hold of that power, they started to dismantle everything and practice a politics that has NO place in the land of the FREE or any other free country.

I think these people need to stopped now and removed from government. They should be in jail for the politics they are forcing on Americans.

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Demeter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-17-11 11:39 AM
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2. Soon the People Will Go for the Heads of the GOP
and I will do a happy dance, because that will lead to the decorporatization and deglobalization of America. We will be a sovereign nation, once again.
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