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"Dry your eyes my little friend....."

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RagAss Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-16-11 08:38 PM
Original message
"Dry your eyes my little friend....."

"Let me take you by the hand
Freddie get ready Rock steady
When Johnny strikes up the band

They'll be rocking in the projects
Walking down along the strand
Freddie get ready Rock steady
When Johnny strikes up the band
Johnny strikes up the band
When Johnny strikes up the ...
When Johnny strikes up the ...
When Johnny strikes up the band

And Johnny is my main man
He's the keeper of the keys
He'll put your mind at ease
He's guaranteed to please
Back by popular demand

Look around, my little friend
Jubilation in the land
Freddie get ready Rock steady
When Johnny strikes up the band
Johnny strikes up the band
When Johnny strikes up the ...
When Johnny strikes up the ...
When Johnny strikes up the band "

Warren Zevon 1978

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